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Chapter 41 The Power of the Ancient God


Chapter 41 The Power of the Ancient God

"The power of the ancient gods is really difficult to deal with." Truman felt deeply troubled, and in the end he could only open the book of dreams.

The phantom of the dreamy ocean under the dreamy paradise came to reality and collided with the real ocean.

The collision of two oceans was an unimaginable scene, but it seemed like two giant beasts hundreds of kilometers away were colliding and fighting fiercely!


The earth seemed to be shaking and cracking, and the gloomy lead clouds in the sky were shattered into fish scales by the powerful vibrations.

A terrible earthquake occurred in the city-state behind Truman.

The wings of fantasy hung down to protect the city-state, preventing it from collapsing in the strong earthquake.

The humans in the city-state looked at the scene in front of them and forgot to breathe, and were horrified beyond words.

"What are you doing!?" Goshinam's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his composure for the first time. He could only see the phantom of the dreamy ocean, and he was actually fighting a non-existent enemy!

Truman didn't talk too much and turned to the second page.

"cause and effect"!

Coshinam's eyes followed Truman's movements and fell on the Book of Dreams.

The next moment, Truman turned to the third page.



Goshnam lost his senses, passively forgot everything about the present, and fell into a dream weaved by himself.

In the dream, it was the Elf Palace that he was most familiar with, and he even saw the Elf King's back inside.

He was sitting slightly lonely on top of the Elf Palace. It was extremely rare that he did not emit violent and crazy thunder and lightning, but looked calmly into the distance.

"Western Continent?" Goshinam also looked in that direction.

He is not the first generation elf, so even as the elf queen, he still cannot touch a certain secret hidden deep by the elf king.

A desire arose within Him, and then the dream changed.

The outline of a continent he had never seen before appeared in his dream.

Koshinam instantly knew that it would be the Western Continent he was pursuing, and his body flew forward uncontrollably.

At this moment, even if he could know that this was a dream, he didn't want to wake up.

It was an irresistible temptation.

However, when he was about to touch that continent, a thunder seemed to explode in his mind.

"wake up!"


Cochinam opened his eyes and subconsciously flew away from Truman. He had a strong sense of crisis and just wanted to stay away from that book!

At the same time, Truman's eyes blurred, and the roar also rang in his mind.

This caused the "dream" he controlled to shatter, and he himself was horrified beyond words.

"Elf King!" Truman's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body began to throb with an uncontrollable throbbing, as if electric current had penetrated into every inch of his flesh and blood, and was about to collapse from the inside.

"Get out!" At this moment, the Book of Dreams suddenly burst out with intense light, expelling all abnormal feelings for a while!

Is this the power of the ancient gods? !

Truman was still frightened.

He raised his head and found that everything was covered by light. The light was very soft, like the rising sun, dispelling the thunder.

This light, like the rising sun, quickly dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the world.

He saw a sun sinking from the star realm, pressing toward the Kingdom of the Elf King.

The ancient sun god finally participated in this war and launched a divine war.

The Elf King roared and stamped on the waves, facing the dark clouds and the storm, holding a lightning spear, driving the entire world's oceans.

The image of the ancient sun god appeared from the sun, with a halo hanging behind his head.

Behind him was a curtain of shadow, and there seemed to be an eye peering into everything.

He did not use the power of the Chaos Sea, nor did he use the other authorities he held.

Sunlight and thunder drowned out everything, making it impossible to see inside the battlefield. "Dream, what on earth are you?!" Cosnam asked for the second time. The two of them were far apart, and the voice was sent by him with the help of the wind.

At this time, Goshinam looked shocked and looked at Truman with caution in his eyes.

When he saw "Cause and Effect", he looked at the Book of Dreams without any resistance. When he saw "Fantasy Dream" again, he instantly fell into the dream he had woven.

During the entire process, he had no power to resist, or even the thought of resisting, and the countless blessings from the ancient gods on his body could not take effect.

If it hadn't been for the Elf King's intervention, he would never have woken up from his dream!

What he could even feel was that the Elf King's eyes fell on Truman, but Truman was not harmed in any way.

