
chpater 8

Chapter 36 Boarding the Ship

  After listening to Lu Yan's description, Deacon Sesima looked at Lu Yan with a very strange look. Did he really want to know if this description could actually summon a messenger?

  Until he saw Lu Yan's indifferent expression, Sesima knew that Lu Yan's summoning was really successful. Perhaps even Lu Yan himself didn't know how extraordinary this summoning spell was when used on a messenger.

  "Is there anything unusual about you summoning the messenger?" Sesima carefully observed Lu Yan's micro-expression. He was worried that Lu Yan would be influenced by the messenger and subconsciously ignore some unreasonable things.

  "It's quite normal. It meets my requirements." Lu Yan felt that there was nothing wrong except that he looked a little weird.

  But then he thought, maybe Deacon Sesima wanted to know this, so he paused and said: "Apart from the strange appearance, there are no big problems in other aspects."

  Deacon Sesima frowned slightly. The strange appearance was not something unusual. There were too many strange-looking spiritual creatures, or it should be said that there were too few normal-looking spiritual creatures.

  "I gave him a name, Ross." Lu Yan added.

  Sesima thought carefully for a while, feeling that the world seemed a little strange, and some common sense things seemed to have undergone strange changes.

  According to objective laws, the relationship between the messenger and the owner is an equal contract, so it is difficult to name the messenger.

  Just like a friend you just met wants to give you a name. Normal people would not accept this proposal, and the same is true for spiritual creatures.

  "Most creatures in the spiritual world are dangerous, please be careful." Deacon Sesima thought about many things, but in the end he only said this sentence. He still doesn't understand what's going on with Lu Yan's messenger.

  The sky was dark, the dusk in the distance was gradually darkening, the moon shadow was dancing, and the crimson moonlight and yellow-orange sunset were reflected on the Tasok River at the same time.

  After a busy day, Lu Yan looked at the red sun that was gradually sinking into the river. He leaned against the wall in front of the window of the room. The black tea on the table seemed to be freshly brewed.

  The steam is steaming, and the gentle water vapor is like the mist covering the mountains and fields in the early morning.

  The sun has been swallowed up by the rivers, and the last ray of light has been driven away by the crimson moon in the sky. Loen is a land belonging to the moonlight.

  The tea mist disappeared, and the warm tea was reduced to water like the snow that can be seen everywhere in the winter morning in Loen. Several hours had passed.

  Lu Yan sat in front of his desk, browsing the knowledge he had not finished reading yesterday with the help of the crimson moonlight outside the window and the orange flame superimposed on the dim yellow flame of the kerosene lamp.

  Another few hours passed.

  It was still quiet outside the door. People walked by in the corridor from time to time, but no one stopped in front of the door and knocked on the weak wooden door.

  "Carlos won't be coming tonight."

  Lu Yan blew out the increasingly dim kerosene lamp on the table and climbed onto the bed, which was not soft, to end the day.


  In the next few days, Lu Yan stayed in St. Samuel's Church honestly and had no desire to go out.

  The extraordinary knowledge stored in the church is very comprehensive. If you leave the church and want to independently establish an extraordinary system, you don't know how much it will cost.

  During the last few days of staying at St. Samuel's Church, Carlos, like Lu Yan, was learning extraordinary knowledge and establishing his own extraordinary system.

  But the difference is that Lu Yan's learning is based on his own interests, while Carlos is willing to accept anyone who comes. As long as he has extraordinary knowledge, Carlos is willing to intern.

  Carlos, a Beyonder of the Hermit Sequence, should have been persecuted by the Hidden Sage at this time, but fortunately, the goddess aura of the Church of the Night and the half-unique aura of Lu Yan prevented the Hidden Sage from being in trouble during this period. Los.

  "Your past memories were sealed by Archbishop Anthony." Lu Yan removed the quill in his hand from the book and said in a somewhat casual tone.

  Carlos put down the book in his hand and poked his head out of the table. There was not much emotion in his eyes, as if he was waiting for Lu Yan's next words.

  Lu Yan retold the incident according to Archbishop Anthony's wishes. He did not even bring much personal emotion into the retelling process. He maintained absolute neutrality.

  After hearing this, Carlos did not act excessively and could only nod his head dullly.

  "I know, if you can, please thank Bishop Anthony for me." Carlos didn't know what emotion he should use to face Bishop Anthony.

  In short, gratitude is greater than other emotions. If it were not for Archbishop Anthony, he would have gone crazy at that time, and later he would not have met Captain Sesima or Bishop Lu Yan.

  "I heard from Deacon Sesima that you have already made a request to him to go to Tingen with me." The quill in Lu Yan's hand did not pause, and he seemed to be just asking casually.

  "Yes, I had this idea a long time ago, but I was addicted to vanity at the time, so I didn't choose to leave you in the end."

  "But I have figured it out now. I want to leave Backlund's Church of the Night and go to Tingen City with you."

  "In that city, there may be hope for me to be promoted, or there may be hope for revenge."

  Lu Yan was stunned, raised his head slightly, and stared at Carlos.

  "Don't do anything you're not sure about. Ince Zangwill is currently at Sequence Five, and he may have been planning for promotion over the years." Lu Yan said with a heavy tone.

  Hatred is the driving force for growth, but don't be blinded by hatred, because this is called seeking death.

  "And your parents are still working in Backlund." Lu Yan spoke not loudly.

  But Carlos was stunned by the small voice. For him, these light words were more effective than any other persuasion.

  "Think more about the people who are alive, love you, and care about you." Lu Yan tapped the table a few times with his quill.

  According to the popular trends in the Backlund Theater or the novel world, going dark should strengthen all aspects by three points, but Carlos doesn't seem to be much stronger, especially in terms of IQ.

  "I understand, Bishop Lu Yan." Carlos took a deep breath to calm down his turbulent mood.

  "Tomorrow I will take a cruise to Tingen City." Lu Yan closed the book in front of him and said with a smile on his face.

  Like Carlos, he felt that Backlund had too many restrictions on him, and Tingen, known as the university city, was more suitable for his development.

  "This time when I went to Tingen City, Deacon Sesima asked me to take the black box of the second-level sealed object to St. Selina Church. It is said that the effect is to seal the space."

  "Actively using the box can disable all teleportation capabilities within a five-meter range and isolate spirituality to a certain extent, which is equivalent to a spiritual wall."

  "The sealing method is that if there is a living person within one meter, the sealed object will not move. If there is no living person within one meter, the sealed object will spontaneously expand, erode the space, and form an inaccessible space."

  "Remember to take it with you, this sealed artifact will be of great use to you." Lu Yan sighed heavily.

  Based on the effect of the sealed object, Lu Yan guessed Deacon Sesima's intention. This sealed object should have two purposes, to trap the enemy or trap Carlos himself.

  The description of the Sealed Artifact states that a living person within one meter will not be activated, but an out-of-control Extraordinary person is not considered a living person.

  If Carlos suddenly loses control, as long as the people around him are one meter away from Carlos, the out-of-control Carlos will be directly blocked by the activated seal.

  Lu Yan was understandable for Deacon Sesima's actions. As long as Carlos was still Carlos, the sealed object would be a powerful prop in Carlos's hands. If Carlos loses control, the sealed object can stop the tragedy in time.

  This matter may not be easy for Carlos to accept. Lu Yan was silent for a rare moment, thinking about whether to tell Carlos about this matter.

  Lu Yan, who was a little distracted, picked up other books on the desk and flipped through them boringly for a while. The corner of his eye never left Carlos.

  "Are you afraid that you will lose control?" Lu Yan asked in a low voice.

  Carlos trembled all over, as if he was a little afraid of what Lu Yan said. This question seemed to be directly pressed on his heart.

