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Chapter 31 Civilization Picture Scroll


Chapter 31 Civilization Picture Scroll

This time, Truman honestly plays the role of a dreamy angel under the throne of the Creator.

Within a few months, he led missionaries to preach in many human city-states and even alien races. He showed the power of angels from time to time and left many legends in various city-states.

Saving lives and healing the wounded are all basic skills. Hunting demigod monsters, purifying city-states, spreading dreamy light and other legends showing divine power truly constitute his unique image in the Creator's Holy Book.

Correspondingly, Truman does feel that his anchor of faith has increased sharply after his status as a Dream Angel has increased, surpassing all the believers in the City of Deep Darkness.

This allows him to mobilize more of the power of the Book of Dreams, and his own condition is also excellent.

But one day, Saslier contacted him.

"Morning and harvest?" Truman looked at the letter sent to him by Saslier, with a strange expression on his face.

It hasn't been too long since the battle between the ancient gods. Truman and the mother and son had a fierce fight, and even plotted against Badheir.

This probably caused some welcome changes in Badheir's mentality.

"You want me to receive them?" Truman frowned, "Aren't you afraid that we will fight directly?"

Then he thought of something, and suddenly he wandered back to the territory and found Lilith.

In the past few months, he has often returned to the territory to feed Lilith. This vampire's taste has been cultivated and he will not touch the blood of other humans even if he is about to lose control.

Although it is not Truman's blood, it is the only blood in this world that can suppress madness.

"Did you send blood?" Lilith is still arrogant, which is the nature of the ancestor of vampires, but compared with a few months ago, she seems to be a little more popular.

"Your existence reminds me of a kind of human being who is almost parasitic in the house." Truman complained. "You never go out and ask for food."

Probably because this is the Kingdom of the Sun God, which is naturally in conflict with vampires, Lilith has never stepped out of the church built by dream believers for Truman since she came here.

"Follow me to see Omi Bella!"

Lilith's face instantly turned serious.

Truman took out a badge, which is a symbol of dreams and can be directly connected to the Book of Dreams. It is essentially the same as the divine badge he carries.

"Secret authority is not safe enough, plus this." Secret authority is enough to make Lilith invisible in fate and reality, but now she is walking directly in front of the person involved to observe, so it needs to be more secure.

"Okay!" Lilith didn't waste any time and followed Truman to a temple in the Kingdom of the Sun.

Inside are Badheir, the god of dawn, and Omibella, the goddess of harvest.

With two five-meter-tall giants standing under this large statue, the church was actually a bit cramped.

"It's you!" The morning light in Badheir's single eye trembled violently at the moment Truman walked in. There were wisps of dusk aura condensed into a giant sword, and the power of the morning light was stirring.

"Put down the sword, or you will never get what you want." Truman didn't even look at Badheir, but walked slowly to the middle and stood under the statue of the Creator.

At this moment, his dreamy twelve wings spread out, as if a brilliant divine light fell from the statue of the Creator, dotted between the twelve pure white wings.

"Are you his subordinate?!" Badheir did not put down his sword, but his fighting spirit was extremely high.

"We are not here to provoke a war." A softer voice came from Badheir, suppressing Badheir's arrogance.

"This angel, we are here for the Dusk Passage." Omi Bella was wearing a wooden armor and a battle skirt, holding a wooden staff, exuding a strong breath of life, and her voice was as gentle as possible.He naturally recognized Truman, but he was just holding back. Being able to do this was much better than Badheir.

"Okay!" Truman didn't have the same experience as Badheir. Soldiers were generally like this, especially Badheier.

"But you should know that knowledge is priceless, it is directly equivalent to power."

"We have brought the giant family's collection over the past millennium." Omi Bella couldn't hear the emotion in her words, and she deliberately restrained herself.

"Oh? Show them all!" Truman became interested. The Sun God allowed this knowledge to be spread, but he just wanted to dig out the flesh of these ancient gods. Thinking that the giant's opening would require a sequence path. It's outrageous.

"Scroll of Civilization."

Omi Bella took out a scroll from the spiritual space. This scroll was like a condensed light and shadow. It seemed very thin, but it gave people an extremely thick feeling.

In Truman's eyes, what he saw were the various extraordinary races recorded on it. They rose from ignorance and madness, multiplied and fought driven by instinct. After countless years, they gradually gained wisdom. Start building their own civilizations.

