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Chapter 2 Research! spiritual realm

Chapter 2 Research! spiritual realm

The master may be a joke, but his martial soul power reaches level 29.

Outside, it is also called "Shangrenrenshangren". If it were in a more remote city, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say 'strong'.

The main purpose now is to re-train martial arts and combine martial arts, soul rings, and soul power. Use the magical power of Douluo Continent to open a new path.

Except for some secrets passed down by word of mouth, the master's knowledge should be considered the most complete in the continent.

Yu Xiaogang recovered some of his physical strength after eating Blue Silver Grass.

Stand up slowly.

Where is this place? I always run away with my head covered in my memory. But fortunately, you won't encounter any powerful soul beasts on the official road.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous with his current weak body.

Yu Xiaogang thought.

drive! drive!

A middle-aged man drove a gorgeous carriage.


An old voice came from the carriage.


The middle-aged man responded. Then he stopped the carriage skillfully.

The curtain opened and an old man with white hair walked slowly down, with a round badge hanging on his chest. That is the certification of the great soul master of Wuhun Palace.

He walked slowly to Yu Xiaogang's side and asked doubtfully: "Master?"

Yu Xiaogang was a little surprised. He didn't expect the 'Master' to be so famous.

After thinking for a moment, he replied: "Oh, who is your Excellency? I cannot be called a master."

"My name is Matthew Nuo, and I am the soul master of the branch of Wuhun Palace."

The old man cupped his hands and introduced himself.

"The ten core competencies of martial arts released by the master have helped many low-level soul masters, so they deserve it."

The old man Matthew Nuo continued.

For most poor soul masters and those with low innate soul power.

For soul masters who have no value in cultivating and recruiting, this knowledge saves them from a lot of detours, so they are naturally grateful.

"It's just a matter of picking up the wisdom of others."

But Yu Xiaogang didn't care and waved his hand.

"Haha, although it is based on the experience of previous people, it is also summarized by the master. Otherwise, it will still be moldy in a certain attic."

Matthewno was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

There is something hidden in Mathieu Nuo's words. Because of Yu Xiaogang's identity, he had the opportunity to summarize and release it. And those sect nobles are not even willing to share this common sense with others.

Mathieu Nuo has taken some detours in the past, neglected his cultivation, and is now stuck in the great soul master stage.

I am afraid that I will never have the chance to break through in this life.

Yu Xiaogang didn't want to delve into this topic. He could feel the rules of this world from his memory.

It's decided by the strong. Before he becomes a top strong, he can't change anything.

Think for a moment.

"Master, why don't you take my carriage and go to the city to rest for a while?"

The atmosphere felt a bit awkward. Matthewno invited.

Previously, Yu Xiaogang's clothes were stained with a lot of dirt and weeds, and he looked a little embarrassed.

But I really need a place to stay now. My predecessor was running around without knowing where this place was.

"Then I'd like to trouble Master Matthew Nuo. I wonder where the nearby city is?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't refuse, patted his clothes and replied.

Mathieu Nuo was considered old, experienced and shrewd, so he didn't ask Yu Xiaogang what he was doing here.

Just said with a smile.

"This is the southwest of the Tiandou Empire, Fasnuo Province. Not far ahead is Notting City, where I work."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to invite Yu Xiaogang to get on the carriage. Yu Xiaogang followed and got into the carriage. After the coachman waited for everyone to sit down, he waved his whip and drove.

There were some bumps on the road, so I opened the curtains and looked outside.

There are strange scenes everywhere, strange animals or spirit beasts, rats with horns, and big dogs with rabbit ears.

<divclass="contentadv" >When passing by a village, I saw the various martial arts 'farming tools' summoned by the villagers, and I felt amazing in my heart.

Although I have the memory of my predecessor, it is still different from truly feeling the magic of Douluo Continent.

We spent about an hour chatting with Matthew Nuo and observing things along the way.

A city appeared in front, not particularly tall. The guard next to him did not stop Matthew Nuo's carriage, maybe because he knew the owner of the carriage.

Driving for a while.

The carriage stopped next to a hotel.

"Master, this is the best hotel in Notting City. I have to go back to Wuhun Palace, so I won't leave here."

Matthewno said.

"Great Soul Master Matthew Nuo, thank you very much for today."

After getting off the carriage, Yu Xiaogang solemnly replied.

"Hahaha, you're welcome. I wish you all the best."