  "Of course I'm afraid. If I lose my mind one day in the future, I hope you can kill me before I become deformed." Carlos lowered his eyebrows and buried himself in the messy pile of papers on the table.

  "A deformed Extraordinary is not a living person." Lu Yan picked up the black tea on the desk and took a sip. The hot tea had turned cold under the influence of time.

  Carlos thought along Lu Yan's train of thought, and after a moment he nodded with understanding.

  In his mind, it should be said that there was an Extraordinary person in Tingen City who was on the verge of losing control, and Deacon Sesima wanted to use his hand to send the sealed artifact to Tingen.

  He didn't think about himself, because he had not been harmed by the hidden sage until now, so naturally he didn't know that in the eyes of others, he was the one on the verge of losing control.

  "I understand. I will give the sealed artifact to those who need it at the critical moment." Carlos said solemnly.

  Lu Yan withdrew his gaze, and decided to wait until Carlos felt the horror of the Hidden Sage firsthand before he could discuss the matter with him in detail.


  the next day.

  The early morning light was particularly beautiful. Lu Yan arrived at the dock to wait for the passenger ship before it got dark this morning.

  On the sparkling water surface, pure golden light shines on the churning waves of the Tasok River, and the gold and dark blue river water shine together.

  Behind the container not far away, Carlos poked his head out slightly, seeming to be observing the surroundings. In order not to be stunned by Deacon Sesima's use of nightgrass essential oil, he didn't even rest last night, taking advantage of other things. People sneaked out of the church without paying attention.

  The morning cruise would take some time to arrive, which meant he still had to wait for a long time in the cold winter wind.

  Soon after, a large number of troops in black robes arrived at the dock, many of whom were people familiar to Carlos.

  Archbishop Anthony, Bishop Electra, Deacon Sesima, etc.

  At the same time, this was the time when Carlos was most worried, but it was also the time when he was most excited. As long as he could get through this period of time, he could successfully go to Tingen City.

  Led by Archbishop Anthony, all church members clicked four times clockwise on their chests to outline the pattern of the crimson moon.

  "May the goddess bless you." Lu Yan also did the same action, but he said it first after the action was over.

  In the distance, the gorgeous cruise ship gradually approached the coast. Lu Yan still had to say hello to his colleagues who came to see him off, so naturally he would not board the ship immediately.

  Carlos chose this moment. While Deacon Sesima was talking to Lu Yan, he squeezed into the boarding team in a few steps.

  Among the huge crowd, Carlos's thin figure was quickly submerged in the sea of ​​people.

  "Did something rush past just now?" Deacon Sesima laughed softly.

  Carlos underestimated the abilities of Sequence Five Extraordinaries. Even if Carlos was ten times faster, it would be impossible to escape his perception.

  "Could it be a rat? Do you want to go over and have a look? After all, rats are likely to carry diseases." Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  He knew from the beginning that Carlos was hiding in the warehouse over there, or in other words, only Carlos himself thought that his plan had not been discovered.

  In fact, at this moment, Lu Yan and Deacon Sesima both thought of the phrase "hiding one's ears and stealing the bell" once coined by Emperor Russell!

  "I'm not going, I'm too tired. I can't stand reading www.uukanshu.net anymore. When there is a rat plague in Tingen City, please remember to contact me." Deacon Sesima looked at the cruise ship in the distance with a faint look.

  He wanted to prevent Carlos from going to Tingen, but Carlos' departure from the Red Gloves organization might not be a bad thing.

  The members of the Red Gloves all deal with dangerous extraordinary tasks. Carlos is watched by the evil god, which may lead to unpredictable changes in certain situations due to the evil god's gaze.

  As for the plan influenced by the evil god, the final outcome may be that everyone involved in this matter will fall into the abyss. The god is as powerful as hell, and the evil god is also a god!

  "I will find a way. There are some differences between hidden sages and real gods." Lu Yan frowned and sighed.

  The Hidden Sage was the one whose uniqueness in the Hidden Sequence was contaminated by the Wilderness of Sefirot Knowledge and became an evil god. In a sense, he is more difficult to deal with than ordinary gods.

  Deacon Sesima didn't say anything, she just put her hand on Lu Yan's shoulder and whispered, "If you need anything, come to me anytime!"

  Sesima couldn't stop Lu Yan's plan, just like he couldn't stop Carlos from leaving.

  "Okay, I won't let your fighting power go unused." Lu Yan said without hesitation.

  He knew what kind of person Deacon Sesima was, so saying this would make Sesima feel more at ease.

  In fact, this is also true. Sesima is a Sequence Five who can arm-wrestle with the Saint. If he does not use it, then Lu Yan will have no one to use him.

  "In this case, I can rest assured. I will use nightgrass essential oil when necessary." Deacon Sesima handed a jar of small objects to Lu Yan.

  On the outside of the glass, the liquid inside is green and transparent, and you can faintly smell the subtle scent of sandalwood.

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 37 The last newspaper

  Lu Yan put the scented nightgrass essential oil in his pocket, and at the same time wrote down the methods that Sesima leaned over to tell him about how to make extraordinary essential oil.

  After saying goodbye to the remaining people, Lu Yan boarded the huge steel machine Tulip under the attention of everyone.

  The steam engine hums, white smoke penetrates the sky like pillars, the rising sun in the distance burns a sponge like fire, and the gentle breeze cuts across the calm river.

  For ordinary people, this is a truly beautiful era, the best era when industry and culture compete for glory. For extraordinary people, this is also the best era. The gods do not appear and the saints are honored.

  For the gods, this is the most tragic time, the end of the world, Ragnarok.

  For Lu Yan, this was just an insignificant day on his journey to Tingen City. Perhaps this day would not cause many waves in his short memory.


  Perhaps because the farewell ceremony of the Church of the Night was too grand, Lu Yan's identity had long been known to all parties on the Tulip. Around Lu Yan's identity, an invisible undercurrent began to surge.

  The deck has always been the best viewing area. Like Lu Yan, many tourists took a boat to a distant place for the first time. They were also curious about what the so-called sea scenery was like.

  There was a huge flow of people, and a few couples were cuddling together, either deep in thought, watching the sea, or chatting. Everything on the deck formed a microcosm of the upper class society in Loen.

  Lu Yan said that he was holding a glass of mixed freshly squeezed juice in his left hand and today's Backlund Morning News in his right hand. He placed his left foot behind his right foot and leaned against the railing on the second deck.

  Few people want to disturb other people's leisure time at this time. This is a kind of impolite behavior. Lu Yan wanted to spend the day peacefully, just feeling the sea breeze.

  But there will eventually be a slight difference between reality and ideals. Carlos may be late, but he will not be late. After Lu Yan experienced the leisure time at sea for a while, he met the first person who ruined his pleasant time.

  "Deacon Sesima didn't catch up with her!" Carlos looked around for a while.

  "Don't worry. Since Deacon Sesima has handed over the sealed artifact to you, it means that he agrees with you to follow me." Lu Yan gently poked Carlos on the head with his finger.

  Now, with Carlos's IQ, he probably wouldn't have any chance of winning against Ince. Lu Yan frowned slightly and thought, this idea came to his mind.

  "Is there something wrong?" Carlos touched his head in confusion. Was Bishop Lu Yan hinting at something?

  "No, I just want to see what's in your head." Lu Yan said with a smile.

  "Maybe a juice mix?"

  Lu Yan raised his left hand and put the cup of mixed juice to his mouth and took a sip. It was fragrant and delicious, including apples, grapes, and some lemon juice.

  "Here is your favorite juice. Why don't you go and have a drink?" Lu Yan handed the empty cup to Carlos and motioned for him to fill it up for him.

