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Chapter 16 Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 16 Zhu Zhuqing

The masked killers were stunned when they heard this. There was a fierce light in his eyes. They all spoke.

"court death!"

"act recklessly!"

"I've made you so damn crazy! I won't give you a chance to go home and farm today!"

The masked killers were not affected by Yu Xiaogang's words and lost control of their emotions.

They looked at each other and gestured to the side, and the tacit understanding of years of cooperation was immediately clear.

Let the companions closest to Zhu Zhuqing deal with the injured Zhu Zhuqing first and complete the mission.

Others are preparing to surround and kill Yu Xiaogang.

Taking advantage of the gap between words.

They attacked, basically at the same time.

One team attacked and killed Zhu Zhuqing, and the other team attacked and killed Yu Xiaogang.

at this time.

Yu Xiaozhang seemed to have no reaction and did not activate the 'Martial Soul Possession'.

He just stood there in a daze, as if he was frightened by the sudden attack by the masked killers.

Zhu Zhuqing had been paying attention to the actions of the masked killers, and braced his exhausted body to prepare for a counterattack.

At the same time, she warned Yu Xiaogang in advance: "Be careful!"

The voice just fell.

Slowly, Yu Xiaogang stepped out.

The moment he raised his feet.

An invisible force instantly enveloped all the masked killers in the room.

Longwei! ! ! 10 times gravity! ! !

The masked killers, who were fierce and about to swing their swords, were instantly suppressed to the ground by this dignified and domineering power.

It almost made them unable to move at all. They could barely support their bodies with their hands, and they couldn't even lift their heads.

One of the masked killers gritted his teeth and trembled, saying word by word: "How. How is it possible?"

They had no doubt that the person standing in front of them was a powerful being, as fearsome as a demon from hell.

Their eyes revealed endless fear and despair, and they seemed to have lost the ability to resist.

Can it withstand 10 times the gravity of Dragon Power?

What about twenty times?

Yu Xiaogang didn't answer, but just followed his footsteps and slowly approached.

The majestic and domineering force pressing on them suddenly doubled! ! !

The bodies of the masked killers twitched violently involuntarily, and their bones made a 'click-click' sound.

With his internal organs shattered, he could no longer hold on and collapsed to the ground. Bleeding from all orifices.

After a while, breathing and heartbeat stopped.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Xiaogang never took action personally, but simply relied on the pressure of gravity to eliminate these masked killers.

When Zhu Zhuqing was stunned to see such an astonishing sight in front of him, he was so shocked that he was speechless for a moment.

When Yu Xiaogang approached and passed Zhu Zhuqing, he suddenly remembered something.

He took out the jade bottle contained in the soul guide, reached out and handed it over and said lightly: "It's used to stop bleeding and heal injuries!"

Then he ignored the cold girl and turned around and drifted away.

Zhu Zhuqing came to his senses in a daze and took the jade bottle, with some residual warmth remaining in his hand. Smells an herbal aroma.

He raised his head and was about to say thank you.

I only had time to see Yu Xiaogang's tall and generous back not far away, gradually disappearing in the sunlight.

Soto City.

It is located in the center of the Lima Plain, the most fertile land in the Kingdom of Barak.

It is known as the granary of Balak.

Yu Xiaogang had the badge of a great soul master, and the soldiers just let him go after a routine inspection.

After entering the city, Yu Xiaogang planned to go to the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena to watch several spirit fighting matches.

The Soto Great Spirit Arena is located in the center of the city where Soto City is located. It is a huge oval-shaped building complex.

<divclass="contentadv" >There are multiple spirit fighting arenas inside, including a main spirit fighting arena and 24 sub-spirit fighting arenas.

This fighting spirit arena can accommodate 6 spectators at one time, including 100 luxury VIP boxes.

In addition to being a place for soul masters to compete and communicate, it is also seen as a stage for various forces and organizations to display their strength.

"The second soul skill - White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!"

"The third soul skill - White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

There was a fierce spirit battle at the level of a spirit master. The martial spirit of the tall blond boy caught Yu Xiaogang's attention.

The top beast spirit——White Tiger.

He can compete with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit for the title of the best beast spirit in the world.

A top-notch martial spirit that comes from the royal family of the Star Luo Empire and is only possessed by direct descendants.

