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Chapter 16 Success


Chapter 16 Success


Born out of the dream ability of the audience and the night path, the core has become the shape of a dream book.

Little bits of dreamy phosphorescence scattered in the sky full of thunder and fire, gradually seeping into Badheir's body.

Silently, many things have changed.

"Cut!" The sword light was like dusk, contaminating the historical projections of the three angels.

This caused the bodies of the angelic mythical creatures to age rapidly, and their skin was soon covered with wrinkles, age spots appeared, and putrid fluids were left behind.


The historical projections are melting and evaporating completely.

Did the three major historical projections dissipate so simply?

"You're going to die too!" The giant roared and flashed in front of Truman, but the torrent of information was scattered in the evening. Truman quickly regrouped, an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand.

A half-human, half-demon wolf figure wearing a dark robe and holding a black scythe appeared next to Truman.

The figure was just a glance, and the orange-red dusk light seemed to turn into sketch lines, which were eventually erased by an eraser.


"Amanisis!" Badheir roared angrily, and his indomitable momentum suddenly stagnated.

Just like the giant king Ormir is always looking to eat the demon wolf, he is also thinking about eating the descendants of the demon wolf, especially the goddess of misfortune Amanisis!

It's just that Amanissis is too strong. In one of their battles, he was almost killed by the demon wolf as if he were prey!

"The most invincible enemy in Badheir's heart is actually the goddess?" Truman, who was in "Dream", was shocked, and then laughed, "This is so reasonable."

The Giant King and the Demonic Wolf of Destruction are always trying to devour each other. Over the long years, the two sides have fought countless times, and the goddess will naturally fight Badheir.

The results are predictable.

And the moment the dreamy phosphorescence penetrated Badheir's body, there was no suspense in this battle.

Everything after that was a dream that Truman weaved for him. Killing the three archangels' historical projections with one sword inflated Badheir's self-confidence to an unimaginable level, and then revealed the most invincible person in his heart.

The two extreme emotional states allowed Badheir to leak greater mental holes, and he had successfully allowed dreamy phosphorescence to penetrate into the island of his consciousness.

What was a little surprising was that the dream projection he pulled out turned out to be a goddess. Truman thought he would pull out an ancient god or something.

The phantom of the goddess raised her eyes to look at Badheir and took the initiative to attack. Two of her hands gently clasped together. At this moment, Badheir's entire body was quickly erased by the eraser.

At the same moment, a misty mist rose from the goddess's hand, with a giant's roar inside, and orange-red light boiling!

"You are too weak." The phantom of the goddess said under Truman's control. The fierce confrontation seemed to be silent for a moment, and then continued in a more terrifying way!

"As long as your father God exists, you will never be able to defeat me." The goddess's voice was still cold and indifferent, and the dark scythe in her hand turned into a black mist and penetrated into the misty mist.

The fog suddenly expanded, contracted again, and was tainted with the breath of death.

"Roar!" The giant roar sounded in the fog. At first glance, it sounded a bit... aggrieved?

Seeing that everything was ready, Truman's emotions were already intense enough, so he planted a psychological hint in Badheir's heart, which was a place name.

He will not be aware of the existence of psychological suggestions, but will naturally have a desire to explore after coming into contact with relevant things.Moreover, no one except Truman himself can investigate the matter of dreamy phosphorescence.

"It's almost time." Truman quietly ended the maintenance of the "dream" and everything returned to the original state.


Badheir roared violently and chose to escape. The dusk light acted on himself, and his body began to rot and turned into a puddle of pus.

And his true body was reborn in the spiritual world!

"Want to leave?" Truman raised his head. The planeswalker's space control directly blocked all of Badheir's escape routes. One after another, visible and invisible doors, wrapped Badheier in the center.

The tall giant looked like a bug in amber at this moment.

"You..." Badheir's one eye was bloodshot, and he was on the verge of going crazy.


It was at this moment that countless flowers, trees and other plants bloomed in the spiritual world, actually penetrating the space barrier!

Clumps of wheat and flowers bloomed in the bizarre spiritual world. They overlapped and intertwined with each other to form a huge coffin, wrapping Badheir inside.