  "Juice! I'm going right now! Wait for me." Carlos's eyes seemed to be shining with stars at this moment.

  Lu Yan lowered his eyebrows and stared at Carlos's leaving back. After some time, Lu Yan shook his head slightly, turned around, and faced the calm and picturesque ocean in the distance.

  He held the newspaper against his chest and put his hands on the railing of the deck, seeming to be thinking about something.

  Carlos' acting skills were still not up to par. Although he might have tried his best, Lu Yan had a plug-in and could see Carlos' truest emotions through his astral body.

  "There's really nothing we can do against him." Lu Yan complained casually.

  He knew that Carlos wanted to act like nothing happened in front of him and let himself bear all the hatred alone, but he didn't know that this was even more worrying.

  "Ince Zangwill." Lu Yan whispered Ince's full name softly. In a sense, Ince was also the target he wanted to get rid of.

  As long as Ince does not die for a day, then the ashes of the saint in the Chanis Gate under St. Selina Church will be the object of his efforts. Even if Ince's plan fails once, more plans will be born.

  Lu Yan might be able to mess up one of Ince's plans, but Ince, who was hiding in the dark, had thousands of plans. He could try tens of millions of times, but Lu Yan could not fail even once.

  Only the principle of being a thief for a thousand days, how can anyone guard against a thief for a thousand days?

  Lu Yan squinted his eyes slightly. The sea breeze was a little salty. Direct contact with the eyes for a long time would produce an unspeakable astringency. Naturally, the same was true for Lu Yan.

  He pulled out the Backlund Morning News from behind him and carefully read the tidbits on it with his back to the sea breeze, but then Lu Yan was slightly stunned when he held the newspaper.

  Lu Yan remembered something. It seemed that the Backlund Morning News was only sold in Backlund. In other words, it seems that after he resisted the city of Tingen, he would not be able to read such interesting newspapers.

  This is really a very sad thing.

  Lu Yan looked at the newspaper in his hand with a faint look, feeling a little melancholy in his heart. This might be the last Backlund morning newspaper he would see in the next few months.

  At this moment, Carlos, who was holding a glass of juice in each hand, happened to be walking up from the stairs between the second deck. Returning with a full load of juice, he saw Lu Yan, who was sighing.

  Carlos's sapphire-like eyes seemed to be filled with deep doubts. He seemed to have never seen Bishop Lu Yan reveal such a thing.

  It seemed like things were starting to go wrong. Carlos directly thought of many bad things through Lu Yan's expression.

  His brain, which had just started to work recently, started working at a very fast speed, and the more he thought about it, the worse it became. It wasn't until Lu Yan's eyes looked at him that he suddenly woke up.

  He took a hard breath and looked at Lu Yan with a slightly unsteady gaze.

  "This is a juice mixed with five types of fruit juices. Do you want to try it?" Carlos' tone was stiff.

  Lu Yan could already tell that Carlos was trying to calm down, but the tone of Carlos's words still betrayed his truest emotions.

  He was sneaky, as if he had done something sinister.

  "Did you add any ingredients to the juice?" Lu Yan asked in a flirtatious tone.

  Of course he knew that Carlos hadn't done anything, but looking at Carlos' dull face he couldn't help but tease him.

  "I didn't add anything, really nothing." Carlos said in a somewhat anxious tone after he came to his senses.

  "If you don't believe me, just watch."

  Carlos took a sip of his own glass of juice, then poured some of Lu Yan's glass of juice into his own glass, and took a big sip in front of Lu Yan.

  "It's really no problem."

  Lu Yan held his forehead, the expression on his face was a little helpless, but in order to prevent Carlos from misunderstanding, he said.

  "I just saw you standing on the stairs for so long, and I thought you were going to add nightgrass essential oil to my juice."

  Lu Yan showed a wanton smile. Seeing Carlos's panic, he did not continue to tease Carlos.

  However, Carlos curled his lips slightly. When Lu Yan said the words nightgrass essential oil, he remembered the day when he was knocked unconscious by Deacon Sesima and Lu Yan. The two people took advantage of him not paying attention and directly Attacked him!

  "How could I have that kind of thing? Isn't it only Deacon Sesima?" Carlos said with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

  He had sacrificed a lot in order to get on the ship smoothly today, and the most fundamental reason why he came was that he was afraid that Deacon Sesima would stun him again with nightgrass essential oil.

  "Who told you that only Sesima has that thing?" Lu Yan took out a small bottle of green essential oil from the bag at the back of his backpack with a smile in his eyes. And he said playfully to Carlos: "No, don't I have some here too?"

  Lu Yan took the green essential oil and shook it in front of Carlos, and thoughtfully opened the lid, preparing to let Carlos smell the familiar smell.

  Before Lu Yan could take action, Carlos jumped far away, trying his best to stay away from the essential oil in Lu Yan's hand.

  "I tried my best to prevent it, but it was almost impossible to prevent it. It turns out that you are also one of the masterminds behind the scenes." Carlos said with a look of sadness and anger.

  However, he really didn't expect that Deacon Sesima gave Lu Yan a bottle of nightgrass essential oil. He had personally experienced how powerful this medicine was.

  "So remember to arrange a reasonable rest time for yourself, otherwise I will take action." Lu Yan shook the bottle with green light in his hand.

  "Well, my schedule has been very regular lately." Carlos said shamelessly.

  "When I just went up the stairs, I saw you frowning and looking a little worried. Is something going to happen?"

  Carlos didn't want Lu Yan to continue delving into the issue of work and rest, otherwise what he said would be exposed, so he abruptly changed the subject.

  Lu Yan didn't pay much attention to Carlos' behavior of changing the topic, he replied with a melancholy tone.

  "I won't be able to read the fresh Backlund morning newspaper after I go to Tingen City." Lu Yan paused, then turned his gaze to Carlos, and asked without much hope: "Which newspaper in Tingen City do you know?" Is it interesting?"

  Of course Carlos didn't understand, so it didn't stop him from answering Lu Yan's question.

  "I remember there was a lower-level person in charge of Backlund's newspaper on the ship. Maybe he can provide you with the Backlund morning newspaper."

  "Newspaper company? I think they might not be willing to send a newspaper all the way from Backlund to Tingen for one of my clients."

  In Lu Yan's understanding, the newspaper company's profit method almost always relies on small profits but quick turnover. Unless he is willing to pay the freight for the journey from Backlund to Tingen, the newspaper company will ruthlessly reject his request.

  "This is indeed a problem. It would be great if something could be sent directly from Backlund to Tingen City regardless of space." Carlos said without thinking.

  After listening to Carlos's words, Lu Yan suddenly thought of his messenger. His messenger was capable of doing this, but who gave the newspaper to his messenger was a problem.

  In other words, if someone delivers a newspaper to a designated place every day, then he can arrange for a courier to go directly to that place to pick up the newspaper.

  But the place where the newspaper is placed must be secretive, otherwise Lu Yan's messenger will be in trouble if ordinary people see it. It would be nice if this strange spiritual creature does not scare people to death. This is probably the headline of the Backlund morning newspaper that day. Something happened.

  Deacon Sesima's house on Jinchihua Street is a good place, and his messenger is very special, a special non-entity creature, and Amon cannot parasitize it.

  It can be regarded as an abandoned house being reused. After Lu Yan thought about this idea in his mind, he planned to write a letter to Deacon Sesima asking about this matter.

  "Let's go find the person from the newspaper company. I plan to subscribe to the newspaper from him for a long time." Lu Yan said while walking down the stairs between decks.

  The first floor of the deck is much larger than the second floor, and the division of areas is more detailed. There is no shortage of scenic areas, service areas, rest areas, etc.

