
B 5

Chapter 21 The test of accepting a disciple! Soaked Zhu Zhuqing!

Chapter 21 The test of accepting a disciple! Soaked Zhu Zhuqing!

"Don't call me Zhuqing!"

Zhu Zhuqing said coldly and seriously.

While he was recuperating in Soto City, he occasionally witnessed Dai Mubai's romantic life.

She was disappointed when she asked about Dai Mubai at the Rose Hotel where he often went.

Sure enough, one shouldn't have expectations.

After saying this, he ignored Dai Mubai and left directly.

"This" Dai Mubai, Tang San and others looked at each other in confusion. do not know what to do.

Shrek Academy.

Wooden house by the lake.

Surrounded by lush trees and grass; sunlight shines through the leaves on the ground, creating mottled light and shadow.

When the breeze blows, it brings bursts of fresh breath.

Yu Xiaogang is sitting at the stone table he made.

There is an exquisite and simple ceramic teapot and several tea cups placed on the stone table. The tea leaves are picked by him personally.

This tea is not simple. It grows on the cliffs in the far north and is especially rare.

It is a natural treasure that lasts for thousands of years and is full of aura.

It has the effect of concentrating and meditating, calming the confusion of soul power, and enhancing the ability of thinking and comprehension.

Only in such an environment as Douluo Continent can such a top quality product be born.

Yu Xiaogang put a pinch of tea leaves into the teapot, poured hot water into it, and stirred it gently. The fragrance of tea spreads everywhere.

Pour it into a tea cup, shake it slightly in Yu Xiaogang's hand, take a sip and feel the fresh taste.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in his own world.

Good martial arts, good tea, good food, good wine, good knowledge.

along with.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

Yu Xiaogang's thoughts were interrupted.

He raised his head and saw Zhu Zhuqing coming in waves.

I don't know why this teenage girl in Douluo Continent can be so exaggerated.

"Master, I can't thank you enough for saving my life last time." Zhu Zhuqing clasped his hands in his fists and bowed slightly.

Her voice was cold and pleasant, like clear stream water.

"My name is not Master. My surname is Yu. You can just call me 'Mr. Yu'."

Putting down the teacup in his hand gently, Yu Xiaogang said lightly.

Then the girl remembered something and took out the jade bottle left by Yu Xiaogang from her arms. She slowly opened her lips and said:

"This is the jade bottle that Mr. left last time. Thanks to the healing medicine inside, the effect is very significant."

Yu Xiaogang took the jade bottle and felt a pleasant fragrance coming to his face, as fresh and elegant as jasmine.

"I'm interested." He put away the jade bottle, picked up the teacup, and Yu Xiaogang took a sip.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing frozen in place, he continued with a little doubt:

"Anything else?"

Zhu Zhuqing was silent for a moment, then asked with some uneasiness:

"Mr. Yu, can you accept me as your disciple?"

"I don't accept disciples." Yu Xiaogang muttered.

Although Zhu Zhuqing is quite talented and has a good sense of fighting, Yu Xiaogang still wants to pursue the peak martial arts of a soul master.

Compete with the titled Douluo. The mysterious gods and immortal life. Alone with no worries. I don't want to be bound by fetters.

"I want to become stronger!"

"I want to change my destiny!"

"Please sir, give me a chance!"

Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice sounded, with some excitement and unwillingness.

The girl's eyes were full of tenacity and brightness, revealing a strong willpower and determination.

It seems to be able to penetrate all difficulties and challenges.


Yu Xiaogang could see Zhu Zhuqing's determination through her eyes. I know that if I don't give her a chance, I won't give up.

After thinking about it, I decided to give her this opportunity so that she could retreat despite the difficulties.

"Okay! I'll give you this opportunity, one stick of incense time!"

<divclass="contentadv" > "If you can support a stick of incense under my pressure, I will accept you as my disciple!"

After saying this, he put down the teacup in his hand and placed a stick of incense in front of Zhu Zhuqing and slowly lit it.

Yu Xiaogang tapped his fingers lightly on the stone table.


An invisible pressure enveloped Zhu Zhuqing's body.


The girl was pressed down on the grass by the sudden gravity. His hands struggled to support him.

"If you can't bear it, you can lie down and give up resistance, and the pressure will naturally dissipate. Holding on will kill someone!"

Yu Xiaogang reminded slowly.

Zhu Zhuqing gritted her teeth and persisted without replying. She had seen this pressure before, and the horror of those masked killers was still vivid in her mind.

