
chpater 2

Chapter Six: Powerful Tool Man

  Deacon Sesima had a long conversation with him, which made this group of Miss Luen also notice the extraordinary-looking young man beside them.

  Some ladies have already prepared polite and friendly greetings in their hearts in order to talk to the young bishop after Deacon Sesima leaves. In the eyes of these Miss Luen, Lu Yan is undoubtedly a potential stock. .

  But as Sesima left, the aristocratic ladies whose hearts were filled with regrets invariably forgot about Lu Yan who was standing aside. I don't remember the idea of ​​striking up a conversation not long ago, I just gathered together to discuss the topic of Deacon Sesima.

  Lu Yan was happy to be quiet about this. He casually found a chair in the large square in front of the Night Church and leaned against it gently, waiting for Deacon Sesima to attend the appointment. Although his clothes seemed to be safe no matter how he wore them, he still had to be careful.

  In the cold basement, Mr. D's eyes were filled with madness, and he stared intensely at the bloody roses growing out of his palms.

  The petals of the rose flower seemed to be soaked in blood, and the numerous small roots were buried deeply in the flesh and blood, absorbing the nutrients of the flesh and blood.

  The roses are getting more and more beautiful, but compared to when he went to investigate the bombing in the slums, Mr. D's energy and blood have already declined a lot.

  Mr. D did not mobilize the entire Aurora Society to find the owner of the breath in accordance with the oracle of the true Creator. Instead, he hid alone in the dark basement, waiting for the rose in his flesh and blood to guide him.

  At this time, the rose flower was shrouded in a layer of faint light, like a thin layer of gauze, and the intoxicating breath gently brushed the tip of Mr. D's nose.

  From this moment on, he seemed to vaguely perceive a figure, which seemed to be the target guided by the rose flower. This shows that he is close to the owner of that breath!

  His plan has progressed to this point and naturally he will not notify other members of the Aurora Society. The reason is not complicated. He believes that he has the strength to complete the Lord's oracle. This is an opportunity to show himself in front of the Lord, Mr. D. Naturally, he does not want to share this credit with others.

  In the dark sewers filled with rotting corpses of unknown creatures, the devout Mr. D walked slowly forward holding the magnificent flowers in his hands. His eyes closed slightly, and the aura of his body was gradually hidden in his flesh and blood.

  Bloody footprints were in the dirty sewers. Every step he took, a lot of extra pieces of flesh fell from his body. The flesh and blood separated from Mr. D gradually gathered together to form a large piece of meat.


  At this moment, Lu Yan and Deacon Sesima have left the jurisdiction of the Church of Dark Night. Lu Yan had a hunch that if he did not take the initiative to leave the sphere of influence of the Church of Dark Night, the other party might choose to continue to lurk in the dark corner.

  His opponent is definitely a very good hunter, patient enough to wait for the prey to fall into the net.

  It's a pity that Lu Yan doesn't have time to spend time with the other party, but the advantage that the other party has by hiding in a dark corner is too great.

  This time he voluntarily left the jurisdiction of the Church of the Night just to make the other party think that this was a good time to attack him.

  From the perspective of the flow of fate, Lu Yan's strategy undoubtedly worked, and the unknown red fate entangled with him is gradually deepening the connection.

  This meant that they would definitely meet in the near future, but he didn't know how.


  "Raoul, I think you still seem to be ignoring my words. If so, you might as well lose your other hand!"

  Frank said in a playful tone, as if he was just joking with Raoul, but Raoul, who was blind at this moment, could not laugh at all.

  He still remembered the first time Frank told him in this tone. At that time, he used all his contacts but could not find the whereabouts of the silver-haired boy.

  He originally thought that the other party was just threatening him by saying that he could not see the light, but his eyes were really gouged out by Frank, a demon, and he could no longer see any light from now on.

  At that time, he was afraid of Frank, but compared to the cost of his blindness, he overcame his fear and chose to fight Frank! Although the other party was an Extraordinary, his former boss was also an Extraordinary, and he died inexplicably yesterday!

  The most critical thing was that the opponent didn't have a gun, which gave him hope of giving it a try. Stimulated by the severe pain, he used his right hand to hold Frank's throat, but in the end he lost an eye and a hand.

  It was now the last few hours after Frank had given one day's grace. If he still didn't find the silver-haired boy, then what he would lose this time was his own life.

  Raoul's originally relatively strong body was now emaciated due to the loss of too much blood, and the blood color under the skin was almost invisible. He is now like a living corpse, not even a living person.

  "My lord, my lord! Just give me a little more time, I'm almost going to find him! I can feel that he is nearby!" Raoul replied with trembling all over.

  "Oh? You can sense that he is nearby now? Then why couldn't you sense it yesterday? Are you lying to me now, or you didn't try your best yesterday!" Frank's eyes seemed to be looking at someone. Like a helpless wild dog.

  There was no mercy in his heart, and his face was full of mockery. If this kind of waste didn't have some use value, it would have died in his hands long ago.

  Frank did not continue to talk to Raoul, but arranged his clothes and folded his high collar once. Then he took out a bottle of inferior perfume and sprayed it on his neck several times.

  Not far away is the wealthy area of ​​Backlund. Without some disguise, it would be difficult to hide from the bodyguards patrolling the wealthy area.

  It is a well-known fact in Backlund that the bodyguards in the rich areas are better than the police chiefs in the slums.

  After a little tidying up, Frank made himself look a bit rich, and that was limited to his appearance. If he spoke, his identity would be revealed. After all, clothing is easy to imitate, but living habits developed over a long period of time cannot be changed overnight.

  Raoul, whom he regarded as a dead dog, Frank wanted to use his last life to do something, so he was thrown aside in disgust. In the rich area, people like Raoul will soon be patrolled The bodyguards dealt with it properly.

  "My lord! My lord! I know! I know! The silver-haired boy is in the restaurant far away!" Raoul said very excitedly.

  Although his eyes were gone, he could still rely on his ears to determine where Frank had gone.

  The excited Raoul used one hand to support his legs and struggled to crawl to Frank's feet. He excitedly kissed Frank's inferior leather shoes, begging him to let him go.

  "Very good, you did a good job, you can leave now." Frank rarely revealed his true nature, but let Raoul go in a very gentlemanly manner.

  Although Raoul did not understand how the cruel Frank could let him go so easily, he was already prepared to continue to be enslaved. But no matter what the situation is, he is free now! He no longer has to suffer from the devil Frank!

  His body was very weak at the moment, but it did not affect his escape speed at all. He used his feet and his remaining hand to run towards the distance in a very disharmonious way.

  In the process of escaping, he fell several times, which also caused his solidified wounds to be scratched again. Blood fell along his ankles and onto the soles of his feet, leaving one after another on the unknown flat land. A bloody footprint.

  Frank looked at all this with just a hint of sneer, as if he was mocking the other person's stupidity.

  "Calculate the time, they should have noticed it." Frank's eyes no longer stayed at Raoul's side, and he walked towards the restaurant not far away.

  The bodyguards in the rich area naturally noticed Raoul. His disorderly behavior was undoubtedly the same as that of the uneducated poor people in the slums. Maybe he was a poor person in the slums.

  They originally didn't want to care about this matter because it was really unlucky. It wasn't until Raoul's behavior scared away the puppies raised in a rich man's house that they realized that they had to make Raoul stop his inappropriate behavior. ! Otherwise it will inevitably lead to catastrophe.

  A group of well-trained bodyguards was naturally not something that a semi-crippled man like Raoul could resist. In less than a quarter of an hour, they cleared everything about Raoul from the rich area, as if Raoul never appears here.

  Frank also used the time that the bodyguards were dealing with Raoul to sneak into the rich area, and found his figure hidden in a secret corner.

