
chpater 9

Chapter 41 Arrival in Tingen

  The so-called serial killers are just covering up, keeping the Aurora Society just so they can take the blame, the truth is that mortals want to become demigods. This is Lu Yan's evaluation of this incident.

  And his role in this incident is that of a witness, an outsider who witnesses everyone's fate.

  He wanted to serve as a witness to help clear the captain's name and make it reasonable for him to hide from the church, avoid the church, and become a half-human, half-god saint.

  The remuneration is reasonable and does not harm his interests. It is no big deal for him to take over this matter.

  Not long after, Stan trotted across the corridor and caught up with Lu Yan and Carlos, who were taking a leisurely stroll.

  "Our captain agreed to your request and is willing to sign a confidentiality contract with you, but the contract cannot be witnessed by the gods." Stan said calmly.

  "Okay, then we can just change gods." Lu Yan didn't care at all about the other person's thoughts.

  The captain of the Tulip seems to be a very calculating person. As long as he is not witnessed by the Seven Gods, even if he violates the contract, the unknowing Storm Lord will protect his followers from the price of breach of contract.

  After all, the Lord of Storms has a very low tolerance for evil gods, and the captain took advantage of this before he dared to agree to sign a contract with Lu Yan.

  With a gentle smile on his face, Lu Yan took the pen handed over by Stan and wrote down the names of several gods on the contract.

  "You don't mind if I add a few more gods, I also want a sense of security." Lu Yan said harmlessly.

  Stan waved his hand carelessly. According to the captain's methods and the manipulation of the Loen military, it doesn't matter how many evil gods come.

  "In that case, I will sign my name first to express my sincerity for this cooperation." Lu Yan signed the words "Lu Yan Sotos" on the parchment and handed it to Stan. .

  "A pleasure to work with."

  "A pleasure to work with."

  Both of them thought they had taken advantage this time.

  "I hope that after you achieve your goal, you can sail the ship to Tingen as soon as possible. Staying on the sea for too long is also a flaw." Lu Yan urged.

  "That's natural. All passengers on the ship are witnesses, and everyone will arrive in Tingen safely." Stan assured, patting his chest.

  "I'm a little curious about the death of that skinny old man. Did you do it?" Seeing that the contract had been negotiated, Lu Yan directly asked Stan the reason for the other death.

  "Haha, his death has nothing to do with us. I guess he and the yellow-haired magician accidentally saw something." Stan smiled with unknown meaning.

  "Oh, that must be what Aurora will do." Lu Yan said without thinking.

  "Yeah, I think so too." Stan laughed twice and left Lu Yan with the contract.

  "I will deliver the gift to your room before tonight." Stan said with a sincere smile.

  They really wanted to win over Lu Yan, the Bishop of the Night, not only because of Lu Yan's identity as the Bishop of the Night, but also because of Lu Yan's future value.

  Their captain could tell at a glance that Lu Yan, like him, was not loyal to his own gods or any gods, so they dared to win over Lu Yan openly.

  Lu Yan didn't reply, turned around and closed the door to the room. According to the contract, everything that happened tonight was treated as a natural phenomenon.

  Stan took out the parchment that Lu Yan threw to him, raised it in front of him expectantly, and carefully took a look at the name of the evil god left by Lu Yan on it.

  He was curious about which evil god this bishop, who did not believe in gods like their captain, would leave behind.

  "Destiny", "Fall", "Desire", "Babble", "The One Who Looks Down", "Decay", "True Creator".

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, most of the evil gods are not made up by him right? Although they sound pretty decent."

  Stan didn't pay much attention to the evil gods written by Lu Yan. Except for one true creator who was a real evil god, the others were probably all wild gods casually written down by the Bishop of the Night. Together, these false gods might be Not as good as a normal attack from the Storm Lord.

  "Haha, you are still too young. This contract is almost ineffective." Stan shook his head and said.

  Fortunately, they do not intend to break the contract. They will only consider this matter when they are really forced to do so, or when breaking the contract can bring them greater benefits.


  Carlos moved an armchair to Lu Yan's room next door.

  The moonlight in the sky tonight is obscured by dark clouds, and the sea water is dark, spreading an indescribable coldness outward.

  The accident that happened last night made every customer on the ship feel an unspeakable fear, although the suspected criminal Mr. Irvine has been controlled.

  But everyone has a clear mirror in their minds. The suspected criminal may not be the real criminal, and is most likely a poor person used to cover up the incompetence of the security personnel. But everyone needs a criminal, so this criminal was born.

  In the face of death, the so-called other emotions are suppressed to the lowest level. Properity, justice and integrity are never something they consider. Survival is the foundation of everything.

  The light rain falling outside the window was ignored, and everyone was waiting for the dawn of tomorrow.


  Lu Yan put down the black tea cup in his hand and threw the fur coat on the chair.

  His eyes looked at the small box on the table. Not long ago, there was no box in this room that exuded a mysterious atmosphere. Inside the box were the magician's extraordinary characteristics that Stan had just sent.

  "Did you write down the recipe for the potion?"

  Lu Yan's slightly hoarse voice sounded in the room, which was not empty. At this time, his silver-white eyes also fell on another person in the room.

  "I made a note of it. The materials are a little hard to find, but there is always hope for promotion."

  Carlos felt a trace of bitterness in his heart, but he still forced a smile to cover up his inner unrest at the moment.

  "Now do you know what the Hidden Sage is?" Lu Yan handed Carlos the juice that Stan had just sent.

  "I know, I didn't expect this to be the case."

  "The moment He appeared, I seemed to be turning into a monster that had lost its mind."

  Carlos took the juice from Lu Yan's hand and took a sip. The sweet and sour juice somewhat diluted the sadness on his face.

  "Actually, there is no way to avoid the Hidden Sage. The most direct way is to change the sequence."

  "Perhaps it would be good to find some extraordinary items that can isolate the gibbering."

  "Or you can wait for an opportunity and I will seek the blessing of a god for you." Lu Yan pondered for a while and said.

  Speaking of this, Lu Yan suddenly realized something. With his ability, is there any way to create a three-stage honorary name?

  Klein can use the three-stage honorary name because he owns the Origin Castle and can respond to his call with the help of the Origin Castle bound to him.

  So can he use the uniqueness of his body to create an honorable name? So is it him who responds, or is it the Ring of Fate that is watching covetously outside the barrier?

  However, if he can succeed, he may also be able to use his sensitivity to summons to judge the extent to which "karma" has eroded him.

  When he successfully resists Tingen City, he may be able to try this plan. Even if there is an accident, the Ring of Fate will not be able to break the original barrier at this time. In a few years there may not be a chance.

  "God's blessing? Isn't it a goddess?" Carlos looked at Lu Yan with strange eyes.

  "There are too many followers of the goddess, so they may not notice you. Don't worry, you won't be looking for a deal with the evil god." Lu Yan said nonchalantly.

  Although Mr. Fool was an evil god at the beginning, he later became a good person. Yeah, so he's not an evil god.

  "got windy."

  Lu Yan's eyes were attracted by the raindrops hitting the glass window outside the window.

  The drizzle of light rain had changed beyond recognition at this moment, and raindrops as big as soybeans pounded the hull of the boat forcefully.

  The dull sound penetrated the room rhythmically. If the raindrops hadn't turned into running water quickly after hitting the hull, Lu Yan would have thought that what was falling outside the window was hail.

  The dark clouds in the distance seemed to form a whirlpool. The dark clouds floating in the low altitude were pulled together by some unknown force.

  The dark clouds high in the sky have not been reduced, and the crimson moonlight cannot penetrate into the thick dark clouds.

