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Chapter 46 The Treasure House


Chapter 46 The Treasure House

In the dreamy paradise, four figures descended on the beautiful and dreamy palace.

"This is for you." Amanissis handed a quill to Truman.

"Succeeded?" Of course, the goddess took action herself, and the nightmare dragon couldn't jump away.

"Al Suhode's pen..." Truman took the quill pen in his hand, and an urge to write a story came to his heart.

That's the "writer's" instinct.

Similarly, the dream sea also fluctuated, and there seemed to be a force echoing it.

That is the power of "cause and effect".

The two forces can become one to some extent, reaching a new level of intervention in destiny.

"Sure enough, this pen is very compatible with me!" Truman was very satisfied with this.

Saslier looked at the quill in Truman's hand, his expression a little strange, but he still didn't say anything.

In the many previous Dream Parliaments, several people have made various plans and compromises, and this pen will be "temporarily" hidden in the Deep Dark Heaven.

This is also the reward for the goddess of misfortune herself.

It's just that Saslier also has the right to redeem it, and he can exchange it back as long as he pays a sufficient price.

But now that Al Suhode's pen is in Truman's hands, is there any hope of getting it back?

Saslier expressed doubts about this, but he didn't care too much. The characteristics of the Dragon of Fantasy were enough for the ancient sun god.

"Who's next?" Lilith didn't care about this and looked at the other three people. "You are too slow. I don't want to wait for hundreds of years."

"The next step is the abyss." Saslier said softly, "The plan is about to enter a critical moment, and any spoiler at this time will be fatal."

The demon king Fabuti is the biggest unstable factor.

For an ancient god who is completely crazy and whose goal is to destroy the world and pollute the universe, any action he can take is possible.

Therefore, before the ancient Sun God actually launched the war to regain his power, such unstable factors must be eradicated.

"If possible, I hope you can also take action." Saslier said suddenly.

"Are you sure?" Lilith frowned slightly. Hundreds of years later, she had digested the original "Mother of Desolation" and became an angel with extremely stable humanity.

But the Demon Lord was an opponent that even she, as an ancient god, could do nothing about. Now it was even more impossible.

"This is a commission, and I hope that all three of you can participate in it and be capable enough to stifle any accidents."

Saslier's face suddenly turned serious and he looked at the Truman trio.

Truman thought thoughtfully, "Abyss?"

"Yes." Saslier nodded seriously, "I need you to help me confirm the current situation of the abyss."

"Next, the Creator will go to war with the abyss demon clan in order to protect mankind." Saslier said the next plan.

"Something came in?" Truman couldn't help but ask, the time was wrong!

Things from outside should be able to invade this world at a relatively later point in time, and their power is extremely limited.

Now at the end of the second era, the barrier is extremely stable.

"Not really," Saslier denied, "just making some preparations."

So the ancient sun god made some kind of prediction about the future?

Truman can only say that this prophecy has probably come true.In the future that he knows, Abyss has never been very good.

"The reward is..." Sasili paused before continuing, his eyes moving on Amanisis and Lilith.

"All the information known to the stars, the history before the Second Age, and our Lord's legal right to preach after he returns to the status of the Creator."

"As for you..." Saslier looked at Truman, "You will take care of the Creator's treasure house."

This reward was also carefully considered by Saslier. He only took care of the treasure house and the ownership rights did not change. Truman could use these things, but the ancient sun god could only give them back if he spoke.

Truman's eyes suddenly lit up.

Now in the Creator's treasure house, there are at least the uniqueness of the "Black Emperor", the uniqueness of the "Perfect One" and several sequence-one characteristics.

If the ancient sun god successfully takes back his power, there may be more unique "door" paths and sequence-one characteristics, as well as other...

Before these characteristics are given to certain people, they are all in their own pockets!

Truman is very interested in this!

Amanisis and Lilith also nodded. The history before the Second Age and the knowledge of the starry sky are very important and must be mastered.

And that missionary power will play an important role in the future.

"Okay, it's settled." Saslier didn't even need to ask Truman for his opinion and settled the matter directly.

"Then can you give me the treasure house first?" Truman couldn't wait.

Since the Sage's Robe was integrated into the second "Master" of the "Artisan" sequence, Truman has mastered the ability to create magical items.

This was the reason why the last time I casually gave Hermes a mask with extremely low negative impact.

If those things are in your hands, you have to take off!