She fell to her knees, her hands and feet shaking, but she knew she couldn't give up.

This is her only chance to change her destiny!

Constrained by the rules of the Xingluo royal family, such a ruthless family. Killing every step of the way.

Become stronger! Become stronger!

Strong enough to change your own destiny.

I can not be reconciled! Not willing to give in!

Not a moment.

ticking sound.

Sweat slid down Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks, and the black leather jacket clung to her body lines.

It perfectly outlines her exquisite figure. Highlights the girl's fair skin and charming curves.

She gritted her teeth. There was a determined light in his eyes.

Concentrate your mind, try to maintain the balance of your body, and use your soul power to try your best to resist the terrifying pressure.

Time passed by minute by minute, and there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Only the sound of rapid breathing and heartbeat echoed in the air.

Zhu Zhuqing felt as if the whole world was becoming heavier and heavier. It was as thick as a mountain, making it impossible to breathe.

Zhu Zhuqing felt that his physical strength was gradually exhausted, but he still gritted his teeth and continued to hold on.

Her breathing became increasingly difficult. His face was pale and his lips were purple, as if he might lose his life at any moment.

The incense stick was only half burned.

The girl's consciousness began to become a little blurry.

Maybe it's better to die like this!

If only I wasn't from the Nether Civet Family!

Really not reconciled!

There is still a lot of beauty in this world worth pursuing!

Is it over?

Zhu Zhuqing slowly closed his eyes and thought.

But his exhausted body still stubbornly held on. Refuse to give up resistance. Unwilling to surrender to his fate like this.

See such a scene.

"Oh! Forget it." Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and said to Zhu Zhuqing:

"Okay! I promise to accept you as my disciple."

As soon as he finished speaking, the invisible pressure disappeared immediately.

Zhu Zhuqing was afraid that he might die if he persisted. He was so stubborn.

Yu Xiaogang was moved by this strong willpower, this tenacity and tenacity that was not afraid of life and death. Such a firm and inexplicable persistence.

It wouldn't hurt such a good martial artist to teach her.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was soaked all over and unconscious, collapsed on the grass and took a big breath of air.

It took me a long time to recover.

Struggling to get up, her eyes shone with determination. said gratefully.

"Thank you, Mr. Yu, for making it happen."

"Well, you should call me 'teacher'." Yu Xiaogang corrected with a smile.

"It's you who fulfilled yourself."

His voice had an indescribable magnetic charm.

It touched the girl's heartstrings.

Chapter 22 Move your muscles! Punch over Haotian!

Chapter 22 Move your muscles! Punch over Haotian!

"is teacher!"

Zhu Zhuqing realized that his words were inappropriate and quickly changed his words.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the girl who was dripping with sweat, her clothes were stained with weeds and dust, and she looked exhausted.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back early to wash up and rest."

"You must be exhausted after two rounds of tests. This is a pill to restore your physical strength. It's very effective. Take it."

"Come directly to me tomorrow. I will tell Flanders to come earlier."

After speaking, Yu Xiaogang handed a jade bottle to the girl. His tone was low, but there was concern.

Take the jade bottle. Some residual warmth.

After patting the dust and tidying up his clothes, Zhu Zhuqing solemnly said:

"goodbye teacher!"

The girl bowed slightly to show respect, then turned around and left slowly.

The steps are a little brisk. There was a sense of pressure being released, with a hint of expectation and excitement for the future.

Shrek Academy.

It's getting dark outside.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was exhausted, was about to go back to his dormitory to rest. On the way, she happened to meet Dai Mubai, who was looking for her all over the academy.

Ignoring Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing remained silent, with a look of indifference and alienation on his face.

He deliberately avoided Dai Mubai.

move on.

"Zhu Zhuqing! Stop!"

Dai Mubai suppressed his anger and spoke in a commanding tone.

I just made a special observation.

It was found that Zhu Zhuqing's hair was a little messy, her clothes were soaked with sweat, and there were some traces of dust on her body.

His attitude towards Zhu Zhuqing became cold and even somewhat hostile.

Hearing the words behind him, Zhu Zhuqing continued walking, his steps light and firm. He didn't seem to care about the sounds behind him.

There was a trace of indifference and calmness on the girl's face, and her eyes revealed a kind of confidence and perseverance.

Keep going.

Gradually disappeared from Dai Mubai's field of vision.


Being ignored like this, Dai Mubai's evil eyes flashed with murderous intent and he clenched his fists.