There are giants building royal courts, elves carving palaces, and even miracle cities hanging high in the sky. The underworld is hidden deep in the spiritual world.

This is a civilization created by an extraordinary race.

And the next moment, what Truman saw was giants and dragons dominating the world, suppressing other extraordinary races, and starting the twin era.

The farther ones are too blurry to be seen clearly.

"I don't know which one this corresponds to in your potion, but I can be sure that this civilization scroll is precious." Omi Bella nodded with satisfaction when she saw Truman being calmed down.

Truman let out a breath. He was really stunned at that moment. Now that he woke up, he sighed that these ancient gods must have taken over all the high-sequence characteristics that were not available in other pathways.

This picture of civilization is the uniqueness of the "perfect person"!

It records all traces of existing civilization and also makes certain deductions about the development of future civilization!

The giant king actually resisted swallowing this uniqueness.

Of course, if the giant king swallows this thing, the conflict between non-adjacent paths will be enough to turn him into another demonic wolf of destruction.

Maybe the rest of the high-level characteristics and uniqueness of the 22 paths are like this?Somehow present in the vaults of the Old Gods.

These things are enough to move the ancient sun god!

"This alone is enough." Omi Bella was very confident.

"...Not enough!" But Truman shook his head firmly. These ancient gods are too rich...ah no, knowledge is priceless!

Hearing these words, the life breath in Omi Bella's single eye stagnated, and Badheir almost slashed the angel with his sword.

Needless to say, the preciousness of civilization scrolls is a first-class item in the giant's treasure house.

If they hadn't gotten enough information from the scroll and knew that their tribe would eventually become the overlord, the giant tribe wouldn't have used it in exchange for the magic potion formula.

In their opinion, this magic potion may be the last piece of the puzzle for the giant family to become one of the twins.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 32 make a lot of money


Chapter 32 make a lot of money

"I haven't said it enough!" Truman repeated again, "This is also the will of the Lord."

This may be the only opportunity for explicit blackmail, so you must seize it!

Buzz!A faint light shone from the statue, gradually condensing into the shape of a stone slab, but there was still a thick shadow on the stone slab.

This is the attitude of the ancient sun god.

Omi Bella and Badheir both froze, sensing the will of the true god.

"This is the 'Twilight Path', notarized by the power of the Lord!" Truman held the stone slab and looked at Omi Bella, "Let the shadows disperse, it will be yours."

"..." Omi Bella couldn't keep calm anymore. The breath of life leaked out, even causing wheat grass to grow in the cracks in the floor of the church, a patch of green.

Badheir is also ready to make a move. The thing he desires is right in front of him, and the giant is more inclined to grab it...

But the gods are watching.

"...Okay! Take it all out." Finally, Omi Bella gave in and said to Badheir.

Badheir wanted to say something else, but under the gaze of Omi Bella and God, he had no choice but to show off the remaining characteristics.

They are all magical items formed by the corresponding characteristics of saints and angels.

The two highest among them are Sequence [-] "Duke of Entropy" of the "Black Emperor" path and Sequence [-] "Master" of the "Perfector" path.

Oh, this "master" is what later generations call the "knowledge teacher".

These magical items are far inferior to the civilization scroll, but they are better in number, with more than ten copies!

This may be a dozen saints, plus two angels!

You must know that even the angels under the Sun God are still sequence two persons.

"..." Truman was silent, and even had the idea of ​​​​finding an ancient god's treasure house to rob.

These ancient gods have occupied the world for so many years, and the characteristics they have accumulated are absolutely terrifying. Even if they are eaten a lot, they can still be regarded as half of the True God Church of later generations!

With the appearance of these magical items, the shadow on the illusory stone slab quickly faded, gradually revealing its contents.

"Sequence [-], Hand of God...Sequence [-], Glory..." Badheir and Omi Bella both wrote down the knowledge.

"One more to go!" Badheir shouted in a low voice after reading the knowledge recorded by the hand of the gods, "Where is the sequence corresponding to the gods?!"

"What a god..." A strange smile appeared on Truman's face, "Then you have to decide whether you want to see it or not." As he said that, he reached out and patted away the last wisp of mist.

"No need! This is blasphemy!" Omi Bella stopped Truman and Badheir.

He stretched out his hand, and a delicate flower poked out from the spiritual world, directly swallowing up the illusory stone slab. Badheir's eyes widened, and he dispersed the light of the morning sun, and could only glimpse a short half of it. Line characters.

