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Chapter 26 A day in Zhu Zhuqing's life.

Chapter 26 A day in the life of Zhu Zhuqing.

Hear the words.

Zhu Zhuqing stopped moving. Did not continue practicing. Turn around and come.

The soaked girl has a plump and curvy body. When the breeze blew, my body shivered involuntarily. It seems a little cold.

See this scene.

With a slight frown on his brow, Yu Xiaogang stepped forward gently, raised his hand and put it on the girl's shoulder, letting his soul power circulate.

"Don't catch a cold!"

Yu Xiaogang said with concern.

Zhu Zhuqing felt a warm current coming from Yu Xiaogang's palm and gradually penetrated into his whole body.

moment. The clothes became dry, as if a warm sun enveloped her.

I was surprised to find that the chill in my body gradually disappeared!

"Thank you, teacher!" The girl said gratefully, her heart warming.

"This is also a way to use soul power! You can do it in the future too." Yu Xiaogang smiled calmly.

"eat first."

There are two dishes and one soup on the table, one fish, one meat and one soup. Looks very tempting.

They are all made with precious soul beast ingredients, and the soup is specially prepared by 'Yu Xiaogang' with nourishing medicinal materials. It can be regarded as a kind of 'secret medicine'.

Just more gentle, not so manic. The afternoon classes will be more physically demanding. This provides adequate nutrition.

Zhu Zhuqing sat down and picked up the bowl and chopsticks. Pick up a piece and put it into Cherry's little mouth.

My taste buds were instantly lit up, and I started eating quickly, completely immersed in the world of delicious food.

Not a moment.

Licking his lips with satisfaction. The girl put down the dishes and chopsticks, raised her hand and gently wiped the oily residue from the corners of her mouth.

My stomach felt satisfied.

Yu Xiaogang, who loves gourmet food, naturally has good cooking skills, and his martial arts has been integrated into walking, living, sitting and sleeping.

After eating.

Yu Xiaogang did not start the afternoon class immediately.

He just got up and took Zhu Zhuqing for a walk in the woods, while answering some doubts the girl encountered in the morning.

He took it out and explained it carefully.

The girl suddenly understood, her little head nodded repeatedly, and she looked eager to try.

At this time.

"Right? Teacher, what is the essence of a strong person! What is a technique? Tao?"

The questions from this morning were still lingering in Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

When Yu Xiaogang was making noodles and the magical scene of all things turning into water in the middle of the lake, it really shocked the girl's heart.

It's not a soul skill, and you can't even feel the fluctuations in soul power. A magical ability that makes all your wishes come true.

There was a pause.

Yu Xiaogang stopped.

A breeze blew by, picking up the fallen leaves in the air and bringing his deep, rich and magnetic voice.

"Ever since I got tired of searching, I've learned to find it once I find it."

"Since a headwind came, I have been able to withstand the wind from all directions. I'm sailing in the boat."

The wind picked up Yu Xiaogang's clothes and fluttered gently.

There was an inexplicable aura exuding from his body. It attracted all Zhu Zhuqing's attention.

"What is a strong man!"

"It's your wisdom!"

"It's your physique!"

"It is your will! And the 'Tao' is here."

Yu Xiaogang pointed to his chest. Then he pointed at Zhu Zhuqing's heart.

"In your heart!"

There are no useless martial arts spirits, only useless soul masters. Yu Xiaogang recognized this sentence.

The essence of a strong man is the combination of wisdom and body, and the indomitable will. This is the biggest difference between humans and beasts.

Martial spirits, soul skills, everything external are techniques.

In fact, Zhu Zhuqing has found her 'Tao'.

It took root in her heart.

Just waiting to grow into a towering tree.

for a long time.

Zhu Zhuqing was still immersed in Yu Xiaogang's words and had not come back to his senses.

<divclass="contentadv" >"It's almost time, let's start the afternoon class!"

The soft words came, awakening the girl who was immersed in deep thought.

"Uh, okay. It's teacher!"

"A tall building rises from the ground, and the infinite pile is the foundation of the foundation. Watch carefully!"

"The Wuji Zhuan has a total of 108 guiding movements. It is complicated but can stimulate the qi and blood to exercise the whole body and clean the bones and marrow."

Yu Xiaogang assumed a strange posture, with his legs separated and slightly bent, and the soles of his feet pressed against the ground as if they were taking root.

The body rises and falls slightly. Start to mobilize your whole body strength.

Slowly, Youyou waved his hands and followed the drill, and began to slowly change, forming an invisible cyclone.