Yu Xiaogang was very interested in such a powerful beast spirit. After all, the White Tiger Spirit, as a royal spirit, was rarely displayed outside.

In the fierce battle, White Tiger demonstrated its unparalleled power and strength as a top beast martial spirit.

Its speed, strength and attack power are far beyond ordinary martial arts. Every time it swings its claws, it can cause huge damage to the opponent.

The 'Third Soul of Thousand Years' was opened.

Even though his soul power level was only level 37, the blond boy still pressed his level 39 opponent on the ground and rubbed him.

Victory is decided.

"Let us congratulate the Evil-Eyed White Tiger on his victory. He defeated an opponent two levels higher than himself."

"This spirit battle is really intense and exciting!"

The audience burst into warm applause, and the battle ended with the host's enthusiastic shouts.

In Douluo Continent, unless there is a strong restraint relationship, it is difficult to have a one-sided situation in a battle of the same level.

For example, a fire-attribute martial spirit can fight against a plant martial spirit, or a water-attribute martial spirit can fight against a fire-attribute martial spirit.

However, this is not absolutely the case. A genius soul master can overcome the opponent's talent advantages or disadvantages through his own skills and tactics.

This kind of fight where you come and go, you move and I move, until the other party completely collapses, it's like playing house. Yu Xiaogang was not interested.

Battles between warriors usually decide the outcome or life and death in just a few encounters.

I am just very interested in the White Tiger Spirit that I have never seen before, and I can't help but be a little disappointed after seeing it.

It is the tacit cooperation and strategic skills between team battles that better reflect the wonderful charm of the unique system of Douluo Dalu.

Tian Ji races horses.

The weak defeat the strong.

Lure the enemy deeper.

This will make Yu Xiaogang feel happy about the opera performance of Douluo Dalu Fighting Soul.

That's right, an opera performance.

Regarding Yu Xiaogang's evaluation. Team battles are just a more exciting performance than individual battles.

Every spirit fight and every game is a drama with an unknown ending. Give full play to your wisdom and rack your brains to perform your best!

He got up and did not continue to watch the fighting spirit.

Get ready to taste the soul master delicacies of Soto City. A unique delicacy made with the soul skills of a great soul master combined with fresh soul beast ingredients.

The daily soul power is limited, and the delicacies produced are of course also limited.

There are many life-type soul masters in big cities like Soto City.

There is no way in this life to break through the bottom level 30 soul master.

After tasting the delicious food, Yu Xiaogang wandered around Soto City.

Start by acquiring the talent of the 'Golden Holy Dragon' – power control.

Yu Xiaogang's body is under "hundred times gravity" all the time, and he is being exercised all the time. And more efficient.

At this time.

I sensed a familiar scent.


Chapter 17 Embarrassed Flanders

Chapter 17 Embarrassed Flanders

I sensed that the familiar scent was coming from a slightly shabby shop.

The shop door is open. Yu Xiaogang walked straight in. It was a little dark inside the room.

Except for Yu Xiaogang, there was only one person in the whole store.

The only man was lying quietly on the wooden deck chair, eyes closed, enjoying the rocking of the deck chair.

There are objects hanging on the walls that look so broken and outdated that they look like a display of trashed junk.

Hearing the sound of Yu Xiaogang entering the door, the person on the recliner still did not open his eyes, nor did he say hello to Yu Xiaogang.

"Flanders?" Yu Xiaogang asked slightly confused.

In my memory, when we parted ways, Flanders was still in his prime.

At this time.

After hearing the words 'Flender', the man lying on the wicker chair immediately woke up and sat up suddenly.

Looked at Yu Xiaogang carefully. There was a look of surprise and curiosity on his face.

"Are you...? Xiaogang?" Flanders said with a somewhat uncertain tone, "Are you still his son?"

Flanders wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with gray hair on both sides, wide cheekbones, and a slightly long face with a slightly hawk-like beak.

He looks to be in his fifties, but has a very strong build.

"I am Yu Xiaogang," Yu Xiaogang replied, and then remembered his young appearance and explained: "Traveling around the mainland has some adventures."

Flanders frowned, with a trace of confusion and vigilance in his eyes.

You must know that with your level 78 soul saint cultivation, although your face is a bit old, it just looks old, and your body functions are still at their peak.