"Main material: three copies of 'Hand of God' characteristics..."

Badheir's eyes were fixed there, and the illusory stone slab was completely swallowed up by the delicate flowers and disappeared into the spiritual world, most likely returning to the King's Court of Giants.

The life force in Omi Bella's eyes was a bit heavy. She glanced at Badheir and said nothing. She looked at Truman and her eyes softened. "I hope we can have more opportunities to cooperate."

Finally, Omi Bella took Badheir away from the Sun God Kingdom and returned to the Giant King's Court.

"Knowledge is a huge profit!" Knowledge is basically equivalent to power in this world, but such huge profits can only be obtained when the potion formula is unique, and the potion formulas of future generations will be much cheaper.

Truman looked at the various magical items in front of him. These items all had great side effects, but they could be crushed and reorganized in front of angels without any impact.

And the most important "Scroll of Civilization", which is unique and alive, has no ability to resist under the divine light of the Sun God.

"Besides the uniqueness, you can choose one of them." Saslier's voice sounded in Truman's ears.

"Then I want a copy of the 'Master'." Truman also politely took a copy of the "Master" in a similar sequence to the sage's robe he was wearing.

He planned to forcibly combine these two characteristics to create an even more powerful sage's robe.

"Hermit is knowledge itself, perfection is the application of knowledge..." The new sage's robe must be the control and application of knowledge.

Truman had an idea in mind, and then he saw Saslier appear and take the "Scroll of Civilization" in his hand.

"The side effect is that everything in the region will be forcibly reversed to the future it deduces, and this scope will become larger as time continues until it spreads to the entire world." Saslier is aware of its side effects.

In this process, both humans and extraordinary races will have their autonomy completely wiped out and become "gears" for the operation of civilization. The process is irreversible.

"You can get uniqueness in this way, so how much did you get from this transaction with the ancient god?"

"Most of them have Sequence [-] characteristics. There are already very few Sequence [-] characteristics. Ancient gods who can resist eating are no longer ancient gods."

"There are two unique ones, the Black Emperor's and this civilization scroll."

Uniqueness is different from the Sequence One characteristic after all. After all, for normal Sequence One, the Sequence One characteristic can enhance itself by eating the same way.

But if you want to accommodate the uniqueness, you must hold a simple version of the God Becoming Ceremony, otherwise you will go crazy.

"That's the five paths to the gods, right?" This kind of harvest is really too great.

"Not only that, the goddess of beauty Ornia also exchanged me for the 'moon' path."

Saslier looked at Lilith, who had been staying by Truman's side but had no sense of presence.

She was watching all the time.

"He controls the final accumulation of my blood clan." Lilith was not surprised by this.

"The treasure house of the ancient gods?" Truman suddenly thought of the three dead ancient gods.

There is no need to think about destroying the demon wolf. A madman would probably swallow whatever good things he had, and now most of them are in the hands of the goddess.

Lilith had already made plans for this.

But what about the alien king?

"Thorzina, the God of Spiritual Things, has been here." Saslier said directly as if he saw Truman's question.

The god of spiritual things is the subordinate god of the alien king.

Uh-huh... Truman secretly thought it was a pity, at that time he was robbing the ancient god blast of gold coins... Oh no, it should be a characteristic.

The God of Spiritual Objects obviously took up the rest of the Alien King's belongings and ran away.

You cannot have both benefits.

"However, I remember that you seem to have a 'divine evil' in you?" Saslier thought of this, "Sooner or later, He will find you."

"The god of spiritual things?" If he is the person in Truman's memory, it seems to be quite miserable, and he has given birth to a child who is not very obedient...

"We'll talk about this later." Truman shook his head slightly and looked at Lilith, "What do you think?"

"It's a bit difficult, but it's not a problem." Lilith shook her head slightly.

"That's good." The purpose of bringing Lilith here this time was to show her Omi Bella.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 33 Puppets


Chapter 33 Puppets

Afterwards, Truman spent a few days integrating the "master" characteristics into the sage's robe. Needless to say, it was difficult, but he still had to rely on the Book of Dreams to suppress it, or should we say pollution?

However, after this period of time, the majestic missionary activities gradually quieted down, and he, the dreamy angel, also became idle.

"Is it necessary to have a family if you want to gain humanity?" Lilith often asked him strange questions.

