
chpater 1

Chapter 1 Even the goddess of night can't save you!

  When Lu Yan walked out of Backlund's Night Church, he believed the incredible thing that had happened to him.

  His current state is very much like time travel, but he has no memory before time travel. He only knows that he is called Lu Yan Sotos. At the same time, he also remembers that he read a book called Zhou Mingrui's Biography and learned something about Zhou Mingrui, or rather the life experience of Klein, the Fool, and the Lord of Mysteries.

  To be precise, it should be the future deeds. He asked the nuns in the church. This year is December 1348.

  The biography of Zhou Mingrui begins in June next year, when the mysterious lord named Zhou Mingrui will come to this world, which means that the doomsday revealed in the book is coming.

  He is not a person who gives up on himself. He naturally wants to survive in the apocalypse, and he wants to live in a relaxed manner, instead of living in fear every day.

  According to the records in the biography, if he plans for Klein's friendship now, there is a high chance that he will be protected by the Lord of Mysteries in the apocalypse.

  But this is not necessary for him. Klein will eventually become Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun. At that time, his impure and unclean friendship will definitely not be hidden from Tianzun, who is known as the King of Time and Space.

  Moreover, passively expecting charity from others is not as good as taking control of the power yourself. Moreover, he also had many advantages, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of them.

  According to the information in Zhou Mingrui's biography, there are some ways to become a god. For example, Red Priest, Black Emperor, Judge, and Wheel of Fortune.

  If there is a way to isolate the outside gods or you don't care about gender, the Bound One, the Moon, the Mother, the Abyss, and the Hermit can also be considered.

  Although these paths all have the hope of becoming a god, Lu Yan knows that the water inside is very deep. Without sufficient background and support, it is too difficult for a person to become a god.

  Take the Wheel of Fortune path as an example. All Sequence One attributes are owned by two owners. Two owners occupy all the necessary items to advance to Sequence Zero. One is the King of Angels with his back to the True God, and the other is the one with uniqueness. Old antique. In short, although this path does not have Sequence Zero, he cannot even get to Sequence One!


  The current time is the third day since he traveled to this world. Three days ago, he suddenly appeared next to the Night Church in Backlund. At that time, he had no signs of life and looked like a corpse.

  In order to prevent his body from undergoing occult changes, the Nighthawks buried him in a very dignified cemetery next to the Church of the Night.

  When he "alived", he found that he was locked in a small, airtight space, and it took a lot of effort to crawl out of the ground that had not yet become stiff.

  He was not as lucky as Klein. He was caught by a group of Nighthawks within ten minutes after he came out of the cemetery.

  Although this may be related to the fact that he was buried in the cemetery next to Backlund's Church of the Night, Lu Yan still attributed it to his bad luck.

  The moment he was discovered, he felt that he was not suitable for the Wheel of Fortune path. His luck was at the level of a normal person, and he was completely unsuitable for the Wheel of Fortune path.

  For some unknown reason, the Church of the Night did not embarrass him, a suspicious figure whose origins were a mystery and who could resurrect from the dead.

  Instead, when he left, the bishop of the church gave him about two thousand pounds, which he called "spiritual compensation."

  He still remembered that the bishop said to him very kindly: "Dear Mr. Luyan Sotos, we are sorry for burying you in the ground because of our mistake. We are deeply sorry for this and will pay you a sum of money." Small compensation."

  In the end, Lu Yan happily accepted the compensation. He really needed a lot of money. To be honest, he didn't want to be as poor as a poor god.

  After walking out of the Night Church, Lu Yan felt the reality of this world. There was already a faint layer of haze in the air, and the sound of gears turning from an unknown machine was comparable to the magic sound of brainwashing.

  Unfortunately, it was cloudy in Backlund today. Although the whole city is lively but lacks vitality, it is developed but backward. Lu Yan couldn't describe everything he saw in front of him, he could only silently feel the unique characteristics of this era.

  For a long time, he was at a loss and walked to the edge of the pool nearby, where he saw his own reflection.

  She has short silver-white hair, deep black eyes, and delicate facial features. Even after lying in the cemetery for three days, his silk-like clothes were spotless.

  What caught Lu Yan's attention the most was the necklace hanging around his neck. To be precise, it was a pendant, with a small apple made of gem-like material at the bottom.

  The small apple is completely silver-white, with two carved silver leaves at the bottom, which is exquisite, magnificent and breathtaking.

  The moment Lu Yan held up the necklace, he seemed to have experienced endless time and seen the endless starry sky.

  Looking back suddenly, he realized that he was just standing alone by the pool in a daze. The cause of all this was the information that appeared in his head.

  Sequence Nine: Passenger

  You are a bystander of fate, a passer-by outside the predetermined fate. You can see the fate, but you are indifferent to it. You are just a passer-by in the events of fate. The only thing you can do is to silently watch the predetermined fate coming. .

  Recipe: A pair of bronze hummingbird eyes + an air-dried adult black-eyed chameleon.

  Auxiliary materials: 80 ml of pure water + 10 grams of swamp willow bark + 8 moon flowers.

  At this moment, Lu Yan realized that he actually had no choice. Just like this introduction, he could only watch indifferently as his destiny was coming.

  This is a path called the Tower of Fate, and the uniqueness of this path is the "karma" hanging on his chest.

  Cause and effect allows the holder to see the future that is bound to happen. This future cannot be rewritten, and cannot be avoided by fooling, deceiving or other means.

  But the future he sees now is unacceptable to him.

  In the future, he was surrounded by several missionaries wearing black robes. The missionaries' black robes seemed to have a few blood-red roses tattooed on them. His surroundings were splashed with scarlet liquid, almost Bodies that had long since lost their vitality were piled up unevenly on the side. After these corpses died, they still tried their best to stand in front of him, but they were unable to do so.

  At this moment, he seems to have no way to escape!

  The future shown by cause and effect was very short-lived, but it was very clear, giving Lu Yan the illusion that he was experiencing it. He could even feel the uneasiness in his future self, the palpitations of being helpless in the face of despair.

  "Does this uniqueness called cause and effect also like to kill the holder?"

  In the desperate situation of the future, he felt that there was no way out. Perhaps at that time, he also placed all his hopes on illusory miracles. After all, this could make him feel at ease at that time.

  No matter how desperate the future he sees is, he must first become an extraordinary person. Ordinary people have no way to deal with such a desperate situation. Only extraordinary people have a glimmer of hope for a turnaround.

  Lu Yan does not want to be bound by the so-called fate. His uniqueness of unknown origin may be a huge pitfall. Maybe when he is promoted to a certain level, he will no longer be him.

  The most important thing is that the information he knows is all shown by cause and effect. Is the so-called unchangeable future really impossible to change?

  Perhaps this immutability is only relative to the same person. Moreover, the Tower of Fate pathway is very similar to the Wheel of Fortune pathway, and may become Sequence Nine of the Wheel of Fortune pathway first. Even if I really have no choice but to choose the Tower of Fate path in the future, I might still be able to jump back.

  The Tower of Fate... is probably related to the Ring of Fate of the Outer God.

  Although the Ring of Fate is not a pillar-level Old One, it is still a top existence among the Old Ones. Now He is eagerly pursuing the Key of Light outside the barrier of the original Creator.

  If he really succeeds, even if he cannot become a pillar-level Old One, he will not be much worse than a Pillar-level Old One.

  Lu Yan remembered with some emotion that the Lord of Mysteries seemed to have an honorary name that was a sign of destiny. If the Ring of Fate swallows the Key of Light and tears off a piece of flesh from Source Castle, then becoming a pillar-level old man is probably a sure thing.

  The previous Ring of Fate did not have this opportunity, but as the barrier left by the original Creator gradually shattered and Tianzun lay dead, He may really win this opportunity.

  According to the developments in Zhou Mingrui's biography in his mind, it is estimated that the Ring of Fate plan has failed. Maybe that's why I'm here?