Yu Xiaogang, on the other hand, is still at the level of a 29th-level great soul master and cannot possibly look so young.

He has never heard of any kind of natural material and earthly treasure that can have such an excellent beauty-retaining effect.

"Yeah." The confusion in Flanders' eyes became more intense. He began to doubt Yu Xiaogang's identity.

Sensing Flanders' confusion, Yu Xiaogang thought for a moment, and then said: "Because of Erlong, we had a dispute."

"Do you still remember?"

As Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth, the secrets and embarrassing incidents between the two of them were revealed one by one.

"Okay! Okay! No need to say any more! I believe you!" Flanders interrupted quickly, who didn't have a youthful and frivolous past.

I talk about being a teenager, but a good man doesn't mention his bravery in the past.

Hearing those embarrassing past events again, Flanders was so ashamed that he wanted to hide his face in his crotch.

a while.

"You and Erlong." Flanders said with a slightly complicated look, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"It's all over. It's God's will. I don't know how to face Erlong." Yu Xiaogang interrupted. Somewhat emotional.

Flanders has always had a crush on Liu Erlong, but has never expressed his feelings.

However, when he learned that Liu Erlong had chosen Yu Xiaogang, Flender was determined to fulfill his wish and buried his love for Liu Erlong in his heart.

It turns out that 'Yu Xiaogang' heard the shocking news during his wedding to Erlong. He felt that he no longer had the face to face Liu Erlong.

So he fled the wedding scene and headed in one direction alone. He died of exhaustion for three days and three nights.

This is how Yu Xiaogang is today.

"I know where Erlong is, you can go find her!" Flender's voice rose, a little excited: "She has been waiting for you all these years!"

well! I hate men and women, but I am no longer the original Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang sighed slightly and thought to himself.


Inexplicably, a feeling of sadness surged in Yu Xiaogang's heart.

<divclass="contentadv" >Feeling empty and lost.

Obsession? !

Press down on the rising emotions. Yu Xiaogang's tone was a little stiff: "We can't be together, you know!"

"But" Flanders still wanted to speak.

"Okay Flanders, how have you been these past years?" Yu Xiaogang changed the subject and found an excuse to change the subject.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang doesn't know how to face this century's problem.

In the previous life, the young master was so energetic that he directly married the gentle, beautiful, generous and wealthy senior sister in his family. Mainly rich!

Although he is not a junior brother, he does not have much emotional experience to draw from.

For Liu Erlong in memory, it is just equivalent to watching a highly immersive movie.

Flanders could tell that Yu Xiaogang was changing the subject, but he still cooperated and talked about his experiences of more than ten years.

"Me! I and a few like-minded old brothers don't want to be driven by the nobles, nor do we want to work hard for Wuhun Palace."

"A martial arts academy has been opened just outside Soto City, and several apprentices have been recruited to teach."

"With this small shop, I can live a pretty good life."

"What about you? You haven't sent us a single letter in all these years."

"You look so young. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

He is still quite curious about the young and handsome Yu Xiaogang.

"I have broken through the level 30 barrier." Yu Xiaogang said, and then stopped.

"No more!" Flanders looked stunned, his voice rising a bit.

"No," Yu Xiaogang felt something was wrong and added, "There is a major breakthrough in martial arts research!"

The evolution of the martial spirit into the 'Golden Holy Dragon' and its fusion and sublimation into the 'original martial spirit' were more than a major breakthrough.

However, except for Yu Xiaogang, who has a 'seeing god' level mind, no one can achieve the fusion of martial arts.

Hearing this, Flanders smiled and tried to invite:

"Would you like to come to my college to be a tutor and accept a student to verify your achievements over the years?"

"Back then, you had been studying martial arts knowledge painstakingly, didn't you just want to prove yourself on Douluo Continent?"

"This is a good opportunity"

"Instructor?" Yu Xiaogang was slightly taken aback and asked instead of directly agreeing: "What is the name of the soul master academy you open?"

"Shrek Academy!" Flanders said.

"There doesn't seem to be an advanced soul master academy called 'Shrek Academy' in Soto City?" Yu Xiaogang asked with some confusion.

Before he came to Soto City, he had inquired about important information here.