  The waves on the sea not far away gradually shrank into a ball due to the strong wind, pulling the water back up into the sky.

  The hull bumped, and the falling ice in the room made a clear figure.

  The bodies of the passengers in the cabin couldn't help but sway on the sea along with the Tulip.

  The sky shone slightly, it was not moonlight or the sun, but violent lightning cutting through the dark clouds in the sky.

  A wave of waves gradually rose up from the sea mountain. The wave was thirty or forty meters long, like an indestructible wall.

  The Tulip looked extremely small and humble in front of him.


  "Yesterday, a huge tsunami occurred in the distance in Ahowa County, and earthquakes also occurred in several small towns along the coastline."

  "The Tulip on its voyage happened to encounter this tsunami. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

  Tingen City, a northern city in the Kingdom of Loen, has a maximum annual temperature of less than 30 degrees and a cool climate. It has two top universities, Tingen University and Hoy University, as well as a technical school, a barrister school, and a business school. , is the Loen city second only to Backlund.

  Tulip arrived in Tingen early yesterday morning, and most of the shipwrecked passengers arrived in Tingen safely and intact.

  Except for a few unknown people who were not recognized by their families and disappeared on the ship, everything seemed to be very normal.

  Due to the shipwreck of the Tulip, the time of landing in Tingen City today was a little different than usual. This also caused the clergy of St. Selina Church to have no time to greet Lu Yan and the other two.

  "You don't get seasick on the boat. Why do you keep vomiting as soon as you land?"

  Lu Yan was picking out interesting Tingen City newspapers at the newsstand by the port, while Carlos was retching gracelessly on the side.

  "You can't blame me. The storm was so strong last night that I felt as if I had been stuffed into a bucket and spun around several times." Carlos complained with a pale face.

  Speaking of the storm last night, Lu Yan thought of the captain of the Tulip.

  He raised his head to look at the sun in the sky, and the sunlight shone on his eyes through the gaps between his fingers.

  Such clear weather should also be a reflection of the captain's mood at the moment. The clouds and mist were cleared and the sun finally dawned.

  "Find something to cushion your stomach. We'll go to Red Moon Street later."

  After reading a circle of newspapers, Lu Yan only took away one copy of Tingen City's Honest Newspaper. The name of the newspaper was called Honest Newspaper, but the content inside was not honest at all.

  Red Moon Street is located on the back side of Zotland Street, where is the Church of St. Selina of the Night Church, the headquarters of the Nighthawks in Tingen City.

  "If conditions permit, we can also find a house first. It is said that St. Selina Church has a long history and the living conditions are not very good."

  Lu Yan held the newspaper with one hand and his eyes kept moving at the shops on both sides of the street. He could stop eating, but Carlos couldn't do that.

  "Okay, I suggest we eat a lemon cake first, preferably with a glass of freshly squeezed juice!" Carlos suggested sincerely after touching his belly.

  "Okay, let's go check out the house after dinner. The arrival time we declared at the church is tomorrow, so there's no rush for now." Lu Yan casually found a cake shop.

  Although the cake was soft, it didn't have a particularly fragrant taste. It was not as good as the lemon cake baked by Backlund's traditional bakery.

  Lu Yan only finished a small piece and stopped eating. Instead, he took out the tea leaves he brought and made himself a cup of fragrant black tea. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

  Carlos is different from Lu Yan. He really needs these carbohydrates to ensure the daily work of his body, unlike Lu Yan just to taste the taste.

  "It seems that Tingen City still has a lot of houses for us to choose from. We can first go to Tingen City Improvement Housing Company to take a look at the houses in their hands."

  The house Lu Yan expected was a townhouse with two separate bathrooms and several small rooms, which met all his requirements.

  If the house is big, it will inevitably feel empty, and a big house will need to hire servants and housekeepers, and also need to pay more water bills, maintenance fees, etc.

  Not to mention whether those servants will affect his occult research, the extraordinary aggregation law in his body may cause bad things to happen to these innocent people.

  Various reasons made Lu Yan give up the idea of ​​living in a single-family villa and instead looked at cheap and comfortable townhouses.

  If you're lucky, you might be able to find a few shops with good tastes around.

  However, Lu Yan had another most important purpose that he didn't tell anyone. This was his little calculation, and it was also the catalyst for him to confirm his idea.

  "It's up to you about the house. It's the same wherever I live." Carlos still had cake in his mouth, so his voice was a little unclear.

  Carlos didn't care. He believed that there was no house in the world as bad as the one he lived in before. The five members of his family were crowded into a small room rented with others, and there wasn't even a window in the room.

  If he and his cousin hadn't joined the church, their lives might not be much better than before.

  "Okay, after you finish eating these cakes, we will go to the Tingen City Housing Improvement Company on Daffodil Street."


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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 42 A new beginning

  The intersection of Daffodil Street and Iron Cross Street has many commercial shops and restaurants. There is also a municipal square at the end of the street, which is a very good location in Tingen City.

  The trip to Daffodil Street cost the two of them eightpence in total. The carriage traveled a total of four kilometers, one penny per kilometer for the two of them.

  After getting off the bus, they walked a short distance south before arriving at the Tingen City Improvement Housing Company.

  The person in charge of receiving them was a kind-hearted middle-aged man wearing no formal attire, no hat, white shirt, black vest, and his hair seemed to be experiencing a mid-life crisis.

  Perhaps it was because of the extremely gorgeous clothes on Lu Yan's body, or because of the bulging wallet with a pistol on Carlos's waist, that the gentleman seemed extremely nervous after Lu Yan entered the door.

  "Are you the police officers who came to check our company's ID?" Scutt said in a dry voice.

  Apart from the police officer, there should be no one else who could carry a gun so blatantly.

  "No, we are here to rent a house." Lu Yanyan said concisely. He didn't want the man in front of him to think of something strange.

  "Sir, we may not have a house that meets your needs." Although Scat wanted to make a deal with the seemingly wealthy customer in front of him, he knew that the company might not have a house that could meet the other party's requirements.

  This kind of rich people like single-family villas. Even the smallest house must have supporting facilities such as gardens. These are properties that their company does not have.

  "We just want the most ordinary row house, with at least three rooms and two bathrooms."

  "We can stay in Tingen City for a year at most, so the lease time is a year at most." Lu Yan made the most basic request, and then looked at Mr. Scatter.

  After hearing what Lu Yan said, the smile on Mr. Scatter's face became warmer, as warm as the spring sun.

  After carefully flipping the booklet in his hand a few times, he said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

  "We don't have many townhouses here, but there are definitely houses that meet your requirements. Let me explain to you in detail a few houses that are not yet rented."

  "The houses at Nos. 2, 4 and 6 on Daffodil Street are all vacant now. They have nice scenery and convenient transportation.

  There are also two houses in the North District and the East District each, with independent vegetable markets and various complete public gardens. Well, the rent of the houses mentioned above does not exceed one gold pound per week. "

  After saying that, he respectfully handed the document in his hand to Lu Yan and Carlos.

  Lu Yan already had his eye on the house. He glanced around a few times and said, "Take me to the house at No. 4 on Daffodil Street."

  Nos. 2, 4, and 6 on Narcissus Street are townhouses. Opposite to them, the houses at Nos. 1, 3, and 5 all use polygonal hip roofs. The overall appearance is grey-blue, and the six chimneys are very distinctive. Eye-catching.

  Townhouses do not have the lawns and gardens that only single-family houses have, nor do they have porches. The front door faces Daffodil Street directly.

  Skater respectfully invited Lu Yan and Carlos into the room, and said apologetically: "Our townhouse does not have a foyer, but it has a nice bay window, which provides good lighting."

