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Chapter 26 Blood


Chapter 26 Blood

"Let's communicate freely."

A meeting of four people, and the standard of the meeting was unimaginably high, which meant that there was very little that could be exchanged by these people.

Saslier had finished talking about the sequence potion, fell silent, and looked at the others.

In the end, the goddess asked Truman, "Have you been staying in the City of Darkness recently?"

"Probably not?" Truman wasn't sure, "I'm going to the Kingdom of the Sun God. There are a group of believers I saved there, and I need some time to educate them."

"If the Sun God goes to war with other ancient gods, I will also join the battle as a dream angel."

If you want to have a sufficient anchor of faith, you don't just have to have a name, you also need to have tangible deeds to protect the behavior of believers.

He wrote "Apocalypse of Night" in the City of Darkness, which can be regarded as the most profound label in the history of the Church of Night, but there is only one name on the side of the Sun God.

The goddess glanced at Lilith and said, "You have to take her away. I will focus on the balance of stability and uniqueness in the recent period, and the hidden power will weaken."

The goddess is still waiting for the best time to become a god.

"Okay." Truman nodded.

Lilith was silent, she was just a vampire now.

"Okay, this time the Dream Parliament is over. Everyone, we are creating an era."

Truman waved his hand, and everyone left the dream paradise.

After returning to reality, the Secret Angel nodded slightly to him, gradually becoming invisible and being erased by the eraser.

"I need some time." Truman also left directly, leaving an expressionless Lilith.

The ancestor of the blood clan suddenly felt irritable, and for the first time he realized that his choice to degenerate into the seventh blood clan was a wrong decision.

Truman found a stone room and took out the characteristics of the "Trojan Horse of Destiny" obtained in exchange.

Dream Heaven and Truman are deeply bound, even more closely than Mr. Fool and Origin Castle in later generations. It couldn't be easier to do this kind of thing.

He took out the Ancient One's gloves given to him by the goddess and the "Miracle Master" trait he obtained in the Kingdom of Gold.

"We have obtained the second sequence of the three mysterious paths!"

"Planeswalker", "Trojan of Destiny", "Miracle Master".

As for why it's not sequence one?

Sequence [-] is too special, the quantity is always three, it is necessary to become a god, it is too precious, and it is too difficult to collect.

"The Gloves of the Ancient..." Truman rubbed his chin, always feeling that there was some trouble. After all, he was not a craftsman and could not create magical items. "Then smash it!"

Truman drew an extremely intense dreamy phosphorescence from the Book of Dreams, shattering the Ancient One's Gloves and the other two attributes into light spots.

Even angels can do this, let alone him.

In an instant, colorful spots of light filled the entire room.

"All the extraordinary features will be condensed in a beautiful and reasonable way."

Truman made a prophecy in the Book of Dreams.

The next moment, these countless light spots were stirred by some kind of force and turned into a storm, rotating around Truman.

"Extraordinary properties culminated in a glove."

Truman spoke again.

The light spots condensed and finally became a glove with mysterious patterns.

"Let me see..." Truman began to test the function of the gloves, but as soon as he started using them, he discovered something was wrong. "It's the combination of the three pathways that caused some bad changes." Truman frowned, "Will it involuntarily turn creatures 50 meters away from the body into marionettes?"

This side effect is too great. Standing in a crowd is a big killer. He himself is not afraid of these costs, but the people around him are not.

"Come again!" Truman drew another phosphorescent light and shattered the characteristics.

This is a stupid method, but it will always yield results. After about dozens of times, Truman grasped the key point.

"Extraordinary properties will be combined with dreamy phosphorescence."

Truman said, condensing his characteristics and forming a glove again.

This glove is very similar to the previous Ancient One's glove, with a dark black base and three extremely strange patterns outlined on it.

But the difference is that this glove seems to be constantly flashing phosphorescence, and dreamy symbols are condensed on the back of the hand.

