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Chapter 36 Cooperation


Chapter 36 Cooperation

"Dragon Pathway Sequence Two, 'Insighter'." Saslier threw the eyeball directly to Truman.

Truman took it in his hand, observed it carefully, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Isn't this the spiritual dragon that I hunted with Medici back then?"

The spiritual imprint in the characteristics is somewhat familiar.

At that time, he also took two drops of dragon blood to learn the various abilities of the spiritual dragon, and his induction was unmistakable.

"Medici has already given you your trophy. Medici handed it over to me." Saslier said calmly.

Medici is indeed loyal, it is so strange that a born mythical creature can have such a wonderful reality...

"Yes!" Truman didn't care, the sage's robe on his body shimmered, and he directly rubbed the extraordinary properties with his hands!

The Sage's Robe has now been integrated with the characteristics of "Master", and "Master" is the second sequence of the "Artisan" path!

Coupled with Truman's in-depth development of the Book of Dreams and his stronger control over the dream phosphorescence, he can fully control this extraordinary characteristic.

Not long after, the extraordinary characteristics in Truman's hand disappeared, and only a slightly exaggerated dragon mask appeared in his hand.

"Here you go!" Truman threw the dragon mask to Hermes, "Put on the mask and you will have the ability of 'insighter'. The side effect is that when you use it, a cold and crazy virtual personality will be generated, which will probably have a strong self-destructive tendencies."

For other paths, this avatar with a strong self-destructive tendency is enough to deter people, but for the dragon path that controls the avatar and can "pacify", such side effects are almost non-existent.

This virtual personality can even be used in a positive way.

"Thank you, Mr. Angel! Thank you Dark Angel." Hermes thanked him gratefully.

Now that the dragon clan is in its heyday like the giant clan, it is too difficult to obtain the characteristics of the spiritual dragon.

"Yes!" Saslier nodded and left. He still needed to deal with the vast affairs of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Truman took Hermes out of the church and wandered directly to the dream church in the largest city-state.

"Call me when Omi Bella and the others are here." Truman walked deep into the church and blended into the statue.

Nowadays, his statues have been turned into private residences and can be directly integrated into them.

"There's still a little bit left..." Truman took out the book of dreams and turned to the fourth page.

The first three pages are Dream Heaven, "Cause and Effect", and "Fantasy Dreams". This is Truman's analysis of "Dreams", the strongest power in the Book of Dreams.

After all, the "dream" power is a bit too complicated for him now.

Compared with omniscient and omnipotent authority, what it contains covers almost all aspects. No one can directly control it except the resurrection of God.

Even the ancient sun god appointed by the emperor still has to start from the five divine paths, gradually get closer to controlling the sea of ​​chaos, and gain omniscience and omnipotence.

Truman's analysis of the Book of Dreams is equivalent to the true god condescendingly dismantling his own authority and dispersing it into sequence one to sequence nine.

For example, the "fooling" power of Mr. "Fool" was dismantled from the "Soothsayer" sequence into the abilities of "grafting", "wishes", "history" and other aspects.

Now Truman is doing this kind of work.

It's this "dream" that seems a bit complicated. In the two previous touches, he disassembled the two most simple and intuitive ones.

But for hundreds of years, Truman's analysis of the power of "dream" still stayed at the third ability.

However, this third ability will also be an important transformation in his understanding of "dream" power!

"I always feel that the Book of Dreams can be opened up in several ways!" Truman had a headache.

Among the sefirot, only the "Key of Light" only includes one way.

And in the absence of omniscient and omnipotent authority, this kind of work that is almost a reverse creation path is really boring.But this time the dismantling and analysis of the Book of Dreams did not last long, and the giant came over.

"Mr. Angel, the Goddess of Harvest and the God of Dawn have arrived." Truman among the statues heard Hermes' report and jumped out of the statue.

"Long time no see, you two." Truman looked at these two giants carefully for a while. Compared to him, these two people also had a lot of changes.