  He also saw the silver-haired lucky man who won Mir's favor at the last trade fair, but he was not alone at this time, which made Frank hesitate for a moment.

  But Frank made up his mind in a very short period of time. If he gave up the action this time because the opponent was not alone, then he might give up the next attack because of other reasons.

  But what made him make his decision without hesitation was because the blond young man sitting opposite the silver-haired boy did not bring him much sense of danger.

  Of course, the reason behind this may be that the Night Path has its own hidden effect. It is very reasonable for Sesima of Sequence 5 to misjudge Frank of Sequence 9.

  "The food in this restaurant tastes quite good." Lu Yan looked at the blond young man in front of him with clear eyes. He did not feel guilty for taking advantage of Sesima.

  Not long ago, Lu Yan sensed that another unknown person whose fate was entangled with him was gradually approaching him.

  Although Lu Yan could not determine the identity of the other party, Lu Yan felt the aura of the Hanged Man's path on this entangled line of fate.

  Moreover, the other party's sequence is not low. It is initially judged that he should be a Sequence Six Beyonder. There is no doubt that the other party must be a member of the Aurora Society.

  Lu Yan felt that the other party came to him most likely because of his relationship with the Church of the Night, so letting Deacon Sesima handle this matter was not considered taking advantage of the other party.

  "This restaurant is really delicious, especially the candies it provides for free! You are really lucky to find such a delicious restaurant among so many restaurants in Backlund," Sesima said sincerely. .

  He was indeed a little envious of Lu Yan's luck. As far as he knew, Lu Yan only lived in St. Samuel's Church for ten days. He couldn't go to the restaurant many times in ten days. However, Lu Yan could live in St. Samuel's Church as many times as the stars. It is really an enviable thing to choose one of the many restaurants that tastes very good.

  In fact, many of Backlund's restaurants are not worthy of their names. They focus on high-end and luxurious names and make dishes that even homeless people can't swallow. What makes Sesima even more speechless is that many upper-class people still like it. Eating this kind of thing really made him feel baffled.

  After drinking a few glasses of fruit wine, Lu Yan watched the slightly drunk Deacon Sesima change the topic to the direction he wanted without leaving any trace.

  "Lord Sesima, when I went to the East District a few days ago, I met an Extraordinary who calls himself the Aurora Society. That Extraordinary has a large number of followers in the East District."

  Lu Yan put down the almost untouched wine glass in his hand and looked outside the restaurant with a worried expression. He observed Deacon Sesima's expression out of the corner of his eye and found that the other party seemed to be attracted by his words before continuing. The topic continued.

  "The power of that extraordinary person is not small, and the faces of those followers are full of piety. I suspect that the other person is a minion of some kind of evil god."

  There is not much information about the Aurora Society in the archives of the Church of Dark Night, and it seems that it was deliberately deleted from the archives by the Church.

  Coupled with the ambiguous attitude of the Night Goddess in Zhou Mingrui's biography, Lu Yan was a little unsure of the Night Church's attitude towards the Aurora Society.

  If there is something fishy in it, then Sesima, as a senior member of the Church of the Night, will definitely know some inside information. UU Reading www.uuuhuu.net No matter which way he answers, the information will be revealed.

  "The Aurora Society seems to be an evil church that appeared a thousand years ago. The evil god behind them is the True Creator." Sesima used a ritual to seal off all the mysterious powers around her before cautiously speaking out the name of the True Creator.

  Then he began to introduce the evil god, the True Creator, to Lu Yan, and described to him how many outrageous things the madmen of the Aurora Society had done.

  In his opinion, Lu Yan was a favored person of the Night Goddess and qualified to know these secrets. When Lu Yan became a high-sequence Beyonder in the future, he would inevitably have to deal with the Aurora Society.

  Something suddenly occurred to Sesima's mind. Lu Yan seemed to be an Extraordinary, but he didn't seem to be an Extraordinary of the Night Path?

  Before Sesima could ask about this matter, he was slightly drunk, as if his brain was fascinated by the high concentration of alcohol, and he forgot about this matter for a while.

  Lu Yan also got the information he wanted. Sesima's words had revealed too much about the goddess of the night.

  He clearly separates the church's affairs from his own affairs. Even if the Night Goddess has a secret deal with the True Creator, it is only between the two gods and has little relationship with their subordinate churches. .

  Analyzing the last divine battle in Zhou Mingrui's biography, the goddess of the night's final supporter was Klein, who is also Zhou Mingrui. Although it is not ruled out that the goddess of the night was also acting at that time, this is all he can do now. Think about it.

  "Lord Sesima, there seems to be something watching us not far away!" After Lu Yan confirmed his suspicion, he began to make full use of Sesima, a powerful tool man.

Missing chapters and error reportsChapter 7 The Death of Frank

  Sesima's slightly drunken expression gradually became sober. He took a deep look at Lu Yan with meaningful eyes, then stood up and tidied his clothes. He has a deep understanding of the trouble-making ability of His Excellency the Blessed One.

  "I'm going to deal with the Aurora Society people. You can stay here with peace of mind. Don't leave the restaurant casually, or be careful of getting hurt." Sesima's voice had an inexplicable magnetism and a magical power that was unconditionally convincing.

  After giving the instructions, Sesima did not stop. He put one hand on the hilt of the sword. At this moment, Deacon Sesima's temperament changed dramatically and became very sharp and attractive. The human heart seems like a sharp sword waiting to be unsheathed!

  Lu Yan naturally nodded honestly in front of Sesima, but after Sesima left, he threw his instructions into an unknown corner.

  Sesima only regarded the extraordinary person from the Aurora Society as her enemy, but she didn't know or subconsciously ignored Frank who was hiding in the dark.

  Perhaps Sequence Nine is really not worth mentioning to a high-Sequence Extraordinary like Sesima, but for Lu Yan who is also Sequence Nine, it is very dangerous.

  When the other party gradually approached him, he had already determined that the red fate entangled with him was the extraordinary person from the ninth hunter of the red priest path.

  The extraordinary fluctuations caused by the battle between Deacon Sesima and Mr. D of the Aurora Society who were fighting in the distance were very astonishing. Lu Yan sat on a chair in the corner of the restaurant waiting for the arrival of the other party as peacefully as time passed.

  A very interesting thing happened not long ago. When Lu Yan observed the entanglement between the fates of Raoul and himself, he discovered that the fates of Raoul and the Hunter Extraordinary were entangled more deeply than with him. Until a certain moment, Raoul and his fateful entanglement disappeared without a trace, as if they had never met.

  The phenomenon of the formation and disappearance of destiny entanglements naturally attracted Lu Yan's attention. His intuition told him that if he understood the principles, it might be of great help to him in digesting the potion.

  If you want to figure this out, it is obviously the most appropriate thing to start with the hunter extraordinary.

  Lu Yan picked up the crystal wine glass and looked at the dark corner of the restaurant. He raised the glass slightly and said, "Since you are here, why don't you come out and have a drink?"

  There was still no movement in the dark corner for a long time, as if Lu Yan was just talking to himself.

  "Raoul is dead," Lu Yan said calmly. This time, he did not continue to wait for a response, but stated the facts in a positive tone.

  "He is indeed dead, but you will be able to see him soon." Not long after Lu Yan finished speaking, Frank was sure that the other party had indeed discovered his traces.

  "You are very confident, but some things are beyond your imagination." Lu Yan's tone was very calm, and there was no trace of malice.

  "So what? I admit that I misjudged the strength of your companion, but good luck is favoring me. Your friend can't help you now." Frank put his hands in his pockets with a mocking look on his face. expression.

  He didn't care at all whether Lu Yan was stalling for time. In his opinion, the opponent had no chance to come back. The winner would always show some kind of kindness to the loser.