Apart from the Wuhun Palace Advanced Soul Master Academy and the Soto City Advanced Soul Master Academy, I have never heard of other advanced soul master academies.

"This..." Flanders was a little embarrassed, hesitating and unable to speak.

Although it is called 'Academy', it is located in a small village outside Soto City. The academy is remote and simple, with few students and inconvenient transportation.

There is not even a perfect training ground. Not to mention an 'advanced soul master academy', it's not even a junior or intermediate soul master academy.

The biggest advantage of this 'Shrek Academy' is Flanders and his old brothers.

The teaching staff is said to be strong!

Flanders is the flying corner of the golden iron triangle!

The soul power level is as high as level 78, a high-level soul saint.

Except for the advanced soul master academies supported by some top forces.

Ordinary high-end colleges don't have strong soul saints to teach them. And he is a high-level soul saint.

Chapter 18 Huh? ! Is this Shrek Academy?

Chapter 18? ! Is this Shrek Academy?

Inside the store.

Looking at Flanders, who was hesitating and speechless, Yu Xiaogang then said, "What's the inconvenience?"

"Ahem. Shrek Academy is not a big college." Flender said evasively, trying to cover up the true situation of the academy.

"But if you ask around Soto City, we are still very well-known."

"We only recruit monster students, and we take the elite route."

"The admission conditions are extremely demanding, and the requirements for students' talent and quality are extremely high."

"You must be no more than 13 years old, your soul power must reach level 21 or above, and both soul rings must be century-old soul rings."

"Any soul master who can graduate from Shrek Academy has become a famous soul master in the mainland."

His enthusiasm continued to rise, and he described the various benefits of Shrek Academy endlessly.

Talk about it as if it were unique in the world.

It is like a holy place where genius soul masters gather. ?

"I didn't expect there to be such a mysterious and powerful academy in Soto City?" Yu Xiaogang was doubtful, but he was quite interested.

"Would you like to meet my monster student? It will definitely open your eyes to the martial arts and talents that are unique in the world." Flanders said with some pride.

"Didn't you once tell me that one day you will cultivate a genius soul master who will shock the mainland?"

This was the dream of the former 'Master Yu Xiaogang', who knew that he might not be able to cross the thirty-level chasm in his lifetime.

Even if there is another chance to cross the chasm, so what, he will only be a soul master for a lifetime.

There is no chance to become a powerful soul master, no chance to climb to the pinnacle of soul masters - Titled Douluo.

Let 'Master Yu Xiaogang' switch to studying martial arts knowledge.

He wanted to prove himself by cultivating a genius soul master who would shock the continent.

"No problem! I really want to see it with my own eyes!" There was no reason to refuse such an invitation, so Yu Xiaogang readily accepted it.

He was very interested in learning about the monster students at Shrek Academy that Flanders said.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang now wants to stay in Soto City for a while, so temporarily staying in Shrek Academy is a good choice.

Hear the words.

"Then let's set off now!" Flanders said with some urgency.

After Flender quickly closed the shop, he led Yu Xiaogang towards the south of Soto City, which was the direction of Shrek Academy.

We walked through the bustling streets of Soto City, passing many shops and stalls along the way.

After leaving the south of the city, we walked a short distance.

I found a small village ahead. It was a wide open space surrounded by some buildings and trees.

I didn't find anything similar to the building signs of the college.

Flanders stopped in front of the wooden archway at the entrance of the village.

Why did you stop? Yu Xiaogang was about to ask.

"We're here." Flanders said at this time.

what! ?

"Is this the Shrek Academy you're talking about?"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes looked like, 'Are you kidding me? ' look.

The wide open space around it is only dotted with scattered village houses and some tall forest trees. Scenes like this can be seen everywhere throughout Douluo Continent.

Flanders stepped forward, picked up a piece of wooden board that looked a bit tattered next to it, and hung it on the arch.

It turned out to be a plaque!

Engraved on it are five simple words - Shrek Academy!

In front of these five words, there is an image of a monster-like humanoid head. Its green face looks round and cute.

"The conditions must be more difficult to cultivate soul masters with a stronger will." Flanders patted the dust on his hands. Bragging shamelessly.

Look at the pride and elation on Flanders' long face.

<divclass="contentadv" > Yu Xiaogang was unable to complain, so he could only lower his head silently, sighing secretly: Flanders really hasn't changed at all. No, he has become even more shameless.