The symbol of the dream is the simple drawing in the Book of Dreams, with a little phosphorescence, which makes it seem like you will fall into an infinitely beautiful dream at a glance.

"Sure enough, there is never a perfect magical item. This is the rule of this world." Truman was very satisfied with the new generation of Ancient One's gloves.

"But I can neutralize the crazy nature of it and make it less intense."

He had thought wrong before and wanted to create a perfect magical item, but madness is the essence and cannot be shaken off at all, and at the height of Sequence [-], madness is already very intense.

After several experiments, Truman neutralized the madness. He did not think about eliminating the price, but limited it with the Book of Dreams, retaining the most distinctive abilities of the three major pathways.

Such as historical projection, wish, theft, return, roaming, reappearance and so on.

"Okay, let's stick with the name Ancient One, it suits me very well."

Truman put the gloves on his hands, and for a moment, it seemed as if the whole world was under his control.

This is because it is closely integrated with the Book of Dreams.

"Perfect!" Truman nodded with satisfaction.

"But did I forget something?" Truman walked out of the stone house.

"You finally came out..." A cold and faint voice came from his ears, and Truman looked over subconsciously.

Lilith's eyes were red, and there was a kind of animality emerging, which was the instinct of a vampire!

"Hiss!" Truman gasped.

It turns out that I forgot about this vampire. Sequence [-] vampires really want to suck blood!

And Lilith has been degenerating into a vampire for a relatively long time. She has entered a state of thirsting for blood, and she can't get out of here at all...

"I want to drink your blood!" Lilith's flawless face already showed an unconcealable desire.

"Well..." Truman was not prepared to feed the ghost with his body, "How about I find a few people to come in? Let's do some blood or something."

"No, I will drink your blood!" Lilith refused, staring at Truman.

This look reminded Truman of the first time he met Lilith. At that time, Lilith was really capable of eating him alive.

"Why?" Truman asked instead of refusing.

"Your blood is very pure and special!" Lilith's eyes were blood red and she was about to pounce.

"Special?" Truman was startled, "Is it because of the Book of Dreams?"

"Or the so-called pure ones?" Truman thought of the situation where the magic medicine flowed through the body without leaving any trace.

He still doesn't understand the principle, but he feels a vague sense of rejection.

After confirming that the Book of Dreams was similar to the Sea of ​​Chaos and Sefirah Castle, he speculated that it might be the repulsion between Sefirah and different pathways.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 27 Balance


Chapter 27 Balance

"Aren't you afraid that my blood will contaminate you?" Truman held down Lilith who was about to pounce with one hand. She seemed to be unable to suppress her blood-sucking instinct.

Of course, it is more likely that he deliberately showed it to Truman.

"Pollution?" Lilith showed two fangs and her eyes were still blood red. "There are no impurities in your blood."

"There is another possibility. My blood itself is an impurity, but it is too pure." Truman joked to himself.

There is something wrong with his blood, and it may be close to the source of blood.

Who dares to eat source material raw?

"That's harmless." Lilith still insisted, "In my sense of smell, your blood looks like a human, an elf, or even a giant vampire."

"But my spirituality tells me that it is harmless." Lilith did not hide her desire at all.

"But the look in your eyes makes me feel bad." As he said that, Truman's face darkened slightly, and the atmosphere between the two of them changed slightly.

The goddess had this kind of look when she saw him for the first time, and so did Lilith. The feeling of being treated as the flesh of the mysterious Tang Monk was really bad!

In order to avoid a certain situation from happening, he even created a dream parliament.

The Dream Parliament was established because of his characteristics. Everyone can obtain this benefit, but no one can enjoy it exclusively.

This is the balance Truman constructed.

"...Sorry!" The red light in Lilith's eyes dimmed, and she saw that Truman's gloomy expression finally calmed down.

It was unprecedented for an ancient god from the past to be able to bow his head and admit his mistakes.

Truman's expression softened slightly.