  As one of the largest passenger ships in the Loen Kingdom, the Tulip is top-notch in all aspects, especially in terms of service.

  The waiters on the cruise ship have begun to take shape, and in many aspects they may be much better than Zhou Mingrui's era.

  Lu Yan passed by the scenic area, which was the front end of the deck, and at this moment all the scenery on the sea came into his eyes.

  Compared with the cold weather on the second deck, the first deck of UU Reading www.uukanshu.net has an indescribable human touch. Maybe it's because there are a lot more people on the first deck.

  Tulip Cruise tickets are also divided into several tiers. Only the highest-tier tickets can unlock all areas of the cruise. Visitors with the lowest-tier tickets can only freely enter and exit their rooms and scenic spots.

  The department head of Backlund Newspaper is a typical middle-class person. Unless the person in charge spends a huge sum of money to upgrade his ticket, he can only move within a few specified areas.

  Even so, the probability of finding the person in charge was still a little low, so Lu Yan just tried his luck. Anyway, he had other ways to get the newspaper company to subscribe to the newspaper.

  Except for tourists who have purchased the highest-level tickets, they can enter the buffet banquet hall and enjoy delicious food at any time. Visitors who have purchased other tickets can only complete their meals within the specified time.

  Lu Yan happened to bump into a waiter when he reached the first deck from the stairs. Taking this opportunity, Lu Yan asked.

  "At what time can people with Five Sole Tickets enter the banquet hall." Lu Yan asked softly.

  The waitress maintained a very high level of professionalism. When faced with Lu Yan's question, she first smiled politely and then explained in detail.

  "Tourists who buy five sole tickets are our mid-level members and can travel freely from 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning, from 11:30 to 1:30 in the afternoon, and from 5:30 to 7:00 in the evening. Entering and exiting the banquet hall."

  After answering Lu Yan's question, he continued to add: "You are our most senior member. The banquet hall is open to you all day. If you are not satisfied with the dishes, we will also provide you with professional chefs to help you improve the dishes. Tailor the dish to your taste."

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[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Add Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 38: Undercurrent

  "I'm looking for someone here, can you help?" Lu Yan asked casually.

  He didn't have too many expectations. The Tulip kept passenger information confidential to a very high degree. Lu Yan had no hope of asking for information about the head of the newspaper department, he just asked casually.

  "In principle, no, but we can convey your wish to meet with that customer for you, and we will forward his reply to you."

  The waitress had a headache. Facing the person in front of her, every word she said had to be carefully considered, because the person was not only a first-class passenger, but also the bishop of the Church of the Night.

  She had worked hard for half her life to get this decent job, and she didn't want to lose it because of a momentary mistake.

  She raised her head slightly and looked up. After finding that there was nothing unpleasant about Lu Yan's expression, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I'm looking for the department head of Backlund Morning News. I have a private commission and I want to trouble him." Lu Yan didn't know the other person's name, so he could only continue to trouble the waiter.

  "Okay, we'll pass it on to you.

  After the waiter confirmed that Lu Yan had nothing else to do, she left quickly under the watchful eyes of Carlos and Lu Yan. She left in a hurry, as if she was running away.

  Lu Yan looked at her leaving back, wondering why the other party was running away like a plague god because he didn't seem to have done anything.

  "Why do I feel like she's a little afraid of us? I remember that the bishops of the Church of the Night gave people a very gentle impression." Lu Yan asked casually.

  Carlos tilted his head and finally said that he didn't know anything about it. He was just an ordinary Red Glove member and didn't know anything!

  "There seems to be a dance in the banquet hall tonight. It is said that there will be a wonderful performance at the end of the dance. Do you want to go and see it?" Lu Yan focused his eyes on Carlos beside him.

  "Dance? Not interested. I remember I also had a book about fantasy species in Ahowa County that I didn't read."

  Carlos thought for a while and then refused. Those high-end balls were just social gatherings of the upper class.

  If he had time to attend that kind of intoxicating dance, it would be better to spend more time learning knowledge, which could at least bring him a little improvement.

  "Since you won't go, I will return the invitation."

  "I'll go back to the room later. If you don't want to be talked to by some young lady, then go to bed early tonight."

  Lu Yan took out the mysterious pocket watch from the lining of his clothes with his right hand. After looking at the pocket watch first, he looked up at the sun in the middle of the sky.

  Since there is a waiter helping him find the person in charge of the newspaper, he doesn't need to stay there himself, which is a good thing.

  "It is said that the food at Tulip Flower is better than most restaurants in Backlund. Would you like to go and try it?" Lu Yan walked in front, following the aroma of the food.

  Carlos naturally had no objection. If dancing is a useless socializing, then eating is the true meaning of life.

  "I heard that the potato stewed lamb here tastes very good, as well as lemon cake and grilled veal." Carlos introduced the dishes to Lu Yan as a guest.

  Although this was his first time riding the Tulip, he had seen food reports about the Tulip in the Backlund Gourmet News.

  After Carlos' introduction, Lu Yan also changed his mind from eating casually to tasting delicious food.


  "Are you sure that the antique dealer is on this ship?" The wizened old man said with a frown.

  "The Church of Storms did not take away the notebook. Riggins temporarily stored it in an inconspicuous garbage dump, but it was recycled as waste paper and later transferred to an antique dealer by a professional liar.

  "Now the antique dealer is heading to Tingen City with a batch of goods, where he plans to dispose of his unexplained money."

  The thin man with yellow hair, a round bowler hat, a black vest, eyes sunken into the eye sockets, and dry and yellow skin held a sharp dagger in his hand and scratched casually on the wooden table.

  Thinking of this matter, he became a little angry and wished he could send all those fools from the Aurora Society to the heresy approval court of the Church of Storms.

  The skinny old man was silent for a while, sighed softly, and said angrily.

  "I really can't understand the thoughts of those lunatics, who went out of their way to offend the Church of Storms, and even caused us to lose the Antigonus family notes."

  "If the antique dealer is unwilling to hand over the notes, then we will kill him directly on the ship." The thin man with yellow hair glanced at the skinny old man sitting opposite.

  "You're crazy! This is the Tulip!"

  "What are we going to do after we kill him! I can't leave here either."

  "No, absolutely not. If you want to kill him, you have to wait until you arrive in Tingen City."

  The skinny old man shook his head hurriedly. The visible Extraordinaries on the Tulip included the captain and the doctor. The two from the Church of the Night also seemed to be Extraordinaries. There was no telling how many Extraordinaries were hiding in the Dark Mediterranean.

  They killed people on the ship. Regardless of whether they could get the notes in the end, they would definitely be unable to escape.

  This is really a stupid plan. The skinny old man commented in his heart.

  "Don't worry, we can frame it for others." The yellow-haired man said confidently.

  Since he would propose this plan, he must have a way to solve the shortcomings of the plan.


  "Who are you going to frame first? Unless we don't use extraordinary abilities, we can't frame ordinary people."

  "Are you trying to frame those two people from the Church of the Night?"

  The skinny old man thought more and more outrageously. His companion's idea was so bold that he couldn't even accept it.

  "Emperor Russell once said, 'Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters.' Besides, I'm not stupid enough to find trouble with the Church of Night, at least not in Loen!"

  "You forgot, several people from the Aurora Society also boarded the ship together, and it seems that they are also heading to Tingen City. This kind of blame is perfect for them." The short and thin man with yellow hair showed some malicious smiles.

  He would not frame the bishop of the Church of the Night. Regardless of whether the Extraordinaries on the ship believed it or not, the Church of the Night believers alone would never believe this.

  No one believed the frame-up, so he framed something else, he was not just asking for trouble.

  On the contrary, it is extremely easy to blame the Aurora Society, and there is even no need for them to blame it. As long as the members of the Aurora Society appear on the ship, then all the evil that happens on the ship will be related to the Aurora Society.