Shrek Academy.

It's quiet at night.

Zhao Wuji————

Yu Xiaogang's mental power can clearly detect an imperceptible low-frequency sound hidden in it.

Only people with extremely high soul power levels have such abilities.

"The Titled Douluo I sensed earlier? Is he here to cause trouble? Interesting!"

Yu Xiaogang, who was sleeping in mid-air, opened his eyes and said.

"Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? Or Haotian Sect?"

Go out and see it.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaogang had disappeared.

in the forest.

"Who are you?" Zhao Wuji shouted coldly, and then cautiously completed the possession of the martial spirit.

"In this small place, seeing Fudo Myooh, I just want to have a discussion with you."

"I haven't moved my muscles for a long time!"

After saying that, the man in black slowly revealed his martial soul and raised nine soul rings. He holds a huge hammer in his hand.

rub! rub! rub! Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black - red! ! !

Under the red light, Zhao Wuji's face was filled with fear, his body was trembling slightly and he uttered four words with difficulty: "Title Douluo!"

Moreover, he is a Titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year spirit ring. There are probably only a handful of such beings among Titled Douluo.

At this time.

"I haven't moved my muscles for a long time!"

A voice came from the dense forest.

"Who?" the man in black asked warily.

"It's not me! It's not me!"

Flanders hurriedly stepped out, stood next to Zhao Wuji and waved to the man in black, indicating that it was not him who said it.

The man in black didn't pay attention to Flanders, he just stared at a certain direction alertly.

Like facing a formidable enemy! ! !

An invisible pressure, like the aura of an apex predator, hit his face, and his body couldn't help but feel a little tense.

What a strong momentum.

<divclass="contentadv" >The man in black was secretly shocked.


As the footsteps slowly approached.

A figure emerged from the darkness.

"Xiao Gang?!"

"Mr. Jade?!"

Two exclamations rang out, and Flanders and Zhao Wuji were extremely confused when they saw the figure's face clearly.

The person who came was none other than Yu Xiaogang, who was delighted to see Xie Xin.

"Who is your Excellency? Master Yu Xiaogang?" the man in black asked with some confusion.

The master he knew was a great soul master with level 29 soul power, and it was impossible for him to have such a strong sense of oppression.


Without answering his doubts, he moved his muscles slightly, and Yu Xiaogang softly uttered a sentence.

"Please enlighten me!"

He exudes a unique temperament.


rub! rub! rub! Yellow, yellow—black, black, black, black! Seven soul rings slowly emerged from Yu Xiaogang's feet.

After traveling across the continent for so many years, this was the first titled Douluo he had encountered.

And he is the person he most wants to meet - Haotian Douluo 'Tang Hao'.

"The third ring of ten thousand years?!"

Tang Hao, the man in black holding a giant hammer, shrank his eyes.

How is it possible? All soul masters who have absorbed ten thousand year soul rings know what this means.

It was no more shocking than the one hundred thousand year soul ring on his body.

Without replying, he took a step forward gently. Yu Xiaogang disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Tang Hao a hundred steps away.

Throw out a fierce punch!

The air around Tang Hao became distorted, as if being torn apart by a powerful force.

A trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, but he did not retreat, but reacted quickly.

He raised the 'Haotian Hammer' and faced the punch.

The moment when the fist collided with the Clear Sky Hammer.

The whole world seemed to stop for a moment.


boom! ! !

A huge crash sounded, and two powerful forces intertwined and collided in the air!

The surrounding scenery began to blur, and strong winds roared, blowing away everything around them.

When everything became clear again, the two of them were already standing several meters apart.

Tang Hao panted slightly, sweat beading on his forehead. The blow just now made him feel a little tired.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang standing not far away, there was no trace of confusion in his aura, and he seemed to be unaffected by the battle just now.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, calmed down his surging breath, and tightened the 'Haotian Hammer' in his hand.

I know I have met my opponent.

"Come again!"

A manic and savage aura surged from Tang Hao's body, and the cloak behind him was blown by the wind. Like a beast ready to go.

Waving the 'Haotian Hammer' in his hand

bump! bump! bump! .

There was a series of collision sounds.

Hands over again.

Time passed by, the battle became more and more intense, and both of them were giving their all.

But they all agreed tacitly not to use any 'soul skills', it was just a pure confrontation of physical power.

Finally, after a series of fierce collisions.

There was a loud bang!

The two people's forces collided, and the surrounding space seemed to be shaking.