Matthew Nuo knew that something difficult had happened to Yu Xiaogang, but he also hoped that he would overcome his past.

Yu Xiaogang smiled, waved goodbye, and accepted the blessing.

But I was still worried. Alas, this Liu Erlong, cousin? What a bad fate!

This matter should be decided later. I opened a luxurious suite in the hotel and closed the door tightly.

Take a break.

Only then did he have time to study his own martial spirit.

"Come out! Luo Sanpao"

Yu Xiaogang whispered.

A lilac soul power separated from Yu Xiaogang's hand and formed a creature.

It looks like a dog, is built like a pig, and is over 1.5 meters in length and waist. It has lavender hair all over its body and two small ears hanging down.

He has big dark blue eyes, gentle eyes, four short and thick legs, and a bulge on the top of his head.

Is this the martial spirit! ? Summoning an entity out of thin air?

Although it is a mutated martial spirit, such martial spirits that exist independently of the body are extremely rare in Douluo Continent.

It's a pity that it is a malignant mutation, and the soul skills are not powerful enough and have too many flaws. It can only launch three attacks, which is too weak.

This is one of the reasons why the master left the sect in humiliation.

Gently caressing Luo Sanpao with his hand, Luo Sanpao squinted his eyes, feeling very enjoying it, and even rubbed it gently.

Does this martial spirit still have self-awareness? "

Yu Xiaogang was a little surprised.

The Douluo Continent martial spirits are roughly divided into weapon martial spirits, animal martial spirits, plant martial spirits, and food martial spirits.

Luo Sanpao should not belong to any of these categories.

But based on the records in my own Blue Star classics, this martial spirit is a bit like the 'accompanying spiritual treasure' described in legends.

It is born and can grow together with its master. It is weak in the early stage and has great power in the later stage.

On the Douluo Continent, you may have to cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo or God to have such natural disaster power.

Although I could ignore guns and missiles in my previous life, that was a special perception gained by opening up the brain field, similar to the seventh sense.

It's just that it can't hit. Its body, which has been tempered for many times, can't withstand a single shell.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang immediately sat cross-legged, feeling calm and calm.

When I feel that my spirit is stronger than that of Blue Star, I don't know how many times stronger it is. It should be about facing the terror of death and sublimating your spirit and spirit to the limit.

It may also be related to the fusion of the soul of 'Master Yu Xiaogang'.


Tried moving the table. It's a bit difficult, now is not the time to test your mental strength.

Directly sink your consciousness into the spiritual realm of your brain, which is a bright and vast blue ocean.

Perceived by the eyes.

A flash of golden light and the huddled martial spirit 'Luo Sanpao'.

Chapter 3 Martial Spirit? Dharma!

Chapter 3 Martial Spirit? Dharma!

"What is this?" Yu Xiaogang's thoughts perceived the golden light.

The light shines and blends into the consciousness.

A strong sense of impact, this is the pursuit that has been going on for decades in the previous life, and the instinct to fight against death.

The immortal martial arts will that is supremely sublimated in the flames of atomic fission.

Under the constant impact of this will, Yu Xiaogang's huge spiritual world set off a huge storm.

It was like being in a furnace, burning in fire, with severe pain that lasted for a century.

Then it slowly stopped.

Huh. Huh. Huh.

Yu Xiaogang gasped for air, and his whole body was covered with sweat.

But it was all worth it, he became the 'god' of his body, and countless cells were screaming.

In worship, the hidden wounds and hidden dangers left by the body are killed in a single thought.

My body seems to be twenty years younger, and that sense of vitality and youth is like a huge pressure has been relieved.

"Have a good wash and rest today, and study the martial arts in a few days."

After the memory fusion, there is a will to forge the god. Coupled with the bumps along the way, Yu Xiaogang was really tired.

Three days later.

Inside the Notting Hotel.

"Maybe we can let Luo Sanpao evolve!"

"It can become the main body of the trinity of martial soul fusion skills, and its bloodline source must be extremely high!"

"Did you fail to evolve because of flaws?"

"Is it the innate soul power, or is it the lack of blood concentration? Golden Holy Dragon?"

In addition to practicing martial arts these days, Yu Xiaogang is also integrating the master's knowledge base.

Thinking of the martial soul fusion skills of Liu Erlong and Flanders, the golden holy dragon evolved with Luo Sanpao as the main body.