The power that Truman burst out at that moment was not strong enough, but he was able to break free from the lock of the ancient god.

And when He delved deeper, everything was obscured by the sun's rays, and nothing could be seen.

"I'm not very sure either..." Truman sighed softly and closed the book of dreams. He was no longer needed for the rest.

There will be no suspense in this battle, and the ancient sun god will not win.

It's not that you can't, it's that you won't.

Over the hundreds of years, the Dream Parliament has been convened many times. During the Ancient God Race War, the four members of the Dream Parliament have deduced all the key points in the next few hundred years.

Among them, the one who provides the most critical information is Truman...

This time the cooperation between the giants was expected, and the subsequent battle with the elves also had certain plans.

"You won't win!" Goshinam continued to test, unwilling to get only such an answer.

"Are you talking about that dragon?" Truman suddenly looked at the city behind him.

Under the illumination of dreamy phosphorescence, Truman discovered something strange in the sea of ​​collective subconscious in the city-state. A huge creature squeezed in, but it did not cause the slightest movement. Even Hermes, who held the Sequence Two artifact, was not aware of it.

The only one who can do this is the Dragon of Utopia.

"You!" Goshinam looked serious and stared at Truman closely.

"Look, this divine battle may take a longer time." Truman stopped talking, but focused his eyes with dreamy phosphorescence, watching the battle between the ancient god and a dual-path true god.

In that boundless sea shrouded in violent storms and filled with lightning and thunder in every corner, the Elf King's body turned into nothingness and became the thunder itself.

He accelerated the entire ocean to the limit of speed, creating a "tsunami" that could destroy the planet.

Compared with such a tsunami, the huge wave set off by the Scourge Queen just now is not worth mentioning at all.

The ancient sun god on the opposite side has transformed into shining and blazing suns one after another, and the countless sun structures have become a sea of ​​light.

The high temperature evaporates everything, and endless energy splashes in those suns.

The two have reached a stalemate.

"Roar!" The Elf King's roar still had the tone of a tyrant, and the thunder sea gradually changed, with other powers emerging.

The characteristics of the Elf King are not pure, and his body contains high-level characteristics from other pathways.

As for what it is, Truman has no way of knowing.

There are many high-level characteristics that have no trace in this era, such as "Black Emperor" and "Judge", "Hermit" and "Perfect", "Witch", and even the two remaining characteristics of "Wheel of Fortune" and uniqueness.

These "dead" things will affect a vast area, and the "living" things will be angels or monsters. Those that have not been discovered until now are probably eaten.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 42 Nightmare Dragon


Chapter 42 Nightmare Dragon

The Elf King used the unknown authority he had, and the ancient Sun God also made a reasonable response.

The eyes in the shadow curtain opened, and the "fallen" breath caused changes in the ocean of sunlight.

The dark and sticky aura of depravity was produced out of thin air and blended into the sunlight, making the sea of ​​pure sunlight dark and deep.

The sun, which has always been the nemesis of evil, did not purify these "degenerate" breaths, but merged with it and turned into a deep and dark ocean.

"Sea of ​​Chaos?!" Truman was shocked. The deep ocean was really similar to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

"If you add the dragon's 'mind', the tyrant's 'ocean', and the white tower's 'knowledge', it becomes more like..."

Sure enough, everything is traceable.

The Elf King and the Ancient Sun God were once again in a stalemate. The Elf King was unable to break it, and the Ancient Sun God was also on guard against other ancient gods.

This battle will probably last for a long time until all eyes are drawn here.


Probably when the giant clan sent troops to attack the Elf Kingdom, when the giant king and the phoenix confronted each other, and when Truman faced the natural disaster, some places also took action.

This time point was chosen extremely cleverly. The Dragon of Fantasy went outside the Elven Sea, and even the Demon King climbed out of the abyss due to the turmoil in the sea.

No one pays attention to things other than the war between gods.

This is a human city-state outside the City of Miracles.

Looking up here, you can see the miraculous city suspended in the air and never falling to the ground.

This is a genuine miracle, which makes the humans in this area worship the dragon crazily, and has extended a quite outstanding dragon culture.