Roll up the fallen leaves and dance along with Yu Xiaogang's movements.

Not a moment.

After the entire set of Wuji piles has been driven, the work is slowly coming to an end. Start teaching Zhu Zhuqing one action at a time.

The girl awkwardly began to practice.

full of mistakes.

"The feet are wide apart, shoulder level, and the knees are slightly bent."

A light tap on the shoulder. Correct Zhu Zhuqing's movements.

"Close your eyes and feel how the Wuji Zhuang pumps up the energy and blood."

Yu Xiaogang's strong mind began to guide Zhu Zhuqing's energy and blood.

Then, let Zhu Zhuqing start practicing Wuji Zhuang by himself.

"Calm down your mind first, then make up your mind!"

"Follow the feeling to bring up the energy and blood in your limbs and throughout your body. Remember this feeling!"

There is inevitably some physical contact.

Because it was a little closer, I could smell a girl's body fragrance through the clothes. It's not too rich, like the freshness of morning flowers.

Yu Xiaogang was stunned.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

He kept his distance for a moment, then cleared his mind of distractions and continued to guide the girl up.

With the practice of guiding movements, the girl entered the state in a short time.

Without any distracting thoughts, I danced the Infinity Pole unconsciously.

An extremely strange feeling came over him, and Zhu Zhuqing felt that his brain suddenly became extremely clear and focused.

'See' the tiny black impurities brought out from the body where the Qi and blood flow.

How is this going? !

Even if your mind is slightly distracted, you can feel the weeds swaying in the wind under your feet. and jumping insects.

The leaves are slowly falling in the air, and you can feel the gentle breeze blowing against your cheeks.

He 'saw' the moment when Yu Xiaogang looked embarrassed when he smelled his own body fragrance.

Teacher Yu, who had always been unfazed by favors and humiliations, would have such an attitude. Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but feel interesting in his heart, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

In a state of trance?

Yu Xiaogang felt a weak feeling in his mind, looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was still dancing, and briefly entered the realm of unity between heaven and man.

I was shocked.

You must know that there are only a handful of masters who have reached such a realm in their previous lives.

Being in concentration is a major threshold and one of the indispensable conditions for becoming a martial saint.

It's not the kind of wholesale 'Martial Saint' that relies on the efforts of others. No matter how powerful others are, they dare not completely erode the cells.

At most, I only dare to temper myself to one-tenth of the depth.

Because if one's own cells are completely infected by the will of others. The body will instinctively start to cleanse the foreign species and cause a rejection reaction.

Such a tricky method.

Although the risk of physical explosion and disability is avoided, the upper limit is also firmly limited, and there is no possibility of going further.

One can imagine how surprising it is that Zhu Zhuqing can enter the state of 'concentration'.

That is to temper one's own cells to the extreme and fully stimulate one's potential - it is called: 'Flawless Martial Saint'.

Sublimating the original martial spirit requires a strong mind as a catalyst, and it also requires extremely sophisticated control to perfectly integrate the martial spirit.

Step out.

The sea is wide by the leaping fish.

The sky is high and birds can fly.

Chapter 27 Quarrel with Ning Rongrong

Chapter 27 The quarrel with Ning Rongrong

Two hours passed by.

"Okay, Zhuqing, stop it!"

"One set per hour, and two sets of Wuji piles per day are enough. If you practice more, you will be depleted of energy and blood! It will affect your own potential!"

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing in a state of trance rehearsing two pieces of Wuji Zhuang, he wanted to continue, but Yu Xiaogang interrupted.

on the grass.

After hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing slowly exited the magical state and felt a warm and comfortable feeling spread throughout his body.

It was as if all fatigue and stress were swept away. Makes you feel refreshed and refreshed.

What's that weird smell?

The girl sniffed her nose lightly and frowned when she smelled a strange smell.

"That's the impurities that are expelled from your body."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang spoke calmly and explained to the confused girl.

"Wuji Zhuang first nourishes the body and renews the blood, then gradually returns to the body's original pure state. Increases potential."

"You are a genius if you can practice the 108 guidance movements of the Wuji Zhuang freely for the first time and understand the 'mind falling into concentration'."

The first time the infinite pile is used, the effect is the best.

Zhu Zhuqing originally only had innate soul power of level 8, but now his potential has increased to level 9-.

This improvement is not a big one.

"Teacher, what is meditation?"

Although Zhu Zhuqing was secretly happy when he heard the teacher's praise, he still had a cold look on his face and asked in confusion.