"Sun and Moon Brilliant Golden Turn!"

Summoning Luo Sanpao, Yu Xiaogang relied on his "god" level control. Forcibly simulate the state of martial soul fusion skills.

The powerful will controlled all level 29 soul power to be injected into Luo Sanpao's body. He also put most of his mental energy into it.

In an instant.

Golden light flashed, and Luo Sanpao's somewhat fat body was covered with cracks.

Make it painful.


The soul power is exhausted.

A burst of white smoke flashed past Luo Sanpao and disappeared.

"It failed. It was just a little bit close. Sure enough, the difference in soul power was too much. Erlong and Flanders are soul emperors close to the soul saint level."

"Perhaps we can start directly from the bloodline. A true dragon bloodline soul beast that transcends years, a thousand-year soul beast? A ten-thousand-year soul beast?"

After carefully feeling the changes in Wuhun, Yu Xiaogang analyzed it.

Absorbing a ten-thousand-year soul ring in this way involves the risk of body explosion. However, as long as you practice martial arts to a certain level again, there is no need to worry.

Comparing the physical strength of the soul saint level of the sect in memory, if you rely solely on physical strength, it is only between the two.

Not to mention that the physical strength and resources of this Douluo Continent far exceed that of the previous life.

"Absorb dragon-like soul beasts over a period of time to gain bloodline concentration to make up for Luo Sanpao's innate defects."

"The ten-thousand-year-level soul ring has received a huge increase in soul power."

Starting from these two aspects, the martial soul should be able to evolve. Yu Xiaogang came to this conclusion.

In fact, only Yu Xiaogang could do such a bold and crazy behavior towards Wuhun.

If it were anyone else, his martial soul would have been broken long ago, and his life or death would be unclear.

Since becoming the "god" of his body, he has been able to control hundreds of millions of risks.

In the past few days, I have been exploring the realms of martial arts, body, and spirit.

This makes Yu Xiaogang full of confidence in martial arts in the future. His previous life was just a small mud pit.

The way forward is clear.

"This Luo Sanpao has a separated martial spirit and has a certain degree of autonomy."

"Can it be combined like a beast spirit?"

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang started to activate the martial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness, but he did not summon Luo Sanpao, but integrated it into his body.

<divclass="contentadv" >It went surprisingly smoothly.

Luo Sanpao became a tattoo, engraved on the back of Yu Xiaogang's right arm.

He looked at it. It's quite funny, maybe it's because Luo Sanpao is fat and a bit cute.

make a fist.

The strength has increased by about 30%, and the soul power consumed in the martial soul state has also been greatly reduced. Can use martial arts skills.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care about this power, it was better to compress his soul power and punch it.

What kind of martial spirit is Luo Sanpao in this form?

At this time.

Thinking of a special martial soul recorded in the Wuhun Palace called the main body martial soul, which is the right arm of the body.

The awakened soul master thought he had no martial soul, until later the boy accidentally absorbed a ten-year soul beast.

Obtained a soul skill that increases strength. Finally, he cultivated to the Soul Sect realm.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang had some guesses about Wuhun. Douluo Continent has a unique environment. Maybe there was no Wuhun at the beginning or the Wuhun was just the body.

Human beings are a different kind of soul beast.

Until the first one absorbed the soul beast and devoured its blood to obtain the genes of those powerful soul beasts.

Then genetic mutations along the way form various unique martial arts spirits.

"Martial Soul Luo Sanpao and I are one and the same!"

"Similar to the Dharma that can only be condensed by the powerful masters of mythology in previous lives who have practiced to a high level!"

"It's the sublimation of the soul!"

"And people in Douluo Continent are born with the ability to awaken to the Dharma! As long as they continue to practice, they will be on the way to heaven!"

"The weak martial soul will continue to evolve with the breakthrough of soul power!"

Yu Xiaogang thought excitedly.

"Those powerful martial spirits that have been passed down must have been extremely weak existences at first."

"It's just that the ancestors kept making progress and passing on inheritance until a titled Douluo appeared!"

"The originally weak martial spirit became a top martial spirit!"

Fish jumping over the dragon's gate.

Snakes and insects transform into dragons.

tempered into a steel.

Maybe the ancestor of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus was just a snake-like martial spirit stained with some dragon blood.

The spread of the power of thunder and lightning may be due to the absorption of soul beasts with thunder power in each generation.