There is less madness in him, and his mental state is much better than the last time we met.

This is probably due to the acting method.

Once the magic potion formula is given out, there will always be someone who can figure out the acting method.

The result of the implementation of the role-playing method by these ancient god races is that the tendency to lose control has been greatly weakened. In this way, these slave gods will become more powerful.

"Long time no see." Omi Bella showed no emotion and looked at Truman with gentle eyes.

"Hmph!" Badheir didn't see any improvement, that's great.

"You giants want to cooperate with the secret sect of mankind?" Truman didn't want to continue chatting with the giants, so he asked directly.

"Humanity's secret sect? I think it's your dream sect!" Badhelion said.

"Huh? It's not like I haven't made any progress, at least I'm starting to grow a brain." Truman crossed his arms and glanced sideways, with encouragement in his eyes, as if he was waiting for him to provoke him.

"..." The morning light flashed in Badheir's single eye, but he suppressed it forcefully.

This surprised Truman.

"We hope to cooperate with you." Omi Bella said softly, you include more than just the human sect and Truman.

"Why? Give me a reason to provoke the ancient gods." Truman's eyes were not surprised at all, he had expected this.

"We want phoenixes, you want elves and dragons." Omi Bella's words were earth-shattering!

Truman's eyes narrowed slightly. This was his temple so naturally no information would be leaked. But why did the Giant King dare to say such a thing?

Just rely on the knowledge of similar sequences that can only be guessed at?

The sequence has been spread for hundreds of years, and demigods and saints have been born in many races. Naturally, they will have a certain understanding of similar sequence knowledge.

This can answer many questions of the ancient gods.

However, under Saslier's special arrangement, much of that knowledge was incomplete, and it was difficult to even understand similar sequences and other knowledge.

Of course, the ancient god is a spiritual suture monster, and it is possible that his "appetite" has taken over.

"We will solve the problem ourselves, Goddess of Doom. You have taken advantage of us." Badheir suddenly spoke.

I'm afraid you don't know that I am the Pope of the Night... The corner of Truman's mouth twitched.

wrong!Last time I directly evolved the goddess's projection in my dream to attack Him...

Did He not realize the relationship between me and the goddess, or... did He do it on purpose?

This time, Truman really took a serious look at Badheir.

Maybe...you really have a brain!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 37 Giant Royal Court


Chapter 37 Giant Royal Court

Truman calmly withdrew his gaze, no longer paying attention to Badheir, but said to Omi Bella, "I don't see the possibility of success."

"Then who else can you choose?" Omi Bella looked directly at Truman with one eye, "Phoenix or devil? Or the doom that has not yet become a god?"

It is impossible to choose the adjacent path, nor is it possible for the devil. The Phoenix Greycarrie is dormant in the underworld, and her strength is far inferior to that of the giants.

But... I am really the weakest Pope!

Of course, the Church of the Night has been secretly preaching for hundreds of years, but it is still far different from the other ancient god forces.

Truman fell silent, but in Omi Bella's view, this was already a sign of intention.

"You still dare to talk about cooperation? Lilith has been dead for hundreds of years." Truman suddenly said such a sentence, which made Omi Bella and Badheir fall silent.

The death of the three ancient gods brought the suspicion between the ancient gods to the extreme.

"So it's not an alliance, it's just each getting what he needs." Omi Bella finally said, "After that, everyone goes his own way."

"Everything is decided by my Lord." Truman pretended to pray to the gods, but Sasril and the ancient sun god had already expressed their stance to him, and everything here was up to him.

The statue of the Creator has pure and bright sunlight falling on Truman.

"The Lord asked me to come here and let the giants and elves use weapons." Truman read out the oracle from the "Lord" in a chanting tone.

"A war with the elves!" Omi Bella and Badheir were both shocked, but after silence, they agreed on behalf of the Giant King. Perhaps they had already expected this.

If you want to cooperate in this situation, you must first pay some price and show sincerity.

"You will see." Omi Bella even invited Truman to the King's Court of Giants.