The memory of Flanders is also much clearer.

"Don't worry, Monster Student will never let you down." Flanders raised his glasses and said with confidence in his eyes.

While Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were talking, a blond boy approached from a distance.

"Dean Flanders, why are you back so early!" He said in surprise.

Yu Xiaogang turned around when he heard the sound. It's him!

This blond boy is the owner of the White Tiger Spirit, the spirit master who fought fiercely in the Soto Spirit Arena.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, with broad shoulders and long golden hair hanging down his back.

Straight down to near the waist. The eyes are a little strange, with brown pupils and strange dark blue pupils.

"It's Mubai! You're here at the right time!" Flanders said warmly and familiarly: "Let me introduce you to the new teacher in the academy!"

"The number one person in martial arts theory in Douluo Continent—the 'master' that everyone in the soul master world knows!"

at this time.

"Uh, Flanders, I didn't agree to be your teacher at Shrek Academy!" Yu Xiaogang said suddenly and interjected.

It was really hard to resist Flanders' enthusiasm.

"They're all the same! They're all the same! We haven't seen each other for so many years. Xiaogang stayed with us." Flanders laughed and didn't care, and waved his hand.

"Let me introduce you to Dai Mubai - a level 37 soul master with a top-notch beast martial soul - White Tiger, Shrek's monster student!"

"This is a 15-year-old soul master. Are you interested in teaching him?"

Flender introduced the golden boy to Yu Xiaogang with some pride as if he were selling something.

15-year-old Soul Master?

For Douluo Continent, he should be the kind of top genius.

That has the potential to become a Titled Douluo! ! !

Flanders knew exactly how much attention such a talent would receive from a Titled Douluo seed.

He felt that no one would refuse to be the teacher of such a talented soul master. What's more, a martial soul theory master like Yu Xiaogang.

So rare!

As soon as a genius soul master among the common people awakens, he will be attracted and absorbed by the major forces and the Spirit Hall.

As a result, it will be difficult to find satisfactory closed disciples.

"No need! I've seen his fighting spirit. He is indeed a genius." Yu Xiaogang said lightly, although there was no mockery in his tone.

However, he showed an attitude of not caring at all. He didn't take the 15-year-old soul leader Dai Mubai seriously.

As for martial arts, Yu Xiaogang has no intention of passing it on to others.

As a founder of new martial arts, he does not have the strong desire to inherit the old martial arts.

He is committed to creating his own martial arts path and climbing to a higher peak of martial arts. There is no energy to teach students.

"It's okay Xiaogang, our college will be recruiting people in a few days." Flanders was a little shocked when he heard the rejection, but still said with a smile.

"There is also the mainland's only food martial spirit with full innate soul power! There is also the mutant martial spirit Evil Fire Phoenix!"

After so many years, there is finally news about Yu Xiaogang. Erlong must be notified.

At this time.

Yu Xiaogang's disapproving attitude seemed to arouse the displeasure of the young man named Dai Mubai. Speaking rudely:

"Oh! I wonder what level this 'master' is? He can't be a great soul master, right?"

Chapter 19 Zhao Wuji Beating the Children

Chapter 19 Zhao Wuji beating the children

"Mubai!" Flanders shouted sharply. He was very angry at Dai Mubai's words.

Flanders knew that this was an eternal pain point in the heart of 'Master Yu Xiaogang'. A hurdle that cannot be avoided in a lifetime.

His face was full of anger, and the aura of a high-level soul saint spread out involuntarily. But he took it back instantly.

"Xiaogang has already broken through the level 30 barrier."

"Do you understand that you only have level 0.5 innate soul power! Based on your research on martial souls!"

"With years of research! Breaking through to the soul master realm! How amazing it is! Do you understand!"

After Flanders said this in an excited tone, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Soul Master is not qualified to teach me!" Dai Mubai defended somewhat unconvinced.

With the strength of the White Tiger Martial Spirit, I think there are few opponents among the Soul Masters.

"Forget it! I'm really not qualified!" Yu Xiaogang's eyes turned slightly cold and he said to Flanders.

Even if what he said was harmful to Yu Xiaogang's face, it was just a 15-year-old boy's slightly impulsive words.