  "Well, it's appropriate to let the people of the Aurora Society take the blame. The loss of our notes is also inextricably linked to them." The skinny old man nodded.

  With the Aurora Society taking the blame, he suddenly felt that what his companions did was indeed a good idea. If the antique dealer was willing to cooperate, that would be great, but if he was unwilling to cooperate, the people of the "Aurora Society" would kill him!

  "Riggins is said to have arrived in Tingen City. Let's go meet him after we get the notes back." The skinny old man suggested.

  "You still have magic to perform tonight. Then you should prepare well. I will go find and monitor those members of the Aurora Society." The thin old man said with a smile.

  "No problem, but I have to sneak into the control room first, where is the space layout of the passenger ship." Huang Mao said nonchalantly.

  After confirming the plan, the two of them each took out a pendant made of citrine to divine the matter.

  "A wonderful ending. This plan will definitely succeed." The two of them looked at each other and smiled. After putting away the citrine pendulum in their hands, they raised the inferior beer in their hands and took a drink.


  Carlos walked out of the banquet hall with brisk steps after eating and drinking. Today's lunch meal really made him feel comfortable.

  "The Backlund Food News is indeed the most fair newspaper in Backlund!" Carlos rarely praised the authenticity of the newspaper. You should know that Carlos used to think that newspapers lacked authenticity.

  "Maybe it's because food newspapers will not affect social stability, so they can show the most authentic food world in front of us." Lu Yan commented.

  "It is said that the Southern Continent has the custom of cooking extraordinary creatures. If there is a chance, I will take you to try the delicious food of the Southern Continent."

  After a while, the waiter, who had no idea about Lu Yan's appearance, tried his best to find Lu Yan and Carlos in the rest area on the deck.

  After Irwin Anton, the department head of Backlund Morning News, learned from the waiter that the bishop of the Church of the Night wanted to meet with him, he quickly stopped his typesetting work.

  Irwin asked the waiter to take him to find the Night Bishop after he changed his clothes. For a middle-class man like him who was excluded from the upper class, meeting some people with status and status was their dream.

  But something happened on the way to meet the Night Bishop that made him want to complain to the waiter.

  "I'm sorry, sir, I forgot that gentleman's appearance. I need to check the other person's information." The stewardess said with a hint of fear in her tone.

  She really didn't know why she forgot the appearance of the Night Bishop. She didn't remember at all whether he was tall or short, fat or thin.

  It might be her end now. If she was reported by the gentleman in front of her, everything she had worked so hard for would be lost.

  "Forget it, forget it. Go and check it quickly." Irwin said helplessly.

  No matter how wrong the waiter is, now is not the time to blame her. If the opportunity to meet the Bishop of the Night is delayed because of blaming her, it will really be more than worth the gain.

  Fortunately, the waiter's salary efficiency is extremely fast, and the review process of reporting crew information to senior management is very fast. Perhaps part of the reason is because senior officials are paying more attention to this matter.

  After the waiter returned, Irwin not only did not relax, but became even more anxious. He was thinking about trivial things along the way.

  For example, whether your greeting gift will be liked by the other party, whether your dress is appropriate, and whether there is anything ungentlemanly about you.

  Along the way, Irwin was reviewing his own problems, fearing that he would offend the Bishop of the Night.

  Simply when he saw Lu Yan, none of the imagination in his mind happened.

  Young, confident, with a different kind of charm and inexplicable trust. This is Irwin's evaluation of the young bishop in front of him. It can even be said that Lu Yan is the most special bishop he has ever seen.

  "Master Bishop, may I ask what you have to tell me." Irwin's heart was anxious in his chest. If Lu Yan didn't speak for a second, he would suffer for another second.

  "It's not a big deal, I just want to discuss a business deal with you." Lu Yan's eyes lingered on Irwin for a while.

  Irwin was wearing the standard Loen gentleman's outfit. Except for his white shirt as his underwear, the rest of his body was all black.

  There is a ring of stubble around the corner of the mouth, which must have been repaired in the future, and there are a few bloodshot eyes due to fatigue.

  Irwin did not ask Lu Yan what business he wanted to discuss, but first took out a bottle of Loen's local red wine that he had collected for a long time from his handbag.

  Although this was not a greeting between neighbors, he came with the intention of making good friends, so he naturally wanted to show his sincerity.

  Carlos, who was sitting behind Lu Yan, curled his lips slightly when he saw this and showed a sarcastic smile. He hated this kind of hypocritical social etiquette.

  Lu Yan pretended that he had not seen the other party's behavior. He could not reject the other party's kindness at this time, at least not until he and Irwin signed a cooperation contract.

  "I want to sign a long-term newspaper supply cooperation with you." Lu Yan handed a drafted contract to Irwin.

  The contract was made of parchment, with terms written in Loen language. The handwriting was clear and neat.

  After Irwin handed over the contract results, Lu Yan once again took out an identical contract. Except for some slight differences in writing, the content did not change at all.

  After Irwin carefully checked the two contracts and found no differences, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net he asked after organizing for a while.

  "Do you want to subscribe to the Backlund Morning News on a long-term basis?"


  "Is the newspaper delivered to the mailbox at the back door of the terraced house at No. 25 Jinchihua Street?"


  "We will deliver you to your destination at eight o'clock every morning. At the same time, we have several charging plans that you need to know about."

  "The price of a Backlund morning newspaper is one-half penny. If you choose the monthly subscription service, you only need to pay one sole per month."

  "The annual newspaper unit price will be cheaper, but you need to subscribe to the newspaper for at least two years, and the price is one gold pound for two years."

  Lu Yan was silent for a whole while and estimated that there were still about thirty years until the end, so he simply set a time limit of thirty years.

  His salary as a bishop is relatively high. He can get almost three pounds and ten sulers a week. With the extraordinary allowance and risk allowance, it can reach almost four pounds.

  A job worth four pounds is considered a normal standard for Backlund. If it were true, the wages in other cities would be lower.

  Carlos's salary is much higher than his. With various subsidies and labor fees, he can get ten pounds a week.

  Because Carlos's qualifications and contributions are much higher than that of Lu Yan, the bishop who has just joined the Church of the Night. At the same time, Carlos is also a member of the Red Gloves and has extra subsidies, but the price is that Carlos often has to face dangerous extraordinary events. .

  "We signed a thirty-year contract. During these thirty years, you must deliver newspapers to me on time every day."

  "If something unexpected happens midway, then according to regulations you must refund the remaining amount."

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 39 Shocking Change

  Thirty years is neither long nor short. In this era, it can be regarded as half of most people's lives.

  "Thirty years requires a payment of fifteen pounds. I can use my internal newspaper subscription to give you a discount. You only need twelve pounds." Irvine said sincerely.

  Lu Yan naturally noticed the meaning of the other party's words, and knew in his heart that the other party wanted to make friends with him. Lu Yan did not reveal the other party's thoughts, and it was best to pretend to be confused because he understood.

  After Lu Yan handed over the twelve pounds in gold, he probably only had more than a thousand pounds left in his property. About four weeks had passed since he joined the Church of the Night, and his salary was exactly twelve pounds.

  "A pleasure to work with."

  "I will communicate with the postman responsible for that area of ​​our newspaper and let him give priority to ensuring the speed of newspaper delivery for you."

  Irwin took advantage of the signing of the contract and handed his business card to the back of the contract.

  After doing all this, Irwin smiled with difficulty and looked at Lu Yan. At this moment, his heart was filled with the word "uneasy".

  Lu Yan smiled slightly and took Irwin's business card away as if he hadn't seen it.