  It is difficult for Lu Yan not to connect the Tower of Fate path with the Ring of Fate, after all, they both represent the inevitability of fate.

  The Key of Light and the Wheel of Fortune path sealed by Tianzun in the Western Continent represent the uncertainty of fate.

  Rather than believing that he is the so-called son of destiny, he believes that he is the means of the ring of destiny and the puppet of destiny, just like Zhou Mingrui back then. If it weren't for the interference of the Night Goddess, Zhou Mingrui would have become a Heavenly Lord the moment he landed from Source Castle.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yan looked back at the Night Church, and a strange idea came to his mind.

  His sudden appearance around the church couldn't be the result of the goddess of the night! Only this can explain why the bishop of the Church of the Night did not have too many difficulties for him.

  "How about we go back and ask?"

  After this idea appeared in Lu Yan's mind, he couldn't suppress it for a while.

  "You will have to die if you are a ghost!"

  Lu Yan made up his mind. The water leading to the Tower of Fate was a bit deep, and he seemed unable to control it.

  In this world where knowledge is poisonous, he really doesn't believe that the golden finger that suddenly appeared on his hand is a good thing. Moreover, he knows a lot of taboo knowledge about alien gods, and it has not been contaminated yet, which is enough to prove that many of his conjectures are correct.

  Compared to the Tower of Fate path that has almost been paved for him, he might as well fight for the Red Priest path with that hot pot angel!

  Just when Lu Yan wanted to turn around, the night church in front of him suddenly turned gray and white, and everything around him seemed to be mosaic-like.

  He couldn't see clearly and didn't know what was happening. The scenery in front of him changed from the dark night church to the boundless starry sky.

  At this moment, it was as if he had seen the most perfect thing in the world. From beginning to end, He was everywhere.

  That is the truth of everything, that is a perfect circle!

  Before he could see clearly, darkness followed and obscured his vision. After that, even time and space seemed to have become meaningless.

  The indescribable and unspeakable things changed in his unknowable state at this moment. Many things appeared around him, as if many lines were tightly entwining him, suffocating him.

  In this place without the concept of time and space, his thoughts gradually fell silent. He didn't know how long it took, but it seemed like an eternity or an instant. A ray of light broke through all the darkness, and light everywhere squeezed the dark living space.

  The light fills, the darkness recedes, leaving some shadows and then disappearing. Light and darkness appear together, just like madness and reason coexist. This is the case with the Creator, the same is true in the past, and the same is true with the ancient sun god.


  The hazy consciousness gradually became clear, and the young man's eyebrows and eyes slumped on the hospital bed trembled slightly.

  The aroma of food wafted slightly in the air, which evoked Lu Yan's hunger.

  Familiar room, intermittent memory, he couldn't remember what happened before, he only remembered that he fainted without warning in front of the dark night church.

  Lu Yan, who was deeply suspicious, began to think about all the possibilities, until a heavy knock on the door brought him back to reality.

  "Mr. Lu Yan, here is the lunch provided by the church for you. The bishop said that your body has not recovered yet. You can rest in the church during this period."

  Without waiting for Lu Yan to react, the nun hurriedly left after putting down her lunch. Lu Yan had no chance to ask her what happened just now.

  It wasn't until the pain in his head subsided that he remembered what had just happened. Along with the memory was a sense of despair that enveloped his heart.

  The goddess of the night may not be able to save him. The truth is just as he imagined.

  The small apple-shaped gem hanging around his neck at this moment reflects silvery white light and has a hint of burning feeling.

  Behind the necklace and on his chest under his clothes, silver-white circles were superimposed together to form a strange and beautiful circle.

  Lu Yan didn't feel the joy of guessing the correct answer. He would rather hope that his guesses were wrong and that everything was made up in his head.

  Unfortunately, he has no choice.

  He didn't ask for help from the Night Goddess. After all, she had already taken action if she was willing to help. The presence of the Ring of Fate appeared outside Backlund's Night Church, and it was impossible for the Goddess not to notice it.

  In this case, there are only two possibilities for the goddess not taking action. One is that the goddess is unwilling to intervene in this matter, and the other is that the goddess of the night has no choice.

  No matter what the possibility was, he no longer needed to communicate with the goddess of the night. His attitude has been very obvious. Since he is willing to let Lu Yan live in the Church of the Night, it means that the goddess of the night is currently friendly towards him.

  We can believe in the power of gods, but we cannot believe in their kindness. Destiny has already marked a price for everything. So, what do you want to take away from me, and what can you take away from me?

Missing chapters and error repor Chapter 2 Become an Extraordinary!

  Lu Yan seemed to be asking about the goddess of the night, and also seemed to be asking about the indescribable things in the starry sky.

  Suppressing the unyielding and resentment in his heart, he did not let himself lie down just because the other party was the Ring of Fate. The last gleam of light showed that he was not alone.

  Although he is not sure what the intention of that beam of light is, at least the other party helped him escape from danger once. In this crazy and desperate world, the best choice is to ignore the deeds and the heart.

  Moreover, if the Ring of Fate really wanted to come through his body, it would have to wait until he was promoted to Sequence One, otherwise Lu Yan's body would not be able to withstand a complete Old One! And this period of time is the time for him to accumulate strength! It's also his only chance!

  I don't know how much time passed, but countless plans flashed through Lu Yan's mind, but countless plans were rejected.

  Only the old days can fight against the old days, and there are only a few who have the hope of becoming the old days. You can count them with your hands.

  The Dark Goddess, Adam, Klein, and the God of Steam and Lilith were brought in to make up the numbers. Among them, Klein is the easiest to win over, and Adam is the hardest, so after going full circle, it comes back to Klein!

  Did He predict this outcome a long time ago, so he gave me a biography of Zhou Mingrui? Lu Yan recalled that not long ago he vowed to rely on himself, but now he was thinking about joining forces.


  The air quality in Backlund is so bad that every time you inhale it, you will have the illusion of having your throat cut. Of course, this is only limited to the slums.

  The chaos of the slums is the best cover for the gray industry, and many unofficial extraordinary people come here to sell their stolen goods.

  The Church of the Night had previously asked him if he was willing to join, and revealed its intention not to interfere with his choice of the extraordinary sequence.

  Being alone, he readily agreed without thinking for long. After all, the goddess of the night was interested in his future, and what he needed was the present. Without the present, there would be no future!

  It is said that the church is preparing to transfer him to Yangen City to be an intern bishop, provided that he becomes an Extraordinary within a month.

  Bishop Elektra of the Church of the Night vaguely hinted that he would be satisfied as long as he became an extraordinary person. It did not matter whether it was an extraordinary path owned by the Church of the Night.

  This seems to be what the goddess of the night means, otherwise according to the usual practice, the bishop should give him the potion of sequence nine of the night pathway. No matter how bad things get, I will give you a magic potion recipe.

  In fact, Lu Yan wished this was the case. If he were promoted to the Sleepless One, he would definitely choose to backstab the Night Goddess in order to become a god.

  Backlund in the slums is a different scene. The great smog incident has not happened yet, and busy figures can be seen everywhere on the simple streets.

  The smell of sweat mixed with low-quality alcohol wafted out of the tavern not far away. The gradually darkening sky made the flow of people in the tavern increase.

  Lu Yan found a corner in the tavern and sat down. He did not go to the extraordinary trading place by himself. He was now just an ordinary person who had not been exposed to extraordinary power.

  Not long after, a tall, middle-aged man with a stubble on his face shouted to Lu Yan.

  The middle-aged man's voice was very bold, with a hint of drunkenness in his tone.

  "That boy over there, would you like a beer?"

  "I want a five-penny beer that needs to be fermented for more than half a year."

  Lu Yan followed the agreed code to talk to the man in the distance. Such conversations were very common in this land.

