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Chapter 51 In-depth


Chapter 51 In-depth

When the demon king Fabuti and the giant king Olmir started a war, Truman directly threw the demon ritual in his hand, and the ritual returned to operating status.

This demonic ritual was stolen by him to be used at this time.

The re-activated demonic ritual exudes bursts of degenerate aura and spreads rapidly around. This thing is connected to the abyss and can pollute everything.

Truman raised his hand to attract the sunshine from the Creator's Heaven, suppressing the aura of depravity within a certain range.

Amanissis raised his hand gently, hiding the fate of the three people.

A few drops of demon's blood appeared on Truman's hand, which was spilled by the demon angel and stolen into his hand.

"Come out!" The sage's robe on Truman's body flashed with a turbulent flow of information, and he analyzed the information in it.

After a few breaths, this demon angel was basically familiar to Truman. Then he stretched out his hand and pulled out the historical projection of the demon angel.

The demon angel began to pray, causing a looming passage to appear in the abyss projection.

"Let's go!" Truman used the ability of "Planeswalker" to tear open the space, and walked into the passage first, going to the abyss deep in the sea beyond the mainland.

Amanysis threw a red moon, and Lilith took it with tacit understanding, activating the red moon, and the bloody moonlight spilled, blocking the transmission channel.

This will be their return.

"The environment of the abyss is so harsh that no angel can survive except for 'criminals.'" Truman walked into the abyss and was greeted by the smell of filthy and degenerate sulfur.

He took out the Black Emperor's crown and put it on his head, and a twisted force destroyed the rules of survival in the abyss.

"Eh? That's not right!" Truman suddenly felt a real attraction coming from the bottom of the abyss, and the black emperor's crown on his head was trembling.

It is craving!

"Constructing a survivable order in the harshest environment..."

This is a manifestation of the "Black Emperor's" ability, twisted to the extreme, and recreated to create a complete set of feasible orders.

Of course, adjacent pathways also have the ability to directly formulate special rules.

The abyss is harsh enough, and there is no place in the universe with a worse environment than this one.

But many weak demons are able to survive here. This is something that at least angels from other paths can do.

"The demon monarch has swallowed the high-level characteristics of the two paths of order?" Truman guessed.

The Demon Lord's madness is comparable to that of the Demon Wolf of Destruction. He is the kind of ancient god who can even give up his own position. He has at least two high-level characteristics in his body, and even more!

"It seems that the Demon Lord did not die in the end. It is possible that the relevant characteristics were torn off during the war between gods..."

In Truman's memory, angels had their bodies cut off and broken down into characteristics. This may also be the case for the demon monarch.

Amanisis and Lilithini also entered the abyss, frowning at the harsh environment here.

Especially Lilith, who has extremely strong vitality and expresses her disgust unabashedly.

"Only a lunatic like Fabuti would occupy the abyss."

Lilith has completely "come ashore". She originally looked down upon these ancient gods, and she was even more contemptuous of these remnants of the old era.

"The abyss was not created by Fabuti?" Truman thought of this.

"I'm not sure...Before we were born with spiritual intelligence, nothing can be traced back, and the abyss has existed since I can remember it."

Lilith didn't expect Truman to ask such a question. She raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly and said uncertainly.

"The first time Fabuti appeared to fight with us, he crawled out of the abyss." That's why it's impossible to be sure.

Truman and the two goddesses walked in the abyss, and what they saw was black-red magma, and the smell of sulfur and filth filled the air.

"It is true that such a harsh environment is not suitable for survival, but it is not enough to say that it threatens the angels."

Truman straightened the black emperor's crown on his head, and a concept of authority spread out, distorting the rules here. Within a certain range, the three of them would not be affected by the rules of the abyss.


An insignificant voice made the expressions of the three of them change greatly.

Wow!A wave of pollution surged like a real tide.

They are black, red, and even indescribable colors of depravity. They form a trend that will sweep across the entire abyss after a certain period of time!

Truman used the Black Emperor's control and distortion of the rules to forcefully carve out a safe place in the wave, stand there and withstand the impact of this pollution and corruption.

At the same time, he captured information that could only be recorded in soil, air, and stone, and inferred some of the information here.

"This kind of power has exceeded Sequence Two..."

Amanisis maintained a semi-secret state, with only a faint shadow existing. He sensed this filthy and depraved personality and made judgments.