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, Truman agreed directly and took Hermes and the two giants Omi Bella to the King's Court of Giants.

I haven't been to the Giant King's Court yet, so I can also take a look at the current giant clan.

Omi Bella and Badheir were not surprised. After hundreds of years of development, the Giant King's Court has become a Kingdom of Miracles that can be compared with the Miracle City of the Giant Dragon. It is quite powerful.

This dreamy angel won't be able to cause any trouble at all.

The three angels and one saint were extremely fast, and the four of them soon arrived at the Giant King's Court.

In the gorgeous but gloomy dusk, Truman saw the current Giant King's Court.

In the area frozen at dusk, there are countless huge palaces and towers and majestic and unspeakable buildings. They are magnificent and gorgeous, silent in the dusk, and full of epic feeling.

Truman followed the Giant Queen and the Giant King's eldest son into the royal court and was naturally welcomed by a huge crowd. The morning light shone with the dusk light, and the roar of the giant guards made the whole world seem to tremble.

This is the giant family of the twin years.

The population of giants has increased tremendously, and due to the magic potion formula, the general wisdom and reason of the giant family have been greatly improved, and now their strength has become very terrifying.

"See the queen, see the prince!" Two iron tower-like silver knights knelt down on one knee and saluted a certain Mibelela and Badheir.

Two Sequence Three "Silver Knights" guard the door. This is already the peak of the giant clan.

"Go in." Under the leadership of Omi Bella, Truman officially stepped into the Giant King's Court and came to the Giant King's divine kingdom.Truman's senses were beating, and he noticed a gaze, full of indifference, madness and the rotten smell of the approaching dusk.

This is the gaze of the Giant King.

The injuries the ancient god suffered in that ancient god's battle have naturally improved, but his mental state is still the indifference and bloodthirsty of the ancient god.

"This is our army!" Badheir spoke arrogantly, pointing to a huge square in the royal court.

Such a square surpassed Truman's imagination and was large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of giants, and inside it was an army of giants lined up extremely neatly.

Truman looked around and saw that there were thousands of giants here. After a moment of sensing, he could tell that they were at least mid- to high-sequence extraordinary creatures. There were even nearly ten Silver Knights!

In this era, which is called myth in later generations, extraordinary people all appear in the form of armies, and even demigods and saints are among them.

"Ten Sequence Three? It's still the power that I can see..." Such a clan of giants is indeed powerful enough.

"The elves have betrayed our king. As the king's subjects, we must fight for the king's honor!"

"Go to the elves!" Bradl, the God of Honor, just glanced at Truman and ignored him, and immediately sent troops to attack the elves.

"Betrayer..." Truman twitched the corner of his mouth. The title of betrayer was very subtle, because the Giant King and the Elf King both claimed that the other party had betrayed Lilith and betrayed the covenant, which led to the incident hundreds of years ago. The terrifying ancient god fell.

Both ancient gods firmly believed in their judgment, and the other ancient gods and angels also felt that they were accusing each other because they did not want to bear the infamy, so that no one suspected that there was another possibility.

At that time, the situation in the fog of history was extremely chaotic. The demon wolf went crazy, the alien king failed to detect the leak, and Lilith decisively self-destructed. This happened so fast that even the ancient gods could not penetrate the fog of history to see the truth.

"In a few days, you will be able to see the news of a full-scale war between us and the elves, in the name of punishing the betrayers!" Badheir declared that the army here is just a vanguard army.

"Okay! I'll wait!" Truman looked at the army again, nodded slowly, and followed the giant waiter to a palace.

However, Truman had not rested in the giant palace for half a day when a violent wind and thunder struck the giant royal court.

"Olmyr! You traitor!" An angry shout swept over him like a wave, and even Hermes couldn't resist it. The illusory dragon scales covered his body, showing signs of losing control.

"Quiet." Truman spoke softly, suppressing the madness that erupted in Hermes' body, and looked to the outside world.