She remains cold and has almost no emotional fluctuations.

"Is this the result of your observation?" Truman's face looked strange.

His angelic territory has also seen an influx of many believers recently, all as a result of this missionary mission. There are always some city-states or human settlements whose environment is too bad and they all need to be relocated to this Kingdom of God.

This large-scale mission has at least doubled the number of believers in the Kingdom of the Sun, necessitating the construction of huge cities on the ground.

Saslier was so busy during this period that he didn't even have time to drink!

Lilith continued to observe humans in the process and even shaped herself into an audience.

"But you have no chance," Truman shook his head slightly. Lilith now has all the qualities to be an audience, that is, "just an audience."

You won't even be moved by what you see, nor satisfied by what you know.

It would be a disaster for such a vampire to search for "humanity".

"..." Truman fell silent. His existence is extremely special and his humanity is extremely rich. He is a little unable to understand Lilith's current state. "How about you develop a human hobby?"

"Hobby?" Lilith looked serious.

"Yes, hobby! Get close to human behavior first, and then look for the corresponding cognition." Truman often had a headache for Lilith because he didn't know how to find human nature!

"Okay!" Lilith finally nodded, confused again, "But what are your hobbies? Does sucking blood count?"

The corner of Truman's mouth twitched, but... what kind of entertainment can people in this era have?

That is to say, in this dreamland of his, as long as the residents are pious enough, they can enter the Paradise of God, and only have a little entertainment life, and the rest is probably work and prayer.

"You can..." Truman was speechless, but his eyes lit up in the next moment, "Make a puppet!"

This was inspired by a certain shameless vampire in later generations.

"What? A doll? Like the Alien King?" Lilith was confused.

Forehead!Truman then remembered that this world has natural "puppet", and the alien king is a natural "rag doll".

Therefore, dolls, marionettes, and rag dolls are still images of divine beings in this era. They are all authentic statues of gods in the city-state ruled by the alien king, and are worshiped by countless humans day and night.

"Probably... almost..." Truman shook his head and directly touched out the extraordinary properties of a piece of "puppet".

This was the characteristic he snatched from the sky after the death of the alien king.

The "puppet" characteristics were directly kneaded by Truman to create a human shape, and some of the characteristics contained in the characteristics themselves also independently completed the puppet.

Finally, it was embellished with dreamy phosphorescence, and a life-size doll that was almost the same as a normal person appeared in front of Lilith.

"Is it so easy?" This was the first time Truman saw the extraordinary characteristic of being able to shape himself.

"Is this me?" Lilith stood in front of the puppet. They looked exactly the same.

Truman made him look like Lilith, and now this puppet has evolved independently with "puppet" characteristics and is no different from Lilith.

"I'm so beautiful." Lilith was very satisfied, hugged the doll and left. "Alas, I finally cheated and left." Truman shook his head. Lilith would bring many questions that he could not answer every time.

"She should have been prevented from degenerating to this point." He shook his head and continued his research on the power of the Book of Dreams.

"Fantasy" and "Cause and Effect" allowed him to see a direction to further develop the Book of Dreams, and he is working hard towards this.

But what Truman didn't expect was that Lilith made too much noise this time.

In just a few days, the legend of a werewolf sucking souls and roaring in the moonlight on a moonlit night spread throughout the dreamland.

In the next few days, many territorial residents even discovered that the newly built cemetery had been stolen and bodies stolen.

The entire area near Lilith's residence has been turned into a silent zone. All humans have fallen into a puppet state, no longer praying to dreams, no longer working, and have become walking zombies.

What's more, with Lilith's castle as the center, extremely weird things happened in the entire dream territory.

Trees lift people up, the grass bites people, and the soil rolls endlessly, trying to bury all the humans who step on them.

The humans in the dream territory almost thought that the dream angels had abandoned them and were going to punish them by returning to their previous days of being on tenterhooks day and night.

Later, these people prayed to Truman in panic, praying for forgiveness.

Truman was shocked when he saw all this. His territory was actually activated by some extremely high power!

"Lilith..." The corner of Truman's mouth twitched. He shouldn't let Lilith develop any hobbies. After all, she was still an ancient god before!

When it comes to understanding and applying the authority of life, no one can compare to her!

Truman walked into a palace like a fairy tale castle. This was originally built for himself, but now he lives under the dream statue, and it has become Lilith's castle.