  "It's really troublesome, then you and I go to the wine cellar to choose." The man's tone was a little impatient.

  The two bypassed a group of drinkers and followed the spiral staircase to the underground of the tavern. The noise on the first floor gradually fell silent, and even the air became thinner.

  "Just inside, don't forget the introduction fee."

  The man wiped away his previous drunkenness and showed a fierce expression on his face.

  "Here's a gold pound for you."

  Lu Yan's face showed a little reluctance to give up the money, and finally he gritted his teeth and quickly handed the gold coins to the man.

  The middle-aged man weighed the gold coins in his hand, and then the expression on his face suddenly became warm.

  "My name is Raoul Diagne. If you need to entrust me with anything else, you can come to the tavern to find me after seven o'clock in the evening."

  Raoul left the basement humming a happy tune, but thinking that the young boy probably didn't have the money to seek his help.

  He had such a heartbroken look on his one-pound gold coin. He seemed to be just an ordinary person with a little money and not much background. Maybe he could sell his information to some gangsters. Lu Yan didn't know that his disguise not only failed to confuse the other party, but also caused the other party to focus on him.

  He took out a mask from his pocket and put it on to cover his eye-catching appearance, then pushed open the old wooden door and entered the exchange.

  "I need a Sequence Nine potion recipe, no matter what method is used."

  As soon as Lu Yan entered the small room, he heard someone who looked like a woman proposing a deal. He consciously did not speak at this time, but quietly retreated to an inconspicuous corner.

  Everyone in the small room was silent for a while, and finally a man with a hoarse voice spoke.

  "I have a Sequence 9 "Secret Prayer" potion formula here. I'm bidding two hundred pounds, no negotiation.

  The Secret Prayer is the Sequence Nine of the Hanged Man Path, and it is also a very dangerous path, because the Sequence Zero of this path has gone crazy!

  Once upon a time, the man closest to the real sun died due to betrayal, and the evil spirit born on his body inherited everything in the Hanged Man's path and was called the True Creator!

  At the end of the Fourth Age, he was blocked by the seven true gods in the Land Abandoned by the Gods. Since then, he has lost his anchor, lost his mind, and became one of the evil gods.

  The woman agreed to the deal without much thought. For her, becoming an extraordinary person may be the most important thing.

  The two conducted the transaction under the witness of an old man with a white beard and signed a series of contracts.

  Lu Yan's eyes also fell on the old man in front of the stage.

  There is nothing surprising about the old man's appearance. He has long, wavy hair and several obvious wrinkles on his face. There is not a trace of mysterious fluctuations in his body, as if he is not an extraordinary person.

  Not long after, Lu Yan's eyes were attracted by the advertisement on the wall nearby.

  Affected by the seasonal changes, a group of hummingbirds are commissioned for sale, with a complete range of species. If interested, please contact No. 4 Lanter Street to find Slante Rainer.

  Bronze hummingbirds are not rare among hummingbird species. Since Mr. Slant has posted a complete range of labels on the advertising list, you should be able to find bronze hummingbirds in his place.

  Lu Yan silently wrote down the address, and then he was attracted by the accent of the next trader.

  The trader's accent was very strange. He was obviously not a member of Backlund, and perhaps not even a member of Loen.

  "I need an extraordinary weapon that is so powerful that ordinary people can use it, and it must be guaranteed to be usable for more than a year."

  The small room fell into silence as always. When most people thought that the deal would fall through, another skinny man said weakly.

  "I have a shotgun that meets your requirements. It can still be used for two years. Anyone hit by this shotgun will quickly lose all blood and turn into a mummy! However, the side effects are very serious. Every time it is used, its own blood will be extracted. You will bleed to death after using it three times, and you cannot use it in direct contact with living things, otherwise it will explode! The bid is no less than five hundred pounds, and you can use some items that I think are valuable to make up the difference."

  Although the side effects of this shotgun are a bit greater, it is indeed a very good weapon. The price of five hundred pounds is a bit low. Lu Yan thought about it for a while and saw the truth.

  The owner of the shotgun didn't know this, but he had already used it twice. The next time he used it, he would probably die with the enemy, so the value of this gun to him was not great.

  The person who suggested the trade, who didn't look like a Loen, obviously had his eye on this weapon. However, he is very upset now and does not seem to have enough money.

  "I only have three hundred pounds here, but there are also some rare gadgets that are very uncommon items in Rune."

  I saw him taking out a small backpack, which contained various herbs and some animal carcasses.

  Lu Yan also moved his gaze to his backpack, and he quickly found the main ingredient for the potion he wanted.

  Passenger's potion recipe requires a black-eyed chameleon, but this special chameleon can only be seen in the forests within Fusac. The number is not considered rare, but most people are not interested in it. This also makes it uncommon on the market in Loen.

  "I'll pay you ten pounds. I'm a little interested in that chameleon with black pupils. It seems like it could be made into a specimen."

  Lu Yan wanted to buy the chameleon at a very low price. As far as he knew, this chameleon did not seem to be the formula of other potions, otherwise it would not be stuffed in the corner by the man.

  "The chameleons are not sold individually, but in groups of ten for a hundred pounds."

  The man did not agree to Lu Yan's conditions, but planned to package these chameleons together and sell them to Lu Yan, the scapegoat. After all, Lu Yan's bid was as high as ten pounds!

  If the group of people in Fusac knew that the rich people in Loen were willing to pay such a high price, I'm afraid there would be a wave of hunting.

  The price of ten black-eyed chameleons, one hundred pounds, is really low, or should be said to be incredible, for the main material of a sequence nine potion.

  In fact, before the Passenger Potion appeared in this world, the price of ten pounds a piece was a bit ridiculously high.

  After all, this kind of lizard is not considered a rare magic material, and the range of its use is also very limited.

  Although Lu Yan could accept the price of ten lizards at one hundred pounds, he still had to do everything in his acting, otherwise it would be easy for people to see the flaws.

  "I don't want that many, five at most. I won't waste money on items that are not necessary for me." Lu Yan pretended to have a very tangled and embarrassed expression, and gradually showed regret on his face. mood.

  "make a deal!"

  Seeing the change in Lu Yan's mood, the man was worried that Lu Yan was unwilling to continue buying, so he quickly stopped. In fact, if Lu Yan insisted on buying one, he would agree without hesitation. After all, these were the things he passed by Fusac. Randomly collected.


  After selling off a large number of novel gadgets, this gentleman who was not from Loen finally collected enough gold coins and got the extraordinary props he wanted.

  And Lu Yan also got the promotion materials he wanted. This was a deal that satisfied all three parties.

  The atmosphere of the trade fair was greatly encouraged by their transaction this time, and various extraordinary items emerged one after another.

  It can only be said that this place is worthy of being Backlund. Most of the rich people and various forces in Loen have chosen to take root and develop in this land.

  "I have three special charms here with different functions. They are to stop bleeding and heal wounds, to emit a searing flame and to have a good night. The three charms are a set and sell for one hundred and twenty pounds. I I believe this is a very fair price!"

  "As for why! I can make a promise here, the third spell uses mummy powder."

  The speaker was a slightly fat middle-aged man. He did not choose to cover his face. There were only a few strands of thin yellow hair hanging on the top of his head. His small eyes were squeezed in between by the excess fat on his face. .

  Lu Yan also had some impressions of him. The man's official identity was that he was a doctor in this area. There were rumors that the medicine he developed had even attracted big shots in wealthy areas.

  From the moment he entered the exchange, this fat man had been standing next to the old man who was presiding over the transaction with his eyes closed. Only when a deal is proposed will he open his slightly delicate eyes.

  "I pay one hundred and fifty pounds, can you give me two separate charms with mummy powder! UU Reading www.uukanshhu.スnet"

  One hundred and twenty pounds to buy three ordinary charms is too extravagant, but when the charms are related to the famous mummy powder, it seems extremely cheap.