I felt a violent shock wave coming.

Tang Hao was knocked away, half-kneeling while holding the huge 'Haotian Hammer', breathing heavily, his body trembling slightly. He vomited out a big mouthful of blood before he recovered.

not far away. After moving his shoulders, Yu Xiaogang slowly said two words.


It was extremely satisfying to warm up with the powerful Titled Douluo.

It's a pity that Tang Hao is injured.

I really want to fight him with all my strength.

Chapter 23 Can I accept a dog as my disciple?

Chapter 23 Can I accept a dog as my disciple?

"What a monster!"

Tang Hao, who spit out blood, raised his head, stared at Yu Xiaogang and sighed.

After such a fierce battle, Yu Xiaogang was only sweating slightly.

I secretly guessed in my heart.

Perhaps with the powerful soul power of the titled Douluo and the full firepower of the 'Haotian Secret Art'.

Also. Can't beat this monster, right?

Is this the Soul Saint? !

Tang Hao exhaled, put away his martial spirit 'Haotian Hammer' and slowly stood up. He opened his mouth and said:

"Shrek Academy actually has a strong man like you!"

"Flanders is my friend. I'm just staying in Shrek Academy temporarily."

Yu Xiaogang said calmly and calmly.

At this time, due to the influence of the battle between the two people.

Flender Zao Wu-Ki, who had already retreated to watch the battle from afar, rushed over.

Flanders folded his wings, a look of surprise and confusion on his face. said:

"Are you really Xiaogang?!"

The terrifying pressure, surging energy, and fierce collision were accompanied by a deafening roar.

It seems to be able to destroy everything around it.

Even myself, the Soul Saint, has to be cautious when watching the battle.

I can't imagine what it would be like to be in it. I'm afraid that if one move is carried out, there may be no bones left.

"It's guaranteed to be replaced if it's fake!" Yu Xiaogang replied affirmatively.

Hearing this, Flanders returned to his previous enthusiasm and shamelessness.

Only then did he dare to come up and look around and touch around, as if checking for any injuries.

During the battle, Tang Hao's black clothes were torn a lot, revealing his true face. He was a slovenly man with a stubble on his face.

He hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Your Excellency, can you accept Quanzi as your disciple? He is the third twin martial soul in the mainland. He is born with full soul power and his talent is unique in the world!"

In less than 20 years, this 'Master Yu Xiaogang' has broken through the sky and broken through from a great soul master to a soul saint, and even has the strength comparable to that of a 'titled Douluo'.

Not only that, he even possesses the unprecedented 'Third Ten Thousand Years Ring', an invincible body like a soul beast and a terrifying fighting consciousness that suppresses himself.

It would be a blessing for 'Xiao San' to have such a strong person as his teacher.

"I already have an apprentice." Yu Xiaogang said calmly, slapping Flander's hand away.

Tang Hao was stunned and wanted to speak.

"She's great!"

Yu Xiaogang praised in a low tone.

I think of that tough girl who was not afraid of life and death, with such unwavering will.

It touched Yu Xiaogang's heart.

You can be sure that she will be able to carry her own martial arts.

The subtext of this statement also told Tang Hao that he no longer wanted to accept any more disciples. He already has very good disciples.

Tang Hao heard the implication and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and then said:

"You don't have to accept him as your disciple. Can you give him some guidance?"

After coming into contact with this master Yu Xiaogang, he will definitely know what a genius 'Xiao San' is.

You will definitely be amazed at the talent of 'Xiao San' and deeply admire the talent of 'Xiao San'.

Take him under your wing and teach him with all your heart.

"I will stay at Shrek Academy for a while."


Then Yu Xiaogang raised a finger and said to Tang Hao:

"A request!"

"When you recover from your injuries, we will fight with all our strength, and I mean 'all-out'!"

Yu Xiaogang deliberately pronounced the last two words very carefully, which meant something.

This time, it's not far from 'Shrek Academy' and there are too many nearby villages, so it's not easy to use it with all your strength.

It's really a bit unsatisfactory.

Both parties had a tacit understanding not to use 'soul skills', and Tang Hao did not use the martial spirit avatar plus Haotian's secret skill.

And Yu Xiaogang did not use the 'Wuji Secret Skill' or the 'New Martial Soul Avatar'.

"Okay! Quanzi will trouble you from now on."

Hear the words. Tang Hao clasped his hands and agreed.

