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Chapter 6 The blind soul emperor!

Chapter 6 The blind soul emperor!

"I am Jade Wuji, Soul Master"

Yu Xiaogang cupped his hands and replied.

He did not reveal his real name, which was Yu Xiaogang. After all, he is a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Overlord clan. It is also famous in the entire Shangsan Sect.

The famous clown.

"Oh, Soul Lord? Mr. Ning specifically told me to treat him well."

Ning Moqiu said with a smile.

Hun Zun, who is in his twenties, can be considered a civilian genius. After the golden cultivation time before the age of twenty, there will definitely be no problem with the Soul King twenty years later.

If you work hard and advance, there will be opportunities, and you might have a chance to break through to the Soul Emperor.

Since the exchange of blood, Yu Xiaogang has also transformed from his original appearance of a middle-aged man in his thirties into a calm young man.

Although the Qibao Glazed Sect is one of the top three sects, its martial spirit, the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda, has the reputation of being the best auxiliary martial spirit in the world.

But he has no ability to protect himself at all. Therefore, I often sponsor the recruitment of powerful soul masters, especially those with unlimited potential.

The clan has more regulations. People with the Ning surname can only marry war soul masters.

Combining the two.

Coupled with the extremely wealthy businesses across the continent, even remote towns like Notting City have the Qibao Glazed Sect's industry.

It's really scary to think about!

"Speaking of which, I am also from Fasno Province. I am a distant relative of Mr. Ning."

"It's just that I awakened the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Soul. Although my innate soul power is only level three, I was still called back to my master's house for training."

Ning Moqiu chatted cheerfully.

"Noble Zong."

"I didn't expect Mr. Ning to have such a big background. Has anything big happened in the mainland recently?"

Yu Xiaogang has a match but not a match. By the way, let's inquire about the situation on the mainland.

"Yes, Tang Hao, one of the Haotian Double Stars of the Haotian Sect, has broken through to the Contra realm."

"It's incredible. It has broken the fastest breakthrough record recorded by Wuhun Palace! If this continues, I am afraid that I will become the youngest titled Douluo in Douluo Continent!"

It's funny to say that Yu Xiaogang's former idol was Tang Hao. Now he just wants to wait for the martial soul to evolve and have a good fight with it.

Chat with Ning Moqiu about the secrets of the mainland. Discuss the knowledge of martial arts, and talk about the delicacies of soul beasts.

We had a great time talking. From time to time, there was joyful laughter from the two of them.


At this time.

"Ning is in charge, supplies have been replenished."

The leather armor guard next to him came over and asked.

"lets go!"

Turning his head, Ning Moqiu ordered.

I had a great time chatting with this 'Mr. Jade'. His conversation was calm and he also had some unique insights into martial arts. I just want to win over him.

Thinking about it, he invited Yu Xiaogang to ride with him in the car. Ning Moqiu's carriage was in the center of the caravan.

It looks gorgeous on the outside and has a unique feel on the inside. It doesn't feel bumpy at all when running and is extremely comfortable.

There is a beautiful tea set in the middle. Yu Xiaogang sat down with Ning Moqiu.

Drink tea.

Then chat about interesting things.

Three years in seclusion. Hiding in Notting City, Yu Xiaogang's news was a little blocked, so I took this opportunity to inquire about what he had heard.

"This time we will go to the Star Forest and pass through several big cities. Finally, we will rest in Hanhai City and buy some special products."

"The pearls, jewelry, fruits and fish over there are very popular in Tiandou City."

Ning Qiumo talked about the purpose of this trip.

Subsequently. A little confused: "What are you doing in Hanhai City, Mr. Yu?"

"Hunt for soul rings!"

After sipping some tea, Yu Xiaogang replied.

Hearing this, Ning Moqiu was shocked, is it the Soul Sect? It seems that the potential of 'Yu Wuji' was somewhat underestimated before.

This is a Soul Saint Seed!

Outside the carriage.

The caravan is traveling normally.


"Be careful! There is a crossbow!"

"Enemy attack! Possessed by martial spirit!"

The Qibao Glazed Sect's caravans all have a special escort team, which generally consists of a soul king captain plus two soul sects with combat power, plus dozens of low-level soul masters.

At this time.

"Don't panic! The defensive soul master raises his shield! On top!"

The captain among them yelled. Take command.

"You, you, you! Follow me to the peak! Martial Spirit - Flowing Cloud Wind Spear!"

<divclass="contentadv" >Pointed at several fighting soul masters, and then summoned the martial souls.

rub! rub! White, yellow, purple, purple. With five soul rings, one white, one yellow, and three purple, he is clearly a powerful soul king.

"The fourth soul skill - Fengjuanwanyun!"