  Before the fat pharmacist could speak, Lu Yan spoke first and said, "I'll pay one hundred and twenty pounds for a set!" "

  His goal is different from others. What he wants is actually the two healing and attack charms that are not very attractive to others.

  After Lu Yan spoke, the apologetic pharmacist who was a little unhappy managed to straighten his stinky face. He now wondered whether these people's ears would automatically ignore some words.

  He just made it very clear that his talismans are sold as a set of three and he does not sell the talismans individually!

  Fortunately, there is now a trader with no problem with his ears, which makes his unhappy mood much better.

  "You are the first to buy a set of charms. I will give you a broken price. As a reward for respecting my meaning, you only need to pay me one pound of gold coins."

  The fat middle-aged man suddenly wanted to be disgusted by these traders who ignored his words, and casually sold the charm in his hand to Lu Yan for free.

  Just after the man's voice fell, Lu Yan felt that the eyes around him suddenly became solid.

  Almost everyone turned their attention to themselves, some were envious, some felt pity, but most of them were filled with deep jealousy.

  The fat middle-aged man seemed to realize that what he had done had put Lu Yan into an unpleasant situation.

  He naturally knew the virtues of this group of traders. Although they did not dare to commit robbery in front of the old man, it was no longer certain after they left the tavern.

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [BoChapter 3 Find him! Bring him back!

  At this point, he had no way to eliminate other people's hatred for Lu Yan, so he could only use other methods to remedy it.

  "You can call me Mir Shet. If you have any charms you need, I can sell them to you at a low price."

  To be honest, he is not short of money. He comes here to sell charms just to digest his potions better, just like the old man.

  "I need healing and attack charms. Do you still have them in stock here?"

  Lu Yan didn't care at all that Mir had attracted so much hatred for him. Mir gave him a set of spells at a very low price, which was just a good thing for him.

  Besides, even if Mir didn't say these words, wouldn't these jealous people have any objections to him?

  It's not that this group of people saw him as an ordinary person who was easy to bully. If he were a high-sequence Beyonder, this group of people might not even dare to show their dissatisfaction.

  However, Mir obviously took the responsibility on himself and wanted to give him some compensation, and he had no reason to refuse.

  "Of course there are. You can take away all these charms for one gold pound."

  Mir felt that Lu Yan's choice of attack and healing spells at this time must be to prevent him from being killed and cheated.

  He was obviously embarrassed to accept Lu Yan's money because he had a hard time with his conscience, but he still chose to accept one pound for the sake of acting.

  "This is a sun talisman. I got it by chance. After using the talisman, it can emit a brilliant light, which is extremely harmful to evil spirits."

  Mir carefully packaged the talisman and handed it to Lu Yan, and he did not pretend to be pretentious. He just sighed in his heart: "Mill is really a good person."

  Although in this world, it is difficult for good people to get good rewards. In the future, when he has the ability, he would not mind helping the Mir Medicine Master a little.

  The kindness shown by Mir towards Lu Yan made others increasingly jealous, especially after Mir packaged many charms and gave them to Lu Yan.

  Jealousy is jealousy, most of them are still rational. They have heard about the lethality of those spells for a long time, and they will not risk their lives for some external things.

  Sanity is accompanied by madness, and those madmen whose brains are slightly different from ordinary people never consider the consequences.

  Just like Frank at this trade fair, everything he has now is based on killing, burning and robbing.

  His favorite thing to do is to kill his hunting target when he is proud of something. Of course, this is just his hobby, and his real purpose is the target's legacy.

  Others may be wary of Mir, but Frank is different. At worst, he will leave this hellish place after completing this order.

  Mir's influence is only limited to this slum area. As long as he leaves Backlund, and with the help of the spell, it will be enough for him to establish his own power in other places. He does not believe that the other party has the ability to find the next foothold. .

  Although the next trade fair is still proceeding in an orderly manner, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the atmosphere is gradually becoming more subtle.

  There are turbulent undercurrents under the calm trading meeting. Everyone has their own ideas, and no one can see clearly what is under each mask.

  Lu Yan chose to sit on the sidelines during the subsequent transactions. This was not to keep a low profile, but because there really was no item he wanted.

  It's been a long time...

  "This trade fair ends here. Everyone is asked to leave in an orderly manner."

  The old man, who had a very low sense of presence in this trade fair, scanned everyone with his cloudy eyes.

  "You are the first to leave." The old man pointed at Lu Yan and said calmly. Not caring at all about the complex and regretful emotions of others.

  Lu Yan glanced at Mir next to the old man, and after a little thought, he understood the cause and effect.

  He bowed slightly to the old man, and then quickly left the underground space of the tavern.

  Although Mir's spells gave him some confidence, he would not foolishly approach danger.

  When the trade fair ended, the sky outside the tavern had completely darkened, and the dark night plunged the civilian area with almost no infrastructure into darkness.

  Dark night is the best barrier of concealment, the time of excitement for every fanatic, and the time that conspirators love.

  Lu Yan is neither a fanatic nor a conspirator, he is just a man who follows his heart.

  It has been some time since he came out of the tavern, and those traders who are interested in him may be sparing no effort to find his whereabouts.

  And with this period of time, he has almost left the slums. He only needs to walk west for a while to reach the Church of the Night.

  Lu Yan's luck is not too bad, but today may be his unlucky day.

  Just when he thought he had successfully left the civilian area, several malicious gangsters in the alley far away had been waiting for a long time.

  What was even more unlucky was that at this time, the unique "karma" in him that had been silent for a long time predicted his upcoming fate.

  In the future, he clutched his chest, his short silver-white hair soaked in scarlet liquid, and ran towards the Church of the Night.

  Even if Lu Yan's mood was very strong, he could not help but show a disgusted expression at this time.

  The only reason why this person doesn't do good things is because he is afraid that his life will be too good, isn't it? The already very bad situation makes it worse. If he hadn't been unable to throw this thing away, he would have given it to someone else.

  After thinking about it, Lu Yan quickly calmed down. Since he in the picture could still run back to the Night Church, he would not die in this attack!

  Fate is not something that cannot be used!

  Lu Yan quickened his pace and trotted forward, seemingly not taking the gangsters in front of him seriously. In fact, this was true, even if there were extraordinary people in this group of gangsters.

  He already held several talismans in his hand. Based on the principle of killing the wrong ones and not letting them go, he planned to activate the talismans when he got close to them.

  "Boss, that boy should be our target. He has silver-white hair and black eyes. There should be no other person with this appearance in all of Loen."

  The extraordinary man known as the gangster and the boss glanced at Lu Yan from a distance, then nodded and said.

  "Raoul is still reliable, and it can be said that training him was not in vain."

  Over the years, he has gathered a large number of followers by virtue of his status as an extraordinary person, and he is somewhat famous in this area.

  But in fact, although he is an extraordinary person, he has almost never used his extraordinary abilities. It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but the cost of using it is too high!

  He used to be just an ordinary gangster. He was kidnapped by an unknown missionary while collecting debts, and was forced to be fed a magical potion called Secret Prayer. Fortunately he didn't go crazy and became an extraordinary person.

  But after he became an extraordinary person, the nonsense words that kept pouring into his head almost drove him crazy. He had no choice but to rely on external objects to paralyze himself and no longer use extraordinary powers.

  He never knew that becoming an extraordinary person had to pay such a heavy price, otherwise he would just live as an ignorant ordinary person.

  "Kill him, even if he doesn't have gold pounds, he will have other valuable things!" He gave the order in a slightly crazy tone.

  Before they could take action, the thin-looking young man rushed in front of them and fired a burst of flame at them!

  Before they could react, the positions of the hunter and the prey had changed.

  Although the cold weapons in their hands were sharp, they were really powerless against Lu Yan who used long-range magic attacks.