It was through continuous accumulation and inheritance from generation to generation that it gained the prestige of being the best beast martial spirit in the world today.

Breathed softly.

Yu Xiaogang has been released from the state of possession by the martial spirit. Now he only needs to increase his physical strength.

By leapfrogging the level and absorbing the dragon spirit, the spirit Luo Sanpao can awaken and evolve.

Based on previous experiments, I felt palpitations and a slight pressure.

If it were to fully evolve to the 'Golden Holy Dragon' level, its quality would probably surpass that of a top-notch martial spirit.

It's time to pick up the martial arts from the past life. In order to create new martial arts in the previous life, no matter it was the stimulation of electric current by scientific means.

Or diving, high-pressure body training, or other sects' secret medicine skills. Nothing but extremes.

Finally, from the Zhuang Gong, I entered a stable state, and I could feel the flow of Qi and blood with a peaceful mind.

Combining various schools, they created the "Wuji Zhuang" that can deeply temper the physical body.

Bone forging and blood exchange.

This process is extremely painful and requires a large amount of secret medicine to replenish cellular energy.

It is also necessary to use extremely high concentration to guide the energy and blood to temper the fragile internal organs. If you are not careful, you will die or be disabled.

There are people who can reach the realm of Yu Xiaogang, but they have already passed middle age and their energy and blood have declined. He could only resort to tricks and use his mind to guide his disciples to assist him in forging bones and exchanging blood.

However, other people's power cannot perfectly temper every cell. The effect is far less than one-tenth of Yu Xiaogang's, but it is far superior to Jiu Wu's.

The digestion capacity of every new warrior is far beyond that of ordinary people, and one meal can be equivalent to ten times that of ordinary people.

Chapter 4 Secret Medicine and Soul Beast Meat!

Chapter 4 Secret Medicine and Soul Beast Meat!

This city of Notting is just a remote town. There is a small mountain range nearby. It is said to be small.

In fact, the mountain peaks are towering into the clouds; the clouds and mist are shrouded, and the animals and plants are rich and diverse.

In order to break through the soul masters, most civilian soul warriors often go into the mountains to collect medicine, so they don't think there is any danger. Ten-year-level soul beasts abound in the mountains.

However, century-old spirit beasts in the wild will be regularly cleaned up by the nearby Spirit Hall or forces such as the Lord of Notting City.

Every year, there are still many unlucky people who are eaten by fish that slip through the net. Be careful of poisonous insects and ferocious beasts, as well as murderers and swindlers.

The little city of Notting.

The strongest soul master is only at the level of 'Great Soul Master'. If you encounter a thousand-year-old soul beast that emerges from the Soul Hunting Forest, it will just be a feast.

The Wuhun Palace records every year that a certain village was ravaged by soul beasts, leaving nine out of ten houses empty.

Each city has a branch of the Wuhun Hall. Their duty is to guard the nearby area and help the villagers awaken the Wuhun. Those with soul power and potential are invited to join.

There is a large market just a street away from the luxury hotel. Although this city is small, it has all the necessary facilities.

Yu Xiao just went downstairs to buy herbs to refine the secret medicine.

"Hello, dear soul master!"

I heard a flattering greeting. It's the hotel maid. Delicate appearance and good figure.


Yu Xiaogang responded lightly.

Then he prepared to go out on his own.

"Sir, are you going out to do something? I'm from Notting City, and I know the rules here! I'm willing to serve you!"

The waitress didn't dare to stop her and said hurriedly.

She knew that this soul master who looked young, but was sent to him personally by Master Matthew Nuo, must be a great big shot.

The manager also asked her to entertain well and not to neglect the distinguished guests.

"Can you take me to the largest medicinal store in Notting City?"

There was a pause. Stopping, Yu Xiaogang nodded.

"Sir, please follow me."

The waitress said happily.

Then he said hello to the manager. Then he took Yu Xiaogang to the largest medicinal merchant in the city.

Only half an hour.

Center Block.

"This is it. Herb collectors throughout Notting City will give priority to selling medicinal materials to Sanbao Pharmacy."

I found out from chatting with him on the way. The waitress' name is Lily, an ordinary person without soul power.

"I heard that there is a big force behind it. Even the city lord doesn't dare to come here to buy medicine."

Lily's brows were twitching as she talked about the previous gossip.