  "You seem to think that I only have one friend? And how do you know who is the enemy and who is the friend?" Lu Yan looked straight at Frank with clear eyes.


  Sesima naturally noticed Frank hiding in the dark, but Lu Yan did not ask him to take action, and he also had his own considerations.

  However, Mr. D who was hiding in the sewer of the restaurant had to be cleaned up. The relationship between the Church of the Night and the Aurora Society was not good. This group of rats hiding in the dark corners caused trouble to the Church of the Night.

  Mr. D was very distressed at this time because he was struggling with one thing. He had found the person the Lord wanted, but now he didn't know if the Lord cared about the other person's life or death.

  If the main thing is a living person, then he can only be careful. But if the Lord doesn't care about the other person's life or death, then he can take a corpse back.

  Naturally, there was no need to worry about this matter before, but now he had to consider it, because he was about to perfectly complete the Lord's oracle, so naturally he could not make mistakes in this kind of thing.

  Before he could think about the result, a sharp sword had already passed through his arm. Although the flesh magic he was good at could repair various injuries on the body, the wound cut by the sharp sword carried a An indescribable aura that greatly inhibited the repair ability of his flesh and blood magic.

  "You are Sesima!" Mr. D looked at the blond young man holding the cold light sword with some horror. He really did not expect to meet one of the deacons of the Church of the Night here.

  "Do you regard the sewers of Backlund as your base camp? Do you serve your master in a place like this?" Sesima covered her nose with her cuffs, and her words were full of ridicule towards Mr. D.

  In the past, if someone dared to slander their great Lord like this, the outcome would definitely be that one of the two would die. But now Mr. D cannot fight with the other party. Fulfilling the Lord's oracle is more important than anything else. important!

  Sesima's green eyes stared at Mr. D coldly, but she was thinking about another thing in her heart. It seems that what the other party is planning this time must be very important, so important that they can even temporarily ignore their blasphemy against their Lord.

  "The rose on your hand seems to be blooming well. Are you interested in showing it to me?" Sesima soon discovered the rose flower protected by Mr. D. It was not difficult to guess based on its abnormality. This rose plays an important role in Mr. D's plot.

  Mr. D ignored Sesima's verbal taunts one after another, but used actions to prove the tenacity of the members of the Aurora Society who would rather die than surrender!

  The war between the two is about to break out!


  Frank admitted that he was a little wary of what Lu Yan said, but so what, this time one of them had to die.

  Lu Yan could sense Frank's unabashed intentions, so he stopped delaying time, just in time to let him test how terrifying the power of fate is!

  There were not many people in the restaurant. All the waiters were dismissed by Deacon Sesima after serving the dishes. Apparently Deacon Sesima had a premonition of what was happening now. So their fight didn't attract anyone else's attention.

  "You are an unqualified hunter! I didn't even see the trap you laid." Lu Yan's extremely high level of inspiration could almost see the opponent's attack trajectory, which made it impossible for the opponent to hit Lu Yan. But Lu Yan has no way to deal with Frank for the time being, so the two of them are fighting like novices pecking each other.

  One person couldn't hit the other person, and the other one used all his strength without causing much damage to the other person. It was like two naughty children playing house.

  "You don't have much strength, so this method is not painful at all! If you only have this level today, then you can say goodbye to this world!" Frank ignored Lu Yan's sarcasm, because He could make countless mistakes, but Lu Yan could not make one mistake.

  The reason why Lu Yan did not use cold weapons to attack is very simple. First of all, he is not proficient in these weapons. Secondly, he saw that Frank had set a trap on the knife. If he picked up the knife, he might be killed. Got it!

  But every punch he hits on Frank's body is not without any use. Lu Yan can use physical contact to use his unique power!

  Lu Yan can proactively use Uniqueness to predict the future, but since Uniqueness predicted that his future would be in dire straits, Lu Yan has never used that cheating thing again.

  This time he has to use the extremely weird and unique "karma" again. Although he has no way to control the predicted future, after he is promoted to sequence nine, he can let "karma" act on other people!

  The premise is that he needs to establish enough contact with the other party, including but not limited to physical contact! Connections to the occult and other aspects are also a must!

  Mystical contact was already available when fate was entangled, so now Lu Yan can use uniqueness as long as he reaches physical contact!

  This is why Lu Yanming knew that his fist might not hurt the opponent, but he kept attacking.

  "Enough!" After dodging Frank's attack again, Lu Yan turned around and took a few steps back, giving Frank a cold look with his silver eyes.

  Although he didn't know what was going to happen, Frank instinctively felt that something terrible was about to happen to him.

  Lu Yan took off the small silver apple-shaped pendant from his neck. He did not forget that "karma" has the characteristics of activation. Because he was suppressed by the aura of the Ring of Fate, his only sexual instinct was trembling, and he could not survive at all. There is not a trace of activated thoughts.

  Frank is different. As long as he establishes a connection with "Causation", then "Causation" will reasonably arrange his death ending, just like Sealed Artifact 008.

  Frank could tell at a glance that Lu Yan wanted to place his hope on the silver pendant. He would never give the opponent any chance as he was close to victory.

  Although I don't know what the silver-haired boy is doing, I just need to stop him!

  The silver pendant fell out of the silver-haired boy's hand and floated in the air as if absorbing something.

  Frank launched another attack. Although Lu Yan could dodge the sudden attack, the cost was to take a few steps back!

  This was originally a trivial matter, but now there is "karma" floating in the air, and the price of taking a few steps back is losing your home court!

  However, this is exactly what Lu Yan needs. On the surface, he looks very helpless, but in fact, he is looking forward to Frank taking it away!

  Frank's eyes never left Lu Yan. When he saw the unwilling and desperate expression on the silver-haired boy, he knew that this thing was the key to his counterattack.

  It's a pity that this thing is his now. Although he doesn't know what this thing is, it gives him a deep feeling of palpitations, which undoubtedly shows that it is a very powerful treasure.

  "Look, the means you rely on to fight back are all falling into my hands. You might as well just commit suicide!" Frank didn't forget to use his tongue to taunt Lu Yan before the silver necklace fell into his hands.

  Before Lu Yan could respond, he got the silver necklace. What happened next was something he couldn't understand at all. The bizarre world, the crazy words, and the inexplicable knowledge he couldn't understand were all torn apart. to his reason.

  Frank stood on the ground with one hand, the expression on his face gradually became numb, and then came his heart-rending wails!

  "What on earth is this! How could it be possible! How could it be possible!" Frank knocked on his brain like crazy, but the severe pain did not subside at all.

  The silver necklace in his hand was thrown aside by him. The holy object that he wanted to get not long ago was now the most terrifying thing in the world in his eyes. He was afraid of touching this thing in his heart and even his body.

  Lu Yan looked at Frank, whose eyes had lost focus, and once again felt the malice from fate. Although he was not the one being manipulated by fate, he felt quite sad about the death of a rabbit. Even so, he still had no choice.

  Putting the oneness exposed in the air around his neck again, the oneness seemed to gradually calm down from the activated state. The inexplicable aura that filled the restaurant gradually dispersed, as if nothing had changed.

  When the uniqueness returned to Lu Yan, Lu Yan did not have his reason destroyed by the indescribable knowledge like Frank. This was also thanks to the fact that almost everything in him came from the ring of fate, otherwise his end would not have been expected. It would be much better than Frank at the moment.

  Although Lu Yan didn't know what the other party saw that caused him to be in this state, it didn't affect him in any way from giving him his destined death!

  What Frank saw was naturally unimaginable in his sequence. His pain did not come from the body but from the spirit. He saw something more than just the future.

  In the future, the silver-haired boy's silver eyes stared at him indifferently, and a pair of almost bloodless hands pressed against his throat, killing him without any effort.

