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Chapter 21 Battle Situation


Chapter 21 Battle Situation

The crisis sense of the Demon Wolf of Destruction was beating crazily, even threatening to engulf the last bit of its intelligence. Faced with the siege of many ancient gods, the Demon Wolf of Destruction went completely crazy.

He let go of what had been suppressed within him.

He at least possesses the uniqueness of "The Fool" and the characteristics of "Servant of Secrets".

A strong will began to rise little by little, and there was a thick gray mist surging above the unobservable spiritual world!

At this moment, all the ancient gods, the ancient sun god, Sasril, Amanisis, Truman and even the other angels from the gods sensed the changes in the spiritual world.

Even outside the world barrier, there was a riot of endless starlight, and those terrifying beings could not remain calm.

Some kind of indescribable aura made all the creatures and monsters in the entire spiritual world tremble and dare not raise their heads.

In the real world, there was an earthquake all over the world. It was not serious, but it was obvious enough.

Above the star realm, the light of the stars was extinguished and extinguished, and the ancient sun god also had a dark expression on his face.

"That's Source Castle..." Amanisis felt a throbbing, but couldn't go any further to sense it.

"This is the second era when the mysterious will is unprecedentedly powerful." Truman said silently to himself. At this moment, he felt an unimaginable will resurrecting, and the book of dreams even splashed out with a little dreamy light.

Suddenly, Truman seemed to feel dizzy, and even fell into a state of eternal sleep.

This moment of eternal sleep came at an unreasonable time, Truman was unprepared!

"Is it Source Castle?! Or is it a mystery?!" Truman suddenly realized something. This feeling happened to him before when he really wanted to explore the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Origin Castle and Mystery?There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two. After all, the mysterious resurrection must be accompanied by the arrival of Origin Castle.

And the arrival of Origin Castle is almost the time for the mysterious revival.

Truman relied on the divine badge to stay awake, but he also knew that he could not stay here for long, so he wandered directly back to the kingdom of the ancient sun god.

The effect of "Eternal Day" is the strongest here, and the influence of Origin Castle on this place is also the weakest.

Truman's "escape" did not cause any disturbance, except for Saslier's glance, and the other angels were staring closely at the historical fog that appeared above the spiritual world.

Some of the other angels had heard of this thing before, and some were aware of the existence of such a thing for the first time, and they had different reactions.

On the other hand, the Ancient God and the Ancient Sun God reacted immediately.

No matter what camp they belong to or which path they belong to, no ancient god will allow an unknown existence to resurrect!

But that awakening of will seemed irreversible, becoming stronger bit by bit, making the Source Castle above the spiritual world clearer and clearer.

Even if he has not been truly resurrected, even if he does not have the complete Fool Path Extraordinary Characteristics, even if there are other "impurities" in the body of the Demon Wolf of Destruction, that one can still control the Source Castle and use his personality to call upon its power!

The fog of history is unprecedentedly dense, interacting with the awakening of that one's will, and the authority of the night on the Demon Wolf of Destruction has been rejected, making it even more unstable.

That person's will will expel the characteristics of the Night Path, awaken with the pure Fool's Path, and then master the "Origin Castle".

The Demon Wolf of Destruction himself is even about to fall into the status of an ancient god, but the aura on his body is unprecedentedly weird and powerful.

"The resurrection of the Lord of Mysteries failed this time due to various reasons." A prophecy appeared again in the sea that contained all the secrets at the feet of the ancient Sun God.

As these words took shape, the Dragon of Fantasy soothed the consciousness of the Demonic Wolf of Destruction, ensuring that the Demonic Wolf of Destruction's wakefulness and the will that was about to awaken formed a tug of war.The scales and feathers of the phoenix brought a drop of deep river water, penetrated countless spaces and fell on the head of the Demon Wolf of Destruction. It slipped in silently and let the awakened will enter a state of eternal sleep.

Powerful attacks such as dusk and thunder fell on the demon wolf, but the target of their attack was no longer the destruction demon wolf but the suppressed will to revive.

The prophecy of the ancient sun god has come true again.