However, the gods did not care. In the eyes of the gods, humans were too insignificant, and their worship was meaningless in the eyes of the dragons.

In the presence of the Dragon of Fantasy, the entire dragon clan's need for faith has been reduced to a minimum, and humans have little value in their eyes.

The eyes of the Dragon of Fantasy have never fallen here. Occasionally, when a giant dragon flies by, he only glances at it with a look of counting the amount of food.

Occasionally, when someone sacrifices, the dragon will fall to the ground and swallow a few "sacrifice" with fear or surprise.

When the mental state is good, the dragon will respond, listen to human appeals, and complete certain simple things.

If the mental state is poor, the dragon will bring disasters, such as frost, storm, and fire. The more fearful the human beings are, the more grand the ceremony may be. More humans praying at the same time will also help the dragon stabilize its own state.

And at the edge of the Miracle City's radiation range, there is a city-state that even other dragons will not approach.

This is the territory of the nightmare dragon Alsuhod.

The nightmare dragon is special enough among the dragon clan, and its character is worse than the ordinary evil dragon. It takes pleasure in controlling the minds of living creatures and letting them act according to their own will.

These creatures are naturally difficult to detect and unable to break away. They will think that it is their own thoughts, and the final outcome will be the most terrifying and terrifying nightmare.

"Roar!" A silent roar sounded in the collective subconscious sea of ​​everyone in this nightmare city.

There was a strange power reverberating, which made everyone's minds go crazy. They gradually forgot their inner thoughts and prepared for a carnival dancing with monsters.

"Sleep." Before the classic drama of father murdering son and son killing father was staged, starlight fell from the night-like starry sky, causing everyone to fall into a deep sleep and gain a moment of peace.

"Who!?" A dragon roar resounded throughout the city, and a dragon head stretched out from the illusory subconscious ocean.

A figure was slowly outlined. It was a beautiful figure, wearing a dark and bright black robe, a hood on his head, and a gauze hanging down to cover his eyebrows. "I know you!" The dragon head looked at the hidden angel who slowly appeared. A dazzling light flashed in the dragon's eyes, and then he said, "The secret sect among humans!"

"But this is all false. I know your true origin." The Nightmare Dragon revealed the origin of the hidden angel, "You are an angel under the Goddess of Doom!"

"Misfortune betrayed the demon wolf and grabbed the greatest profits..." The nightmare dragon recounted what happened that year in a chant-like tone.

"Why did you come to my territory!" In an instant, the nightmare dragon shrank into the sea of ​​collective subconscious. Its dragon eyes stared closely at the hidden angel, with a fierce light shining within it.

As the first in the "dragon" path sequence, he does not lack any of the characteristics of this path.

He observed the Hidden Angel, looking for an opportunity to kill with one strike.

"Do you want to cooperate with my father on behalf of Doom?" The Nightmare Dragon controlled the human closest to the Hidden Angel to speak.

"Sooner or later, misfortune will have to face the giant family, and the only ones who can fight against the giants are us dragons."

After saying this, the manipulated human fell down, and another one stood up.

"You want to work with us to fight the Titans?"

"This is a very reasonable choice. Doom has seized the only chance of survival!"

The Dragon of Nightmares is constantly changing its position in the sea of ​​collective subconscious, and it is also constantly changing the human bodies controlled by it.

This was prudent enough. Except for his father, absolutely no god could lock his position.

And the other party is just a sequence of two angels.

"The Dragon Path is indeed very powerful." The Hidden Angel spoke for the first time, full of admiration, and he had some recognition of Truman's certain views, "You are worthy of being a 'writer'."

"It's a lot to think about."

"Mind control" is of no use at all!

The Nightmare Dragon's eyes flashed, and the many runes on his body shone. He stared closely at the Hidden Angel, and invisible power surged.

Every previous sentence is a guide, guiding the psychology of this hidden angel. This is the power of the "writer" to guide history, but some invisible force blocks this suggestion.

The head of the nightmare dragon in the sea of ​​collective subconscious shook, and he was far away from the city of nightmares.

