
chpater 10

Chapter 46 Sequence 8: Players


  Pierre, who was stained with blood all over his body, came with a clean bag in his hand.

  After a few steps, the smell of blood from Pierre's body made Ilian nauseous, but because Lu Yan was still around, she only retched twice before stopping her uncivilized behavior. .

  The sack is woven with small vines and is very strong. Under normal circumstances, it will not be damaged if a normal adult is put in it, provided that it can be put in.

  "I wrapped the heart and other large organs with gauze, and I packed some small organs in separate glass bottles for you."

  Pierre shook the sack in his hand, and several glass bottles collided in it with a crisp sound.

  "Here is a notarized certificate in triplicate. I will send it to the notary office after you sign your name."

  "At the same time, I will give you a bankbook of one hundred and fifty pounds. You can withdraw it at any bank in Loen."

  Lu Yan handed over a passbook decorated with complicated patterns, and at the same time took the sack from the other party.

  After the two signed the contract together, Pierre suddenly asked: "How should I give you your dividends?"

  "Just send it to the mailbox at the back door of No. 25 Jinchihua Street in Backlund." Lu Yan said after thinking about it.

  As long as Amon, the courier delivery man, didn't resign, then Amon would probably deliver the letters for him personally. Anyway, Amon was already delivering newspapers, so he probably wouldn't care if there was an extra letter. Well, the postman must have the consciousness of a postman.



  It was already around three o'clock in the afternoon when Lu Yan left Zac Circus and returned to his house on Daffodil Street.

  When he returned to the house, the sack in his hand was gone. It wasn't lost, but he found a place with a nice view and buried it. He also went to the fruit market and bought a bunch of fresh grapes, plus the stuff he brought from Backlund, the magic potion. The materials were finally gathered.

  After returning home, Lu Yan first opened the cellar under the house to let it ventilate. He went to the kitchen to move the big iron pot to the cellar.

  The air in the cellar was not fresh, and there was also a dull feeling, even though Lu Yan had opened the cellar to ventilate it for a while.

  Fortunately, making a potion does not require heating. You only need to stir the ingredients together in order. Otherwise, whether a fire can be lit in a cellar lacking oxygen is a serious problem.

  Recipe: The complete pituitary gland of the Aibinkel monkey + the tongue of the blue-striped eagle.

  Auxiliary materials: 100 ml of pure water + 9 grams of mountain ice and snow + 3 grapes.

  Lu Yan recalled the information in his mind, and at the same time added 100 ml of pure water first, followed by ice and snow. The temperature in Tingen in February was very low, and the mountain ice and snow had not yet melted. Finally, fresh grapes from the fruit market.


  Finally, Lu Yan added the pink stuff in the glass bottle to the pot, as well as the tongue of the blue-striped eagle, and put these ingredients into the large iron pot together.

  Melt, the pink melts into the transparent water, and the purple grape color melts into it.

  A pink drink.

  Lu Yan picked up the drink and drank it in one gulp.

  The taste is bitter and spicy, with an indescribable bitterness and a spiciness that goes straight to the sky. It really makes people feel a little nauseated.

  After a long time, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

  Sequence 8: Player

  Brief description: Players are participants in fateful events and explorers of fate; with a cynical attitude, players engage in the main line of fate, search for the established fate, and work hard to explore the branch lines of fate. Some people say that players are the fourth natural disaster and that players are omnipotent, but in fact players are just pawns of fate. The world is like a game. It is not the players who dominate the game, but the version and organizer of the game, which is destiny. itself.

  [Dungeon] The "predetermined destiny" experienced by the player will eventually form a dungeon. Players can enter the dungeon through meditation, experience it again, observe missing and ignored information, and reason about whether different choices will have an impact on the established destiny. Everything in the copy is simulated and has no impact on reality. If there is a lack of information, the copy will deviate from reality to a certain extent and will therefore not be completely reliable.

  Players have significantly improved their memory, reasoning and observation skills, and may even unintentionally miss some upcoming dangers.

  At the same time, there was also a certain improvement in spirituality, making Lu Yan's already astonishingly high spirituality even more outrageous.

  The most important improvement is in physical fitness. As we all know, a qualified player requires extremely high physical fitness.

  A copy of a predetermined destiny?

  Lu Yan couldn't help but feel a little dazed when he felt the information in his mind. The only destiny he experienced seemed to be what happened in Backlund.

  A branch of fate?

  He still remembered that when he wanted to leave after the incident at the Champs Elysees Hotel, his spirituality had touched him once, and it was that time that made him feel like his destiny was bifurcated.

  Lu Yan slowly climbed back to the first floor from the cellar. After walking a few steps, he casually collapsed on the sofa. Taking magic potion is also an extremely dangerous behavior, which makes him a little exhausted physically and mentally.

  After resting for a while, Lu Yan began to wonder if he could use the ability of the copy of destiny to return to that time and explore the branch line of destiny.

  Copy of Destiny: Champs Hotel

  With the expansion of Lu Yan's thinking and the stimulation of his spirituality, he finally entered a false world similar to a dream through meditation.


  Meditation world.

  "Bishop Lu Yan? What happened?"

  Carlos stopped when he saw Lu Yan walking, and couldn't help but ask.

  He thought that Bishop Lu Yan might have thought of the whereabouts of Witch Anne, so he stopped to clarify his thoughts.

  Lu Yan's eyes flickered slightly. He did not answer Carlos's question directly this time, but looked towards the Champs Elysees Hotel.

  "Wait me a moment."

  Lu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and after staring at the Champs Elysees Hotel for a while, he turned his attention to the things around him.

  Some of the scenes in the distance were blurry, and every second he existed here was consuming his spiritual energy. Although it was not as fast as using the mysterious pocket watch to consume spiritual energy, it was not much better.

  You must know that the mysterious pocket watch is an extraordinary item created with demigod characteristics.

  To use a simple metaphor, everything Lu Yan experienced in this copy will be calculated in real time. To achieve realism and extension, a powerful processor is necessary, and the processor requires electricity.

  The faster the processor works and the higher the power consumption, the more flexibility is required, and the processor directly determines the degree of restoration of the calculation screen.

  If it is an ordinary Sequence 8 player, then the copy of destiny it generates will basically be like a twisted stick figure world. It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the real world, but it is also extremely abstract.

  Lu Yan's processor is "cause and effect", not the simple world he meditated on his own.

  That's why everything he sees now is so realistic, as if it is everything he has ever experienced, but the price is that "karma" is assimilating to Lu Yan faster and faster.

  Lu Yan was aware of this, but he had no way to bypass the uniqueness and use his own abilities to construct a copy. To put it simply, "karma" is too deeply bound to him.

  Putting away all the thoughts in his heart, Lu Yan's attention returned to the copy of destiny generated at this moment.

  The result of his choice last time was to leave here, so the result of his choice this time must be to stay and wait for changes.

  "Carlos, let's wait here for a while. Maybe the witch hasn't left yet." Lu Yan made up a reason casually.

  Carlos nodded. He felt that what Lu Yan said was not unreasonable. The most dangerous place is the safest place, and Witch Anne is still hiding near the Champs Elysees Hotel.

  The sun sets over the western mountains.

  The flaming clouds in the sky are like steel burning at high temperatures, allowing people to feel the temperature in the clouds through an altitude of thousands of miles.

  He has already read today's Backlund Morning News, and he still has some impressions in his mind. Many things are not uncommon to him.

  Taking out that day's newspaper again, Lu Yan casually sat down on a public chair at the entrance of the Champs Elysees Hotel.

  Carlos looked at the leisurely Lu Yan and couldn't help but have some questions. Is this the way to wait and wait? Isn't it a little strange?

