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Chapter 11 Ring Explosion! The Infinite Heaven-shaking Seal!

Chapter 11 Ring explosion! The Infinite Heaven-shaking Seal!

"The Infinite Shocking Light Sword!" A golden light blade about three meters long flashed past.

"Roar——" The Silver Moon One-horned Flood roared in pain, and its head was hit by the sharp 'Infinite Jinglang Sword'.

Later, a small wound gradually appeared, several meters long.

It was only a few minor injuries for such a behemoth.

But at the same moment, the intense pain that suddenly hit him strongly stimulated the cruel side of this soul beast's nature.

Become more aggressive.

The body of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood soared into the air and galloped away, leaving a silver trail in the air.

Sharp claws cut through the air, making a harsh whistling sound.

Faced with such an attack, Yu Xiaogang did not dare to be careless and reacted quickly to dodge.

"What a fast speed!" Yu Xiaogang was secretly surprised.

His eyes were fixed on the movements of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood. He knew that this powerful 30,000-year-old soul beast was extraordinary.

With its 100-meter-long body and dragon bloodline, it is like a genius among human soul masters who can leapfrog challenges, comparable to ordinary 50,000-year-old soul beasts.

At this time, he noticed the wounds on the body of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon.

"The soul power of the soul master level is still too low. If it is more than ten meters long, the infinite shocking light sword should be able to cut off its head with one sword."

"With his current soul power, he can still concentrate and use the 'Infinite Shocking Sword' three times." Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and made a quick judgment.

"Come on! Let you see what real power is!" Yu Xiaogang whispered, with a firm determination in his eyes.

One of the yellow soul rings slowly rose up, suddenly lit up, and exploded with a bang.

"Secret skill - ring explosion!!!"

This is the secret discovered while studying Wuhun Luo Sanpao in Notting City.

By blowing up the soul ring, the power of the soul ring can be fully unleashed. Each soul ring can launch one attack.

Facing and killing the Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon.

"The Infinite Heaven-shaking Seal!!!" Yu Xiaogang raised his hands to make the seal, as if a god had descended into the world.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the Wuji Heaven-shaking Seal hit the Silver Moon One-horned Jiao's body hard.

The raging shock waves impacted the hard scales of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood and penetrated into its body.

It was torn apart inside its body, blood splattering everywhere.

The huge impact caused the sea surface to shake violently, and high waves were stirred up on the sea surface.

Let out a painful roar.

''The Wuji Heaven-shaking Seal'' is a unique skill created in the previous life, used to fight against enemies in tank armor.

Through unique techniques, the power of vibration is used to penetrate the tank armor and directly attack the operators inside.

The core of this unique skill is vibration, which represents the unparalleled domineering power in martial arts in previous lives.

Now, it combines the characteristics of soul power and is enhanced with the secret skill "ring blast" to reach an extremely powerful level.

The Silver Moon One-horned Flood resurfaced after suffering a heavy blow.

The single horn on its head shone brightly.

It is its soul beast's innate skill "Silver Moon Wave Slash".

Every time it lights up, it's accompanied by a sharp shock wave. Heading towards Yu Xiaogang.

This wave slash has powerful destructive power and can easily destroy surrounding objects and creatures.

Knowing that the life force of this giant silver dragon is extremely strong, it may not kill him immediately.

Yu Xiaogang still maintained a high degree of vigilance, always ready to deal with any possible threats.

No attempt was made to resist such an attack. He jumped up to avoid it. Avoid being hit by that powerful force.

<divclass="contentadv" >Falling from the air, Yu Xiaogang's target this time was the vital part of the silver dragon.

Blow up a yellow soul ring again and get a huge increase.

"Exploding Ring - Wuji Heaven-shaking Seal!"

This "Endless Heaven-shaking Seal" directly hit the head of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon.


Through its hard skull, it turned its brain upside down.

The Silver Moon One-horned Flood screamed in pain, and its body kept twitching on the ground, as if it was suffering from tremendous pain.

Experiencing severe trauma and realizing its impending death, the creature's attacks intensify.

It opened its bloody mouth, exposed its sharp fangs, and launched an even stronger attack on Yu Xiaogang.

Its tail was waving wildly, trying to wrap around Yu Xiaogang and drag him into the water.