The Lord of Mysteries has not yet truly recovered, so naturally he cannot stop this prophecy from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

All the attacks accurately hit the resurrected will of the Lord of Mysteries and suppressed it.

The nature of this world is crazy and disordered, and this will can never be eliminated, it can only be suppressed.

At the same time, even the authority of the night in the body of the Destruction Demonic Wolf was also acting, strongly interfering with the revival of the will.

These "impurities" need to be eliminated by that will and cannot coexist, but the same "impurities" also instinctively reject this will.

The aura of mysterious resurgence was completely suppressed, and the "pacified" Demonic Wolf of Destruction naturally took over again.

He seemed to have done it. Even if all the ancient gods joined forces, they couldn't kill him, and they even needed to help him stabilize his own state.

For such a being, the fate is still wonderful. One moment, he is trapped in the siege of the ancient gods, and the next moment, he can let all the ancient gods work together to help him stabilize his condition.

The Demon Wolf of Destruction is crazy enough, but not a fool. He finally gained a chance of survival through an adventure.

But which ancient god is stupid?

At the next moment, all the attacks came again, and the ancient gods also tacitly agreed to share the food of the demon wolf again.

The demon wolf barely suppressed the will to revive in his body, and his condition was roughly restored to before the divine war began, but the enemy in front of him was too terrifying.

In just a moment, the "comfort" turned into "spiritual riot", the "eternal sleep" turned into "eternal silence", and the demon wolf's state suddenly deteriorated, even worse than before.

He fooled time, history, space, rules, etc., constantly changing the space he was in, and constantly jumping his state to a moment ago, but this already lacking authority became somewhat powerless under a strong enough external force.

He also tried to fool his opponents and make them perform out-of-mind operations, such as slowing down his attacks by a beat or even hitting temporary allies. However, there were too many people on the opposite side, and he could not fool all the ancient gods at the same time.

The demon wolf desperately used the authority of the night to avoid the ancient god's attack, but in such a situation, the authority of the night was also suppressed in various ways, making it difficult to exert much effect.

Unlike the real "Fool", the Demon Wolf of Destruction cannot be completely resurrected in the fog of history, so he does not dare to die easily.

Otherwise, what will return to His body from the fog of history will only be the characteristics of the Fool's path, and the power of the night will be completely lost and seized by other ancient gods.

At that time, He will only be the King of Angels in a single way. In such a battlefield, that is no different from committing suicide.

This time, He really came to the end. After experiencing the last time, He didn't even have the chance to awaken that will.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 22 Betrayal


Chapter 22 Betrayal

"Roar!" The Demon Wolf of Destruction was slashed by the great sword of dusk again. The "dark night" characteristics in his body were constantly attracted to "dusk" due to the aggregation effect. The ancestor of the phoenix was also using the powers of "death" and "door" to Authority keeps interfering.

Because of Mysterious Resurrection's previous rejection of the power of the night, the Demon Wolf of Destruction's control over the power of the night has become stagnant.

But He had to use his secret authority to hide himself, and then used the authority of history to escape into the fog of history and buy time to stabilize himself.

It's just that this time He was disturbed. A red moon shed the moonlight, and an undetectable door opened inside the red moon that no one could pry into.

This door is illusory and hazy, engraved with many mysterious symbols, and seems to have some connection with the spiritual world.

It represents Sequence Three "Summoning Master" of the Moon Path.

The door opened, and inside was a bizarre spiritual world. An invisible breath spread out, connecting to a hidden corner.

The next moment, there was a mist outlining a figure inside the door, it was Amanysis, the goddess of misfortune.

There will eventually be some differences between the various plans on the Dream Council and the development of the real world. For example, the dragon of fantasy detects the turning of the historical trend, such as the resurgence of the mysterious will, and many accidents cannot be resolved, but everything will eventually return to their plan. determined historical trend.

So He came, summoned by Lilith.

He stretched out his hand and used his control over the secret authority to slightly interfere with the Demon Wolf of Destruction. Then he released the characteristics within his body and interfered with its stability with the aggregation effect.