Saslier threw a golden key directly to Truman, "This is the key certified by the Lord. You can use it to open the treasure house of the Kingdom of God."

"Okay!" Truman held the key in his hand and could vaguely feel the existence of a space, which should be the depths of the Creator Kingdom.

"Then this meeting is over. Let's take a rest and prepare to start the next step."


The Elf Clan, the Queen of Scourge, returned to the Elf Palace.

After a fight with Dream Angel, He was in a bad state, confused and exhausted.

"Coshinam!" The Elf King spoke, and his voice sounded like thunder, which actually lifted Goshinam's spirit and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

"King! You defeated the sun! You destroyed the alliance between the sun and the giants!" Goshinam returned to his normal appearance and congratulated the Elf King.

"I will personally carve a mural recording this war for you and pass it on to future generations!"

Cohinam's words made the Elf King in the Spiritual Palace feel much better. His irritability seemed to have been suppressed and he was able to think normally.

Just tell me why Coshnam became the Queen of the Elves!

"Haha!" The Elf King laughed, with a voice as loud as thunder. "That's right, this time Olmir has already clashed with Gray Carrie, and his cooperation with the sun has also been ruined. He was alerted by the gods and suffered a heavy loss!"

"That dragon ran so fast, but it was hit by me and Taiyang. It was seriously injured!"

The Elf King's tyranny was suppressed and his mental state improved. However, Coshinam fell into uneasiness again.

The dragon of fantasy runs so fast that it is difficult not to make people wonder what happened. Who is profiting from it? !

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 47 Story and Destiny


Chapter 47 Story and Destiny

Truman ended the Dream Parliament and returned to the real world. He couldn't wait to take out the key to the treasure house and opened the door in space.

Probably...another apprentice was killed.

Of course, the apprentice may be a phoenix at this time.

Truman easily took out the two most precious and unique items inside.

Scroll of Civilization and a crown that appears to be carved from obsidian.

This crown is extremely gorgeous, decorated with various gems, but the shape is a bit too unique.

"Twisted?" Truman saw several different carving styles on the crown, which combined the aesthetics of giants, elves, and dragons. They were twisted together to form a crown with extremely weird beauty.

Likewise, "distortion" is also the negative effect of this crown.

Without being suppressed and sealed, the Crown will distort all the rules in the world and make the world its territory. All life forms are its subjects and need to abide by the twisted rules.

This impact is worldwide and irreversible.

"Characteristics of being alive?" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling the rebellion inside.

As an emperor, you must never be inferior to others. This is one of its underlying rules.

This shows that this thing will never surrender, will not compromise, and basically cannot be used.

"Can't be used?" Truman snorted twice, "Just because you won't surrender doesn't mean you won't be polluted. Go ahead and calm down in the sea of ​​dreams for two days!"

Truman directly threw the Civilization Scroll and the Black Emperor's Crown into the ocean under the dreamy paradise.

In Truman's view, no matter how powerful the uniqueness is, it will be contaminated by the source of matter. Once it is "soaked in," he will naturally be able to indirectly use these two uniquenesses by virtue of his control over the dreamy phosphorescence.

"The reshaping and distortion of rules, and the trend of civilization development."

Both abilities are powerful enough to enrich Truman's combat capabilities.

"It still takes a certain amount of time." Truman nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the two unique items floating in the sea of ​​dreams.

Then, he took out the pen of Alsuhod.

This quill transformed by the characteristics of the nightmare dragon finally came into his hands.

The quill trembled in his hand. It probably knew that two "seniors" had just been thrown into the sea of ​​dreams to take a bath.

"Let's try it." Truman directly opened the third page of the dream book - "Cause and Effect".

The abilities of the two overlap to a certain extent, which also means that if they are used at the same time, they will be greatly strengthened.

"..." Truman scratched his head, and then wrote in the Book of Dreams, "The Demon King's mental state was very poor, and he was affected by the desire for destruction. He prepared a plan to make the world feel the horror of the abyss again, and started taking action. "


The writing on the page of "Cause and Effect" simply collapsed, and it was impossible to forcibly interfere with the fate of an ancient god.

"Is it because I don't have enough power at my disposal?" Truman felt it and nodded lightly.

He is now able to mobilize the power of the Book of Dreams at roughly the level of the King of Angels, which is similar to Sasril's blank slate state, and is far from being able to interfere with the gods.

God is the qualitative change of all paths, and already represents a concept of authority itself.