"Try to concentrate. Do you feel that the world becomes clearer and the teacher's movements become slower?"

Yu Xiaogang preached.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing concentrated his concentration and soon entered that magical state again. Suddenly the world became clearer.

"Ordinary people can't understand it." In the eyes of the girl, this is a teacher who speaks slowly every word.

so amazing!

I played curiously for a while.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt dizzy. Instantly exited the state of meditation.

His body fell towards the grass.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang reached out and grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's white jade arm, helped the girl up, and reminded:

"Don't enter a trance state for a long time at the beginning, as this will greatly consume your mind. Wait until you strengthen your mind."

After gently rubbing his head to relieve his dizziness, Zhu Zhuqing replied:

"I understand, teacher."

"Entering into concentration will greatly improve your concentration and increase your thinking wisdom. You will have no distracting thoughts and will not be surprised when the sky falls."

"It can be used in a short period of time and used in combat to detect the opponent's movements at a glance and defeat them easily."

After Zhu Zhuqing stood still, Yu Xiaogang let go of the girl's jade arm, and then explained the power of the meditative state.

Is it so powerful?

However, after careful consideration, Zhu Zhuqing knew that what the teacher said was correct. He had experienced the state where the world was clearly visible and everything was slow.

If used against the enemy, such insight can predict the enemy's opportunities whether it is offensive or defensive.

"After finishing the medicinal meal, go back and wash up early. Meditate and practice your soul power at night. You can control the time yourself."

Seeing the sky getting dark, Yu Xiaogang said slowly.

Smelling the strange smell, Zhu Zhuqing showed a hint of embarrassment.

He quickly sat down and finished the medicinal meal, lowered his head and said "Goodbye, teacher!". Then he left in a hurry.

He looked a little flustered and shy.

Shrek Academy.

Girls' dormitory.

After taking a good shower, Zhu Zhuqing sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

I was shocked!

What a fast training speed!

The girl feels that her cultivation speed is several percent faster than usual meditation. Is this improvement in qualifications too exaggerated?

<divclass="contentadv" >Is it an innate soul power that reaches level 8 or 9? I calmed down and looked inside and saw that my meridians were wide and not blocked.

The soul power flows smoothly and freely, and the speed becomes stronger and stronger as visible to the naked eye.

This speed of practice is so exciting! Zhu Zhuqing suppressed his mind and put away his distracting thoughts.

Not a moment.

Then enter a deep level of meditation practice.

Late at night.

Da da da.

Following the sound of footsteps, the dormitory door was pushed open with a click. The two girls who walked in were Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong walked in and saw Zhu Zhuqing sitting cross-legged and meditating, and was a little surprised.


Hearing the sound, Zhu Zhuqing woke up from his meditation, glanced at him and said hello coldly.


Then he closed his eyes and prepared to continue meditating.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing ignoring her like this, Ning Rongrong suddenly felt a surge of unknown anger.

Today, Flanders scolded her and made her worthless, which the arrogant little witch Ning Rongrong could not accept. But I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

He can't compare with Tang San, he can't compare with Oscar, he can't compare with Xiao Wu, he can't compare with Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai.

Isn't it better than you, Zhu Zhuqing? He also became a teacher with the cultivation level of 'Soul Lord', which makes me laugh to death.

"Zhuqing, what did you learn from the master today? It won't be embroidery. Are you going to marry your husband and raise your children?"

Ning Rongrong's voice was as sweet as an oriole's, but she said such sinister words.

"Yes! I don't know why you worship the master as your teacher. He is just a soul master. What can he teach you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu did not hear Ning Rongrong's sarcasm and nodded.

As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly became cold, and Zhu Zhuqing stopped meditating.

"Teacher is not a soul master!" the girl said coldly. There was a trace of impatience and coldness in his eyes.

"What realm is that?" Xiao Wu replied doubtfully.

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned when he heard this.

"Maybe it's a Contra? No, it should be at the level of a Titled Douluo!"

Zhu Zhuqing didn't know what realm Yu Xiaogang was, but she knew that the teacher was extremely strong. As for what realm he was at, she didn't ask.

It can only be roughly judged based on the strength of the ancestor of the Nether Lingmao family, Contra.

As soon as these words came out, Ning Rongrong laughed. She pretended to cover her stomach, which was a bit exaggerated.

"Hahaha, Resurrection Douluo? Should there be one? Titled Douluo! Zhu Zhuqing, you should be more serious when you lie! You made me laugh so hard!"