"Fabouti doesn't have a sequence-level god." Lilith added.

So why is there still such high-level pollution here after Fabuti left the abyss?

"It's the abyss itself or it comes from outside the abyss!" Truman also realized this.

Either way, there is something wrong with the abyss!

"Let's go directly!" Truman directly tore apart the space and teleported to the bottom of the abyss.

That is the realm where the demon lord Farbuti lives and sleeps. It is filled with unimaginable pollution, the kind of pollution that can have an effect on gods!

This is why Saslier even paid a big price to ask the three of them to work together.

He wants to know the situation at the bottom of the abyss, and he can only have such an opportunity when the Demon King is fighting the Giant King God.

"Be careful!" The three of them stood at the entrance of the last abyss. Lilith stopped and did not rush to enter.

"what happened?"

Truman and Amanysis both stopped, and their bodies tensed up to guard against accidents.

"There's a lot of life in it."

Lilith frowned, looking at the entrance to the last layer of the abyss, feeling strange.

"We are close to the bottom of the abyss. It is a place only angels among demons are qualified to reach. The existence of life is already pitiful."

Truman and Amanysis both understood what Lilith meant and felt more vigilant in their hearts.

"I'll go in first." Truman walked towards the gate of the abyss, he couldn't back down here.

He opened the dream book in his hand, and a large amount of dreamy phosphorescence enveloped his body.

He is also confident that even if the Demon Lord Fabuti is here in person and has the Book of Dreams, he will not be killed instantly with just one look.

Truman stepped forward without touching the door of the abyss, but tore apart the space and "opened the door" to enter.

"Are you kidding? This is the last level of the 'abyss'?" Truman's shocked voice came through the door that had not yet been closed.

The two goddesses looked at each other and walked side by side.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 52 The Bottom Layer


Chapter 52 The Bottom Layer

What comes into view is an illusory and bright starry sky. It does not have the degradation and harsh environment of the abyss that I have seen before, but it has this kind of unimaginable beauty.

There is a void here, and there is a large land island in the void, which is actually home to many lives.

There are flowers, trees, birds and animals, and even various extraordinary creatures. From these, it seems that this place should be an isolated fantasy land, not the bottom of the abyss.

"This place is very similar to the star realm." Amanissis looked at the illusory starry sky and said softly.

Today's star realm is also like this. The starry sky is close to illusion, and various concepts such as authority and ability are intertwined in it, either turning into stars or condensing into nebulae.

"There's a star there."

Suddenly, Lilith caught a star that was getting brighter in the star realm.

Truman looked directly at the star, and for a moment, many thoughts uncontrollably flashed through his mind.

"Above the Sequence", "Starry Sky", "Old Days"...

In his eyes, the gradually brightening star suddenly burst out. When those thoughts flashed through Truman's mind, he seized that moment and established a mysterious connection with Truman.

Whatever is spoken must be known.

There are some things that Truman knows very well, but he will not take the initiative to delve into them, so that under the protection of the Book of Dreams, he will not be glimpsed, but it is different now.

He recalled this knowledge as he faced the star.

At this moment, the entire abyss changed, and the boundaries between light and darkness were blurred, replaced by a blood-red illusory mist.

It did not become real because there was a real force that blocked it, allowing it to only erode Truman by relying on the connection it established with Truman.

Almost at the same time, the ancient sun god who sat under the huge cross and prayed every day opened his eyes and looked beyond the star realm.

A red moon occupies half of the field of vision of the star realm.

The figure of the ancient sun god instantly appeared in the star world, with an illusory bell composed of twelve links under his feet.

An indescribable invisible torrent emerged from the Illusive Bell, as if it had traveled through a long history to the present.

"Dang!" The sound of the bell spread, and there was a strange power surging, and the scene illuminated by the red moon disappeared.

Time was stolen, or rather the scene was stolen and could not be seen.

The ancient sun god held the blasphemous slate and solemnly and sacredly said: "Let there be light!"

The strong sunlight obscured everything.

The next second, the red moon shined. The light of the red moon was very powerful, but after all, it was outside the barrier and could not penetrate. It was eventually covered by the sun's rays.

Farther away from the moon, brown stars, orange stars, red stars, Venus and other stars flashed at the same time, all looking weird and unspeakable against the cosmic background.

The ancient sun god faced all this silently, and even the sun's light exerted great restraint on the demon king in the battle.