After saying that, he turned around and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

<divclass="contentadv" >Wait for Tang Hao to leave.

"Xiaogang, you still told me that you were a 'soul master' without telling me!"

Flanders then spoke, with a complaining tone. It was so uninteresting that I worried about it for a long time.

"Thank you 'Mr. Jade' for the rescue."

At this time, Zhao Wuji also clasped his hands and said gratefully.

"I didn't say I was a soul master!"

Yu Xiaogang denied it at first, and then told Zhao Wuji nonchalantly.

"You're welcome, Lao Zhao, I just want to stretch my muscles!"

"This Haotian Crown Prince is just like you, Flanders, guarding your shortcomings and being petty! It's time to beat the old one."

Zhao Wuji said indignantly.

A piece of jade cannot be made into a useful tool, so there will inevitably be some minor friction, and I almost got a beating for nothing.

When Tang Hao revealed his soul ring, he almost scared Zhao Wuji out of his wits.

"Okay, don't worry, Haotian Mian is not far away and will find an opportunity to beat you up after hearing what you said."

Flender seemed to be smiling but not smiling, trying to scare Zhao Wuji.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wuji's strong and burly body trembled violently due to the cold wind.

Feeling an inexplicable chill, he quickly closed his mouth and stopped what he said.

It took him a long time to speak, and he asked cautiously.

"No way!"

"He's gone far away." Yu Xiaogang said with a smile. Seeing Zhao Wuji's timid appearance, he reminded him.

I'm quite timid.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words.

Phew—Zhao Wuji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Gang, I thought your martial soul's major breakthrough was to break through the natural chasm and reach the 'soul master'!"

"I didn't expect you couldn't call this a major breakthrough! What should it be called?"

"The Saint of Resurrection? Return the Third Ring of Ten Thousand Years! Oh, and you beat up a Titled Douluo! What the hell!"

"You make me feel sick! You are cheating!"

At this time. Flanders said a series of words, some of which were incoherent and unbelievable.

"I didn't lie to you. Didn't you ask me to beat you up and say, 'I am the Soul Saint and I can beat a titled Douluo'?"

Yu Xiaogang joked.

As he spoke, he raised his fist as if to strike.

"No, no. My body can't withstand your punch."

When Flanders saw it, he immediately ducked and shouted.

"I have evolved my martial soul over the years so that I can absorb the ten thousand year soul ring in the third ring."

After making a joke, Yu Xiaogang slowly explained.

He did not reveal any more information about himself. He was no longer the original 'Yu Xiaogang'.

I didn't say much about the martial arts and sublimation of the 'original martial soul'.

"The golden holy dragon?"

The three of Flanders, Long Yu, and Xiaogang possess the trinity of martial soul fusion skills, and their tacit understanding is extremely high.

He knew that Yu Xiaogang's Luo Sanpao could be fused into the sacred dragon 'Golden Holy Dragon'.

Yu Xiaogang nodded. It's an admission.

"You also got what you wanted. No wonder you are no longer obsessed with recruiting disciples."

With some emotion, Flanders still felt sincerely happy that his old friend had reached this stage.

I really don't know how much Yu Xiaogang has suffered over the years.How many life and death crises have I experienced.

It takes all kinds of hardships to create such a profound skill.

"If Erlong knows, he will definitely be happy for you!"

Then Flanders said suddenly out of nowhere.

There was no news about Yu Xiaogang for so many years, and both of them were worried, thinking that he had died somewhere.

Chapter 24 The Girl in the Morning

Chapter 24 The Girl in the Morning

"Okay Flanders, no need to say any more, I will solve it myself in the future."

Yu Xiaogang's face changed slightly, and then he solemnly replied.

"I promise!"

In fact, Yu Xiaogang would face it personally even if Flanders didn't tell him. That Liu Erlong is where his obsession with cause and effect lies.

I just don't know what to do. How can everyone be happy? Yu Xiaogang had a lot of thoughts in his heart.


Flanders opened his sharp eyes like an eagle, as if to determine whether he was lying.


Yu Xiaogang was decisive.

During this time together, one can still feel Flender's sincere enthusiasm and concern.

As a friend, he would be a very good friend.

As for the relationship with Liu Erlong, he is not the protagonist, he is just a viewer who feels the same way?

"It's late at night, go back and have a rest. We have to meet your little monster tomorrow!"

Without continuing this topic, Yu Xiaogang turned around and walked slowly towards the college.

What came to mind!