At the same time, its sharp claws also streaked through the air, flashing with cold light, ready to stab Yu Xiaogang's vitals at any time.

The muscles under the silver scales were tense, revealing its inner anger and unwillingness; however, none of this could change its dying life.

Facing this ferocious creature, Yu Xiaogang remained calm and did not take any further action.

He moved quickly to the distant rocks, looking for a safe place to escape this last madness.

Waiting for the Silver Moon One-horned Flood to gradually lose its power before ending its life.


Yuxiao, who was a little tired after the ring explosion, just took a breath and sighed: "It's really shocking vitality!"

This battle is also the most powerful enemy he has faced since his rebirth.

At the same time, he was somewhat proud. He was very satisfied and proud of the power of the 'Wuji Heaven-shaking Seal' that he had improved by combining his soul power.

This magical martial spirit and soul power allowed him to transcend the limitations of his previous life! This achievement makes him feel very satisfied and excited!

Not a moment.

The water splash caused by the struggle of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood slowly weakens

He began to gradually lose the power to resist. Those pupils had become dim, like candles that were about to go out.

Time passed by, and the surrounding environment became quiet and peaceful.

The huge body of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon. Lying there quietly, motionless, like a statue.

Yu Xiaogang walked over slowly, gathered his soul power and punched the head, completely cutting off its vitality.

The body of the Silver Moon Horned Flood gradually cooled down, and a dark and deep black soul ring slowly emerged from the body.

Looking at this black soul ring, Yu Xiaogang's mood was indescribable.

This is the goal he has been pursuing for many years, and it is also a verification of his theory of martial arts.

Absorb a soul beast with powerful dragon bloodline, and use the high-intensity soul power and bloodline energy.

Let the weak Luo Sanpao martial spirit make up for his innate flaws and evolve into the legendary 'Golden Holy Dragon'.

I found a relatively safe place, sat down cross-legged, closed my eyes and concentrated.

This is the lair of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon. The battle that just happened caused those weak soul beasts to scatter in all directions.

The aura of the Silver Moon One-horned Jiao still lingers around, and no soul beast will disturb Yu Xiaogang in a short time.

Yu Xiaogang understands the preciousness of this opportunity, but he also knows that this process is not easy.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing a little, and began to prepare to absorb the soul ring.

Chapter 12 Absorbing the soul ring! The 1 meter long golden holy dragon!

Chapter 12 Absorbing the soul ring! One meter long golden holy dragon!

Under the pull of the soul power, the ten thousand year soul ring of the Silver Moon One-horned Flood slowly floated towards Yu Xiaogang who was sitting cross-legged.

As the energy of the ten thousand year soul ring gradually entered his body.

Yu Xiaogang felt a manic and domineering power surge in his blood and bones.

This power is like an endless wave, one wave after another.

He knew that this was the power of the soul ring changing his body. Yu Xiaogang concentrated on feeling the energy of the soul ring.

When the power of the soul ring in his body began to flow and finally merged with his own Wuhun Luo Sanpao.

Instantly, he felt the drastic change of the martial spirit in his mind, like a burning fire cooking oil.

"What a domineering power!"

At this moment, the black ten thousand year soul ring is fully integrated.

The spiritual entity formed by the resentment and hatred caused by the silver-moon one-horned dragon suddenly appeared in his mind.

It roared and frantically attacked the martial soul in its body, intending to destroy the martial soul and die with it.

"The ten-thousand-year soul ring is really extremely dangerous!" Looking at the natural disaster-like scene in the Consciousness Sea, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The ten-thousand-year soul beast's intelligence is greatly enhanced, and the danger of absorbing the ten-thousand-year soul ring has stopped countless soul masters in the mainland.

However, Yu Xiaogang was not afraid: "It's just the resentment of the remaining soul! How dare you be so rampant!"

A thought came to my mind.

Suddenly, a golden giant figure appeared, and he raised his palm as if covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

It captured the soul resentment of the huge dragon that was originally terrifying and weird.

Does it look as small as a tiny earthworm when it struggles?

This is the result of Yu Xiaogang's martial arts will and "seeing the gods" level of spiritual practice.

The golden giant gently rubbed his fingers, and the huge dragon's remnant soul was slowly erased and dissipated.