"Are you the master's friend?" A vampire girl who looked very much like Lilith walked up.

Truman looked at the maid carefully, took a breath, couldn't bear to look directly, and turned his head.

"Where is your master?" Truman asked the maid, but she had already walked towards Lilith.

The whole castle had a strange aura that made Truman uncomfortable, and he really didn't want to stay any longer.

"You're here." Lilith's voice was still cold and emotionless. She sat on the lawn in the castle, with her back to Truman.

"I followed what you said to find hobbies, and in the end I found that what I am best at is shaping lives."

"So you gave the puppet life? And let it go to my territory to cause trouble?" Truman shook his head slightly, suddenly regretting it.

Lilith's situation is special and cannot be treated with ordinary methods.

He looked at the entire castle and frowned, "Is this the life authority of 'Mother'?"

After Truman stepped into the castle, he felt that there were countless eyes staring at him. The flowers, trees, grass, and even every grain of sand on the grass seemed to have grown eyes, peeping in the corners and gaps. Truman.

These are lives!

Although Lilith is no longer that ancient god, she still has all the characteristics of that ancient god!

With her previous status, she could also indirectly control the power of life and do all kinds of incredible things.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 34 Human Nature


Chapter 34 Human Nature

"I seem to have discovered something..."

Lilith turned around, and Truman's eyebrows twitched, feeling very bad.

"Every living body seems to have a 'divine' existence within it, but they are so weak, why do they have 'divine'?"

In front of Lilith is a... humanoid creature made entirely of flowers and plants.

The body made entirely of grass was extremely flexible. It jumped from Lilith's hands to the ground and danced. At first glance, it seemed quite joyful.

"When I was an ancient god, I never looked at creatures below demigods, but now I have made some different discoveries."

Lilith's eyes lit up, and for the first time Truman saw a different light in her eyes.

Is this curiosity?

Truman wasn't sure, but it shouldn't be a bad thing for Lilith.

"This is really not a good thing for me." Truman stepped forward and kicked that kind of human creature away.

"Since divinity exists in every living being, what about human nature? I find that my understanding of human nature is a bit simple."

"So I felt like I needed some reference."

Lilith reached out and pulled up a piece of grass beside her. The garland on her head flickered, and the grass suddenly began to twist, become alive, and even have a "soul" to a certain extent.

"Are you going to give these things real soul and life so that they can interpret for you what human nature is?"

"What do you think?" Lilith looked at Truman.

"I think you should see the nature of these things." Truman sighed softly and removed the dreamy phosphorescence in the castle.

This is the castle he forged, suppressing a certain crazy essence. This is also the reason why the mutation caused by Lilith did not cause large-scale casualties in the territory even though it spread.

And after he removed the dream phosphorescence, the madness lost its restraint and suddenly broke out.

The "items" that Lilith forcibly gave life to with her life authority underwent horrific changes at this moment.

The body of the maid who led Truman into the castle suddenly swelled, and various mutilated limbs and rotting corpses popped out from all over her body, bursting through her robes and revealing them.

His own state is also constantly changing. He is a werewolf, a wronged soul, and a puppet, and he has the characteristics of these creatures at the same time.

And the "humanoid creature" that Truman kicked away completely collapsed and turned into a strange mass of flesh and blood, constantly squirming, carrying the fragrance of flowers, trees, and grass.

The green grass that had just been given a soul turned into a wriggling tentacle of flesh and blood.

What's even more exaggerated is that there are countless blood-red eyes with tentacles crawling out of the gaps, going crazy and disorderly.

They danced their bodies crazily, exuding a chaotic and crazy atmosphere, making Truman seem to have a desire for destruction.

Even Lilith felt a little disgusted after just one glance. This was something she had been suppressing before she met Truman. It was the essence of this world.

"Humanity in a broad sense may not be found in humans, but this kind of essentially crazy... thing should be the last thing you want to see."

"You gave them life and rough souls, but you also know that these things cannot become real life." Truman tried his best to restrain himself, but he was still disgusted.

"Purify!" Truman introduced the sunlight from the outside into the castle.

This is the kingdom of the Sun God. If these filthy and evil things were not blocked by the light of dreams, there would be no room for survival here.

"Ah!" Almost all the monsters wailed under the purification of the sun's rays, unable to resist.

Only the suture monster transformed by the "puppet" characteristic has the possibility of confrontation.

