
B 7

Chapter 31 The end of the art!

Chapter 31 The end of the technique!


The girl murmured to herself. Somewhat unclear. Then he stared at Yu Xiaogang with his watery eyes and said doubtfully:

"Teacher, I am a beast spirit! I don't know how to use a sword!"

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's stunned look, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help laughing. Then he said.


"You can also call it 'Wuji Jingman Claw' or 'Liuying Lightning Flash'. This is just a name."

"Essentially, it is just a more advanced way of using soul power. An ultimate use of soul power!"

Finished. I poured myself a cup of tea and prepared to tell Zhu Zhuqing something off-topic in detail.

"When Tang San and Zhao Wuji stood together that day, how many tricks did you see?" Yu Xiaogang asked, intending to test this little cat.

"His pace is as outstanding as a ghost, and his short-distance dodge and flexibility are no worse than those of agility attack type soul masters. No, maybe even stronger!"

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Zhuqing spoke.

The second individual assessment was for Tang San to face the Soul Saint level Teacher Zhao alone. As a soul saint, he couldn't defeat him in a short period of time.

What about me?

I'm afraid I can't do it like Tang San, who can be as agile and quick as a nimble fly under that kind of pressure.

It is admirable.

"Tang San's blue silver grass martial spirit was actually cultivated to such an extent by him, and it was even able to combine with his own advantages.

When used in actual combat, they work together smoothly. I have never seen the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit be so powerful. "

"As a control-type soul master, whether it's strategy, tactics, or timing! This Tang San! Seems to be a perfect soul master!"

After this analysis, Zhu Zhuqing's expression became more and more solemn. Does the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, such a weak Martial Spirit, make people feel so difficult to deal with?


"Tang San seems to be an all-powerful soul master with no obvious shortcomings, except that his frontal attack methods are slightly weak."

"But his hidden weapon methods are really terrifying. Not only are they extremely weird and as powerful as soul skills, they also make up for Tang San's weak attack."

You know, the last hidden weapon broke Teacher Zhao's defense, and its power still made Zhu Zhuqing feel scared.

"To be honest, I'm not even sure I can beat him, but teacher, I won't admit defeat! I will definitely surpass him! Definitely!"

To sum up, Zhu Zhuqing said.

I'm not boasting, I just don't want to lose! The determination in his eyes reveals an indomitable spirit and desire to win.

This Tang San is just a short hillside, but I want to become an invincible strongman like Teacher!


Goals throughout life!

Hear the words.


Zhuqing, you are really strong, but if you don't even have this courage and momentum, you are not worthy of being my disciple, Yu Xiaogang!

Yu Xiaogang felt relieved and very satisfied with this disciple.

Know that you are weak and not scary!

What's scary is looking at the backs of others moving forward and giving up, staying where you are and being afraid of failure.

Don't have the courage to catch up!

I don't have the heart to transcend!

"His Blue Silver Grass is not simple. Did you know that he also has a second martial spirit - the best martial spirit in the world, the 'Haotian Hammer'?"

After returning to his senses, Yu Xiaogang added.

"Twin martial spirits!? Clear Sky Hammer!?" Zhu Zhuqing was so surprised because he knew it.

The names of the three upper sects are known to everyone on the mainland, although the Haotian Sect has disappeared over the years because of offending the Wuhun Palace.

<divclass="contentadv" >But it has not fallen out of the ranking of the seven major sects, and it is still very influential in the mainland.

"Do you know what are the conditions for the formation of twin martial souls? Human bodies have the genetic factors of martial souls from their ancestors and parents, and they devour and absorb the genetic factors of each other."

"When fused together, they may mutate, sometimes for good and sometimes for bad, and then appear as a dominant martial spirit."

"As for the 'Twin Martial Spirits', two strands of the body's genes are equally genetic, but only Martial Spirits of the same quality and grade can compete with each other."

"And a balance must be maintained to make it possible for them to appear as 'manifest martial spirits' at the same time. Generally, martial spirits of the same type and the same attributes are easy to be born."

"Whether you have level one innate soul power or level 10 innate soul power, there is a chance of twin martial souls being born."

This is the conclusion that Yu Xiaogang has studied for many years.

"But this Blue Silver Grass is thousands of miles away from the Clear Sky Hammer. A plant spirit and a weapon spirit have completely opposite attributes."

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing expressed doubts. If the Bluesilver Grass that can be seen everywhere on the mainland can compare to the Clear Sky Hammer, isn't this nonsense?