"Why doesn't your Soul Master teacher say that he is a 'god'?"

"Do you know what a Titled Douluo is? Have you ever seen one? That kind of power is beyond the imagination of your soul master teacher."

The Qibao Glazed Sect is the third highest sect, and there are two titled Douluo enshrined in the sect. They are little witches who are favored by the entire sect.

We often see fights between Titled Douluo, and those who have never seen Titled Douluo take action can imagine the power that is like a natural disaster.


Zhu Zhuqing, who was clumsy-tongued, couldn't speak. She couldn't restrain her inner anger, and her eyes became sharp and cold.

Girls are not allowed. Ning Rongrong was not allowed to ridicule and insult her teacher like this. He clenched his fists, and a cold aura suddenly surged.

"Have you been exposed? Are you anxious? You don't want to hit me! I'm so scared!"

Seeing this scene, Ning Rongrong was not afraid, and even smiled, deliberately pretending to be scared.

Chapter 28 A little test of one's skills! Take Xiaowu lightly!

Chapter 28: Test your skills! Take Xiaowu lightly!

Such arrogant remarks.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't bear it any longer and stood up slowly, without even a trace of life in his black eyes. Release a deathly coldness.

He didn't speak again. He knew that he could not speak to this eloquent Ning Rongrong.


Zhu Zhuqing raised his arm and quickly slapped Ning Rongrong on the face, ready to teach her a little lesson.

I don't care about these sarcasm and insults, but when I talk about Teacher Yu, the girl is angry. This Ning Rongrong is really disgusting!

At this time.

"Zhuqing, what are you doing!"

The slap he swung out was stopped, and Xiao Wu who was next to him quickly grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's arm and asked.


Ning Rongrong, whose eyes were full of fear and was enveloped by the cold aura brought by the slap, breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing actually planned to take action. Fortunately, Xiao Wu took action in time to stop her.

He reacted immediately.

"I've been bragging to the sky for a teacher named Pohunzun, and I actually want to hit someone! Huh! I'm just telling the truth!"

After the lingering fear calmed down a little, Ning Rongrong glanced at Xiao Wu, as if she had some support, and sneered angrily loudly.

Both are agile combat soul masters, but Xiao Wu's level 29 soul power is obviously higher than that of level 27 Zhu Zhuqing. No matter how angry you are, what can you do to me?

"You, you. I must teach you a lesson today!"

After shaking off Xiao Wu's hand, Zhu Zhuqing stopped and was aroused by Ning Rongrong's words.

She glared angrily at Ning Rongrong who quietly retreated behind Xiao Wu. Said word by word.

"Zhuqing, forget it, we are all classmates."

At this time, Xiao Wu, who stopped in front of Ning Rongrong, gently persuaded her. Her little head couldn't figure it out.

Aren't we all classmates? How could our companions who were fighting side by side yesterday suddenly reach the point of taking action?

"Who do you think you are? I want to see how you teach me a lesson today!"

The sound of Ning Rongrong's fire came from behind Xiao Wu. I was very angry during the day, and almost got a slap in the face at night.

The little witch who has been lawless since she was a child has never suffered from this anger. The grievances that filled my stomach seemed to have a way to vent.

He made no secret of his provocation.

"Rongrong, please stop talking!" Xiao Wu turned her head and said to the little witch.

"Xiao Wu, do you really want to stop me?"

Looking at Xiao Wu standing in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath, tried to control his emotions, and said.


Xiao Wu, who turned around, just responded firmly without moving away, her meaning was obvious.

As classmates, we should not attack each other. In the future, we will fight against the enemy together.

"Okay. Zhu Zhuqing - a level 27 agility-attack war spirit master. Please enlighten me!"

The anger in his heart made Zhu Zhuqing unbearable. Say it word for word. Her eyes became sharp, as if she wanted to pierce the other person.

The voice just fell.

With 'Martial Soul Possession', two yellow soul rings slowly rose up, ready to defeat Xiao Wu who blocked the road first, and then teach the foul-mouthed Ning Rongrong a lesson.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's firm eyes, Xiao Wu knew that this matter could not be resolved, so it was better to capture Zhu Zhuqing first and then slowly persuade him.


I really don't understand humans!

"Xiao Wu—a level 29 agility-attack war spirit master, a martial spirit soft-bone rabbit!"

Slowly raising two yellow soul rings, Xiao Wu said solemnly, biting down the '29' level soul power hard.

I want to tell Zhu Zhuqing the difference between us, and I want her to quit before the difficulties, and we can sit down and talk calmly to resolve this conflict.