  Seeing this scene, the stiff smile on Irwin's face suddenly became very natural. Since the Night Bishop is willing to accept his business card, it means that his courtesy today is valuable!

  "Does the postman you mentioned in charge of the Jinchihua Street area have any characteristics?"

  While Irvine was still immersed in happiness, Carlos, who had been sitting next to Lu Yan in silence for a long time, suddenly asked about a trivial matter.

  "The face is a little thin, and the hair is a little disheveled. Well, the most obvious feature is probably the monocle on his right eye."

  Carlos' eyes narrowed, and when he was about to remind Lu Yan, he saw Lu Yan wave his hand slightly to signal him not to speak.

  "A pleasure to work with."

  Lu Yan handed his contract to Carlos and stood up to see him off.

  After Irwin knew Lu Yan's intention, he left consciously. Today, he had achieved what he wanted. If he made the bishop unhappy at the last moment, he would definitely regret it to death.

  "That postman?" Carlos asked impatiently after seeing Irwin leaving.

  "It's Him, you guessed it right." Lu Yan nodded slightly, but there wasn't much surprise on his face.

  "Then why don't we ask him to find a different postman to deliver the paper?"

  Carlos feels that asking someone to deliver newspapers is a very dangerous thing. In his ideal state, it would be best for him not to have anyone wearing a monocle in his life.

  "I once suggested to Deacon Sesima that the house should be left vacant, but in the end Deacon Sesima decided to leave the house to me, so a plan gradually formed in my mind."

  "As long as that clone is still a courier, he will not leave Backlund. At the same time, my behavior of subscribing to the newspaper can attract his attention to the greatest extent."

  "If he is interested in me, then he will not harm other people. It is also a good thing to lead him with something that does not exist."

  Lu Yan gave several important reasons, which were used to test whether Amon deliberately wandered around those houses or passed by them accidentally.

  "Wouldn't it attract His attention if the newspaper that cost twelve pounds to subscribe to was not picked up for a long time?" Carlos asked with some worry.

  "Someone will pick up those newspapers. Just remember not to go to Jinchihua Street again. He is not interested in other residents there, but it may be different for you." Lu Yan lowered his voice and said in a sinister tone.

  Carlos couldn't help but twitch all over? Just saying this kind of thing makes me feel horrified. If he really encountered it, he couldn't even imagine the scene!

  "It can be said that one thing has been solved, and I feel a lot more comfortable." Lu Yan slumped leisurely on the armchair, holding the top-notch red wine sent by Irwin in his hand.

  "I sensed a lot of Beyonder auras when I boarded the ship. You'd better not leave the room tonight." Lu Yan said with a sigh.

  He really wanted to spend a night in peace on the boat and enjoy a day of vacation peacefully, but his supersensory ability told him that something big would happen tonight.

  In the vague future, there seems to be a faint bloody color emerging in a certain room in the cabin.

  Although Lu Yan was not sure whether there would be a murder, it was definitely not a good thing. In fact, he had felt this way since he got on the ship, but it was just not as strong as it is now.

  The future perceived by supersensory perception may be reflected in time as the measurement direction. The closer to the time when something happens, the stronger the perception.

  "I know, I won't leave the room tonight." Carlos said with a hint of fear in his tone.

  Last time, he felt that Lu Yan's perception was just mediocre, but in the end, he was too stupid and almost caused their group to be destroyed.

  He would not fall in the same place twice, so this time he planned not to open the door until he died. Deacon Sesima would not let him open the door even when he came!


  Lu Yan and Carlos were not interested in the dance on the ship, but there were still a few people like them.

  In fact, passengers who have attended high-class dances only account for a very small part of the total number of passengers. Those who have not attended high-class dances will naturally not give up this rare opportunity.

  According to regulations, passengers who purchased ordinary tickets are not eligible to participate in the dance, but today's dance is a bit special. There is an encore show at the end for all crew members.

  In order to reduce trouble, the captain of the Tulip opened the ballroom directly, but only for tonight.

  Passengers with ordinary tickets can attend the dance, but they cannot get the food provided by the dance, but this does not affect the passengers' enthusiasm for the dance.

  Even if the word "upper class" in this dance seems a bit undeserved, it can still be something for them to brag about. When they meet other people in the future, they can hold their heads high and say, "I have attended a high-class dance before."

  The ballroom and banquet hall are two different areas. Walking to the left from the deck can directly reach the banquet hall, and on the right is the corridor to the guest rooms.

  The ballroom is opposite the banquet hall and is also entered from the left corridor. But what's different is that there is a large public washroom and a small rest area next to it.

  Night gradually fell, and the crimson moonlight fell on the calm sea.

  The sea breeze is not particularly cold at night. When it arrives on the ship, it still carries the salty smell that is unique to the ocean.

  Mr. Irvine was so happy today that he forgot all his worries today. He didn't even care about the waiter who caused him trouble at noon.

  It would be great if I could meet a beautiful Ms. Luen at the dance party in the evening. Irvine walked into the gorgeously decorated ball hall with great expectations.

  It seems that the ball hall has been painted with a thin layer of gold paint, which looks particularly noble under the orange light.

  Irvine believed that this was definitely the most upscale banquet hall he had seen since he was born. It was so luxurious that it exceeded his imagination. The ball at the Viscount's house to which he had worked so hard to get an invitation last time was not half as gorgeous as this one.

  In fact, this is not an unacceptable thing. The captain of the Tulip is one of the top leaders of the Church of Storms, but most people don't know about it.

  The Church of Storms itself will not publicize this matter. After all, the Tulip is still the property of the kingdom on the surface.

  If ordinary believers know that the top leaders of the Church of Storms are so close to the top leaders of the Kingdom, then next time the Kingdom introduces a strange policy, will the suspicious people secretly speculate whether the Church of Storms is contributing to it?

  Naturally, the church will not make this kind of thing that damages the image of the Church of Storms public to the public. The Church of Storms still cherishes its feathers very much.

  In the middle of the dance is a circle of platforms slightly above the ground. Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the ball hall is divided into two circles: the inner and outer circles. The outer circle is the rest area, with various expensive drinks placed around it, and the inner circle is where the real dancing takes place.

  Irwin walked around in excitement and left the place temporarily. The dance hadn't started yet, so he couldn't go to the stage to dance with the noble lady. It was really a pity. matter.

  There was only half an hour left before the ball started, and he took advantage of this time to return to his guest room and change into a collection of evening clothes.

  Irvine followed the wall on the left and turned a small corner to the right. On the way, he passed through the second public washroom on the ship and entered the corridor of the ordinary guest room.

  The corridor seemed very empty. After walking for a long time, Irvin did not meet any passengers. Perhaps it was because the dance was about to begin. Irvin thought with some worry, which made him walk with a hint of urgency. .


  Poor Mr. Irwin slipped on a water stain in the hallway while speeding up his walk.

  "It's really unlucky." Irwin put one hand on the floor and stood up shakily.

  "I will definitely complain to the ship's cleaning staff later!" Irwin said cursingly.

  Although he looked very embarrassed, considering the dance that was about to begin, he could only temporarily ignore the sticky water stains on his body and trot back to his guest room.


  The night is quiet and beautiful.

  Lu Yan sat quietly on the chair by the window and admired the wide sea.

  Time gradually passed until late at night, when Lu Yan's door was gently knocked.

  The visitor seemed to be afraid of disturbing Lu Yan, who might have fallen asleep, so he just knocked on the door lightly a few times.

  "Mr. Sotos, we are members of the ship's security and we would like to ask you something."

  Lu Yan put his fingers on his temples and rubbed them slightly. When he was about to respond, there were waves of whispers outside the door.

  "He seems to have gone to sleep, so we'd better leave first and wait until tomorrow morning to discuss the matter."