"As expected of the Elf King, he is known for his cruelty, and they all came here directly." Truman looked at the blazing white thunder with solemn eyes.

The giants marched into the elves' territory in the name of punishing the betrayers. This directly caused the elf king to become furious and turned into lightning without caring about anything else, and went to the giant king's court.

"I must teach you a lesson today!" The Elf King's furious voice resounded throughout the Giant King's Court, and the thunder in the sky reached its peak at this moment, striking crazily at the most majestic temple.

"Sunya Solem!" Dusk surged at this moment, the vegetation withered, and the void was ruined.

The giant king Ormir walked out of the temple, wearing a ruined twilight armor and carrying an exaggerated bloody twilight sword. The tip of the sword drooped, and the shining blade flashed with dangerous light.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 38 Decisive


Chapter 38 Decisive

The giant sword in the hand of the Giant King is very strange. Half of it is dilapidated at dusk, and half of it is rusted and stained with blood. It has a sense of iron and blood.

"This is..." Truman frowned, looking at the exaggerated long sword that didn't match the Giant King's Twilight Destruction.

The moment he saw the giant sword again, Truman felt as if he was locked by the giant sword. The edge of the giant sword made him extremely uneasy, as if it had penetrated his own shortcomings and weaknesses.

This feeling was familiar, he had felt it with Medici before, but this feeling was even stronger now.

"The high-ranking characteristics or uniqueness of the 'Red Priest'?!" Truman took a breath, a little unsure. After all, the aura of decay on the Giant King was too strong and he couldn't get close.

But what is certain is that the sword that coexists dusk and iron-blood is not simple, and is related to the "Red Priest".

"Did the God of War die in the hands of a giant?" Truman couldn't help but guess.

"But this...could it be the god of spiritual things?"

The God of War is the subordinate god of the alien king Vahithun. He died in that battle between the ancient gods. No one can even remember his name now.

The Alien King is not simply a "Xenogeneic" path, and no one knows what characteristics he has absorbed. However, from the perspective of the God of War, there is a high probability that he will master the high-level characteristics of the "Red Priest" pathway.

And in that battle between ancient gods and gods, the God of War died in battle, and the God of Spiritual Objects swept away the Alien King's family and disappeared.

All Truman knew was that the God of Spiritual Things had exchanged the entire "alien" path from Sasril.

Perhaps this "Red Priest" connection comes from the hands of the God of Spiritual Objects?

However, in the past hundreds of years, the ancient god races have been fighting so crazyly that countless people have died, and all kinds of accidents can happen.

"'Red Priest' related characteristics, that's a good thing!"

"Why don't you come to me if you have such a good thing? I still have a 'god'." Truman muttered, but the divine battle between the two ancient gods had already begun.

The terrifying thunder split the dusk and exploded over the King's Court of Giants. The Giant King swung his sword and the Elf King also held a trident to fight.

Thunder and dusk drowned everything, and no one could pry into what was going on. Truman consciously withdrew his gaze.

Watching the battle of gods for a long time is not necessarily a good thing. It is impossible to say that thunder and dusk will fall in one moment.

This divine battle lasted for a short time, and when the thunder gradually faded away, the Elf King was nowhere to be found.

It seems that the Giant King still has the upper hand?

Otherwise, with the tyrant character of the Elf King, he would not retreat so easily.

"'Dusk' and 'Red Priest'?" Truman vaguely thought of a later madman.

However, the Giant King did not try to accommodate this thing, but used it as a weapon.

After all, if another high-level characteristic from another path is accommodated, the Giant King will become even crazier and unable to suppress his desire for destruction.

"It seems that the Giant King is confident enough to dare to cooperate with the ancient Sun God."

Truman looked at the dusk that had converged again, and had a concrete understanding of the giants today.

Then it's up to each other...


The Elf King returned to the Elf Palace and sat on the divine throne.

"Did you go to the 'Giant King's Court'?" Scourge Queen Goshinam asked.

"Taught Olmir a lesson!" The Elf King snorted coldly.