He didn't reveal that he was already a high-level soul saint. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't want to argue with a young man.

Seeing that Dai Mubai still wanted to speak. Flanders snorted coldly and said in a stern tone: "Mubai, apologize!"

Dai Mubai's mouth was still full of dissatisfaction and he opened his mouth.

But under pressure from Flanders.

"I'm sorry, Master!" he admitted, lowering his head.

"Forget it! We haven't seen each other for a long time, Flanders. Let's sit down somewhere and have a good chat." Yu Xiaogang changed the subject.

Then propose.

"Do you have any special delicacies? You have to treat me well!"

I also don't want to worry about it too much for the sake of my old friend Flanders. If you meet this young man outside.

It's not like killing people.

But it will also help give the predecessor a little lesson that will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will introduce you to some old friends." Flender calmed down his cold expression. He said with a smile.

Ignoring Dai Mubai, he led Yu Xiaogang towards Shrek Academy.

A few days later.

Flender found Yu Xiaogang's residence.

"Yesterday I saw the flaw in the martial soul of my apprentice Evil Fire Phoenix. How is it? Is there any way to solve it?"

Flanders had a worried look on his face. He asked with an expectant tone.

That Ma Hongjun was his adopted disciple, he was also a flying bird martial spirit. Even though he was called his disciple, he was actually no different from his biological son.

Although his mutated martial spirit has the strength of a top martial spirit.

But there is also a huge shortcoming that the evil fire burns the body and the need to have sex with women to release sexual desire. Otherwise, there is a risk of body explosion.

Flender placed his hope on Yu Xiaogang, hoping to get rid of or overcome this defect by relying on Yu Xiaogang's research on martial arts.

After Yu Xiaogang listened to Flanders' narration, he nodded and said:

"I do have some ideas to try out.

It will take some experimentation and observation to see if this is possible, though. "

"After all, it's better to be careful about the level of martial arts!"

Regarding martial arts and the body, Yu Xiaogang is still very strict in terms of safety.

Regarding his own problems, Yu Xiaogang can boldly experiment at will, and the physical 'spirit' will not care about this risk at all.

But Ma Hongjun's weak body may not be able to withstand such torture. The evil fire originated from the same root as him, and it is both a flaw and an origin.

"You really have to be careful!" Flanders nodded in agreement. Very concerned about Ma Hongjun's own safety.

There was a pause.

Then Yu Xiaogang proposed a temporary solution.

"I can first prepare some medicine to help him suppress the evil fire temporarily. This way, the evil fire will not delay his practice."

The first generation of mutated martial spirits were extremely unstable existences. That evil fire is the origin of his martial soul.

<divclass="contentadv" >It is best not to suppress yourself for a long time. You should rely on the guidance of your own mind to control this power. Promote the perfect evolution of martial souls.

But the young and gentle Ma Hongjun obviously couldn't do it and needed a little outside help.

How good is martial arts? Or a soul beast?

"Trouble!" Flender replied, and then thought of something, "Today is Shrek Academy's admissions day, do you want to go and take a look."

Yu Xiaogang's heart moved. He had seen Oscar and Ma Hongjun's martial arts, and was very interested in the Shrek freshmen taking part in the assessment.

So he said to Flanders: "Then let's go over and take a look now!"

Go out together.

The fourth level assessment.

You can see Zhao Wuji beating the children from a distance.

"There are four people this year?" Flanders was a little surprised. Then he frowned and said, "Why is it Zhao Wuji who is conducting the assessment? This is nonsense!"

Yu Xiaogang looked around and saw that among the four people on the field, there was a cold woman.

It's actually her!

Is it so fateful?

"You didn't have no one in the past, right?" Yu Xiaogang next to you asked doubtfully: "Flender, you don't know what to insist on in this monster academy."

"How come? There were one or two in previous years. But we haven't received any students in the past two years." Flanders answered vaguely.

Could it be that the reputation has spread? Everyone knows that you, Flanders, are unreliable.

But Flanders is a Soul Saint, so there should be many forces wooing him.

At this time.

Something happened on the field and the assessment was stopped immediately.

A woman in pink clothes and bunny ears fainted on the ground and was held in the arms of an ordinary-looking boy.


"We are competing again, and I hope to have a serious fight with you!"

"Please light a stick of incense!"