"Affected by the Elf King's mobilization of large amounts of sea water to participate in the divine war, the abyss demon clan crawled out of the abyss in large numbers and attacked the territories of various clans."

Truman thought for a while and wrote this line on the book again.

Just like hundreds of years ago, the Demon Lord and the Destruction Wolf were in the same situation at that time. The demons under his command were constantly causing trouble in the entire world, and their mission was to destroy and pollute the world.


Truman watched the words on the book slowly disappear, and looked up to look outside the Kingdom of God. He could sense that a faint force was being transmitted, and the wheel of history had begun to roll forward.If it were just the power of Alsuhod's pen, the Demon King might be aware of it.

After all, the devil has already mastered the ability to sense crises at the sixth level of the sequence, and at the level of the devil monarch, he can know anything that is not beneficial to him.

Just like in a war in which three ancient gods were killed and injured, the demon monarch was faster than the phoenix who had mastered some of the "door" paths.

But now the combination of "karma" and Alsuhod's pen can reach a higher level, and this fateful intervention is directly protected by the Book of Dreams.

The Demon Lord will most likely not be able to detect it.

"This will be a longer period of time."

Demons will continue to harass and invade the major supernatural races until the major supernatural races can't bear it anymore and start a war in anger.

This kind of thing is very reasonable and has happened countless times in the past thousands of years.

Once the war starts, it will not stop easily.


In the corner of the city-state that had just escaped the disaster, the boy saw a potion that had just been prepared in the hand of the tall priest.

"I have three formulas in my hand, namely divine blood warrior, hunter and assassin. respectively.

"Among them, the 'Giant' path has Sequence Seven and below, and the 'Hunter' and 'Assassin' paths have Sequence Nine and Sequence Eight."

"Now I don't have enough materials, so I can only prepare an assassin's potion." The priest raised the stone jar in his hand, and in the jar was the potion that shook like a shadow.

"My last warning is that potions can help us resist demons, but at the same time, we will also become demons."

The priest, who was the "Weapons Master", looked at the boy who still had boundless desire in his eyes and gave him one last warning.

"I just want to live and... pursue Mr. Angel!" The boy roughly grabbed the potion.

"The Lord has forgiven you, and no one will hurt you again!" The priest shook his head, "Everyone who drove you out of the city will also be punished."

"But I don't believe you!" The boy stubbornly faced the world, "Absolutely not!"

"Child..." The priest wanted to make up for something, "It was my dereliction of duty not to save you..."

Before the priest could finish his words, the boy drank the potion in the stone jar in one gulp.

The potion entered his throat and gradually integrated into his body. The stone jar in his hand fell to the ground, his eyes became dark, and there seemed to be shadows surging under his skin.

"Hurry up and meditate!" The priest looked solemn and shouted loudly, hoping to wake up the boy.

When preparing the potion, he had already imparted various knowledge to the boy, but the boy who drank the potion seemed to have lost his ability to think.

It would only be harder for a child to stay sane while under a potion.

But at this moment, the ray of sunlight on his forehead came into effect. The "purification" of the sun stabilized the boy's will and completed his meditation.

The boy seemed to be very talented in learning this kind of mysticism. He quickly absorbed his spirituality and completed his promotion.

"...You are lucky." The priest looked at the boy and said in a complicated tone.

"Tell me your name, I need to put you on the books."

"Chick!" the boy said his name.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 48 Coincidence


Chapter 48 Coincidence

"The giants fought against the demons, and the God of Honor was seriously injured by the Demon King's Blood Archduke..."

"The alien city-states under the underworld of the ancestor of the Phoenix were attacked by a large number of demons..."

"The elf soldiers encountered a sneak attack by the demon clan..."

All these are from Truman's writings.

Now, several years have passed since he first wrote the beginning of the story, and everything has begun to unravel.

In the process, he became more and more adept at combining his own "causal" ability with Alsuhod's pen, and all kinds of coincidences and arrangements of fate came naturally.

The most important thing is that everything makes sense.

"Next, it's time for humans to enter." Truman wrote the story about demons and human city-states.

"Who should I choose?" Naturally, humans are treated differently. In the story, when a human city-state is attacked, an angel must stand up and protect humans.

"Who should I choose?" Several colleagues appeared in front of Truman.

"Medici, Leodro, Okuses...oh, and there is also Ourolyus who has a less strong presence!"

He actually gets along well with these colleagues, but he won't show mercy to those who should be tricked.