  When he followed Lu Yan's example and found a comfortable position to sit down on the chair, he immediately felt that Bishop Lu Yan's decision was very correct.

  After a while.

  The change that Lu Yan was expecting finally appeared at the door of the Champs Elysees Hotel. It was a young boy. At this time, he was standing at the door of the hotel with a box that Lu Yan had seen before, looking around.

  "Lord Bishop of the Night!"

  Jayne was a little happy when he saw that Lu Yan had not left. He hurried down the stairs because he was afraid that Lu Yan and the other two had already left.

  But now it seems that fate is favoring him and does not let him miss Bishop Lu Yan.

  "Bishop Albarelli said thank you for your gift and asked me to bring you these gifts in return."

  Jayne carefully held the wooden box in his hand and walked towards Lu Yan at a moderate speed.

  Lu Yan understood in his heart that if he had not left, he would have been able to get the return gift from Bishop Albarelli more quickly.

  One thing is that he really liked Bishop Albarelli's return gift. He now carries these charms with him all the time, and the attack capabilities of these charms are very powerful.

  Most of them have similar effects to the spells Mir gave him. If there is a chance, next time he will take a mummy spell and exchange it with Bishop Albarelli for some storm exchange spells. Anyway, he himself will not need the mummy spell.

  "Ahem, Bishop of the Night, here is a charm made by the Saint himself." Jayne cleared his throat and said with a bit of solemnity in his tone.

  "Saint's Talisman?"

  Lu Yan took the Backlund Daily back into his arms and said with a hint of doubt in his tone.

  "Yes, the power of thunder contained in the spell is equivalent to a full blow from the Saint!" Jayne explained patiently.

  When he first heard that Bishop Albarelli was going to take out the Saint's Talisman as a reward, he couldn't believe it in his heart.

  That is the talisman of the Saint! The saint is a half-human and half-god existence!

  Lu Yan solemnly took the wooden box and opened it with excitement. Sure enough, he saw a simple charm in it.

  Although the surface of the talisman seemed plain and simple, when he turned on his spiritual vision, the talisman he observed was an extremely condensed thunderstorm ball.

  If an Extraordinary person below a demigod is hit by it, he will probably be electrocuted into charcoal in an instant!

  When Lu Yan took out the talisman from the box, the surrounding scenes continued to distort, and the space gradually became larger, squeezed, disappeared, and merged.

  Just like a bubble in water, it twists and finally reaches a certain critical point and then suddenly collapses, as if everything is an illusion.

  When everything returned to calm again, the scene around Lu Yan completely changed. This time he came to the side of a restaurant.

  "Jayne is waiting for us here. He wants us to take the blue-striped eagle back to Deacon Sesima."

  Carlos led the way in front of Lu Yan. Not far away was a restaurant that Lu Yan had never seen before, but the fruit shop next to the restaurant was something that Lu Yan had seen before.

  "This is the original appearance of the ruins." Lu Yan whispered softly.

  The scene around him was exactly the same as what he had seen before, except that the restaurant in front of him was not in ruins. This strange change gave Lu Yan a sense of time and space.

  "Be careful of the Aurora Society around you." Lu Yan said to Carlos. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

  Everything in the copy will not affect reality, so it is not impossible for him to take risks in order to promote the development of things.

  "Aurora Society?"

  "Why didn't I sense where they were?" Carlos said a little confused.

  Where is the Aurora Club here? He didn't see any suspicious people when he came to buy juice, and even now he didn't see any strange people on the way here when he brought Lu Yan here.

  "Haha, not only is there the Aurora Society, our acquaintance Miss Anne is also among them."

  "Yeah, Mr. K, stop hiding, I saw your exposed tails." Lu Yan pointed at several places and said.

  After what Lu Yan did, Carlos had no choice but to believe that there were people from the Aurora Society around him. Based on his knowledge, Bishop Lu Yan would not joke about such a thing.

  "How did you find us?"

  A middle-aged man wearing a black robe walked out from behind Lu Yan.

  Not surprisingly, he is the young leader of the Aurora Society, Mr. K, whom Lu Yan met last time.

  "I haven't even started acting yet, why was the guy from the Church of the Night discovered me?"

  "Can't you guys give me some face? This makes me really unprofessional."

  An old acquaintance of Lu Yan's, Witch Anne, also walked out of the restaurant. But the witch was holding a corpse in her hands.

  After seeing Lu Yan, she threw the body in her hand over and moved her eyes from the body to Lu Yan with some disgust.

  "It's bloody, it's really annoying."

  "I advise you, little brother, not to resist, otherwise the current situation of this stormy man will be your future."

  Annie covered her mouth with one hand and smiled wantonly.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 47 Copy of Destiny


  Carlos stared at the corpse on the ground with wide eyes. There were some dripping marks on the corpse's face that stained most of the corpse's original appearance.

  But Carlos had just met Jayne not long ago, so he was naturally familiar with Jayne's figure and appearance.


  Lu Yan opened his mouth and sighed. The corpse on the ground was really Jayne, and the aura of the astral body matched perfectly.

  But now there is only one corpse left of Jayne, the kind that cannot be saved even if he is saved.

  "Your target is me, why do you want to kill the people from the Church of Storms?"

  Lu Yan raised his eyebrows. The presence of Jayne's body in front of him did not cause much turmoil in his heart.

  Everything in the copy is false, this is a fact, and it is also a piece of advice.

  There is no difference between being addicted to a copy world and being addicted to a false dream. The final result is that it becomes out of control and distorted.

  In fact, if you were a normal Extraordinary player of the Tower of Destiny Sequence 8, there would be no risk of sinking into a copy of Destiny.

  Because the dungeon world outlined by those simple drawings that even I can't understand doesn't give me any sense of immersion, so what's the point of being addicted?

  Although the authenticity of the copy of destiny will also increase as the sequence increases, to be able to basically simulate the copy of destiny in the real world, at least the person who opens it must reach the demigod level.

  As for the extraordinary person who can become a demigod, which one doesn't have a strong will? Extraordinaries who are not determined will have long been transformed into monsters when they are promoted.

  "Isn't this because I'm afraid that he will go back to the Church of Storms and report us?"

  "Don't be angry."

  "Otherwise, when the little brother next to you dies in front of you, you will be so angry that you are scared to death."

  Witch Anne put one hand on her face and said in a charming tone.

  Lu Yan glanced at Annie with a surprised look. The Witch Annie in the dungeon world seemed a little different from what he remembered. Is there some deviation in personality?

  Looking at his Witch Anne who kept making weird remarks in front of him, Lu Yan could tell that there were indeed many differences between this Witch Anne and the real Witch Anne in all aspects.

  What is the reason for all this?

  Lu Yan ignored Annie, who was dancing like a madman and kept uttering disgusting words in a weird and weird tone. Instead, think about it in your mind and look for the reasons why the copy world deviates from the real world.

  Carlos seemed to be similar to his impression, and there were not many deviations. Otherwise, he would have discovered these deviations between the replica world and the real world.

  So why hasn't Carlos changed, while Witch Anne has changed a lot between reality and the copy?

  After Lu Yan thought for a few moments, he thought of several possibilities, the most likely of which was lack of information.

  He had incomplete information about Witch Anne, which led to certain deviations in the replica world based on his memory.

  He had not been in contact with Anne for a long time, and he only knew a little about her background and some unimportant information. This rough understanding makes it very normal for there to be some deviations in character understanding.

  This is perhaps the biggest flaw in the copy of Destiny. The lack of information he has prevents him from deducing all possibilities.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yan couldn't help but have a clearer understanding of the word fate. Fate occupies all possibilities and unites all possibilities. It is not a kind of mastering all information.