The Demon Wolf of Destruction's control over the secret power was already at a low point, and when it was interfered with again, there was an obvious pause.

And this pause was grasped by the ancient god.

Various power attacks were poured on the Demon Wolf during this pause, leaving it stuck in the fog of history.

The goddess of misfortune just glanced indifferently and immediately hid herself away from the battlefield.

Lilith, Ormir, Sunia Solem, and the Alien King were the first to rush into the historical fog that has not completely dissipated.

The other ancient gods were not to be outdone, and wanted to "take the table" and "eat the wolf".

The fog of history is rolling, and fierce battles still broke out among the ancient gods, but this was more due to the distribution of food before the meal.

The Demonic Wolf of Destruction has no room for recovery, and everything seems to be coming to an end.

Just for a moment, the demon king Fabuti roared, escaped from the fog of history, and fled away.

Next, a door burst open and the phoenix screamed and fled.

Similarly, the huge dragon body of the Dragon of Fantasy flashed away and disappeared on this battlefield.

Just when many people could not understand this change in the war situation, an explosion that surpassed everything and shocked the world occurred.

There was no sound in the world, and the red light suddenly illuminated everything.

Only at the moment when the red light completely shrunk, a shrill scream spread throughout the world, "You betrayed me!"

That belongs to Lilith, the ancestor of vampires!


The red light shrank to the extreme, then exploded in the fog of history.

The mist evaporated completely, emitting a blazing light that could completely illuminate the spiritual world and the astral world.

"Roar!" Many shrill roars came from the center of the explosion, and the extraordinary creatures who heard these roars lost control!

"Ah!" Giant King Olmir fell down, and the giant's body was blown to pieces. Of course, this was not a fatal injury to the ancient god. What was really serious was the dusk that was about to collapse on him!

A ray of dusk light flashed across the Giant King's body, and his body was rapidly decaying and completely dissipated in the air.

A bolt of lightning also splashed away, but the thunder that could split the world into pieces before was already much weaker.

The ancient sun god has walked out of his own kingdom and looked down at the battlefield from the top of the star realm. He blocked the terrifying explosions that rushed out of the star realm. The barrier cannot be destroyed by anyone.

"Gu!" Many angels also returned to normal, looking at the center of the explosion in shock.

The boundaries between the real world, the spiritual world, and the star world are blurred there, the space is completely broken, the rules are distorted, and all kinds of unimaginable scenes happen there.

All the angels and gods felt something, and no one even dared to move. At this time, even a madman could be sure that there were still three ancient gods in the center of the storm who had not come out.


"Is there still betrayal?" Does the betrayal Lilith is talking about refer to her allies Giant King Ormir and Elf King Sunia Thorem?

One or even two of them had a disagreement during the process of dividing the Demon-eating Wolf, and took action directly against Lilith?

Only in this way will Lilith blow herself up at all costs and drag everyone with her to be buried with her? !

And the Demon King and others had a premonition of the terrifying explosion and ran for their lives?

No one would lie to others with their own lives!

The angels and gods trembled in their hearts and lowered their heads. The battle between the ancient gods was beyond their imagination, and they could only wait for the result.

When the space storm and the spiritual and astral visions paused for a while, all the angels and gods saw it.

The bodies of the three ancient gods were frozen in the storm composed of various rules and regulations. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, turning into an oil painting, frozen at that moment.

Maybe call it a "new era"?


In the reverse secret, the goddess appeared on the battlefield again. There seemed to be a flash of light on her body, blocking the aftermath of the explosion.


A huge black scythe turned into a crescent moon and struck the demon wolf. The only hope of resurrection through a "miracle" was completely cut off in the deep darkness.

The huge body of the Demon Wolf of Destruction collapsed, and the blood of the ancient god was sprinkled all over the body of the Goddess of Doom. At the same time, all the powers of the night were also incorporated into his body.

But this is not all the Demonic Wolf of Destruction has. His collapsed body turned into a storm of extraordinary characteristics, and the most important thing among them was attracted by the aggregation effect and threw itself at Antigonus, the young son of the Demonic Wolf.