The scene is about to explode.

<divclass="contentadv" >The atmosphere was a bit solemn.


A sharp claw strike struck Xiao Wu without any warning. Xiao Wu felt a powerful threat and quickly dodged.

She twisted her body nimbly and dodged the swift claw attack. However. Then another fierce claw attack came from the side!

A strong sound broke through the air!

Xiao Wu didn't dare to be careless and quickly moved her body again to avoid it easily. Every time it was just a tiny bit faster than Zhu Zhuqing.

They constantly change positions, angles and moves. Both of them are agility attack spirit masters, their movements are as fast and fierce as the wind, dazzling people.

A moment.


Xiao Wu quickly caught an opening, relying on her soul power advantage which was two levels higher than Zhu Zhuqing's.

Then he hit Zhu Zhuqing with a powerful and heavy roundhouse kick. Zhu Zhuqing reacted and blocked with both hands, but was still knocked back several steps.

Slowly put down the slender legs you kicked up. Xiao Wu said softly.

"Zhuqing! That's it!"

"Come again!"

call. After shaking his hand to relieve the pain in his arm, Zhu Zhuqing had no intention of giving up.


It was not easy to display one's strength in a narrow room, so the two men broke out of the window one after another and continued fighting. The two sides are going back and forth again, attacking and defending each other.

But Xiao Wu relied on her two levels of superior soul power to always suppress Zhu Zhuqing.


Another round.

Both of them were out of breath. The short period of fierce fighting had consumed a lot of physical and soul power.

The two looked at each other.

"Zhuqing, you can't defeat me. We are both agility and attack type soul masters, but my soul power is 2 levels higher than yours. Stop it!"

Stopping not far away to calm down her breath, Xiao Wu slowly spoke, wanting to end this meaningless battle.

"Am I still so weak? Can't even defeat this Xiao Wu? Have I let the teacher down?"

Panting, Zhu Zhuqing secretly thought, maybe the teacher accepted that monster 'Tang San' as his disciple. Maybe he shook his head, no! I can't give up!

At this time.

Yu Xiaogang's deep, deep and magnetic words came to mind.

"It is used in combat when entering a state of trance. You can detect your opponent's movements at a glance and defeat them easily."

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Zhuqing closed his eyes, relaxed his body and slowly stood up.

peace in the heart!

Don't be surprised if the sky falls!

The moment Zhu Zhuqing raised his head after entering that magical state of 'mind concentration'.

Everything makes a huge difference!

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, but closed his eyes and walked slowly without any intention of stopping.

Xiao Wu put up a posture and prepared to continue taking action. Gently lift those slender legs. next moment.

Eight-dan fall! ! !

Start using her best skills and prepare to end this farce!Xiao Wu's movements were so smooth and swift.

Both feet draw a beautiful arc in the air!

Zhu Zhuqing walked slowly without opening his eyes, exuding an inexplicable aura. Just raise your hand gently!

slow! too slow!

Zhu Zhuqing stood motionless, but raised his hand slightly to catch Xiao Wu's swift blow. Xiao Wu was shocked when her leg was grabbed.

How can it be? Then she twisted her soft body and struck with another fierce kick from an incredible angle.

weak! too weak!

It's really full of flaws!

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing gently raised his other hand, as if he knew where Xiao Wu's attack was, and blocked it in advance.

He didn't even move a step!

Such an understatement.

Chapter 29 It turns out that Tang 3 is nothing more than this

Chapter 29 It turns out that Tang San was nothing more than this

How can it be! ?

Seeing that this kick was blocked by raising a hand again, Xiao Wu was shocked as she stared at Zhu Zhuqing who was standing still with her eyes closed.

Can it be a coincidence once and also a coincidence the second time? Zhu Zhuqing's strength could not become so unfathomable in an instant.

He gritted his teeth.

Xiao Wu then showed her flexible body and wrapped around it, hooking Zhu Zhuqing's waist.

Such a large-scale twist is absolutely impossible for ordinary people, but Xiao Wu's movements are smooth and natural, without the slightest reluctance.

Waist bow! ! !

With her feet tightly clamped around Zhu Zhuqing's waist, as if she and Zhu Zhuqing were integrated into one body, Xiao Wu was about to twist her body to exert force.

At this time.

A palm as white as jade stretched out, quickly from an incredible angle, like an antelope hanging its horns and flying in the air.

This palm is impossible to dodge, and it strikes first and then later. It hit the weak spot where Xiao Wu used the waist bow soul skill.