The Demon Lord roared angrily. He was probably the only one among the gods who knew what was going on. He roared angrily and wanted to break through Almir's blockade and return to the abyss.

It was just the sunlight that greatly affected his condition, making him even more passive in front of the Giant King.

In the eyes of the other angels and gods, this was just the ancient sun god who had been waiting for him to finally take action against the demon monarch.

You must know that the Creator sent all his angels to participate in the battle from the beginning, and all the gods were prepared for this.Of course, some ancient gods noticed a moment of disharmony, and the Phoenix Ancestor even felt the throbbing of the characteristics within his body.

But everything was covered up under the sunlight, and the ancient gods could only see a blazing light when they explored it.

In that blazing sun, the ancient sun god stood on the astral barrier. In front of him was the blazing malice of the alien gods in the starry sky, and behind him was the battle of the ancient gods' foolish intentions.

"This is a necessary sacrifice." He turned around, looked at the ancient gods who were about to make a move, and spoke softly.

Then he looked into the abyss. Meng Meng was the angel under him, and he saw everything in the abyss directly through Truman.


When he saw the star, it seemed as if a hammer hit Truman directly on the forehead, causing his thoughts to stop.

He had never experienced such a terrifying and violent pollution, and the pollution even tainted everything about him in an instant.

Even that pollution did not just appear on Truman, but leaked out to Amanysis and Lilith, intending to pollute everyone.

"It's you!" Truman felt the feeling of being crazy and out of control for the first time. That was when his body gave birth to a completely crazy monster.

That was inconsistent with his pure character, and gave him a strong sense of conflict.

But he did not delay, but stretched out his hand to gently tap on the dream book, and the dreamy phosphorescence around him instantly rioted.

It seems that the entire dreamy paradise has been pulled out of the book of dreams, covering everything, making the whole world covered with dreamy colors.

Under the illusion of the dreamy paradise, all pollution has been removed, which is equivalent to a certain Mr. Fool in the future using the gray mist of Source Castle to "disinfect".

Amanisis and Lilith are also using their own methods to deal with these pollutions from the outer gods.

The secret authority can even prevent the gaze of external gods from finding one's own existence, and the authority of the night can also silently eliminate the terrifying pollution.

There was a body in front of Lilith that was exactly the same as hers, which bore the pollution of the outer gods for him, and then quickly aged, and after completing the course of life, the pollution in her body also disappeared with the end of life.

The status of the three of them is much higher than that of ordinary angels. As long as the barrier is still so stable, even if Truman is caught off guard and establishes a mysterious connection with the outer god, it will be difficult to be contaminated by this power.

Strictly speaking, except for those who are suppressed by extremely high levels of personality, these pollutions may not be as good as the ancient gods personally taking action against them.

Truman looked at the illusory and bright star, "The Mother Tree of Desire?"

"He does have something to do with the abyss."

"Even the abyss has big problems."

The deepest part of the abyss is actually connected to the star realm?This is something no one could have predicted.

Is this what Sasril or the ancient sun god wants to know... Truman also looked at the illusory but bright star with a solemn expression.

The current barrier is still strong enough to effectively block the power of the outer gods, and their power cannot penetrate yet.

But if thousands of years pass, the Mother Tree of Desire may be able to erode this place through its secret connection with the abyss, turning this place into a bridgehead for eroding the earth.

"No wonder the ancient sun god asked us to come here to explore. Even without us, Sasril would take the risk to come here."

To nip it in the bud, you must have a certain degree of control over this place, and you cannot let it fall into the hands of the mother tree.

This is probably the ultimate goal of the ancient sun god.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 53 Tide of filth


Chapter 53 Tide of filth


All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and the invisible barrier that had just maintained the strongest defensive position in Trumen's heart actually started to tremble.

Truman's eyes widened suddenly, watching the invisible barrier tremble slightly.

This tremor was almost invisible on the barrier, and it could not leave any trace on the barrier.

But there was an unimaginable wave of filth in the abyss. Starting from the very bottom of the abyss, that wave rushed in all directions, shaking the entire abyss.

Is this the nature of the wave of filth?Is it the aftermath caused by the Mother Tree of Desire's constant impact on the invisible barrier? !

The Mother Tree of Desire is using its mysterious connection with the abyss to attack the invisible barrier in the abyss. How long has this been going on?A hundred years or a thousand years? !

The barrier is still strong, but is it possible for a drop of water to penetrate a stone...