He glanced at the real red color in Lilith's eyes. He hesitated and took out a goblet directly from the fog of history. With a tap of his finger, it was filled with blood-red liquid.

"Drink this." He handed the cup to Lilith.

"What is this?" Lilith looked at the liquid in the cup and couldn't help but ask.

"The blood in my understanding." Truman explained.

Regardless of whether it tastes good or not, this thing, like the wine given to Saslier, is made of dreamy phosphorescence and has unique characteristics.

"Gu!" Lilith drank it all in one gulp, and the redness in her eyes quietly subsided and returned to normal.

"Continued Cup!"

"No." Truman refused and found a reason casually, "Keep your desires alive, and your humanity will sprout from them..."

Truman took Lilith to the Kingdom of the Sun, the territory that belonged to him.

He has not forgotten those believers in the Kingdom of Gold.

These tens of thousands of believers have been accepted by the believers of the Sun God, arranged uniformly, and become lambs under the rule of the dream angel.

There are dedicated people in the Kingdom of the Sun to handle this kind of matter, and Truman does not even need to intervene. They will quietly change their beliefs under the power of God and become believers in dreams.

"My believer?" Truman's face looked a little strange. This was the first time that he had a clear belief in himself and a believer who took himself as his highest sustenance. It was completely different from those who were the pope or the angel, and there was no such barrier.

Truman thought for a while and responded to these anchor points of believers pointing to him.

At this moment, a pure and brilliant rainbow light suddenly bloomed in the sky, attracting the attention of everyone in this territory.

Suddenly, the belief in their hearts that was distorted from the image of the Giant King took on a real quality.

They prayed subconsciously and recited the honorary name engraved in their hearts.

"The Spirit of Truth;

pure person;

time traveler;

Dreamy angel. "

"I pray for your attention, I pray for your coming." This is the angelic name written by Truman for himself. It has extremely clear direction. When believers recite it, countless voices echo in his mind.

For a moment, the book of dreams floated up, losing the cover that Truman had used to disguise it, revealing the bright and dreamy book cover inside.

The dreamy phosphorescence is falling, floating and integrating into the bodies of believers, refreshing their spirits. The spiritual bodies that were damaged in the plan to destroy the demon wolf are completely repaired.

"Thank you Lord for your care!" Tens of thousands of believers prostrated like a surging tide.

"This...my believers are indeed much stronger than Ceng." Even the Book of Dreams can sense it, which is enough.

Truman held the Book of Dreams and appeared in the rainbow light. He also specially transformed twelve pure white wings behind him, full of divinity.

Today's faith mainly focuses on worshiping statues of gods. This will be the only faith in his territory.

Truman stretched out his hand a little, and the endless dreamy phosphorescence fell, turning into a dreamlike statue dozens of meters high. The whole body was as white as jade, which is exactly what he looks like now.

"The first commandment: Thou shalt not take my name in vain."

"Second Commandment: You shall have no other gods."

"The Third Commandment: Love your relatives as you have loved me."

"The Fourth Commandment: You shall not commit adultery or take advantage of others."

"The Fifth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill the innocent."

"The Sixth Commandment: Serve me with your heart, not as a sacrifice."


"My followers shall be favored by dreams."

Truman flipped through the Book of Dreams to the "Fantasy Dream" page, and a mysterious power attached to the statue of the god.

"Making up fantasy dreams? Let them do it themselves." Truman even came up with a divine amusement park similar to Fantasy Heaven, but in the end he still gave the decision-making power to the believers.

Truly devout believers will be given the choice to freely weave a sweet dream or enter the paradise of God.

After the sweet dream, they will gain true tranquility, including but not limited to the mind and extraordinary characteristics.

Theoretically speaking, believers in dreams will not lose control before the demigods, and after the demigods, they can also obtain the tranquility of sweet dreams.

"Perhaps in hundreds of thousands of years, Dream will become a secret organization?" Truman is also looking forward to the future.