"It's just you, old pigeon!" Truman suddenly remembered that most of the city-states under Leodro's protection were close to the ocean, which just embeds him into the story.

"The Blood Archduke is being hunted by the God of Dawn..."

A new story has begun.

Leodro, who was far away from the Kingdom of God to protect the believers in the city-state, suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"What's going on?" Suddenly there was thunder around Leodro, and a lightning storm submerged him. He was disinfecting himself, "Is it a curse?"

"There's no curse... and there's nothing wrong with it." Leodro frowned, the almost metaphysical feeling really didn't make sense.

"Ignore him!" Leodro descended over a city-state with lightning all over his body.

The sacrificial square in the city-state was full of human beings participating in the sacrificial ceremony. They all knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise their heads under the endless power of thunder.

They have been waiting for a long time...

However, the wind angel will never be late!

It's just that the believers here are too devout and started the ceremony early to welcome the arrival of the wind angel.

"Continue!" Feng Angel's cold voice was like thunder exploding in the sky, causing the believers on the ground to tremble and quickly get up to continue their sacrifice to the Creator.

It's just that the rituals in the city protected by the Wind Angel are tricky. For example, there are more introductions and praises to the Wind Angel in the ritual than the other angels combined, almost equal to the ancient Sun God...

This is not blasphemy or offensive, but the believers love the wind angel too much.

"Very good!" After hearing his prayer, Leodro nodded with satisfaction, flew up and left the city-state.

The believers on the ground finally breathed a sigh of relief and began normal sacrificial activities.

The wind angel came to the seaside and looked at the open sea with great yearning.

Extraordinaries in the path of the storm should roam the ocean and sing loudly above the huge waves.

He really wanted to break into the sea and run amok, but the ocean now was the territory of elves. For an angel like him, the Creator, to break in at will was tantamount to provocation.

"Impact! Impact!" Feng Tiantian felt depressed in his heart and vented it directly.


Natural disaster is coming!The entire sea as far as the eye could see was tumbling under the pull of some strange force, with huge waves rising into the sky, as if a tsunami was coming!

The singing of the Sequence Five "Ocean Singer" of the "Storm" pathway is performed by a Sequence Two Angel, which is such a terrifying scene.

Even... the voice of Wind Angel is extremely penetrating, which makes the power of this singing even more terrifying. It can make people lose their minds and go crazy.

"Ho! Damn it! Who can sing so unpleasantly!?" A wave of blood suddenly erupted in the ocean, submerging half of the ocean.

A strange-looking demon emerged from the sea of ​​​​blood, roared, and looked at the wind angel Leodro.

This demon was hidden in the blood mist, revealing two huge demon horns and a pair of bat wings behind it.

Countless strange runes are intertwined together. Such a demon can even make a demigod fall madly and turn into a monster just by looking at it.

He was the demon who injured the God of Honor. He was chased by Badheir and hid here. His condition was stable, but that roar disrupted the process.

This is really unlucky, of course, it can also be clever...

This demon's blood-red eyes revealed a frenzied spirituality, which was injured by "Singing".

The eyes of Leodro and this Sequence [-] demon met, and time seemed to have stopped.

There were too many coincidences in this, and the two angels involved felt this way, but if you think about it carefully, it turned out to be too reasonable.

The abyss is far away from three continents, and it is usually necessary to land through the ocean, and the blood archduke who is being hunted will naturally choose a place with an escape route to stabilize his condition.

And Leodro's roar came entirely from his heart.

There would be no problem if the two things were taken apart, but now they collided together, creating a wonderful effect.

"Death!" The devil shouted suddenly, and the curse of "The Whisperer" was activated, coming with his voice.

"Impact!" Leodro used his "singing" ability again. The powerful voice was extremely penetrating, disturbing the mind and shocking the spirit body.

The collision of the two sounds caused the ocean to violently roll, explode, and cancel each other out.

Leodro controlled the endless sea water to turn into a tsunami and hit the devil.

But the devil also raised his hand, and the sea of ​​blood rose and rolled under his feet, colliding with the tsunami like a natural disaster!

At this moment, the ocean between the two became two rolling dragons fighting madly, causing the earth to shake.

Leodro raised his hand and threw down the lightning storm and tornado. The blazing thunder and lightning was transmitted through the sea water, increasing the power of the natural disaster countless times, and instantly overwhelmed the blood sea.

"Filth!" The demon spoke coldly, and a fishy smell was generated out of thin air, and filthy blood fell on Leodro's body.