If things continue like this, this may become a weak point in the invisible barrier.

Truman's face was solemn. Judging from the traces in his memory, he was more inclined to think that the Mother Tree of Desire had achieved certain results. After all, both the "Abyss" and the "Bound One" were polluted and controlled by it.

This is already the greatest achievement achieved by the Outer God in this world.

You have already controlled the only two paths you need before entering. This method is not weak.

This is probably the advantage gained from starting from the Corrosion Abyss!

"The ancient sun god had certain prophecies about what happened here. Of course, this cannot be compared to me..."

"He most likely sensed something and started making moves in advance."

"So now or even earlier, perhaps after emerging from the Sea of ​​Chaos and becoming a god, the ancient Sun God is already planning and preparing for the end..."

It's so fierce!

Truman admired, but the situation in front of him did not allow him to think too much. The invisible barrier was trembling, and waves of filth were rushing towards the three of Truman.

Truman threw away the "Civilization Scroll".

The "Scroll of Civilization" directly turned into a secondary projection.

It faithfully records the origins of the major extraordinary races, and reproduces in epic strokes the key nodes in which the extraordinary races emerged from ignorance, created civilization, and dominated the world.

In the next moment, the phantom of the Creator descended from the star realm, leading the human race to rise, and has now become a force that even extraordinary races need to be concerned about.

The thick civilization has blocked the wave of filth.

The wave of filth has entered the picture of civilization, but the Ancient God has ruled for nearly a thousand years, and these heavy years are enough for it to block several waves of filth.

After all, the current invisible barrier is still very powerful, and the power that the Desire Tree can penetrate is quite limited.

But just to be on the safe side, Truman also threw up the Black Emperor's crown. The twisted authority was also terrifying, directly distorting the aggressiveness of the wave of filth and weakening its harm.

"Go to that land!"

Amanissis directly brought the three people to the land with "secretness".

The land islands floating in the starry sky similar to the star realm, no matter how inconsistent it seems, this may be the plot of the demon monarch.

Being stared at by such an outside god through a barrier every day, the Demon King still insists on taking root here and transforming the abyss, and his plan is not small!

The figures of the Truman trio were slowly outlined in the center of the land, becoming real.

"Roar!" Just when they first set foot on this land, there was a terrifying roar, which made their spirits riot in an instant, and all kinds of emotions were rolling and immortal, as if they were about to explode.

The projection of Demon King Farbuti!It was the reverse use of demon summoning. He was fighting fiercely with the Giant King and lowered the projection.

Lilith directly disappeared, hiding herself with the power of "secretness" and "dream".

"It's just a projection without much power." Amanisis immediately concealed his emotions and made the most rational judgment.

That's right. Fabuti, facing the attack of the two gods, must not be able to lose too much power under this projection.

But for many angels below gods, the suppression of a single unit is all.

"Secret!" The goddess directly used the most representative authority of the Night Path.

"Dream!" Truman cooperated with the goddess and used the dream ability to cause the demon monarch's will to stagnate for a moment.

If the demon king himself comes, there is no way he can pull him into the dream, but the power of a projection cannot make him shrink back in fear.

With the blessing of the Book of Dreams, the "Fantasy Dream" succeeded. It successfully caused the demon king's projected movements to lag, and the secret power fell on him.


At this moment, the Demon Lord's projection seemed to have turned into a simple drawing, being erased bit by bit.

Changing the battlefield was Amanysis's plan.

That piece of land is really too weird. If the battlefield is left there, anything could happen. It's too dangerous!


The most powerful enemy in history has ushered in the hidden space.

The demon king's projection was disconnected from his body and lost all sense of the outside world.

"The authority of the night?! You are doom!" The demon king's eyes burned with the flames of corruption.

"You are blaspheming!" The demon king said these words in filthy language.

The divine badge on Truman's chest erupts with strong sunlight, purifying these filth. This badge is truly shaped by the ancient sun god and has enough personality to resist this filthy and corrupt power.

He now puts himself in a supporting position. He is no longer thinking about attacking. Without two unique things, it is difficult for him to threaten the Demon King except for the Book of Dreams.

The Gloves of the Ancient and the Robe of the Sage have kept pace in such a battle.

Unfortunately, the Book of Dreams lacks powerful attacks.

Amanisis directly transformed into the Demon Wolf. The power of the night has now been completely concentrated on him, and the uniqueness has also completed the initial integration. His current state is similar to that of a certain "apprentice" who is good at running away in later generations.