Amanysis looked in that direction. Antigonus' wolf hair stood on end, and his spirit collapsed instantly. At this moment, he just wanted to escape, as far away as possible!

He never thought that his cruel but powerful father-god would die, and he never thought that the one who would take action in the end would be the Goddess of Doom with whom he had a relatively harmonious relationship!

All this brought an unimaginable impact to Him, a poor born mythical creature.

But the sequence, characteristics and uniqueness of the Fool's Path were pulled by the aggregation and flew directly into His hands.

At this moment, He even had the illusion that his father would be struck down by God's butcher knife!

But the current scene is too chaotic. Not only the Demon Wolf of Destruction, but also the bodies of the Alien King and the ancestor of the blood race, Lilith, have collapsed. Countless characteristics have been scattered around the world, and some have fallen into the spirit world and the star world and turned into monsters.

The goddess of misfortune has no time to pay attention to this little devil wolf.

After obtaining the characteristics and uniqueness, Antigonus no longer dared to stay and jumped directly into the fog of history. This may become an unforgettable shadow for him.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 23 Backhand


Chapter 23 Backhand

"Let there be light!" A gentle and mellow voice resounded throughout the real world, and the star world and the spiritual world all lit up.

The endless warm sunlight came from the distant star realm, and a god cast a compassionate gaze on the star realm, looking at the land that had been devastated by the war between gods.

Under the strong sunlight, the center of the ancient god's war began to heal, and he was repairing the entire world.

The storms and tsunamis caused by the earthquake have subsided, the chaos in the spiritual and astral worlds has also been sorted out, and the entire world is returning to its previous state.

Likewise, His sunshine also fell on countless human beings who were frightened by the war between gods, soothing their hearts and even changing their beliefs, allowing them to pray sincerely and bow down to the power of God.

"Praise the sun!"

Many pagans praise the sun.

Today is the day when the ancient sun god truly steps onto the stage of history, and there is no longer anything to hide.

All subsequent accounts of the Second Age cannot ignore this day.

The ancient gods fought for their wills and caused disasters that destroyed the world, but they did not want to see the creator of all living beings in disaster wake up from his slumber.

He opened his eyes to see the whole world, pitied everything he had created, and was angry at the ancient gods who brought destruction and harm.

He loves His people and once again spreads sunshine and warmth throughout the world.

The above will be recorded in the Creator's Holy Book.

At this time, all the ancient gods could only watch the sun illuminate the world, unable to stop it.

Even the conditions of the ancient gods who escaped before the explosion were not much better and needed time to stabilize themselves.

And when Lilith cried out for betrayal, the so-called alliance between the ancient gods had already broken down.

Today, nearly half of the eight ancient gods are dead. This is something that has never happened in the past thousand years of fighting.

From now on, the Ancient God will no longer believe in other lunatic Ancient Gods.

Who can guarantee that he will not be the next Lilith?

The Sun God chose to step on the stage of history at this time, so he naturally saw everything in some future possibility.

The terrifying storm has completely dissipated, and the cracks in the world are also closing.

Groups of remnants of divine power and extraordinary characteristics penetrated the constraints of space. Some fell to the ground and turned into forbidden areas of life. Some fell into the arms of certain demigods and angels of the same sequence.

It's just that two mysterious beings seemed to have anticipated this scene. They flashed countless times and intercepted many extraordinary characteristics in the storm.

It was Truman and Saslier.

After Truman's mysterious will was suppressed and destroyed, he returned to the battlefield of the ancient gods, and even rushed out at the same time as Sasril, heading towards the characteristics that filled the sky!

In his hands are many characteristics of the mother and the path of the moon, and these must be returned to that one.

Of course, he also gained many characteristics of the prisoner path and the hunter path, and of course there were even more messy divine items that could not form characteristics.

Sasril also gained a lot, and the goddess of misfortune, who had obtained all the characteristics of the night and nearly half of the characteristics of the Fool, also took action and obtained a red moon.

Many angels who saw this scene were awakened from their gods and began to take the initiative to seize the remnants of divine power and extraordinary characteristics.