The Nightmare Dragon was fully prepared as soon as the Secret Angel appeared, and it was his virtual personality who spoke from the beginning.

After that, his true body was hidden in the deep realm of the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

Even when the virtual personality was talking just now, he was making various arrangements. The ability of "writer" allows him to achieve various "coincidences".

For example, Herabergen on the City of Miracles accidentally discovered that he was not in the City of Miracles, so he started searching and set his sights on the City of Nightmares.

Once a battle breaks out here, Herabogen will quickly summon the dragons from the entire Miracle City and head here!

Another example is that a certain human being in the nightmare city would unconsciously shout out the honorable name of his father God after waking up, attracting the attention of his father God.

All these things have ensured His safety.

"So are you ready?" The Hidden Angel spoke again. This time, his gaze looked directly at the sea of ​​collective subconscious, seeming to be able to penetrate its obstacles and reach the deepest part!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 43 The Powerful Goddess


Chapter 43 The Powerful Goddess


The Nightmare Dragon suddenly let out a roar, and something he couldn't understand happened. This angel actually skipped the multiple virtual personalities he arranged and located his true body!

"Impossible!" This strange situation made him feel the danger, and a dragon roar was to summon Helabergen in the City of Miracles.

He knew that if the other person dared to come to Him, he would definitely not be just a Sequence [-] hidden angel. In addition, there must be other angels hidden in the dark.

Maybe even bad luck has come!

The legend of the Goddess of Misfortune is still circulating. Hundreds of years ago, she killed the seriously injured demon wolf with her own hands, making angels, gods and even ancient gods of all races fear her.

Perhaps it can be said that after the emergence of followers like Doom, the living environment of all followers has become much worse, and they are jealous of the ancient gods.

Of course, there are indeed some thoughts that arise from the God Society...

In short, the Nightmare Dragon dare not face the Goddess of Doom alone.

He is also similar to the Elf Queen, with gifts and blessings from various ancient gods, but the goddess of misfortune killed the ancient god who had the same personality as his father!

"Quiet!" The Secret Angel spoke softly, and then all sounds were concealed, achieving the effect of forced silence.

The Nightmare Dragon jumps and flashes directly in the collective subconscious ocean at an incredible speed. He wants to escape from the area controlled by the hidden goddess of doom.

For a "writer" to be forced to face it head-on is already a huge limitation on his own abilities.

"Fear is ignited!" The Hidden Angel spoke again. He stretched out his hand and gently touched something in the Nightmare Dragon's heart. He stirred it up and exploded.

"Dark Night" path sequence three, the ability of "Dread Bishop".

The body of the Nightmare Dragon, hidden in the sea of ​​collective subconscious, almost fell into reality.

His dragon body exploded. Because he could not completely escape the attack range after several attempts, he developed a slight fear of the goddess of doom, which was captured by the keen secret angel.

"Roar!" The Nightmare Dragon suddenly turned around and roared at the Hidden Angel, "You are doom!"

Both of Secret Angel's attacks were too powerful!

The initial "mind control" failed because the opponent's status was too high!

He had not realized this before. That was because the hidden angel in front of him was in a good mental state and did not look like Sequence [-], which was almost equivalent to madness itself.

He realized his mistake and used "Appeasement" on himself. His body that was about to be broken solidified again, and then expanded crazily and became extremely powerful!

The Nightmare Dragon hypnotized itself into forgetting the rising fear, and then used its "insighter" ability to make itself even more powerful!

The Hidden Angel raised his hand to spread the darkness, and the darkness spread out like water waves, and the surrounding area suddenly darkened, as if he had arrived in the deepest and most desperate night.

At the same time, a sense of tranquility and tranquility came as the stars lit up.

There seems to be a voice singing poetry in the silence. It is peaceful and quiet, lulling people to sleep, and seems to allow everyone to obtain spiritual salvation.

The Nightmare Dragon is proficient in the mind, so he naturally senses this power and throws out "Frenzy" and "Psychic Storm" to interfere with the mind of the Hidden Angel.

This strategy took effect, An Mian's power was contained, and the Hidden Angel's body froze for a moment.

"Spiritual Breath"!