I want to use my speed to cooperate with my teammates and disrupt the enemy's formation.

"The seven treasures turned out to be Liuli!"

Hearing the sound of enemy attacks, Ning Moqiu also got off the carriage. Then he showed off his martial spirit.

rub! rub! Yellow yellow purple purple. He was actually a soul sect.

You must know that innate third-level soul power will usually be stuck in the soul master realm, but it is backed by a large sect. Plus the perfect soul ring configuration.

He practiced hard and broke through this bottleneck that ordinary people could not overcome.

"One said: Power!

The second said: Hurry!

Three said: Soul! "

Ning Moqiu just finished speaking. Three rays of light flew out from the pagoda and shone on the Soul King captain.


The soul king captain who released his soul skills increased his strength and speed by 50%!


A series of screams sounded.


A 'Wind Rolling Cloud' descended, and most of the masked men were knocked to the ground.

This is the influence of soul masters on the battle situation, especially high-level soul masters. But the masked man is not a vegetarian either.

How could the caravan that dared to attack the Qibao Glazed Sect not have two brushes? Taking advantage of the fact that Captain Soul King had just used his soul skill.

The hiatus before new power is born!

At this time.

"Martial spirit-Tiger Splitting Mountain Sword! The fourth soul skill-Lightning Whirlwind Splitting!"

A big man with a scar came out from the side. He was holding a machete that was so exaggerated that it was larger than a man.

rub! rub! Yellow yellow purple purple purple. Five soul rings lit up, and it turned out to be a soul king!


Captain Soul King hurriedly used his gun to block, and terrifying power rippled out. A stream of air was formed that swept across all directions.

Subsequently. He was knocked away several meters away.

"Soul King!?"

Wiping the blood from his mouth, Captain Soul King said in shock. Stabilizing his body, the tiger's mouth was slightly cracked.

Soul masters who have cultivated to the realm of soul kings can obtain titles and canonizations by joining the empire, and all the major forces will happily accept them.

There is something fishy in it!

far away.

Ning Moqiu holds the pagoda. came the voice.

"Fourth: Royal!"

With the assistance of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, it is not impossible that he has killed powerful men of the same level.

Captain Soul King thought with a sigh of relief.

At this time.

"Oh! Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda? Possessed by a martial spirit, Ghost Leopard!"

Some joking old voices came out.

rub! rub! Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black. Six soul rings lit up, and there was a soul emperor!

"The fifth soul skill - Apparition!"

"No! Protect Ning in charge!"

Seeing this scene, Captain Soul King shouted.

"The rules of the soul master world: kill the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda soul master first!"

"The fourth soul skill - Netherworld Ghost Claw!"

A strong man at the soul emperor level, his dark claws carry the ghostly green ghost leopard spirit. Has a black sixth ring.

And a sneak attack! ! !

The terrifying power caused the surrounding air to become distorted. Attacking Ning Mo Qiufang.

"The fourth soul skill-soul power shield!!"

The defensive soul sect who stayed by the side shouted. A light blue light curtain rose.



next moment. Then it fell into pieces.

The entire body of the Defending Soul Sect was torn apart by sharp claws, and blood spurted out. Then he flew out directly and fell to the ground without moving.

"It's over."

Seeing that the bottom line protection was broken in the end. Being approached by a soul emperor. Ning Moqiu knew that the situation was over.

A strong soul emperor and a soul king also arranged to lure our only soul king to leave the team.

Come and kill yourself again. With such careful thinking, you can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary robber or thief, but an enemy of the sect?

Tiandou? Star Luo? Seven major sects?

times of crisis.


There was only a crash in the air! The old soul emperor flew out backwards.

"Ning is in charge? Are you okay?"

A faint voice came.

Chapter 7 Results! The Infinite Shocking Sword!

Chapter 7 Results! The Infinite Shocking Sword!


Ning Moqiu, who was ready to close his eyes and wait for death, came to his senses and said after the disaster.


"There are still masters? Doesn't the intelligence say there is only one Soul King?"

The old soul emperor stabilized his figure.

Yu Xiaogang's blow did not use much force, but cleverly hit the weak spot of the old soul emperor.

"The sixth soul skill-haunted by evil spirits!"

The old soul emperor did not give up and was about to kill Ning Moqiu. The deep black soul ring suddenly rose.

The amplification effect of a ten thousand year soul ring is not comparable to that of a thousand year soul ring. Although the best configuration on the mainland is yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black.

Two yellow, two purple and five black! But that can only be done by some genius soul masters.

Thousand-year soul beasts have great intelligence and will have strong feelings of resentment towards enemies who kill and hunt for their soul rings.