He directly used the power of the night to let the tide of endless darkness seep out from every space in the hidden world and sweep towards the Demon Lord.

"Fregela doesn't dare to face me like this!" the demon king roared, but every word contained unimaginable pollution that could corrupt living beings.

"So He died."

Amanisis calmly faced the projection of the ancient god. For him who killed the Destruction Wolf, he did not even have any emotions that could be exploited by the demon king.

"Fallen!" The demon monarch took a deep look at Amanysis and finally became serious.

These two words are the authority He holds. At this moment, it seems that the hidden world controlled by Amanysis has fallen and is contaminated with the breath of the devil.

The darkness like the tide he summoned also "fallen" and turned into flames with demonic characteristics, which in turn devoured the darkness and eroded the secrets.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 54 Persons


Chapter 54 Persons

"The state of the Demon Lord's projection will be severely affected by the attack on the external body."

Truman wrote such a "prophecy" in the Book of Dreams.

"Let go of the confinement of the hidden world!"

Amanisis tapped his finger lightly, and the entire hidden world flickered for a moment, intersecting with the outside world for a moment.

The Demon King's projection seized this moment and wanted to borrow more power from the main body.

But this time, the "prophecy" came true.

"Sun!" The demon king's projection roared angrily. It was the ancient sun god from the outside world who completely threw himself into the battlefield, causing a major blow to the demon king's body. This blow was also reflected on the projection through that moment of contact.

Truman felt something in his heart and immediately activated the divine badge on his chest. A pure and brilliant sunlight was inspired from the divine badge, as if a divine light fell from the sky and directly penetrated the body of the demon king's projection.

"Ah!" The devil's projection was greatly damaged, and the "dark night" completely overshadowed the "fall".

"It's time to end." Amanissis slashed with the death scythe.

"Death!" The demon king's projection quickly slowed down, and two bone blades suddenly grew out of his hands, and he swung upwards to open the death sickle.

It is another confrontation between the powers of "dark night" and "filth".

But this time, "Dark Night" is obviously stronger!

The demon king's projection's power and personality suppression of Amanysis has been approaching nothing.


When the sickle and the filthy bone blade clashed here, the whole world seemed to be silent.

It was at this time that two bright colors appeared in the composition, making the hidden world clear and no longer dull.

Those are the green and blood red colors that represent the existence of life.

That was Lilith who had always been hidden. Amanisis created an excellent environment for Him, and He also grasped the opportunity to find some kind of flaw when the two powers collided.

The composition of darkness and filth is invaded by blood, and a vine representing the authority of life penetrates from behind the projection, constantly absorbing the power of the projection.

"Fabouti, you deserve to die." Lilith said coldly.

"Lilith?!" The demon monarch's projection widened its eyes, unable to even comprehend the scene in front of it.

But he had no time to think. Amanisis's palm pressed on the projected devil's head, and this ray of consciousness was soon completely annihilated by the darkness.

The power of the projection that He descended from was also completely sucked dry.

"Happy cooperation." Lilith and Amanysis looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Truman looked at this scene and was a little afraid to step forward.

Afraid of...

But in the end, all the remaining skin of the projection was swept into the sea of ​​dreams by Truman.

Nothing here can be known to the outside world, and the demon king cannot even sense that this projection of himself is dead.

Amanisis canceled the stealth, and the three of them reappeared on the void land.

"It's very weird here..." Chu Mo sensed the aura emanating from this island.

Truman walked several times in the pool in the center of the land and finally confirmed a certain fact.

"Related to the source of matter?"

Truman felt that there seemed to be some secret connection between himself and the island.Even the thought of staying away came from my heart.

The legendary "Shadow World"... Truman stopped approaching and felt a sense of crisis.

The abyss is far away in the depths of the ocean, and is already very close to the legendary Western Continent!

And there are so many elements to this, such as the connection with the star realm and the Mother Tree of Desire. It is not impossible to understand that there is a projection of the "shadow world"...

"I feel a similar pollution as before." Amanisis said softly.

"Fabouti is stealing the power of something." Lilith approached the pool and made a judgment.

The pool is not big, and half of the pool's water has been accumulated in it. The water is red and almost blood-red, glowing pink.

"There are two kinds." Truman was keenly aware of the nature of the water in the pool.