The invisible transparent breath is about to pierce the spirit of the hidden angel.

laugh!At the critical moment, the body of the Secret Angel disappeared and was erased by the eraser.

When the Goddess of Doom reappeared, she was already very close to the nightmare dragon.

"Plague Storm"!

The nightmare dragon throws down the most dangerous attack for angels. It consists of "mind deprivation" and "mental plague", which can unbalance the angel's mental state, awaken the madness in his body, and make him lose control directly.


The goddess of misfortune couldn't dodge, and her eyes flashed with black light, directly revealing the form of a mythical creature.

The eight-legged demon wolf roared, already carrying a bit of madness.The nightmare dragon's eyes flashed, and "insight" and "dream labyrinth" came at the same time, shaping the most feared thing in the heart of the goddess of doom.

It was a demonic wolf that roared at the blood moon and destroyed the world.

"Destruction Demonic Wolf!" The nightmare dragon's eyes widened. He felt something was wrong, but he could no longer stop.

"The goddess of misfortune will surely suffer further suffering at the hands of the devil wolf!" The nightmare dragon could only say this sentence with the "writer" ability.

The scene in the dream maze changed, and the demon wolf full of destructive aura launched "Fooling", depriving the goddess of doom of her sanity.

The Nightmare Dragon has finally gotten a break and is preparing to write a complete story based on the things that Lady Doom fears, trapping her in dreams.


A flash of black light flashed, and the death scythe divided the Demonic Wolf of Destruction into pieces, and even directly shattered the dream maze!

How can the fear of death be considered fear?

But it's still too fast!

The spiritual backlash caused the nightmare dragon's state to decline sharply and was about to lose control. He looked at all this in shock and saw those clear eyes.

It is false that the Goddess of Doom was affected by the "Plague Storm", there is nothing wrong with her spirit at all!

"Impossible?!" The Nightmare Dragon felt intense confusion in his heart.

Angels and madness go hand in hand. Why are angels so sober after being hit?

But the goddess of misfortune was obviously not in the mood to explain to her, and was about to completely harvest this magical item.

"You are the body of doom!" The Nightmare Dragon suddenly realized this.

When did you switch?

The Nightmare Dragon suddenly remembered a certain "secret".

That was the only time the Hidden Angel disappeared in front of His eyes. When he came out, he was hit by the "Plague Storm" and turned into the mythical form of a demon wolf, which even the most observant spiritual dragon ignored!

The clone of Sequence [-] and the true body of the Goddess of Doom are two different concepts!

"Father God..." The Nightmare Dragon roared, but the voice was still concealed.

Outside the battlefield, some humans opened their numb eyes and spoke the name of the Dragon of Fantasy.


In a slight shock, the entire city-state was hidden.

The nightmare dragon could not maintain its state even now, and completely fell out of the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

"Everything here is hidden." Goddess of Doom said calmly and coldly.

The Nightmare Dragon forcibly "pacifies" his own spirit, hypnotizes himself, and becomes powerful enough again.

"Do you know that you are the successor to your father's resurrection?" the goddess suddenly said, "This is the meaning of your existence."

This sentence penetrates into the soul like night, which cannot shake the spirit of a spiritual dragon, but what if he himself has this kind of fear?

The Nightmare Dragon was inevitably shaken when he heard this, and his powerful state was instantly broken.

He was able to think that he was strong enough when he thought he was strong enough, but when facing his Father God, he was always weak and unable to resist.

The goddess of misfortune chuckled and moved her fingers lightly, once again arousing the fear in the nightmare dragon's heart.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 44: Source essence becomes essence?


Chapter 44: Source essence becomes essence?

The power of sleep and fear surged forward, turning into pure darkness, and everything was destroyed and disappeared silently.

This is the power of the night.

The nightmare dragon suddenly woke up, but his mental state slipped into the abyss for the third time. The goddess of misfortune seized the opportunity, and no matter how powerful "comfort" and "mental treatment" were, it could not save him!


The power of the night completely penetrated into the body of the nightmare dragon.

A smile appeared on the misty face of the Goddess of Misfortune, she nodded slightly and snapped her slender fingers.