  "Well, in the final analysis, this matter has little to do with him. We'd better not disturb his rest."

  The two security guards discussed a few words in a low voice, summed it up slightly, and then left.

  "Why would such an offending thing be assigned to us? It's really disappointing."

  "Stop talking, let's go back to the ballroom to maintain order and avoid others saying we're lazy."

  The conversation outside the door gradually became inaudible. Lu Yan supported his cheek with one hand and cast his gaze to the distant sea.

  Since the other party said that this matter had little to do with him, he did not join in the fun at this time. Listening to their conversation, it seemed that there were some problems at the dance. Fortunately, neither he nor Carlos wanted to go to the dance.

  Lu Yan shook his head slightly, closed the books in the book, and gently placed them on the table, waiting for the next day.

  seven in the morning.

  There is still an endless sea around, and the golden light shines on the waves.

  Today's Tulip seems to be moving forward at an extremely slow speed. Compared to where it stopped in the early morning, it has not traveled much distance at all.

  At half past seven, the two security guards from last night knocked on Lu Yan's door again.

  Before Lu Yan opened the door, Carlos, who was next door, opened his door first and asked with a hint of impatience on his expression.

  "What's wrong with you guys?"

  The two security guards standing in front of Lu Yan's room were also very excited when they saw Carlos in the next room.

  In their eyes, Carlos is also a member of the Church of the Night, so telling Carlos the same thing is the same.

  "Yesterday, Mr. Irvine met with you, but at last night's dance, Mr. Irvine was suspected of killing someone. As usual, we should investigate all people who came into contact with Mr. Irvine. UU Read books at www.uukanshhu.net"

  The two security guards looked at Carlos from the corner of their eyes as they spoke, praying that their words would not offend anyone.

  These were words they carefully considered. They thought it was very tactful to say it this way.

  "Did Mr. Irvine himself admit this?"

  Lu Yan opened the door to the room and asked in a calm tone.

  "Mr Irvine did not admit to the incident but we found evidence in his room."

  The security personnel reported the matter truthfully. Their purpose of coming to Lu Yan was to confirm whether Lu Yan was related to this matter.

  "Take me there and tell me what happened last night."

  Lu Yan's silver-white eyes glanced at the two security guards without any emotion, and nodded to Carlos to go and take a look.

  "Please come with us this way. I will take you to the crime scene first. Our captain has been waiting for you there for a long time."

  "The encore after yesterday's dance was a big magic show, but the magician who the passengers had been waiting for a long time did not perform on stage."

  "So we sent staff to the magician's room to look for him."

  After saying this, the two staff members walking in front paused for a moment. They covered their mouths with their hands and retched twice.

  "Sorry, I thought of some bad pictures. You haven't eaten yet. I suggest you eat something to fill your stomach before arriving at the scene. Otherwise, you may not be able to eat after watching."

  The security personnel reminded Lu Yan and Carlos with ugly faces that the scenes they saw last night were difficult to describe in words, which left an indelible psychological shadow on them.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 40 The captain's true purpose

  "According to what you said, the crime scene was not in the ball hall, but in the magician's room?" Carlos discovered the flaw in the security personnel's words.

  "Sorry, there may be something wrong with my description."

  "There was more than one deceased last night, and there was another deceased in the public washroom next to the dance hall." The security guard said with an ugly face.

  Two passengers died in one night. If the cause cannot be found out, this incident will be a huge blow to the reputation of the Tulip.

  "The person who died in the public washroom was a skinny old man. The cause of death was suffocation. The blood seemed to have been drained from under the skin."

  "The magician died in a very tragic manner. All his organs were scattered on the floor, and his blood flowed all over the floor and seeped out from the cracks in the door into the corridor."

  After the security guard talked about the magician's death, he retched several times. It was obvious that the magician's death had caused him deep psychological damage.

  "Then how did Mr. Irving get involved with these things?"

  Lu Yan didn't believe that an ordinary person could kill two people in a row in one night. Moreover, with Mr. Irvine's body, being able to kill one person was considered an extraordinary performance.

  "His clothes were stained with a large amount of the magician's blood, and based on this, he was identified as a murderer by other passengers."

  "You may need to ask our captain about the specific situation. We don't know much." The security guard shook his head and said.

  Their duties and abilities only allow them to know these things, and they just ask about other things. They are just small security personnel.

  With a few people walking quickly, they quickly arrived at the ball hall, where the captain of the security team had been waiting for a long time.

  "Hello, my name is Stan Willems, the head of security on the passenger ship."

  "You should know the basic situation. We still have some personal matters we need to ask you about."

  Lu Yan seemed to understand something after arriving at the scene, but he didn't speak until Stan took the initiative to bring up the topic.

  "Lead the way."

  "this way please."

  Stan sighed slightly. He had achieved the status of a bishop at such a young age. It was not unreasonable for his captain to think that he had a future. This also made him wonder how to say what he wanted to say next.

  "Is it an extraordinary event?"

  Lu Yan arrived in the lounge next to the banquet hall and asked in a calm tone.

  When he arrived at the ballroom, he saw Mr. Irving, and it was Irving who was living a comfortable life. He was not treated as a suspect.

  "Yes, Irwin does not have the strength to kill a Sequence Seven person. We declared him a suspect to protect him."

  "The murderer generally won't attack the person who takes the blame for him. At the same time, as long as the murderer wants to make Mr. Irwin take the blame, the murderer will not continue killing people."

  "So you came to me because you want me to find the murderer for you?" Lu Yan said in a bad tone.

  A murderer who can kill a Sequence 7 magician is not something he, a Sequence 9, can deal with. Now he just wants to arrive at Tingen in peace and contentment and does not want to get involved in trouble.

  His nameless ability could even make the murderer forget about him. This also shows that at certain times, the nameless person's ability is simply a magical skill to avoid unreasonable disasters.

  "Fifty pounds! As long as you complete one thing for us."

  Stan gave a price that he thought was very high, thinking that he could impress Lu Yan.

  Lu Yan shook his head disdainfully. This small amount of money was simply an insult to him and showed no sincerity at all.

  "I refuse unless it's five thousand pounds." Lu Yan casually quoted a price.

  "Impossible, absolutely impossible! Five thousand pounds is such a huge amount of money!" Stan quickly refused.

  This seemingly amiable Bishop of the Night is also very evil behind the scenes. As expected of someone who became the Bishop of the Night at such a young age, he is extremely evil.

  "Then we don't have to talk. Sorry, you can find someone else." After Lu Yan said this, he planned to ask Carlos to leave together.

  His behavior can be regarded as making Stan anxious, but these are the captain's orders, what can he, a little security captain, do.

  "Fifty pounds, plus a portion of the extraordinary characteristics of a Sequence Seven magician!" Stan said after hesitating for a while.

  Fifty pounds is the maximum price they can give. The extraordinary characteristics of the Sequence Seven magician were extracted by the dead magician, and they are trophies that have not yet been reported to the church. It won't hurt if you give it away.

  "It's useless. Maybe I would agree if the wizard had extraordinary characteristics." Lu Yan waved his hand. The extraordinary characteristics seemed like a good thing, but it was difficult to sell.

  To him, Extraordinary characteristics are worthless and worthless. Besides, he still has a hunter's Extraordinary characteristics that he has not sold yet.

  "We don't have the wizard's extraordinary characteristics, but we have the magic potion formula, and we are willing to trade with the Sequence Seven wizard's potion formula."

  Stan suppressed the excitement in his heart. Since the other party had exposed its demand, he was qualified to lower the price.

  "There is no sincerity. I think you should go find other extraordinary people for this kind of matter."

  Lu Yan shook his head. Since the other party was willing to take out the Sequence Seven magic potion formula, it meant that this matter must not be safe. He had better stay away from these troubles.