The followers of the dead ancient gods were so frightened that they did not even dare to take the characteristics that flew in front of them, and fled directly.

This was a feast, and the biggest cake was grabbed by those three, but there were still many characteristics that fell into the hands of the major angels and slave gods. After all, you can never predict how many extraordinary characteristics a crazy ancient god has eaten.

As soon as the ancient god died, all these extraordinary characteristics were revealed.

After collecting the characteristics of demigods and above, Truman gently nodded to the goddess and Sasril, and wandered away.He returned directly to the City of Deep Darkness, this hidden city.

Speaking of which, he is still the first Pope of the Night.

Truman returned to his residence, carefully activated the secret power on the divine badge, and then sealed the entire house with dreamy phosphorescence.

Finally, he opened the Book of Dreams and pulled out a coffin composed of flowers and trees containing endless vitality.

The coffin is not big and can only accommodate a teenage child at most.

"Hiss!" Truman opened the coffin and took a breath of cold air, "Did you retain a part of the "god of beauty" characteristic?"

The girl in front of her looks like the ancient god Lilith. She is too beautiful to be true. She is Lilith who faked her death, and this body is his back-up for resurrection.

This body was created by two gods, Lilith and the ancient Sun God, and has already developed most of its extraordinary characteristics.

"I'm probably only Sequence Seven of the Moon Path now." The girl suddenly opened her eyes, her pupils blood red, with the indifference unique to the ancient gods.

This is not caused by the inherent madness of her extraordinary characteristics, but by her lack of humanity.

Literally, after losing everything about the ancient god, her state was nothing but indifference.

"I've never been in better shape..." This is even better than in the Book of Dreams.

At that time, Lilith was an ancient god, but at this time, Lilith was just a Sequence Seven vampire. The Book of Dreams' neutralizing effect on madness was particularly prominent at this time.

She waved her hand gently, and the coffin turned into a beautiful garland and fell on her head.

This coffin is even a copy of the Sequence Two characteristics of the Mother Path, the "Mother of Desolation".

"Why did you choose to fall to sequence seven?" Truman looked at it.

This sequence is too low, so low that if Truman, Goddess, Saslier and other three people have some bad intentions, Lilith will really become history.

"I believe you." Lilith looked at Truman without any fluctuation in her tone.

Truman twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head and laughed, "Very good, you have learned a skill that humans must master, lying."

Naturally, he would not believe Lilith's words easily. The inhuman Lilith could not even understand the word "believe".

What she relies on is probably the wreath on her head. If necessary, she may be able to become the "Mother of Desolation", right?

"Give these back to you." Truman returned many characteristics of the mother path and the moon path to Lilith.

After acquiring these characteristics, the coldness on Lilith's face seemed to have faded a bit.

"By going up the sequence path, I can maintain the most stable humanity after ascending to the throne of God, so that I can truly compete..." Lilith explained to her collaborator, "This is also that person's suggestion."

Lilith was a little apprehensive as she said this. Of course she was talking about the ancient sun god. Only after she had truly seen the ancient sun god did she truly know what a true god was.

Ancient God?Just a stronger lunatic.

"Where's Hong Yue?" Lilith asked after tapping the characteristics.

"Took it by the goddess." Truman replied, staring at Lilith, who just nodded slightly, as if she had expected it.

These two goddesses had already planned it during their last dream session.

The red moon is probably one of the contents of the transaction.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 24 Secret


Chapter 24 Secret

"You just stay here, I want to go out." This house is sealed with secrets and dreams, and Lilith's information will not have any interaction with the outside world.

Even if the real Fool comes, he can't divine the truth about Lilith's death.

Lilith nodded coldly and watched Truman walk out of the house.

As the Pope of the Night, Truman naturally cannot hide in this room.

The day's events are not over yet.

"Your Excellency the Pope!" Several bishops selected by Truman saluted respectfully.

"Well," Truman nodded slightly, looked at them and said, "The goddess oracle said that the City of Deep Darkness will return to reality."

The faces of several bishops were slightly condensed. They knew more about the outside world than others, and they were also the first batch of extraordinary people trained by the goddess.