As the resentment of the dragon's remnant soul gradually dissipated.

In telepathy, his martial soul seemed to be undergoing a magical transformation.

Wuhun Luo Sanpao's extremely painful feelings were also passed on to Yu Xiaogang.

It is undergoing a special evolutionary process.

Its body was covered with dense cracks, and these cracks shone with golden light, as if they were a display of some mysterious power.


The golden power in Luo Sanpao's body reached its peak and emitted a bright light.

A deafening roar began. This voice resounded through the entire sea of ​​consciousness like thunder.

A brand new Luo Sanpao was born, and it was called the "Golden Holy Dragon".

The figure is graceful, and the scales shine with golden light. Its head is broad and majestic. His two eyes were bright and clear, as if he could see through everything.

The body is covered with a thick layer of golden scales, each one shining brightly as if made of gold.

The tail is long and powerful. It seems to be the incarnation of a god, and its majesty cannot be ignored.

Although it is only about 1 meter in size, it exudes a sacred atmosphere that cannot be ignored.

It worked!

Luo Sanpao in this form is the 'Golden Holy Dragon' formed by using martial soul fusion skills with the second dragon Flanders.

Luo Sanpao's mutation was not just a malignant mutation, but the result of failing to mutate towards a higher-level dragon.

The dragon body from the encounter with the two dragons became the body, and Flanders' soul power was used as the catalyst.

Briefly activating the bloodline deep in Luo Sanpao's soul, he transformed into a powerful 'Golden Holy Dragon'.

I realized that maybe this was the essence of Luo Sanpao, but the conditions for the birth of such a god-level martial spirit were too harsh.

It absorbed all the innate soul power of the young Yu Xiaogang and did not undergo transformation.

Because all the innate soul power was used to nurture the martial soul, Yu Xiaogang awakened the martial soul, but only had level 0.5 soul power.

<divclass="contentadv" >Became a useless martial spirit "Luo Sanpao" without powerful abilities.

If Yu Xiaogang could cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo and absorb dragon-like soul beasts with powerful bloodline, he might be able to successfully transform.

As for the level 0.5 innate soul power, the native Yu Xiaogang could not break through the level barrier.

At this time, the warrior Yu Xiaogang was reborn and started practicing Wuji Zhuang Gong again.

Relying on the rich resources of Douluo Continent, he takes secret medicine and eats soul beast meat every day.

After three years of hard training, I have successfully tempered my body and exchanged blood, reborn, and fully explored the body's potential.

Easily broke through the level 30 barrier.

He also used his powerful Martial Saint body to leapfrog and absorb the 30,000-year-old dragon soul beast as his third soul ring.

With the help of the wisdom and theoretical foundation left by 'Master Yu Xiaogang', combined with your own experience and courage, you can try and verify it.

Only then was the birth of today's golden sacred dragon.

After absorbing all the power of the ten thousand year soul ring.

Yu Xiaogang didn't pay much attention to soul skills or the innate skills of Silver Moon One-horned Jiao.

Therefore, most of his soul ring power is used to enhance his body and soul power.

More is stronger, bigger is more beautiful!

The focus of martial arts and warrior pursuits is purity, having a solid and strong body, extreme speed and powerful strength.

After all, soul skills are not the result of one's own cultivation. No matter how well one possesses and uses them, they cannot surpass the soul beast itself.

The human body has certain limits, and ordinary soul masters can only exert about 70% of their limits.

Geniuses can exert 90% of their strength.

However, a powerful warrior can master himself perfectly and exert 100% of his strength.

A martial saint like Yu Xiaogang can even perform beyond his level and reach a level beyond his own strength.

This phenomenon is called "Martial Arts Limit". During the training process of a warrior.

They gradually break through their own limits through constant exercise and sharpening of their bodies and minds.

And finally achieve perfect control and exert all your strength.

This ability requires long-term accumulation and firm willpower, and only a few people can truly achieve it.

If you can release the restraints of your body and compress your cells to the extreme, you can instantly produce dozens of times more strength.

It can show the posture of being possessed by a god, which is a desperate move.

Only a 'god-seeing' person like Yu Xiaogang can master such a trick.

So the third soul ring.

It's not a powerful attacking soul skill.

The miscellaneous bloodline and talent skills of the 'Silver Moon One-horned Jiao' have been eliminated.