"The matter of Soul Saint, and the third ring of Ten Thousand Years will keep it secret for me!"

He warned Flanders Zhao Wuji.

There are titled Douluo with hundred thousand year soul rings in the world, but they have never seen the third ten thousand year soul ring, except for those given by gods.

There are so many powerful forces in the continent, although Yu Xiaogang is not afraid of Titled Douluo now.

But the back-and-forth testing was annoying to death. It also puts people around you at increased risk.

"Mr. Yu, don't worry, Lao Zhao, I will definitely keep my mouth shut."

Zhao Wuji smiled innocently and promised.

"By the way, I have accepted a disciple, Zhu Zhuqing! She will report to me tomorrow morning."

Yu Xiaogang said to Flanders again.

"Don't blame me for stealing your little monster."

is her!

Upon hearing this, Zhao Wuji and Flender exclaimed that she was so lucky, and somehow she was valued by Yu Xiaogang.

But they didn't know what the girl was facing.

It's the God of Death! It's fate!

Hear the words.

Flender nodded and agreed. If you want to teach me, just teach me. I hope you can teach me more.

Then he chased after him, patted Yu Xiaogang on the shoulder, and joked.

"Your Majesty, what title do you plan to take?"

"I'm just a soul saint!" Yu Xiaogang said seriously.

"What kind of soul saint are you? You're lying to me." Flanders said angrily.

For Yu Xiaogang, this battle was just a warm-up, but for Flanders.

Yu Xiaogang's strength would probably mean that if he could hit him with a slap, he would have to lie down for a long time with one punch.

This strength can be regarded as an uncrowned titled Douluo.

Titled Douluo who has not reached Titled Douluo!

"Golden Douluo? No, Holy Dragon Douluo? What about Dragon God Douluo? He's domineering enough!"

Looking at Yu Xiaogang walking far away.

Still in place. Flanders who helped Yu Xiaogang want to ban his account.

Come back to your senses.

"Are you listening?"

Yu Xiaogang, who had walked far away, said casually.

"Listen, listen!"

Shrek Academy.

early morning.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong.

They all gathered at the training ground early.

"Dean, where is Zhu Zhuqing?"

Dai Mubai looked around but did not find Zhu Zhuqing. Then put the question to Flanders.

"She? She became Xiaogang's disciple." Flanders said with emotion. "What a lucky little guy!"

"What?, That master? The one with Soul Master cultivation level?" Ning Rongrong sneered.

The sound echoed throughout the venue.

"Why?" Tang San was actually very impressed by Zhu Zhuqing, who was cold and silent but had an extremely bright fighting spirit.


"Are you trying to anger me?" Dai Mubai couldn't suppress his inner anger.

I heard them talking about it.

Flanders Soul Saint's aura was slightly released.

"I'll say it one last time!"

"Yu Xiaogang is my friend, Shrek's teacher, and your elder."

"I don't want to hear such remarks again in Shrek!"

Flanders smiled, his eyes sharp. warned.

He didn't say that the master is a soul saint. Yesterday I just promised Xiaogang to keep it a secret for him.

In fact, if I hadn't seen him beating Haotian Douluo with my own eyes yesterday, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

<divclass="contentadv" >Sigh - I definitely thought he was bragging.

It seems that few people would believe the Soul Saint's title Douluo.

"Today's first lesson will be held in the evening."

"Practice first, remember, and try your best to adjust your condition before dark."

"Ning Rongrong, Oscar, you guys stay."

Flanders gave the order loudly.Then began a long speech.

early morning.

Wooden house next to the lake.

When the sun just rises, the entire lake is enveloped in a soft morning light.

A gentle breeze blew across the water. Brings a breath of fresh air. The sun casts mottled light and shadow through the leaves.

Occasionally, a few birds fly over, and there seems to be singing echoing in the air.

Crisp and sweet.

It all feels peaceful and peaceful.

Accompanied by the beautiful scenery, Yu Xiaogang, who was in a good mood, took out the ingredients and started preparing today's breakfast.

After a battle yesterday, I stretched my muscles and bones, and with the surge of breath, I broke through to level 79 soul power.

Now we are only one level away from level 80.

At this time.

"Teacher, I'm here!"

Zhu Zhuqing stopped in front of the wooden house. Take a deep breath.

Her mood is as bright as the sun. With some expectations.

Hearing the sound, Yu Xiaogang raised his head.

I saw.

Under the sun, the girl's face is as white as jade, her eyes are clear and bright, her high nose and red lips outline her charming face.