Interfering with the soul master's normal absorption of soul rings at the martial soul level. Every year in the mainland, there is no shortage of soul masters who choose the ten-thousand-year soul ring for their fifth soul ring.

Soul power wanders around due to interference.

And the body exploded and died!


The black soul ring was wrapped around the old soul emperor's body, and he let out hoarse animal roars from his mouth.


The old man's thin body began to swell, and black hair began to grow. After a while. It turned into a humanoid monster about three meters tall.

Huge black claws, terrifying in appearance. Like an upright human-shaped leopard? son? Human features are completely gone.

"The fourth soul skill - Netherworld Ghost Claw!"

The old soul emperor who activated the 'Haunted by Evil Ghost' soul skill and transformed into a ghost leopard man immediately used his strongest offensive soul skill again.

The invisible soul power spread, suppressing the surrounding guard members and making it difficult to breathe.


Seeing this scene, Ning Moqiu exclaimed that the previous defensive soul sect was torn apart by this claw, and his body was still lying not far away.

What's more, the sixth black soul skill is now activated.

At this time.

"The Infinite Shocking Light Sword!"

The golden light blade condensed with soul power suddenly appeared in Yu Xiaogang's hand, and he slashed to the side.

Keng! Keng!

The claw sword was like the sound of gold and iron, and a huge wave of air rippled from the collision point.

next moment.

The three-meter-tall Ghost Leopard Man had a deep, bone-visible scar on his chest. The terrifying black claws were also broken into two pieces.

Yu Xiaogang followed up with the golden light blade and pierced the ghost leopard man's heart, and the light blade slowly dissipated.

The huge body of the Ghost Leopard Man quickly shrank and turned into the appearance of an old soul emperor. He fell to the ground and was no longer breathing.

Yu Xiaogang is quite satisfied with the power of the Wuji Jingmang Sword. The body of the old soul emperor haunted by evil spirits is as strong as gold and iron.

But it can still be easily pierced.

The Infinite Shocking Sword! ! !

It is one of the results of Yu Xiaogang's three years of combining soul power and martial arts from his previous life!

During the Blue Star era, in order to deal with guns, tanks and armor, all kinds of weapons emerged in endlessly. He also created the three great secrets of Wuji, including one sword, one seal, and one finger.

From the old martial arts era to the new martial arts era, martial arts were created from fighting with people, and martial arts were created from fighting with ferocious beasts.

And the 'Wuji Secret Skill' is the martial arts learned from the collision with armored tanks! ! ! Each represents the ultimate in mechanics in their own right.

The 'Infinite Shocking Sword' represents 'sharpness', 'indestructible sharpness' and is also synonymous with speed.

"In just such a short period of time, 30% of the soul power was consumed. A level 30 soul power can only condense the 'Infinite Shocking Sword' three times."

"Shattering the sky and shattering the earth - Luo Sanpao?"

Feeling the consumption of soul power in his body, Yu Xiaogang thought about it.

However, the 'Infinite Shocking Sword' used by the Soul Master level is only a few meters long at most and consumes a lot of money and is not long-lasting.

If you break through to the realm of Titled Douluo, you will hold the 'hundred-meter-long Infinite Shocking Light Sword' in your hand. With one strike of the sword, a city can be destroyed, a mountain can be destroyed, and the world can be turned upside down.

Such divine power makes people look forward to it endlessly.

<divclass="contentadv" >A while.

"How is it possible! Killed the Soul Emperor with one move! Run away"

Scar Soul King, who was still entangled with the martial spirit captain, exclaimed. Originally, the old soul emperor made a surprise attack to kill Ning Moqiu, and then surrounded and killed the soul king captain together.

It was already certain, but unexpectedly, the situation would reverse in an instant.


He split open the Soul King captain's spear with a knife and stepped back, trying to escape from the battlefield quickly. The mission has failed, and survival is the right path.

"The fifth soul skill—Blast Break!"

But the soul king captain who had just been suppressed and beaten was still depressed, so naturally he would not let Scar Soul King get his wish.

The purple soul ring lights up. Invisible soul power condensed into the tip of the gun, forming a small vortex. Aim at Scar Soul King.

Gallop away!

"The fifth soul skill - sword - ah! -"

Feeling the soul pressure forming behind him, Scar Soul King knew that if he survived this attack, he would be seriously injured, so he quickly turned around to block.


The left shoulder was penetrated by a spear, but its strength was not reduced, and it was finally stuck in the big tree behind.

He underestimated the speed and power of the 'Fengfeng Break' blessed by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and had to barely avoid the critical point.


"You bastards of the Qibao Glazed Sect! I'm waiting for you—"

The Scar Soul King knew that he would inevitably die today! He yelled loudly and arrogantly.

He stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

"What a shameless statement!"