"Follow the goddess's oracle!" Several bishops would not question the goddess's decision.

"By the way, from now on, we will make the goddess's latest name public and use this as a standard." Truman suddenly thought of something and reminded him.

"Change the honorary name?" Several bishops were stunned and did not react.

"From now on, she will no longer be the goddess of misfortune, she should be the goddess of night!" Truman said solemnly.

"The goddess has taken back the authority usurped by the demon wolf?!" Several bishops were overjoyed.

"...That's right!" Truman nodded, not talking about the process, but only looking at the results. You are right, there is a future!

Allowing these bishops to inform the believers of the matter, Truman left the Deep Dark City directly, which was close to the kingdom of God that destroyed the demon wolf.

"Ouch!" As soon as he came out, he saw the goddess killing the wolf.

The body of a demonic wolf with a second-level Sequence level would completely collapse and be crushed by a goddess that already contained all the necessary characteristics to become a god. It would not even be able to resist.

"Amanisis!" In the shrill roar of the wolf, the demonic wolf that daily provoked the goddess could no longer hold on and was killed in fear.

The Kingdom of God that destroyed the Demonic Wolf has completely become the hunting ground of the goddess.

The moment the Dark Demon Wolf saw the Death of the Demon Wolf of Destruction, he escaped into the fog of history and has long since disappeared.

Salinger has escaped into the depths of the spiritual world and has taken refuge with the ancestor of the phoenix in the underworld.

Antigonus was in the kingdom of God that was about to collapse, but the moment he saw the goddess, he lost all the courage to resist and only had time to escape with his sister, who had the best relationship with him.

The goddess also looked at that historical fog.

"Why not save their lives? Let's make some contribution to species diversity." Truman appeared at the right time and stopped the goddess.

If this little wolf is really going to be killed, will The Legend of the Fool still be played?

You must know that the current goddess is infinitely stronger than the one in the original trajectory. She is only one ritual away from becoming a god, and her mental state is quite good!

The goddess glanced at Truman and nodded slightly, showing no emotion.

But when dealing with the remaining demon wolves, the methods seem to be more ruthless...

Truman blinked, transformed into information flow, and joined the battle.

In the end, under the pressure of the goddess, he used the space control of a planeswalker to immobilize a female demon wolf that was probably at the second level of the Dark Night Sequence, and directly overwhelmed his consciousness with endless chaotic information.

But it was not over yet. He opened the Book of Dreams and incorporated a large amount of dreamy phosphorescence into the container, so that the madness of the characteristics and nature inside was perfectly contained.After that, he also left a mark of the Book of Dreams, from which he can borrow power at any time to neutralize madness and maintain his condition.

He then said that the vessel was dedicated to the goddess in the name of the Pope.

"Container? A clone? Or even a resurrection weapon?"

The goddess asked, these are all things this container can do.

It's just a pity that He still doesn't know that the true God will plug the cracks in the future. This will be a "vest" for Him for many years to come.

"A toy." Truman smiled.

The goddess nodded slightly, and a stream of spiritual energy fell on the container. The body of the demon wolf began to change, reshaping into a young black-haired woman with a very beautiful appearance and dark and deep eyes.

He became the "eraser" angel in Truman's memory.

"I like this gift very much." The goddess's spirituality came to the Eraser Angel, and she nodded with satisfaction after adjusting, "I will be the Hidden Angel from now on."

Believe in yourself and be your own angel. There is nothing wrong with it. People with a bright future do this.

The true form of the goddess is still killing. Except for a few shrewd ones, the demon wolf clan has been driven out. The demon wolves in the dark night path have been directly crushed and become the characteristic reserve of the dark night church in the future.

"The City of Deep Darkness should return to reality." The goddess climbed to the highest peak of the Demonic Wolf Kingdom of Destruction. The place had begun to deteriorate, but the arrival of the goddess revitalized it.

"From here on, it will be the Deep Dark Heaven!"

The goddess used the power of night to mobilize the power of the incomplete kingdom of God. At this moment, it seemed as if the entire world was being reshaped.