  He saw himself in the young man's silver-white pupils. His eyes were dull, his face was dull, and his lips were constantly moving, as if he was repeating some words.

  The reason for all this was the silver-white necklace. Before getting the necklace, he thought it was a rare treasure. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net In fact, it was indeed so.

  The moment he obtained the treasure, his spirituality was greatly enhanced, allowing him to see scenery he had never seen before.

  The extraordinary duel between Deacon Sesima and Mr. D in the distance was clearly clear in his spiritual perception, and he was intoxicated by the various mysterious atmospheres flowing in the air.

  At this moment, he seemed to have become the master of this area. Although this was an illusion caused by his sudden gain of powerful power, his ability at this time could be regarded as a unique and huge increase.

  He wanted to ridicule the silver-haired boy for discarding this treasure, and wanted to see the silver-haired boy's expression of despair and pain. With malicious intentions, he locked his sight on the silver-haired boy, but what he saw next made him instantly stop. Reason breaks down.

  The golden sunlight, the breath of silver like the finest silk, the veil made of crimson moonlight hanging high in the sky at night, and a picture that seems to contain everything...

  Countless things he couldn't understand distorted his thinking, made him crazy, became numb, and made him unable to think, making him give up struggling and completely destroying his spirit.

  He finally met his destined death!

  Lu Yan grabbed Frank's throat and easily ended his life. The other party has no resistance and cannot resist. This is the power that comes from destiny.

  Lu Yan lowered his head slightly. After searching several times, he could not find anything valuable on Frank's body. There were only three gold pounds.

  What Lu Yan didn't know was that the main reason why Frank targeted him was that Frank was also at the end of his rope.

  At this moment, he looked outside the restaurant. The battle between Deacon Sesima and Mr. D was about to end.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 8 The boy in the mural

  At this moment, Mr. D has very little flesh and blood left. Although the flesh magic is powerful, the sequelae are very obvious. The long battle has put him on the verge of death. As for Sesima, because of the Holy Sword, her aura becomes stronger the more she fights, which makes the outcome between the two no longer in suspense.

  Compared with direct combat, the spiritual advantage of the Night Path will be more powerful. Because of the recognition of the Holy Sword, Sesima has blossomed both mentally and in melee combat. The increase in spiritual abilities of the Night Path combined with the increase in direct combat ability of the Holy Sword are enough to make Sesima a hexagonal warrior.

  Mr. D knew that he was no match for Sesima, but he was already restricted and could not even ask for help. He was like a mouse trapped in a cage. What was very unfortunate was that there was a cat staring at him eagerly in this small cage!

  "You don't have any chance anymore. If you are willing to reveal all your plans, I may be able to let you die a dignified death." Sesima said casually. In fact, he did not expect that the other party would really tell her. Tell him the plan.

  At this time, Mr. D was no longer human, but the rose flower in his hand was still as bright as ever, even worse than before.

  "The great Lord will impose divine punishment on you, a group of insects in the night!" Mr. D really had no other option at this moment, and even used obscene words to attack.

  Sesima is naturally indifferent to his incompetent rage. As one of the leaders of the Red Gloves, he has suffered from these crimes.


  Lu Yan walked out of the restaurant with a little regret. After repeated confirmation, Frank had three gold pounds in his body that were useful to him, as well as the extraordinary properties extracted from them.

  Although I don't know what the other party saw that caused him to become in that kind of dementia state, it doesn't take much thinking to know that it should be related to the existence of that high-level person. Fortunately, the extraordinary characteristics were not contaminated by this.

  When Lu Yan arrived at the battle site between Sesima and Mr. D, Mr. D had no ability to resist and collapsed on the ground like a pile of mud. A bright red rose flower took root in its shattered flesh and blood.

  Sesima took a deep look at Lu Yan who was approaching. Although he was fighting Mr. D, he still had enough time to pay attention to the situation on Lu Yan's side.

  In other words, he is also a little worried about the safety of the goddess's favored person. According to the information revealed by several archbishops, this favored person asked the goddess to send several undisclosed oracles to him. This is enough to prove that the goddess values ​​​​this beloved one.

  At the beginning, he wanted to test the abilities of the Goddess's Beloved with the help of the Extraordinary who was hiding in the dark in the hunter's path. For this reason, he always pointed the holy sword at the hunter, otherwise Mr. D would have died by him. in hands.

  But the development of the matter seemed to be far beyond his imagination. He did not know and did not find out what method Lu Yan used to kill the extraordinary man, but he clearly felt the aura of the goddess.

  "This beloved one really attracts the attention of the goddess!" Sesima sighed in her heart.

  I think it was only after he contracted the Holy Sword that the goddess noticed him. Such a comparison suddenly made me feel sad.

  "Lord Sesima, is this the member of the Aurora Society who is following me?" Lu Yan asked, tilting his head slightly.

  He really didn't know what outrageous thing he had done that actually attracted the Sequence Six of the Aurora Society to hunt down him, a Sequence Nine Extraordinary.

  The only thing that might offend the Aurora Society is that he killed a Sequence Nine secret prayer person, but that wouldn't make the other party send Sequence Six to hunt him down, right?

  "It should be him. The aura you once left behind was captured by him and cultivated into a kind of rose that can track the owner of the aura." As a Sequence Five, Sesima is naturally well-informed, especially for the perennial The Aurora you are dealing with will be very familiar.

  "However, this kind of flesh-and-blood magic requires a huge price, and is usually only used on enemies who suffer from deep hatred." Sesima looked at Lu Yan with a subtle expression, as if asking what he had done. That's what makes the other person hate you so much.

  Lu Yan himself didn't know, so he could only answer truthfully: "I don't know!"

  Sesima obviously didn't believe it. His clear-cut face under his blond hair showed a helpless expression, and then he laughed in a low voice: "I'm not interrogating you, I'm just out of pure curiosity."

  Lu Yan put his hands in his pockets, shook his head, sighed helplessly, then looked at Sesima with very sincere eyes and said, "I really don't know!"

  "It's you! I finally found you!" The roses on Mr. D's flesh gradually withered and fell, and the bright red petals moistened his body, which was like rotten flesh.

  But it seemed that he was too excited, and like a flashback, he just yelled at the top of his lungs and turned into a pile of meat again. This time there was really no breath.

  At this moment, Lu Yan felt a little speechless. How much hatred did Mr. D have against him? He even wanted to slander him by pretending to be dead!

  He really wanted to explain, but after seeing Sesima's "I understand" expression, he gave up the idea of ​​explaining. The language was feeble to a certain extent.

  "It's nothing to offend the people of the Aurora Society. Almost all the extraordinary people in our Church of the Night have offended." Sesima tried to comfort Lu Yan with words, but the more he comforted Lu Yan, the more she felt like crying.

  "Forget it, that member of the Aurora Society shouldn't die that easily." Lu Yan was about to change the topic, but Deacon Sesima's comforting words were like a black pot on his head.

  "If it were other members of the Aurora Society, they should be dead, but he is Mr. D of the Aurora Society, Bishop Rose of Sequence Six. There is a high probability that he will secretly leave flesh and blood somewhere as a means of resurrection." Deacon Sesima He said quietly.

  Lu Yan had known this outcome for a long time, because the entanglement between Mr. D and his fate had not disappeared, but had become very faded.

  After solving Frank, he had a sufficient understanding of the entanglement of fate, and also had a preliminary understanding of Sequence Nine: Passenger.

  The rules of the passerby's role are naturally to establish the entanglement of fate first, and then break the entanglement of fate and become a temporary existence in other people's lives.

  Passers-by only exist in a certain section of other people's fate. Once the entanglement in fate is cut off, the connection will gradually be lost. This is the most important rule of thumb for passers-by!

  "Contact, lost contact, short-term contact?" Lu Yan said some strange words like a philosopher.