Instead, it only absorbed the flexibility and hardness of the dragon body, as well as the huge soul power, and was born with a permanent passive increase!

Golden Bloodline - Improve all aspects of your body by 5%!

The subconscious mind can have an impact on martial arts, making it easier for specific soul skills to appear under specific conditions.

For example, when a person desires some great power.

His subconscious mind may lead him to be more likely to obtain the attacking soul skills of the soul beast.

Although the subconscious mind cannot directly affect the ability of the martial spirit, it only affects the performance of the martial spirit through personal wishes and beliefs.

But Yu Xiaogang is determined in his heart.

only need to.

Pure soul power!

Pure flesh!

Pure power!

Chapter 13 Awakening the original martial soul! Indestructible golden body!

Chapter 13 Awakening the original martial soul! Indestructible golden body!

Staring at the golden holy dragon, it shines with divine and dazzling light.

"Let us merge into one!" Yu Xiaogang said solemnly.There is still one last step left.

He went through a lot of hard work to evolve his martial soul.

It's not about becoming someone like Douluo Dalu who shouts "possessed by a martial spirit".

Then the beast spirit master can only obtain some of the characteristics of the spirit. How can a martial spirit be such an inconvenience!

Following Yu Xiaogang's words.

A giant figure with bright golden light appeared again, and the newly generated golden holy dragon spirit slowly blended into it.

The golden figure of the giant gradually became clearer. His body was tall and burly, emitting endless light.

Every inch of his body shone with dazzling golden light, as if it were made of pure gold.

The gleaming golden holy dragon martial spirit condensed into a vivid tattoo, which was attached to the giant's thick body surface full of charm.

It seems to come naturally from deep inside.

Yu Xiaogang had such a conjecture when he was first reborn.

Humans are soul beasts!

Everyone is the original martial soul!

The ancient human soul beast itself did not have a strong body or powerful innate soul skills!

So weak!

The only extraordinary abilities they possess are extreme fecundity and the ability to powerfully and ruthlessly prey on various animals, plants, and other creatures.

For thousands of years. Gradually plunder the talented bloodlines of various soul beasts and inherit them. After a long period of time, this trait differentiates them from the soul beasts.

The huge base of people allows countless soul beast bloodlines to circulate in human genes.

With the continuous fusion and mutation, sometimes it is weak and sometimes it is extremely powerful.

As a result, based on self-awareness, martial arts spirits like swords, guns, swords and halberds evolved, resembling the claws of a tiger, the head and horns of an ox.

It's called: 'Weapon Martial Soul'!

From the plant spirit beast's talent of being able to condense fruits, it evolved into martial arts spirits such as bread and candies that are familiar to human memory.

It's called: "Food Soul"!

Some powerful martial souls may be miracles born through multiple mutations and countless coincidences, combining the characteristics of various powerful soul beasts.

The martial soul at the beginning may be extremely unstable, and it will not be stable until a soul master who has cultivated to the level of titled Douluo is born.

Martial spirit is the essence of human beings!

People's habits are also affected by martial arts, such as lust, greed, warlikeness, viciousness, bloodthirsty, etc.

People are also the martial soul itself!

And Yu Xiaogang wanted to completely integrate the bloodline of the Golden Holy Dragon Spirit into his body.

Become the original martial spirit! Become a young 'Golden Holy Dragon' in human form!

Let it completely inherit the power of the martial spirit and the bloodline talent!

Dragon lair.

Yu Xiaogang is sitting cross-legged on the rock with his eyes closed.


A ripple went in all directions.

Feeling the unparalleled power of the body, feeling like one punch can shake the whole world.

Rub! Rub! rub! Yellow - black! ! !

Comfortable! With Yu Xiaogang's perfect integration of the 'Golden Holy Dragon' martial spirit.

Luo Sanpao's previous soul skills had also been essentially sublimated.

The first soul skill: fart like thunder - turned into a passive soul skill - enhance soul power by 5%.

The second soul skill: fart like smoke - became a passive soul skill - strengthen the body by 5%.

The innate magical power of the Golden Holy Dragon was also born! !

One is the majesty that is as inviolable as the sun - the power of the dragon!

"Suppressing the strength of the creatures it fights with suppresses about 20% of the enemy's strength." The more afraid it is, the more powerful it becomes.