The sky was dark, like a velvet curtain, with stars dotting the night. The starlight was scattered, and countless night herbs and sleep flowers grew on the ground.

A red moon appeared in the goddess's hand, slowly rising to the highest point of the Kingdom of God, hanging there, shining with moonlight.

He waved his hand again, and the space seemed to become a drawing paper. Someone was sketching on it with a pencil, and the outline of the City of Darkness appeared in the Kingdom of God.

All the believers in the City of Deep Darkness looked up at the sky and could only see the figure of a god slowly disappearing into the night sky, as if it had transformed into the black night and the red moon.

And His Holiness the Pope and a beautiful angel landed in the City of Deep Darkness under the guidance of the goddess.

"This is the hidden angel of the goddess! He is the deputy king of my Deep Dark Heaven Kingdom, the right hand of the goddess! His status is even higher than that of my Pope!" Truman introduced this hidden angel to the believers in the Deep Dark City.

The expression on the goddess's face is also a little strange. In order to remain mysterious, she has never had close contact with believers. Now that she has this identity, it is novel and helps to balance divinity and humanity.

"The sun god also has the same plan? Or there are more..." The goddess thought more and already discovered the benefits of this clone.

"Come! Which bishop has "Revelation of the Night" on his body, bring it to me!" Truman said suddenly.

The bishops were all first-class devout people, so they naturally carried the "Apocalypse of the Night" with them, and it was quickly delivered to the Secret Angel.

At this moment, the Hidden Angel glanced at the Pope and began to read the "Apocalypse of the Night", and then his expression became a little subtle.

But in the next moment, his face seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, and Truman was unable to see the expression on his face.

"What a pity..." Truman muttered, and was given a sideways look by the goddess, who said softly, "The goddess oracle has asked His Excellency the Pope to preside over a 30-day non-stop mass for the goddess to celebrate the goddess taking back her authority."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 25 Planning


Chapter 25 Planning

In the end, Truman still did not preside over the so-called 30-day Mass.

He took the Hidden Angel to his stone house.

"You're here." Lilith, with an indifferent expression, sat on a stone pier and looked at the two people who walked in.

She stared at the Hidden Angel for a long time, looked at Truman, and said in a commanding tone, "I also want a clone like this."

"I also want you to be my pope." But soon she realized the problem with her tone, slowed down a little, and made a promise.

Truman didn't mind either, but his expression was a little weird, "Wake up, you're just a vampire now."

Vampires are not allowed to church, so naturally there is no pope.

But to be honest, I am a little tempted. After all, the Church of the Earth in the future will also be the Church of the Righteous God, one of the mainstream faiths, no worse than the Church of the Night.

For him, the position of the Pope is not only a crown, but also the countless believers, which are enough for him to leverage the power of the Book of Dreams.

"It's a vampire." Lilith corrected, "It won't take long."

"Let's talk about it then." Truman did not refuse, but the goddess looked calm. She had long known that her pope also served as the dream angel under the Sun God's throne.

Don't put your eggs in one basket, and at the same time try to pull some future bosses onto your own chariot.

This is Truman's strategy in this era.

Otherwise, due to his "Pure One" trait, if the ancient gods were discovered, those ancient gods would go crazy and probably wouldn't even care about the Book of Dreams and take action directly!

Among the ancient gods, there are only two who dare to touch the source material!

The Dragon of Fantasy was polluted by the Sea of ​​Chaos, and the Phoenix Ancestor was even more ruthless, directly leading a tributary of the River of Eternal Darkness.

As for these people who are now collaborators, not to mention the ancient Sun God, he was the biggest backer before the Fourth Age.

After the Third Age, the two true gods will probably be able to protect themselves.

Under the premise that you can't quickly become a god with extraordinary characteristics, this is the best choice.

The goddess approached Lilith. Lilith's face was expressionless, but Truman could feel that she was still nervous, and the garland on her head was a little more shiny.

Before she pretended to die, she had seen that absolutely cruel sickle.

"Ahem, it's a meeting, it's a meeting!" Truman shouted at the right time, breaking some kind of silent confrontation.