  Sesima was also a little curious, but she didn't ask any questions. If the goddess's loved one didn't have anything different from ordinary people, then it would be called weird.

  "Lord Sesima, do you know where a psychiatrist is needed?" A profession emerged in Lu Yan's mind, which seemed to be very suitable for playing the role of a passerby!

  "Psychiatrist?" Sesima looked at Lu Yan with a very distrustful look. Being a psychiatrist at Lu Yan's age was an unreliable thing no matter how you looked at it.

  "Yes, yes, but I think your age may make your business bleak." Sesima did not choose to refuse directly, but reminded Lu Yan in a subtle way.

  "Wouldn't I have to face this problem next month?" Lu Yan said angrily.

  He doesn't want to be a bishop, but this matter is probably decided by the goddess of the night, and he has no ability to resist now.

  There was an aurora outside that was staring at him, and there was also the Ring of Fate that was lusting after his body. After all, the Church of the Night was the safest.

  Moreover, the salary offered by the Church of Night is very high. If he gives up his job in the Church of Night, he may end up like a poor god.

  Sesima was stunned for a moment. This was indeed the case. They felt that Lu Yan was qualified to be the bishop in large part because of the goddess's oracle.

  But except for the senior leaders of the church, Lu Yan is just a young man in other people's minds. Although he is good-looking, being good-looking may not necessarily allow him to manage the church well, nor may he convince others.

  They have no way to make the goddess's oracle public, and at most they can only help Lu Yan in private. The most important thing is that their trust in Lu Yan also comes from the goddess of the night, not from Lu Yan himself.

  "No. 25 Jinchihua Street North is my private property. I can lend it to you for a clinic." After some thought, Sesima decided to let Lu Yan open a clinic by himself. If he arranged Lu Yan to a certain clinic, Then the other party probably regarded it as studying with the prince, and had no actual use in cultivating Lu Yan's abilities.

  Sesima thought that Lu Yan wanted to become a psychiatrist to gain experience for becoming a bishop, but she didn't know that Lu Yan wanted to become a psychiatrist to digest her own magic medicine.

  If Lu Yan could know Sesima's thoughts at this moment, then he would definitely stop Deacon Sesima's unwarranted speculation! And told the other party that he didn't want to improve his abilities, so he could just arrange for him to enter a large psychological clinic!

  "You only have one month. You must take up the post in Tingen before February next year." Sesima said seriously. He was afraid that Lu Yan would forget his business because he was addicted to being a doctor.

  "I understand, one month is enough." Lu Yan nodded slightly.

  He indeed needs to go to Tingen in advance and secure his position as Bishop of the Church of the Night in Tingen City within four months. This is crucial to his future arrangements. If there is a chance, he would not mind going there. See what kind of person Klein is.

  "This puts me at ease. May the goddess bless you." Sesima said piously as she pointed out the Holy Emblem of the Church of the Night on her chest. Then he gave Lu Yan the key to the house on Jinchihua Street.

  Naturally, Sesima didn't have time to accompany Lu Yan to see the house. During the period of his absence, Red Gloves had probably accumulated a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

  He didn't know where he conjured a coat and put it on himself. The high collar covered the corners of his mouth, making him look even colder.

  Unknowingly, a few snowflakes fell from the sky in Backlund, and a cold breath gradually appeared in the air. Deacon Sesima's back disappeared in front of Lu Yan.

  Lu Yan stretched out his pale arms and caught a piece of snowflake from the air. The snowflake had octagonal shapes, forming a regular octagon. After exhaling a breath of hot breath, Lu Yan was also ready to set off for Jinchihua Street.

  The entanglement between Deacon Sesima and his fate has not been severed. They will meet again one day in the future, and the story about Sesima will continue to develop.

  Lu Yan looked up and saw the sunset in the distance, like fire, bright, but false. This was the first time he saw dusk since he came to this world, and it reminded him of many things.

  The goddess may want to train Sesima to become an angel in the Twilight Giant pathway, or even the king of angels. This point has some clues from the fact that the Holy Sword recognizes its owner.

  In 1346, Ince Zangwill failed to be promoted to Sequence Four and fled with the sealed artifact 008 Alsuhod's Pen. In the same year, Sesima was recognized by the Holy Sword and became one of the top leaders of the Church of the Night.

  How did the Extraordinary who was not even a demigod steal the Level 0 Sealed Artifact? The information revealed behind this was unbearable to ponder. I am afraid that the deal between the Goddess of the Night and Adam had already begun at this time.


  In the dirty sewer, a huge piece of meat squirmed disgustingly, and the red blood vessels on the piece of meat burst open, as if something was about to grow out of the piece of meat.

  This is a place that even mice don't want to come near. Roses are wrapped around it, and the atmosphere of depravity is filled with it.

  The flesh and blood continued to squirm, and a humanoid shape gradually emerged. Mr. D's upper body emerged from the flesh, and his eyes full of flesh showed a palpitating look.

  He felt palpitations not because he was killed, but because he almost did something stupid. He finally understood why the Lord asked him to bring the young man back. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

  Silver-white hair, silver-white eyes, and silver pendants, he had only seen these things in the murals in the Lord's sanctuary.

  It only took him a few seconds to figure out the pros and cons of the matter. This time he quickly announced the Lord's oracle to the Aurora Society.

  But Mr. D added some words very thoughtfully, which made other members of the Aurora Society very confused.

  Find him and bring him back!

  Mr. D added some words at the end to prevent other members of the Aurora Society from doing stupid things, so the oracle became to find him and bring him back! If you want to be alive and whole, please come back!

  Most of the Aurora Society are a group of lunatics, and their thinking is somewhat different from ordinary people.

  They will also have different understandings of the oracles that have been annotated by Mr. D, but as long as they are extraordinary people with a similar or higher status to Mr. D, they will definitely understand what the oracles mean after meeting Lu Yan, but those with lower sequences will Extraordinary people occupy more after all.

  Several members of the Aurora Society of Sequence Seven gathered together to discuss matters related to the oracle. After processing their twisted thoughts, the oracle became increasingly strange.

  But there is no doubt that all members of the Aurora Society are working hard for this matter.

  Although the members of the Aurora Society have relatively low sanity, they are loyal enough that everyone is like a fanatical believer.

  This may also be the reason why the True Creator is getting more and more crazy. In the Fourth Age, the True Creator had a stable and normal anchor, so He was very normal at that time.

  But later, for some reason, he lost his anchor, became crazy, and was thrown into the evil god's camp.

  His madness affects his followers, and his followers respond madly to him, forming a vicious cycle.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 9 Rules for Passers-by's Acting

  Jinchihua Street is located on the edge of Queens District. Although the houses here are not independent and exquisite small buildings, it does not affect its status in the hearts of Loen nobles.

  This is probably because Jinchihua Street is Backlund's commercial street, home to various of Backlund's most high-end shops.

  As for why the senior deacon of the Church of the Night owns a house here, according to rumors, when Sesima became a deacon of the Church of the Night, many Loen nobles sent congratulatory gifts. Among them was a wealthy businessman who believed in the goddess because Sesima Ma once helped him deal with extraordinary events, so she gave him a store on Jinchihua Street as a gift to repay Sesima's kindness.

  This kind of thing is not uncommon. In the hearts of the people of Loen, the church is much more reliable than the government. If you pick a random passerby on the street of Loen and ask him whether he would like to use the money for taxes or donate to the church, The vast majority of people will choose the latter.

  In fact, many families regard the church as their spiritual support. Compared with the ruling class that often causes them trouble, the church is undoubtedly a very friendly and holy place where their spirits can be soothed.

  Jinchihua Street is located on the northeast side of Queens. Many luxurious shops that specifically serve the upper class are concentrated here. At the same time, Jinchihua Street is also one of the areas with the best security in the Kingdom of Loen.