  "This fire attack is the Fat Medicine Master's spell. Be careful with the spell in his hand!"

  Lu Yan's unexpected attack naturally achieved fruitful results, but as time went by and his lack of combat experience, his advantage was gradually weakened.

  The charms were thrown out by him as if they were free of charge. The constant attacks with charms made the gangsters want to quit. They were just individuals bound together by interests. When the price paid was not as good as the benefits, they would naturally fall apart.

  Lu Yan's style of play seems to be very aimless. In fact, most of the time his attention is directed to the only Extraordinary. As long as it is killed, the other gangsters will naturally fall and scatter.

  He was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to use the most powerful sun spell. Although the opponent is not a wraith, the Sun Talisman corresponds to the attack of the Sun Path Sequence Seven Sun Priest, which is enough to kill an ordinary Sequence Nine.

  As one after another little gangsters were burned and lost their ability to fight and could only lie on the ground and howl, the remaining gangsters gradually stopped attacking and chose to run away.

  It's not like they haven't had any tough encounters before, and running away will certainly not seem unfamiliar. When this storm is over, they will be a group of good guys again when they get together!

  "Don't run away! Come back here, you guys!"

  The secret prayer man obviously would not regard this incident as an ordinary mistake, and the man in front of him did not let go of his thoughts at all. In this case, one of them must die, but it's a pity that his stupid teammates can't see it at all!

  Lu Yan's murderous intention towards the Secret Prayer was naturally not an act. In the future predicted by Karma, he was surrounded by people from the Aurora Society in a desperate situation.

  "You dare to be distracted. In this case, I will send you to see your master!"

  After the sun charm in Lu Yan's hand was activated, a golden light burst out from his hand. At this moment, the slum area was lit up by this light.

  This was beyond Lu Yan's expectation. The Sun Priest's full blow should not be so powerful. There is no way this is actually a demigod-level spell!

  Under normal circumstances, this would not happen, but this time the target of the attack was an Beyonder on the Hanged Man path, so it was naturally a little different.

  What's more, this gangster leader is not an ordinary extraordinary person. He carries a trace of the aura of the true creator, which caused the Sun Spell riot!

  Lu Yan doesn't know this now, and he doesn't have the intention to observe it. His condition is not very good at the moment.

  He thought that the picture of Karma predicting his injury was taken by these gangsters, but he didn't expect that it was actually him who caused it in the end.

  When the light reached the gangster leader's body, an explosion occurred, and since he was the one closest to the gangster leader, he naturally could not avoid being affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

  In fact, he was not seriously injured, but the burning sensation of the ring on his chest made him very uncomfortable, as if his heart was being roasted on a flame.

  "I've known for a long time that this is not a good thing, this disgusting fate!" Lu Yan clenched his hands tightly, as if to fight against the so-called fate.

  But in the end he loosened his fist. Strength is the foundation of everything. Without the support of strength, he would be like a clown in front of his destiny.

  He had to become an Extraordinary, and he could only be an Extraordinary on the path of destiny. He had no choice. After all, even the goddess of the night was helpless to him at this time. He couldn't think of anyone who could help him escape his fate.

  With his current abilities, it would be no less difficult than simply swallowing the Key of Light to become the past...

  The burning sensation seemed to weaken as he strengthened his belief in becoming an extraordinary person on the path of destiny, which made Lu Yan feel that he had to pretend to accept his fate for the time being.

  He covered his hot chest and walked step by step towards the night church. Just like the scene in the prophecy, his blood-stained silver hair looked blurry in the moonlight.

  The movement in the slums has long attracted the attention of many forces, and the Church of Night seemed to have taken a long time to arrive at the scene this time, but it was still faster than the Church of Storms, which arrived belatedly.

  The grumpy old pigeon may be late, but he will never be absent...

  When the Red Gloves of the Church of the Night arrived at the scene, a long time had passed since the explosion occurred, but the strong aura of the Sun Path had not disappeared much. UU read www. uukanshu.net

  Red Gloves, who came with an impure purpose, destroyed some important information and then handed over the crime scene to the Church of Storms.

  After all, Red Gloves, who is a senior member of the Church of the Night, naturally knows a thing or two about the matters between the Lord of Storms and the Eternal Sun.

  Things that were already complicated and confusing became even more confusing after the Church of the Night stirred up the muddy waters. In the end, they had no choice but to let it go.

  But before that, some evil organizations lurking in Backlund got first-hand information from the scene.

  The extraordinary man named Mr. D came to the crime scene alone before the major churches set out, and used the flesh magic of the Hanged Man to find some key information.

  However, the limitations of flesh and blood magic also prevented Mr. D from obtaining more information. In the end, he only knew that the other party seemed to be a member of the Church of the Night.

  Although this result was a bit infuriating, the Aurora Society had to swallow this breath. Backlund was the headquarters of the Church of the Night, and they could only remain silent when they were beaten.

  Originally, this incident was over, but what happened next made Mr. D decisively cut off a piece of flesh from his body.

  He planted the scent of the church of darkness mixed with the flesh into the flesh. After a while, the flesh lost its original color and emitted a disgusting smell.

  A bright red rose flower swayed out from the rotting piece of meat, looking weird and bloody.

  Mr. D planted red roses on his hands and then slowly left here. Next, he had a very important thing to complete, even if it cost him his life!

  All this is because their great Lord sent an oracle, which was concise and firm!

  "Find him! Bring him back!"

Missing chapters and error reportsChapter 4: Cheap Potion Materials

  Lu Yan didn't know how many forces had gone to inspect the battle scene after he left, and he didn't know that he was now being remembered by many people.

  After returning to the Church of the Night, he first washed away all the smell of blood from his body in the bathroom before returning to his room. There were so many things that happened tonight, it made him feel like he was dreaming, and it was only now that he felt that this was a real world.

  The first murder didn't seem to cause much fluctuation in his state of mind, but the burning sensation on his body caused by the explosion of the sun spell made him understand that he was also a fragile ordinary person.

  The dull, painful ring mark on his chest had long since returned to normal, no longer causing him any burning sensation, as if everything that had just happened was his illusion.

  Lu Yan couldn't do anything about this circular mark. Even if he knew that he was alive until now because of his control, he could only suppress the unwillingness in his heart and start to meditate on what happened today.

  This group of gangsters who blocked him acted in an orderly manner, and they obviously had a plan, otherwise they would not have blocked him on the only way to the Church of the Night in the slums. It seems that someone must have betrayed his whereabouts.

  They were probably not the people at the trade fair, otherwise more than just these third-rate gangsters would have come to surround him. A lot of information flashed through Lu Yan's mind, and he finally identified the suspect as Raoul! The bartender who helped him connect people to the trade fair was the only one who had the ability and motivation to do this.

  No matter who wants to plot against him, he will eventually pay the price. This is true for Raoul, and so is he!

  In the early morning, many devout believers in the Church of the Night had already started their daily morning classes. Lu Yan was also awake in his sleep. Perhaps with the blessing of the goddess of the night, he slept very peacefully that night.

  "Hello, Mr. Lu Yan! Bishop Elektra is waiting for you in the prayer room."

  When Lu Yan just opened the wooden door of the room, the nun who had been waiting in the corridor for a long time hurriedly came to him and informed him of the bishop's invitation.

  "I know, I'll go right away."

  Lu Yan didn't know what Bishop Elektra wanted to do with him, but he had to go to the appointment because he was dependent on someone else.

  After tidying up my appearance a little, I headed to the prayer room according to the direction given by the nun.

  On the way to the prayer room, he met many church members. Although Lu Yan did not know them, they seemed to know Lu Yan and took the initiative to say hello to him.

  With a doubtful attitude, Lu Yan opened the door of the prayer room. Bishop Elektra had been waiting for him inside for a long time.

  "What path do you want to be extraordinary in?"

  Bishop Elektra did not go around in a big circle when speaking, but asked this question very directly.