The dream book in his hand flashed, and the magnificent scene of the dreamy heaven flashed in the eyes of each person, one ghost and one angel.

The next moment they were sitting in the dream palace.

Sasril was also summoned and entered here immediately.

Another dream parliament.

The last time the four of them got together, the two ancient gods completely fell. The ancient sun god stepped onto the stage of history. This time, it will definitely have a profound impact on the future pattern of the world.

"Speak first." Truman was also considered the convener of the meeting, and he motioned directly to Saslier.

"My Lord is ready to reveal the potion sequence to the world." Saslier was a bomb as soon as he came up.

"Reveal the sequence..." Once this sequence is revealed, the ancient sun god has basically established his reputation as the awakened creator in the hearts of mankind, truly ranking above the ancient gods.

And what is disclosed this time is probably the same as what Hermes took away, which is some low- and medium-sequence knowledge. If you really want the knowledge of demigods and above, you have to seek refuge with the ancient sun god, or pay ten times or a hundred times the corresponding knowledge. cost.

In this way, it won't take many years for the ancient sun god's strength to expand to the point where he can crush the ancient god.

"Knowledge monopoly is huge profits..." Truman sighed.

"Aren't you afraid that the ancient gods will be vigilant, so we can all unite to deal with you first?" Lilith asked after being silent for a while.This time the ancient gods are more or less injured and their condition is unstable. It can be said that this is the most dangerous time. Before life and death, it is indeed possible for the ancient gods to unite to fight against the ancient sun god.

"It's impossible. What the ancient gods need most now is time to lick their wounds. As long as our lord doesn't take back all the authority and launch a divine war, the ancient gods will not be able to unite." Saslier was very confident. confidence.

The ancient sun god probably verified this through some mysterious means.

The goddess suddenly raised her hand, looked at Sasril, and then looked at Truman, "We, the Church of the Night, will also formally integrate into this world."

Truman nodded slightly. He was the Pope of the Church of the Night and naturally he had to express his views.

"..." Saslier glanced at Truman, you are still my dream angel...

But he shook his head and already had a plan in mind, "I will avoid the night path, but you can't involve other sequences."

As he said this, he glanced at Truman, who was sitting upright, paying no attention to anything and saying nothing.

This is already Saslier's biggest concession to his collaborators.

"Thank you." The goddess nodded lightly. It was good to get such a promise.

In the final analysis, He is not a true god now and cannot negotiate terms with the ancient Sun God who controls all sequence knowledge.

As for Lilith, she is still just a vampire.

"When are you going to take action?" Truman said another thing.

"We will wait until all the ancient gods recover. Our Lord will end their era when they are at their strongest." Sasril said slowly, leaving the goddess and Lilith silent.

This sentence brought heavy pressure to them.

No one doubts whether the Sun God can do it, it's just a matter of time.

This probably means that even if they become gods in the future, they may still be shrouded in the shadow of the Sun God.

This was expected before the cooperation, but I never expected it to happen so quickly.

"This process may last for hundreds of years, and many things cannot be decided now." Truman said, ending the topic.

"The following is the transaction." Truman looked at Saslier, "Do you have the characteristics of the 'Trojan of Destiny' in your hand?"

Sasril nodded slightly.

"Then let's exchange!" Truman took out a sequence two characteristic from the Alien King.

"Okay." Saslier did not refuse. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that most of the "wrong" paths are in his hands.

"Very good!" Truman perked up. He had a soft spot for the three mysterious pathways. Now that he has obtained the sequence two characteristics of these three pathways, he can upgrade the Ancient One's gloves!

"It's a pity that there are no good craftsmen yet, so we need to do it ourselves."

The transaction is over. Sasril is very wealthy, and no one knows how many attributes he has in his hands. The goddess has just mastered the Night Path and the Small Half Fool Path, and so has Lilith.

Truman is the poorest.

"No, I need to accumulate some wealth, preferably one with sequence one characteristics and uniqueness!"

In fact, he now also has a Sequence One characteristic in his hand, the "divine evil" from the Alien King, and even the most characteristics in him are the characteristics of this path.

(End of this chapter)