  This is somewhat similar to the ability of the "Dice of Probability" to digitize the world, which is the unique path of destiny.

  Based on this information, Lu Yan thought more. The unique "karma" in him should also have the ability to digitize the world, but he still doesn't know what it is.

  "Karma" hung silently on his chest like an ordinary necklace. If it hadn't been assimilating to Lu Yan all the time, Lu Yan might have thought that it was just an ordinary ornament with no ability to activate.


  When Witch Anne saw Lu Yan ignoring her, her heart seemed to be filled with depression. She was really bullying someone too much.

  Her verbal attacks were like hitting cotton wool, and had almost no impact on Lu Yan. On the contrary, her dancing movements were like a clown in the eyes of the Aurora Society.

  "You actually ignored me!"

  "Then let you feel the physical pain!"

  Witch Anne was furious. The actions of Aurora Club and others watching her and suppressing laughter made her mentality completely shattered. The reason for all this was Lu Yan, who was still ignoring her.

  Lu Yan raised his head slightly and glanced at Witch Anne, then lowered his head without interest.

  Not only is his personality different, it seems that his IQ has also been partially reduced, and he has become irritable and violent.

  Carlos grabbed Lu Yan's sleeves and shook them, then stood in front of Lu Yan.

  He wanted to remind Lu Yan of the coming danger.

  Carlos is different from Lu Yan. In this world of destiny dungeon, his self-perception is real, so he will care about everything that happens in the dungeon.

  The development of things was beyond expectations, something neither Carlos nor Anne had expected. It was also beyond logic and unreasonable.

  When Witch Anne planned to attack Lu Yan, the members of the Aurora Society who surrounded Lu Yan and others, under the order of Mr. K, used their own abilities to attack Witch Anne.

  In an instant, the situation on the field changed dramatically.

  Witch Anne was backstabbed by a member of the Aurora Society. Due to her declining IQ in the dungeon world, she was not wary of Mr. K and others of the Aurora Society, so the backstabbing of the Aurora Society was unexpected for her.


  "My teacher is an ageless witch!"

  "How dare you!"

  Witch Anne covered her brain. How could an Extraordinary who was not on the Hanged Man path endure the ravings of the True Creator? Such disgusting words that she could not understand or understand made her unable to gather her energy.

  What followed was a fatal blow from Mr. K. The inevitable Witch Anne took the blow with her true body.

  Blood splashed, and the extremely beautiful witch fell into a pool of blood with her huge eyes widened. Until she died, she would not understand why Aurora suddenly stabbed her in the back.

  Carlos was also stunned for a moment. The development of things now seemed to be a little different from what he imagined.

  Whose problem is this?

  Is he dreaming?

  Carlos patted his face, and only after he felt a burning sensation on his face did he become convinced that all this was true.

  "I see." Lu Yan's eyes stayed on the corpse in the pool of blood, and the expression on his face became calmer. At this moment, he seemed to have become a wise man who had seen through everything.

  Carlos, whose cheeks were red from being slapped by himself, turned to look at Lu Yan curiously. He thought it was Bishop Lu Yan who had found a solution to this crisis.

  In fact, this was the case. Lu Yan seemed to have found the root cause of all these differences.


  Lu Yan sighed slightly. In front of Mr. K, he took out the Saint's Talisman from his pocket and placed it in the palm of his hand, preparing to use this Talisman directly.

  "Want to see a gorgeous fireworks?" Lu Yan asked calmly.

  If you observe the expression on Lu Yan's face at this time, you may be able to taste a bit of schadenfreude and a hint of expectation in it.

  Without waiting for the Aurora Society's people to respond, Lu Yan took the initiative and detonated the Saint's Talisman in his hand.

  This was not random. From the moment Witch Anne died, Lu Yan wanted to do an experiment to verify his conjecture.

  He himself has never seen the explosion of the demigod talisman, which means that the explosion of the demigod talisman is unknown information to him.

  Everything in the copy of destiny must be based on his cognition. If he defines his explosion of the demigod spell as setting off fireworks, how will the copy change?

  Lu Yan didn't know, so he wanted to ask for proof.

  The saint's spell burst out with brilliant light in his hand, and in just a moment, countless sparks spurted out from his hand.

  "Bang, bang, bang, bang."

  A thick yet crisp sound, a fierce yet short sound, a fiery yet charred figure, a stimulating yet slightly barbecued smell.

  Several members of the Aurora Society, including Lu Yan and Carlos, were sent into the sky of Backlund in a huge explosion.

  Lu Yan stared calmly in the sky and looked around.

  The roof of St. Samuel's Church not far away seemed to be not as high as where they were. From their current position, they seemed to be able to reach the haze spreading over Backlund with their hands.

  Lu Yan wanted to take this opportunity to overlook the entire scenery of Backlund, but at this moment, in his eyes, Backlund seemed to be composed of the same buildings piled together repeatedly.

  Even the restaurant he first saw that hadn't collapsed was a brand new building made from the collapsed ruins of several buildings he remembered.

  After seeing this, Lu Yan understood in his heart and understood that his guess was the right thing.

  Sure enough, everything in the copy of destiny is derived from his knowledge and is similar to the real world.

  Once there is a flaw in his cognition, or there is a deviation in his cognition, then what happens in the copy of destiny will be deviated, or even become completely different.

  Lu Yan was not surprised when he thought of this. He had actually expected this. After all, the copy of destiny was only the ability of Sequence Eight. Only if the things simulated were beyond his cognition should he feel fear. .

  Lu Yan felt that he was in free fall at this moment. He lowered his head and visually measured his current height from the ground, and came to the conclusion that this height would make him fall into a pulp.

  He didn't want to experience that feeling, so he ended this copy of destiny.

  in the real world.

  Lu Yan, who was in a meditative state, slowly opened his eyes.

  Time did not pass long, it was about an hour, which was similar to the time he experienced in the dungeon world.

  After experiencing a copy of destiny, Lu Yan had a clearer understanding of it. The so-called copy of destiny was a place to help him sort out various information.

  At the same time, the copy of destiny will also infer a certain possibility in the future based on the information he knows.

  "This fate branch turned out to be like this." Lu Yan murmured softly.

  If he had chosen to stay at the Champs Hotel, Jayne would have lost the Saint's Talisman and would have been unable to escape the persecution of the Aurora Society and Witch Anne, and would have died at the hands of the Aurora Society.

  At the same time, he remembered that Jayne seemed to have said that Bishop Albarelli planned to give him a gift personally. Wouldn't that gift be the Saint's Talisman?

  Through this experience of the Destiny dungeon and what Jayne said when giving gifts last time, Lu Yan was sure that Jayne's request to him to go to the River and Sea Church was not out of etiquette.

  Go to the River and Sea Church tomorrow! Lu Yanton made this decision immediately.

  What? It might be inappropriate for the Night Bishop to go to the Church of the River and Sea.

  That's the Saint's Talisman! A spell that can kill most of the unsuspecting Extraordinaries of mid- to low-level sequences with one blow!

  Although Lu Yan wanted to verify his suspicion urgently, he would still maintain the most basic etiquette.

  Tomorrow he happened to be going to St. Selina Church to show his face. After completing the task of letting the believers know that there was a new bishop in St. Selina Church, he would visit the River and Sea Church of the Church of Storms in the name of the Church of Night.

  It is a good name for the agreement to promote the peaceful development between the two major churches and create a better future together.

  Of course, although there is no problem in the name of doing this, it will not cause dissatisfaction among believers on both sides, but the disadvantage is that he will also have to visit the Holy Numbers Church of the God of Steam and Machinery in Tingen for the same reason. .