The chasing Soul King captain took off his spear and shot his throat without any hesitation. He said coldly.

The seven major sects will also fight with each other privately, especially between the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire.

And caught in the fight between these large sects, some small families couldn't help themselves. It's just a matter of time before a family is broken up and people die.

This Scar Soul King is probably a victim of his struggle, a fish that slipped through the net of an unknown family. If it weren't for the giant Wuhun Palace pressing down on his head.

Perhaps a war sweeping the entire continent had already broken out.

After killing the Scar Soul King. Captain Soul King led more than a dozen fighting soul masters to clear the area. The masked enemy suffered heavy casualties.

Only a few lucky ones managed to escape and ascend to heaven.


What a fierce fighting style! He easily killed the Soul Emperor at full strength without showing his spirit.

Soul Saint? Or Contra?

Is that golden light blade a soul bone skill?

Ning Moqiu, who came back to his senses, looked at the quiet Yu Xiaogang next to him and secretly guessed.

"Thankfully, Mr. Yu is here! Otherwise, Ning would not be able to escape death today!"

Holding down the doubts in her heart, Ning Moqiu said gratefully.

"Yu is also in the caravan. These villains are extremely vicious! I think they will definitely kill people and silence them!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said modestly.

I had a great time chatting with Ning Moqiu. Saving him was just a matter of effort. I also wanted to try the edge of the 'Infinite Shocking Sword' that can be used in combination with soul power!

The blind soul emperor who bumped into him was much worse than the second dragon Flanders in his memory.

Too. Even the fifth soul ring dare not absorb the ten thousand year soul beast, how can it compare?

"Sir, if you take action, you will save the lives of everyone in the caravan!"

Ning Moqiu didn't dare to rely on Dao for saving his life. Bow respectfully.

Then he snorted coldly and said:

"These rats are getting more and more unruly! It seems that they are going to report to the sect and ask the law enforcement team to take action to clean up these rats!"

The law enforcement team of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is led by two soul saints, plus multiple soul emperors, soul kings, and elite Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda soul masters.

Plus an elite team composed of various top-notch configurations. Specializes in cleaning up trade routes, protecting sect industries, and killing all dangers.

It is the backbone of Qibao Glazed Sect.


Chapter 8 Hanhai City Going to the Sea

Chapter 8 Hanhai City goes to sea

Inside the carriage.

"This is the Liuyin VIP Card of the Qibao Glazed Sect, with an annual quota of 5 gold soul coins.

With this card, we will do our best to assist any property belonging to the Qibao Glazed Sect. "

Ning Moqiu handed over a bright and exquisite card with the shape of a pagoda printed on it and said.

This is also the maximum limit that his authority can give.

One is to repay the life-saving grace

The second is to win over this powerful soul master.

This Mr. Yu is at least a high-level soul saint, hunting martial souls! Is it the eighth soul ring? He looks very young, and he is really good at looking good.

"The Qibao Glazed Sect is really rich and powerful!"

Yu Xiaogang took it with a smile and was not polite. It should be the labor fee obtained from killing the Soul Emperor.

It just so happened that I had spent all my previous savings in Notting City.

Then he said a few more words.

It's almost time.

"It's still more than ten days from here to Hanhai City. Mr. Yu, take a good rest."

Ning Moqiu spoke warmly. He even gave his carriage to Yu Xiaogang

Collect the corpses of the dead guard members and prepare them for settlement in the next city. After resting, the caravan set off again.

More than ten days.

Hanhai City. Built by the sea.

The largest city on the western frontier of the Tiandou Empire.The largest coastal city in mainland China, as soon as you arrive at the city gate, you can smell a faint scent of the ocean.

Tall city walls and wide roads, with people coming and going. At this time, the caravan arrived at the city gate.

The soldiers at the city gate made routine inspections and were very familiar with the caravan carrying the flag of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, so they did not feel too embarrassed.

Then let him go directly.

After entering the city, Yu Xiaogang got off the carriage.

at this time.

"Mr. Yu, I will rest in Hanhai City for three days. If you need any help, come to me anytime."

Ning Moqiu started chatting and knew that Yu Xiaogang was coming to Hanhai City to take a boat out to sea to hunt for a soul ring suitable for him.

"Master Ning, see you again when we have the chance!"

Yu Xiaogang spoke calmly and smiled. Since recovering his cultivation as a 'replacement Martial Saint', he is finally able to open up a new path.

Awakening his martial soul and starting the road to heaven, he was inevitably a little excited. Finally, I can fulfill my long-cherished wish on this magical Douluo Continent.

In his previous life, he was limited by this damn human body. His body, which had been tempered for thousands of years, was not as good as an ordinary person's ability to gently pull the trigger and fire a cannonball.