"I have arranged it here. You can stay here without interfering with information from the spirit world. Moreover, this place should be very suitable for your role."

When Lilith degenerates into the vampire stage, the most important thing is to find humanity, and the other thing is probably acting.

"Okay!" Lilith nodded slightly, looking at the towering statue of the god and the tens of thousands of believers worshiping below the god, "Do I need to believe in you?"

"Believe in me?" Truman was stunned.

"Faith is also a kind of human nature." Lilith said seriously, she wanted to understand human nature through similar behaviors.

"It's difficult," Truman said bluntly, "If your mentality cannot be adjusted from your identity as an ancient god to your current identity as a vampire, your eyes will be looking down and you will be unable to understand true human nature."

"It's a vampire!" Lilith emphasized, but Truman's words also made her frown and think deeply.

"Take your time, you still have a long time." The goddess and her previous arrangements will not be able to take effect until the ancient sun god takes action against the giant king.

"Okay." Lilith calmed down and looked at the devout believers quietly.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 28 Missionary


Chapter 28 Missionary

The Kingdom of the Sun God seems to be particularly lively today.

Sasriel, the right hand of God, summons all the angels, including Mew.

"What's going on?" Dream Angel Truman came to a large sacrificial square that accommodated tens of thousands of believers. In the center of the square stood a statue of the Creator.

That appearance was exactly that of the ancient sun god, but in addition to the blazing sun and the shadow of the curtain, this statue also had the power of storm, mind and knowledge.

This is the statue of the true Creator, pointing to the omniscient and omnipotent God, and the ancient sun god who now occupies the Sea of ​​Chaos fully occupies this honorable name.

And at the end of the God War, the ancient sun god appeared in this image. Under the shining of that sun, the whole world had many believers of the Creator.

"The kingdom of God will come to the world." Saslier read the oracle to all believers with a serious face.

"The Lord cannot bear the suffering of all souls, but integrates the kingdom of heaven into the human world to save all souls!"

As soon as Sasril finished speaking, the sky of heaven suddenly revealed the real starry sky, and the entire heaven also appeared in the endless star realm.

The stars were shining brightly, the sun's rays dispelled all darkness, and the kingdom of God began to manifest in the human world.

In the eyes of people in the entire real world, that is the miracle of the Creator.

A divine kingdom filled with light and shadow that filled the entire star world descended to the world. In an instant, it crossed an endless distance and arrived at the top of a continent, only a hundred meters away from the ground.

It is like a city of miracles, suspended in mid-air.

The sun went down and turned into a road of light, connecting the Kingdom of God and the mainland.

"Go and spread the glory of the Lord to every corner of the world!" Saslier looked at the believers gathered in the sacrificial square.

These are actually missionaries, and there are even many singers who sing their praises, so they are the perfect candidates for missionary work!

"You go and escort the believers." Saslier looked at the five archangels.

"Yes!" Medici and others nodded seriously. In this era, preaching is not just a matter of words.

These angels below need to perform "miracles", just like what Truman did before.

"I choose this direction." Truman looked at a long team of missionaries. The destinations of these missionaries are the gathering places of today's human beings.

And Truman has some vague feelings about this direction, and he should be able to find something.

He came to the missionary ranks and led them on their way himself.

He showed a miracle - angel wings, as if there were twelve illusory wings condensed behind him, flapping slightly and spreading light, protecting a group of missionaries. This light drove away all monsters and purified the lives of countless people. soul.

Not long after, Truman brought these missionaries to their destination.

"It's you indeed, Hermes." Truman chuckled and nodded.

"This is the Dream Angel. He is my human prophet! The source of all knowledge!" Hermes sensed that the unusually holy aura was approaching, and was even preparing to retreat in the city-state.

Now that I saw Truman, I was overjoyed.

"Is this the result of your time?" Truman looked behind Hermes and saw a group of young men and women. In Truman's perception, these were all extraordinary people!