  Otherwise, Lu Yan would feel guilty using the mysterious pocket watch, an extraordinary weapon given to him by the Church of Steam and Mechanics.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yan returned his legs sitting cross-legged on the sofa to a normal sitting position, perhaps because his physical fitness has been partially strengthened after being promoted to a Sequence 8 player. UU Reading www.uukns.net After a tiring day, he still felt full of energy.

  In a sense, not having to eat saves money and time. Lu Yan looked at the cart selling lunch boxes outside the window and couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

  The remaining time today is almost enough for him to thoroughly study the remaining "Formation of Life". Although this book can only teach people to make unconscious monsters, it is still useful in some ways.

  For example, only a certain part of the body can be refined, and this part of the body may play an important role in medicine.

  At the same time, he can also make Old Neil understand that resurrection is impossible. If you don't try, it will inevitably lead to tragic results.

  He couldn't directly stop the old man, even if he directly told Old Neil his doomed future. Old Neil would still choose to use forbidden magic for his beloved wife.

  This is human nature. It is difficult to figure out, difficult to guess, does not follow logic, and does not make sense.

  Therefore, he can only give up all kinds of dangerous ideas if he realizes that there is no resurrection after death.

  The ideas instilled by others cannot be recognized by a paranoid person. Even if they are said to be extravagant, they cannot be worth his own luck.

  At the same time, Old Neil's failure can also hit Carlos from the side, preventing him from being bewitched by the Hidden Sage and doing irrational things.

  It is important to know that the Extraordinaries of the Secret Seeing Path will be forcibly instilled with knowledge by the Hidden Sage every time they are promoted. Some of this knowledge is very confusing, but in fact the effect is extremely distorted ritual magic.

  Although this is a bit cruel, sometimes only pain can make people wake up, and only scars can make people remember.

  "This is a necessary failure."

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 48: Next stop, River and Sea Church!

  Lu Yan nodded slightly and lowered his eyebrows, looking down at the palm of his hand.

  He cannot protect everyone under his wings, and he himself is just a poor guy who needs the protection of others.

  Do your best and obey fate, this is Lu Yan's code of conduct.

  Of course, the meaning of this sentence may be slightly different in Lu Yan's eyes.

  Doing human things means that he tries his best to get rid of his fate and regain his freedom. Resigning to fate means asking the people who invested in you for help when you are unsure about something. When you are really desperate, you can also pull out the ring of fate!


  The dark night sky was dotted with stars, and the crimson moon stood alone high in the sky.

  It was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

  A few wisps of breeze blew through the window, cool and fresh.

  Compared to the gray and hazy weather in Backlund, Tingen City can be considered fresh and natural.

  A dim kerosene lamp was placed in the upper left corner of the desk, some distance away from Lu Yan's arm, and a brand new pen was placed next to the notebook.

  The slightly warm light passed through the gaps between Lu Yan's fingertips and printed on a notebook that was not entirely new.

  Several lines with unknown meanings are tangled together, just like a child's simple sketch.

  Not long after, the sound of the wooden door being pushed open came from downstairs.

  The pen in Lu Yan's hand did not stop because of the sudden sound of the door opening. He knew that it must be Carlos who arrived at this time.

  "I went to Mrs. Wendy's bakery and brought you some lemon cake. Well, it's the Slim Bakery next to the house."

  Carlos returned to the house carrying a bag of bread that was almost as long as an arm and as wide as two fists. The bread weighed almost two pounds, so when he said a few words, he was obviously feeling guilty.

  He didn't know that two pounds would be so much. Maybe it was because the lemon cake here was fluffy. Anyway, he would have to eat lemon cake in the next few days.

  Lu Yan walked slowly down the stairs from the second floor to the next floor with a cup of black tea that had bottomed out. He happened to see Carlos trying to hide some of the bread.

  "Well, how about I order some fresh milk for you, otherwise these lemon cakes might be a little hard to swallow." The corner of Lu Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

  "Ahem, no, I can eat well, just give me two days." Carlos said with a hint of guilt in his voice, covering the back of his head.

  "Otherwise, donate some bread to the orphanage. If you eat too much lemon cake at once, you may never want to touch cakes with this flavor again."

  "I still have a lot of tea leaves in my black tea jar. You can make a pot of tea for yourself. You can't buy fresh juice at this time, so you can only make do with it." Lu Yan reminded kindly.

  He believed that Carlos had the ability to solve all the lemon cakes, but it was a bit too much tormenting himself.

  "I'm going to deliver some bread to the orphanage tomorrow morning, but let's eat some now." Carlos said sincerely.

  After he invited Lu Yan to share the cake, he seemed to remember something, put the lemon cake in his hand on a clean plate on the table, walked to the kitchen in twos and twos, and prepared to cook it with gas. Pot of tea.

  "How are you today? It's quite pleasant to get along with the Nighthawks of Tingen City." Lu Yan put the teacup in his hand on the table, picked up a piece of cake and tasted it before saying.

  "I got along with them very quickly. Everyone was very nice. Kenley even taught me how to play the accordion in his spare time."

  "Mr. Neil is also very kind and shows no signs of losing control. He looks like a casual and carefree old man."

  After Carlos came into contact with Mr. Neil, he didn't find any signs that he was out of control. On the contrary, at night, Fry, who came out of the Chanis to change shifts with Captain Dunn, gave him an eerie feeling.

  "That's good." Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  "Tomorrow I am going to visit the River and Sea Church of the Church of Storms. Will you go then?"

  Lu Yan raised his head and glanced at Carlos. Whether Carlos went or not would not have any impact on tomorrow's events. After all, this was a simple visit and nothing could go wrong.

  "Go, why don't I go? The Nighthawks team is actually very idle when there are no extraordinary events." Carlos said in a vague tone, as if he was hiding something.

  He stuffed a huge piece of lemon cake into his mouth and chewed while talking, making his voice a little unintelligible. Perhaps realizing this, Carlos took a sip of scalding tea.


  These words were spoken clearly, but they carried a shrill cry. Obviously, Carlos must be in a lot of pain in his current state.

  "Hey, eat more cake." Lu Yan glanced at Carlos and said with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

  After getting himself a new cup of tea, Lu Yan carried the somewhat hot cup to the second floor again.

  He has not yet read through the remaining part of "Formation of Life", so he should learn it before tonight. In a few days, he can try out the most basic techniques for refining life.

  After Carlos swallowed the third piece of lemon cake, he finally couldn't eat the rest of the cake. He packed the remaining cake and headed to the second floor.

  Like Lu Yan, he has to learn many things, and learning is the most basic stage of progress. Old Neil, who was one level below him and much older than him, was also studying tirelessly.

  Lu Yan stopped writing, turned the notebook to a blank page, and then scrawled a few meaningless nouns on it.

  After that, he moved his eyes from his hands to the crimson moon outside the window.

  Ince should not have arrived in Tingen City yet. Ince's official entry into the game should have started when the Antigonus family notes were circulated to Tingen.

  It's still some time before graduation season at Hoy University, and it's still some time before those unfortunate college students get their notes.

  If he guessed correctly, the Witch Sect has now begun its layout in Tingen City.

  When he passed by Tasok Bridge that day, he saw Witch Anne leaving Backlund on a passenger ship. The final destination of that passenger ship was also Tingen City.

  If the people of the Aurora Society keep their word, then Mr. K's group will eventually come to Tingen City, as well as the Secret Order and the Psychological Alchemy Society.

  As expected, a predetermined destiny is about to take shape in Tingen City. It is not known how much the predetermined destiny will deviate from everything recorded in Zhou Mingrui's biography because of his appearance.