The filthy blood seemed to be alive, constantly infiltrating into Leodro's body.

Leodro snorted coldly, and the thunder exploded, evaporating all the filthy blood.

A red flame ignited in the devil's eyes. Leodro was affected with almost no ability to resist, and the devil's voice suddenly sounded in his heart.


Leodro's body stiffened slightly and stagnated, as if the devil had invaded his body. The devil was fighting for the dominance of his body!

His mental state began to decline towards depravity and irritability, and he had huge problems controlling his own abilities!

"Get away!" Leodro glared angrily, white lightning burst out from his hair, and he seemed to transform into thunder and lightning, killing the devil in his body.

"Natural disaster"!

He is the second sequence of the storm path, and he is a natural disaster.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 49 Demon Ritual


Chapter 49 Demon Ritual

The devil was evaporated into smoke in the violent and destructive aura that was as strong as substance, and the devil itself also suffered a certain amount of damage.


The demon let out a roar and kept getting closer, its body gleaming with blood, as if it was about to fight Leodro hand-to-hand!

In the form of mythical creatures, the physical strength of demons is no less powerful!

A trident appeared in Leodro's hands, controlling the tsunami and impacting the demon's body.

The devil's body is extremely strong and can withstand lightning and tsunami impacts, but this is Leodro's home court!

His lightning storms and tsunamis are incredibly powerful, almost overwhelming the demons and beating them violently.

The demon looked fiercely at Leodro's body, which almost turned into thunder, and many evil curses were ineffective.

He turned around and was about to run away, wanting to get away from this battlefield.

Leodro summoned lightning spears several times and threw them at the demon's body, piercing it and blocking his escape.

For this reason, He doesn't mind adding another legend about killing demons to the holy book!

But during the pursuit, the demon suddenly turned around to face the trident, and his body was torn apart.

"You, like 'Morning Light' and 'Honor', are complete idiots!" The devil's eyes suddenly turned into two strange colors.

That is the entanglement of black and red, the sublimation of evil and depravity!

The demon laughed crazily, and Leodro was spiritually touched, and subconsciously looked at the tsunami that was still entangled in the sea of ​​blood.

After a chase, he had gone deep into the sea of ​​blood controlled by the devil, and he didn't even realize this before! ?

"It was the devil that invisibly amplified my emotions, took advantage of my desires, and made me ignore this..." Leodro's face was solemn, with a sense of crisis.

The demon's body was pierced by lightning spears several times, and his blood, which smelled of sulfur and was extremely polluted, spilled into the sea water.

The sea of ​​blood underwent some strange changes.

Countless weird and evil demonic words were turned into symbols and dissolved into the sea water, and Leodro could hear the obscure and evil murmurs among them.


Leodro's half-thunder body was frozen.

The blood sea collapsed, and the demon blood in it gradually turned into a huge ritual pattern.

The function of the ritual is very simple, but it is something that even low-level extraordinary people of the abyss path can do.

Summon the demons!

And there is only one person who can summon this demon angel!

The rolling sea of ​​blood gradually showed the projection of a bottomless abyss.

That represents the filthiest and most depraved place in this world and even in the universe!

Leodro saw the abyss corrupted by a corrupting power.

"Demon King!" Under such circumstances, Leodro inevitably felt awe of the ancient god.

And the devil's own control over his emotions was so wonderful that he directly turned Leodro's emotions into fear!

Leodro's mental state fell into trouble in an instant, but because the devil summoned the abyss projection, his state improved, and the situation of the battle was directly reversed.


The demon simultaneously cast Foul Words and Blood Ignite, and Leodro was hit hard again, severely damaged both mentally and physically.

"Great and filthy Demon King, this is the sacrifice offered to you by your servant, please enjoy..."

"Why is the old pigeon so easy to deal with?"

There seemed to be a sneer in the devil's ears, and his malicious perception exploded instantly, reaching its highest point!

He subconsciously wanted to escape back to the abyss, but a bolt of lightning turned into a whip and wrapped around his body.

"You deserve to die!" In the devil's disbelieving gaze, a sea that seemed to contain all colors appeared behind Leodro.The ups and downs of the sea freed Him from all the rules of the abyss.

This is the refuge of the Chaos Sea.It is a benefit unique to the angels under the Creator, except of course Truman, for whom this thing is a source of danger.

Leodro even suppressed his anger and violent emotions and judged the devil calmly.