"Then Tang San really shouldn't have had two 'manifest martial spirits'. Maybe the nature of the Blue Silver Grass is extremely compatible with this conflict."

"I can detect an extremely pure and vigorous vitality. It is not the same as the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit I have seen before."

"Perhaps some kind of righteous power has neutralized this conflict. Without studying Tang San's martial spirit carefully, the teacher cannot jump to conclusions."

Nodding, Yu Xiaogang guessed.

Instead of continuing the topic of twin martial spirits, he continued to talk about Tang San.

"Tang San has learned a lot. Have you ever thought of what is most outstanding about him?"

"Hidden weapon?! Blue silver grass? Or his fighting consciousness?" Zhu Zhuqing said.

Shaking his head slightly, Yu Xiaogang said:

"He is not pure enough! Hidden weapons, steps, control, poisons, he seems to be proficient in everything, but in fact he is loose in everything. None of them get to the essence!"

"If you encounter a strong enemy, such as some kind of arrogant and powerful soul beast. Hidden weapons are useless, poison is useless, and control is useless. You can't even scratch it!"

"In the end, Tang San could only use pure power - the Clear Sky Hammer!"

"Zhuqing, you have to know that human energy is limited, and you won't be able to use these miscellaneous soul skills when you reach a higher level!"

"A thousand moves are not as good as one. Keep improving and refine one hundred times to become strong!"

"Teacher, I don't have a single offensive soul skill in my body. They are all passive auxiliary amplification soul skills. With this powerful soul power and physical body, even strong men of the same level can

I can't bear the punch from my master! ! ! "

Among the top warriors in the Douluo Continent, when it comes to fighting, who doesn't rely on his powerful soul power and martial soul essence to dominate the world with one or two unique moves?

The seventh soul skill, the soul skills below the Martial Soul Avatar, are just for fun for experts at the same level.

"Martial arts! You can also understand it as soul skills. This martial arts is first simple and then complex, and then the complex is simplified. Mountains are still mountains. Water is still water.

Tang San was proficient in martial arts and had indeed put in a lot of effort in studying hard! But all he could say was 'medium martial arts'.

On the contrary, the purple light in his eyes can be regarded as "advanced martial arts" and goes straight to the essence. These martial arts created by fighting with others become more and more useless later on. "

After a pause, Yu Xiaogang raised his chin and said proudly with bright eyes:

"The word 'pure' should be used in everything a teacher learns."

"This infinite frightening light sword points directly at the teacher's extreme speed, which is worthy of the previous sentence."

"The end of the art!"

ps: The prototype of the Infinite Shocking Sword - the golden thread of Miron in Star Travels, and the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion of the Hokage Tenseigan!

Chapter 32 Can I be the second most important?

Chapter 32 Can I be the second most important thing?

"What is the end of this extreme speed? It is sharpness, it is the cutting off all shackles of fate! It is the indestructible edge!"

"If you can practice to great success, no one can stop you from doing so in the world!"

Although Yu Xiaogang's voice was not high, it caused a deafening sound in Zhu Zhuqing's heart.

"The end of the art?! No one in the world can stop it?! Cut off all the shackles of fate?!"

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head and muttered to himself. The cold and cold world that has been confused so many times finally has a chance.

Hold this sword that cuts everything!

Cut off! ! !

All shackles!

The girl raised her head and looked at Yu Xiaogang with eyes filled with gratitude.

"Thank you, teacher. I will definitely learn the 'Infinite Shocking Light Sword' and defeat that little Tang San!"

Zhu Zhuqing whispered. Although her voice was soft, it was filled with firm determination.

Yu Xiaogang smiled and nodded, then gently patted the girl on the shoulder:

"Zhuqing, teacher can't bear to hear the word thank you. You are not allowed to say it again in the future. You are the most outstanding disciple I have ever taught. Maybe you really have a chance to catch up with me!"

The first time he practiced Wuji Zhuang, he realized the 'mind enters concentration'. Zhu Zhuqing's talent in terms of will and spirit is not bad.

A warm current surged in the girl's heart, her eyes curved into crescent shapes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she began to joke.

"Oh, is there just a chance? Teacher! I want to surpass you! From now on, the teacher will be protected by me!"

Zhu Zhuqing can roughly understand the teacher's thoughts and personality after getting along with him several times. Suddenly he started making this little inconsequential joke.