Yu Xiaogang didn't reply after hearing this, and walked in with his hands behind his back. There is a herbal smell floating in the air, which has a refreshing effect and makes my mind feel slightly soothed.

"Guest, what do you need?"

An old man in rich clothes stood in front of the counter and asked.

"100-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, 100-year-old ginseng, astragalus, and rhodiola rosea"

Yu Xiaogang reported a series of names of medicinal materials, and the age requirements were extremely high.

Due to the abundant aura of the environment in Douluo Continent, old medicinal materials are everywhere, but they are generally used by soul masters.

"My surname is Ning. Your distinguished guests may call me Shopkeeper Ning."

"A total of one hundred and thirty-seven gold soul coins and eight silver coins. Do you need me to arrange for you to send it there?"

Shopkeeper Ning took the list handed over by his subordinates and replied.

"Well, just take it to the Notting Hotel."

Yu Xiaogang took out the golden soul coin from the soul guide and handed it to shopkeeper Ning. They were traveling together with Liu Erlong and Flanders in the past few years, and accumulated thousands of gold soul coins.

The medicinal materials purchased this time are enough for me to retreat for several months. I didn't expect that the small city of Notting would have such resources.

Half of it is used as a secret medicine for qi and blood, and the other half is used as an external exercise aid.

Plus two sublimations of mind and will. It is expected that it will only take a few years to recover the martial arts cultivation of the previous life.

Then he asked Lily to leave.

While it was still early, Yu Xiaogang planned to let Lily, a local, take him around Notting City.

"Sir, in front of you is the largest market in Notting City. There are fresh soul beasts and various materials hunted by the soul masters."

"Generally, those used by soul masters can be found in the market."

Lily pointed to the people coming and going in front and introduced.


<divclass="contentadv" >Ah!

Lily was knocked to the ground without noticing.

"You don't have eyes when you're walking! I dare to bump into you too!"

A big man with a sinewy face and a strong back led two followers and said with evil intentions.

This big man's name is Zhong Xiong, a fighting spirit master with the Martial Spirit 'Iron Armored Pig' level 17. It is also famous here in Fangshi.

A well-known scoundrel who often extorts money from civilians and low-level soul masters, plucks their feathers, and most importantly bullies the weak and fears the strong.

He never provokes soul masters who are more powerful than himself, or those noble people with gorgeous clothes.

Lily was dressed as a waiter, and Yu Xiaogang next to her looked tall and thin.

Wearing an ordinary black outfit, and looking very handsome. At first glance, he looks like a soft persimmon.

"Pay for it. Brother Zhong's clothes were all stained!"

"This is clothes worth three gold soul coins!"

Zhong Xiong's two followers shouted from the side.

Lily's knees and arms were a little scratched, and she was about to get up when Zhong Xiong deliberately bumped into her with a little force.

She felt a little aggrieved when she heard that she had to pay compensation, but she didn't dare to refute loudly.

this is.

"Oh - then how many gold soul coins should I accompany you?"

Yu Xiaogang's somewhat joking voice came.

"You kid knows-"

A touch! The words are not finished yet. The follower flew out a few meters, vomiting blood and finally couldn't bear it.

Hard work? Didn't think much about it.

"Iron armor roars! Martial spirit possesses me!"

Zhong Xiong yelled.

The white soul ring slowly rose from Zhong Xiong's feet, and behind it was a long-horned wild boar with dark skin, looking ferocious and ferocious.

"The first soul skill, Bull Crash!"

By contrast.

Standing in front of Zhong Xiong, Yu Xiaogang looked so weak?


I saw.

Yu Xiaogang gently raised his right hand

He caught this powerful collision in an understatement.

"How can it be!"

Zhong Xiong held his breath and his face turned red. You must know that after being possessed by a beast spirit, its strength is greatly enhanced.

But this pretty boy took it with his bare hands without using his martial spirit.

Of course it's not with bare hands, it's just a simple use of soul power. The condensed soul power is attached to the right hand.


Yu Xiaogang was too lazy to explain this. With a slight wave of his right hand, Zhong Xiong flew backwards.

This scene shocked the soul masters who stopped to watch the show.

Vomited a lot of blood. Zhong Xiong half-knelt on the ground

Covering his chest with one hand, he quickly begged for mercy:

"Your Excellency, I admit defeat!"

"These gold soul coins are my apology for offending you!"