But Truman just glanced at it one more time, and the "puppet" turned into a marionette and walked out among a pile of ashes. "You must ensure that your actions do not cause trouble to others."

Truman walked to Lilith and sat down.

"These things are insignificant to you and me, but to ordinary humans they are already a catastrophe."

"Your exploration of human nature and divinity should be right." Truman commented based on his own understanding of the nature of the world.

Lilith's eyes lit up, staring at Truman closely, waiting for his answer.

"All things have divinity and come from the original Creator." Truman said some conclusions of later generations, "Humanity needs to be found by yourself."

"What I can tell you is that it is possible."

In later generations, two little wolves succeeded in doing this.

"But at the very least, as a friend, I hope you can exercise restraint and restraint in your desire to explore." Truman sincerely suggested.

"Desire, restraint and restraint..." Lilith thought thoughtfully, "Is this your understanding of human nature?"

Truman was startled, and then he remembered that he had said that desire was a kind of human nature.

"Okay, I agreed, for the sake of my friends." Lilith nodded lightly.

"...Okay." Truman nodded gently. He let the dreamy phosphorescence spread again, blending into the castle and blocking out the sun's rays.

It took him a while to restore the Dreamland to normal and rescue those who had been contaminated by the puppets.

Truman left amid the thanksgiving chants of the believers and found Saslier.

"You have also seen the Civilization Picture Scroll, so what will you do next?" Truman asked bluntly.

He is extremely special among the angels of the Kingdom of the Sun. He has an independent territory and his own followers. He can even speak to the right hand of God like this.

"The right future will come." Saslier had no other emotions and was willing to reveal future arrangements to Truman.

Truman is one of the few people who doesn't care about his identity.

Truman nodded slightly, and the future that existed on the civilization scroll would come, which may mean that there are still hundreds of years left before the ancient sun god really wants to take back his authority.

"Well, if you have anything to do, you can find me. I'm going to enter the Book of Dreams."

"Enter?!" Saslier's pupils shrank and his face became serious.

"Well, enter! Return from time to time." Truman chuckled. He had made great progress in exploring the Book of Dreams.

"Be careful." Saslier had already guessed that the Book of Dreams was something like sefirah.

From his own perspective, why is it so easy to enter the Sea of ​​Chaos?

His ability to use the power of the Sea of ​​Chaos relies on the Blasphemous Slate.

Saslier didn't say anything more, just a reminder.

Truman smiled and nodded.

Then he returned to the dream statue, completely integrated into it, and jumped into the book of dreams in a dark space.

Truman's goal is the depths of the Sea of ​​Dreams, a place so majestic and indescribable that it is like a collection of dreams, desires and visions of all creatures throughout the ages.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 35 New Era


Chapter 35 New Era

There is no sense of urgency in this era of doomsday. For angels who can basically achieve immortality, time is very cheap.

But even for angels, what happened over the past hundreds of years makes them feel like they are suddenly separated from this world.

First of all, the pattern of ancient gods that had lasted for hundreds or thousands of years was suddenly broken. The ancestor of vampires took the Destruction Wolf and the Alien King and blew themselves up to death. Nearly half of the ancient gods died.

A god who claims to be the Creator appears and preaches and spreads sequence magic potions that can make ordinary creatures achieve extraordinary things.

Then the ancient god forces that recovered from the ancient god war did not like each other, and in order to compete for the inheritance of the dead ancient god, they launched an extraordinary race war that lasted for hundreds of years.

In this horrific war, the giants and dragons achieved the greatest results, and their power expanded rapidly, suppressing the other ancient god races.

After the war, the world returned to a certain degree of peace.

According to the records of the elves, this era is called the Twin Age.

Of course, in this era, the ordinary race of humans has also developed greatly due to the mission of the Creator, and major human city-states have been rapidly built on several continents.

Now in the largest city-state of mankind, mankind is protected by dreamy angels under the throne of the Creator, and there is no need to worry about attacks from extraordinary races or monsters.

The center of the city-state is naturally the largest church of the Creator, and next to it is the dream angel.

In the Dream Church, under a statue of the Dream God, an old man in gray and white robes was praying devoutly.

The old man's appearance was unremarkable. His hair was completely white, but it was still thick enough. His eyes were as deep as the sea, but they were too calm to make waves.

"Mr. Hermes," a respectful voice came from outside the church, "a family of giants is visiting."