The girl thought about everything that had happened since she met Yu Xiaogang these days!

The teacher is such a warm person.

Staring at the beautiful face of the cold and sexy girl, a warm smile suddenly bloomed.

She has long hair like cat ears, exuding a subtle fragrance and fresh breath, like a ray of sunshine in winter.

Yu Xiaogang was slightly startled. The cold girl he met for the first time actually had such a side.

I couldn't help but praise the girl's smile:

"Zhuqing, you look beautiful when you smile. You can smile more in the future!"

After Zhu Zhuqing heard this, her jade-white cheeks flushed, and then she quickly lowered her head to hide her emotions.

He raised his head and returned to his usual cool look.

The atmosphere suddenly became slightly awkward.


Only the ripples of the water and the chirping of birds could be heard intertwined in the air.

Realizing that his words seemed inappropriate, Yu Xiaogang lowered his head and pinched the center of his eyebrows gently.

Then change the subject and try to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Ke Zhuqing, the teacher hopes that you can create a unique skill that is more powerful than the 'Wuji Jingmang Sword' and find your own way to reach the sky."

"The master is worse than the master, and the disciple does not have to be inferior to the master."

"All secret skills are evolved from this soul power control. I will teach you after you can stand on the lake and turn water into a beast."

"Go! Practice hard in this morning's class. Make it a success as soon as possible."

Zhuqing was already in a state of concentration yesterday. With this advantage, he should be able to do it within a month.

According to the schedule, there should be no problem in getting started with the 'Wuji Jingmang Sword' in three months.

It's simple to stand on the lake. But it would be difficult to stand on the lake as usual. Not to mention having to practice using soul power on the lake. Even more fighting.


Zhu Zhuqing responded, stood up and was about to start today's class.

He turned around and said something strangely.

"Teacher, what do you like?"

Zhu Zhuqing! What are you doing! Why ask such a question? As we all know, as a disciple, it is common sense to understand the teacher's habits.

<divclass="contentadv" >As soon as the words were spoken, the girl felt as if there were two villains fighting in her heart.

"Teacher, I am the best martial artist in my life. Secondly, good food, and thirdly, the Douluo Continent's martial arts stories, tea, wine and opera."

"Neither a god nor a demon, just an ordinary warrior."

Yu Xiaogang replied.

You must know that in his previous life, as Blue Star's "martial arts pioneer", Yu Xiaogang fought through thorns and thorns alone, and no one could walk side by side.

There are no opponents, no friends, only the cold and cruel hot weapons! It's so lonely!

that's too regretful!

This Douluo Continent is much more exciting than the previous life, and there are many unseen interesting things, magical spirits and delicious food.

There are many opponents waiting ahead, as well as immortal lives and mysterious gods. It's really great.

"Teacher, doesn't he have a disciple for me?"

After a moment of silence, Zhu Zhuqing asked tentatively.

"Well, apprentice is of course important too. You are just as important as that...what..."

Hearing this, Yu Xiao seemed to be caught off guard and speechless just now, as if she didn't know how to answer.

I saw the teacher who was a little flustered.

"Can I be the second most important teacher?"

The girl's voice was very small and soft.

It was blown weakly and vaguely, as if it had been blown away in the wind.

After saying that, he quickly went to practice.


Zhu Zhuqing looked around at the beautiful scenery. The sun was shining on her face and the breeze was blowing her long hair.

The cheerful songs of birds can be heard in the distance, and fish are playing in the water nearby. The lake is crystal clear, reflecting the blue of the sky and the white of the clouds.

The girl stood there quietly, enjoying this peaceful and beautiful moment.

so good.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

With just a slight jump, he stood gracefully on the lake, with ripples spreading out, not as embarrassed as yesterday.

Since entering the state of concentration, Zhu Zhuqing has found that he has stronger control over his soul power and more control over his body, and he can feel everything around him with concentration.

Suddenly, a bird flew from a distance and landed on her shoulder.

The girl smiled and stretched out her hand, gently stroking the bird's soft feathers. Then slowly release it and let the bird spread its wings and fly freely.

Try running first?

With his knees slightly bent, Zhu Zhuqing began to exert force. Get running. Stepping gently on the lake, the steps are light and steady, as graceful and agile as dancing.

There were beautiful water splashes. After jogging on the lake for a while, the girl stopped.

Try water to transform everything again.