  The midday sun shines through the window onto the sofa in the living room. Although the leather sofa has faded and is no longer shiny, it does not have a strange smell.

  "The living room can be used as a living room. There is a large stove for heating on the wall. The place on the right is the dining room, and behind the dining room is the kitchen."

  "We can provide kitchenware if you need it."


  Lu Yan and Carlos followed Scutt and browsed the entire house. The house was not much different from what Lu Yan had imagined.

  There are two bathrooms, three rooms, a study room, and a basement. The only drawback is that the balcony is a bit small, but there are no other drawbacks.

  "A house like this costs 15 soles a week, and you need to pay 5 pence for the use of furniture." Mr. Scatter deliberately raised the price a little, believing that the two people in front of him could afford it.

  "Can your house be sold directly?" Lu Yan said after thinking for a moment.

  I don't know why, but there was a strange feeling in his heart that made him not want to rent a house, but buy one.

  He remembered that this feeling was recorded in Zhou Mingrui's biography, and it seemed to be the dream of buying a house in a big foodie country. It seemed that he also suffered from this strange symptom.

  "Well, actually we only rent houses here and don't sell them." Mr. Scutt said helplessly.

  He didn't know how to reject the two big customers in front of him, so he could only answer truthfully and show a very apologetic smile.

  "Nine hundred pounds, are you willing to make a deal?" Lu Yan said with a smile.

  He still had more than a thousand pounds of gold coins left in his hand. The price of an Aibinkel monkey would not exceed fifty pounds at most, so it was more than enough to buy a house.

  "Excuse me, what is your job? I need part of your identity information to report to the company, and then the company will decide whether to sell the house." Scutt knew that the company did not sell houses.

  But he didn't want to offend Lu Yan, who was neither rich nor noble, so he could only blame the company and let the company decide this matter.

  "I just arrived in Tingen from Backlund today and went to St. Selina Church to serve as the bishop for seven months. So I am temporarily a bishop."

  "The person next to me is a member of the special operations team of the Tingen City Police Department. We can provide the corresponding certificates." Lu Yan took out some identification documents for Scatter to browse and check.

  After browsing a few times, Skater said with a respectful expression.

  "Hiss, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here, Bishop. Please come to our company again. We will definitely give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible."

  Although he looked calm on the surface, he was actually panicking inside. Fortunately, he did not offend the other party this time, otherwise he would not dare to go to the Night Church to pray in the future.

  "Okay." Lu Yan nodded slightly and went to Tingen City Housing Improvement Company again.


  Lu Yan and Carlos arrived at the company again and enjoyed high-standard treatment this time, and Scutt did not keep them waiting long.

  In about an hour, Scutt came down with a few pieces of paper.

  "Fortunately, the company has agreed to sell the house at No. 4 Narcissus Street. You only need to pay 800 pounds. You can pay it in installments and you can live in it first and then pay it back." Scatter said with a flattering smile.

  "I'll pay it in one lump sum, and you just need to complete the procedures." Lu Yan said with a slight smile.

  He still needs to have an identity when going out, otherwise he wouldn't be able to buy a house with 800 pounds.

  "We will help you complete the procedures within one day, and will deliver the land deed with your name to you tomorrow, but this requires you to provide some identity materials." Scat patted his chest and tried his best. Assured.


  "All the matching furniture in the room will be given to you, and we can put a new lock on your house now." Skater said more actively than Lu Yan.

  As long as he completes this order, it is equivalent to establishing a good relationship between the company and the bishop of the Church of the Night, which is an excellent thing for both him and the company.

  A tough church bishop and a smooth government official. Carter knows this simple truth very well. He will not be so stupid that he cannot grasp the world.

  "Then there is Laogui Company. With such a responsible and fair company, everyone in Tingen will probably think it is a very good company." Lu Yan said with a smile, accepting the other party's favor.

  Skater's smile became brighter and brighter, and he said in a warm tone: "We have found some decoration workers to help you tidy up the house. The new house must be new, of course."

  Lu Yan continued to nod. He knew that he would not need to interfere in anything that happened next, and the other party would definitely arrange everything for him.

  The three of them came to the house on Narcissus Street again while talking and laughing. This time they were accompanied by employees from the decoration company. They worked on it for an afternoon and the decoration was almost completed.

  Lu Yan and Carlos randomly found a restaurant called Yinguan Restaurant next to the street to have lunch and dinner, and then headed to the decorated house.

  Mr. Scutt left as early as noon. It was not an easy task to process all the documents in one day, so Mr. Scutt had to race against time.

  The door lock is brand new, the wooden door has been replaced with a new one, and the outside of the wall has been repainted, making the house look very brand new.

  The furniture inside the room has also been replaced, and the old walls and other places have been repainted.

  "Do you plan to live in Tingen permanently in the future?" Carlos asked with some uncertainty.

  Although he was curious about Lu Yan's behavior of buying a house, he held it in for a long time and waited until there was no one else around before he asked.

  "A fixed asset like a house makes people feel at ease. Even if they fall into despair in the future, they won't end up living on the streets." Lu Yan said with a smile.

  "Ah this."

  Carlos didn't know why Bishop Lu Yan had such a strange idea, but he could understand Lu Yan's thoughts. In the past, when his life had just improved a little, he dreamed of returning to his previous life. That feeling is really scary.

  "There are three rooms on the second floor. You can choose any one." Lu Yan walked towards the smallest room, which was the study.

  After Carlos responded casually, he settled in the guest room next to the master bedroom.

  "Tomorrow at noon, we will go to St. Selina Church." After Lu Yan finished saying this, he seemed to feel that there was something wrong with his statement, so he added: "Going now will only cause trouble to them. No one likes a surprise."

  After Lu Yan looked around the study, he looked at the bookshelf near the study door with satisfaction. He bent down and took out several books from his backpack, such as "Sacred Oath", "Astrology Manual", "Book of Three Worlds", "Spirituality of Life", etc.

  These books were all books he brought out from the church. Some of them were related to occultism, but they only scratched the surface and were not banned books.

  The moon and stars are sparse.

  The flames in the fireplace had long been extinguished, leaving only a few red-hot charcoals emitting residual heat.

  Carlos fell asleep and Lu Yan had been on the road for a day. He was already exhausted and ordered to rest by Lu Yan, so he had probably fallen asleep now.

  Lu Yan used the light of the kerosene lamp to read a brand new book that did not belong on the bookshelf. There was an eye without eyelashes on the dark green cover.

  As long as anyone with some common sense in mysticism takes a quick look, they can tell that the book in Lu Yan's hand is definitely a forbidden book.

  The kind of books that make people want to go crazy, make people feel that their thinking is affected, and their emotions become bloodthirsty and crazy, are definitely not good things.

  Lu Yan was not affected at all. He closed the taboo book titled "Formation of Life" and sighed quietly, thinking of the poor civilian employee in Nighthawks.

  Resurrecting an ordinary person who has been dead for more than 20 years is something that even a true god cannot do. Even the ritual of life refining can only refining a monster with only a physical body.

  The Hidden Sage didn't lie to Neil, at least this ritual could indeed refine his wife, but this wife was not complete, just a flesh and blood monster with an empty body.

  Lu Yan put his hands on his temples and rubbed them gently a few times. His body was not tired, but the book contaminated by the hidden sage made him a little tired from reading.

  "Ross, at 8:30 tomorrow morning, please help me go to the mailbox at the back door of the house at No. 25 Jinchihua Street, Backlund, and take out the newspaper."

  "Be careful of the aura of high-ranking people. If you feel something is wrong, evacuate yourself. I think you can understand what I mean." Lu Yan said to the candle in front of him that represented his spirituality.