The elf attendants in the palace lowered their heads, vaguely feeling that what the elf king said was not that simple.The next moment, there were smooth tentacles slapping the void, flashing with blazing electric snakes.

"Olmir has become stronger!" After the waiter exited the palace, the Elf King said the result of this battle.

"The giants are still in contact with the secret organizations among humans, led by 'Harvest' and 'Morning'." The Calamity Queen's face was also worried.

"Human? Is it that sun?" The Elf King's voice was thunderous, "Is it a dream?"

The Queen of Natural Disaster nodded indifferently, and then said, "We cannot let them unite."

"Contact Gray Carrie, you don't need him to believe us, you just need to tell him Olmir's little actions!"

"And we are ready to deal with humans and the sun!" Goshinam was decisive enough and quickly identified his opponent.

"Okay! That sun has long been displeasing to my eyes! If I hadn't wanted to eat that dragon every time I saw him, I would have joined forces with him to attack the sun!" The thunder on the Elf King's body was beating, It feels like fighting at all costs.

"Angelweed..." Goshnam was silent for a while and made a judgment, "No need to worry about it. This time we only need to show our dominance over the sea, rivers and lakes to make humans fearful!"

"Quick fight!"

Cohinam is more like the Lord of Elves at this time, with sufficient courage and rationality.

"Let 'Beautiful God' and 'Lucky' lead the vampires and elves who have taken refuge to stop the giants, and you go and bring natural disasters to mankind!"

The Elf King had a bad temper and could not wait for a moment, so he immediately delivered the oracle.

"Is there going to be a war again?" The God of Luck is really resisting. If he could, he would never let himself be trapped in the battlefield, especially this time he might face the Sun God camp.

Since hundreds of years ago, he has always had some palpitations towards the dreamy angel holding the book. This feeling of disdain has never been felt before even when facing the ancient gods!

"What the hell is he?!" The God of Luck walked out of his palace helplessly. Some things were necessary for him to take shelter under the Elf King.

He used his luck and didn't want to encounter that "monster" again.

"Huh?" Truman, who was far away in the Giant King's Court, suddenly had a strange feeling and muttered, "It seems like something is interfering with me."

"Is it the mercury snake?" Soon, Truman found that familiar feeling in his memory.

"He is the follower of the Elf King!" Truman narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling something was wrong more and more.


The message of the sage's robe flashed on his body, and the prophecy was activated.

Truman closed his eyes and fell into the prophecy.

A bolt of thunder tore through the darkness, and Truman saw that it was a human city-state, and outside the human city-state was a giant tsunami hundreds of meters high!

The wind and thunder are roaring, the huge waves are rolling, and the whole world is trembling!

The entire city-state was too small before the huge wave and was simply vulnerable.

"Elves are going to attack humans?!" Truman suddenly woke up from the prophecy.

"The elves want to clarify everything and put it on the table." Truman almost instantly realized what the elves were going to do.

"As a result, all the ancient gods may start to move."

Decisive enough... Truman secretly praised, this is most likely not the Elf King's idea. This man has always been known for his bad temper. Maybe he will be more inclined to fight with the ancient sun god?

"Queen of Scourge, Goshnam!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 39 Natural Disaster


Chapter 39 Natural Disaster

After seeing a war in the prophecy and analyzing it, Truman was no longer prepared to stay in the Court of Giants any longer.

"Hermes, let's go." Truman directly greeted Hermes and walked out of the tall giant palace, "Our people need us."

Hermes nodded silently and followed Truman out of the palace.

"Where are you going?" When they were about to walk out of the Giant King's Court, Badheir's voice came from behind.

"Cooperation is feasible. I believe we can maintain a certain tacit understanding." Truman looked at Badheir with a hint.

"But now, many people or gods don't want us to cooperate to threaten them, so they have responded."

"Let's solve the immediate trouble first."

"..." Badheir watched in silence as Truman walked out of the Giant King's Court and "roamed" away.