In today's world, the concentration of extraordinary characteristics is very serious. Basically, if you go around the ancient gods and kingdoms, you can encounter many extraordinary creatures.

And with the saint Hermes here, it is very difficult for these people to obtain characteristics.

This is probably the first batch of extraordinary people in human history who independently used magic potions to advance without relying on gifts. They are the real hope of mankind!

Hermes' face turned serious, "No, this is your achievement!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten this knowledge at all."

Truman shook his head slightly, but Hermes still regarded himself as a follower.

Truman looked at the men and women. There were 22 of them, or were they from various channels?

They are also pioneers on the extraordinary path of mankind.He turned to look at the missionary behind him and said, "You go in first."

Hermes' expression changed, but he made no attempt to stop it.

"Humans, especially humans in this era, need to have faith." Truman saw Hermes' thoughts and shook his head slightly.

Hermes lived in an era when the ancient gods were cruel and brutal, and had witnessed countless disasters caused by the cruelty of the ancient gods. It would be difficult for him to truly believe in a certain god.

But for humans, having faith is not a bad thing, especially when angels and gods also need humans as "anchors" to stabilize themselves.

In this case, believing in a certain god will provide you with real protection.

This is important for today's fragile human beings.

"My fellow racer, are you interested in learning about the Savior of the world, the Creator who created and dominates everything?"

"He created the world and saved it, awakening from chaos and re-protecting us creatures."

"He has six archangels under his seat, they are..."

When those missionaries entered this large city-state, they talked about the miracles created by the Creator when they met everyone. The battle between the ancient gods had not been long ago, and the powerless fear was deeply imprinted in the hearts of all humans at this time.

And the sun god's behavior of protecting the entire world and protecting all souls is a plus.

Even people who have had faith will not have a bad feeling towards such a being.

In this way, there will be basically no problems during this mission.

"Is it that existence?" Hermes' expression softened a lot after hearing that he believed in the Creator.

Truman retracted his gaze, he didn't need to worry about the missionary matters, as long as he maintained the mystery and power of an angel here, it was enough.

He turned his attention back to those human Extraordinaries who were already in Sequence Nine.

"Do you want to believe in dreams? It doesn't cost any money, so just believe in it." Suddenly, Truman took out the ordinary-looking Book of Dreams.

"It's okay if you have other objects of faith in the future, I won't blame you."

"And everyone who believes in me can go further on the path of sequence."

Truman let the honorable name with the pronunciation of Giant language ring in the hearts of these young extraordinary people.

These young people all looked at Hermes, waiting for him to make a decision.

"Can I also believe in you?" Hermes asked a question that shocked Truman.

"...Of course." Truman nodded lightly.

"Okay!" Hermes led the twenty or so young people and began to recite the name of the dream angel loudly.

"The Spirit of Truth..."

The next moment, Truman felt that he had some strange connection with the person in front of him, and Hermes' faith was particularly prominent among them.

"My believers are not disturbed by madness, and will always be dreamy."

It was not Truman who spoke, but his statue in the Creator's Heaven. Truman had solidified many functions such as automatic responses on it, which could mobilize the power of the Book of Dreams to complete daily responses from believers.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 29 Fate Interference


Chapter 29 Fate Interference


The dream idol responded to them and bestowed corresponding dream phosphorescence. This light was directly integrated into the hearts of these people, soothing the madness of the extraordinary characteristics in their bodies.

"This is..." Even Hermes, the "audience", couldn't stand it anymore, his face was shocked, this was contrary to the knowledge he had learned!

Madness is eternal, almost the same as transcendence!

"It's just neutralized and calmed down, but the madness itself still exists. I let it fall asleep." Truman said softly.

The look of shock on Hermes's face faded. He was the Saint of the Audience Path. He instantly gave himself a "diagnosis". His condition was actually the best in years!

If he cooperates with his own "comfort", it will allow him to experience the long-lost peace and tranquility that belongs to ordinary people.