Press the button lightly to launch the missile!

Atomic bomb? hydrogen bomb? Gas bombs?

With each passing day, there are endless weapon updates, struggling in the hopelessness and powerlessness of the torrent of the times.

Enough is enough! ! I, Yu Xiaogang, am no longer a human being! ! !

East Port.

Come and go

The shouts of soul masters were everywhere.

"If there is a shortage of healing soul masters, it is best to have soul sect cultivation! With a soul king in the team, safety is guaranteed!"

"Level 38 War Spirit Master, Martial Spirit White Crystal Shrimp. Powerful attack and ice-based abilities!"

"Is there any soul-gathering shark brain? Buy it at a high price! Buy it at a high price!"

"Go to Madagascar immediately, pay the 10 gold soul coins for travel expenses!"

Yu Xia just followed the voice and saw a tall female soul master. She has healthy wheat-colored skin, with a curvy front and back that gives her an exotic flavor.


Yu Xiaogang went up to talk. The words are not finished yet.

"My name is Kylena, captain of the Black Pearl, level 48 War Soul Sect!"

<divclass="contentadv" >Kelina answered first.

I happened to have a mission to go to the island of Madagascar, and bring a few soul masters and civilians with me to earn some extra money.

After all, if you are not a sea soul master, you will basically die if you encounter a sea soul beast on the sea.

And the probability is not small, you will encounter it 4 or 5 times out of ten.

Most of the people in Hanhai City are sea spirit masters, except for a small number of healing and auxiliary spirit masters.

Everyone is good at water skills. Once a land soul master falls into the water, he will not be able to exert % of his strength.

Coupled with the rampant pirates on the sea, it has even cut off the navigation of ships without the strength of a soul master.

"Yu Xiaogang, Soul Master."

He handed over 10 gold soul coins and responded.

Four to five hundred nautical miles away from Madagascar, a spirit master encountered a silver-white one-horned dragon spirit beast hunting for prey.

Maybe it's not far from the soul beast's lair. This is exactly the goal of Yu Xiaogang's trip.

I learned this from an unknown soul emperor when I was traveling with the second dragon Flanders.

The evolution of Luo Sanpao requires high-quality soul power and a high concentration of dragon blood as a primer to make up for the shortcomings.

There are no pure-blood dragons left in the Star Dou Great Forest internal testing area, and they have been hunted down by the Titled Douluo.

Most of them are just dragon beasts with partial dragon blood, and the blood concentration is too low to be suitable.

It may be owned by an unknown core area, but even a titled Douluo-level soul master would not dare to step into it rashly.

That is a forbidden area for humans!

And this vast sea is vast and boundless, and few soul masters dare to go into the deep sea to hunt soul beasts, resulting in a rich variety of marine soul beasts.

Everywhere is a restricted area for human soul masters. The one-horned dragon beast that hunts is, if you guessed it correctly, the "Silver Moon One-horned Dragon Beast!"

The second-level sub-dragon below the "purebred dragon", rather than the kind of dragon beast with some blood or dragon blood inheritance.

I don't know if this 'Silver Moon One-horned Jiao' is more than ten thousand years old?

"We're leaving in half an hour, you can get on the boat and wait now."

Kylena put away the gold coins and pointed to the Black Pearl not far away. He looked at Yu Xiaogang.

He's pretty good-looking. He doesn't look like a native of Hanhai City, but a land soul master? I couldn't help but murmur in my heart.

Yu Xiaogang remained silent and walked to the boat minding his own business.

"Uh, Yu. Xiaogang, right? You should be a land soul master! It's your first time going to sea!"

"Get familiar with the water, and prepare seasickness medicine now."

Kylena's reminder came from behind.

I met a land-based soul master on a boat before, but he was so seasick that he vomited all the way.

Let alone combat ability, standing is a problem. A sea soul master who was not born in the sea and often sails on the sea

There will be various kinds of discomfort. This is especially true for those who go out on a boat for the first time.

"Thank you for reminding!"

Yu Xiaogang nodded. Something came to mind. Then he asked politely:

"Miss Kylena, do you have a detailed map of the sea area?"

"Of course there is, but it requires 100 gold soul coins!"

This is the chart drawn by Kylena as the captain of the Black Pearl. She was born on the sea. Of course, it has this value.

Maybe he was afraid that the asking price of 100 gold soul coins was too high. Then he explained quickly.

"Don't be too expensive, there are several soul beast haunting spots and sea restricted areas marked in it. It's not comparable to the ordinary version you buy in Hanhai City!"

Taking out the spare sea map, Kylena pointed here and there.

"This! There are countless hidden reefs on the seabed. This is the territory of the Soul-eating Shark. This, this, this, the Demon Whale Sea! I heard that even Titled Douluo died, so we always bypass that sea area!"