  Lu Yan picked up the pen and randomly drew a few lines on his notebook. During the process, Lu Yan's brows kept frowning, as if he was thinking about something.

  After carefully analyzing his own advantages, Lu Yan's frown slowly relaxed.

  The way to lure the snake out of the hole is actually very simple. As long as he releases the news that he wants to move the ashes of Saint Selina back to the church, Ince Zangwill will definitely be unable to sit still.

  It is not necessary to lure the snake out of the hole at this time. Ince has his own value. At least Ince should be the driving force for Zhou Mingrui to move forward. This is the agreement between him and the goddess.


  The second day.

  This morning, Lu Yan walked out of No. 4 Narcissus Street, his own house. Noticed that a neighbor had moved in at No. 6 Daffodil Street.

  His new neighbors are a couple. The man seems to be a senior solicitor. When Lu Yan passed by the office, he met this gentleman by chance. He seemed to be named Mr. Xiao De.

  If Backlund's salary is used as a reference standard, the weekly salary of a senior solicitor is about six pounds, which is considered a standard middle-class family.

  If he remembered correctly, this Mr. Xiao De was mentioned in Zhou Mingrui's biography, because he once lived in Lu Yan's current house and was a neighbor of the future Klein family.

  Lu Yan thought for a while and then put this matter behind him. He is often away from home, and it is not easy for this neighbor to visit him according to the etiquette created by the Loen middle class. Maybe there will not be much interaction between them.

  Lu Yan once again spent four pennies to get on the carriage that started operating early in the morning. Compared with the fare of Backlund's private carriage, the price charged by the horsemen in Tingen City was actually much lower.

  He remembered that the prices in Backlund were a little higher than those in Tingen City. But the price difference of several times between the two places' private carriages is a bit exaggerated.

  Before Lu Yan could finish analyzing which side of the carriage had unreasonable prices, the groom had already parked the carriage next to St. Selina Church on Red Moon Street.

  "Good morning, Father Yoni, Father Robert. May the goddess protect us." Lu Yan habitually tapped his chest four times and said with a smile in his eyes.

  The two priests seemed to have been waiting in front of the church for a while. After seeing Lu Yan's arrival, they cheered up and said hello to Lu Yan.

  "Good morning, Bishop Sotos, I have a lot to trouble you with today's mass." The two priests looked at each other, and then they distanced themselves without any trace of disgust.

  "I am far less skilled than the two of you when it comes to mass. I will need to rely on you more in the future." Lu Yan said sincerely.

  Even the bishops in the countryside could outsmart him based on his ability to hold masses. He still has some self-awareness. The most important thing is that he doesn't want to come to hold masses every day. The nameless man's ability allows him to do so. The benefits are negligible.

  "By the way, I have just come to Tingen to take up a post. I am not familiar with the other Orthodox churches in Tingen. Based on the principle of win-win cooperation, I plan to visit them starting today."

  There was nothing wrong with the reason Lu Yan used, and the two priests would not stop Lu Yan at all, so this matter was easily facilitated.

  The mass at St. Selina's Church was not as solemn and solemn as the one Lu Yan saw in Backlund. Instead, it had a bit of a casual feel. In short, it all ended in a short time.

  At half past ten, before Lu Yan bypassed Red Moon Street and resisted the Black Thorn Security Company at No. 36 Zotland Street, he happened to meet the waiter from the Old Weir Restaurant who came to ask about the order quantity.

  Not long after Lu Yan left, Carlos also got up and went to work in the security company. Well, the so-called job was to play Gwent with Leonard in the Nighthawks' lounge.

  "I'm really not working passively. I also wanted to guard Chanis Gate, but Captain Dunn said that the list of personnel to guard Chanis has been scheduled until next year." Carlos said with some disappointment.

  When he saw Lu Yan's figure appearing at the door of the entertainment room, he felt a little guilty inexplicably, just like he felt when he was caught doing small tricks in a church weekend school.

  Carlos' panic also affected Leonard, who was playing cards with him. The poet also hid the Gwent card behind his back with some guilt.

  It wasn't until the old man in his mind smiled a few times that Leonard realized that he had done nothing wrong.

  Captain Dunn happened to be walking out of his office at this moment. Captain Dunn, who originally wanted to go out and make a cup of coffee, was also attracted by the movement in the entertainment room.

  He landed gently in three or two steps and approached the entertainment room without any sound of footsteps.

  Standing at the bar, Rosanne saw all this, but she and Leonard usually had a bad relationship, so she was more interested in following Captain Dunn to watch the fun.

  Dunn, who had been leaning against the wall and eavesdropping for a while, shook his head helplessly. Finally, Dunn turned his gaze to Lu Yan, with an expression that seemed to say, "You can understand me."

  Captain Dunn did not arrange for Carlos to guard Chanis Gate. Even though Carlos expressed his willingness to stay there for a day, Captain Dunn still politely refused Carlos.

  Lu Yan also learned a little bit of the inside story from Dunn's eyes asking him for help, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net The church has probably warned Dunn about the dangers Carlos carries.

  After learning the situation, Lu Yan smiled slightly at Dunn, and then he found something to distract Carlos' attention, which also made Carlos not take the initiative to mention the matter again.

  It happened that Dunn also took advantage of this opportunity to express his doubts.

  "There shouldn't be any problems with Old Neil and Carlos being in contact for a long time, right?" Dunn gently stroked the remaining hair on his head with his right hand, his tone full of worry.

  The best captain in Tingen City was a little worried about whether Carlos and Old Neil getting together would attract more attention from the evil god.

  "It's okay. I still have a sense of control over these things. Don't worry too much. I will always keep an eye on their changes." Lu Yan comforted them in a calm tone.

  After getting the answer from Lu Yan, Captain Dunn also secretly glanced at Carlos with complicated eyes. Finally, all his emotions turned into a determined look. Just remember, before they lose control and become monsters, these people are His teammates!

  Lu Yan did not continue to persecute Carlos and Leonard. Carlos's intense study in recent days really needed to be paired with rest and entertainment.

  At twelve o'clock at noon, the waiter from Oldville Restaurant came to Blackthorn Security Company again, this time he came with everyone's lunch.

  For things like this, he would come again at three o'clock and five o'clock in the afternoon. He came in the afternoon to collect the dinner plates, determine the number of people ordering for the evening, and provide dinner for the security company.

  After Lu Yan waited for Carlos to finish his lunch, he prepared to continue his schedule for a few days and visit the River and Sea Church!

  Well, mostly for the Sage Charm!

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 49 The Spell of the Saint

  Leonard, the poet, has been very close to Carlos in the past two days. It seems that the poet feels that Carlos, like him, has a special temperament and is one of the protagonists of this era.

  When Lu Yan took Carlos on a mission this time, Leonard applied to Captain Dunn to act with Carlos because he had no mission to perform.

  This was not a big deal, so Dunn glanced at Leonard's task list and approved it casually.

  "Well, why are you two staring at each other all the time?" Lu Yan walked behind the two of them and noticed the strange behavior between Carlos and Leonard.

  Carlos looked at Lu Yan with pleading eyes and said with a bit of uncertainty in his tone.

  "Leonard seems to be encouraging me to betray the Church of the Night." After saying this, Carlos deliberately stayed away from Leonard, seeming to be a little afraid of Leonard's behavior.

  After being misunderstood by Mijia, Mr. Poet was speechless for a moment. He really didn't mean that! He just wanted to find out if Carlos was the same as him. I really had no intention of betraying the church because of Carlos. He was wronged!

  Lu Yan stopped a private carriage, asked the coachman about the way to travel, and chose to ask the coachman to take them to the River and Sea Church on a timed basis.