Truman had no expression on his face, and with a flick of his fingers, the space shattered, and the coffin made of plants was cut into countless pieces. But at this time, a tall and plump man wearing wooden armor, a war skirt, and holding a wooden staff appeared in his hand. The figure appears in reality.

This giantess wears a long skirt under a leather armor and has long dark brown hair, with several golden ears of wheat and bright mushrooms hanging on it.

The wooden staff was raised and pointed at Truman from a distance.

At this moment, Truman even had the illusion that his vitality had disappeared and he was about to die.

But he responded quickly enough, transforming into a disorderly information flow, no longer bound by the influence of life force.

Countless plants rose up in the void, and several python-like vines emerged from them, trying to pierce Truman.

It's just that Truman has turned into a torrent of information and completely ignored all these attacks.

"Alas!" Truman suddenly heard a sigh, and the sage's prophetic intuition told him that he should stop!

He followed his heart's choice and immediately let go, letting the plump figure carry Badheir's coffin through the spiritual world and away from this place.

"Twilight..." Truman shook his head. If he hadn't let go at that moment, he would have attracted the attention of Giant King Ormir.

Now the ancient gods are confronting each other, and whoever strikes first may suffer a loss. However, the goddess of harvest who has been fighting for a long time and the god of dawn who is about to go crazy will definitely attract the attention of the giant king at all costs.

"Perfect!" Truman smiled softly as he watched the two slave gods completely disappear into the spiritual world.

"Just wait for the right time." Truman opened the book of dreams and wrote many "reasonable" developments on it.

"I'm really becoming more and more like a writer..." Truman sighed, and then felt the strange gaze from Medici opposite him.

"What's wrong?" Truman asked in confusion. Medici shook his head and said nothing.

He saw the whole process of Truman suppressing Badheier and beating him violently. Although the power of the ancient scholar disgusted him, this battle could be said to fully demonstrate Truman's strong fighting power.

"I don't know whether it's good or bad to have such an angel companion..." Medici answered this question, then shook his head slightly and led his legion back into the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 17 Aggregation


Chapter 17 Aggregation

Truman was just about to leave for another battlefield with Medici, but at a certain moment, the prophecy of the Sage's Robe was triggered.

In the gathering and dispersion of information flow, he saw a figure walking into a city-state that he was relatively familiar with.

"Sasril? Silver City?" Truman's heart moved, he reached out and squeezed the void, opened the door and wandered to Silver City.

He arrived by chance, and happened to see Saslier walking out of a corner of Silver City holding a blasphemous slate.

"Hiss? So fast?" Truman looked at the stone slab in Saslier's hand and was a little surprised. The ancient gods are still in a stalemate. Once the breath of the Sea of ​​Chaos appears, it is likely that a divine war will begin.

Now the war has not yet reached its climax, and the anchors of the major ancient gods have not been clearly shaken, which is not crazy enough.

"It's not about starting a war between gods, but for the Elf King and the Dragon of Fantasy." Saslier nodded slightly when he saw Truman.

"Angelweed may have discovered something. Even the irritable Sunia Solem is watching." Saslier looked towards the direction of the City of Miracles.

"Dragon of Fantasy?"

The objects He imagined will surely materialize, the kingdom He imagined will come to the material world, and the future He declares will surely be staged and become a reality.

This is the legend of the Dragon of Dreams and the power of dreamers.

"The power of the Dragon of Fantasy can even set off a wave of destiny."

But now there is a conflict between the future planned by the four of them and the future imagined by the Fantasy Dragon, which makes the Fantasy Dragon alert.

"Goshinam is also smart enough to persuade Sunya Solem." Saslier was also a little helpless.

"The Ancient God is just crazy, not stupid." Truman sighed again, and if the audience doesn't give it a try, it really can't be played anymore!

The goddess's secret authority, his book of dreams, and even the blasphemous tablets. The existence of these three things has firmly concealed all their plans, but the Dragon of Fantasy still felt something was wrong from the trend of history.

Maybe because they were too hasty?