"Is it a dream..." Hermes looked at Truman and was completely impressed, even his faith became a little more real.

Pure human beings, powerful strength, powerful connections, and abilities that are just dreamlike in today's crazy world.

Such a person is so special and important to the entire human race. Hermes even regards Truman as the light of mankind.

After successfully establishing contact with this group of human pioneers, Truman set his sights on the city-state. The missionary actions of those missionaries were not hindered in any way. After all, even the guardians of the city-state believed in dreams.

"Afterwards, you can also move the entire city-state to the Kingdom of the Sun God. After all, it is not safe here."

This city-state is actually under the rule of the Alien King, but now that the Alien King is dead and all the Holy Ones under his command have fled, how can they still control these cities?

"No," unexpectedly, Hermes refused, "Now that ordinary people have faith, these missionaries will also protect them, and we need to temper ourselves in a turbulent environment."

"...Very good." Truman was startled and nodded slightly. After all, he had never experienced everything that humans have experienced in this era, and could not understand their desire for power.

"If you encounter any unsolvable troubles in the future, you can try to pray to me." Truman finally said, he still had some ideas about the earliest secret organization of mankind, "Okay, you go back, those missionaries are not here either. I will bother you."

"Yes!" Hermes retreated with some young men and women.

Truman, on the other hand, was holding the Book of Dreams and looking outside the city-state.

"Something feels wrong..." Truman looked a little strange. After the ancient gods put the Kingdom of God into the human world and began to preach vigorously, the major ancient gods and their extraordinary races would definitely not be without movement.

Even now Truman can sense that something is approaching, but he can't catch the trace.


Probably when the Sun God Kingdom landed on the earth, all the ancient gods were staring at the light and shadow that seemed to support the heaven and earth.

The ancient gods had different reactions. The Phoenix just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. The Demon Lord was not in good condition and did not dare to go out. The Giant King was even more helpless.

The Dragon of Utopia and the Elf King were in a similar situation. They just sent out their saints and followers to keep an eye on the movements of the Sun God.

In the direction where Truman belongs is the God of Luck, a subordinate god under the Elf King.

This is a mercury snake.

"Weird!" Truman knew nothing about this and looked through the dream book. Several pages had already been written into the dream book.

The first page is naturally the dream paradise, which represents the dream itself.

The second page shows the world interference ability that Truman often uses, a magical ability that is almost like a dream come true, even more inexplicable than the "writer".

The third page is "Dream Weaving" written by Truman, which is also a branch of dream power.

"I can't find the other party, probably because I don't have any knowledge or concept of its existence. At the same time, it can also remain independent in its destiny." "Hiss!" Truman suddenly felt that it was tricky. Such a battle was too abstract. If you don't even know the enemy, you have to start gambling on fate.

No power is invincible. Dreams come true and wishes come true. Such power also has its limits.

And when Truman felt in trouble, the mercury snake hidden in the forest did not dare to take a step closer.

This is a silver-white giant snake with no real scales. Its body is full of patterns and symbols, connected to each other to form a whole. Its bright red eyes are staring at the city-state where Truman is located.

Truman was helpless, and He was extremely vigilant.

He erased his own specialness from his destiny, but it was still not enough. There was a sight that seemed to penetrate everything and fall on Him.

"Restart!" The mercury snake used this magical skill cautiously. The complex symbols on its body flew up one by one and connected with each other to form a wheel. Then the mercury snake bent its body and bit its own tail.

Suddenly, the fallen leaves returned to the treetops, and the Mercury Snake's body was also retreating, trying to return to the state where it was not being watched by the inexplicable existence.

but failed.

That kind of gaze from an infinite height is impossible to escape, and it even makes this mercury snake feel like seeing the "Origin Castle" during the last battle of the ancient gods!

It was an absolute crushing of character, and He didn't even know where to start to resist.