Stretching out his hand, Zhu Zhuqing began to control his soul power to pull the lake water. A fist-sized water ball condensed in his hand.

At this point the focus is on the hands. Forget to control the soul power under your feet.


The girl fell into the lake and got soaked all over. Swim back to shore. He took a breath and wiped the water from his body, pausing for a moment.

She realized she had another problem. Sure enough it's not that simple.

Standing on the lake, controlling the soul power at my feet requires a lot of my attention, and controlling the soul power in my hands requires a lot of attention.

Focus on the head but not the tail.

I can't afford to be distracted.

It's hard.

Chapter 33 Water grinding the kung fu

Chapter 33: Water Mill Kung Fu

Just pay more attention to your steps this time.

try first.

Zhu Zhuqing made a slight adjustment and jumped to stand on the lake again.

The girl stretched out her jade hand, and then carefully began to use her soul power to pull the lake water.

He didn't completely focus on his hands, leaving some of his soul power at his feet.

This time Zhu Zhuqing successfully gathered a ball of water in the palm of his hand without falling. It seemed like I was just one step away from success.

Is it really that simple?

As she further controlled the water ball in her hand and continued to penetrate deeper, the girl was startled and her body suddenly lost balance.

But I am used to it and have experience with failure. At the moment when you are about to step into the air, give up restraining the water ball in your hands, and then stabilize the balance of your body.

No more falling into the cold lake water.


Taking a breath, Zhu Zhuqing adjusted his breathing and mentality and started over again.

the second time.

the third time.

the fourth time.

The thirty-seventh time he failed, Zhu Zhuqing always failed in the process of pulling the water polo to change form. Stuck here with no way to get any closer.

Even though the girl didn't care about the soul power under her feet, so she choked a few more times on her water, she failed to successfully transform the water polo into another form.

Do you want to enter a state of trance?

Another failure. Standing on the lake again, I found that I seemed to be doing useless work. Zhu Zhuqing thought.

Thinking of the girl, he closed his eyes gently, and after a while, he entered that magical state, where the world became clear and everything slowed down.

I could feel my soul power moving slowly several times more than before. I just raised my hand slightly and successfully condensed it into a ball of water.

This part is already familiar.

Next is the point.

The water ball in Zhu Zhuqing's hand slowly unfolded and gradually turned into a bird-shaped water ball. There's just something unspeakably funny about that look.

Like a kid playing in mud for the first time. The girl was very dissatisfied when she saw this, and the animal the teacher turned into came alive. Lifelike.

Especially the 100-meter dragon at the end, the immersive chill. It made the girl even more frightened.

Zhu Zhuqing was going to continue carving the bird-shaped water ball in detail.

Eyes, wings, feathers. Suddenly the girl felt dizzy, and the bird water ball in her hand immediately dispersed, and all her previous efforts were wasted.

Entering that magical state of mind consumes a lot of energy and cannot be sustained in this state for very long.

How to do?

Zhu Zhuqing's heart was filled with ups and downs for a moment.

distance. Yu Xiaogang cast his gaze.

"Zhuqing, what will you do?" Seeing this scene, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and a trace of amusement flashed in his eyes.

Slowly exiting the state of concentration, Zhu Zhuqing gently rubbed his temples to relieve the pressure on his head. Let out a breath.

He paused for a while, then walked towards the shore. No more such futile attempts were made.

Figured out!

The girl knew that facing a fight with a monster like Tang San would bring huge psychological pressure to her, as well as strict requirements and expectations for herself.

He seemed a little too impatient. I want to run before I learn how to walk, I want to reach the sky in one step and quickly master this soul power control method.

This time, Zhu Zhuqing was no longer eager for success, but slowed down and relaxed. Slowly her thoughts began to become clearer and calmer.

Squatting down and playing with the water on the shore, the girl felt the gentle waves of the water, and then began to pull the lake water into different shapes.

One moment it was a fish, another moment it was a bird, and the next moment I was immersed in it and kept doing this boring basic practice.

Keep thinking and trying.

Have you realized it?

After a casual glance, Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly when he saw that Zhu Zhuqing was no longer obsessed with condensing water on the lake.

If this soul power control method is a small success, it doesn't require much effort.


Turn it into instinct!

It's like walking, like an extension of your own body! Only in this way can it be used in combat.

There is no need for distraction at all. It only requires boring practice to form muscle instinct, which can be used unconsciously no matter what the situation.