"Just 100 gold soul coins!"

Yu Xiaogang doesn't care about this little money.

The main thing is to find the nest of the 'Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon' on the sea map, and then hunt it. Become the material for the evolution of my martial soul,

The physical strength of the blood-changing Martial Saint is already comparable to that of a soul emperor-level beast soul master, so he dares to absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring in the third soul ring beyond the limit of time.

If he succeeds, he will be the first person in the history of Douluo Continent!

Chapter 9 Rock Abyss Walking on the sea!

Chapter 9 Walking across the rocky abyss into the sea!

"Are there any small islands with strange rocks and special landforms near Madagascar?" Yu Xiaogang pointed at the map and asked.

Kylena thought for a moment and responded:

"Yes, there is, but it has already left the offshore area. I'm afraid you, Soul Master, were looking for death when you went there!"

"Generally, only those big ships with soul emperors and soul masters dare to go there!"

The conversation changed again.

"Why do you want to hunt soul beasts?"

Sometimes, soul beasts will be attacked in offshore waters. Normally, ships will have ocean soul masters to warn them, and battle soul masters will drive them away in advance.

Sometimes if you are unlucky, you will encounter a deep sea soul beast that comes to the sea to replenish its food. If it is a ten thousand year soul beast, the team of Soul King and Soul Emperor will not be able to deal with such a behemoth.

Not to mention that if they encounter a hundred thousand year old soul beast, no team in Hanhai City can compete with it.

The densely packed red markings on Kelina's chart were obtained by the ocean soul masters at the cost of their blood.

Sailing on the sea is full of surprises all the time. Every soul master who goes to sea has the determination to fall into the arms of the Poseidon tomorrow.

"We all call it 'Luanshiyuan'. A sea soul master found a soul beast there that was at least ten thousand years old."

"There are many reefs under that sea area. If you are not careful, the boat will be destroyed and people will be killed. Generally, we avoid sailing."

Kylena continued a few more words, looking a little embarrassed.

Hearing the implication, Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and took out another hundred gold soul coins from the soul guide.

"I'll give you another hundred gold soul coins. I only need to deliver them to a nearby place without going into the rocky abyss."

"This" Kylena is still a little hesitant

Although she is a little greedy for money, she still has some bottom lines and does not want Yu Xiaogang to die in vain.

Then he made another suggestion.

"If you want to hunt soul beasts, you can go to Madagascar Island with us first. I know a few good soul king and soul emperor teams that I can introduce to you!"

"No need." Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and refused.

He does not trust the unfamiliar team of soul masters, who are not companions he has been with day and night for some time.

If the matter of the Third Ring of Ten Thousand Years is discovered, it is inevitable that someone will have thoughts that they shouldn't have.

I want to catch him, a little soul master, and ask him for some secret techniques, but then I have to kill him and silence him.

Kylena opened her mouth slightly, still wanting to speak.

At this time. A sweet voice came

"Captain, no more persuasion is needed, this land soul master is looking for death! Hmph! He doesn't know what is good and what is good!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang ignored it, and then emphasized:

"Captain Kylena, I'm on board first, I just need to deliver it nearby!"

There was no rebuttal to that questioning voice.

Do you want to brag that your soul master killed the soul emperor like a pig or a dog? If you say this, the surrounding soul masters will laugh and get a stomachache.

Say it

Turn around and head towards the Black Pearl.


The sea area near Ruishiyuan

Black Pearl.

On board.

Leaning against the hull of the boat, facing the waves of salty sea breeze.

It has been more than ten days and we are about to reach Rock Rock Abyss. Yu Xiaogang was thinking

"Don't think about it anymore. You don't look like you are short of money. Please hire a Soul Emperor team to take action. It's safe!"

Next to her, Kylena came closer, bringing a pleasant fragrance to her golden hair.

<divclass="contentadv" > She felt that Yu Xiaogang didn't seem like the kind of person who didn't know the heights of the world and did such uncertain things.

Turning his head, Yu Xiaogang's voice was filled with an indescribable confidence.

"Thank you Captain Kylena for your kindness! Naturally, Yu is somewhat sure of what she is doing!"

Smelling the masculine aura coming from Yu Xiaogang's body made Kylena blush a little.

The sea soul masters are all exposed to the sun and rain, and most of the male soul masters in Hanhai City are rough and dark burly men.

In this comparison, when Yu Xiaogang was reborn and returned to his youthful appearance, she had never seen such a masculine, handsome and noble-like man.

After all, he is a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and his genes that have been optimized from generation to generation are either handsome or beautiful.

In the past few days, Kylena found opportunities to strike up a conversation with Yu Xiaogang from time to time.