  It's not that the people here have high moral standards, but that there are too many police officers patrolling here every day. The numerous luxury stores can easily arouse people's greed and do things they regret.

  Sheriffs who want to enrich their resumes will choose to come to Jinchihua Street to wait and see. Every time, many sheriffs add colorful things to their resumes. Over time, the security here has become better and better, so much so that professional thieves dare not sneak into Jinqihua Street because they can't tell whether the pedestrians everywhere are some kind of police officer who hides his identity.

  It was already midnight when Lu Yan arrived at Jinchihua Street. The crimson moon in the sky happened to be hanging in the middle of the sky. The gauze-like moonlight shrouded the rows of houses. The streets with swaying lights seemed to be the brightest in the night. Like a gem, its vitality is set off by the quiet night.

  People on the street come here in droves to explore the secrets of the night. The brightly lit luxury buildings allow pedestrians to huddle up in the gentle countryside, where they can relieve their fatigue from the day.

  A dazzling array of jewelry can bring spiritual comfort, and expensive perfume is an indispensable personal item for every elegant Ms. Luen.

  There are also dresses made of the finest silk, which are even more dignified for the rich. Behind this is the tireless work of hundreds of sewing machines driven by steam from morning to night.

  The address given by Deacon Sesima is No. 25, Jinchihua Street North. There is a small house there between a clothing store and a gem store. It is considered one of the most prosperous areas in Jinchihua Street. Deacon Sesima is willing to move this place to Lu Yan owed him a favor by temporarily lending him a store.

  Although this may be a trivial thing for Deacon Sesima, for Lu Yan, it is a shortcut to quickly digest the potion.

  He didn't care whether Deacon Sesima had other purposes or lent him the house for some reason. Because it is his first rule to act according to his deeds and regardless of his heart. Although this does not apply to all things, it should be used as a basis before he can no longer do whatever he wants.

  He wants to display this principle generously. Only in this way can he attract more investments from neutral gods. This is a business that is sure to make money without losing money for the gods. They may only need to pay a small amount of help. , we may be able to reap huge fruits in the future. And Lu Yan can also get the help he wants, adding a bit of leverage in his fight against the Ring of Fate.

  In the eyes of the gods, only profit is the most important. Lu Yan is like a piece of cake placed on the table for people to enjoy as they please, and all the gods have to do is walk in front of this piece of cake.

  Although some gods may not like to eat cakes, or are not interested in cakes, as long as most gods are willing to enjoy cakes, Lu Yan's goal has been achieved.

  After all, he is not strong enough now, otherwise he would raise his hands and shout: "It's better to deceive the gods than to have the seed!" Ahem, this matter also depends on the situation, the overall meaning is that this is a game When he is not having fun, he can just flip the table.

  Insert the key into the hole and turn it around before slowly pushing the wooden door open. The smell of rotting wood, dampness and mold comes to your face. A light layer of dust has fallen on the furniture in the house. It seems that it has been unoccupied for a long time, and the matching furniture is also slightly damaged.

  The first thing I saw when I walked into the house were many rats. If other bishops in the church saw this scene, they would say it is impossible. They could not believe that the house of such a decent person as Sesima was actually occupied by rats. .

  Naturally, the bishops in the church do not include Lu Yan. Although he has not known Sesima for too long, it can be seen from her words and deeds that she is a pure person. He may have become the goddess. Having given everything of yourself, you will naturally not care about these external things.

  "It seems that we need to find a cleaning company tomorrow. Maybe it would be better to hire a decoration company first." Lu Yan walked out of the house in a few steps. It was impossible for him to stay here tonight. He didn't want to be with those ferocious people. little animals sleep together.

  Lu Yan sighed and walked in the direction of the Church of the Night. Originally, he wanted to find a hotel to stay in, but he didn't expect that staying in the hotel on Jinchihua Street for one night would cost 5 pounds! And this money is only the basic check-in fee, and does not include other services.

  Although he received a spiritual compensation from the Church of the Night, the money was not enough to buy potions. How could he use it to stay in a hotel like this! Besides, renovating the psychological clinic tomorrow will also be a huge expense.

  At this moment, he seemed to feel the pain that the poor gods had experienced. There was always something or something that would defraud their pockets of gold pounds one by one!

  Maybe he could set the consultation fee a little higher, after all, the noble ladies of Loen would not be short of money.

  But tonight's misfortune is far from over. Lu Yan, who returned to the Church of the Night, made most people forget his existence because of his Sequence Nine ability.

  "Sir, the front is the daily life area for church staff. You can't go in anymore." Sister Dia said with a hint of seriousness in her tone.

  There are many nuns like her living in the daily living area. During the day, the other party can still let them go if they have legitimate reasons, but now it is night, and she really does not dare to let a strange man enter, although she I think this man looks familiar.

  "I'm here to see Deacon Sesima." Lu Yan said expressionlessly.

  The ability of the Nameless One is too strong. If a person with dark emotions in his heart gets the potion of the Passing Sequence, it will extremely likely cause the corruption of social atmosphere. Fortunately, Lu Yan has no obscene thoughts.

  "Deacon Sesima has gone to the Church of Tranquility. You can come back to visit him in a few days." Sister Dia's tone gradually became rude. This inferior reason was something that the other party would not come up with.

  "Bishop Electra probably hasn't left the church. If you question my identity, you can ask him." Lu Yan's tone was very calm, and the expression on his face looked even more innocent.

  Lu Yan was originally worried about his nameless ability, but then he thought about it, and many ideas suddenly appeared in his mind, and he could just use Sister Dia to do an experiment! An experiment about the entanglement of fate!

  He has not yet figured out the way to establish the entanglement of fate.

  But one thing he can now confirm through Sister Dia is that this level of dialogue between him and Miss Dia is not enough to entangle each other's fate and himself. Maybe he should change his approach.

  "This is a candy. If you are willing to accept it, then I will leave the church now. Goddess, I promise that this is just an ordinary candy." Lu Yan took it out of the pocket on the left side of his clothes. A paper candy.

  This was a free candy provided by the restaurant that entertained him and Deacon Sesima. At that time, he thought the candy tasted very good, so he casually took a few and put them in his pocket.

  Sister Dia looked at the candy in Lu Yan's hand, thought hesitantly for a moment, and finally reluctantly accepted the candy for the sake of the goddess. It's just a piece of candy, nothing serious.

  But the moment Dia accepted the candy, Lu Yan could clearly sense that there was an entanglement of fate between himself and Dia. However, this entanglement of fate was very weak, so weak that he couldn't do it without the help of the power of uniqueness. Noticed!

  Sister Dia's expression was slightly stunned at this moment, and then the impression of Lu Yan in his mind gradually became clear.

  "Lord...Mr. Bishop, please forgive me for being rude just now." Dia remembered things about Lu Yan after she was entangled with the fate of Lu Yan's reward.

  At this moment, she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. Goddess of the Night, why did she say those strange words just now!

  "It's okay. I don't blame you. You are already very good. I just wanted to test your ability to deal with emergencies. Congratulations on successfully passing the test. You are a very qualified nun!"

  Lu Yan is good at discovering the shortcomings of human nature. If you want to change a person's emotions, the best way is to cover the old emotions with new emotions, and the new emotions must be strong enough!

  The nun in front of her cares most about the goddess, and recognition from the goddess is what she looks forward to most. Although Lu Yan cannot represent the goddess of the night, as the incoming bishop, he can also represent the goddess of the night to a certain extent.

  "Really? I mean I'm very honored that I can pass the test!" Sister Dia said ecstatically.

  Lu Yan nodded slightly, indicating that Sister Dia could leave. He had already gotten the answer he wanted, so there was no need to continue deceiving Sister Dia.