  Although Carlos wants the wizard's potion formula, the purpose of his promotion is to better protect the people around him, so naturally he will not put the cart before the horse and exchange for the potion formula at the expense of the dangers of those around him.

  "Our two major churches have the same roots. If the murderer is allowed to escape to Tingen City, both the punishers and the night watchers in Tingen City who are responsible for handling extraordinary events will suffer!"

  "Fifty gold pounds, the magician's extraordinary characteristics, and the wizard's potion formula. I want it." Lu Yan didn't care about the other party's emotional card.

  Almost everything Stan said was nonsense. Are the Nighthawks in Tingen City too stupid to ask for support, or are they just going to stay there and be killed?

  But it was this kind of nonsense that made Lu Yan feel that something was wrong, and the purpose of the Church of Storms seemed a bit impure.

  Stan almost bit his tooth socket into pieces. How could this young Bishop of the Church of the Night be so ignorant? He was really ignorant!

  "The wizard's potion formula and the extraordinary characteristics of the magician, this is my bottom line." Stan said with a sigh.

  As long as he didn't report to the church that they had seized the magician's extraordinary characteristics, then there would be no loss for them to trade the reusable potion formula. Stan tried his best to comfort himself.

  "Deal, now you can talk about the specific tasks. Remember to sign a contract with me, a contract witnessed by the Lord of Storms and the Goddess."

  Lu Yan felt that the profit was pretty good and it was worth taking some risks. If the task was too dangerous, he would simply refuse the transaction, and everyone would not lose.

  "Let's talk about the contract separately. You should listen to our plan first." Stan said with some evasive eyes.

  "The Extraordinary who killed the Magician is a serial killer of Sequence Seven. He has super perceptive abilities and a powerful Extraordinary item. There is nothing our captain can do against him."

  "Carlos, use the sealed object to block outside perception." Lu Yan raised his hand to stop Stan from continuing.

  Now that he knows that the other party has means to sense danger and is plotting loudly, Lu Yan probably already knows whether the people of the Church of Storms are confident or have ulterior motives.

  Carlos understood what Lu Yan meant and opened the black box he carried with him. In an instant, the surrounding space turned into a dark cube that swallowed up all light.

  Stan glanced at the space around him and didn't say much. Lu Yan's concern was very necessary, but he didn't want to expose the fact that he had forgotten about this matter, so he continued the topic.

  "Our plans to deal with him will be sensed by him, and he will be warned of the danger from us, so we need you to stand far away and drag him into his dream."

  "Huh? Drag it into a dream, why do you think I have this ability." Lu Yan felt that Stan's meaning was getting more and more strange.

  "The serial killer's extraordinary tool is to extract his sanity and enhance his own abilities. Your method of entering dreams can restrain him very much! As soon as he enters the dream state, we will directly kill his body."

  "You will then be able to truly see the other party die in our hands." Stan's tone emphasized the words "really and truly".

  "Do you know my sequence?" Lu Yan asked again after reorganizing his words.

  What he cares about now is not the Church of Storms' plan, but why the other party thinks he is Sequence Seven's nightmare.

  "Don't you know that our two major churches will disclose the specific strengths of the Extraordinaries in each other's churches? This is an agreement made in the Fourth Age."

  "In the file, you are the nightmare of the Insomniac Sequence Seven." Stan looked at Lu Yan with doubtful eyes. As if wondering why he asked this question.

  Perhaps Lu Yan was gradually assimilated by "Cause and Effect", so the aura on his body gradually changed. Although he was only Sequence Nine, others perceived him to be Sequence Seven or even higher. This is why Stan has no doubts.

  "That's it." A slight smile appeared on Lu Yan's lips.

  Carlos beside him couldn't help but feel a kind of coldness. He quietly glanced at the poor Mr. Stan with pity in his eyes.

  "I think I might want to consider this matter." Lu Yan suggested sincerely.

  "Do you want to go back on your word!" Stan's tone was filled with a hint of anger. The Bishop of the Night was so ignorant, and the conditions they gave were already very rich.

  He even felt that he had groveled enough, but the Night Bishop in front of him seemed not to take this matter seriously!

  If it weren't for their captain's will, how would they have given this unscrupulous Bishop of the Night a chance to bargain?

  "There are some loopholes in your plan. Why don't you listen to my plan." Lu Yan said playfully.

  "Please tell me." After hearing what Lu Yan said, Stan's anger dissipated a lot.

  "We, the Church of the Night, are good at operating in the dark. The moon is dark and the wind is high, so it is inevitable that some things cannot be seen clearly, but we can still see whether the murderer is dead."

  "Furthermore, I can just move in the room. You have to believe in my ability, just like I will believe that with your strength, you can definitely kill the murderer."

  "I can't decide this. I need to ask the captain." Stan frowned.

  The decision on this matter was not in his hands and was beyond his rights.

  "I wait for your news."

  Lu Yan had no intention of continuing the discussion. If the other party did not agree to his proposed method, there would be no room for cooperation.

  Carlos put away the sealed artifact in his hand and Lu Yan left the lounge and returned to the ballroom.

  "Lu Yan, there is no need for us to take risks." Carlos persuaded him after seeing no one around.

  "Trouble has found us and we can't escape."

  "Besides, this matter is much more complicated than you think. You don't really think that this captain really wants me to help him subdue the Sequence Seven Beyonders, do you?"

  "This ship seems to be moving slower and slower, do you feel it?" Lu Yan looked at the sea through the glass window and asked Carlos in a calm tone.

  Before Carlos could answer, Lu Yan continued on his own: "Is there a possibility that the Church of Storms and the Aurora Society are cooperating?"

  "The skinny old man who died under the magic of flesh and blood!"

  "It's not cooperation in the normal sense, but agreement on a certain purpose." Lu Yan said softly after careful consideration for a long time.

  The Lord of Storms and the True Creator are indeed in a fight to the death, but not all people in the Church of Storms have the same heart as the Lord of Storms, such as the Storm Bishop Alger in Zhou Mingrui's biography.

  Carlos shook his head. He didn't know how to answer Lu Yan's question, so he could only stand quietly beside Lu Yan, listening to Lu Yan explain everything to him in detail. UU read www.uukanshu.net

  "You said that the captain of the Tulip is a Sequence Five. How could he be afraid of a Sequence Seven who holds a weapon made with the characteristics of Sequence Six."

  "Let's not get involved in this matter. Maybe they have ulterior motives."

  Lu Yan only slightly reminded Carlos of a direction to think about, and he stopped talking the rest.

  "Is this hush money?"

  Carlos suddenly realized this possibility, but he was still confused in some aspects.

  "It's not hush money, he wants me to be a witness."

  "On this ship, is there any more suitable witness that the Church of Storms needs than the bishop of the Church of Night?"

  Lu Yan walked in front of the corridor, not caring whether his words would be heard by others, because he knew that the passengers on the ship were now well arranged by the captain.

  "What do they want to do?" Carlos frowned and asked in a puzzled tone.

  After spending so much time controlling the passengers and bribing the bishop, what big deal was going on?

  "I don't know, but I guess a tsunami is coming." Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  If you asked an ambitious Sequence Five Extraordinary what he wanted most, it would probably be to add the word "sacred" before his name.

  "If you don't mind, you can come to my room tonight. Maybe you can see the natural disasters on the sea through the window of my room."

  "Ah good."

  Carlos' answer was a little dull, because his mind was still stuck on the question of why Bishop Lu Yan knew that the tsunami was coming.

  ps: The promotion ceremony of Tyrant Sequence 4 will cause earthquakes and tsunamis, and you must take magic potions in this environment and survive until the end.

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