  The surrounding space is like running water, UU reading www. uukanshu.net is like oil spreading on the water, colorful and with a feeling that ordinary people cannot understand and distort.

  After several space rotations, everything around him seemed to be back to normal. Seeing this, Lu Yan knew that Rose had heard his commission.

  "Well, it feels good to have a messenger of your own." After Lu Yan put the books on the bookshelf, he returned to his bedroom.

  "New beginning."


  the next day.

  The sky was slightly bright, probably around eight o'clock in the morning.

  In front of the house that Lu Yan bought, an acquaintance of his, Mr. Scutt, was greeted. This middle-aged man deliberately wore formal clothes today in an attempt to show his professionalism.


  Mr. Scatter cleared his throat specially and knocked on the door when he felt that he was at his best.

  "Da da da."

  Perhaps because the wooden door that was replaced yesterday was of high quality, Mr. Scutt's knocks on the door only left a few dull sounds.

  Lu Yan, who had gotten up early and was studying mysterious books in the study, naturally heard a knock on the door.

  He stood up and took a few steps downstairs, then opened the door for Mr. Scutt and welcomed him into the living room.

  "Good morning, Bishop Sotos, are you still used to living in the house? Is there anything that needs to be changed?" Scatter showed a warm smile. He went to various agencies several times yesterday and finally got Lu Yan's land deed. down.

  "Everything is fine."

  Lu Yan made hot tea for Mr. Scutt using the tea leaves in the kitchen and brought it to him.

  Mr. Scatter took the hot tea brought by Lu Yan and said emotionally.

  "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 43: A different script

  "This is the title deed and property certificate for your house, as well as some contract evidence for the purchase transaction."

  "We have also prepared files for you at the Tingen City Land Resources Management Bureau. It doesn't matter even if these documents are lost."

  Skater handed the leather bag in his hand to Lu Yan for inspection. Lu Yan took it and put it aside carelessly, intending to check it again after Mr. Skater returned.

  "Excuse me, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can go to St. Selina Church to find me." Lu Yan said something that made Scat feel reassured.

  "I feel relieved with your words, so I won't disturb your beautiful morning." After Mr. Scatter finished his tea, he stood up and excused himself to Lu Yan with a smile.

  Lu Yan did not politely try to persuade him to stay. He knew that Mr. Scatter had to go to work at the Tingen Housing Improvement Company, and he also knew that not everyone could be as leisurely as he was.

  After Mr. Skater left, Lu Yan looked at the leather bag left by Skater on the table. After taking it into his hand, he opened it and took out the documents in it with one hand.

  The name, identity, and other things were all correct. The Tingen City Housing Improvement Company really tried its best to handle everything for him.


  When Lu Yan closed the document, a palm-sized piece of paper was thrown out. The paper hovered in the air for a few times before completely falling to the ground.

  He picked up the paper on the ground with his hand and saw a thousand pound passbook.

  "It costs nothing to buy a house, but the other party still has to pay two hundred pounds?" Lu Yan couldn't help laughing.

  Last night, the other party should have investigated his background in Backlund, so today, their attitude towards him has become more sincere?

  Lu Yan put a thousand pounds passbook into his pocket. Well, don't waste the money delivered to your door.

  It was past ten o'clock, and Carlos, who had rested for more than half a day, woke up from his sleep with messy hair and some newly grown stubble.

  Lu Yan spent the whole morning studying mysterious books in his study. Yesterday's book "The Making of Life" brought him some inspiration.

  Hearing the noise caused by Carlos getting up, Lu Yan reached into his pocket with his right hand and took out the mysterious pocket watch, confirming the current time.

  "We'll have some cake in a moment, and after the meal we'll go to the Church of St. Selina."

  "I remember there was a cake shop downstairs called Slin Bakery. It tasted good." Lu Yan put the manuscript into a book and got up and left the study.


  There is a huge square at the entrance of St. Selena Church on Red Moon Street. After today's mass, some priests and clergy placed moonflowers and nightgrass in the square to welcome the newly appointed bishop.

  There is more than one Church of the Night in Tingen City, but St. Selina Church is the headquarters of the Church of the Night in Tingen City and is also the headquarters of the Nighthawks Squad.

  "You will report to the Nighthawks team later. Since you are here at the church, you cannot waste your time here."

  "I will also serve in the Nighthawks team in a while. After all, the task of holding mass in a church is not suitable for me, and I don't have the heart or ability to cope with the expectations of the night believers."

  Lu Yan looked at the solemn and heavy church in front of him and sighed slightly. He knew that Carlos would definitely not be able to bear the loneliness, so he directly asked him to report to the Nighthawks Team.

  "Wait, come with me later."

  He remembered that Carlos was still watching from the Hidden Sage. Lu Yan didn't know if something bad would happen if Carlos met Old Neil, but fortunately he didn't take any chances. It would be safer to go with him alone.

  "I have no objection." Carlos nodded casually.

  Carlos's attention was now focused on the architectural style of Santa Selena Church, and he was looking for differences between this church and St. Samuel's Church.

  When Lu Yan actually arrived in front of the church, there were some disturbances in his heart. The nameless person's ability made it difficult for him to realize his dream of becoming a bishop of the night.

  When Lu Yan walked into the church, the priests who had been waiting for a long time saw Lu Yan for the first time.

  Although Lu Yan was not wearing the costume of the Night Bishop, Carlos beside him was wearing the costume of a member of the Red Gloves.

  These experienced priests could guess a lot of information with just a quick turn of their heads. The moment they saw Lu Yan, their faces burst into smiles.

  Lu Yan tapped his chest four times clockwise with his fingers to outline the pattern of the crimson moon, and said in a warm tone: "May the goddess bless you."

  After waiting for Lu Yan to complete the meeting etiquette, the group of priests knew that the other party must be the new bishop sent by the church.

  "Are you Bishop Sotos and Mr. Carlos?"

  Although they were almost sure about this matter, they still had to ask, otherwise they would be suspected of playing tricks on Bishop Sotos.

  "I am." Lu Yan replied in surprise.

  He was a little surprised by the attitude of this group of people, and they did not unite to make things difficult for him, the newly appointed bishop.

  In fact, Lu Yan misunderstood something. The church defined his current appointment at St. Selina Church as an inspection and exchange, which meant that everyone knew that he would not be able to stay here for long.

  These smart priests naturally know what exchange inspections mean. Isn't it just to gild their resumes?

  The priest who understands the true situation will naturally not offend the bishop. Instead, he will work hard to show his abilities during his tenure, just to leave a good impression in front of Lu Yan. He looks forward to one day in the future, he will be promoted to heaven. bishop.

  Naturally, Lu Yan didn't know about the church's transfer orders. These small details were all arranged by Senior Deacon Sessima before he resisted Tingen City.

  The last time Deacon Sesima heard Lu Yan complain about the problems he might encounter after taking office, he thought for a long time and gave Lu Yan such an easy-to-do status.

  At the same time, this identity is also conducive to Lu Yan cultivating his own power in Tingen City.

  Not all members of the Church of the Night are profit-seeking. There are always those who make selfless sacrifices for their faith, but these people will not embarrass Lu Yan because they believe that the church's orders are infallible.

  The intrigue that Lu Yan imagined did not happen, nor did the overt and treacherous things happen. In short, everything was spent in a very happy atmosphere.

  After Lu Yan and Carlos entered the church, everything went smoothly, including the handover of all tasks from the former bishop.

  In view of his own nameless ability and the attitude of the church members towards him, Lu Yan entrusted two helpers among the priests to handle the daily affairs of the church for him.