  "Conspiracy loudly in front of me?" Lu Yan smiled slightly, and looked at Leonard with a smile between the corners of his mouth.

  Before Leonard's downed brain could react, Lu Yan continued: "Don't worry, I believe you wouldn't do such a thing."

  "I think it's because Carlos and I are not very familiar with the customs and customs of Tingen City, so we can't understand your friendly way. So we have different ideas about some things."

  After Leonard heard the explanation Lu Yan had thought up for him, he nodded instinctively and walked down the large stairs.

  The poet classmate has a strong aura of being a middle school student, but this aura of being a middle school student will present a strange and unimaginable sight in the eyes of Carlos, who does not understand the second class. Just like two-dimensional creatures cannot understand three-dimensional creatures.

  Moreover, even Zhou Mingrui, who had traveled from modern society, was a little overwhelmed by Mr. Poet's eccentric character at first.

  Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this incident was finally over. In the blink of an eye, he met Leonard's resentful eyes, which frightened the usually lively Carlos so much that he didn't say a word the whole way.

  The North and West districts of Tingen City are under the jurisdiction of the Nighthawks, the East and South districts are under the jurisdiction of the Punishers, and the Church of Steam and Machinery is only responsible for areas outside the suburbs.

  In Loen, the majority of faith is always in the hands of the Church of Storms and the Church of Night. The Church of Steam and Mechanics can only barely drink a little bit of soup. This can be seen from the areas under the jurisdiction of each church.

  The carriage drove for nearly an hour, and Lu Yan and others finally resisted the River and Sea Church.

  River and Sea Church is a very special church. It was built in Tingen City, a large city in Loen. However, the Church of Storms has not yet arranged for the Holy See to be here. Otherwise, it should have been renamed to a church that begins with the word Holy. .

  Although the name of the church is not high-end enough, it does not prevent the Church of Storms from exerting absolute control over the surrounding area. Brother Storm still has this area firmly under his control.

  Information about the visit of Lu Yan and others was sent out from St. Selina Church in the morning. If no accident occurred, the Church of Storms would have received the relevant information before twelve noon.

  So when they got off the bus, Bishop Albarelli had been waiting in the square in front of the church for some time.

  According to normal etiquette, Bishop Albarelli only needs to wait in the church. Because it was Lu Yan who took the initiative to visit them, and there was no superior-subordinate relationship between them.

  However, Bishop Albarelli considered that he had invited him to River and Sea Church in Backlund. It would be really shameful if he did not come out to greet him!

  "Long time no see. How have you been lately, Bishop Albarelli." Lu Yanzhu said hello.

  He didn't use any church language, as if he was just making a phone call with an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

  Bishop Albarelli had a faint smile on his face. He was still struggling with what to do if Lu Yan greeted him using the etiquette of the Church of the Night so as not to make the atmosphere awkward.

  Now it seems that he was overthinking it. The Bishop of the Night is indeed a sweet-tempered person, he speaks well and is generous with his actions. He is ready to use a Saint's Talisman as a return gift.

  "My friend, all is well with me these days."

  "What about you? Is everything going well?" Bishop Albarelli said boldly.

  The exchange between the two of them also made the people around them feel a slight sigh of relief. Bishop Albarelli's fiery temper was well known to the Church of Storms, and they were originally worried that their bishop would conflict with the Night Bishop.

  Now it seems that everything is going for the better.

  "Everything is fine with me." Lu Yan said with a slight smile.

  "Uh, uh, hiss. Ahem, my friend, let's go to the church and have a chat. It's windy outside." Bishop Albarelli said several meaningless words in succession as if something was stuck in his throat. meaning words.

  Bishop Albarelli felt some burning pain on his face. He just wanted to say Lu Yan's name, but after thinking for a long time, he found that he didn't know what the other person's name was.

  Fortunately, the Bishop of the Night did not notice anything unusual. Bishop Albarelli glanced at Lu Yan without any trace, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that the other party did not doubt his performance just now.

  It seems that I need to think of a way next, and it is best to ask the other party's name without leaving any trace.

  As he expected, Lu Yan didn't feel anything unusual, or in other words, he didn't care about Bishop Albarelli's actions.

  However, Leonard behind him keenly noticed Bishop Albarelli's abnormality, which made Leonard begin to speculate on his purpose.

  After thinking for a while, Leonard felt that the things involved seemed to be beyond his thinking, so he muttered silently in his mind: "Old man!"

  "Old man, does this Storm Bishop have some evil intentions?"

  Pales didn't pay much attention to the outside world. Except when Leonard saw Lu Yan for the first time, he sat up in shock and said a few words while dying of illness. He spent the rest of the time sleeping and recovering himself. He was just too weak.

  "There is nothing wrong with you following your bishop, just listen to him." Pales spoke in Leonard's mind in a weak tone.

  Seeing this, Leonard had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart. Since the old man said so, there should be nothing wrong with following Bishop Lu Yan.

  Since it was in the name of win-win cooperation and exchange, Lu Yan naturally had to make a statement, at least pretending to be in front of the Church of Storms people.

  When he and Bishop Albarelli came to the prayer room to avoid other members of the Church of the Storm, the conversation between the two became more and more deviant. Carlos and Leonard noticed this, but they consciously did not To correct the direction of the two people's chat.

  The prayer room is not dark. The architectural style of Storm Church is different from that of Night Church. The upper part of their prayer room has glazed blue glass.

  When the light shines into the room through the glass, it shows a light blue color, making people feel like they are in the magnificent sea.

  "Ahem, that kid Jayne asked me about your name last time and said he didn't know what your name was."

  "I was angry at the time. I said you were my best friend! The kid was shocked by me at the time. That was so fast! He said he was not convinced and asked me what your name was."

  "I was so angry all of a sudden. How could I not know your name? Our friendship is so deep!"


  Bishop Albarelli coughed twice tactically. Jayne was in Backlund recently, so he shouldn't mind throwing the blame on his head, and Jayne indeed forgot to ask the name of the Night Bishop several times.

  "Haha, only you, a good friend, care about my reputation outside, Lu Yan Sotos. It's normal for others not to know." Lu Yan's expression was smiling, and his tone was a little careless.

  Bishop Albarelli's bullshit ability is really good. Is the ability to bullshit a required course for every bishop? Lu Yan thought in his heart.

  "Sotos! My dear friend! Hey, that boy Jayne is so outrageous." Bishop Albarelli said, pretending to be slightly angry.

  But the real scene in his heart was that he was quite happy. Although his little trick was discovered by Lu Yan, Lu Yan cooperated very well to resolve his embarrassment, which made him couldn't help but sigh that this young boy was actually very wealthy. deep.

  "I had a gift I wanted to give you last time, but I didn't trust Jayne to give it to you. After all, he has never been able to change his habit of being careless." A hint of embarrassment flashed across Bishop Albarelli's face.

  Speaking of gifts, Lu Yan immediately cheered up, but he was a little unsure whether Bishop Albarelli still had the Saint's Talisman.

  According to the revelation given by the derivation of the copy of destiny, the talisman in Bishop Albarelli's hand had long been used by Jayne to escape the Aurora Society's raid.

  He didn't have high hopes for coming this time, he just wanted to give it a try. The most important thing is that this matter does not cost him much time, and there is no loss in trying.

  "Speaking of gifts, I also brought gifts for this visit." Lu Yan took out a small wooden box from his pocket.

  The small wooden box in his hand is extraordinarily delicate, with exquisite patterns spreading across the glossy surface of the box, like an extremely exquisite work of art.

  When Bishop Albarelli's eyes fell on the box in Lu Yan's hand, a familiar feeling appeared in his heart, and he understood almost instantly what the function of the box was.