For Yu Xiaogang, a warrior, this is undoubtedly a magical skill.

One of them is one of the golden dragon's essential powers - power control!

"Now I can only control my own gravity, which is about 10 times the gravity." Yu Xiaogang felt the message from his body.

The awakened supernatural power does not require additional consumption of soul power. Just like fish can swim since childhood, birds can fly and soar naturally.

<divclass="contentadv" >"Finally freed from mortal material needs, you can survive without breathing.

The body instinctively absorbs certain energy in the air and gets rid of the need for food! "

"But I, Yu Xiaogang, want to eat the delicacies of the entire Douluo Continent!" Yu Xiaogang said with a smile.

Although he can survive without food, he does not refuse delicious food.

It's just that you don't have to replenish food like you did before with the big eater.

After sublimating into the original martial soul.

The physical evolution is the most powerful. Now if it is attacked, a faint golden light will float on the body surface.

This is because the will of martial arts has completely penetrated into the cells, making it fully activated, just like the effect of the scales of the 'Golden Holy Dragon'.

If the golden will in the cells is not consumed, it will not be able to cause any harm to Yu Xiaogang.

And the will of the cells only needs a little rest to be replenished.

"This realm, which is far beyond that of the Martial Saint, is called the 'Golden Body' and the Indestructible Golden Body!!!"

After a moment of silence, Yu Xiaogang named it this way.

He then sighed.

"Now I should be able to catch the missiles from my previous life without any damage. This dream state can be easily realized on Douluo Continent."

"But it's still far from enough compared to the power of nuclear bombs."

"The next martial arts goal is to be as good as a nuclear bomb!"

This is really a long way to go.

In terms of martial arts realm, I have reached the end of my cultivation for the time being. At most, I can dig deeper into my potential.

As for the higher realm, I don't have a good idea now. Let's sort out the direction later and put aside these distracting thoughts.

But now the cultivation of soul power has just reached level 37. There is still a long way to go.

After being reborn twice, his soul power cultivation talent is no longer as fast as the previous level 0.5 innate soul power.

The current body is only equivalent to that of a young 'Golden Holy Dragon'.

If you add 6 more '-year soul rings' to your own martial soul, or even add the legendary '-year soul ring'.

I don't know how far it will grow. I just didn't know that the Douluo Continent didn't have so many powerful true dragon bloodline soul beasts that were over ten thousand years old.

After sorting out the harvest from absorbing soul rings.

Yu Xiaogang began to cut and process the Silver Moon One-horned Jiao.

He needed to remove the most valuable part of this powerful soul beast.

However, Yu Xiaogang's soul guide does not have such a large space, and at most it can take away some of the most valuable materials.

After proper processing.

The body of the 'dragon' was cleaned and cut into appropriate sizes.

He then set out to find a suitable place to light a fire in preparation for grilling the delicious meat.

After a while, it sizzles and gradually becomes golden and crispy, and a mouth-watering aroma surges up.

He picked up a piece and took a bite. His mouth was immediately filled with fresh, juicy texture and rich flavor!

What a delicious delicacy! ?

This huge body will rot within a few days, which is a pity for this extremely delicious meat.

What a pity!

Not as good as that!

I'll rest here for a few more days!

Just in time to practice your soul power.

Chapter 14 Soul Saint Jade Xiaogang

Chapter 14 Soul Saint Jade Xiaogang

The northernmost part of Douluo Continent.

The far north.

A certain glacier near the core area.

"The Infinite Shocking Light Sword!" A cold shout from a young man broke the silent and vast world.

A huge golden light blade dozens of meters long flashed past, and a huge real dragon-like soul beast that was as crystal clear as a gem fell to the ground.

quite a while.

There was a 'click' sound. There was a loud noise. The majestic icebergs stand in the distance. Its peaks were cut in half.

A dark and deep black soul ring slowly rose from the corpse of the real dragon-like soul beast that fell to the ground.

The young man approached, sat down cross-legged, and then began to absorb the soul ring.

This young man is none other than Yu Xiaogang. Ever since he absorbed the Golden Holy Dragon and became his own martial soul, he has begun to focus on the cultivation of soul power.

In just ten years, he rose from level 30 soul master to level 70 soul saint!