  Lu Yan didn't want to deal with trivial matters every day. He still had many extraordinary documents that he had not studied, and he also had some ideas that he had not tried. The main thing is that he doesn't know how to deal with these things.

  "Father Johnny Buyes, Father Robert Kiliam, I'll leave the rest to you two. I may not be in the church most of the time, and you guys should also know that I come to St. Celine." There are other things that need to be done at Na Church."

  Johnny is a middle-aged priest. The wrinkles on his face are squeezed together, which seems to add a bit of kindness to his face.

  Father Robert is a bit stern, with thick brows and two black lines, thin facial features, a hooked nose, and a sharp light hidden in his bright eyes.

  Lu Yan was not a random person. After he came to the church, these priests took him around St. Selina Church. During this process, Lu Yan also noticed that the relationship between the two priests was not harmonious.

  The two priests, Robert and Yoni, were quite at odds with each other under Lu Yan's eyes, so Lu Yan specifically entrusted the matter to them.

  Although this may cause him to receive some small reports from time to time, it is still much better than lying to others and being complicit.

  "Leave the affairs in the church to me, and I will submit paper work reports to you every Sunday." Father Yoni had an idea and wanted to use his sincere and diligent performance to gain favor in front of Lu Yan.

  "I will send each day's mission report to you the next day. If something big happens, I will report it to you as soon as possible." Father Robert glared at Father Yoni fiercely.

  He was accidentally stolen by the other party. He didn't have the upper hand, so he could only use more diligent methods to impress Bishop Sotos.

  "Robert!" Father Yoni glanced at Robert with an unkind expression. He didn't expect that Robert was so ruthless and wanted all his efforts to be in vain.

  "Bishop Sotos, I..."

  Before Father Yoni could open his mouth, Lu Yan interrupted the conversation.

  "Father Yoni submitted a work report to me on Sunday, and Bishop Robert handed me a work report on Wednesday. If you encounter something that you cannot decide, you must report it to me as soon as possible."

  Lu Yan was a little worried that the two priests would continue to be involved. He assigned matters to the two priests just to have less work to do. If he followed the trend of their involvement, then he might have more and more things to do.

  "Just send the report to the Blackthorn Security Company on Zotland Street. I think you know where that place is."

  Lu Yan expected that he would stay with the Nighthawks team for most of the next time. He was also an extraordinary person and had to make some contribution to the church. He could not come to Tingen City for a seven-month vacation. His conscience would Impossible. Well, although I don't know if his body has such a thing as a conscience.

  "We understand." Father Yoni and Father Robert responded in harmony.

  The new bishop did exactly what they thought. He just came to gild his resume and didn't care about the bishop's power at all. Then they must perform well in the remaining months to win the favor of Bishop Sotos. As well as fighting to become the next bishop after Bishop Sotos leaves!

  After Lu Yan left St. Selina Church, the two rivals Yoni and Robert looked at each other, and both sides could see the desire to climb up in each other's eyes.

  There is only one bishop position, and it is absolutely impossible for them to give it to the other party.

  "Don't let me get the handle!" Father Robert snorted and said.

  Father Yoni glanced at Robert with a kind face, and then said in a sinister tone: "You are the noblest and most amazing."

  The two parted on bad terms, their thoughts running wild, both thinking about how to step on each other in front of Bishop Lu Yan.


  "Wouldn't it cause trouble if the two of them fight like this?" Carlos asked with some doubts.

  He had just studied a book about the rise and fall of dynasties not long ago, and one of the books talked about the impact of internal strife on the lifespan of a dynasty.

  "Don't worry, nothing will happen. The church will not change because of the fight between the two priests." Lu Yan narrowed his eyebrows slightly and said in a calm tone.

  Lu Yan felt that Carlos might not understand what he said, so he explained: "The rise and fall of the church only depends on the goddess, and other people cannot affect it."

  Carlos nodded thoughtfully, but before he could fully understand the meaning, Lu Yan continued.

  "Wait a while and you may meet an Extraordinary who suffers from the same troubles as you do from the Hidden Sage."

  "You should have realized how dangerous the Hidden Sage is, so I hope you can help me pay more attention to him."

  "After all, you were once a secret peeper. There is always something to talk about between the two of you."

  Lu Yan took out the fresh newspaper that the messenger had brought from Backlund this morning from his pocket and tucked it under his arm.

  "I'll try my best, if he is willing to communicate with me." Carlos was a little unsure whether the other party would accept his personality, so he didn't dare to make a guarantee.

  "Just do your best."

  "Hey, if I have the chance, I will help you find a way to isolate the Hidden Sage." Lu Yan sighed slightly.

  It is difficult to prevent the ravings of hidden sages, but it is not impossible that no one can do it. For example, the precious daughter of Emperor Russell used extraordinary items to isolate the influence.

  But he didn't have any extraordinary items that he dared to give to Carlos. Everything on his body was a time bomb, so it was better not to take it out to harm other people. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

  "If there is no other option, we can only seek help from a certain god, or wait for him to develop a name that can point to him." Lu Yan thought in his heart.

  In the blink of an eye, Blackthorn Security Company appeared in front of him.

  Zotland Street is similar to Daffodil Street. There are many row houses, but maybe because the houses here are not for civilian use, there are no eye-catching large chimneys on the polygonal square domes.

  Along the way, Lu Yan felt that this place looked like a commercial street, a bit like Backlund's Jinchihua Street, but not as prosperous.

  He was at No. 36 Zotland Street, and the second floor was the security company disguised as the Nighthawks' office.

  It is now around twelve o'clock at noon, which happens to be the meal time for most people.

  When Lu Yan arrived here, a restaurant called Laowei happened to come to deliver food to the Nighthawks.

  Lu Yan and Carlos stood under the company and looked at the Nighthawks headquarters for a while. Carlos's eyes were on looking for other shops on this street. There was no doubt that he wanted to find a restaurant that looked delicious for lunch.

  Before Carlos could find a restaurant to eat, a young man walked out of the security company on the second floor.

  He glanced at Carlos, who seemed to be looking for something, and Lu Yan, who was staring at the security company on the second floor, and said in a helpless tone.

  "You are looking for Blackthorn Security Company, right? Our address is upstairs here."

  Many customers who want to hire a security company can't find the company's intersection when they first come here, and can only look left and right in front of No. 36 Zotland Street.

  Obviously, after his deduction, the two people in front of him must be looking for clients of the security company!

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 44 Nighthawk Squad

  Lu Yan's thoughts, which had no idea where to fly, were brought back to reality by Leonard's voice.

  His silver eyes looked in the direction of the sound, and the first thing he saw was a young man who looked very similar to Carlos.

  He has black temples and green eyes, and is dressed very casually. His tone of voice is one-third of research and six-points of innocence, revealing a casual feeling and a romantic poet's atmosphere.

  The moment Lu Yan looked back at him, Leonard's expression quickly changed from casual to surprised, and finally there was a trace of doubt on his face.

  "Are you Bishop Sotos and Mr. Carlos?" Leonard held the food delivered from the Old Vail Restaurant in both hands and stared at Carlos with a mixture of confusion and sympathy.

  Lu Yan took a careful look at Mr. Leonard in front of him, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips. He was really an innocent poet.

  "Well, is the headquarters of the Nighthawks team on the second floor?" Lu Yan said with a slight flash of eyes. At the same time, there was also a trace of surprise in his heart.

  His spirituality, which had been blessed by uniqueness, was touched. To be more specific, it was triggered by the parasitic grandfather Pales Zoroastrian on Leonard Mitchell.

  Pales is an angel who followed the wrong path, Sequence 1, but his current state is very bad, and he is at the point where he has only one breath left.