  With excitement, Bishop Albarelli carefully took the wooden box from Lu Yan's hand and glanced around with the corner of his eye before putting it into his backpack.

  "You're welcome, you're welcome." Bishop Albarelli smiled sincerely.

  "I almost forgot, wait for me, my gift hasn't been packed in the box yet." Bishop Albarelli silently put the Saint's Talisman back in his pocket.

  Lu Yan's behavior today shows that he must have more mummy spells! He must grasp this kind of friend. Although a gift of a saint's talisman is precious enough, the quantity still seems a bit petty.

  Bishop Albarelli walked out of the prayer room in a few steps, leaving behind a hurried figure, which revived Carlos and Leonard who were almost asleep with full health in a short time.

  "Are you done talking?" Carlos' tone contained a mixture of inquiry and expectation.

  Leonard thought for a while and said: "This should be considered halftime. We won't be able to say anything later and we need to continue."

  Mr. Poet still paid some attention to the chat between the two, so he knew that Bishop Storm was only leaving temporarily. At the same time, he also had thousands of emotions because of this, and he couldn't help but feel the dull voice in his mind. asked.

  "Old man, do you know why nonsense literature is so popular among the top leaders of the church?"

  "Isn't it better to talk about some things directly? Why go around in circles."

  Pales was a little helpless about Leonard's question. This young man was too naive. If this boy hadn't met him, a conscientious thief, he would have died long ago.

  "The more high-sequence extraordinary people use extraordinary power, the greater the impact it will have on themselves. At the same time, the confrontation between high-sequence extraordinary people will also attract the attention of some indescribable things."

  "Therefore, high-sequence Extraordinaries tend to be more restrained. The result of restraint is something called human feelings and sophistication."

  "UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net relies on this kind of thing, which cannot be said to be good or bad, to maintain the fragile relationship between high-sequence strong people and stabilize the world and society."

  Pales wanted to use what happened in the years between the Four Emperors as an example, but he suddenly realized that Leonard, a kid, didn't understand the history of that period at all.

  Even if he said it, he would probably be lying to others. Thinking of this, Pales continued to sleep. People are old, ah, no, it should be that the angel is disabled and needs more rest.

  Leonard seemed to understand. From this, he thought that the implicit exchange between his captain and Miss Dai Li was also a matter of human nature.

  After a while, Bishop Albarelli returned to the prayer room with a fist-high wooden box in his hand.

  Lu Yan had seen the appearance of the box. The gift given to him by Storm last time was also packaged like this. If he guessed correctly, it should contain a charm unique to the Church of Storms.

  "This is a little bit of caution on my part. It's best to keep the contents of the small box carefully." Bishop Albarelli came closer and said in a low voice.

  Lu Yan naturally understood what he meant, just like Bishop Albarelli instantly understood the meaning of his gift.

  After the two people gave each other gifts, the topic of conversation gradually changed back to serious matters. The following points were summarized: jointly combating extraordinary cults, such as the Aurora Society, the Witch Sect, the Moss Ascetic Society, the Secret Order, etc. There is also the topic of cooperation between Nighthawks and Punishers performing tasks across regions.

  "It's getting late, so we will leave temporarily. May the friendship between the Church of Night and the Church of Storms last forever."

  Lu Yan noticed that the color of the glass through the glazed window was gradually dyed with a hint of dark yellow. Time passed so fast. Unexpectedly, they had just chatted a little and the whole afternoon had passed.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 50 Red Moon and Origin

  Bishop Albarelli's loud voice gradually stopped speaking, and all the sounds in the room disappeared as Lu Yan stopped communicating. The noisy prayer room also became silent in an instant.

  In the quiet prayer room, slight snoring sounded in Lu Yan's ears, which made him laugh a little. Looking back, he found Carlos and Leonard sleeping with their heads on one side.

  Perhaps because of the sudden change in the noisy environment, Carlos and Leonard opened their eyes hazily.

  "We should go." Lu Yan reminded the two sleepy people softly.

  When he and Bishop Albarelli were chatting about work, he did somewhat ignore the feelings of Carlos and Leonard. It is normal for young teenagers not to like such boring topics. No, he is also a teenager himself. Hmm, something feels weird.


  "May the friendship between the Church of Storms and the Church of Night last forever." Bishop Albarelli also replied in the same way.

  This visit was undoubtedly a success, not only for Lu Yan, but also for the Nighthawks team, and it was also beneficial to the relationship between the two parties. At least the nighthawks won't have a headache when they find suspects absconding into the southern and eastern districts of Tingen City.

  As for the schedule to visit the Church of Steam and Machinery, there is no rush for today. The sky is already a little dark now. Considering that it would take some time to go to the Church of Steam, Lu Yan simply gave up the idea.

  "Please bring these charms to Dunn. I think the Nighthawks need these things more than me."

  After Lu Yan took out the small box from the large wooden box, he handed the remaining storm charm to Leonard.

  He has never used any of the charms that Jayne gave him as a return gift from Backlund. In addition, there are really too many of them now, and neither he nor Carlos can use them all.

  "Okay." Leonard's tone was a little dazed.

  He did not expect that Bishop Lu Yan would give all the personal gifts given to him by Bishop Storm to the Nighthawks. This behavior was a bit too selfless.

  Thinking of this, Leonard couldn't help but remind Lu Yan: "Don't you keep a few for yourself?"

  Lu Yan shook his head. The saint's talisman in his hand could be worth the sum of all the talismans in Leonard's hand, but he would not tell such secret things.

  "I don't need it, I still have many such charms." Lu Yan said sincerely.

  Leonard didn't say anything. He was impressed by Bishop Lu Yan's noble character. He had only seen this kind of selfless spirit in his captain.

  "I will report this matter to the captain." Leonard nodded solemnly and said.

  Lu Yan didn't know what Leonard was thinking, so they found a carriage and returned to the West District.

  It was almost time to get off work, so Lu Yan simply returned to Narcissus Street. He couldn't wait to open the gift given to him by Bishop Albarelli.

  Just from the appearance, the box containing the Saint's Talisman seemed to be made of wood, but after Lu Yan carefully observed the box for a while, he was sure that it was not made of ordinary wood.

  The surface of the box has complex patterns, and it feels cold when held in the hand, as if holding an ice cube in the hand. Lu Yan pondered slightly.


  The wooden lock was gently opened by Lu Yan, and a blue talisman lay quietly in his box.

  The talisman is obviously different from the talisman he saw in the copy of destiny. This once again proves that his copy of destiny is derived from his knowledge. Most of the things he has not seen are lost in the copy. It is composed of the contents of the memory.

  When he took the wooden talisman in his hand, he instantly understood the function of the strange box. The box that was overflowing with cold power every moment was used to neutralize the irritable talisman.

  At this point, Lu Yan finally obtained this powerful Saint Talisman.

  After confirming that there was nothing abnormal about the talisman, Lu Yan carefully put the talisman into a wooden box for preservation and put it in his pocket.

  Well, the sense of security has increased a lot.


  This morning, Carlos sent all the uneaten cakes to the orphanage, which also led to Carlos needing to go to Slim Bakery to buy some cakes tonight.

  Not long after, Carlos opened the door of the house, and a sweet smell suddenly filled the air. He was holding a bag of cakes in his hand, but this time the cake was only for two people.

  Carlos specifically asked Mrs. Wendy today how much bread he needed to buy for a meal for two people. After Mrs. Wendy taught him how to judge the amount of bread needed, when he was checking out, he found that he only paid Less than a quarter of yesterday's money.