<divclass="contentadv" >This is the foundation of the foundation.

Unknowingly, time flew by to noon.

Yu Xiaogang started preparing delicious food and medicinal meals today.

With his magical soul power, he could finish a delicious meal in no time. Look at the delicious food you carefully prepared. Feeling satisfied.

This is what living is.

"Zhuqing, take a break and eat."

Then he shouted to Zhu Zhuqing, who was still practicing.

The water ball in the hands of the girl who was immersed in practice by the lake dispersed. Come to your senses.


After this boring practice, Zhu Zhuqing could clearly feel that his soul power control had improved, and knew that he would continue to practice like this.

Step by step, you may be able to practice on the lake in a few days.

Stand up.

The girl moved her stiff muscles. There is a natural beauty in every gesture.

Finish stretching.

Go to the stone table.

"Why did I get soaked in water again? How was your practice this time? What insights did you have?"

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and used his soul power to gently put his hands on his shoulders and help Zhu Zhuqing dry the clothes.Then he asked the girl about the results of her practice.

"I understand a little bit." Zhu Zhuqing's lips were red and delicate, and when they were slightly opened, a charming fragrance emitted.

"A little bit? I think you have figured out the trick." Yu Xiaogang said approvingly.

This is just a matter of time and effort to control the soul power. Being able to realize this is not far from Xiaocheng.

This smart apprentice is really easy to teach.


When Zhu Zhuqing heard the teacher's praise, she felt happy and satisfied in her heart. On the surface, the girl still maintained a calm and cool attitude.

"Don't you feel it yourself?"

Yu Xiaogang asked back.

Zhu Zhuqing has indeed made a little progress compared to the beginning. Even though it's tiny.

But the feedback from this little bit of progress made the girl more confident and determined to continue training.

She believes that all it takes is consistent practice.I must be able to turn the lake water into flying birds in a single thought.

Nodding, Zhu Zhuqing gently picked up the chopsticks and began to taste the food.

Another round of devouring.

"Teacher, why are you either reading or drinking tea, and I don't see you practicing much?"

After finishing the delicious food, Zhu Zhuqing was puzzled.

When she was practicing before, the girl sometimes glanced at him from the corner of her eye. She seemed to have never seen the teacher practicing before.

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth to explain.

"Ha, sir, my whole body is always carrying more than 100 times the force of gravity, and I am running the 'Wuji Pile' all the time."

"You still have to completely control your own power, just like an ordinary person. I have already integrated my practice into my life."

"Haven't you seen it before?"

When cooking food, walking, reading, drinking tea, and studying martial arts, Yu Xiaogang's body never stopped, and his energy and blood kept flowing and he was exercising all the time.

I only meditate alone at night to cultivate my soul power.

"Can Wuji Zhuang be practiced like this?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.The guiding action of Wuji Zhuang 108 is really complicated.

"Practice martial arts into your bones and integrate it into your daily life."

"you are way behind."

Chapter 34 Rongrong and Xiaowu are poisoned

Chapter 34 Rongrong and Xiaowu are poisoned

After morning training.

Let Zhu Zhuqing clearly know that he is indeed far behind and wants to be as good as a teacher. It's not a simple matter.

Such a realm of free will is not something I can pry into now.

Having witnessed the scene of the teacher making noodles, the girl will never forget that morning and that heart-warming bowl of noodles.

Don't aim too high.

Zhu Zhuqing knows that at this stage, he needs to calm down and lay these two foundations.

Put on a posture.

Start practicing the Wuji pile neatly.

This Wuji pile is divided into three stages. In the first stage, it nourishes the body and renews blood to expel impurities from the body, thereby enhancing the body's potential.

It's a slow process.

There is no risk.

Once the first phase is completed, the body returns to its pure state.

The next second stage is to exercise the surface cells.

It requires great concentration and meticulousness. If you are not careful, you may damage the foundation. The human body is extremely delicate and fragile.

After completing the second stage of practice, your physical fitness will be greatly improved as a prelude to laying a solid foundation.

The third stage of practice further tempers the internal organs and every cell of the body, achieving sublimation and transformation of the body.

Without a strong mind at this stage, it is impossible to direct these violent energies to temper the cells in the body. If something goes wrong.



As long as Zhu Zhuqing can succeed in Wuji Zhuang, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a Martial Saint. She has crossed the greatest threshold for a Martial Saint.

"Can Zhuqing ascend to the 'original martial spirit'?"