For a moment, Xiao Wu's body movements became stiff and she felt a burst of pain. Her body trembled involuntarily and then her whole body went numb.

Soul power backfires!

The performance of the waist bow was interrupted!

next moment.

That jade-white palm struck again, raising its hand to hit Xiao Wu's abdomen, which was numb all over.


Xiao Wu was knocked into the air. She saw Zhu Zhuqing who closed his eyes and kept moving his palms. Closed his eyes. So strong! I lost?


At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Little dance!"

The person coming is none other than Tang San!

He immediately used his martial spirit, Blue Silver Grass, to turn into a vine and roll up Xiao Wu in mid-air.

Tang San stretched out his hand to gently catch Xiao Wu, held her in his arms, lowered his head and asked hurriedly with concern:

"Xiao Wu, are you okay?"

"Brother, I'm fine."

Xiao Wu opened her eyes, her face pale and a little weak. Zhu Zhuqing regained some of his strength with his last palm. She was not seriously injured.

"Zhu Zhuqing! Why did you attack your classmates? We are companions!"

Gently lifting Xiao Wu up, Tang San turned around and asked Zhu Zhuqing loudly with his eyes closed. There was a hint of anger in his tone.

I just carefully checked that Xiao Wu was not seriously injured, but seeing Xiao Wu's appearance made Tang San heartbroken.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was still immersed in a trance, did not reply, or was unable to reply.

Intense fighting releases too much dopamine. Zhu Zhuqing was so excited that he couldn't get out of his trance for a while.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing didn't reply for a long time, Tang San tensed up and prepared to help Xiao Wu regain her place.

"Brother, forget it, we are just competing."

At this time, Xiao Wu, who was behind him, gently held Tang San's sleeves with her little hands, and softly persuaded him. It's really not a shame on Zhu Zhuqing's face to have a spirit power two levels higher than that of someone who didn't hit him.

After a pause, Tang San did not agree to Xiao Wu, but gently let go of Xiao Wu's little hand holding the sleeve, and slowly walked towards Zhu Zhuqing, who had his eyes closed.

Xiao Wu was hurt by yesterday's assessment, and he was filled with self-blame.

Is this Zhu Zhuqing again today?

What about tomorrow?

I must find justice for my sister and teach Zhu Zhuqing a little lesson.

Pretending to be a ghost?

As he got closer, Tang San saw that Zhu Zhuqing still had his eyes closed and didn't move. I thought to myself.

"Be careful!"

Tang San reminded him coldly. Then he displayed his unique technique, and his hands gradually turned white, as white as jade.

His eyes turned completely purple. He suddenly disappeared on the spot and raised his hand to attack Zhu Zhuqing. The sound of breaking through the air was not to be underestimated.

<divclass="contentadv" >This Tang San's speed, strength, skill and observation ability are beyond comparison with Xiao Wu.

This sharp blow gave Zhu Zhuqing a completely different feeling. I felt an inexplicable danger.

His body reacted immediately. He gently lifted his feet and moved slightly to the side, picking up a few strands of hair and dodging them by just a hair.

Something's wrong?

The blow was in the air, Tang San suppressed the doubts in his heart, and immediately changed his moves and then aimed at Zhu Zhuqing who was standing sideways, just about to punch.

Before the punch could be released, it was intercepted by a white jade hand in mid-air. At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing also struck Tang San's chest with his other hand.

Tang San had no choice but to retract his fist and immediately dodge with those strange steps, attacking from various angles around Zhu Zhuqing, who had his eyes closed.

Attacks from all directions, whether in front of the body or behind the head. Zhu Zhuqing either blocked it gently or dodged slightly.


The attack was intercepted again, and Tang San was pushed back not far away. Facing such a battle, Tang San only felt extremely uncomfortable.

No matter how you take action, always take it slow! He was either dodged or intercepted in advance, which was his weakness every time.

Have to retreat!

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing, whose eyes were still closed, Tang San knew that he couldn't defeat her with close combat alone.

Take a breath and touch your waist.

At this time.


Seeing that Tang San still wanted to take action, Flanders stopped their fight.

The crackle of fighting in the training ground. It has already alarmed the teachers of Shrek Academy.

ah! How can it be! ? Where did this monster come from? It could actually repel Tang San!

The teachers who arrived happened to witness the repeated fights between Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing, and saw Tang San being easily repelled. I was shocked inside.

"Is this why Xiaogang accepted her as his disciple?"