Lilith's fate is indeed a bit urgent, but after experiencing peace, how can she still want to be a madman?

"There is no need to overestimate the power of dreams. Dreams without the support of omniscience and omnipotence are ultimately just in vain." Saslier explained.

"La Angelweed only needs a simple way to enter." Saslier tapped the blasphemous slate.

"Aggregation of extraordinary characteristics?" Truman raised his eyebrows. The rules of this world are really wonderful.

This law is also recorded on the Blasphemy Tablet, and even the acting method is on it. It can be said to be the beginning of sequence potions.

"That's right!" said the blasphemous slate in Sasril's hand, "What is scattered must gather together. This is the basic principle, and it is enough to bring down dragons and elves."

"As for the future...the ancient gods, as long as they get together, something will happen."

Sasriel chuckled lightly, brushing the blasphemous slate in his hand with his palm.


Truman took a step back to avoid the collision between the Book of Dreams and the Sea of ​​Chaos, as if the sound of rolling waves appeared in his ears.

An unusually thick shadow curtain appeared in front of Saslier. The curtain slowly opened, and behind it was an ocean whose color was indescribable and seemed to contain all the secrets.

At this moment, Truman, who was looking at the sea of ​​chaos, showed some changes that he had not expected. His face became indifferent, and his pupils shone with pale phosphorescence.

He had seen the Sea of ​​Chaos from the air several times before, but this time he really saw the Sea of ​​Chaos itself!

His face looked very strange, like one of those crazy ancient gods, and even the sleepiness he had always been most taboo about began to appear, flooding his consciousness like a tide.


The divine badge on his chest flashed two kinds of radiance. The two divine qualities of sleeplessness and eternal daylight allowed Truman to regain some wisdom. He opened the dream book in his hand, and the dreamy phosphorescence blocked his sight.


Cold sweat broke out from Truman's back, and he frowned, "Sea of ​​Chaos...Essence!" He keenly felt the impact that the Sea of ​​Chaos and even other sources of matter might have on him.

"You need to be more careful when coming into contact with source matter in the future..."

Truman had returned to normal, and looked up at Saslier, who was wearing a shadow curtain. At this time, he only had one pair of eyes exposed from the curtain, and his eyes were full of "degradation" and "indifference".

More like the aloof ancient sun god!

At this moment, Truman looked up at the sky and definitely felt the surge of ancient god's power!

Two of the eyes that were the quickest to lock onto the aura of the Sea of ​​Chaos fell. Truman's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he saw a gray-white dragon with pale gold eyes and vertical pupils.

The gray-white scales of the giant dragon are engraved with mysterious three-dimensional symbols one after another. If Truman's nature is not contaminated by madness, the moment he sees these symbols, he will be mentally confused, his thoughts will be distorted, and he will have a strong tendency to self-destruct!

Dragon of Imagination, Angleweed!

The other one is a tyrant wearing black armor, riding on the waves, surrounded by storms, with lightning on his back, with natural disasters in his eyes, and holding a trident!

The Elf King, Sunya Thorem!

These two ancient gods were the first to cast their sights here because of the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics.

There was complete madness and desire in his eyes as he looked at the blasphemous slate in Saslier's hand.

"It is connected to the Sea of ​​Chaos and has the possibility to control the Sea of ​​Chaos!" Both ancient gods understood this.

Sasril looked up at the two ancient gods indifferently, put away the blasphemous slate in his hand, and the sea of ​​chaos that contained all the secrets gradually disappeared.

"Damn it!" The crazy electric snake exploded, the sky turned blazing white in an instant, and the field of vision was filled with countless thunder and lightning.

The curtain-like shadow rose up, blocking all thunder and lightning with the help of the power that had not completely subsided.


Finally, the curtain came down, completely covering Saslier, and he disappeared here.

"Roar!" Above the largest palace in the Miracle City of Levished, the eyes of the Dragon of Fantasy flashed with a desire that was difficult to appease and contain. If it was forcibly suppressed, his own state might change!

This strong aggregation effect is even more terrifying than the curse.