The huge body of the Nightmare Dragon was turned into a stick figure, which could be easily erased with an eraser.

This time he had no power to resist and was sent to the hidden world, which was the private realm of the night.

The figure of the goddess of misfortune disappeared for a short period of time, entering the hidden world for final processing.

All darkness disappears when the Hidden Angel appears.

A chaotic and indescribable aura appeared, cutting off something conceptual.

The Hidden Angel looked into the distance, beyond the Hidden Blockade.

Sasriel, holding the blasphemous tablet, stood on a bushy hill and nodded slightly towards the Hidden Angel.

The Hidden Angel nodded in response, turned his head and walked away, drifting further and further away until his figure completely disappeared at the end of the horizon.

His mission is accomplished.

Sasril withdrew his gaze and looked at the giant dragon at his feet.

This is not a spiritual dragon, but a dragon of wisdom.

There are no scales on his body that are between reality and reality like the psychic dragon, and there are no mysterious lines that make people crazy.

Instead, there are many brass-colored patterns, some like eyes and some like books, shining with the light of wisdom.

He is also very special among the dragon clan.

He discovered the hidden anomaly very keenly and sensed that something was happening, so he looked for it and happened to bump into Sasril who was here to prevent accidents.

The Secret Angel's ability to easily locate the Nightmare Dragon in the collective subconscious ocean naturally comes from his assistance.

"'Dragon of Wisdom' Herabogen, where is your wisdom?"

Sasril tapped the blasphemous slate with his finger, then looked at the wise dragon and smiled gently.



Suddenly, the fantasy dragon hiding in the sea of ​​human collective subconscious in the city-state behind Truman let out a terrifying dragon roar.

All people or angels who heard this dragon roar fell into a state of trance, as if they had forgotten themselves.

Even Truman himself was insane and distracted, and could hardly gather any attention!

Buzz... A kind of divine protection slowly floated away, gently stroking away the tragic consequences of the dragon's roar of fantasy.

"You stupid dragon wants to attack me?!" A blazing lightning turned into a spear and was thrown by the Elf King.

The sun's rays also bloom here, and the sea of ​​sun's rays covers the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

The Dragon of Utopia had just watched the divine battle from a distance, but that dragon roar had already announced its participation in the war in the eyes of the two fighting gods!

The attacks of the Elf King and the Ancient Sun God instantly fell on the Fantasy Dragon.

"Roar!" The Fantasy Dragon had no intention of fighting with the two men and returned to the City of Miracles as quickly as possible.The escape of the Dragon of Utopia also made the battle between the ancient Sun God and the Elf King unsustainable, and it just ended.

Knowing that the dragon of fantasy was watching, the two sides made a tacit agreement not to escalate the conflict to the highest level, and each side took a step back.

And the fantasy dragon that returned to the City of Miracles exudes an aura of violence and madness. If you hadn't seen the dragon's body, you would have felt like the arrival of an elf tyrant.

"Where is Alsuhod?!" The indifferent voice of the Dragon of Utopia sounded in the hearts of the dragons in the Miracle City.

Many dragons are crazy and out of control. They are some dragons with mixed characteristics in their bodies. They were able to move freely before because the dragon of fantasy calmed their madness.

But now the tyrannical side of the Utopian Dragon is showing, and it even wants to imitate the Demon Wolf of Destruction and kill these descendants!

"Herabogen!" The fantasy dragon's eyes fell on the god beside him.

The Dragon of Wisdom was oppressed and fell directly from the stone pillar. His own mental state fell into madness and was infinitely close to losing control.

After a long time, the Dragon of Wisdom finally recovered and looked up at the still furious Dragon of Utopia.

"Alsuho has to go out to the Nightmare City..."

"After that, everything was kept secret, and the Nightmare City completely disappeared." The body of the Dragon of Wisdom trembled unconsciously.

"..." The dragon of fantasy closed its eyes, with a violent and crazy aura all over its body. The storm of its mind was directly projected into reality, making all the dragons miserable, but they couldn't even let out a roar of pain.