"If I last longer than a stick of incense!"

"Then please allow the four of us to pass the assessment!"

As the young man finished communicating with Zhao Wuji. A stick of incense was lit.

On the field, the assessment begins again.

A series of attacks sounded, matching the boy's unique pace.

As time went by, the young man's performance became more and more outstanding, and he flexibly used the power of Blue Silver Grass.

Constantly dodging Zhao Wuji's attacks and counterattacking. There are injuries to each other.

You can also see that Zhao Wuji was defeated by this young man.

Yu Xiaogang never expected to see such a legacy in Douluo Continent.

That peculiar pace and martial arts. Use special hidden weapon techniques with white jade hands.

I feel that there are still many things worth exploring in Douluo Continent.

"Is this a disciple of some big family?" He turned to Flanders and asked.

"Twin martial spirits! Clear Sky Hammer!?" Flanders did not answer, staring at the last method used by the young man in the field, and said in surprise.

The number one sect in the world—Haotian Sect!

When Yu Xiaogang became Soul Saint, he wanted to compete with Tang Hao.

Unexpectedly, it was the Haotian Sect that was forced to seal the mountain, and the Haotian Douluo also disappeared without a trace.

Yu Xiaogang felt very disappointed and regretful when he learned that Tang Hao was missing. It was too easy for Douluo to hide in the vast continent.

oh? Mental warning.

He sensed a powerful and obscure aura.

Faintly locked on Zhao Wuji.

Chapter 20 No one wants to become the disciple of 'Soul Lord' Yu Xiaogang

Chapter 20 No one wants to become the disciple of 'Soul Lord' Yu Xiaogang

"Tiled Douluo?! Interesting!"

Yu Xiaogang thought this in his heart.

Being able to trigger this level of mental warning is enough to cause him harm.

Since the achievement of the 'Martial Arts Golden Body', apart from those hundred thousand year old soul beast kings, no other creature has been able to achieve this.

After the assessment is over.

Flanders and Yu Xiaogang walked slowly towards the assessment office. Four boys and girls have already passed towards it.

With a faint smile on his face, Flanders first praised the young man who was competing with Zhao Wuji.

"What a monster! A great soul master can hold on for a stick of incense under the hands of a soul saint, and today's young people!"

"Ah, isn't this Zhao Wuji? How did he become like this?"

Then he turned his head and looked at Zhao Wuji, who had a bruised nose and face due to the poisonous weapon, with a smile on his face, pretending to be surprised.

"Flanders, you don't know that this kid is a hedgehog."

Hearing Flender's voice, Zhao Wuji raised his head and defended.

Dai Mubai, who was standing next to him, also introduced to the young girls: "The one wearing glasses is our dean Flanders, a level 78 soul saint."

Then his tone suddenly lowered and Dai Mubai whispered.

"The guy next to me is a good friend of the dean. He eats and drinks in the college. He's just a soul master!"

At this moment, Flanders' sharp eyes suddenly drifted towards their direction and glared at Dai Mubai.

A chill ran down Dai Mubai's back, and then he closed his mouth.

Flanders then spoke:

"There are actually four little monsters this year."

"I, Flender, the principal of Shrek Academy, welcome you on behalf of the academy."

"Introduce yourself to everyone!"

"Ning Rongrong, level 26 auxiliary soul master, Martial Spirit Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

This is the appearance of a noble little princess dressed in pure blue with a sapphire hanging on her chest. He spoke.

"Zhu Zhuqing, level 27 agility spirit master, martial spirit ghost cat."

This is a beautiful girl in black leather clothes with snow-white skin and a cold expression. Yu Xiaogang knows this.

"Tang San, level 29 control spirit master, martial spirit blue silver grass."

The young man who was fighting with Zhao Wuji spoke up, and Xiao Wu, who was holding the fainted figure in his arms, helped her.

"Her name is Xiao Wu, my sister, a level 29 agility and attack type soul master, and a martial soul soft-bone rabbit."

Flender listened carefully to the introduction, then gave up his seat and began to introduce 'Yu Xiaogang'.

"This is the master, the first person in mainland China's martial arts theory, and also a new teacher. If you have any questions about martial arts, just contact him."

At this time, I did not forget to promote Yu Xiaogang.