"Get it and capture the Sea of ​​Chaos!" Angelweed roared angrily, looked at the dragon clan in the City of Miracles, and ordered coldly, "Go to the battlefield!"

"Roar!" Countless giant dragons lowered their heads and roared in response.

The same scene happened in the Palace of the Elf King. If it weren't for the Scourge Queen Goshinam pulling her, Suniasolem would have turned into thunder and lightning and rushed towards the Silver City!

"The Sea of ​​Chaos is calling us!" the Elf King roared, his desire for destruction reaching an all-time high.

"Then let's go!" Cosnam knew that there was no way to stop him and looked at the elven soldiers who had gathered early.

"The storm is coming!" All the elves roared, and white thunder and lightning surged on the ocean. The storm continued, setting off a terrifying tsunami.

The emergence of the Sea of ​​Chaos accelerated the progress of the war, and all the ancient gods were dispatched to the King's Court of Giants.

After the gods and angels under the throne of the ancient gods joined the battlefield, the intensity of the war suddenly increased a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 18 Desire


Chapter 18 Desire

Just when the ancient gods began to die one after another, the harvest goddess Omibella returned to the Giant King's Court with Badheir, the god of dawn.

"The power of that angel is very strange. Losing to him does not damage your glory."

Omi Bella just said a word and left. Counting that, he had already fought Truman twice.

Not to mention Truman's various weird abilities, whenever he fights with him, there is a sense of panic, as if something bad is going to happen.

He already has some awareness of Truman's weirdness, and he doesn't want to provoke him at this moment when a divine battle is about to begin.

But that's it, for a mythical creature, a word of comfort is already a mother's concern for a son.

Badheir said nothing, and the signs of madness in his body had been suppressed by Omi Bella, but he still exuded a sense of decline.

"Glory..." Badhelion said in a loud voice, his one eye widening, "Only a stronger force can maintain one's own glory!"

"The demon wolf still has the power to control the phoenix!"

But these are not something he can get involved in. They all have their own masters, and they are all ancient gods!

He walked towards the Dusk Palace to meet his father and look for further possibilities.

But not long after he walked out of the palace, the auras of two ancient gods left the Giant King's Court.

"The Elf King is coming soon. The ancestor of the blood race has invited your father to go out to greet him. The battle between gods may be coming."

Badheir met Omi Bella in the Dusk Palace and received such news.

Naturally, the war between gods is not something they can interfere with, and they may even lose their lives from a distance.

This realization greatly frustrated the desire to become stronger that had just arisen in Badheir's heart, causing him to slide into another abyss.

The psychological hint that Truman planted in Badheir was very simple. He even only did a trivial strengthening work, allowing him to make this kind of "better" under the violent beatings of several archangels' historical projections and the comprehensive suppression of the Goddess of Doom. The thoughts of "strong" kept rolling around.

The "Giant" is also the second "Warrior" path sequence in later generations called "Glory One", which is exactly where Badheir is currently.

Strength is the source of all glory.

look?Truman even gave Badheir a show of acting.

"..." Badheir left in silence. With his thoughts swirling endlessly, he was not in the mood to return to the Palace of Dawn, but instead walked in the Giant King's Court.

Unknowingly, Badheir had seen a dark forest.

"Decadent Forest?" Badheir was startled, and even felt that something was wrong. Why did he end up here?

But at a certain moment, the dreamy phosphorescence buried deep in his heart exploded, leaving no trace, and this thought was erased at the last moment.

He forgot what was wrong in that moment.

"Ancestor of the Giants..." Badheir put his thoughts on the decaying forest in front of him.

"Father God never lets anyone come near this place."

"Perhaps there is a reason why Father God is so powerful?!"

At this moment, the giant king Ormir is confronting the other ancient gods and has no time to care. This is the best or even the only chance...

The turbulent thoughts in his heart finally overwhelmed everything else. Badheir walked into the decaying forest, transformed into the light of morning, and blended perfectly into the dusk.

Become stronger and kill all enemies.

This idea was born by Badheir himself, and then he practiced it naturally.

When the Giant King is out and the Giant Queen is paying attention to the battle between gods, naturally no one can discover Badheir.