The male crew members of the Black Pearl were a bit annoyed by asking around.

Who hasn't fantasized about marrying the beautiful and sexy Captain Kelina?

At this time.

The lookout on the ship shouted

"Captain, there is a rocky abyss ten miles ahead of us. We can't go any further!"

"Oh, oh, oh, slow down and stop the sails!" Kylena, who was staring at Yu Xiaogang in fascination, came back to her senses and gave the order.

"That's the Black Pearl's backup emergency wooden boat! I can lend it to you!"

"No money!" Kylena quickly added.

"no need!"

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang jumped off the boat

The surrounding crew members and Kylena were shocked and quickly leaned over to look down.

I saw Yu Xiaogang standing on the turbulent sea, so steady that he did not sink.

The soul power can be condensed into a high-quality and sharp 'Wuji Jinglang Sword'

Naturally, it can also condense other characteristics, and the soul power sticks together under the feet to form a unique surface.

Using the buoyancy of the water to follow the waves, the water becomes a soft bed.

It's like standing on the sea without expending much soul power. However, the control of soul power is also beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In his previous life, he could stand on the water for a short time with his exquisite control of the martial arts power. It's just that this kind of soul power that can be released is easier and more durable.

Therefore, except for the deep sea, Yu Xiaogang's combat power on the sea is no different from that on land.

"Captain Kylena returns to Hanhai City. When you receive the signal, you can come and give me a ride!" Yu Xiaogang had already planned it. In addition to the rocks in the rocky abyss,

There are also small islands that are as big as a football field. Enough to temporarily rest and adjust your breath,

It will take some time to find a nest in such a large area. Food wise? I just haven't tasted the seafood from Douluo Continent.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Kylena doesn't come. The most she can do is waste some energy and 'run back'.

With the chart at hand and a little replenishment and rest to restore physical strength, a few hundred nautical miles would be enough. This is the confidence of having strength.

He shouted loudly to Kylena and ran towards the rocky abyss.

"Walking on the sea?!" Kylena was extremely surprised. She had never seen such a scene in her entire life.

Most sea soul masters can gain the ability to breathe underwater after being possessed by martial souls, but they will lose this ability after the soul power is disintegrated.

I have never heard of anyone who can stand on the sea and walk and run like on land.

Sure enough, he dared to leave the offshore area and go to the rocky abyss alone to hunt the soul beasts. This Yu Xiaogang had hidden his cultivation and was not as simple as a little soul master.


In fact, Yu Xiaogang really didn't hide his strength, he really only had a level 30 Soul Master cultivation level.

The same goes for Ning Moqiu before, and the same goes for Kylena now. No one would believe that a Soul Lord can easily kill the Soul Emperor.

No one believes that a soul master can "walk on the sea".

Chapter 10 Mi Jiaolong! Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon!

Chapter 10 The hundred-meter dragon! Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon!

Abyss of rocks.

in the vast ocean.

Yu Xiaogang stood randomly on a reef, every few hundred kilometers

The endless reefs are like natural barriers in the sea. Inhabited by various types of mollusk and crustacean soul beast groups,

Red-armored crabs, ice-crystal starfish, etc., the soul beast groups ranged from ten years to thousand-year soul beasts, and no particularly powerful and ferocious hunting soul beasts were found through visual inspection.

"In such a large sea area, I don't know where the silver moon horned dragon's nest is! I'm afraid it will take a lot of time."

Then they began to go deep into the waters of the Rock Abyss to search for traces of the dragon.

It's getting dark.

The water rippled and the waves were rough. Suddenly, an unknown creature pounced on Yu Xiaogang on the water!

Feeling the strange movement under his feet, Yu Xiaogang escaped the attack with a slight jump.

The true face was revealed on the sea. It was a huge, dark soul beast with blue spots on its body - the blue-spotted lobster!

"Oh, I just happen to be a little hungry, what a delicious food delivered to my door!" Yu Xiaogang was not surprised but overjoyed.

Then a punch hit the hard carapace. In an instant, invisible force penetrated the carapace and shattered the brain of the 'blue-spotted lobster'.

"It's five hundred years old!" After holding it in his hand and examining it carefully, Yu Xiaogang judged based on the size of the blue spots on the soul beast.

Carrying the big lobster, we randomly found a small island to stop and remove the internal organs and carapace from the head.

Use your soul power to cut a few thin slices, put the secret sauce in your mouth and chew slowly. It has a slightly chilled feel.

"Sure enough, it tastes delicious! Absolutely the best!" Yu Xiaogang commented with a smile on his face.

In Douluo Continent, different types of soul beasts have different attribute characteristics and energy content.

Soul beast meat is also loved by people because of its unique nutrients and taste.