Omi Bella was not here, and the Giant King also rushed to the other direction of the Giant King's Court.

There was an illusory door to the underworld that opened out of thin air, with pale flames swirling around, endless undead souls surging inside, and a huge city vaguely visible.

And in the deepest darkness and death in the center of the city, there is a pair of bronze eyes hiding layers of illusory doors.

Gray Carrie, the ancestor of the phoenix!

However, he also didn't believe in elves, so he just watched without taking action. He held some authority over the "door" pathways. In terms of mobility, even several ancient gods could not do anything to him.

So just by looking at him, he had already formed a huge deterrent to the giant family.

Olmir and Omi Bella were both involved here by Gray Carrie.

And outside a certain seaside city-state, Truman and Hermes walked out of nothingness.

This is also a city-state ruled by the belief of the Creator, located at the junction of the forces of the Sun God and the forces of the elves.

"There seems to be maritime trade with the elves here?" Truman saw many merchant ships on the sea, with corals and gems from the elves on them.

"What a pity." The bottom layer of this world is madness and chaos, and the struggle between sequences has been determined from the beginning.

Sooner or later, the ancient sun god will take action against the Elf King, and it will be a war between the two races.

"Do you need me to gather the Beyonders from various city-states?" Hermes asked.

"No need, that's a war between angels." Truman refused.

"...But we have to do something." Hermes was silent for a while and said firmly.

"Go and organize the people to hide in the Ceremony Square in the center of the city!" Truman twitched his lips, feeling a little helpless. Hermes' character was actually very good, but he was too old-fashioned and serious in this aspect.

"Yes!" Hermes walked into the city, invisible power broke out, and a voice appeared in everyone's heart.

"Leave here, there will be natural disasters here." Hermes "convinced" everyone easily.

Truman came to a big rock outside the city and sat down, preparing to face the predicted terrifying tsunami.

That was a real natural disaster. He would definitely be able to protect himself and block his opponents, but there was no guarantee that he could stop every wave, as many people might die.

"Why are you here?" Truman suddenly saw a small head sticking out from under a stone.

"..." The head retracted directly.

"I saw you." Truman glanced at the sea water that had not yet begun to fluctuate, smiled and looked at the small figure hidden behind the stone.

"Come out, it's very dangerous here, hurry into the city." Truman even used comfort to let the figure walk out from behind the stone.

A thin and even skinny figure walked out from behind the stone, with tattered linen wrapped around his body. His hair was wet with moisture and stuck to his face.

He is not young, but he lacks nutrition and is too thin. "You..." Truman frowned slightly. He pointed out, and the dreamy phosphorescence descended, immediately replacing the boy's tattered clothes into a dark robe.

The almost creaturely approach frightened the boy, causing him to freeze and look at Truman blankly.

"Here, let's eat it for you." Truman showed a piece of cake and handed it over.

He has spread many things beyond this era in the dreamland, including many food cooking methods.

Of course, this food can be considered "noble" food, and the boy probably has never been exposed to it.

The boy came back to his senses under the temptation of food, staring closely at Truman's cake, but he did not dare to get close.

"Take it." Truman's attitude became more gentle.

"..." In the end, it was the boy who Truman gave the cake to.

In the end, the temptation of food defeated his vigilance. The boy took a bite of the cake, as if his soul had been sublimated. He didn't even dare to take a second bite, regretting that he had ruined this perfect creation.

"Where are your parents? Where is your home?" Truman watched the boy's vigilance being shattered by the cake and asked. He needed to send the boy away.

"Drown at sea." The boy looked up at Truman and took a second bite carefully.

"..." Truman was silent and stopped asking. Instead, he performed a divination on the boy with a flick of his finger, and soon he got the answer.

"My parents drowned, and my sister risked her life fishing and fell to death..."

"My home was robbed, and I was kicked out as a disaster star. I was not allowed to enter the city..."

It's not easy to always have people alive, especially in this era ruled by ancient gods.

The dream realm is unique in the Creator's Heaven.