It was also the first time for Mercury Snake to encounter such a strange enemy, and a tug of fate began.

"What the hell is this?!"

The mercury snake did not dare to act rashly, but activated the luck that it had accumulated for countless years, and then waited quietly.

The power of luck is gradually brewing and begins to affect the surroundings, calming down all factors that may lead to discovery.

It's indeed a bit of a mess...but for people on this path, it may be the best response.

Truman on the other side was scratching his head. During the "restart", he also felt something, as if something was about to disappear completely in front of his eyes, so he pressed the Book of Dreams and stabilized his sense.

"This ability seems a bit familiar!"

After the "restart", Truman had a clue. This ability is so iconic!

"Snake of mercury? God of luck? He seems to be the god of the Elf King." Truman guessed the identity of the other party.

"Concealing one's existence in destiny..." He thought of the record on the blasphemous stone tablet.

In addition to potions, there are also descriptions of abilities in various ways.

"It turns out that this is the effect. At this moment, it is almost the same as secret authority."

"Destiny itself..." Truman fell into deep thought. He knew clearly that the other party was also struggling, so he was not in a hurry. Instead, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind, and he was perfecting the second page of his dream book.

Similar to the previous "Dream Weaver", this time he "saw" the ability of the Path of Destiny to interfere with destiny, which gave him the idea of ​​​​perfecting the second page of the Book of Dreams.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 30 Cause and Effect


Chapter 30 Cause and Effect

"The most outstanding feature of this ability is that it feels like dreams come true and wishes come true..."

"But it also meant that I had to have a really deep knowledge of something."

What he thinks is the foundation, and what happens is the result of his choice.

Truman looked towards the forest outside the city. At this moment, he could already see the mercury snake.

"Let's call it 'cause and effect'. I am the cause, he is the effect, and maybe it has to be connected to the spiritual world." The spiritual world is said to contain all possibilities of the past, future and present, and has enough "reasons" that Truman needs.

Truman also refers to completing the second branch of this dream in the Book of Dreams.

With the improvement of this ability, the fog in front of Truman seemed to have dissipated a lot.

"I saw you." This is because Truman knew the existence of the Mercury Snake and the introduction of his abilities, linking the two of them together in destiny.

"Visitors from the distant spiritual world will appear exactly where the mercury snake is, breaking his state."

This is the result of Truman's choice.


The God of Luck suddenly opened his eyes. His luck suddenly dropped a lot, and his spirit gave out a warning sign.

The next moment, a spirit world creature opened the door to the spirit world and came to the real world. However, under the gaze of the mercury snake, its luck was emptied and it became unlucky and was eaten by a passing spirit world demigod creature.

He used his power to influence the world, and ripples of destiny rippled out.

At this moment, the God of Luck's own special destiny can no longer be concealed and revealed to others.

"Not good!" The God of Luck even sensed that the luck he had accumulated for hundreds of years was declining at a terrifying speed.

Someone was trying to influence His destiny!

"Why is this God of Luck so far away? I feel like we can become friends." Truman spoke softly, with a friendly tone.

But the symbols all over this mercury snake are about to explode, and it is uncertain whether it will light up or disappear. It just wants to stay away from here.

"Space barrier!" Truman reached out and grabbed it, and the space where the mercury snake was became a cage, surrounding it.

"Planeswalkers" have reached a very high level of control over space.

"Hiss!" The mercury snake's eyes flashed red, its fate changed, and it swam out before the cage was formed.

He glanced at Truman, who was shocked and had an inexplicable feeling.

If it weren't for the Book of Dreams, that glance might have wiped out his luck and brought him so much misfortune that he would choke to death even if he drank water.

Truman subconsciously caught it and activated the "Trojan Horse of Destiny" ability related to the Thief's path several times to steal the mercury snake's luck.

hiss!Is this an illusion of luck?

Truman even had the illusion that the world revolved around him.