Under the tight black outfit, her slender legs and charming curves were exposed.

Just a cold look on his face.

"have you eaten?"

After a pause, Yu Xiaogang asked.

"Don't bother teacher, I've already eaten."

Zhu Zhuqing waved his hand and refused.

I didn't find any place with food in Shrek Academy this morning.

Afraid of keeping Yu Xiaogang waiting for a long time, he hurried over.

At this time.


This is the sound coming from the girl's belly.


Zhu Zhuqing was a little embarrassed, and a blush appeared on her fair face.

Without exposing the girl's lies, Yu Xiaogang was minding his own business.

"Let's try the teacher's craftsmanship."

I saw Yu Xiaogang raised his hand and pressed it lightly.

A large piece of soul beast meat turned into a thin piece, and no movement was seen from him.

It was stretched until the skin was as thin as cicada wings, and then turned into a long dragon and rushed into the boiling water, like a dragon entering the sea.

Not a moment.

A scent wafts up.

Top it with some chopped green onions, and a bowl of hot noodles is ready.

The whole production process is full of art and aesthetics. The technique is skillful and elegant.

"Come on, have a taste."

"This is made from the meat of a thousand-year-old soul beast. It is pliable and elastic and tastes delicious."

He led the girl to sit down at the stone table. Yu Xiaogang pushed over the bowls and chopsticks. He spoke softly.

"Uh-huh, okay."

This scene made Zhu Zhuqing a little stunned. He took the chopsticks and started tasting.

As soon as I took my mouth, my taste buds exploded instantly, and I speeded up unconsciously.

What delicious food? !

After a while, he ate all the noodles.

Zhu Zhuqing took a sip of the clear soup and suddenly felt a warm current sliding from her throat to her stomach.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.Savor the delicious food in this world.

Finished the soup. Put down the dishes.

He raised his head and looked into the distance. Yu Xiaogang has been waiting for a long time.

The girl's cold face was broken by a soft smile.

A crescent moon formed at the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 25 A day in Zhu Zhuqing's life

Chapter 25 A day in the life of Zhu Zhuqing

"Teacher, I'm done eating."

Getting up, Zhu Zhuqing faced Yu Xiaogang, who was standing with his hands behind his back. The sound is like gurgling water.

"Zhuqing, what do you want to learn?"

Without turning around when he heard the voice, Yu Xiaogang spoke calmly.

As if you are still in the lake of your heart, the sparkling ripples gradually spread.

"I want to become stronger! Be as strong as the teacher!"

Zhu Zhuqing responded without hesitation, the girl's face was full of determination.

Can this break this damn fate?

"Okay, if you are ambitious, if you want to become as strong as the teacher! You will have to endure a lot of hardships."

Yu Xiaogang smiled heartily.

Then he spoke softly:

"Do you know what the essence of a strong person is?"

"Martial spirit? Powerful soul skills? Or keen sense of combat?"

Zhu Zhuqing put forward his own opinions one by one.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang shook his head gently.

Then he spoke.

"Those are all techniques! They're not Tao!"

"Spell? Tao?" The girl murmured to herself. Somewhat unclear.

There was no need to answer the girl's doubts.

"The poisonous snake has its fangs, the bird has its wings, and the fish can breathe freely underwater."

"Everything in the world is born with unique talents. It is the innate instinct that they rely on to survive."

"you also have!"

Finished. Walk straight towards the lake.


Zhu Zhuqing was shocked when he saw this, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold Yu Xiaogang.

With a sudden movement, the hand was empty.

look up.

But I saw an amazing scene.

Yu Xiaogang did not fall into the lake, but stood on the lake.

He walked slowly towards the center of the lake.

Under his feet, every step would create a ripple on the lake surface, which would gradually spread, creating circles of waves on the lake surface.

Finally calmed down.

But Zhu Zhuqing's heart was not at peace.

When they reached the middle of the lake, Yu Xiaogang turned around. He said to Zhu Zhuqing:


The arms are slightly raised. A chess piece condensed by water appeared between his fingers.

The surface of the lake slowly rises to form a chessboard as clear as crystal.

Yu Xiaogang held the chess piece and gently placed it. As soon as he landed, the entire crystal-like chessboard turned into flying cranes.

Dancing around Yu Xiaogang. They soar lightly in the air and make crisp chirping sounds.

The girl stared intently at these beautiful creatures.


Yu Xiaogang stretched out his hand and gently touched Yu He's neck formed by the lake water.