Hermes stopped praying and frowned slightly, "Is it finally here?"

He stood up and followed the clergy outside the church.

"Good day, great god of morning and goddess of harvest." Hermes saluted the two tall giants.

"Hermes!" Badheir, the God of Dawn, has great confidence because of the strength of the giant family. The shadows of the past seem to have been swept away and he has regained his glory.

"Two gods, this is not something I can decide." Hermes still wanted to refuse. He was extremely disgusted with all the ancient gods and would not cooperate with the ancient gods at all.

And it would be foolish to get involved in a fight between the ancient gods.

"You!" The light of dawn flashed in Badheir's single eye, as if there was a terrifying storm of light flashing, and the entire city-state was trembling!

"I am the favored one of the Dream Angel." Hermes' expression did not change at all, he just stated a fact calmly.

Nowadays, the belief in the Creator has spread across all continental islands, and several angels under the Creator's throne have also left countless legends.

Among them, the Dream Angel is the most bizarre. It has appeared several times over hundreds of years and left many legends behind. Among them, it has achieved complete victory against several gods and protected many believers.

So far no one has even been able to guess His path!

This made many followers of the Ancient God camp very fearful of this dreamy angel.

When Badheir heard the name, the morning light became more intense, not with fear, but with disgust.

"You think I dare not kill you?" Badheir pulled out a twilight sword from the void and pointed it directly at Hermes.

Hermes, who was now in the third "Dream Weaver" sequence, watched all this calmly, with dragon scales seeming to appear on his skin.

The light of dusk erodes the void, and it seems that a life-and-death battle will begin in the next moment. With the giant's powerful destructive power, this largest human city-state will be destroyed after the battle!

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet." Omi Bella's gentle voice ended the fight.Hermes nodded calmly, and Badheir snorted coldly.

If the son of the Giant King destroyed the city protected by the Creator, he would be declaring war on the Creator.

At this time, the Creator remained aloof and did not intervene in any of the battles between the ancient gods.

"We had a fairly pleasant cooperation with Mew. Why don't you go ask him for instructions first." Omi Bella said to Hermes.

"Next time we come, we hope to hear good news." Omi Bella looked at Hermes and nodded lightly, leading Badheir away.

This is the second time they have come here. What makes them so patient is the number of extraordinary people that humans have gradually accumulated over the past few hundred years, and the dreamy angel standing behind them.

There is even the idea of ​​reaching some kind of secret deal with the Creator...

Hermes knew this, so he didn't dare to agree. The battle between the ancient gods was too dangerous, and the number of extraordinary humans who had developed for hundreds of years was not enough!

"Come to the Creator's Heaven." At this moment, a voice directly reached Hermes's ears.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he prayed and thanked the dream for his blessing, and then rushed to the Creator's Kingdom of Heaven.

Now the Creator's Kingdom has been completely integrated into this continent and has become a gathering place for human faith, and almost all of these believers believe in the returned Creator.

This was not the first time Hermes came here, and he was soon led by the clergy here to a church of the Creator.

There are two figures inside, they are the Dream Angel and the Vice-President of Heaven!

Among them, Dream Angel was the same as when she first met him. There was no change, but she became more mysterious and unpredictable.

As for the deputy king of that country, it is impossible to guess.

Hermes lowered his head subconsciously, not daring to look directly.

But he was not far away from the two of them, and he vaguely heard something.

"... convene a parliament... the trend of history..."

"...Waiting for the opportunity...to attract attention...They are ready..."

Many words sounded very profound to Hermes and he did not dare to understand them.

"Wait until I prepare everything first." Gradually, the two men stood up and looked at Hermes.

"I've seen the Hermes language you created. It's very good." Saslier looked at Hermes and praised it unstintingly.

"Don't talk about it, bring something out, he will be involved this time." Truman worked together to fight for the interests of his followers.

"Um..." Saslier was speechless for a while, then looked at Hermes and nodded, "I might as well give you an advance payment." Saslier pulled away the shadow behind him and took out an eye the size of a fist.

This eye is very strange, with pale golden pupils and full of majesty. There are countless symbols and strange patterns on its surface, which are connected to the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

If you stare closely at this eyeball, you will even feel that this strange eyeball is staring at you. The strong power of the dragon is coming towards you, trying to see through all the secrets of your soul.

This is the eyeball, or characteristic, of the psychic dragon!

(End of this chapter)