  As for why his spirituality was triggered, it was probably because the old man used probing skills on him, which caused his spirituality to feedback on itself.

  "Please come with me." Leonard also learned from the captain that a new bishop would be arriving today.

  He still remembered the captain's happy expression after receiving the announcement from the church. According to the church's documents, the new Bishop Sotos was a Sequence 7 nightmare, and the accompanying Carlos was a Sequence 8 nightmare. combat scholar.

  With these two personnel sent by the headquarters stationed at St. Selina Church in Tingen City, they will have a little more confidence when dealing with dangerous extraordinary events, at least they can quickly obtain reinforcements when necessary.

  But Captain Dunn also had worries. Whether the newly appointed bishop was easy to get along with, what his hobbies were, whether he was willing to help them deal with extraordinary events, etc., caused Dunn to lose a few more hairs that were not already thick.

  Fortunately, the newly appointed bishop gave him the impression of being easy-going and friendly, so it seemed that Captain Dunn's heart was finally relieved. Leonard thought silently in his heart.

  "Uh, it's him."

  At this moment, an old voice suddenly appeared in Leonard's head, sounding weak and hoarse.

  "Old man, do you know him?"

  "No, this Bishop Sotos's face looks a little more immature than mine, and he should be younger than me. How do you know him?"

  Pales laughed twice, and said haha ​​casually: "I just heard about his reputation. It seems that he is the youngest bishop of the Church of the Night."

  Leonard didn't pay attention to Pales' dry laughter. He thought it was just because the old man hadn't regained his strength yet. At the same time, he did not doubt what the old man said. The old man was always reliable.

  Lu Yan's profile in the Church of the Night can be said to be very complete. For example, he was born, studied, and grew up in the Church of Tranquility, and he did not intern at St. Samuel's Church until last month.

  As a believer of the Goddess of the Night, Leonard naturally would not doubt the authenticity of the file.

  To be honest, ever since Leonard saw Lu Yan's file, he had regarded him as his future opponent by default.

  In Loen's popular storybook, every protagonist who was born as a commoner seems to encounter a talented opponent with a great background and abundant talents on the way to growth.

  Before meeting Lu Yan himself, Leonard regarded Lu Yan as the opponent he wanted to surpass, but after he met Lu Yan, his mind changed.

  The first feeling Bishop Lu Yan gave him was very cordial, not at all as arrogant as a proud man of heaven. There is quite a bit of aloofness about him.

  But Mr. Carlos, the man next to the bishop, felt strange to him, giving him a similar feeling, as if the two of them were very similar people.

  With just one glance, Leonard was sure that Carlos, like him, was the protagonist of this era, the protagonist who would eventually shine in this world.

  As for Bishop Lu Yan, he should be the same golden-fingered old man as the old man. So his only opponent is Carlos!

  "I'm going to buy a cake from the cake shop across the street first." Carlos's stomach suddenly growled as he headed to the Black Thorn Company on the second floor.

  Lu Yan nodded and was about to take out the coins from his pocket and hand them to Carlos when Leonard, who was walking in front of him, suddenly spoke.

  "If you don't mind, we just have two extra working meals here."

  "This morning, our civilian staff of the Nighthawks team, Cecil and Bright, happened to be on leave today, so we had two extra working meals for lunch."

  When Leonard was walking in front, he secretly looked back at Carlos a few times. Fortunately, Carlos was focused on the matter of being hungry and didn't notice Leonard's gaze.

  "I have no problem. What about you, Carlos?" Lu Yan agreed casually, but he did not agree for Carlos. Instead, he turned slightly and asked Carlos beside him.

  "Of course I can. Nighthawks' lunches generally taste good, well, at least that's how it is in Backlund."

  Carlos's statement is not exaggerated in the slightest. The food of Nighthawks and Red Gloves is indeed the best in the Church of Night. After all, they are a group of poor people who are always ready to face danger. The Church will not treat them badly in any way in life. of place.

  "The captain should be in the office at this time. You guys wait in the lobby for a while and I'll go find the captain." Leonard said after taking Lu Yan and Carlos to the sofa in the lobby.

  The overall environment of Blackthorn Security Company is very good. From the furnishings and other places inside, it can be seen that this is a relatively wealthy company.

  In the spacious hall, there was a bar facing the main entrance. At this time, there happened to be a brown-haired girl on the bar who raised her head curiously and looked at Lu Yan not far away.

  "Roxanne, these two are Bishop Lu Yan and Mr. Carlos. I'll entertain them first, and I'll go to the captain's office to inform the captain." He continued trotting without turning around. When Leonard was halfway there, he suddenly remembered that he had not introduced Lu Yan and Carlos to Rowling.

  Apart from the two outsiders Lu Yan and Carlos, Luo Shan was not the only one in the hall. There was also a young man covering his face with a newspaper on the sofa not far away.

  "Ken Li, it's lunch time now, you should get up and eat." Luo Shan came to the sofa and said softly.

  After Luo Shan made a pot of hot tea for Lu Yan and Carlos, she walked around the sofa where Lu Yan and Carlos were sitting, and carefully came to the sofa where Cohen Li slept.

  Luo Shan naturally knew the identities of Lu Yan and Carlos, and their captain had been talking about these two names a lot these days.

  Although the church does not clearly stipulate which position is greater, the bishop or the captain of the Nighthawks, but in the face of a new bishop, at least the bad habits of their Nighthawks cannot be exposed so quickly.

  Cornley's sleep is very light, and he may even not need sleep at certain times, because he is a sleepless person in sequence nine of the Night Path and only needs a few hours of rest a day.

  Lu Yan followed Luo Shan's voice, and the first thing that caught his eye was an adult man with a well-proportioned figure, thick brown hair, and short and lean limbs.

  "Oh, it's the happiest lunch time every day again. Let me guess what's going to be served for today's lunch, peas and beef!"

  "I guess it must be it. I just woke up and smelled spices, a familiar and appetizing smell."

  Cornley slowly stood up from the sofa. When he heard the news that lunch had arrived, the laziness in his body completely dissipated in an instant.

  "Who are these two?"

  Cornley's brows moved twice. He remembered that his captain seemed to have mentioned their names, but he had just woken up and had forgotten these things for a while.

  "The one in the white robe is Bishop Lu Yan, and the one in the black and red shirt is Mr. Carlos."

  Before Luo Shan could answer, a man in his thirties with a straight nose and gray eyes appeared in the corridor not far away.

  At this moment, Dunn was still wearing a bowler hat on his head, and he had to push the hat down a few times with one hand from time to time, as if to cover up something.

  "Hello, Bishop Lu Yan, Mr. Carlos. I am Dunn Smith, captain of the Nighthawks Squadron in Tingen City."

  "The person in front of you is Cornley White, an official member of the Nighthawks, and the beautiful lady beside you is our civilian employee Miss Roxanne."

  "By the way, the person who accompanied you up just now is also an official member of the Nighthawks team. His name is Leonard Mitchell. At the same time, our official teammates include Sijia Te'ang and Luo Yao Leiting."

  "Also official teammates are Fry and It, the two of them are guarding Chanis Gate."

  "We also have some civilian staff. Mr. Neal, Mrs. Oriana, Brett, and Cesar." Captain Dunn introduced each teammate to Lu Yan as best he could.

  If you ignore his little gesture of secretly glancing at his notes from time to time, this introduction was indeed perfect. At least Lu Yan remembered most of the team members.

  "Captain Dunn, Carlos and I are also extraordinary people. We will work with you most of the time in the future to contribute to the security of Tingen City."

