
A 47

Chapter 231 Missionary


Chapter 231 Missionary

  "Roselle..." Truman thought of him, and with a thought, he came to the illusion world and found Russell, who had been marinating in the illusion world for two hundred years.

"Tsk, you didn't even call me after it was so exciting last night, and now you come to see me?" Russell also knew very well about the game last night.

It's just that it hasn't been His turn yet.

"Your 'little fellow' is here."

Russell's eyes lit up.

He is much more unscrupulous than Truman, and has prepared countless "traps" for fellow villagers to jump.

"But there's more than one." Truman poured cold water on him.

"More than one?" Russell frowned, feeling a little subtle, "Is it all of them?"

It was obvious that He had the same thoughts as Amanissis.

These people are probably the last vestiges of that era.

"Then who did you choose?" Russell quickly found the point.

"It's not my choice, it's fate." Truman shook his head, he really couldn't bear the blame.

"Absolutely." Russell raised his eyebrows, "This is definitely my focus. As for the others, I also have enough accumulation."

Two hundred years are enough for him to create countless things in the illusion world.

"Don't play too fancy." Truman rolled his eyes, and then gave Russell directions to Klein.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you!" Russell also promised.

In this aspect, He is somewhat moral.


"I'm from Gensokyo, Silver City."

When Mr. "Sun" introduced himself, Mr. "The Hanged Man", Miss "Magician", and even Miss "Justice" who was not an extraordinary person were all shocked.

"Fantasy Township?!"

"The Hanged Man"'s pupils shrank suddenly, and he became a little embarrassed.

"Yes!" "Taiyang" never expected that these new friends would be shocked by this, but he seemed to have realized something in hindsight.

"You come from beyond the endless darkness?!" This time it was "The Sun"'s turn to be shocked.

Everyone began to discuss this issue, and then looked at the "sun" with an expression of uncontrollable envy.

"You actually come from the legendary 'Fantasy Township', which is the kingdom of God that countless people yearn for..."

"Justice" Audrey is full of yearning for the legendary "Fantasy Township".

It was a world as dreamy as the fantasy world, but only extraordinary people could enter the fantasy world, but the "Fantasy Township" that only existed in the holy scriptures of the dream sect was just a legend.

According to legend, it is the source of the fantasy world, the divine kingdom of the "Supreme Dream", and a place that all the gods long for but cannot obtain.

Klein listened to the description of "Fantasy Township" and couldn't help but think of the "Fantasy" card in his pocket.

"That's it." After setting the time for the party, Klein felt a little confused and could only end the party.

"Follow your will." Everyone stood up and bowed their heads in salute.

After that, Klein cut off contact and these people gradually disappeared.

At the same time, Klein also returned to reality.

"A wonderful but dangerous world." Klein is keenly aware of the dangers of this world.

"It seems that I can't go back in a short time..." Klein was frustrated and disappointed, but he had to accept this fact.

In this mood, he fell asleep with a heavy head.

"Work hard to live first!"

Around this time, Dunn Smith had found Klein's residence.

But it was already a day before Truman saw Klein offline. When Captain Dunn Smith personally took action and promised a high salary, Klein could not resist after all and joined the "Blackthorn Security Company" and became a "Nighthawk".

"I'll take you to see Bishop Dream." Dunn Smith introduced.

"Dream Bishop?" Klein thought of the angel recorded in the holy scripture.

"There is a very special branch of our church, the Dream Sect. They still believe in the goddess, but they are more inclined to dream angels in their lives." Dunn Smith explained.

"They will call themselves 'Dream Cultists', which is the case with this bishop."

Klein still finds it difficult to accept this weird situation. In a world where gods really exist, can faith be divided like this?

"Do they have any characteristics?" Klein couldn't help but ask.

"There are actually quite a few people like this. As for their characteristics... they all hold two holy scriptures in their hands."

Dunn thought for a moment and replied.

"Also, they are all more... enjoying life."

Klein was stunned, but they had already arrived at St. Selina Church, so he had no choice but to suppress his doubts and go to the prayer room.