  "Today's cake is hazelnut chocolate cake. It is a new cake. It is said to taste better than Backlund's chocolate cake." Carlos said with extreme appreciation in his tone.

  Lu Yan tilted his head slightly and looked at Carlos. After his silver-white eyes stayed on Carlos' face for a few seconds, he noticed the chocolate residue at the corner of Carlos' mouth.

  "It is said that eating too much chocolate bean cake will make you gain weight." Lu Yan teased with a hint of smile in his eyes.

  A hint of guilt flashed through Carlos' eyes, and he said in an unnatural tone: "Haha, luckily I didn't eat too much. I only ate a little bit."

  "Help me apply for some materials when you go to the Nighthawks Team tomorrow. I need to try some ritual magic." Lu Yan took the hazelnut chocolate cake from Carlos' hand.

  Then he seemed to remember something again, and continued after being silent for a while: "When you receive the materials, you can intentionally leak them to Old Neil."

  Old Neil has studied ritual magic for a long time, so he naturally knows very clearly what some materials symbolize. Lu Yan's purpose is to make Old Neil doubt his purpose.

  Carlos knew Lu Yan's purpose without thinking too much. After swallowing the chocolate cake in his mouth, he replied in a clear tone: "Okay."

  Lu Yan felt relieved when he saw this. After tasting the chocolate cake in his hand, he went to the second floor again. There was so much occult knowledge about life, and it was not enough for him to just study "The Making of Life".

  The book he wants to study today is called "Origin and Red Moon". The origin of this book is rather complicated. It is said that it was seized during an extraordinary incident.

  Therefore, Lu Yan also deliberately read through the files of the Nighthawks team's cases. The result was not much different from what he had guessed. The books originally came out of the Rose Sect.

  The Rose School is one of the factions of the Parliament of Life. They believe in a god named the Original Moon, and this original moon god has an inseparable relationship with the alien gods in the starry sky.

  Because the book is related to the red moon, the book ended up in the Church of the Night Goddess, who has the unique path to the moon.

  The original copy of this book was sealed in the Chanis Gate of St. Samuel's Church. The book in Lu Yan's hand was just a copy he copied in Chinese in the Chanis Gate before coming to Tingen City.

  The book "Origin and Red Moon" focuses on understanding the connection between the spirituality carried by life and the moon. Through one's own spirituality, one can reach a certain connection with the red moon hanging high in the sky, thereby sublimating one's body. Therefore, this book has an inseparable relationship with the moon and the mother path.

  The path of the moon and mother both belong to the pillar-level old fallen mother goddess. However, during the fight between Tianzun and God, the melon-eating mother goddess who was attracted by the law of aggregation was accidentally caught in the aftermath of the battle between Tianzun and God. It pulled away part of the sequence and source material.

  This part of the sequence and source material fell into the original barrier with the fall of Tianzun and God. The Mother Goddess naturally wanted to retrieve these lost source materials, but what stood in front of the Mother Goddess was a chasm. The kind that was helpless in the past, just because it was the barrier left by the original Creator.

  Speaking of the Mother Goddess, Lu Yan was very lucky. Fortunately, he was targeted by the Ring of Fate. If he had been targeted by the Fallen Mother Goddess and the Mother Tree of Desire, it would have been even worse than now.

  Later, for unknown reasons, a sequence belonging to the Fallen Mother Goddess was contaminated by another Outer God's Mother Tree of Desire. Therefore, this sequence became a big pit. If you were not careful, it would be a big pit contaminated by an Outer God. This also led to Books related to it are also pitfalls.

  Fortunately, Lu Yan can rely on his own uniqueness to resist the pollution from outside gods, and the pollution only exists in the original of the book and will not be transmitted to Lu Yan's Chinese excerpts and rubbings. Because of this, Lu Yan was able to Dare to rub the books in Chanis Gate.

  Although the books he printed in Chinese could hide most of the information, they could easily reveal that he knew Roselle. After all, Lu Yan's Chinese writing was much more beautiful than that of Emperor Roselle.

  It seems that the diaries of Emperor Russell are quite popular on the market. If he fakes a batch of diaries, he can get a lot of gold pounds. In any case, no one else can tell whether the notes are genuine or not. This seems to be a quick way to obtain funds, but it is somewhat unethical.

  One day in the future, those time-travelers who can read Chinese who fall from the Source Castle may gnash their teeth at those diaries that are different from true to false, but before that, the biggest victim will probably be Mr. Fool.

  The nights in March are long, starry, and dark clouds are floating everywhere, sometimes covering the moon, hiding the crimson moonlight in the clouds.

  When the moonlight outside the window was obscured by dark clouds for the third time, Lu Yan lowered his head slightly and gently blew out the kerosene lamp on his left hand side.

  It was too much, so he put the notebook he used to record lines on the third layer of the book as a bookmark and went to rest.

  The next morning.

  When Lu Yan got up, Carlos was baking bread in the living room downstairs. Lu Yan's eyes fell on Carlos' side face, and he could clearly see the happy expression on the other person's face.

  "I have completely digested the secret-peeping potion left in my body today." Carlos said impatiently.

  The moment Carlos saw Lu Yan's figure appeared from the second floor, he couldn't wait to share the good news with Lu Yan.

  These days of intensive study played an important role in digesting his potions. Especially after seeing many secret things and adhering to the rules of acting, his digestion of potions was extremely fast.

  Another part of the reason is that he understands the true meaning of the secret peeper, understands why the secret peeper secretly secrets, and knows that he himself is the guardian of knowledge, and guarding the secret while peeping into the secret, this is what they need to do.

  Let the secret knowledge be passed down, bury the dangerous knowledge, and spread the beneficial knowledge. This is their code of conduct.

  At the beginning, he had no clue. He only knew what Lu Yan told him: "Do whatever you want, do no harm."

  Later, he gradually understood this sentence, and now he truly understands the meaning of this sentence, and at the same time he also summarized the complete rules of acting.

  But what to do next as the combat scholar stumped him. He always felt that the two sequences of the secret voyeur and the combat scholar were completely incompatible. UU read www.uukanshu.net

  Thinking of this, he looked at Lu Yan for help. He hoped that Lu Yan could know some rules about playing a fighting scholar.

  "Just digest it. Next, you have to prepare to collect the main ingredients for the wizard's potion. I can't help you much at this point." Lu Yan habitually pulled out the Backlund Morning News that Ross had fetched for him from the entrance. , said in a calm tone.

  "Similarly, I don't know what the rules are for fighting scholars." Lu Yan saw Carlos' doubts, but he really couldn't do anything about it. He was really not familiar with the hermit path.

  However, he still told what he knew: "Although I don't know what the fighting scholar's playing rules are, I can definitely tell you that the fighting scholar's playing rules must have something in common with the playing rules of the Secret Peeper. "

  "Each sequence has its own core. Once you find that core, you can understand the entire sequence." Lu Yan said thoughtfully. That's about all he knew about the sequence.

  "By the way, digesting the fighting scholar's potion is more important than finding the main ingredients for the wizard's potion. Maybe you can try to join the fighting club." Lu Yan reminded cautiously.

  Even if Carlos has collected the main ingredients for the potion to be promoted to a wizard now, Lu Yan will prevent him from being promoted. This is not because he opposes Carlos' promotion sequence, but because he is worried that the Hidden Sage will be promoted when Carlos is promoted. Make a fool of yourself.

  Every time an Extraordinary in the Hermit Sequence is promoted, he will be actively instilled with knowledge by the Hidden Sage, and when he is just promoted, it happens to be the time when the Extraordinary's spirit is at its weakest.

  At this time, if you encounter the hidden sage's murmuring attack again, the possibility of losing control and turning into a monster will increase many times!

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