He successfully evaded the watchers, and even managed to get through the power of dusk, and came to two ancient tombstones, with "Father" and "Mother" written in giant language on them.This is the origin of giants.

These two words contain the mystery that can mobilize the power of nature, intuitively giving Badheir a feeling of nostalgia, sadness and guilt.

It's just that Badheir is the most outstanding giant, warrior and "demon hunter" besides his father, and his perception even directly captured some kind of information left in the corresponding spirit world.

A scene from a very ancient era seemed to flash before Badheir's eyes. The protagonists of that scene were his father god and two corpses in coffins.

But why are the two corpses so thin?Not even the newborns of the giant clan can compare!

Badheir's body gradually solidified, and his whole body became chilled, because he saw the shapes of the two corpses.

"Humans..." Badheir was silent. The two corpses were very different from the giants, and their body structure was completely different from the giants.

These two corpses actually have two eyes!

And giants have always been one-eyed.

"Father? Mother?" The morning light in Badheir's single eye was completely confused, and he didn't know how to face the facts in front of him.

"How could it be?" Badheir turned into the morning light and subconsciously walked forward. Suddenly, the strong guilt from the Giant King overwhelmed him.

He gradually tasted something deeper in it.

It's just that Badheir's thoughts are stagnant now, and he is unable to think. He completely disappeared into the morning light in this decaying forest.

"Father God never lets any giant except Him come near the Decaying Forest..."

"There is also such a strong feeling of guilt, even..."

Badheir returned to the Palace of Dawn as quickly as possible, without seeing any giants behind closed doors, and he never even participated in this war again.

He may have guessed something.


"Sunia Solem!" Olmir nodded as he looked at the Elf King who was riding on the wind and waves and holding a trident.

"I want to go to where the Sea of ​​Chaos is." Sunia Solem looked at the Silver Kingdom in the distance and had already locked onto that place. The Sea of ​​Chaos had appeared there before, and he would definitely go there.

"That's my territory!" Olmir's voice sank.

"That's the Sea of ​​Chaos, it has nothing to do with you!" Sunia Solem stared at Ormir closely, and the thunder around him was beating crazily.

In this scene, it seems that the next moment, there will be a complete fight.

This is the Humanoid Alliance. Under this situation, there are still various contradictions and struggles.

"Let him pass." Lilith came under the moonlight, and the three ancient gods of the Humanoid Alliance met here.

"..." Olmir's single eye flashed violently, and the twilight light trembled slightly, and he fell silent.

The Elf King laughed and stepped forward, and within a few steps he arrived at the Kingdom of Silver. Feeling the residual aura of the Sea of ​​Chaos, he nodded with satisfaction, and the agitation in his body and spirit calmed down a bit.

But at the same time, the Elf King's desire for the essence has reached its peak.

The one in the same situation as him is the dragon of fantasy.

His virtual personality is already swimming in the collective subconscious ocean of the people of the Land of Silver, eager to absorb the power of the sea of ​​chaos.

"We must get that slate..."

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 19 The Prelude to the Battle of the Gods


Chapter 19 The Prelude to the Battle of the Gods

The secret contest between the ancient gods has begun.

But for a certain ancient god, this is still too slow. Doesn't such delay give them a chance to obtain the Sea of ​​Chaos?So how do you bring about destruction? !

Amanisis, the goddess of misfortune, transformed into a mist and came to the top of a mountain.

This mountain is covered with the mists of history, and the moment Amanisis set foot here, the beings in the mists opened their eyes.

"Salinger and Kotal have arrived at the predetermined location without alerting anyone." Amanisis reported expressionlessly.

"Very good." A terrifying, indescribable demonic wolf walked out of the fog of history.

He has all the characteristics of an ordinary demonic wolf, as well as those greasy tentacles. The wolf's face is a bone mask, revealing a pair of blood-red wolf eyes, which exude destruction that scares even angels. desire.

"Destroy everything! End everything! Contaminate everything!"

The demon wolf's voice carried a strange rhythm, cruel and cold.

"Destruction from above!" The goddess of misfortune lowered her head.