Flanders thought to himself when he saw Zhu Zhuqing who was still in a state of concentration with his eyes closed.


"Mr. Yu's vision is really unique. I didn't expect that Zhu Zhuqing has such an ability!"

Zhao Wuji's loud voice sounded. It actually made the little monster like Tang San feel deflated, as if he had eaten a piece of candy. What a joy!

Although Tang San still had that hidden weapon trick that he didn't use, Zhu Zhuqing's talent was even more astonishing!

In just one day, the little transparent girl with the least talent in the academy unexpectedly gained such strength.

It's incredible!

"Even Tang San was repelled? How is this possible?"

The little witch Ning Rongrong, who had been watching the battle for a long time, stuttered when she saw this scene.

That Tang San was a monster who could support a stick of incense under the Fudo King Zhao Wuji and make Zhao Wuji deflate.

That was a great soul master versus a soul saint! The entire continent thought that there would never be a genius stronger than Tang San.

I didn't expect this Zhu Zhuqing! Zhu Zhuqing, the weakest in talent, actually had such strength that he could force Tang San back.

a while.

Zhu Zhuqing, who finally exited the trance state, swayed a bit as his body softened and he managed to hold himself up. My physical strength is somewhat exhausted.

this! Did I do it?

Slowly opening her eyes and looking at her white hands, the girl's face was full of disbelief.

For Tang San, as yesterday's partner, it was even clearer what kind of genius he was.

Envying Tang San's unparalleled talent, he also imagined in his heart how great it would be to have this talent.

But now, he actually fought with Tang San personally and defeated him easily.

It turns out that Tang San was nothing more than this!

Zhu Zhuqing felt confident and full of strong fighting spirit.


I can!

Chapter 30 March appointment!

Chapter 30 March appointment!

"What are you doing? There was a fight between classmates late at night! Ah!"

Flanders said angrily.

"What happened on earth is worthy of such a fight! Zhuqing, tell me."

Looking at Xiaowu Ning Rongrong, Tang San asked Zhu Zhuqing.

After Flanders arrived, he only saw Tang San attacking Zhu Zhuqing. Don't know the cause and effect of the matter.

"She insulted the teacher! I couldn't hold it back, and then Xiao Wu challenged me."

Zhu Zhuqing spoke coldly. He pointed at Ning Rongrong, who was not far away and still had a look of shock on his face.

Although her body could barely stand, her physical strength was severely exhausted after repeated battles.

"Xiao Wu, tell me!"

Not taking his word for it, Flanders asked next.

"This is all a misunderstanding, we are just discussing."

Xiao Wu was evasive.

"Tang San!"

"When I came here, Dean, I only saw Xiao Wu being knocked away, so I took action out of anger." Tang San replied in a deep voice.

"Ning Rongrong!"

"This this."

The little witch Ning Rongrong regained consciousness after hearing Flanders' voice. Dare not admit it.

"Ning Rongrong!"

With a look on his face, Flanders shouted.

"Yes, it's me! So what! I insulted her teacher! Why do you dare to yell at me, Flanders! My father has never yelled at me!"

With tears shining in her eyes, Ning Rongrong still roared harshly. Although what I did was wrong, is it right for you to do this?

Flanders snorted coldly.

"Ning Rongrong, this is not your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect! You are still so arrogant! My classmates are not your servants!"

"Why did you insult her teacher! Start a fight for no reason! Is it just for your fun? Tell me?"

"tell me!"

"I thought you were just a little arrogant and kind-hearted! Did Sect Master Ning teach you how to behave?"

"You directly insult someone, teacher? Can you imagine if someone insulted your father and mother? Aren't you angry?"

"What would you do?"

Flanders asked a series of questions emotionally.

well! This little witch from the Qibao Glazed Sect is really difficult to teach. Flanders did not expect that something like this would happen in a short while.

So high maintenance!

"Think about it carefully!"

Finally, Flanders said these words coldly. He ignored Ning Rongrong. Maybe it was time for this little witch to leave Shrek Academy.

"No matter how you attack your comrades, it is wrong, just this once! If you do it again in the future, my small academy cannot tolerate a great god like you!"

He turned his head and warned Tang San, Xiaowu, Zhu Zhuqing and others. This little monster made it so unpleasant on the first day!

It's difficult! Headache!

"Okay! Let's all leave. You should rest early. Don't watch the excitement!"

Looking around, Flanders said to the teachers present, as well as Oscar, Dai Mu, Bai Ma Hongjun and others who came immediately.

I? I?

