
Apocalypse - Infinite Resource System

Catastrophic disasters descended, the world underwent tremendous changes, and doomsday arrived, with zombies and mutated monsters everywhere. Amidst the struggle for survival, Waldo suddenly discovered that he had obtained an infinite resource system, granting him one unlimited-use item every day. [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited bullets.] [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited painkillers.] [Congratulations on obtaining...] While everyone else in the outside world faced countless natural disasters and resorted to desperate measures to survive, Waldo had already settled into a luxurious mansion, leisurely sipping wine and enjoying grilled meat...

AllenWorker · Fantasy
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583 Chs


Outside, there is a woman who speaks in a deliberately sweet and coquettish tone, saying, "Hello, please open the door. I'm Grace from the neighboring team, and I've been sent by the team leader to negotiate with you."

Waldo furrowed his brow. He didn't expect that the neighboring team would proactively come to his door before he had a chance to make a move.

If it was about teaming up, he wasn't interested. He responded with a firm refusal.

"Sorry, not interested in joining any other teams. Please go back," Waldo replied without opening the large gate of the fortified wall.

However, Grace persistently pleaded, "Oh, kind sir, please don't be so quick to refuse. Let me come in first. Look at me, my backpack is empty, I have nothing."

Grace opened her backpack to show Waldo that she had no items that could threaten his safety, demonstrating her sincerity.

After a moment of consideration, Waldo opened a small gap in the door, ready to shoot if necessary, and cautiously allowed Grace to enter, keeping her to the side.

Grace was an attractive woman with an average appearance. She was wearing tattered clothes that partially revealed her body. It was unclear whether it was due to poor conditions or an intentional attempt to entice.

Waldo chuckled inwardly. In the past, he might have given someone like her a second glance, but after spending so many days with Alanna, his standards had risen significantly in just a few days.

"Wow, big brother, is this a golden-level blueprint? It seems like you're number 10086," Grace exclaimed with admiration.

Waldo remained expressionless. This was exactly what he was concerned about. As soon as the fortified wall was built, Tommy's team would be the first to know his identity. While he didn't expect his identity to remain hidden indefinitely, now was not the time.

If Tommy and his team were to reveal his identity in the chat channel, Waldo, who was not yet fully prepared, would be in a disadvantageous position. After all, everyone knew he had a lot of resources, and there was no guarantee that someone wouldn't have ulterior motives.

With narrowed eyes, Waldo smiled insincerely and said, "Oh, so your team is only interested in my identity?"

Grace playfully covered her mouth and giggled, "Oh, come on, big brother, don't be so formal. We might have a chance to become teammates. Are you not going to invite me into your house for a chat?"

Waldo continued to scrutinize Grace, unsure of her true intentions, but still smiled and said, "Hehe, guests are welcome. Since your team has shown sincerity, I won't be stingy. Please, come in."

In another villa, Tommy and his team received the team channel message sent by Grace.

"We have successfully entered 10086's shelter and started gathering information!"

Grace had successfully entered Waldo's villa. As Grace reported, she had a mission to fulfill—to investigate Waldo's true intentions.

The fact that 10086 had spent six hundred units of essential supplies to purchase a golden-level blueprint was something they couldn't ignore.

They had also considered the fortified wall as a potential target.

However, their insufficient strength prevented them from making a move. When they saw Waldo successfully build the fortified wall, they already knew his identity.

He was the elusive player with the code number 10086!

Tommy's subordinates had once advised him to treat Waldo's information as intelligence and sell it to those forces or players who were interested in Waldo and the gold-level blueprints.

However, he immediately rejected this idea and even cursed the idiot who suggested it. Instead, he revealed his own plan.

Tommy intended to send someone to gather information about Waldo and then personally take advantage of this opportunity. He had noticed clearly that only Waldo and Alanna had entered the villa.

This meant that there were only two of them, while he had a team of eight people! Despite Waldo's abundant resources, it would be difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

Once they figured out the layout of Waldo's villa, they could easily take them down when the opportunity arose, quietly crossing the fortified wall.

At that point, they would no longer have to worry about resources. The plan was flawless.

So, the previous night, Tommy called Grace over. He vented his anger on her first before speaking about his plan.

"Grace, how have I treated you?" Tommy asked while Grace leaned against him, drawing circles on his chest with her hand, seductively saying, "You've treated me the best. You saved me from the zombies, provided me with food and drink. Grace has dedicated herself to you for life."

Tommy burst into laughter and squeezed her tightly until Grace winced in pain before releasing her with satisfaction. He leisurely said, "Grace, tomorrow, I want you to find out everything about 10086. Don't carry any weapons. Once inside, gain their trust and fulfill any necessary demands they have."

Grace looked at Tommy in shock, understanding his intentions, and hesitated for a moment. Tommy interrupted her directly, coldly saying, "What? Do you want me to say it a second time?!"

Helplessly, Grace nodded and said, "Yes, Tommy."

Tommy's anger turned into joy, and he kissed Grace's cheek, laughing, "That's my good woman. Let me continue to take care of you."

And so, the scene of Grace voluntarily visiting Waldo's place the next day unfolded after Waldo returned. Waldo led Grace inside and first ordered Alanna to hold her position on the second-floor balcony, occupying the high ground to observe any suspicious behavior from Grace's teammates. Then, he had Grace sit in the living room.

"Grace, let's talk while sitting. I haven't eaten yet. Do you want some fried rice and orange juice?" Waldo suggested.

"Sure, since you invited me to eat, I can't refuse," Grace replied.

Waldo nodded and took out the food from his backpack, placing it on the table. The aroma of the fried rice made Grace involuntarily salivate. After coming to this post-apocalyptic world, she struggled to fill her stomach.

Fried rice and oranges felt like a dream come true. It was as if the experiences of the past few days were just illusions, and she was still the goddess worshipped by simps.

After a few bites of food and a sip of orange juice to moisten her throat, Waldo got down to business.

"Grace, you mentioned before that you wanted me to join your team. I'm curious, what confidence do you have to invite me after knowing my identity?" Waldo asked.

Grace wiped her mouth with satisfaction, smiled, and replied, "Little brother, we have a large team of eight people. I'm sure you've seen us exterminating the zombie groups in the villa area. That's not something just any team can accomplish."

Waldo nodded. "I admit that I've seen your strength, and you are indeed formidable."

Until now, he hadn't fully grasped the

true extent of Tommy's team's power. It was only after he went out alone to hunt zombies that he realized Tommy's team was truly strong.

Grace continued to add, "Although we lost nearly half of our people while clearing the villa area of zombies, we will continue to recover. Given time, we can become a dominant force. When that happens, every member of the team will enjoy tremendous benefits."