At the same time, Salinger, the god of the undead, and Kotar, the god of wishes, both received instructions of destruction from the fog of history.

And with it comes hidden authority.

"Ouch!" The secret power carried by Kotal exploded in an instant. He lowered his head and made a wish, "I hope the citizens of the Kingdom of Gold will fall into deep sleep!"

The next moment, the entire Golden Kingdom fell into a deep sleep, but under the protection of the secret authority, no outsider could detect anything unusual here.

Salinger silently stretched out his palms and pushed forward, tearing open the barrier between the spiritual world and the real world. One after another black mist penetrated from the spiritual world into the real world and crawled towards the sleeping golden citizens.

This is the power from the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

Their bodies twitch and then return to normal.

The secret dissipated at this time, and the Kingdom of Gold was reintegrated into the original world.

But it has actually become a strange city.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Gold opened their eyes at the same time, without the white of their eyes, their eyes turned pure black, and then they began to pray to the Giant King Ormir.

"The great king of giants..."

The entire Golden Kingdom is reciting the honorable name of the King of Giants. These people are the most important "anchors" for the King of Giants to maintain its status besides the giant family. They even sent their eldest son, the God of Morning, to protect them.

But at this moment, the God of Dawn was defeated and locked himself in the palace. The Giant King went out, and the Giant Queen was always on guard against the arrival of the divine war.

There is a rare undefended area here.

Seeing an opportunity in destiny, the Demonic Wolf of Destruction decided to destroy the entire Kingdom of Gold, and even used all the citizens of the Kingdom of Gold to contaminate Ormir!

The Demon Wolf of Destruction is the real destroyer, so crazy that he wants to destroy the entire world!

At this moment, the prayers of the citizens of the Kingdom of Gold rang in the ears of Ormir, who was confronting the other ancient gods.

He listened carefully, but he suddenly roared, and the dusk light in his one eye trembled violently!

The prayer light spot appeared, but it was dyed black, and there was a kind of pollution coming from the prayer light spot. To the ancient god, this pollution was not actually strong, it was just a "miracle master" extraordinary characteristic.He miraculously integrated into the bodies of the people of the Kingdom of Gold, and miraculously followed the prayer light to come to Almir. This was the wish made by the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

This is a crazy ancient god, but this makes him even crazier.

Among those embodied prayer light spots, there is a smooth tentacle like a spear, piercing it!

"Get out!" Olmir roared angrily, and swept out the dusk sword in his hand. The light of dusk corrupted everything and destroyed all the prayer light spots.

The plan to destroy the demon wolf was not completely successful, but the shaking of the anchor at that moment also made Olmir's mental state worse.

"Ouch!" An excited wolf howl resounded throughout the land, and the Destruction Wolf looked at everything ferociously.

But at the same time, the crazy thunder struck the Demonic Wolf of Destruction!

This is the beginning of the divine war!

But in an instant, thunder filled the sky, the red moon hung high, and the dusk of dusk enveloped the Demonic Wolf of Destruction.

"Fool!" The demon wolf didn't even block those attacks, letting the thunder tear his body apart. He turned into a ball of rolling mist, which was composed of historical authority and secret authority.

A strange fluctuation spread out like water waves, causing the three ancient gods of Ormir to stagnate, as if they had forgotten to attack.

Then there were attacks from every corner of the world. Countless light doors opened, and the space became a sieve. Behind the doors was death in the underworld, spiritual breath, alien curses, and even corruption and filth.

The three ancient gods of the Humanoid Alliance have revealed such flaws, how can the Alien Alliance let them go? !

They took action at the same time. The ancestor of the phoenix, Gray Carrie, "opened the door" and led the attacks of the other three ancient gods here.

The fantasy dragon, the alien king and even the demon king.

All this is what the Demonic Wolf of Destruction wants. He doesn't care about the complexity of the battle. He just wants to create the most terrifying destruction!

Is there any scene of destruction that is more terrifying than a fight between all the ancient gods?

The Alliance of Ancient Gods can influence the entire world with one move. The Demon Wolf of Destruction went crazy and attacked the Twilight Giant, actively provoking a war between gods, and even dragged it and the Ancient Gods into the war!