That is the terrifying luck of being able to step on demigod characteristics when you step out of the door, and pick up angel materials when you bend down.

It's really… so cool!

But at this time, there was a rhythm of light and shadow on the mercury snake.

"Cycle of destiny"!

The Mercury Snake has his luck locked into a loop, and Truman's act of stealing luck triggers this mechanism, allowing it to activate.

The light and shadow stopped flickering, and Truman's illusion became illusory, like a bubble shattering.

"What a pity!" Truman felt a little pity. Who doesn't want to become a European emperor?

The mercury snake in the cycle of destiny is not willing to fight, and directly opens the door to the spiritual world.

"What a powerful snake of fate!" Truman couldn't help but sigh, "Much more powerful than Ouroboros."

"...Forget it, there is a high probability that you won't win, and even if you win, you won't be killed." Truman watched the mercury snake leave the spiritual world without stopping him.Now he can rely on the Book of Dreams to forcibly increase the power of the magical items on his body by one level, and the corresponding abilities have reached the level of sequence one.

Even the upper limits of the two abilities of "Cause and Effect" and "Dream" cannot be determined. It all depends on how much power you can mobilize.

But that is the mercury snake, a de facto European emperor, and a "restart" can be called a magical skill.

The most important thing is that the Elf King may be watching at this time!

This is the fact. When the God of Luck came to this city-state, the Elf King's eyes fell here.

"Another angel!" The Elf King is not in a good condition now, and the thunder around him has dimmed a lot.

"That sun has been planning for a long time!" The Elf King's voice made the entire Elf Palace tremble.

"I even doubt that he was born much later than us. He just showed up because we were too damaged this time!"

"Stupid Ormir! Betrayed Lilith! Let the sun seize the opportunity!" The tyrannical Elf King even had the idea of ​​killing the Giant King's Court.

"The Sun God is really a formidable opponent!" Natural Disaster Queen Goshinam's face was solemn.

She handed the stone tablet presented by the elf guard to the Elf King.

"This is the serial potion." What was recorded on the stone tablet was a potion formula.

Some missionaries have already passed on the low-level potion recipes, and now they are all in the hands of the Elf King.

"This is blasphemy!" The thunder was violent, flashing with destructive light, "A blasphemous potion!"

"But we can no longer destroy it!" The Queen of Natural Disaster said calmly, "We must control the inheritance of the potion!"

"I'm going to send an envoy to the Kingdom of the Sun God!"

The Elf King's eyes fell on the Scourge Queen, and he forced himself to calm down, waiting for an explanation.

"If you don't go, the other ancient gods will rush to go!" The Queen of Scourge continued with a cold face, "Magic potions are the future! Use the magical items in the elf treasure house in exchange for relevant potion formulas."

"A hundred years later, all elves will use this as a promotion and stabilize their mental state!"

"Hundreds of years from now, our elves will not fall behind other extraordinary races!"

The Elf King rarely suppressed his tyranny, thinking, and finally nodded.

He probably had worries too.

The so-called blasphemy is naturally directed at the gods. Could it be that the sun became an ancient god through this sequence of magic medicine?

Isn't the state of the sun much more stable than that of the dragon and himself?

"Let the new Ornia go!" the Elf King ordered.

The goddess of beauty, Ornia, was originally the god of the vampire Lilith. Now that Lilith is "dead", he has taken refuge in the Elf King and gained protection.

"Okay!" The entire elven clan started to move, and a group of elves equivalent to sequence five went to the Kingdom of the Sun God under the leadership of the God of Beauty Ornia.

This was also the case in most other places. The ancient god quickly obtained the magic potion formula spread by the missionaries and made the same decision.

Potions are the future of the race.

All the ancient gods are aware of this, and then consider it to pry into the mysteries or strengthen their race.

Each tribe has its envoys heading to the Kingdom of the Sun God with a huge number of magical items or extraordinary characteristics.

The impact of the potion system on today's era has just begun.

(End of this chapter)