  This kind of directness made Lu Yan feel even more abnormal. Today's world seemed a little abnormal. Was he dreaming?

  "Help me with something." Lu Yan said seriously and solemnly.

  Bishop Elektra was obviously in a daze after hearing Lu Yan's answer. Lu Yan's answer caught him off guard, and then Lu Yan pinched him before he recovered.

  "Does it hurt?" Lu Yan asked seriously.

  "Of course, or you can give me a try." Bishop Elektra said angrily.

  "It seems like it's not a dream." Lu Yan believed that he was not dreaming.

  Bishop Elektra looked at Lu Yan with wide eyes and confusion, obviously not thinking about the difference between pinching and dreaming.

  "Emperor Russell once said that if you suspect that you are dreaming, you can try to find pain. After all, there is no pain in dreams." Lu Yan explained.

  "Since it was Emperor Russell who said it, there should be nothing wrong with it." The bishop always felt that something was strange, but for a while he couldn't find anything wrong.

  "I need the magic potion of the Destiny Sequence. I wonder if the church can provide it?" Lu Yan quickly brought the topic back to the original matter.

  "The Potion Church of the Destiny Sequence only has potions for Sequence Nine monsters, and the Church does not know the potion formulas of higher sequences." The bishop seemed to know that Lu Yan would choose the path of destiny, so he handed over the relevant information without even thinking about it. Speak up.

  "Then I don't need it anymore. I need the high-sequence potion formula of the Path of Destiny." Lu Yan refused the help provided by the church.

  Since you have chosen to obey the so-called fate for the time being, you will not do anything like Er Wu Zai. To be precise, it should be a Sequence Nine potion that would not make him give up his disguise, and it is not a Sequence One potion.

  Although Bishop Elektra did not expect Lu Yan to refuse, he did not embarrass Lu Yan but said.

  "The high-sequence formulas of the path to the destiny sequence are in the Parliament of Life. They master the entire destiny sequence formula and pass it on in a master-disciple manner. They attach great importance to the master-disciple relationship."

  The meaning of his words was very clear. He probably meant that even if Lu Yan joined the Life Council, he would not get the formula he wanted.

  "But I recently looked up information about a high-sequence extraordinary person with destiny in the church's files. The other person is a disaster bishop with a destiny path of sequence six. When you become an extraordinary person of sequence seven, I can give the file to you."

  Lu Yan nodded slightly, and then planned to walk out of the prayer room.

  "You haven't chosen a sequence yet! The church has already spread the news that you will be promoted to bishop in three months!"

  Lu Yan then turned around and looked at the bishop. He finally understood why everyone else greeted him proactively and enthusiastically in the morning.

  "In three months, I will be ranked ninth in rank at most, and I will not be able to afford the position of bishop." Lu Yan declined politely.

  Although the position of bishop is a good thing that many people can't ask for, he doesn't like being assigned to it.

  "Don't worry about this. The church will transfer you to Tingen City as acting bishop in one month, and you will be promoted to a regular position in three months."

  The corner of Lu Yan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart: "The goddess of the night is a writer who was delayed by the dark path, and she arranged for him clearly."

  "I remember that becoming a trainee bishop doesn't require me to become an Extraordinary within a month?" Lu Yan planned to use what Bishop Elektra said last time to refuse this request.

  "Emperor Russell said that today is different from the past. There was a huge explosion in the East District last night, which was suspected to be a battle between high-sequence extraordinary people. Therefore, the church dispatched a group of extraordinary people from various places to take charge of this matter."

  Bishop Elektra paused and continued: "The bishop of Tingen is on the list. Under such special circumstances, the church will inevitably be short of manpower."

  Lu Yan also knew that he had no room to refuse this matter, so he stopped doing more useless work.

  "Okay, I'll go to Tingen next month."

  "May the goddess bless you." Bishop Elektra tapped his chest a few times very devoutly, but he was thinking in his heart: "The temper of this beloved one is really strange."

  Watching Lu Yan disappear into the night church, Bishop Elektra finally felt relieved. He did not dare to be careless in what the goddess told him.

  The weather today is very good, and everything seems to go smoothly. Lu Yan suddenly felt this way while walking on the road.

  Is this kind of feeling between blur and clarity the so-called destiny? He doesn't know yet.

  Today he did not plan to go to the slums to find Raoul. If he wanted to retaliate against the opponent, there were obviously many ways. There was no need to expose himself to danger. The most important thing was that his small body might not necessarily be able to beat Raoul.

  Therefore, he rationally convinced himself that he must first confirm that it was Raoul who deceived others, and he could not make a conclusion so quickly. This does not mean that he is timid, but that he is very cautious!

  Lanert Street is on the east side of the civilian area. Strictly speaking, this area is no longer a slum area. Many families with small assets mostly choose to settle here after coming to Backlund.

  Lantern Street does not have the snoringly sweet upper-class atmosphere of West Queens, but the relationship between neighbors is very harmonious. Although parties are not frequent, they are not scarce either.

  People here are trying a new way of life, a daily life that meets basic living needs and enjoys some spiritual comfort.

  "I would like to ask if Mr. Slant lives here. I learned from the notice board in the tavern that he intends to sell a batch of hummingbirds."

  Lu Yan did not see Mr. Slant when he arrived at the Lanerte neighborhood, so he had to ask a nearby resident for some information.

  "Mr. Slant should go to the grain market to buy feed for his group of little cuties. He set off this morning. He usually comes back at lunch."

  The old lady who was leaning on the woven chair told Lu Yan about Slant's whereabouts without much thought. They all knew that Mr. Slant had raised a group of small animals and sold them exclusively to the wealthy people in Queens.

  Lu Yan was dressed gorgeously and acted elegantly. He was obviously not from their class, but she still had some observation skills.


  Raoul arrived at the tavern on time as usual, but today Raoul exuded an aura of anxiety.

  "What time is it now?" Raoul asked the bartender beside him.

  "If I remember correctly, the time now should be around 12 noon, because it is only at this time that the restaurant opposite will have a long queue." The bartender glanced at the restaurant across the street and said with some jealousy.

  Raoul felt something was wrong. Two hours had passed since they agreed to share the spoils. Could it be that they wanted to keep their own share?

  Before he could figure it out, an unkind gaze locked onto him at the door of the tavern.

  "Did you introduce the boy who attended the party last night?" Frank pressed Raoul with a positive tone.

  Before Raoul could deny this matter, Frank had already arrived in front of Raoul and revealed a hint of the aura of an extraordinary person.

  Raoul immediately became honest. He knew how terrifying the Extraordinary was and knew that the other party could easily take his life, so he told everything about Lu Yan.

  "You said he came from the direction of the Church of the Night? Do you want me to block him on the only way?" Frank said with a playful tone.

  "Sir, I saw this with my own eyes! And that boy may be a nouveau riche. If you have any thoughts about him, I can help you." Raoul took advantage of the situation and combined Lu Yan's weakness and wealth. The description is exaggerated and jealous in an attempt to divert misfortune to the east.

  However, Frank is not someone who is easy to fool. He also knows a little bit about what happened on the only way to the Church of the Night last night. Everything this dishonest person said was to trick him into dying.

  "Give you a chance. Find his whereabouts within today, otherwise I guarantee you won't be able to open your eyes tomorrow!" Frank was not worried that the other party would run away, because he would follow him.


  "This is a pastry I made by myself. I see you haven't enjoyed your lunch yet. I'm sorry that Slant can't entertain you. As his neighbor, I should make some for him when he can't get away. Trivial things."

  The old lady took out a plate of very exquisite snacks from the house. It seemed that he had put a lot of thought into it. Lu Yan did not refuse the other party's kindness, and casually took a piece of snack and put it in his mouth to taste.

  It tastes really good, with a slight sweetness and a silky texture. If it is placed in Queens West, it will definitely be popular among the ladies.