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing practicing the Wuji Zhuang, Yu Xiaogang came up with an idea.

Think carefully.

The foundation for being in concentration has been laid. Only when the body strength of the girl Wuji Zhuang Xiaocheng increases can she withstand the power of the martial spirit and successfully fuse with it.

You can try it after the fourth soul ring.

"Zhuqing, your future will be no worse than anyone else! Tang San? It's just your first target!"

Yu Xiaogang stood with his hands behind his back.I sighed in my heart.

"If talent can determine who is strong and determine the future, then you should surpass him! Defeat him!"

"Prove to the world that you, Zhu Zhuqing, are no weaker than others in your life."

A gentle breeze blew.

In the distance is a girl practicing hard.

As time goes by, the sun gradually sets in the west and the sky becomes darker. It started to get quiet around the lake.

There was only the sound of the wind blowing leaves and the chirping of insects in the distance.

Ten days later.

early morning.


Zhu Zhuqing ran lightly on the lake, and the water splashed in the air, forming beautiful arcs.

Her long hair danced gently with the breeze, and she was surrounded by crystal clear birds and fish. If she looked closely, she could see that they were formed by the condensed water of the lake.

After ten boring days of hard training, the girl finally succeeded in turning everything into water freely on the lake today.

But now only two groups can be condensed at the same time.


At this time, a voice came from the distance.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's light figure jumped slightly, and in a few flashes he arrived in front of Yu Xiaogang, casually scattering the water ball in his hand.

He raised his chin, opened his big watery eyes and said:

"Teacher, how are you?"

"Hahaha, Zhuqing, you are talented and can endure loneliness. This progress is not far from Xiaocheng."

Looking at this scene, Yu Xiaogang praised him without hesitation. Zhu Zhuqing's hard work over the past few days has been noticed.

I thought this step would take some time, but it seems that it can be completed in less than a month.

Hearing the teacher's praise, the girl was immediately satisfied.

<divclass="contentadv" > "I see, according to your progress, I will be able to teach you the 'Infinite Shocking Sword' in a few days."

After a while, Yu Xiaogang continued. Then he sat down and signaled to Zhu Zhuqing that he could start the food.

While enjoying the delicious food together, Yu Xiaogang suddenly asked:

"By the way, what about Tang San and the others?"

"A few days ago, Tang San and Oscar broke through to level 30. Teacher Zhao took them to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for spirit rings."

Zhu Zhuqing replied.

After practicing Wuji Zhuang in the past few days, his physical strength and qualifications have improved a lot. He now has level 9 innate soul power qualifications.

Zhu Zhuqing did not delay the cultivation of his soul power, and his level broke through from level 27 to level 29. caught up with them.

Upon hearing the news, Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly and said:

"Then Tang San will be the Soul Master when he comes back. Zhuqing, aren't you under a lot of pressure? This is a big realm, with multiple thousand-year soul rings."

The amplifying effect of this thousand-year soul ring is not comparable to that of a century-old soul ring. Every time a soul master absorbs a soul ring, there will be a significant improvement.

Without fear, Zhu Zhuqing said calmly:

"So what if Soul Lord! I won't give up until we have a fight."

The great soul master faced the soul saint's figure, which was always an obstacle in Zhu Zhuqing's heart, and he had to fight no matter what.

Whether you win or lose, you will do your best.

The progress that has been made these days is not fake, and there is also the miraculous Wuji Jingmang Sword that the teacher said.

Tang San's breakthrough further inspired Zhu Zhuqing's fighting spirit. Even if she loses, she must lose brilliantly.

What's more, it's not certain who will lose and who will win?


"Teacher Yu! Teacher Yu! It's not good! Come with me quickly! The dean asked you to come over."

A fat man with a wide body, red hair, and a wretched appearance was furious. He shouted at Yu Xiaogang with a look of anxiety on his face.

Hearing the reputation, this fat man's name was Ma Hongjun, and he was Flanders's direct disciple. His martial spirit was the Evil Fire Phoenix.

"What happened? You're so panicked." Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Yu Xiaogang frowned.

Ma Hongjun was panting heavily and sweating profusely. After a while, he uttered one sentence:

"Rongrong and Xiaowu are going to die soon!"

"What?! Why are you about to die?!" Zhu Zhuqing next to him was shocked when he heard this.

"Not dead yet! Teacher Yu, hurry up and leave, otherwise it will be too late. Don't delay. You will be dead soon!"