I don't know how long it took, maybe half a day, but the storm of the mental projection of the Dragon of Fantasy began to subside. The situation of the dragons was much better. At least they didn't need to worry about completely losing control.

"Okay!" The fantasy dragon seemed to have figured everything out, his eyes were cold and unspeakable, flashing with a fierce light.

"Eri Hog, Sheen Hog..." The Dragon of Fantasy opened his mouth, naming these dragons who entered the temple in sequence two of the dragon path.

These giant dragons did not dare to disobey, but the "Dragon of Wisdom" Herabergen did not need his involvement because of his different approach.

However, Herabogen and the other dragons who were not named did not dare to move and could only wait.

When the red moon was high, those giant dragons finally walked out of the temple. There was nothing strange about them, they were still the same giant dragons.

But Herabogen, who was lying on the ground, was trembling. It took a long time before he got up from the ground and returned to his palace.

"Neither the elves nor the sun suffered much loss." Standing on the coastline, Truman twitched the corner of his mouth as he watched the Queen of Disaster disappear completely. "On the contrary, the Dragon of Fantasy who was watching the show suffered the most."

The thunder and lightning and sunlight in the sky have also completely dissipated.

"Oh, and giants."

"The giant who took the initiative to start a war between gods became the audience, staring at the phoenix with big eyes."

"There is also the Demon King, who is still wandering near the abyss and dare not come out."

Probably the death of the ancient gods such as the Demonic Wolf of Destruction shocked the demon king. He is still continuing his plan to pull the world into the abyss, but he has become too cautious.

"Dreams are still dreams, but they don't seem to be normal..."

He turned to the fourth page of the Dream Book with a complicated expression, which was the third branch of authority that he had not yet completely summarized.

When the Elf King's eyes fell on him, the Book of Dreams exploded for a moment, which he had never seen before.

And that moment seemed to allow him to see something deeper.

He...or Him, or even It, may not be human.

"Am I considered an essence?" This is a very serious question, related to Truman's self-positioning.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 45 Self Positioning


Chapter 45 Self Positioning

Source essence becomes essence?This is a possibility.

Under the pressure of the ancient gods, the Book of Dreams suddenly exploded, which allowed Truman to look deeper and see more.

Now he and the Book of Dreams are indistinguishable from each other, even the underlying structure of his body is dreamy phosphorescent!

"In this way..." Truman stroked the fourth page of the Dream Book, and the symbols on it were already half-formed.

This is a kind of changing power, symbolizing the endless possibilities and changes of "dream".

Dreams come from countless people's yearning and desire for beauty, which include countless individuals' definitions of themselves, and even each individual's thoughts are changeable, unconstrained and unconstrained.

All of this is the third branch of authority in this dream. It is also because it is unpredictable and has no shape, so it is difficult for Truman to explore it on his own.

The half-formed symbols on the book are slightly illusory, but in the eyes of anyone, they are different and have no entity. Only when someone looks at it will it become what that person thinks.

Truman suddenly shook his head and no longer thought about the philosophical question "Who am I?" "When this page is completed, everything will be answered."

He put away the Book of Dreams and walked into the city-state that he had saved from the natural disaster.

"Mr. Angel." Hermes bowed and saluted Truman.

"The matter is over, let's go." Truman shook his head slightly, taking Hermes to start a journey, and the end point would be the Creator's Heaven.

Because of the elves' quick response, the ancient sun god was apparently no longer allowed to interact with the giants, otherwise today's natural disaster would not be an exception.

Elves that feel threatened may even cause a terrorist disaster in the entire world that could destroy the ecology of the earth's surface.

"Wait, Mr. Angel!" It wasn't Hermes, but the boy who was saved by him.

"You..." Truman could see a kind of desire and admiration in the boy's eyes.

Longing for great strength and admiration for his ability to withstand that horrific natural disaster.

This is no different from other believers.

"If you want to become an extraordinary person, you should go to the manager of this city." Truman suggested.

All cities that believe in the Creator have the inheritance of extraordinary potions, as well as a set of extraordinary training mechanisms that have begun to bear fruit. There is no shortage of mid-to-low-sequence materials and extraordinary characteristics in the Creator Kingdom.