He transformed into a storm, controlling tsunamis, hurricanes dancing wildly, and thunder and lightning jumping.

The devil's crisis perception was confused and he could not tell where the death crisis came from, so he launched the final step of the abyss summons without hesitation!

He reached out and inserted his hand into the wound on his body and pulled hard.


Black-red blood with the smell of fire and sulfur spilled into the sea water. The sea water boiled instantly, and the projection of the abyss became more and more real.

The devil himself fell into the projection of the abyss, knelt on one knee, and prayed devoutly.

"O Lord who will eventually pollute everything and destroy the universe! I pray for your strength and your coming..."

The evil devil's words are echoing, and the projection of the abyss seems to have a real gaze looking at this place.

That's the rule or will of the abyss. It's a place where even the angels, except those who pass through the demon path, may die if they enter!

A look of fear flashed across Leodoro's face, and an unparalleled evil locked onto him.


A voice rang in Leodro's heart, and his favor from the Sea of ​​Chaos erupted again, blocking the lock.

Leodro turned into lightning and was far away from the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

"I hope I can be lucky enough."

Truman appeared outside the battlefield and looked at the demon performing the ritual from a distance.

Now the illusory abyss constructed in the devil's language has taken shape, opening up a direct passage to the abyss.

Truman turned the book of dreams to "Cause and Effect", put his fist in front of his lips, blew gently, made a wish, and then snapped his fingers to fulfill his wish.

Then he launched Steal.

The next moment, he succeeded. He stole the entire ritual of praying for the coming of the devil!

"Beautiful!" Truman always praised him. Before that, he had fulfilled the wishes of many believers with his wish ability, and accumulated enough wish power, and then all of them focused on his own luck.

The identity of the Book of Dreams made him immune to the influence of the demon monarch's will, and he successfully stole the ritual.

"You!" The demon was confused for a moment. The sea of ​​blood under his feet lost the support of the abyss and collapsed, causing serious spiritual backlash.

"Goodbye Mr. Demon, if you can survive." Truman nodded friendly towards the demon who selflessly dedicated himself, and then wandered away.

The demon hurriedly stabilized his condition, but the next moment, a sword of dawn directly penetrated his demon body.

The fourth person in the sequence of the Giant Path is "Demon Hunter", which means hunting demons.

High-sequence giants have the ability to hide their malice and launch deadly attacks.

Previously, this demon seriously injured "Honor" and got rid of "Morning", but under Truman's arrangement, Badheir, the God of Dawn, had already touched this place.

"Badheir?!" The demon cried out in pain, his body shattered into pieces, and drops of demon blood splattered in all directions.

"Morning Cage!"

"Storm of Light!"

Badheir roared angrily and activated two powerful abilities.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 50 Conquest of the Abyss


Chapter 50 Conquest of the Abyss

The morning light flowing like mercury formed an airtight cage on the sea, trapping every drop of the devil's blood inside.

The devil naturally wanted to send out a certain drop of blood and leave some backup, but at a certain moment Truman reached out and grabbed it, stole all the blood he sent, and crushed it gently.

Badheir faced the reassembled demon in the cage. Behind him, an orange-red storm capable of destroying everything rose in the cage, tearing apart everything in it!

"Death!" The giant's roar echoed through the sky, and the colors of dawn and dusk dyed the battlefield orange.

It's like the setting sun disappears and will eventually return to nothingness.


The devil naturally knew that it was time to fight, and he automatically gave up his extra reason in exchange for more powerful power!

Blood-red and orange-red fight each other in the cage, gradually mixing into the same red.

In the end, the demon was unable to escape and became a blood-colored crystal in the hands of the God of Dawn. Inside the crystal was a drop of black-red blood that looked like magma, exuding an aura of depravity and filth.

"Hmph! It's you again, Dream!" Badheir looked at Truman, who naturally noticed something that happened during the battle.

I'm not happy with Truman's participation in his battle, but it's not easy to fight with Truman, and of course I can't beat him...

He took a deep look at Truman, turned around and left.

Truman ignored him and just wrote in the book.

"The Demon King died in the hands of the God of Morning. One can imagine what will happen next..."

The quill is writing rapidly on the dream book, writing a reasonable development for everything that follows.

By now, many things have been decided.

So even though the story written this time involved two ancient gods, it went very smoothly, and the words gradually disappeared on the page.

Truman nodded with satisfaction and put the things away.