In addition to coming from the Mother Tree of Desire, there is also the power of projection from the "Shadow World"!

The Mother Tree of Desire of the Outer Gods is constantly impacting the barrier, setting off waves of filth that rise up in the abyss every once in a while, but the demon monarch is also stealing the power of this mother tree.

He is relying on the isolation of the barrier to explore the outer gods unscrupulously, actively leading pollution to the bottom of the abyss, and "pollution" is power to the devil!

Just like when Truman took the initiative to remember the knowledge about foreign gods here, he established a connection with the mother tree, and pollution fell.

The demon monarch is also thinking about this. He is always attracting the pollution that only angels and above can fight against, and he is also planning to turn it and the shadow world into his own power through some kind of connection!

"That's too crazy!" Truman frowned. If he was not careful, he might be completely contaminated by the mother tree or the shadow world.

In Truman's view, in a thousand years the demon monarch would really have been taken advantage of by the mother tree while he was recovering from his injuries!

"Crazy people always have different ways of being crazy." Lilith mocked.

Amanisis deeply agreed, and the same was true for the Demonic Destruction Wolf, but unlike the Demon King, the Demonic Destruction Wolf was unable to touch the Origin Castle until his death.

Of course, the other ancient gods were not much better.

"Take this place away!" Amanisis nodded lightly and directly concealed the entire land.

When Truman came to the "Scroll of Civilization", he was still resisting the increasingly powerful wave of filth. The "distortion" of the Black Emperor's crown also made time stay in the previous moment forever.

"The Mother Tree of Desire..." Truman looked at the illusory stars in the bright starry sky. It was constantly shining, trying to erode Truman.

"These contaminations are also troublesome." Truman frowned and took back the two unique items.

The Black Emperor's crown fell on his head, and the civilization scroll turned into his cloak.

"Contamination twist!"

As the emperor, he ordered that a powerful force act on the pollution that could drown the angels, to forcibly destroy them.

It's just the difference in personality that makes the "distorted" authority's effect on these pollutions really limited and unable to succeed.

"It's really troublesome!" Truman patted the dream book.

The sea of ​​dreams suddenly descended. This time it was no longer an illusion, but a real ocean. The endless waves drowned the pollution. In terms of personality alone, the Mother Tree of Desire was at most comparable to the Book of Dreams!

Just when the Sea of ​​Dreams appeared in this starry sky, the star representing the mother tree outside the barrier suddenly shrank.

The connection that vaguely connected Truman to the mysterious level beyond the starry sky was directly unilaterally severed by the mother tree!

This movement was so fast that Truman couldn't react, and gradually, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Truman's mouth.

"The mother tree seems to be afraid?" Truman raised his eyebrows, "Afraid that I will pollute it?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 55 Purification


Chapter 55 Purification


Another wave of filth surged forward, but the disconnected mystical connection could no longer be reestablished.

Truman envelopes himself in dreamy phosphorescence, completely preventing the establishment of a connection.

At the same moment, the illusory stars on the star world can be seen blooming with extremely bright light.

The intensity of the wave of filth also increased several times.

But in Truman's eyes, what the mother tree did was a bit angry.

"He was frightened by the Dream Book and subconsciously wanted to run away, but he quickly came to his senses and angrily tried to re-establish contact with me and erode me."

"Hey!" Truman tapped his fingers on the Book of Dreams, "The Book of Dreams seems to be a little higher than I thought..."

Even the mother tree was frightened at first sight, it's not tall enough.

The connection between Truman and the mother tree has been severed, and he can no longer pollute him. He can only hit the barrier in vain, causing ripples.

"Let's go." Lilith had already begun to attract the bloody moonlight, which was the only way to stay at the ceremony just in case.

This time the operation has been completely successful, there is no need to stay here and face the wave of filth.

Truman and Amanysis both nodded, and with the flash of bloody moonlight, the three figures quickly disappeared into the abyss.

Calm has returned here again, leaving only the starry sky, the illusory stars, and the never-ending tide of filth.

The red moon in the Kingdom of the Creator suddenly erupted into a bloody tide. The bloody tide faded, and three figures appeared on the spot.

"Goodbye." Amanisis took back the red moon and directly hid himself away from the Kingdom of the Creator.

Lilith returned to the dream realm with a normal expression, and they did not need to intervene in the next thing.

And this trip to the abyss has many things worth pondering.

"How?" Saslier walked out of the shadows silently.