He quickly took dozens of gold soul coins from his clothes. The soul masters around him felt very relieved. They never expected that the domineering Zhong Xiong would have such an embarrassing day.

"Give it to her. Just apologize and it will be over." Yu Xiaogang said calmly as he went over to help Lily up.

"Miss! I'm sorry! I was wrong!" Zhong Xiong said immediately, and took three puffs.

"This man is capable of bending and stretching, and he can be considered a character," Yu Xiaogang thought in his mind, ignoring Zhong Xiong who kowtowed.

Turn around.

He casually gave the gold soul coin to Lily

"Let's go! I still need to buy some soul beast meat."


"The Silky Bone Rabbit!"


"Flame Chicken!"

"Yeah! It's really good!"

Chapter 5 Reaching the top in 3 years!

Chapter 5: Reaching the top in three years!

Outside Notting.

Deep in the mountains. The Baizhang Waterfall is as surging as cloth.

at this time.

A young man was standing on a protruding stone in a waterfall and a pool.


"It's no longer effective at exercising!"

The young man who spoke was none other than Yu Xiaogang. He had been practicing in seclusion since he last went out to buy medicinal materials.

Since three years ago.

Helping Lily to teach Zhong Xiong a lesson made her always grateful. In addition, Yu Xiaogang's strength far exceeded that of a soul master, and he was also approachable.

Lily also took care of all the trivial matters during this period. Every order is handled properly.

He won't rely on Yu Xiaogang's power to cause trouble everywhere. It's quite easy to use.

"If it hadn't been custom-made from the blacksmith shop, this 800-pound iron shell would be supercharged. This waterfall would have been useless."

Yu Xiaogang took off the heavy iron shell of cultivation, and murmured to himself with half of his body exposed.

Three years of continuous medicated bath assistance and swallowing of secret medicine, coupled with the profound tempering effect of Wuji Zhuang on the body. Now Yu Xiaogang has restored his martial arts cultivation in his previous life.


It should be said that it has surpassed the special human qualifications of Douluo Continent in the previous life.

Plus high-energy food like Dunton soul beast meat. During the process of bone forging and blood exchange, the cell's absorption capacity and endurance far exceed those in previous lives.

During this period of waterfall practice, Yu Xiaogang also felt that there was often an indescribable force throbbing deeper in his body.

"Is there still greater potential that has not been unleashed?"

The source of his 'god-seeing' level physical control has not yet been discovered.

"Is it a martial spirit?"

Yu Xiaogang was a little confused.

Twenty-nine's soul power cultivation is no longer a barrier to him, and the martial arts practice in the past few years has not neglected the cultivation of soul power.

They are just rules or shackles on this continent. Even though he has broken through to level 30 soul master, there is no additional soul ring.

Then the soul power cannot be allowed to break through to the thirty-first level. The previous plan was to hunt down 10,000-year-level dragon-like soul beasts to awaken and evolve the martial soul.

Of course, you can't just hunt soul beasts casually to break through. Even though he couldn't break through to a higher level, Yu Xiaogang didn't give up on cultivating soul power.

Instead, after the physical strength increases, it begins to compress and condense the soul power in the tendons.

This greatly increases the strength of his soul power, and with his strong mind, he can change his soul power.

Let it have characteristics such as 'sharp' and 'thickness'.

Gather energy to form a blade.

Turn into iron.

From the battle with Zhong Xiong, it was discovered that the fighting methods of the soul masters in Douluo Continent were extremely rigid. He has almost no control over his soul power.

They all only know how to use soul ring skills and have no fighting skills at all.

I do know that most sects have some special techniques developed based on their own martial arts.

For example, the Haotian Sect's random cloak hammering technique, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's distracted control.

They are all able to perfectly utilize the characteristics of their own martial arts spirits. But these skills and knowledge were firmly suppressed by the sect nobles.

Not a penny is missed.

But thinking about it more carefully, Yu Xiaogang felt that the situation was excusable.

You can obtain soul skills by absorbing the soul rings of soul beasts. However, the soul skills that you have worked so hard to cultivate cannot compare with the soul skills of soul masters of the same level.

He can use soul skills with a thought, which are more powerful than himself. Release faster than yourself. Who would be willing to practice soul skills on their own?

This can be regarded as forming a unique combat power method for middle and lower-level soul masters.

Possessed by martial souls, they form formations and use soul skills.