Truman sighed softly and was about to send the boy away, but suddenly he looked at the churning sea water at the boy's feet.

It seems to be higher than before, from being submerged above the feet to now being submerged above the ankles.

The rise and fall of the sea water here reflects the great movement at the far end of the sea.

His expression became serious, and he put a hand on the boy's shoulder, teleporting him directly to Hermes.

And he himself was facing the vast and vast sea.

"Coming." Not long after, all the sea water rolled back and was pulled farther away by some force.

The sea was already covered with dark clouds, thick electric snakes were rolling among them, and strong winds lifted Truman's robe.

Storms, tsunamis and even earthquakes are about to come. This is a "natural disaster".

The twelve wings of a dreamy angel suddenly appeared behind Truman. At this moment, the angel's wings swelled in the wind, expanded to a certain extent, and slowly protected the entire city-state behind him under their wings.

The dreamy phosphorescence shrouded the entire city, shocking many ordinary people who had only been able to see or hear the existence of miracles in holy scriptures and from the mouths of missionaries throughout their lives.

"The Creator is above!" Many believers knelt down directly on the ground, praying to the Creator and to the dreamy angels.

The devout prayers echoed in the ceremony square and gradually became a wave.

In the face of miracles and disasters, people will always become extremely religious.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 40 Elf Queen


Chapter 40 Elf Queen

Outside the sacrificial square where the sound of prayers undulated like waves, Hermes looked up at the real miracle with the little boy who had just been delivered to him.

They saw the dreamy angel wings, and also saw the upward figure stepping on the storm and thunder.

He held the Book of Dreams in his hand, and the sage's robe rustled in the storm. He lightly drew his gloved right hand in front of him, and the space seemed to be cut apart.

"Is this an angel?!"

"Yes, he is a true angel."


Truman stepped on the storm, walked above the tide, and saw the Queen of Disaster hidden in the thunder and lightning.

"Your Highness Goshinam, I didn't expect that our first meeting would be in such a situation." Truman ignored the thunder swirling outside his body and said hello.

"War! It's your choice!" The Queen of Natural Disaster looked at Truman indifferently. The fiercer the storm, the stronger the thunder.

That's not wrong... The giant family proposed cooperation, and Truman and Saslier deliberately promoted the trend of history.

Naturally, the elves would not wait for the two opposing parties to form a real consensus, so this war happened.

"Yes." Truman did not deny it, "It's time for the elf to exit."

Truman's words made Goshinam even more indifferent. He raised his hand and caught a bolt of thunder, used it as a spear, and threw it at Truman.


The thunderstorm became more and more exaggerated, gradually submerging Truman.

However, Truman did not panic. He grabbed his right hand into the fog of history and pulled out a familiar figure.

This historical projection has dark blue long hair as fluffy as seaweed, and carries angel wings behind its back, and the wind and thunder shake when it flaps.

Angel of the Wind, Leodero!

Truman and Leodro have been colleagues for hundreds of years, so it would be easy to pull him out of history.

The moment Leodro appeared, the entire sea became quiet, and the tsunami waves that rolled up wildly and were hundreds of meters long seemed to be frozen in mid-air.

The Queen of Natural Disasters also frowned when she saw Leodro's appearance. She could not guarantee that she could control the natural disasters better than Leodro!

"Huh, it's just a historical projection." The Queen of Natural Disasters was not inferior in terms of momentum. She waved her hand and the waves were still advancing, and the wind and thunder were gathering at an extremely fast speed.


Truman shouted softly, and Leodro also stretched out his hands to wrestle with the Queen of Disaster.

Storm versus storm, thunder versus thunder, and even the extraordinary creatures in the ocean were divided into two camps and fought crazily.

Truman, who was on the periphery, was not idle, and directly attacked the natural disaster queen's spiritual body thread!

The Queen of Scourge froze, her thoughts began to mechanize, and she was retreating steadily under Leodro's attacks.