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong stood there in a daze, her face pale and stunned. She had no bad intentions, but she had been pampered since she was a child.

There was a huge gap between the two days at Shrek and the sect. The quarrel with Flanders in the morning had accumulated a lot of grievances.

Arguing with Zhu Zhuqing was just a way for her to vent her emotions.

Thinking of father and mother.

like. I can somewhat understand Zhu Zhuqing's feelings at that time.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Woohoo. I'm sorry! Woohoo Zhuqing, I'm sorry!"

<divclass="contentadv" >Come on. He squatted down suddenly, held his head and cried! The little witch Ning Rongrong burst into tears. He kept shouting.

At this time, the teachers who were about to turn around and leave looked a little surprised when they heard the crying Ning Rongrong saying "I'm sorry".

Did you really wake up after being scolded by Flanders?

"." Zhu Zhuqing, who was trying to keep his figure steady, looked at Ning Rongrong with a complicated expression. The girl who was so annoying before became like this.

Not qualified to agree for the teacher, he just turned his head and looked at Tang San who was helping Xiao Wu up and suddenly said:

"Tang San!"

"Three months later, let's fight with all our strength again! Decide the winner today!"

Zhu Zhuqing knew that he was not Tang San's opponent yet, and his hidden weapon methods had not been used yet.

However, the girl didn't want to admit defeat, she wanted to defeat Tang San openly, and she wanted to use her own strength to silence those who looked down on the teacher.

Prove to the world the greatness of teachers! I will be the pride of my teacher!

for sure!

"Okay! I agree!"

Tang San agreed without hesitation. He is not afraid of Zhu Zhuqing's challenge, although Zhu Zhuqing's previous state was amazing.

But he still had the 'Blue Silver Grass' martial spirit, the 'hidden weapon', the 'Haotian Hammer' and other powerful means that he didn't use.

I just didn't do anything cruel because I was concerned about the identity of my classmates. Next time, Zhu Zhuqing! I'll show you what the gap is!

The trio who came late looked at each other. Dai Mubai, the strongest member of the trio, did not dare to anger Tang San, and did not understand how Zhu Zhuqing dared to challenge Tang San.

Why did Tang San solemnly agree?

in the end!

What happened?

the next day.

"What? Zhuqing, are you going to compete with Tang San in three months?"

Yu Xiaogang said in surprise.

I was a little obsessed with martial arts research last night. This lakeside wooden house is on the edge of Shrek Academy. A little further.

In addition, the impact of the children's fight was too small and his friend Flanders was there, so Yu Xiaogang didn't know what happened last night.

Zhu Zhuqing came over this morning and explained clearly the cause and effect.

"In the future, the teacher will personally go to the Qibao Glazed Sect to ask for a little justice from you!"

The cold light in his eyes suddenly appeared and then disappeared, Yu Xiaogang promised.

The voice was calm as if nothing happened. But Zhu Zhuqing felt the teacher's solemnity as never before.

I can't help but feel warm in my heart!

After so many years, the girl finally found a warm harbor she could rely on. This feeling made her feel at ease.

This is what the cold and cruel family could not give for more than ten years. The girl is no longer a lonely person.


Zhu Zhuqing took a deep breath and felt the warm atmosphere filling the air. Quietly enjoy the peace and tranquility.

"You are my only disciple! Besides, you are also standing up for the teacher!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled.

After that, I took out the ingredients and herbs to prepare today's food. After all, if you don't take the 'secret medicine', you won't have enough energy and blood to practice Wuji Zhuang.

"Teacher, what kind of strength do you have? They don't even know what kind of soul master you are."

After finishing the delicious food, Zhu Zhuqing was curious. When he and Ning Rongrong argued yesterday, he was vague about the teacher's strength.

"It's not strong! But it's enough to keep you going across the continent!" Yu Xiaogang said casually. Then he talked about the fight with Tang San!

After all, disciples have such a goal.

Such fighting spirit.

How could it not be accomplished!

"But it's not easy to defeat Tang San. Let me think about it! Once you have mastered the control of this martial spirit, the teacher will teach you a trick."

"If you can get started, you can kill the same level as a pig butchering a dog, and the challenge of leapfrogging is no ordinary thing."

"If you touch it, you will die, if you rub it, you will be injured!"

Touching his chin, Yu Xiaogang said pretending to be profound.

"What trick!?" Zhu Zhuqing was curious. What kind of unique skill can be so powerful? The teacher said it was miraculous.

"The Infinite Shocking Light Sword!"