  "Oh, yes, I still need to prepare for today's morning class." Before leaving, Sister Dia did not forget to show off in front of Lu Yan, or to gain Lu Yan's favor.

  If Lu Yan was a believer of the goddess, maybe this trick would work for him, but in fact Lu Yan could be considered a heretic, the kind who could be sent to the heresy trial.

  Lu Yan was obviously aware of this matter. What was he, the second or fifth child that the goddess of the night had personally placed in her church?

  He did not continue to think about this matter, because he would definitely leave the Church of the Night after reaching a certain sequence. Although the Church was good, it had too many restrictions.

  Lu Yan shook his head and told himself not to think about these things. He should finish running his psychological clinic first and try to digest the potions from the passers-by before heading to Tingen City.

  Although he knows how to act, it still takes time to digest the potion. After all, most of the people he chooses are ordinary people.

  The only exception is Frank. After killing Frank, his potion digestion progress has been about half. The reason for this may be because of his deep entanglement with Lu Yan's fate, and Frank himself. Is an extraordinary person.

  However, such opportunities are still too rare. Extraordinaries are still very scarce in this world, even low-sequence Extraordinaries. Moreover, it is very difficult to kill Extraordinaries of the same sequence with the low-sequence ability of Tower of Fate.

  "Be honest and don't make any big deal before going to St. Selina Church in Tingen City. UU看书www.uuknshu.net" Lu Yan finally chose to follow his heart.

  Lu Yan left the Church of the Night early the next morning. Yesterday, he only established a fateful entanglement with Sister Dia, so most people in the church still forgot about him.

  In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he had no choice but to leave the church first. This was a very correct decision.

  Today he changed his clothes abnormally, replacing his clothes made of unknown materials with the white shirt, black vest, black pants and black formal suit that the upper class gentlemen in the Kingdom of Loen loved to wear.

  Doing as the Romans do when you are in the country is something every foreigner should have the consciousness to do, because this can virtually eliminate a lot of unnecessary troubles.

  "Yes, just hang this sign on it. The environment in the house needs to be cleaned within a day." Lu Yan contacted a decoration company affiliated with the Church of the Night. At least they can look after the goddess. Be less thoughtful.

  Facts have proved that Lu Yan's choice was a very correct thing, and at the same time, he also discovered something that surprised him.

  When he commissioned the Blackthorn Decoration Company, he actually established a fateful entanglement with it. Although the degree was not high, it was real. After Blackthorn Decoration Company completed their contract, the connection was severed on a company basis.

  Perhaps the form of fate's entanglement is much simpler than he imagined. He made it complicated and superior. The word "destiny" itself has an unfathomable and vague feeling, so that its subsidiary products will also give people a profound impression.

  Passers-by are different from passers-by who can be seen everywhere. Passers-by need to first establish connections with other people, and finally break these connections to form an event centered on passers-by!

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Bookmark] [Next Chapter]Chapter 10 The evening dress that grows feet

  Only in this way did it appear that the abilities of Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 were closely linked. Lu Yan realized something in his heart and his eyes became much brighter.

  Love, hate, worldliness, etc. are all ways to establish an entanglement with the fate of others. Becoming a psychiatrist makes it easier to guide other people's emotions and gain the trust of others. This is an emotional entanglement with fate.

  Gifts, entrustments, and transactions are the entanglements of fate that come from the sophistication of human relationships. Whether it is a great favor or a random transaction, they are entanglements of fate!

  It seems that his thinking was too narrow before, thinking that fate is a noble thing. In fact, fate has no distinction between high and low, and there is no distinction between high and low. The connection of all things in the world can be regarded as a part of fate.

  "Please stop for a moment and let's sign a new contract." Lu Yan's eyes were filled with joy. At this moment, he was as happy as if he had solved a math problem that he had been thinking about day and night.

  The excitement made him subconsciously ignore the tragedy of the gradually decreasing gold pounds. It was not until he returned to the house at night that he realized that his chest was feeling tight!

  "I have a new idea. I want to split the house in half and open a grocery store next to the psychological clinic!" Lu Yan said after thinking again and again.

  It was also the first time for the staff of the Blackthorn Decoration Company to hear such a strange idea. They had no idea how two unrelated things, a psychological clinic and a grocery store, could be put together in one store.

  Lu Yan obviously realized that his idea might be a little ahead of his time. In fact, it was very puzzling that he chose to open a psychological clinic in the prosperous Jinqihua Street. What's even worse is that he now wants to open a grocery store next to the psychological clinic. .

  God, doesn't this Loen gentleman know that rich people are never willing to go to grocery stores, which are inferior stores that mix all kinds of jams together?

  "Ahem, what I mean is to use the grocery store to launch an opening event. After all, you know that the income of a psychological clinic is actually not high." Lu Yan waved his hands and said helplessly.

  The working members of Blackthorn Company reluctantly accepted Lu Yan's remarks, otherwise they would all wonder if Lu Yan was using them for entertainment.

  But even if it is just for fun, they are willing to continue to fulfill the contract, because the conditions offered by Lu Yan are really too tempting. For them, this is a business that is sure to make money without losing any money!

  After upgrading the benefits of the contract, Lu Yan clearly felt their enthusiasm for work increased. As expected, gold pounds are something that everyone cannot indispensable. Not only did the temporary change of plan not delay the completion of the decoration, but the commission was completed in advance before 12 noon.

  Lu Yan, who checked in early, naturally couldn't forget to visit his neighbors. This is the tradition of the Loen people. Friendly neighborly relations are the beginning of a better life.

  The store to the right of his house is owned by a company and doesn't require a visit. The shop to the left of his house is the residence of Backlund's most famous fashion designer, Mrs. Genia.

  She is a very kind old lady. She sent an invitation to afternoon tea when Lu Yan started to decorate the house. According to Lu En's custom, Lu Yan naturally refused this invitation and instead invited her to his own this afternoon. Be a guest in the shop.

  "Hello, my new neighbor, I am very happy that I can receive your invitation to the afternoon tea party on such an important day." Mrs. Genia specializes in making dresses for the upper class in Backlund. Although she is not of noble origin, her words and deeds are... His behavior is much more decent than that of some minor nobles.

  Two cups of fragrant black tea were placed quietly in front of the two of them on the wooden coffee table. The leisurely fragrance of tea made people immersed in the afternoon more than the bitter coffee.

  "I am also honored to invite the most skillful designer in Backlund." It is said that Mrs. Genia is unwilling to accept praise that exceeds her ability, so Lu Yan did not praise the other party too much, even if it was Luen's etiquette.

  "That's too polite. I'm just good at turning ideas into reality." Mrs. Genia expressed her modesty according to Luen's etiquette, but Lu Yan could see that the other party was very impressed by what he said.

  "I'm afraid I'm going to bother you a lot this month." Lu Yan said with a hint of apology.

  The short silver-white hair circled between his eyebrows and fell to his ears. He looked at Geniya who was sitting on the leather sofa with clear eyes and added new tea to the other person's tea cup.

  "This is nothing." Mrs. Genia picked up the tea cup in front of her and took a sip. She found that she actually fell in love with this kind of black tea. Then she realized the other meaning of Lu Yan's words, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Are you going to live here for a month?"

  "Yes, this month is my vacation. I plan to come here to do something I like. Next month I will go to Tingen City to work." Lu Yan did not hide his origin. Sooner or later, Mrs. Genia will forget about him because of his nameless abilities.

  "Are you the bishop of the Church of the Night?" Mrs. Guinness asked Lu Yan in a very excited tone, as if she had remembered something.

  "Well, you can think so." Lu Yan thought for a while and admitted this matter, because he sensed that Mrs. Genia seemed to be entangled in fate with him because of what she was about to say.