Ma Hongjun said hurriedly.

"The dean and Teacher Zhao are using their soul power to suppress the poison and they can't release it. I'd like to ask you to come up with a solution."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's expression changed and he stood up immediately and left with Ma Hongjun.Zhu Zhuqing immediately followed after seeing this.

"Human life is at stake, we set out immediately!"

Shrek Academy.

Canteen space.

Teachers big and small are all there. Not far away was Tang San who was at a loss.

Yu Xiaogang, who led Ma Hongjun here, asked:

"Flanders, how's the situation?"

Flanders looked solemn. The soul power in his hand did not dare to stop.

"It's very bad! There is nothing Lao Shao can do. His martial soul has no ability to detoxify. It just saved his life temporarily."

Xinxin is a teacher at Shrek Academy.

Level 71 Soul Saint, extremely rare food-type martial soul - jelly beans, but most of them are soul skills that enhance soul power to assist training.

After the incident, Flanders called Dai Mubai to find Xin Xin and Ma Hongjun to find Yu Xiaogang. Xin Xin arrived first as he was closer.

This noon everyone wants to see Tang San's Eight Spider Spears with their own eyes.

However, an accident occurred during the first attempt. In the panic, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were accidentally stabbed.

As a result, two people were injured and contaminated with poison. If Flanders hadn't been there, he would have suppressed it with his soul power to prevent it from spreading.

I'm afraid the fragrance has been lost.

At this time.

"Dean, Rongrong seems to be dying!"

Chapter 35 Please ask Teacher Yu to take action!

Chapter 35 Ask Teacher Yu to take action!

The speaker was Oscar, another food-based soul master from Shrek Academy who was born with full soul power.

On the other side, Zhao Wuji was using his soul power to suppress toxins for Ning Rongrong, and Oscar looked anxious next to him.

As an auxiliary soul master, Ning Rongrong's physical fitness was naturally inferior to that of Xiao Wu, a battle soul master. At this time it was almost unbearable.

Urgent situation.

Hear the words. Yu Xiaogang turned around and found that Ning Rongrong's face was pale. The lips are dark purple, and the breathing seems to be absent.

He immediately realized the urgency of the situation and immediately stepped forward to check Ning Rongrong's condition. He first took out an antidote pill from the soul guide.

He pried open Ning Rongrong's mouth and stuffed the antidote pill into her mouth. He used his soul power to help the unconscious Ning Rongrong take it.

Lowering his head to examine the wound carefully, he lifted Ning Rongrong's white jade arm, his eyes involuntarily stayed on the wound, and Yu Xiaogang's pupils suddenly sank:

"The Man-Faced Demon Spider! What a domineering poison! It's not just poison, it's mixed poison. This poison has spread."

This large black poison spread from the wound. It gave off a suffocating stench. It's chilling.

"Teacher Yu, Wuwu, Rong, Rong, can you still be saved?" After listening to Yu Xiaogang's words, Oscar said with a trembling cry in his voice.

Without answering Oscar's question, Yu Xiaogang raised his head and said to Zhao Wuji:

"Old Zhao, let me come."

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji breathed a sigh of relief and stood up and handed it to Ning Rongrong. Mr. Yu, who had vast and mysterious powers, took action.

Thinking about it, Ning Rongrong should be saved.

This Ning Rongrong is the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. If she dies in Shrek Academy in such an unknown way. The consequences are unimaginable

Zhao Wuji was unable to compete with the full-force pursuit of those top forces. Thinking of this, my heart beats faster and my head breaks into a cold sweat.

Take Ning Rongrong.

Grabbing the white jade arm, Yu Xiaogang's mind sank into her body. It was even more serious than it appeared on the outside, and the toxins had penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

If Zhao Wuji hadn't been using his deep soul power to suppress and protect Ning Rongrong's heart, I'm afraid it would have been lost long ago.

Such toxins that have penetrated deep into the bone marrow would be quite difficult for Yu Xiaogang.

But there is a glimmer of hope.

It's just that Ning Rongrong's body is too fragile, so he has to deal with it carefully.

Yu Xiaogang injected his soul power into Ning Rongrong, first helping to stabilize her heart and blood circulation system.

Then, he began to use his powerful mind to slowly locate the toxin. And tried to force them out of Ning Rongrong's body.

This is a long and difficult process. These toxins are entangled with the human body, regardless of you or me, it is really difficult to deal with.