  "I believe that with your skills in opening a snack shop in Queens West, you will definitely get good profits." Lu Yan said sincerely.

  "Really? If this is really the case, you will definitely be the most distinguished customer in my shop." The old lady said with a smile.

  "People here call me Mrs. Julia. If I open a dessert shop, the name of the dessert shop must be Julia Desserts."

  Lu Yan didn't pay attention to Mrs. Julia's words. He had already noticed the man walking in the distance. If he guessed correctly, the man should be Mr. Slant.

  "Mr. Slant has come back. I'll go back first. Thank you for your compliments on my craftsmanship." For Mrs. Julia, it was a very honorable thing for her craftsmanship to be praised by a noble man from the upper class. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

  "Are you Mr. Slant who is going to sell hummingbirds? I need some different varieties of hummingbirds."

  Slant is a middle-aged man with dark and rough skin, and calluses have formed in many places on his hands.

  "What kind of hummingbird do you need? I would like to ask if your family agrees with you keeping a pet?" Slant was a little worried that the young boy in front of him could not make his own decision.

  "Don't worry, I'm actually an adult, it's just that I look younger." Lu Yan smiled slightly.

  "Sorry, please forgive my ignorance. I will give you a 10% discount on your purchase today." Slant apologized quickly.

  "It's okay, I want to know if you have darker hummingbirds here? I like dark colors." He did not directly make his request, but guided the conversation in the direction he wanted.

  "There are not many dark-colored hummingbirds, but fortunately last year I collected a group of hummingbirds that migrated from Fusac."

  "There are relatively cheap short-winged hummingbirds, weird bronze hummingbirds, and even expensive black gem hummingbirds."

  Slant introduced all the hummingbirds that met Lu Yan's conditions and promised to give them a month's worth of feed.

  "Then help me pack two hummingbirds of each type that meet the requirements and send them to Bishop Electra of the Church of the Night before today." Lu Yan paid the fee after giving a few instructions.

  These hummingbirds are actually not expensive. The total price of ten hummingbirds is less than ten pounds. Among them, the black gem hummingbird accounts for five pounds, and two bronze hummingbirds cost less than one pound.

  And he bought the magic potion formula he wanted at a very low price. Maybe this is the benefit of one person and one path?

Missing chapters and error reports

[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [BookmaChapter 5 Sequence 9: Passenger

  The remaining auxiliary materials for the magic potion formula are very common. You only need to go to different pharmacies to buy them. This is not a complicated matter, it just requires a little patience.

  After he returns to the Church of the Night, he can take the magic potion and become an extraordinary person. However, after careful analysis from the uniqueness-giving information, it can be concluded that the low sequence of the Tower of Fate is not strong.

  However, Lu Yan had a hunch that this sequence called Tower of Fate might be the same as the audience sequence. It was not strong in the early stage and gradually became outrageous in the later stage.

  Moreover, even the top true gods of sequences that were very powerful in the early stage ended badly, such as a god of war who mistakenly admitted his mother...

  Compared to other Beyonders who have reached Sequence Nine, he also has the uniqueness of the Tower of Fate sequence. Even Sequence Nine is an enhanced version of Sequence Nine!


  "Mr. Lu Yan, you are finally back! The hummingbirds you purchased have been temporarily preserved for you. Bishop Elektra does not have the ability to take care of small animals, and now those small animals are at Deacon Sesima's place."

  When she said this, the nun herself felt a little strange. She really didn't expect that Her Excellency Sesima, who is usually very serious and is known as the Sword of the Goddess, would actually like small animals.

  "May the goddess protect Lady Sesima. I will personally express my gratitude to Deacon Sesima." Lu Yan said with a slight smile.

  After the nun delivered the message, she left quickly because it was time for her to pray to the goddess. This group of devout nuns had dedicated their lives to Mother Night.

  Lu Yan took the hummingbird he bought back to his room. Unfortunately, he did not see Deacon Sesima when he took the hummingbird back this time. It is said that the deacon went on a mission wearing red gloves before he came back.

  Although he did not meet Deacon Sesima, who is known as the Sword of the Goddess, it is not a pity, because he will soon be able to see Klein, who is known as the Cat of the Goddess.

  A pair of bronze hummingbird eyes + an air-dried adult black chameleon + 80 ml of pure water + 10 grams of swamp willow bark + eight moon flowers.

  All the materials gradually became viscous after being stirred in a small crucible, and items of various shapes melted into a ball of silver liquid with dots of black spots.

  Lu Yan didn't worry about whether there was something wrong with the potion. Even if there was something wrong with it, he would still drink it. At least he had no choice now.

  The silver-white potion tastes extremely bitter at first, and then gradually transforms into a sweet taste in the mouth.

  Lu Yan's eyes began to wander, and there was an uncontrollable feeling all over his body, as if his body was about to split into many pieces.

  According to the method recorded in Zhou Mingrui's biography, he should imagine something that does not belong to this world at this moment, and use it to draw his spirit.

  But he doesn't know anything that doesn't exist in this world, just like people in the two-dimensional world don't know things in the three-dimensional world.

  Lu Yan could only give up this method and instead think about some strange things, such as a silver-white apple, which to be precise was the unique "cause and effect" of the fateful path.

  Soon after...

  Lu Yan's black pupils gradually lost their original color, leaving only a silvery white glow in his eyes. There seems to be no difference between black and silver, after all, they are not common eye colors in this world.

  Then a paragraph about Sequence Nine: Passenger's ability appeared in his mind.

  Sequence 9: Passenger

  Brief description: A passer-by is a bystander of fateful events, a person who cannot interfere with the determined destiny, a hurried passer-by of other people's fate, inconspicuous and insignificant. Passers-by can perceive the flow of fate, have extremely high spirituality, and can notice the flow of fate around them. Events that affect the course of destiny, and all the people and things intertwined with their destiny, are particularly conspicuous in the eyes of passers-by.

  [Supersensory Sense]: Passers-by can use their supersensory sense to perceive the passage of fate, and can use spiritual vision to see things that are entangled with their own destiny. When the destiny of this timeline has been formed, you can vaguely perceive what will happen in the future of the destiny.

  [Nameless One]: Passers-by have a very low sense of existence. They are often ignored outside the established destiny and cannot affect the course of the established destiny. As time goes by, passers-by will gradually lose their sense of existence. The Nameless One is not an ability that passers-by can actively release, and even it itself cannot control it well. If it were not for the people and things intertwined with the fate of passers-by, even relatives would gradually forget their existence.

  You are just a passer-by in other people's lives, inconspicuous and insignificant.

  Lu Yan looked at what was in his mind and fell into deep thought. He was speechless for a long time, until the moonlight shone from the window onto his silver-white hair, making it look holy and enchanting. As time goes by, the moonlight passes by, and the faint light gradually breaks from the edge of the sky...

  The path to the Tower of Fate seemed to be far more cruel than he imagined. The Nameless One's ability was very powerful, but the side effects were also very terrifying.

  Moreover, the concept of predetermined destiny made him directly feel the difficulty of this sequence. The essence of this sequence is to determine the starting point and end point and weave the process.

  But there are too many people in this world who can weave fate. His opponents are not only the Ring of Fate, but those who can weave fate are also his enemies.

  The image of the priest in white appeared in his mind. This Adam was famous in Zhou Mingrui's biography. That was a man who planned everything secretly from beginning to end.

  The road is difficult and difficult. Now that we have reached the point of no return, there are only two possibilities: crashing to death in front of the south wall or breaking through the south wall.

  After gathering himself, Lu Yan opened the door and walked out of his room.

  The person who usually greeted him enthusiastically did not stop when he passed by him once, as if Lu Yan's existence was just air.

  "Miss Dia, what are you going to do next?" Lu Yan called to a nun whom he had met several times.