"The abyss can be regarded as a weak node..."

Truman recounted everything he saw and heard in the abyss, hiding the strangeness when the Desire Tree saw him.

"Abyss..." Saslier's face became serious, "Then Fabuti will not die."

"Huh?!" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, this statement was very interesting.

"We need a god to block the abyss and prevent someone from entering this world from the abyss." Sasril said softly.

"Use 'abyss' to block the abyss?" Truman's expression was a bit exciting. This result was really unexpected.

But there is a certain rationality in thinking about it.

In Truman's memory, the Demon King is the only ancient god to survive?


With the appearance of a Creator who truly possesses all-knowing and all-powerful authority, it should be easy to deal with a seriously injured ancient god.

But the Demon Lord survived, even into the Fifth Age.

"Aren't you afraid of giving someone an advantage over someone outside?" Truman asked. This was a reasonable worry.

"It's impossible to be cheap, and the Demon King can't be manipulated at will." Saslier shook his head slowly.

"Before the barrier is broken, the Demon King will not be completely eroded, eroded..."

Saslier paused, his tone a little strange and a little puzzled, "The Lord said, believe in the wisdom of future generations." Truman's expression was also strange. As far as he knew about the future, the Demon King did still have the ability to resist. Power, and there is probably a god who can restrain him.

"There is no other way, only He is the most suitable." Saslier invited Truman to see the final result of this divine battle, and Truman readily agreed.

"Oh, by the way, the devil seems to have the high-level characteristics of the 'Order' path. It's best to grab this one." Truman suddenly remembered this matter.

The two paths related to "order" will play a full role in future generations and cannot be buried in the abyss.

"Well, just think of it as giving the devil some benefits from guarding the abyss." Sasril nodded lightly and teased again.

Saslier's words shocked Truman, "But, that's right..."

Helping the Demon King purify his chaotic characteristics is the benefit to the Demon King... but it's a little unethical.

Truman didn't notice Saslier making any moves, but the ancient sun god probably knew it too.

All of this was truly reflected in the divine battle in the star realm.

In the past, he had only made a few attempts to suppress the ancient sun god. He took the initiative a lot. He no longer relied on the invisible barrier, but actively joined the battlefield.

The pure and bright sunlight turned into an incomparable light pillar that connected the spiritual world, the star world and even the real world.

This is a "purification", but it is too powerful and can penetrate the entire world.

When this "purification" appears, everyone who sees this beam of light forgets everything, their minds are blank, and it is difficult to have superfluous thoughts.

The terrifying beam of light accurately bombarded the Demon King under the control of the Giant King and the Shadow Curtain.

All the depravity and filth were annihilated in an instant.

In the beam of light penetrating the world, the huge and twisted demon king roared silently.

Every syllable He uttered contained unimaginable contamination, and so it was purified by the sunlight.

In the pure sunlight, it looks like a black-and-white silent film with heavy white light pollution.

In the silent silence, the demon king's struggle became more and more intense. Needless to say, the influence of "purification" on him was the ability to truly kill him.

Purification is too serious for filth and restraint.

"Roar!" The demon king was struggling, and another substance began to leak out of his huge body.

That is a blood-red liquid, and its appearance directly destroys everything in black and white. The color that represents all the desires in the world will give black and white silent films a strange color.

The Demon King has occupied the abyss for many years, and his research on the starry sky at the bottom of the abyss will only be more than what Truman has seen!

"What is that!?" Even the ancient gods looked sideways, feeling confused and confused as they sensed the strange power. They thought of the starry sky at the same time.

However, due to the invisible barrier, it is difficult for the power of external gods to penetrate, and the ancient gods do not dare to go out. The understanding of the starry sky is really limited, and it is impossible to judge its source.

The ancient sun god looked at this blood-red liquid with much caution. A shadow curtain behind him gently opened, and an eye peered into the world from it.

Wherever the eyes looked, it was as if a shadow broke into the black and white world again, covering everything in the blazing white with a veil.

At the same time, an ancient clock with twelve grids appeared at the feet of the Sun God, and time began to flow in it!

These are two different kinds of authority!

The emergence of the two powers stopped time, the shadows fell, and pressed down together with the sun's rays, suppressing the blood-red liquid!

"God said, Purify."

The ancient sun god spoke again.

Every inch of space in the star realm brightened, and countless pure lights bloomed.

The devil finally lost the ability to resist.

(End of this chapter)