"As for your so-called 'sin', I forgive you on behalf of the Lord!"

"In order to compensate for the disaster you have suffered, when you become an adult, you can obtain a complete potion from the administrator of this city-state."

Truman pointed out, and a ray of sunlight was stolen by him, hitting the boy's forehead and turning into a small sun.

Truman didn't say anything after that, and just took Hermes away from the city-state.

The boy was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He turned around and saw that everyone's eyes on him had changed.

There was no more hatred than before, only awe of the mark of the sun on his forehead.

The angel forgave him on behalf of the Lord!

"..." The boy was silent, and then ran to the manager of this city-state. No one dared to stop him, because everyone saw the angel pardoning all his sins.

"I want the potion!" The boy looked at the administrator of this city-state.

This is an extremely tall priest with a burly build. He is a warrior path sequence seven "weapon master."

"You are too young. You can come again when you are an adult." The priest looked at the boy's thin figure and slowly shook his head.

"When I become an adult, the potion will no longer be mine!" The boy was very determined, and the little sun on his forehead was shining brightly.

"No one dares to snatch away the angel's promise!" The priest is very pious to the Creator.

"But I want it now!" The boy directly brushed away the hair on his forehead, revealing the little sun on it, threatening the priest.

"You will die!" the priest warned again, and told the truth about the so-called potion, which is something that goes hand in hand with madness.

"Give it to me!" The boy was still stubborn. "...This is your choice." The priest stopped persuading, "I don't have a real magic potion on me, I need to prepare it, and I can only prepare one kind in a short time."

"What is it?" the boy asked.

"Assassin is a potion that makes you good at assassination and concealment after drinking it."

"Okay, I want this!"


Truman returned directly to his own territory and refused the giant's request to meet.

At this point in time, there should be no direct contact with the giants, otherwise the dragons and elves will be irritated.

The giant is one of the twins and can be ignored, but humans cannot.

"Lilith?" Truman looked up and happened to see the radiantly beautiful girl sitting on the shoulders of his statue, overlooking the believers worshiping Dream.

In Truman's eyes, Lilith is actually secretly responding to the blood people.

That kind of response was drowned by the prayers of dream believers, and the perfection was hidden in it, making it difficult for the ancient gods to discover the key.

"That's so stupid!" Lilith's pretty face turned cold, "Can't we just go find Ornia?"

Lilith crushed a prayer light spot in the Vampire Dream Book.

It's hard to imagine that an ancient god would have such mood swings.

"You are too slow." Lilith spotted Truman and looked at him and said dissatisfied.

Compared to hundreds of years ago, her expressions are much more vivid, and she has truly gained humanity.

That was a long process.

Under the secret sacrifices of the vampires and Lilith's painstaking pursuit, an ancient god who had been indifferent for nearly a thousand years finally gave birth to something that could be called "humanity" by a strange coincidence.

It's just that this so-called human nature is a bit too dramatic.

In the first 300 years, Lilith was frantically searching for the existence of "humanity", but found nothing.

But it was also during that long process that I truly gained the divine peace on my own.

She is Lilith, the ancestor of the Vampire Clan, a Vampire Clan who has been searching for humanity in vain for hundreds of years, and finally became her current self.

The initial human nature was just a positioning of oneself. Afterwards, the germination of human nature was the gift given several times to the vampires who were struggling to survive.

It is a very wonderful state, almost imperceptible. If you say yes, you are.

After that, Lilith began to play the key to each sequence of the "Moon" pathway and the "Mother" pathway in the dream realm.

Now it has begun to bear fruit, jumping from "Moon" to "Mother", it is already the second sequence, "Mastress of Desolation".

It's not that you can't become a "natural walker", but that you are waiting for the opportunity.

That's why she had a problem with Truman and Saslier moving too slowly.

"You can't rush this kind of thing." Truman shook his head slightly, pushing the trend of history and plotting against all the ancient gods. If he was not careful, all the ancient gods might come knocking on his door. That would be terrible.

"Let's have a meeting first. Let's talk about anything later." Truman opened the book of dreams.

(End of this chapter)