  "I'm going to do my daily evening classes next. Sorry, I don't remember you very well. Can you tell me your name?" Miss Dia was a little embarrassed. She had feelings for the man in front of her. Some impressions, but very vague.

  "It's okay, you don't need to know. You've almost forgotten me anyway." Lu Yan slowly turned around, his back looking thin and fragile in the wide corridor.

  Lu Yan could clearly see that Sister Dia had no fate entangled with him. They were not from the same world, so it was impossible for her to remember him.

  A gust of wind gradually began to blow outside the church. Winter had quietly descended on the northern continent. The sky had been covered in haze for a long time, and heavy snow was flying everywhere like goose feathers.

  After Lu Yan gained extraordinary abilities, the whole world changed before his eyes. The destinies of people he didn't know or knew were intertwined, entangled and inseparable.

  Sequence 9: Passer's ability is only to see all the people who are entangled with his fate, but with the increase of unique "cause and effect", Passer's skills not only affect himself, but become a person. Range skills, this range should be where he can see.

  Also strengthened by uniqueness is his spirituality. The spiritual increase given to extraordinary people by the Passing Sequence is itself very large, and after the increase of uniqueness, it will reach a higher level.

  This is not a good thing. If you are too spiritual, you will easily encounter some extreme events or notice unknown things. Having learned from the bloody experience of the Hermit Sequence, Lu Yan felt a little annoyed about his ability.

  Lu Yan didn't like having these troubles come to him, but now it seemed that they were unavoidable.

  The only good thing is that the extraordinary abilities of the Tower of Fate pathway are almost always very secretive, and the person being affected may not be able to discover their abnormality until death.

  Just like the skill Lu Yan now masters in observing the entanglement of fate, he can clearly perceive the fateful encounters between those people and him.

  This is actually a very useful reverse calculation skill. He can use this to determine whether he is being plotted against.

  Just like what he saw at the moment, after excluding the entanglement between the Church of Night and his destiny, his relationship with others was simply pitiful, with only a few people.

  Among them are the pharmacist Mir whom he met at the trade fair, Raoul who is suspected of plotting against him, and Lady Julia and two unknown connections.

  The entanglement between Mr. Slant and his fate was severed after he purchased the Bronze Hummingbird. Most of the people who have not disappeared are those who will interact with him in the future.

  Among them, Raoul and a touch of unknown red are most deeply entangled with his fate. It seems that they will have an intersection in the near future.

  This is the feeling brought about by his extraordinary ability [supersensory perception], which also means that the established destiny of the timeline here has been formed!

  "I always feel like I'm going to experience a fierce battle this time?" Lu Yan stopped in front of the pool in front of the church.

  After being promoted to Passer-by, his physique has hardly changed compared to the huge spiritual enhancement, so his direct combat effectiveness has not improved much.

  After stopping by the pool for a moment, Lu Yan looked at the pairs of citizens entering the church, and an idea seemed to come to his mind.

  Naturally, his own abilities were insufficient to deal with the two suspected enemies, not to mention that one of them was an Extraordinary.

  The charms he bought from Mir had been almost squandered in the last battle. Although there were still a few charms with mummy powder, it seemed that this thing might have counter-effects when used in actual combat.

  He knew very few people in the Church of Night, let alone almost none, who could help him. He didn't even know any extraordinary people outside of the Church of Night...

  "Look, that's Lady Sesima's team from the Church of the Night!"

  The eyes of several girls around Lu Yan who were suspected to be Loen nobles were almost glued to Deacon Sesima who had returned from afar.

  Sesima is indeed very heroic. He is wearing the dress of the Church of the Night, with golden hair falling from his ears, and wearing a sharp and strange sword at his waist.

  Lu Yan's appearance and temperament are actually more perfect than Deacon Sesima, but after being promoted to Sequence Nine, he gained an uncontrollable [Nameless One] ability. This resulted in him feeling like air even when standing in front of these noble ladies.

  There is a very strange thing. When Lu Yan saw Sesima, their fates seemed to be entangled, as if two parallel lines suddenly intersected.

  He still doesn't know what caused this situation, but at least it made him understand one thing. Even when two people meet, their fate will be entangled due to unknown influences.

  "Are you Bishop Lu Yan?" Sesima followed the noble lady's shout and looked over. At the same time, she also noticed the silver-haired boy standing next to the noble lady.

  The first time he saw the young man, he subconsciously ignored him, but when he came back to his senses, he felt something strange. He was sure that he knew this boy, but he couldn't remember who he was at the moment.

  The red-gloved team stopped in front of the Church of the Night because of the contemplation of the team leader Sesima. This was the first time for this group of Miss Luen, who were similar to later groupies, to watch their idols up close and for a long time. This also made The atmosphere at the scene became more and more intense.

  I don't know who started singing the night hymn first, and then almost all the ladies started singing it together, as if welcoming the returning warriors in triumph.

  Sesima was thinking and was brought back to reality by the sudden sound of a hymn. He subconsciously glanced at the Night Church with the corner of his eyes before suddenly remembering that the other party should be the incoming Bishop Lu Yan.

  As the hymn sounded, Sesima felt as if he had become the focus of the audience, which also made him a little flattered. Then he got off the horse and came to Lu Yan. If Lu Yan was just an ordinary bishop, he Of course, there was no need to do this, but as a senior member of the Church of the Night, he naturally knew about Lu Yan's other identity.

  He still remembered that he was the one who found the lifeless Lu Yan not long ago, and he was the one who buried him in the cemetery next to the Night Church.

  Later, when Lu Yan came back from the dead and climbed out of the cemetery, he was the first to discover it, but at that time, Lu Yan already had an aura left by the goddess.

  After asking the goddess very vaguely about this matter, although they still didn't know what happened to Lu Yan, they were sure that Lu Yan was the favored one of the goddess.

  Sesima didn't pay attention to how Lu Yan's affairs developed next. It wasn't until he heard that the incoming new bishop Lu Yan had purchased a group of hummingbirds not long ago that he remembered this incident again. .

  "I'm not a bishop yet." Lu Yan complained in his heart: "The goddess of the night seems to really want to bind his identity to the church. I really don't know what good this will do to him."

  "Thank you, Mr. Deacon, for taking care of a group of naughty little animals for me. UU read www.uukanshu.net. I would like to ask Mr. Deacon if you have free time tonight. I would like to treat you to a simple meal as a thank you for this matter." Not yet. When Sesima answered, Lu Yan diverted the topic away from his identity.

  Just now, he suddenly thought that Deacon Sesima, known as the Sword of the Goddess, was a Sequence Five Extraordinary. If he could use Sesima's power, then he might be able to pull out the poisonous snakes in the dark corners!

  Sesima originally wanted to subconsciously reject Lu Yan's invitation. After all, his nickname, Sword of the Goddess, was not obtained out of thin air. A large part of the reason was his own fierce temperament!

  Of course, this is just Sesima's own idea. Most people in the outside world think that the origin of his nickname is because he was recognized by a high-level sealed object that looks like a sharp sword.

  But for some reason, Sesima's unkind and fierce temperament is well known to everyone. Emperor Russell once said: "There is only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname!"

  But this time he hesitated rarely, because he felt that Lu Yan's current state was a bit strange. As long as he was not paying attention, Lu Yan would be subconsciously ignored by him.

  Out of a responsible attitude towards the people within the church and a certain degree of curiosity about the goddess's loved ones, Sesima gave a rare reply: "Wait while I change my clothes."

  Sesima put her hands in her pockets and shrank her shoulders slightly, so that her neck was covered by the high collar of her clothes as much as possible. Although Backlund had entered winter, he was a Sequence Five Beyonder. How could he feel this way? There is an inexplicable coolness.

  Crestel Sesima's figure gradually disappeared in front of the noble ladies. These reserved ladies stopped singing in unison, and the lively atmosphere gradually dissipated.

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