  It seems that this is a good opportunity to digest the potion. If there is any difficult problem, the worst is to leave the matter to the Church of the Night. Well, kill first and then show off, the goddess's permission!

  "The goddess of the night is here, this is great!" Mrs. Guinness tapped a few points on her chest skillfully. She is a much more devout believer of the goddess than Lu Yan.

  "Have you encountered any difficulties? If it is within my ability, I will also provide you with suggestions or help." Lu Yan's brows wrinkled slightly. Judging from Mrs. Genia's performance, she should be in danger. things.

  Mrs. Genia seemed to realize that she was a little out of character. She smiled sheepishly and said in a calm tone: "Last month, Earl Hall's housekeeper found me and hoped that I could design something for her precious daughter. An evening gown."

  Having said this, Mrs. Genia picked up the tea cup on the coffee table, took a sip, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, the taste of the black tea you have here is too tempting."

  Then she continued the topic: "Because I often design clothes for Earl Hall's family, I agreed without looking at the request."

  "When I read the request carefully later, I had a problem, because the count wanted to customize a dress for his daughter to attend church mass. The count's family are all believers of the goddess, so naturally they had to design the dress according to the rules of the Church of the Night."

  When she said this, Mrs. Genia glanced at Lu Yan out of the corner of her eye. She didn't continue talking until she was sure that Lu Yan didn't show any impatience on his face.

  "I designed a set of midnight neon clothes in the style of the Church of the Night. It was supposed to be delivered before the mass in the next few days. But a few days ago, this set of clothes ran away on its own!"

  There was a hint of fear in Mrs. Genia's tone at the end. In this world where extraordinary power is still unknown, such an incident would undoubtedly shatter the world's outlook.

  She originally wanted to call the police on this matter, but the Backlund police station was severely short of manpower recently. It seemed that they were all transferred to the coast to protect something, and there was no time to deal with her ridiculous-sounding incident.

  As for private detectives, she also found several, but they either failed or did not dare to intervene in this matter.

  In this way, the church was her only hope to solve this matter. Recently, she went to attend mass in the Night Church almost every day, and every time she devoutly told the goddess about this matter.

  But as the stipulated delivery date was approaching, Mrs. Genia had to rush to make a new evening dress. The new evening dress was unsatisfactory, lacking the short-lived agility and giving people a staid and old-fashioned feeling.

  If she delivered the new evening gown to Earl Hall's housekeeper, and when Miss Audrey wore the evening gown she designed to attend mass, the sharp-eyed nobles would be able to spot the shortcomings of this dress. As a result, her reputation in the fashion design world will take a big hit. You have to know how much she has paid to go from an ordinary textile worker to today's fame. This kind of thing that damages her reputation will almost cost her. Old fate!

  She would rather not deliver the dress than use defective goods to make up for it.

  "Are you saying that the dress you designed has lost its legs?" Lu Yan's face looked a little strange. It seems that this kind of thing is not something ordinary extraordinary people can do, but there is no need for high-sequence extraordinary people to do this kind of thing.

  "Yes, Lord Bishop."

  Mrs. Genia thought that her piety was responded to by the goddess of the night, and she sent a bishop to help her solve this matter in a coincidental way! Therefore, his attitude toward Lu Yan became even more respectful. After all, he was the messenger sent by the goddess to solve her problem!

  "Leave this matter to me for the time being. Can you tell me more information?" Lu Yan used his spiritual vision to see how entangled Mrs. Genia was with his own fate and agreed without hesitation.

  According to his rough perception, after he completed the commission with Mrs. Genia to resolve the entanglement in fate, he had almost finished digesting the potion, if not completely.

  "Thank you! Thank you so much! I will tell you everything I know!" Mrs. Genia said with tears of gratitude.


  At dusk, Mrs. Guinness walked out of Lu Yan's shop. When leaving, Mrs. Guinness asked Lu Yan what color he liked. Lu Yan thought for a moment and said: "Liu Li Bai."

  It wasn't until Mrs. Genia's figure completely disappeared from Lu Yan's sight that Lu Yan slowly turned around and walked into the house.

  Looking at the half-written notebook on the table, Lu Yan felt a little numb. He didn't expect Genia to really remember every little thing. She spent the entire afternoon writing down what happened in those days.

  Now that the words have been spoken, Lu Yan naturally has no intention of giving up his burden. After all, it is also related to the digestion of his potion.

  The shop was already full of items. The delivery man had delivered some groceries to his shop not long ago. He generously placed them outside the clinic and marked all the goods as free or free. For a watermark of one suler, a box is placed outside the store, and it is up to the customer to throw the suler in voluntarily.

  Originally, he wanted to run two stores seriously, but now that he has received a big order, he naturally will not take these small profits seriously.

  As for whether the other party is willing to pay Suler, it will be beneficial to Lu Yan. Failure to pay Suler is equivalent to a gift from Lu Yan, and paying Suler is equivalent to completing a profit with Lu Yan. Either situation will provide Lu Yan with a destiny entanglement, but the benefits of the former will not be seen in the short term.

  It wasn't until midnight that Lu Yan sorted out what happened and initially determined the direction of Tuxedo's escape.

  He still needs to do something before looking for an evening gown, otherwise he might not be able to beat the evening gown based on his ability.

  First go to the Church of the Night to get a pistol, and find a reliable teammate to do this together. Thinking of this, Lu Yan couldn't help but sigh: It's easier to enjoy the shade with a big tree behind you!

  It is very difficult for ordinary people with no background to obtain guns legally, not to mention that the bullet itself is an expensive consumable.

  This time when Lu Yan returned to the Church of the Night, Bishop Elektra was presiding over today's mass. Lu Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally no longer had to be regarded as a stranger with evil intentions.

  Lu Yan walked to the prayer room first and waited for the end of the mass. Although he would also take up the post of bishop in the future, he was not willing to preside over these ceremonies. It was obviously more appropriate to leave these matters to the professional priests. He worked hard to become Saint Celine. It would be fine if the church had a real mascot.

  It was almost noon before Bishop Elektra opened the door to the prayer room. He didn't care at all that Lu Yan was unwilling to attend the mass. UU Reading www. The goddess uukanshu.スnet has no objection. What can a little bishop say?

  "Lu Yan, how is your physical recovery recently?" Bishop Elektra opened her mouth, and it took a while before she managed to come up with a topic.

  In the dark prayer room, Lu Yan's eyes were slightly closed. The expression on his face did not change at all, but a slight bitterness flashed through his heart. As the passerby's potion was digested, the nameless person's abilities that came with it were also gradually increasing. Become stronger.

  On the one hand, he felt the joy of digesting the potion, but on the other hand, seeing himself gradually being forgotten by familiar people, his heart felt as if a bottle of all kinds of flavors had been knocked over, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

  Lu Yan sighed silently, and said with a forced smile: "Your body has almost recovered recently, but Bishop Electra has become even more forgetful."

  Bishop Elektra's face froze, obviously choked by Lu Yan's words.

  "Maybe I haven't had a good rest recently, or maybe I'm really old." Elektra picked up an unlit candle and held it over the flame that was about to burn out. After pinching off the remaining candle, he sat down on the road. On the edge of Yan.

  The candlelight flickered, and both of them seemed to be reminiscing about something. They were silent for a long time, until Lu Yan spoke to break the increasingly dull atmosphere.

  "I received a commission about extraordinary power in Jinchihua Street..." Lu Yan slowly spoke about Mrs. Genia's affairs.

  The dark space and the deep tone made Bishop Elektra feel a little sleepy. It reminded him of the way he looked at weekend school when he was a child. It was really a nostalgic thing.

  It wasn't until Lu Yan's voice gradually stopped that he came back to his senses, but he seemed to have been distracted just now, and he only listened to some of what Lu Yan said.

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