"Thank you for saving me!" As if the roar of a giant monster rang in his ears, Truman subconsciously took two steps back.

Leodro didn't care whether these two steps were serious or not. At this time, he was full of gratitude to Truman.

When facing the projection of the abyss, the angel was still weak. In his opinion, it was Truman who saved him, and Laoge remembered it in his heart!

Truman was a little embarrassed and coughed twice, "It's okay, you can't just die without saving your colleagues!"

"I will remember this time!" Leodro said solemnly. His character can be called violent, which is very suitable for the "Storm" path, but he also attaches great importance to commitment.

"Okay..." Truman twitched the corner of his mouth and decided that he would never let Lao Ge know that he had Alsuhod's pen.

"Let's go, this place will soon become the center of the war storm." Truman and Leodro stayed away from here, and even moved away to a human city-state.

Just when the demon angel was killed by Badheir, the abyss far away in the boundless sea suddenly shook.

A will awakened, and an indifferent gaze cast from the bottomless abyss, falling on Badheir who was returning to the Giant King's Court.

Buzz!A gentle buzzing sound sounded, and a ray of dusk light came, protecting Badheir and pushing back unceremoniously.



The two ancient gods roared in the air. They had conquered each other countless times, and each had their own victories and defeats. However, the power of the giant family in this era has reached its peak!

"My servants, go and sacrifice the flesh and blood of the giant clan to me!" The demon monarch Fabuti opened the abyss, and countless demons surged out, descending on the Giant King's Court area through the spiritual world or rituals and other powers.

In fact, when Truman brought "Honor" and Demon Angel Guidance together, the battle between the two ancient gods was inevitable!

The subsequent deception of Leodro only provided a reason for the Creator to intervene later.

The two ancient gods, one a madman and the other at his strongest moment, didn't know the reason why, they just fought!

In the past few hundred years, the major extraordinary races have been roughly divided into two relatively powerful races: dragons and giants, and the world has been peaceful for a long time.

But the previous divine war and the following war will once again tell everyone that war is the theme of the second era, and the previous peace is an illusion!

"This time, except for Meng who stays behind, the rest of the angels will participate in the war!" Saslier read out the oracle of war.

"Yes!" Leodro thought that the war was launched mainly for his revenge. He was so emotional that he couldn't help but sing a song to express his gratitude.

Fortunately, Medici was quick and stuffed a ball of ice directly into Leodro's mouth.

"Countless believers almost died gloriously under the attack of the Wind Angel." Medici clapped his hands, shook off the frost, and said to Ourolius next to him.

Ouroleus and Osykus both nodded in agreement.

Saslier covered his face with his hands, and Truman couldn't help laughing. Where there is Medici, there is always joy!

Of course, you first have to make sure that the person he mocks first is not you, otherwise the fun may be yours.

"Let's go!" Saslier's stern eyes made Leodro press the violent thunderbolt, gave Medici a hard look, and led a team of Extraordinaries to the battlefield.

Several angels are setting out one after another, which will put great pressure on the demon side, forcing the demon monarch Fabuti to take action himself.

"You make your own timing." Saslier glanced at Truman and nodded lightly.

"I know." Truman turned and returned to the dreamland.

He sat on the shoulders of his idol, grabbed it in his hand, and an unfinished ritual appeared in his hand.

This is a ritual to summon demons, which can connect to the abyss.

Truman stole it to establish a connection with the abyss at the right time, and he could use this connection to teleport directly there.

The abyss hangs alone overseas, and even the demon lord Fabuti, forcing his way in is basically equivalent to facing the ancient gods, which is too unwise.

He sat here for a long time, and he didn't know when a faint figure appeared beside him, and Lilith also came here.

During the war, Sasril could not leave the entire Creator Kingdom behind, so it could only be the three of them.

"Abyss..." Truman was also very curious about this. In his memory, there were too few records about the entire place, and only a fierce man who even dared to go to the witch had searched for it.

"Angels have joined the war." The intensity of the war has finally intensified. Angels have entered the scene. If there are no corresponding angels to stop them, they can cause unimaginable damage.

After the angels from the Creator's side joined the battlefield, several angels from the demon clan retreated one after another, making it difficult to resist!


Without any warning, the demon king Farbuti rushed out of the abyss and fought with the giant king Ormir.

In the star realm, two ancient gods fought, dusk corroded the void, and corruption polluted the star realm.

The two forces are eroding each other, and their respective powers are colliding.

(End of this chapter)