  Lu Yan knew what Dunn was worried about, so he first spoke out what Dunn was looking forward to, so that Dunn would not keep this matter in his mind and then forget about it inadvertently.

  "That's it. Nighthawks welcome you here at any time. You can come over whenever you are free."

  A rich smile appeared on Dunn's face. He didn't expect that Bishop Lu Yan and Mr. Carlos were both such easy-to-talk people. He had really been worried for several days in vain.

  "Take a step to speak." Lu Yan pointed to the corridor not far away and said in a low voice.

  Dunn didn't know Luo Yan's purpose, but he must have had something important to tell him, otherwise he wouldn't have found a private place to tell him. Thinking of this, he followed Lu Yan and walked over.

  "Captain Dunn, you should have been promoted to Nightmare for some time. If you want to be promoted again, I suggest you apply to be transferred to St. Samuel's Church in Backlund." Lu Yan said sincerely.

  "Miss Dai Li, who you know, also serves as a deacon in St. Samuel's Church. You can transfer the two of them there so that they can take care of each other." Lu Yan's tone contained a hint of inducement and hints.

  "Miss Daly is inevitably a little overwhelmed in Backlund's Church of the Night by herself. When I boarded the ship a few days ago, Miss Daly asked me to say hello to you on her behalf. At that time, Miss Daly seemed a little haggard."

  Lu Yan's few words aroused Dunn's uneasiness. Although the captain seemed calm on the surface, he was already very upset inside.

  "Thank you for bringing her news to me. Can you tell me more about her? Or does Miss Daly say anything else?"

  After Lu Yan and Dunn walked in the corridor for a while, Dunn, who had been patient for a long time, finally plucked up the courage to ask.

  "Sorry, Miss Dai Li and I are not familiar with each other. We only met once when we boarded the ship." Lu Yan said calmly.

  His words made Dunn feel relieved for some reason, but then he became worried about Dai Li's situation.

  On one side is the teammate he spends day and night with, and on the other side is the woman he loves. It's hard for him to decide how to choose.

  What's more, it is not a simple matter to be promoted to Sequence Six. He may have to spend a long time in the position of Sequence Seven before he is qualified to become Sequence Six. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

  "Some things can only be done by certain people, right?" Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  "Well, thank you." Captain Dunn responded dully.

  He understands all the principles, but there are some things where just understanding the principles is of no use. It takes hands-on practice to understand how difficult it is to transform principles into reality.

  "By the way, I've handed Carlos over to you. He should go on missions with you in the future. Of course, I will also act with you most of the time. After all, I don't know much about how to manage the church. "

  Lu Yan laughed lightly.

  The two of them chatted on the way to Dunn's office, and did not leave. They just stood there, like two employees paddling for fish.

  "Captain, Bishop Lu Yan, it's time for lunch." Luo Shan's crisp and lively voice came from the hall outside the corridor.

  Luo Shan knew that Bishop Lu Yan and the captain might be talking about something, but she didn't think anything could be more important than eating.

  I really don't understand why busy people like Bishop Lu Yan and the captain are not very interested in three meals a day.


  When Lu Yan returned to the hall, he saw Carlos and Cornley cooking together. The two of them behaved like people who hadn't seen food for a long time.

  "Carlos, please eat my share again." Lu Yan said, holding his forehead.

  Captain Dunn, on the other hand, was a little surprised. It was obvious that this kind of thing was just a minor incident for him.

  "Roxanne, when ordering meals in the future, order two more portions, and remember to make a note of the maximum amount of food." Dunn warned.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 45: Promotion materials obtained

  Time always flies by unintentionally. Lu Yan did not stay in the Blackthorn Security Company for long. His planned official working hours should officially start tomorrow, so today is still a day off.

  However, Carlos is still staying in the Blackthorn Security Company because Lu Yan entrusted him to get close to Old Neil. The Nighthawks team also provides dinner, so Lu Yan is not too worried about him.

  The distance between Zotland Street and Narcissus Street is not that short. It takes almost an hour to walk back. Lu Yan happened to have some free time, so he walked back by himself.

  I originally wanted to appreciate the local customs and customs of Niedertingen, but there was nothing special about the scenery along the way. There were a few parks, a few vegetable markets, and a few gathering places for vendors. Other than that, there was nothing special.

  When going to Iron Cross Street and Daffodil Street, you will first pass through Zuo Street, and then reach the so-called Middle Street. Well, Middle Street is actually part of Lower Street. It's just a new term created by the people who live in Zhongjie because they don't want to be compared with the poor people huddled together in Lower Street.

  Walking all the way back, Lu Yan found that Tingen City felt very much like Backlund minus Queens. Because of this, he did not feel a sense of foreignness. It was as if he was still in Backlund.

  Lu Yan generally didn't pay much attention to the Tingen City Morning News, but he liked to publish a lot of entertainment news there. In order to find out when the circus would perform, Lu Yan had to pay for a copy.

  Coincidentally, there are two circuses stopping in Tingen today. Among them, Zac Circus is performing on the last night in Tingen, while Mario Circus has just arrived in Tingen today and has not started yet. show.

  The performance of the Aibinker Monkey is one of the top three shows in the circus in terms of attendance, otherwise there would not be an Aibinker Monkey in every circus. So he wasn't worried about finding the Aibinkel monkey.

  Considering that Mario Circus has not started performing yet, Lu Yan is going to look for Zach Circus first. Zach Circus will leave Tingen after this performance and head to the next city.

  There was also a way to add a new Aibinkel monkey before they reached the next city, so the loss of the monkey was easier for them to accept.

  The area where Zack's Circus is stationed is on Trina Street near the South District, which is under the jurisdiction of the Punishers. Not far from the end of the street, there is the River and Sea Church, the headquarters of the Punishers.

  At this time, he remembered what Jayne told him last time. After thinking about it for a few times, Lu Yan decided to look at fate. If he could meet Bishop Albarelli on Trina Street, he would go to the River and Sea Church to visit him. If you can't meet it, forget it.

  Walking south along Iron Cross Street, passing by the few shared houses that the poor could afford and a small river, Lu Yan finally resisted his destination this time.

  Trina Street Market is a large fresh food market. Lamb, fresh beef, peas, potatoes, etc. can all be bought at one time. The circus stopped here not only because of the large flow of people, but also because of the circus's satisfaction. The reason why animals are raised daily.

  "Sir, today's circus performance won't start until evening. You're a little early."

  When Lu Yan just stepped into the circus's headquarters, a soft and pleasant voice appeared on his right side. But I don't know why this voice sounds so lonely.

  The person who came was a girl wearing linen clothes and carrying a yellow hemp whip on her waist. She had an oval face and a very light green eye.

  "I wonder if you are willing to sell animals here." Lu Yan made his tone gentler. It is said that it is easier to win the favor of others.

  "Animals for sale, no no no, we don't have any extra animals to sell."

  The girl looked at Lu Yan with a fearful look, and her subconscious told him that the well-dressed young man in front of her might do something bad to some animals.

  "Are you sure? What if I am willing to pay a sufficient price? Do you mind letting me talk to your group leader?"

  Lu Yan did not give up because of the girl's rejection. He had already scanned the surrounding area with the corner of his eye, and he had observed most of the facilities in the circus.

  Many iron items are rusty, and many wooden props have faded, like bleached wood. From these props, it can be concluded that the circus is short of money.

  Without good props, they won't be able to attract customers to the circus. Without customers, they won't have money to buy good props.

  Well, it's a perfect endless loop.

  The leader of Zac's circus is a young man, about five years older than Lu Yan, named Pierre Zac.

  Pierre was not the original owner of the circus. The previous leader was his father, also named Pierre Zac. Their family was from Intis. They came to Loen for some reasons and founded Zac. gram circus.