"Damn the demon wolf!" Giant King Ormir roared wildly, dusk eroded the night, and the orange-red dusk sword slashed at the crazy demon wolf.

The other ancient gods also found their opponents. Eight ancient gods fought fiercely, and the world seemed to be on the verge of destruction.

"It's a bit scary!" Truman looked at the battlefield of the ancient gods and took a breath. The gods were more terrifying than he imagined, especially a lunatic like the ancient gods.

"But those humans can't die." Truman wandered to the Kingdom of Gold. Everyone here was contaminated by the Miracle Master's characteristics and was defiled by the twilight light of Ormir, and they had begun to die on a large scale.

After the God War, the best outcome here is to become a dead city. Those who are unlucky will become monsters that devour each other until one of them devours them all.

"Stop!" Truman pressed the dream book, and endless dreamy phosphorescence fell on everyone's head.

The dreamy phosphorescence prevented the human beings from fighting driven by the aggregation of the Miracle Master's characteristics, separated them, and extracted the Miracle Master's characteristics from them. The process went smoothly and no one disturbed them.

He put away this Miracle Master trait, which was dispensable for the Demon Wolf of Destruction, but it was an excellent gain for him.

"There are still these people, you can become my believers." He opened a light door, leading to his territory in the ancient Sun God Kingdom.

That's probably where he'll be based for a long time.

"I picked up so many followers for nothing!" Truman was very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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Chapter 20 Reversal


Chapter 20 Reversal

After dealing with the Golden Kingdom believers, Truman came to the Ancient God Battlefield to watch the battle.

This kind of battle between ancient gods has developed to a certain extent and has become extremely abstract. It is a contest between powers, and it is also a contest of various means.

As far as "fooling" authority is concerned, different fooling objects will have different effects.

This kind of conceptual power is so incredible that it can even perform supernova face-to-face operations.

"This is the power of the gods!" Truman saw Medici, Leodro and others here. They did not dare to get close and just watched the battle from the outside.

But their camp was originally a bit of a troublemaker, and there were still a lot of fighting angels under the Ancient God battlefield.

It can even be said that named angels and gods have arrived. This may be the most terrifying war in thousands of years.

Medici and Leodro looked excited and wanted to join in immediately, but they were stopped by Saslier.

Yes, Saslier is also here. How dare he, a being like a fuse, appear here?

"The ancient gods were unable to find the blasphemous slate, so the demon wolf launched a divine war first and dragged all the ancient gods into the quagmire of war."

Sasriel muttered.

"Is this a prophecy?" Truman's heart skipped a beat, as if he saw the writer who was writing the script.

"No, this will be history." Saslier solemnly declared without looking at Truman.

History... In this way, even the desecration of the tablets and this "introduction" to the war is not important.

He stared closely at the battlefield of the ancient gods, seeming to be looking for the opportunity to take action. Of course, he might be the "eye", and the one who really takes action will be the ancient sun god who is firmly seated on the kingdom of God.

As Truman expected, the ancient sun god far away in the Kingdom of God had stopped praying to him, and instead stood quietly at the door of the church, looking at the battlefield of the ancient gods with Sasril as his "eye".

His state is very strange. There is a blazing and illusory sun above his head, and behind him is a vague curtain of shadow. In his hand is the blasphemous stone slab.

At a certain moment, his eyes suddenly became illusive, and a sea appeared around him that seemed to contain all the secrets of all colors.

"I am one and ten thousand, the Lord of creation, the God of gods."

He chanted in a low voice, and an indescribable huge wave suddenly set off in the illusory sea of ​​chaos.

The huge waves surrounded him, and eventually turned into a storm and a high tower. It was obvious that the power of the sea of ​​chaos that the ancient sun god could drive was extremely powerful.

He slowly raised his head and looked towards the star world. Outside an invisible barrier, there were one after another indescribably terrifying giant faces peering at the world.

The battles of the ancient gods were not limited to the real world. They caused boundless turmoil in the spiritual world and the star world. The movements were extremely terrifying. The battles of these ancient gods aroused great interest in these giant faces.