"Get out of here!" Seeing that she was in danger and could not overcome Leodro's historical projection in a short time, the Queen of Scourge shouted angrily.

This roar was like the wrath of heaven, directly crushing Leodro's historical projection in terms of personality, causing it to collapse instantly.

When Truman faced that kind of coercion, his heart was shaken, as if he had returned to the time when he heard the roar of the Elf King in the Giant King's Court, and his control over the spiritual body's thread was instantly cut off.

The "singing" of the "Ocean Singer" in the fifth sequence of the storm path, but it is not easy to affect Truman's "singing".

"The power of the Elf King?" Truman knew in his heart that it was normal for the Elf Queen to have the Elf King's favor, right?

"I hope I can succeed in my next theft!" Truman held his right hand empty and put it in front of his lips to make a wish.

Then he satisfied himself.Truman stretched out his hand and made a false grab. His luck became good enough, and the "Trojan of Destiny" was powerful enough to steal the "Tsunami" directly from Cochinam.

The combined abilities of the Gou San family are indeed powerful enough!

An endless storm seemed to flash in Truman's eyes, and as soon as he thought, the endless tide immediately retreated a thousand meters.

Cochinam felt something was wrong when he saw Truman reaching out, but "stealing" was difficult to defend against, and his abilities were directly stolen away.

"Lightning storm!" Goshinam made the most correct choice and rode the endless lightning storm to crush him!

At sea, the blessing obtained from the "Storm" pathway was so powerful that Truman could only dodge the blazing white lightning.

He didn't even dare to incarnate the information flow. The storm caused by thunder and lightning could even destroy his information body.

But soon he launched a counterattack and directly controlled the huge wave to roll towards Coshinam!

Just looking at it with Coshnam's majestic eyes, the entire ocean became calm and returned to his control.

This is the power of the ocean, which is more effective than the single power of "tsunami".

The corners of Truman's mouth twitched, and he even had the illusion that he was overestimating his abilities to challenge the Elf King!

Coshnam shares the power of the Elven King!

The huge waves hit again, and Truman had no choice but to take a defensive position. He stretched out his hand in front of him, and when the "space barrier" came out, a space wall hundreds of meters high and thousands of meters long was propped up by him. stand up.


The silver-white electric snake struck again, bombarding the space barrier, and the terrifying aura of destruction even threatened to penetrate the space.


The endless waves hit the space barrier. Truman was shaken and lost control of the space.

He flashed away directly, and the speed of the wave accelerated to a terrifying level in a short period of time. Even space could not stop the accumulated power.

The space barrier is broken and the waves are unstoppable!

Truman soon had a rag doll wrapped in thorns in his hand, and his strange eyes looked directly at Coshinam.

The power of a curse was spreading and passing on. At a certain moment, Goshinam's condition was extremely bad, and his body became illusory, constantly changing between the form of a rabbit and an elf.

In addition, there are various curses in effect, and the seawater controlled by Coshinam even shows signs of resisting him.

This is Truman's Sequence [-] "divine evil", which Truman created into the magical item it is today.

It's just that this sequence of personal items is of little use to Coshnam. Even if the curse falls on him, it can't turn him into a harmless little white rabbit.

Fiery thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, breaking all curses.

"Not qualified enough?" Truman didn't expect it, but he soon understood and put the doll away.

Cochinam's own personality is still Sequence [-], an angel rank that Truman has been able to easily defeat.

But He has too many blessings and gifts from the Elf King, and the authority he holds is even more exaggerated than Sequence One!

Truman is no longer fighting the Queen of Disaster, but the Queen of Elf.

He seems to be unable to cope with several of his great magical skills.

He didn't even dare to use "steal" anymore.

Don't dare to steal this kind of blessing and ability from the Elf King. This kind of thing is a blessing to Goshinam, but it is definitely a curse to him, and it will attract a thunder from the Elf King's rage.

And Leodro, who was pulled out of the fog of history, could not withstand the pressure of the superiors and collapsed at the first touch.

(End of this chapter)