  The young man's voice still has a hint of childishness, and his speaking voice is not loud and weak. Very much like some weak and shy students at Hoy University.

  "Hello, I am the leader of Zac's circus, you can just call me Pierre."

  "Can I buy some animals from you? Believe me, I can buy them at a higher price than the market price." Lu Yan's tone softened a little.

  To be honest, the first time Lu Yan saw Pierre, he was very doubtful whether Pierre, the leader of the group, could make the decision to sell animals.

  He is too weak, a very shy young man, perhaps more like a college student. The most suitable job for him is to be a professor's assistant, not to manage the circus.

  "Whatever animal you want. Forget it, you can buy any animal you like. I also plan to disband the circus." Pierre said in a weak tone. He seemed to have lost some faith in the animals.

  "Captain! The circus carries everything for all of us, and we don't want to leave just like that." The girl said anxiously.

  "Elian, we are almost too poor to eat. Several animals in the circus are already starving to death. Today is not only our last performance, but also the last performance for those animals." Pierre was weak. said.

  The circus has only two choices: getting better and better or going downhill, and unfortunately, they fall into the latter category.

  There is nothing that can be done about this. Circuses are too common in Loen. Every once in a while, several circuses will fail due to poor management, but new circuses will soon be established.

  The life cycle of the circus is closely related to the domesticated animals. Once the animals get old, it means that the circus will begin to decline unless new animals are replaced in time, but that is a sum of money that is enough to bring down the circus.

  This does not include various natural and man-made disasters, government bans, protection fees, etc. Behind the various reasons are the same purpose, which is to take money from them.

  "I am willing to pay fifty pounds to buy an animal from you. Your price should be much higher than buying a group of new animals on the market."

  Lu Yan's eyes flickered slightly, moving according to his heart, and he couldn't help but have an idea.

  "Deal, which animal do you need?" Pierre showed a bright smile with a somewhat melancholy expression.

  No matter which animal the other party buys, they will not lose money, and they will even gain a large amount of assets from it, which is enough to send everyone away decently.

  "Don't worry, maybe you would like to hear my proposal. Are you willing to accept my investment?" Lu Yan said unexpectedly.

  If the potion promotion materials he needs later require certain magical animals, then using the circus's connections and excuses can save him a lot of trouble.

  "Accept investment?"

  "Captain! We don't want to leave the circus. Old Mr. Pierre brought us up single-handedly. We don't want to leave this home." Ilian said anxiously.

  The moment Lu Yan told her about the circus he wanted to invest in, the girl suddenly felt that Lu Yan was so majestic and he was definitely a gentle and kind-hearted gentleman.

  "I'll invest you a hundred pounds, plus my fifty pounds for the animals."

  "In the first ten years, I need five percent of your net profits as compensation. After ten years, I will no longer ask for profits from you."

  "In the future, I may need some magical creatures. I hope to get your help by paying compensation to help me purchase or find those magical creatures."

  "What are these conditions? Are you willing to accept them?" Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  "I..." Pierre was obviously moved, but perhaps he was hesitant to agree because of his confusion about the future. Or maybe it was because Lu Yan gave him so much that he couldn't believe it.

  "I bet your future with gold pounds. Do you dare to fight for the future with yourself?" Lu Yan asked unhurriedly.

  Time passed minute by minute, not sure how much time had passed. Under Ilian's eager eyes, Pierre nodded heavily.

  "That's right. Young people should give it a try." Lu Yan said with a smile.

  He didn't feel bad about spending this little money, after all, he got the money out of thin air. Along the way, the gold pounds in his hands were not many, but not too little either. Sure enough, he was not a person entangled in poverty.

  "What animal do you need?" Pierre asked again.

  This time, his tone carried a longing for the future and an eagerness to try.

  "Aibin Kerhou." Lu Yan said calmly.

  "Ilian, please bring Mr. Banana here." Pierre said to Ilian.

  Mr. Banana is the Aibinker monkey in Lu Yan's mouth. Because he likes eating bananas so much, he was given such a nickname by Old Pierre.

  Elian has no regrets. If the circus is revitalized at the cost of losing Mr. Banana, then she believes that Mr. Banana is also willing to make a sacrifice!

  There was hope on her face when she left, but when Ilian came back, her face was extremely ugly.

  "Mr. Banana is dead. He just starved to death not long ago. Because there are too many animals to feed, they can only divide a small amount of food into smaller amounts and feed it to the animals."

  The restless Mr. Banana left because he couldn't hold back his hunger, and their chance of turning the circus around seemed to be gone.

  "When did he die? Is the body intact?" Lu Yan asked with a raised brow.

  He didn't care whether the monkey lived or died, all he needed was its intact pituitary gland.

  "It should have just died. When we fed it at noon, it could barely open its eyes. The body was intact without any damage." Ilian said in a worried tone.

  "Do you need any other animals?" Pierre's face also looked a little ugly, as if this damn fate was playing tricks on them.

  "I don't mind whether the Aibinkel monkey is dead or alive, all I need is a specimen for research." Lu Yan waved his hand to reassure them.

  "Do you have a doctor here who is good at dissection? I need his help to remove some organs of the Aibinkel monkey."

  Although the words Lu Yan said were very bloody, at this moment, they were extremely warm in the eyes of Pierre and Ilian.

  Fate has not fooled them, Zac Circus can still be saved!

  The most desperate thing is to give hope and then turn your hope into despair. On the contrary, the most beautiful hope is the flame that remains unquenched in despair.

  Pierre was stunned for a moment, then put his hands in his pockets to look for the explanation. While searching, he looked at Lu Yan sincerely, as if he was afraid that Lu Yan would leave suddenly.

  "I can." Pierre said weakly.

  As if he was afraid that Lu Yan wouldn't believe him, he anxiously took out a pamphlet protected by a black leather sheath from his pocket.

  "This is my diploma from the Loon College of Veterinary Technology. Please believe in my skills."

  "Well, although I have only dissected frogs before, please believe me. UU看书www.uukanshu.net"

  Pierre took out a square box from his inner shirt pocket. It had a silver polished metal shell and a cold feeling. It looked expensive.

  Behind the frail and shy young man is actually a cold-blooded and murderous doctor.

  Lu Yan didn't know why this idea suddenly appeared. It seemed that this setting only appeared in some popular novels.

  "Sorry to trouble you, I need the complete heart, complete pituitary gland, and complete tongue of the Aibinkel monkey..." Lu Yan mentioned many organs in one breath.

  To be on the safe side, he did not tell the other party that what he wanted was a complete pituitary gland. This was too easy for people to think of.

  "Leave these matters to me." Pierre said in a low voice, but after he finished speaking, he frowned for a few seconds and then said to Lu Yan: "The complete pituitary gland of the Aibinkel monkey knows To make those who come into direct contact fall into hallucinations, I will put it in a glass bottle and give it to you. Remember to wear gloves when you come into contact with it."

  The Aibinker monkey is considered a kind of extraordinary creature, but because its extraordinary abilities are concentrated in its brain, most people will not pry open the Aibinker monkey's brain, so few people know about it.

  But Pierre, who graduated from the University of Veterinary Technology, is obviously familiar with these little things.

  "Is this like this? I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Yan pretended to be surprised and said with a hint of fear in his tone.

  "I wanted to do research on monkey physiology, but I didn't expect monkeys to have such secrets." Lu Yan showed a thoughtful expression, with a look of inquiry on his face.

  After Pierre's eyes lingered on Lu Yan for a while, he held a scalpel tightly in his right hand and stood up and walked to the backyard of the circus.

  "Please wait."

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