Not a moment. Yu Xiaogang easily absorbed the ten-thousand-year soul ring. He stood up, with the seven soul rings floating on his body.

rub! rub! rub! Yellow, yellow—black, black, black, black!

"Ten years have passed, and my soul power cultivation has finally reached the realm of soul saint."

"Is there only level 72 soul power? After absorbing the 90,000-year-old ice crystal gem dragon, it only increased its soul power by two levels."

"Soul power cultivation is getting slower and slower! That's normal. The soul power required for each level after Soul Saint is massive."

After taking a moment to feel his body's condition, he murmured to himself. But not too disappointed.

At a low level, after absorbing the ten-thousand-year soul ring, you can upgrade your soul power by 5 to 6 levels.

For those who have reached the level of Soul Emperor or Soul Saint, it becomes unrealistic to think of increasing their soul power by absorbing soul rings to levels 5-6.

these ten years.

In order to hunt for soul beasts with true dragon blood, Yu Xiaogang traveled to almost all the soul beast habitats in Douluo Continent.

Most of the soul rings on his body came from the ocean, three of them came from the ocean, and two came from the far north.

The largest Star Dou Forest on land also broke into its core area.

It was to find out about the azure bull python, a soul beast with the head of a bull and the body of a python that appeared in the classics and could speak human language.

Encountered the mysterious 'Azure Bull Python' in front of a quiet and peaceful lake in the core area.

It is true that it only possesses the powerful true dragon bloodline soul beast, which has unparalleled power that changes the color of the world. Plus its weird realm of sluggishness.

Yu Xiaogang only had the Soul Emperor cultivation level at that time, and he knew that he could not hunt the 'Celestial Bull Python' with such terrifying strength.

After a simple exchange, he took the initiative to retreat. I thought that I would hunt this true dragon bloodline soul beast after I broke through to Soul Saint and reached level 80 in soul power.

However, the 'Celestial Ox Python' did not take the initiative to pursue it. It seemed that he just wanted to force Yu Xiaogang back. What does it seem to be guarding?

I once wanted to go deep into the Demonic Whale Sea to meet the legendary 'Deep Sea Demonic Whale King', but my mind kept warning me.

My heart was pounding like never before, surpassing the feeling of being destroyed by a nuclear bomb. No Tou Tie took the initiative to retreat.

In this Douluo Continent, there are always dangerous situations.It's really dangerous.

I have heard of an island called Poseidon Island, which is the center of Poseidon Master's belief. He once planned to explore the mysterious divine power there

And searched for a long time, but found nothing.

At this time.

The violent cold wind with a radius of dozens of miles swept away the flying ice and snow, and struck in the direction of Yu Xiaogang.

"It seems that we won't be able to enter this far north in the future." Yu Xiaogang said with a bitter smile when he saw this natural disaster that covered the sky and the sun.

That was the king of the core area of ​​the Far North—Snow Emperor. Although the area of ​​this far north land is very large, the number of soul beasts is not very large.

The strength of this super soul beast named 'Snow Emperor' far exceeds that of the 'Azure Bull Python' in the Star Dou Forest.

In this far north place, with the movement of your palm, you can trigger the great power of changing the color of the heaven and earth.

Since the last time Yu Xiaogang hunted the soul beast with true dragon bloodline in the core area, he has been avoiding these soul beast kings in the far north.

<divclass="contentadv" > When entering and exiting the Far North, they carefully conceal their presence and stay away from the core area, for fear of triggering the pursuit of the 100,000-year-old soul beast king again.

Or hire a local soul master team to find out information about the soul beasts of the true dragon bloodline. This is how the 90,000-year-old ice crystal gem dragon habitat was obtained.

After exploring the ice crystal gem dragon's body, no soul bones were found. Yu Xiaogang stopped moving and his body rose out of thin air.

next moment.

Along with the huge sound, Yu Xiaogang, who was high in the sky, headed towards the far north.

This is a special way of using the innate magical power of the 'Golden Holy Dragon' - power control.

This allows Yu Xiaogang to escape the constraints of gravity, and his oversized body can even accelerate to the speed of sound.

After many bloodline tempering and purifications, the innate magical powers are no longer what they used to be.

Soaring in boundless freedom is a feeling that was difficult to experience in previous lives.