I hope Yu Xiaogang can convince these little monsters with his profound knowledge of martial arts theory. Take on a satisfied disciple.

"Mubai, please take them to stay and call Oscar to treat their injuries.

Introduce the academy to them. Meet tomorrow morning. "

Dai Mubai nodded and said to Flender, "Dean, let's go back to the dormitory first."

He extended his hand to greet Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and the others, and led them back to the dormitory to rest.

After these boys and girls leave.

"How can I tell if there are any monsters that I like?" Flanders said softly, "How about Tang San with twin martial spirits! He is destined to be famous in the mainland."

"Besides, I have no intention of accepting a disciple. Don't keep introducing me disciples."

Really feeling a little tempered by Flanders, Yu Xiaogang shook his head helplessly and said.

The conversation turned.

"I'm more interested in his skills and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit."

The matter of the martial soul defect of my old friend Flanders's disciple has not been resolved yet.

<divclass="contentadv" >I will stay in Shrek Academy for a while, and there will be some contact later. It will not be too late to study this 'Blue Silver Grass'.

"Haha, it seems you are still very interested in these little monsters. Are you really not interested?" Flanders asked with a smile.

"Breaking through the natural chasm, my wish is over. I still have to climb to the peak of the soul master, so I don't have time to teach my disciples." Yu Xiaogang shrugged.

Of course I have time, but I'm just too lazy to stop. I'm busy breaking through the level 80 Soul Douluo to hunt down the king of soul beasts - the 'Azure Bull Python'.

There are also some clues in martial arts. My travels these past few years have not been in vain.

"You..." Flanders was speechless.

This talent will end in a lifetime as a soul master. Talking about climbing to the peak of soul masters is just an excuse.

I really don't know why Yu Xiaogang is no longer persistent.

See through? Or give up?

Shaking his head and no longer thinking about it, Flanders sighed.

"It's the Haotian Sect, the Qibao Glazed Sect, and Prince Xingluo. These monsters are getting together, which will cause trouble in the future."

"I see you are enjoying it." Yu Xiaogang joked. "How much is the tuition fee?"

Now I know why I only teach a few students but support the entire Shrek Academy.

This is either a prince or a princess, or the eldest young master.

The truth is that if it doesn't open for three years, it will last for three years if it opens.

"Keep it secret." Flanders smiled.

"It is said that this 'master' is the number one person in martial arts theory, but who in the world of soul masters doesn't know that he only has innate soul power level 0 and 5?"

"Don't be fooled by his enigmatic appearance."

"Go out and ask around. Who in the soul master world has not thought he was a clown over the years. They thought he was a joke!"

"Even if he breaks through the barrier in these years, the most he can achieve in this life is Soul Master!"

Dai Mubai took four junior students to introduce the academy. Then he started to complain to Yu Xiaogang with a look of disdain on his face.

The last time he was forced to bow his head and admit his mistake, Dai Mubai felt humiliated, which made the arrogant Dai Mubai feel resentful about it.

"Is a little soul master worthy of teaching us monsters?"

"I'm afraid you will break through Soul Master and surpass him in a few months."

"If he hadn't been a friend of Dean Flanders, with his appearance, I wouldn't have been able to teach him a lesson."

"If he wants you to become his disciple, you must refuse."

Dai Mubai's tone revealed his dissatisfaction and contempt for Yu Xiaogang. He believed that Yu Xiaogang was not qualified to teach these monster students.

"Does this teacher only have the cultivation level of a Soul Lord? My janitor is also a Soul Lord." Ning Rongrong agreed.

Tang San also nodded in agreement, the Shrek Academy teacher in Dai Mubai's mouth.

Either the Soul Saint or the Soul Emperor.

The soul master's cultivation is indeed more conspicuous among them.

At this time.

"You are going too far!"

"You don't understand the master's terrifying strength. He is just too lazy to argue with you!"

Zhu Zhuqing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

She had seen Yu Xiaogang's terrifying strength. He is also very grateful to Yu Xiaogang who saved him.

I thought I had no chance to repay him, but I didn't expect to meet him again at Shrek Academy.

"Zhuqing!" Dai Mubai said with some confusion in his tone, "He is just a little Soul Lord!"

He didn't understand why Zhu Zhuqing would speak for Yu Xiaogang.

The atmosphere became tense.