Fire and ice-water meats are generally considered to be one of the most delicious options.

However, not all spirit beasts can be eaten by humans, and some highly poisonous or aggressive species need to be treated with caution.

In addition, older soul beast meat is often more precious and delicious because it represents higher quality and richer nutrients.

The sun gradually set, and night began to cover the sea area.

Yu Xiaogang sat on a rock beside the island, quietly closing his eyes and meditating.

He reserved a part of his mind to be alert to the movements around him in case anything unexpected happened.

The night ocean was full of mystery and unknowns, but he knew he had to stay alert.

In the past few days, I have been searching everywhere in the waters of the Rock Abyss.

If you continue to go deeper, you will enter the central area.

You will encounter the Thousand-Year Soul Beast's hunting territory at a distance from here. Yu Xiaogang is not as free-willed as he was when he first entered the family.

Begin to avoid the territory of those ferocious soul beasts to save energy, but there are also some unscrupulous thousand-year soul beasts.

In the end, they all got Yu Xiaogang's internal organs, shark fins, sea snake meat, sashimi, etc. for a feast.

Take a short break to regain your strength.

Yu Xiaogang took out Kylena's chart from the soul guide and checked the possible location of the nest.

"Normally, only those soul beasts that are hungry or injured will venture to other sea areas in search of food.

And someone as powerful as Jiaolong will not leave its territory easily! "

This kind of behavior is irrational for the soul beast, because doing so not only increases its own risks,

And may not get enough nutrients and food.

In addition, this behavior may also lead to conflicts with other spirit beasts, thus causing more danger and uncertainty.

In contrast, most spirit beasts prefer to find suitable prey within their own habitat.

And maintain a certain sense of territory to protect their own living space.

They usually judge whether the surrounding environment is safe by observing the movement, smells and sounds around them.

and whether there are sufficient food resources.

<divclass="contentadv" >If a threat is detected, they will take defensive measures, such as issuing a warning sound or launching an attack.

After marking the two locations that were most likely to be the dragon's lair, he put away the chart and continued his journey.

Half an hour.

The water in the sea ahead was as calm as a mirror, without any ripples. breeze blows

The entire sea is immersed in a tranquil atmosphere, making people feel an unparalleled sense of peace and tranquility.

There is no thousand-year soul beast, and there is no century-old soul beast. There were only some weak soul beasts basking in the sun on the rocks.

At this time.

A huge dragon leaped from the sea into the sky. It has a huge body and its scales shine with liquid silver light, as if it is the king of the ocean.

When the hundred-meter dragon goes out to sea, its body draws a graceful arc in the air, as graceful and spectacular as a blooming lotus.

Its tail is raised high, pointing straight to the sky like a sharp sword; while its head is raised high, revealing sharp teeth and ferocious eyes.

With a deafening roar, its body was so huge that it set off a powerful shock wave in the waves, pushing the surrounding waves far away.

The sea water was stirred by the water flow from the dragon's head, forming whirlpools.

Seeing such a shocking scene, Yu Xiaogang raised his head without fear, but carefully observed the characteristics of the dragon's body and judged

"Do you actually have 3 years of cultivation? It's really exciting!"

If it were a blood-changing Martial Saint without a martial soul or soul power.

On the main battlefield of this vast sea, facing such a behemoth is tantamount to seeking death!

"Martial soul fusion!"

rub! rub! Yellow! ! !

The two souls rose slowly, but Luo Sanpao was not summoned.

Instead, it uses tattoos to increase soul power and strength.

The first time the firepower was fully activated, he had 30% more soul power than under normal conditions.

A surging and violent momentum spread from Yu Xiaogang's body.

Looking at the human creatures that broke into his lair.

The sharp teeth of the 'Silver Moon One-horned Jiao' flashed with cold light, revealing its ferocious nature.

Its eyes were full of coldness and cunning, as if it was waiting for the best time to attack.

However, the human creature was not intimidated or panicked.

On the contrary, Yu Xiaogang showed courage and determination to face this terrible monster.

There was a firm belief in his eyes, and he seemed to be ready to fight the Silver Moon One-horned Flood Dragon.

The 'Silver Moon One-horned Jiao' is a very powerful soul beast with extremely high sensitivity and keen perception.

Its eyes can emit a fierce light, showing that it is highly sensitive to danger in the surrounding environment.

I felt an inexplicable danger from this weak creature, which was very different from the human creatures I had encountered in the past years.

Although ten thousand year soul beasts already possess a considerable degree of intelligence, they still cannot communicate using language like humans.

next moment.

The 'Silver Moon One-horned Jiao' suddenly raised its head, opened its bloody mouth and pounced towards Yu Xiaogang.

Its speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch it.