It's just that the current barrier is too strong, and the giant face doesn't dare to get too close.

The ancient sun god confirmed this before turning his eyes away and looking at the battlefield of the ancient gods again.

In the sea of ​​chaos that contains all the secrets, there are words written in ancient languages.

They are composed entirely of Chaos Sea water and have a strange essence.

If someone can see these words, they can't help but explore them, and finally find that these words have touched fate and become a reality.

That line of ancient text was very brief, describing the current war situation.

"The balance of the ancient god's war has been broken." This is a prophecy, and perhaps a manifestation of the power of the visionary.

The future He declared will surely come and become a reality!

The ancient Sun God has not yet taken back the power of the Dreamers, but he has also done so with the help of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The war of the ancient gods was extremely terrifying, shaking the entire real world. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and storms were all destroying the world where all living beings lived.

And because they are just eight ancient gods, fighting against each other, no one can do anything to each other in a short period of time. Even Olmir, whose mental state is severely damaged, is still fierce, with powers such as "Twilight", "Dark Night" and "Fool" It was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

This gives the battle between the ancient gods a seemingly fragile but difficult-to-break balance.

After the prediction made by the ancient sun god with the Sea of ​​Chaos, the balance was actually broken.

"Ah!" Giant King Ormir roared angrily, swinging his sword to cut through the Kingdom of Destruction constructed in the fog of history, and dusk soaked everything.

In the Giant Court, the Giant Queen gathered almost all the giants today, held a large-scale sacrifice for Ormir, killed countless prey, stimulated the bloody nature of all the giants with blood, roared, prayed, and acted as an anchor. Stand out at this moment!

At this moment, Olmir's condition was unprecedentedly good. The mental burden seemed to have been wiped away. He did not need to spend a lot of energy to suppress the madness. In an instant, terrifying power broke out.

The state of the demon wolf was exactly the opposite. Many characteristics in his body seemed to explode at a certain moment, and all kinds of crazy thoughts began to echo in his mind. The terrifying impact even made the demon wolf itself freeze for a moment.

This is reasonable enough. After all, the state of the ancient gods is not good, especially the Destruction Wolf and the Demon King. They are the representatives of destruction and filth in this era. It is too reasonable to go crazy from time to time.

Of course, the most likely reason is that Saslier took out a monocle and used the power of "fall" to make it alive to a certain extent.

A powerful sense of aggregation arose, pulling at the characteristics of the Destruction Wolf's body and the mask on his face.

This allowed the relatively flat state of his body's characteristics to be easily broken, making his madness even more complete.

The prophecy of the ancient sun god came true, and the balance of the ancient god's war was broken.

"Lilith! Kill the demon wolf first!" The Giant King roared angrily, and also noticed that the demon wolf was in something wrong. The orange dusk in his eyes was beating violently.


The moonlight is shining, Lilith's curse of the red moon is falling, the shackles of the abyss are rising, and the power of natural life is bursting out!

Clusters of wheat and flowers grew in the moonlight, growing crazily, rolling towards the demon wolf like waves.

He is taking action with all his strength, and even the alien king is casting the deepest curse and the most "restrained" desire to resist on the Demon Wolf of Destruction.

At the same moment, all the ancient gods looked here, and then they attacked the Demonic Wolf of Destruction together as if they had abandoned their previous grudges!

The Alliance of Ancient Gods, two camps, the humanoid and non-humanoid camps.

The Demon Wolf of Destruction and the Demon King are not involved in either. They are the craziest among the ancient gods. They often fall into an irrational state and only know how to destroy and destroy.

Demon King Fabuti was originally the most likely to rescue the Demonic Wolf of Destruction, but unfortunately he is also crazy. The battle between him and the Demonic Wolf of Destruction will not be less than that of other ancient gods!

The situation of the battle turned around in a shocking way at this moment, and the Demon Wolf of Destruction had to face attacks from seven ancient gods in an instant.

This is equivalent to seven of the eight ancient gods reaching a consensus at this moment to eat and destroy the demon wolf!

(End of this chapter)

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