Time passed by minute by second, after a lot of hard work. Most of the toxins were forced out of the wound, but there was still a small amount of toxins left.

Let's take care of these later.


After forcing out the toxin, I saw that Ning Rongrong's painful expression was relieved and her breathing became stable. Yu Xiaogang just stood up.

"Teacher Yu, Rongrong," Oscar next to him asked quickly.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang said slowly:

"There are still some residual toxins. I will prepare some medicine later and need to rest for a period of time. Don't rush it or it will affect the foundation."

At this time.

"Please Teacher Yu, please save Xiao Wu! She is in a very bad situation now!"

Tang San's voice was a little trembling. His body tensed up, his fingers clenched tightly, and his eyes revealed deep self-blame and helplessness.

Behind the scenes was the uncontrolled movement of the Eight Spider Spears, which was the culprit that kept Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu from knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang turned around, noticed the Eight Spider Spears behind Tang San, and said in surprise:

"External soul bone?!"

This thing is rarer than a hundred thousand year soul ring. Yu Xiaogang had only read about it in classics, but had never seen it with his own eyes.

"Xiao Gang, don't worry about the external soul bone for now! Save people first! This kid can't bear it anymore."

Flanders' angry voice came.

<divclass="contentadv" >Yu Xiaogang stared at the Eight Spider Spears, thought about it carefully and then said:

"It seems I don't have to take action anymore."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was shocked.

Tang San's pupils trembled, and his face turned blue and white. He quickly begged:

"Teacher Yu! As long as I can cure Xiao Wu, no matter what the requirements are, I can do anything! Even this life!"

After speaking, he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed several times.

This is Xiao Wu's only chance to survive. Xiao Wu's life is in danger precisely because of herself. Tang San's heart was filled with pain and guilt.

He has always treated Xiao Wu as his own relative, and he cannot lose Xiao Wu no matter what the cost.

Everyone in Shrek seemed to have misunderstood what Yu Xiaogang meant, so they all said:

"Xiao Gang!?"

"Mr. Jade?!"

"Teacher Jade?!"

Zhu Zhuqing also stepped forward to persuade:


She and Xiao Wu just had a little dispute and it didn't get to the point of life and death. Being kind-hearted, she naturally didn't want to see Xiao Wu lose her life like this.

Waving his hand and interrupting Zhu Zhuqing, Yu Xiaogang explained:

"Tang San, please get up first. You can detoxify this Man-Faced Demon Spider by yourself. You can solve the troubles you caused by yourself."

Then if Ning Rongrong was not about to die at the next moment, why would he use such a stupid method to detoxify?


Tang San, who was kneeling on the ground, was stunned.

Then he hurriedly spoke:

"What should I do? Please give Teacher Yu some advice!"

"The soul bone you got from the Man-Faced Demon Spider can produce toxins, and it naturally has the effect of taking drugs."

Yu Xiaogang said directly without giving in.

"I can't control these Eight Spider Spears!"

Hear the words. Tang San tried to control the Eight Spider Spears, but how could he control it if he was so impatient.

Yu Xiaogang frowned when he saw this, walked forward, put his hand on Tang San's shoulder and said in a deep voice.

"Meditation! Peace of mind!"

Then he used his mind to drive Tang San's soul power to control the restless and uncontrollable Eight Spider Spears.

The mind enters the body.

What a special soul power? So righteous and peaceful? How unusual.

Yu Xiaogang was shocked.

Without much thought, he focused his attention on Tang San's back. There was a strong feeling of resentment and malice left in the Eight Spider Spears.

Is it the remnants of the Man-Faced Demon Spider? No wonder these Eight Spider Spears are so restless and uncontrollable.

Tang San's absorption of such cruel and terrifying soul beasts may cause him to be affected by the remnant souls and become cruel, bloodthirsty and violent.

Is it really good for his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit? Suppress your thoughts.

"Tang San! Suppress the spirit beast's resentment! Control the spirit bones! Activate the Eight Spider Spears to use poison!"

Yu Xiaogang first directed Tang San, and then said to Flanders:

"Bring Xiao Wu over here!"

As Tang San urged the Eight Spider Spears to approach Xiao Wu's wound, the Eight Spider Spears instinctively absorbed the poison as soon as they came closer.

After a while, most of the toxins were sucked out, but just like Ning Rongrong, some residual poison remained deep down.