It raised its head and rubbed it affectionately.

In an instant, it turned into a teacup, floated towards Zhu Zhuqing, and stopped in front of the girl.

She involuntarily reached out her hand to catch it.

At this time.

The waves on the lake were rough, and a waterspout rushed high into the sky.

A hundred-meter-long dragon was formed. The texture of its scales was clearly visible, and its pupils revealed coldness and cunning. It was as lifelike as if it were real.

It was Yu Xiaogang's former opponent - the 'Silver Moon One-horned Jiao'.

He raised his head suddenly, opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing felt a chilling aura as if he was on the scene.

Zhu Zhuqing's heartbeat could not help but accelerate, feeling a little scared and uneasy. The girl knew that the teacher would not hurt her.

Despite his best efforts to restrain himself, his body instinctively and involuntarily trembled. Close your eyes and raise your arms to cover your head.

Develop a defensive posture.

At that moment.

The whole world seemed to stand still.

The ferocious and ferocious 100-meter-long dragon opened its bloody mouth, as if it wanted to swallow everything.

However, it was one meter away from Zhu Zhuqing.

Like hitting a big mountain, it exploded violently and turned into water splashes all over the sky. Spread out.

Water droplets splashed everywhere, forming a huge rain curtain.

<divclass="contentadv" >A while.

There was no waiting for the expected attack.

Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes slightly. Lift your head slightly.

Open those big spiritual eyes.

Countless tiny water droplets sparkle in the sunlight.

Before he could recover, Yu Xiaogang's voice came from afar.

"This is one of your homework today! Two hours every day."

"Use your soul power to control this invisible flowing water!"

"In any case, you can walk, sit or lie on this lake, gathering water to turn into birds and beasts is a small success."

As he spoke, Yu Xiaogang had already walked up to the girl.

"is teacher!"

Zhu Zhuqing answered willingly.

This miraculous control of soul power is exquisite. The girl was shocked.

"Control your soul power, condense it under your feet, transform its characteristics, and let it spread out to form a surface with the water."

"Like a spider web."

Yu Xiaogang explained it in detail.

Then he warned:

"Zhuqing, you can start practicing."

"There are other classes waiting for you in the afternoon."

After speaking, he walked to the stone table in the hut, took out the teapot and teacups and started making tea.

Start admiring kittens.

Zhu Zhuqing held his breath, adjusted his emotions, concentrated his energy, and activated his soul power according to Yu Xiaogang's instructions.

First, he gently stepped one foot on the lake. A circle of ripples spread out on the water surface, but he did not fall.



The other foot also slowly stepped on the lake. Didn't fall either.

Did it work? !

Zhu Zhuqing, who successfully stood on the lake for the first time, thought to himself.


This distraction.

One of her feet suddenly lost its balance and support, and then she missed the step and fell into the cold lake water.

I struggled a few times involuntarily, choked a few times, and managed to surface and climb to the shore.

The whole body was soaked, and the curves of Zhu Zhuqing's figure were clearly visible. The girl's skin was covered with a layer of crystal clear luster by the cool water drops.

The reflection of the sun highlights her slender waist, plump breasts and slender legs.

It's really charming.

The girl was a little embarrassed, wiped the water droplets on her body, and took a deep breath.

After careful consideration, I started trying again.

the second time!

the third time!

89th time!

For the 137th time, Zhu Zhuqing walked gently across the lake, her breathing soft and steady.

Concentrate on feeling the waves of the water beneath your feet and the breeze on your face. The ripples on the lake spread out in circles.

The girl's steps were light and slow, with a cautious look, as sensitive and cautious as a kitten.

I am afraid that I will miss the mark again if I am not careful.


A gust of wind blew, causing a small wave to rise on the calm lake.

A plop.

moment. The girl lost her support and fell into the lake.

He took a few more gulps of water. Swim to shore. Zhu Zhuqing was not in a hurry for success.

Instead, take your time and think about and analyze every detail.

Still not working?

It took hundreds of times to go from standing to walking. But once disturbed, he is instantly knocked back to his original state.

Not to mention, like the teacher, he raises his hands and feet as elegantly as if the whole world is at his will.


After adjusting his breathing, Zhu Zhuqing was ready to try again.

At this time. A low, deep and magnetic voice came, interrupting her practice.

"Okay, Zhuqing, let's take a rest. Have a meal first."

"There are classes in the afternoon."


More than two hours have passed.