But there are only a few soul skills, and such soul masters often have obvious flaws, which in turn forms the unique team mechanism of Douluo Continent.

If the defense is strong, protect the auxiliary soul master. If the attack is strong and the speed is slow, use the control soul master. The speed soul master can be used as an assassin and can contain and obtain information.

With a variety of martial soul combinations, a well-coordinated team can compete with high-level soul masters.

Come to your senses.

Yu Xiaogang is ready to return to Notting City. It's time to leave Notting City to hunt for the third soul ring.

With the recovery of his martial arts strength, he has some ability to protect himself. He is confident that he will not be afraid of a battle when he encounters a soul master below the soul saint level.

Yu Xiaogang was very fast and returned to Notting City in a short time.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

As soon as she arrived at the door of the yard, she saw Lily waiting, and she said in a clear voice

In the Notting Hotel, it was really inconvenient to use medicinal baths and practice Wuji Zhuang, so he ordered Lily to buy them.

<divclass="contentadv" >Not big, but still in the center area.

"Lily, help me contact Mr. Ning. The Sanbao caravan has been leaving for a long time."

Yu Xiaogang thought for a while and said.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, East Gate of Notting City."

Lily's expression was a little unnatural, but she still answered.

This was last month.

He had already contacted Sanbao, but in Notting City, his previous strength had not been restored and he was just dormant for the time being.

At this time.

"Sir! Can you?"

Lily said softly, "In the past few years by Yu Xiaogang's side, I have received five gold soul coins every month."

The managers and shopkeepers in the city did not neglect her, and the soul masters would call her Miss Lily when they met her, which gave Lily, an ordinary person, a great sense of satisfaction.

After the Zhong Xiong incident, everyone speculated on Yu Xiaogang's strength. At least Soul Master, after all, could catch a seventeenth-level soul skill with his bare hands without showing his martial soul.

"Okay, no need to say any more"

Lily hasn't finished speaking yet. Yu Xiaogang interrupted her.

Then he said:

"Notting City is too small. You have done your best for me these years. There are one hundred gold soul coins in it! I will give you this courtyard too!"

Then, a bag was handed over from the soul guide.

A soul master can only receive one gold soul coin a month, and an ordinary civilian family can live on 10 gold soul coins a year.

In addition, this courtyard in the central area of ​​Notting City was purchased with several hundred gold soul coins.

It's all about benevolence and righteousness.

"." Lily took it silently.

She knew Yu Xiaogang was a human being, but she was a little reluctant to live such a good life with such dignified treatment.

Sometimes I also fantasize about becoming Mrs. Yu Xiaogang. Now the illusion is disillusioned.

a while.

"Today's medicinal bath is also prepared, and the soul beast meat has been ordered to be processed by the kitchen. Tender-bone rabbit, roasted bighorn ox."

Lily readjusted her mentality and spoke softly.

The soul beast meat is extremely delicious and has a special taste. Simple processing will make people have endless aftertaste. This is also the last night in Notting City.

The next day.

Notting City East Gate.

Yu Xiaogang just tidied up briefly. Bring a few changes of clothing with you. There are also bottles of configured pills. The soul guide is almost full.

There are already dozens of carriages waiting here. A flag that looks like a golden pagoda is hung, gorgeous and dazzling.

Qibao Glazed Sect? Mr. Ning?

I was a little confused.

this is.

"Is it Mr. Yu?" A servant stepped forward and asked cautiously.


Yu Xiaogang replied.

"this way please."

When the servant heard that he was right, he led Yu Xiaogang towards one of the carriages.

This is the caravan under the Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the seven major sects in the world. Normally I would not stop in Little Notting City, and there are no specialties here.

Next to the motorcade.

"Ning Moqiu, I will be in charge of the caravan."

The middle-aged man in fine clothes arched his head and said.

"Mr. Ning asked me to give Mr. Yu a ride."

Plug-in cheat settings:

1: To break through and change into a martial saint in the previous life, you need to have a mind that is at the level of inner vision.

2: After the age of 30, some limitations of the brain are opened and the "seventh sense" is obtained.

Similar to the story of "Dragon and Snake" where people don't see and don't hear, they feel danger and avoid it.

3: After rebirth, merge the soul of 'Master Yu Xiaogang'. In addition, the martial arts will that was sublimated in the face of nuclear bombs in the previous life has become a "god" in the body, which corresponds to "breaking the void, you can see God"