Above the pure blue sky in the far north, the cold wind blows constantly.

"In these years, I have either been practicing or searching for soul beasts with true dragon bloodline."

"It's time to sort out the harvest and calm down to explore the road ahead."

"It will take several years for a level 72 Soul Saint to reach level 80 Soul Douluo."

"There are still many delicacies and scenery in mainland China that I haven't fully experienced yet."

An hour.

When approaching the human city in the far north, it slowly decelerated and landed.

Familiar soldiers stood at the city gate. No one dared to stop Yu Xiaogang and ask.

After several months of glacier life, Yu Xiaogang felt a little tired. He expertly found a hotel.

I went in, changed my clothes, and tidied up my appearance.

Yu Xiaogang looked at his brand-new image with satisfaction and felt that his whole person was very energetic.

He decided to take a rest before continuing his journey.

Only then did he have time to check out the rewards of breaking through to the Soul Saint realm.

There is an unbridgeable gap between the Soul Saint and the Soul Emperor.

The name is——Martial Soul True Body.

Once the martial soul's true form is used, it will completely transform into the form of the martial soul, thus increasing its strength dramatically.

If you use all the original soul skills, the power will be nearly doubled.

When you break through to level 70, both your martial soul and soul power will undergo qualitative changes, and you will truly become one with your body.

In other words, this is the original appearance of human martial arts.

"And I am the original martial soul, and the golden holy dragon has already become one with me." Yu Xiaogang didn't know what his true martial soul looked like.

Because the original martial spirit is always equivalent to the state of the soul masters when they are "possessed by the martial spirit"

As a martial spirit itself, it is also a natural martial spirit.

He did not rashly activate his seventh soul skill—Martial Soul Avatar. I'm still in the hotel now, and I'll have plenty of time to use it in the future.

My mind felt an unparalleled power sleeping in my body.


The next level of martial arts.

It should be on this Wuhunzhen.

Chapter 15 Saved a kitten

Chapter 15 Saved a Kitten

Kingdom of Barak.

on the official road.

A man who looks like a young man about 25 years old. He is tall and looks very strong.

Wearing a black outfit that clings to the lines of his body, it highlights his muscles and strength. Short and neat hair.

That cold face revealed a hint of maturity and stability, as if it had gone through countless storms and had rich experience.

You can tell at a glance that it's a big deal!

This young man is Yu Xiaogang, and it has been several years since he became the Soul Saint. The improvement of soul power slows down.

So far, his level has only reached level 78.

Yu Xiaogang has been traveling and exploring the Douluo Continent. He likes every charming city and town.

Every time he arrives at a new place, he will stop to appreciate the local scenery and culture, and try to taste the local specialties.

The stay lasted for several months.

During the journey of exploration, I continued to cultivate and practice martial arts and martial arts, and I recorded them whenever I gained insights.

"There will be several exciting spirit battles in Soto City recently." Yu Xiaogang, who was walking leisurely, was looking forward to it, hoping that some special spirits would appear this time.

Every time he visits those big cities, Yu Xiaogang always goes to see the local fighting spirits and experiences different types of martial spirits. To collect research data.


A humanoid figure flew out of the nearby woods and headed straight for Yu Xiaogang.

Nothing dangerous!

Yu Xiaogang's martial arts will showed no warning. It proves that this creature cannot pose any threat, and the dragon will not care about the attack of the little ants.

Seeing that the humanoid figure was about to pounce on the body.

Yu Xiaogang frowned and moved his body slightly back two steps to avoid the figure.

There was a "pop" sound. A large cloud of dust was raised.

The figure who fell to the ground quickly stood up.

She was wearing a worn leather coat, about 170 meters tall, and looked very capable and tough.

However, the clothes were stained with dust and blood, and his eyes were firm. But it revealed an endless sense of exhaustion.

The waist is slender and the buttocks are round and full, showing perfect body proportions.

Especially the erect breasts, something that makes people unable to take their eyes away.

So foul!

Although she looks a little embarrassed on the outside, the aura she exudes is hard to ignore.

Yu Xiaogang was about to speak.

Another burst of sound came.

More than a dozen soul masters dressed in black and masked with black cloth emerged from the forest next to them. Or rather... a killer!

"Zhu Zhuqing, you are quite capable of escaping!"

"As expected of the high-level martial spirit 'Netherworld Civet Cat', it is extremely fast!"

"Why didn't you just run away? I made the brothers vomit after eating solid food."

"If that kid over there knows what's going on, he can leave on his own! He won't kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

The girl named Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, but calmly stared at the movements of the masked killers.

Rather than panicking, she remained calm and cool-headed to deal with the crisis that followed.

His eyes were bright and clear, as if he was observing and analyzing everything around him.

Her hands were gently clenched into fists, as if ready for battle.

This stalemate lasted for a while.

"Possessed by a martial spirit!" "Possessed by a martial spirit!" "Possessed by a martial spirit!"

A series of sounds sounded.

The masked killers were divided into two teams and quickly attacked Zhu Zhuqing from the left and right with a double-team force.

<divclass="contentadv" >Contains Yu Xiaogang!

It was obvious that these masked killers had no intention of sparing anyone present.

If the news of killing Zhu Zhuqing is revealed. Everyone present will suffer vicious revenge from the Nether Civet Family.

The previous words were just to make Yu Xiaogang relax his vigilance.

Faced with the masked killer's attack, Zhu Zhuqing responded quickly,

When the masked killers had just released their martial spirits, Zhu Zhuqing had already completed the "martial spirit possession"

rub! rub! Two yellow and yellow soul rings rose.

He is a level 27 great soul master.

He said coldly towards Yu Xiaogang: "Run away!"

Zhu Zhuqing immediately showed off her agility and combat skills, striking first before her opponent could even fully activate.

She quickly dodged the Masked Killer's attacks while using her speed to counterattack.

Zhu Zhuqing's combat method is a set of self-contained skills, coupled with her excellent combat awareness.

Perfectly bringing out the agility and flexibility of her 'Netherworld Civet' spirit.

Although he couldn't compete head-on with these masked killers, his life was not in danger for a while.

"Oops! My soul power is a little weak," Zhu Zhuqing said to himself, exhausted due to the continuous pursuit and lack of adequate sleep.

He had fought against these masked killers several times, and the reason why he was able to escape was that they were all fighting soul masters. The lack of controlling soul masters allowed Zhu Zhuqing to escape several times.

Zhu Zhuqing began to observe the surrounding environment, looking for any opportunity to escape and win.

At this time.

A masked killer is preparing to sneak attack on Zhu Zhuqing's back! Zhu Zhuqing was keenly aware of this situation and turned around to fight back without hesitation.

Her cat claws instantly turned into sharp blades, accurately hitting the killer's vital parts.

But this also provides an excellent opportunity for the Masked Killer's companions to attack.

Without any hesitation, the sharp knife went straight towards Zhu Zhuqing's vitals.

Feeling the harsh sound coming from him, Zhu Zhuqing had no choice but to quickly twist his body to dodge in the face of this lightning-fast knife.

Tear it apart!

Avoided the vital point. But a wound was made on his right arm by the blade. Blood gushes out.

As the injuries from the previous pursuits continued to accumulate, his soul power was almost at the bottom and his physical strength was also somewhat exhausted.

Is that the end? !

"Need help?" Yu Xiaogang's faint voice came from not far away.

Yu Xiaogang's voice attracted the attention of everyone present. Next to him lay the masked killer who went to kill Yu Xiaogang.

Looking at that gesture, it was as if he had been watching a wonderful drama for some time.

"Yeah!" Zhu Zhuqing covered the wound, still looking cold.

Although she was in desperate need of help, she just hummed in agreement.

"Boy, although you have some strength, we are a group of people! Now retreat, we will not offend the river!"

Although Yu Xiaogang could kill one of their companions, could he still compete with more than a dozen fighting spirit masters present?

The masked killers looked at the young Yu Xiaogang. Dingtian has cultivated to the Soul Sect realm.

Although he was not very afraid, he still tried to persuade Yu Xiaogang to retreat, not wanting anything to go wrong in this mission.

"Young man, I advise you to take care of yourself! Consider your own strength!" Another masked killer said coldly beside him.

Yu Xiaogang was unmoved. But his eyes revealed a kind of indifference: "A group of ants are worthy of me weighing my own strength!"

"If there are more people, why should I practice? I might as well go home and farm!"