"This is Bishop Dream." Dunn introduced to Klein.

"Hello, Mr. Klein Moretti."

Truman looked at the thin and pale fellow in front of him and said hello softly.

"...Hello, Lord Bishop."

Klein finally understood what "enjoying life" meant. He stared at this dreamy bishop and was almost blinded by the various gems dotting his body.

The value of this robe may be worth ten of my formal suits, plus those few gems...

Oh my gosh, this is definitely the richest person I've ever seen...

Klein forced his eyes away and shifted his attention elsewhere.

This Lord Bishop is quite young, not much older than me...

"You can also call me Truman."

Truman? Klein's eyelids twitched. Could it be that Russell also copied "The Truman Show"?

  Truman looked at Klein with a smile, "In short, everything is Russell's fault."

"I saw you in destiny. You will become a big shot in the future."

Why does he look like a magic stick? Oh, no, he is a magic stick...

Klein had already learned from Dunn Smith that he was being paid attention to by this bishop, so he was not surprised.

"In a certain trajectory of destiny, you will become a part of my dream sect."

"Have you ever heard of the 'Dream Sect'? I can tell you about the 'Supreme Dream' and Dream Angels when I have time."

Klein went numb when he heard these words. Are you standing under the Holy Emblem of Night and preaching to me? !

He couldn't help but look at his captain, but found that Dunn Smith had a calm face and just nodded lightly.

"There are people who understand." Klein was full of doubts, but he had to accept this sentence, and then he was completely led astray by the bishop.

In the next half hour, Klein fully understood the "Dream Sect" and "Dream Angel" under the loving words of the Dream Bishop.

"In addition, the salary of Nighthawks who join the Dream Sect will be doubled every week. This is a benefit unique to Nighthawks."

Klein took a gentle breath and his eyes widened slightly.

Then he looked at Dunn Smith.

"Yes, I am also a member of the Dream Sect."

Dunn Smith noticed Klein's gaze and smiled richly.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 232 "The Fool" Joins the Religion


Chapter 232 "The Fool" Joins the Religion

Doubled salary... Klein's face was solemn, he turned to Dunn and asked, "Captain, if I want to join, what are the conditions?"

"All it takes is the bishop's nod." Dunn smiled, "This does not involve belief in the goddess. In fact, all Nighthawks are dream believers."

"As the bishop said, this is a benefit, not an obligation."

"Very good." Truman raised his eyebrows, "You have become a member of my dream sect."

Very well, all the "Lord of Mysteries" have chosen to join the Dream Sect. There is no way to escape the fact that this "Lord of Mysteries" was once an angel under the "Supreme Dream".

There was a joy that could not be concealed on Klein's eyebrows.

In a world where formal attire is ridiculously expensive, doubling the salary will be enough to greatly improve the living conditions of him and his family in the coming days.

"Then what do I need to do?" Klein felt that he had to do something to be worthy of this salary.

"If you can, come here once a week and listen to the dreamy voice." Truman said.

"Okay!" Klein nodded solemnly.

The matter was settled, and Dunn quickly left St. Selina Church with Klein and returned to the Blackthorn Security Company.

"Captain, is this dream sect so... rich?" Klein couldn't help but ask.

The divine robe worn by Bishop Truman just now, coupled with the doubling of the salary of all Nighthawks, all indicate a fact.

"Well..." Dunn Smith smiled and took out a gold coin from his pocket wallet.

Klein didn't know why.

"Theoretically, all gold coins, even today's paper currency, gold pounds, etc., originated from the Dream Sect."

"In the Solomon Empire, there is a dream castle, which is the financial center of the entire world and formulates the financial rules of the entire world."

"Loen's currency system is based on the rules of Dream Castle."

"Hiss!" Klein gasped, shocked and speechless.

Controlling the financial rules of a world is indeed the richest place!

"I can feel that the bishop attaches great importance to you. If you can, you can also be more inclined to the Dream Sect."

Dunn Smith suddenly said that he was aware of Klein's family situation and knew that he needed to improve his family situation.

"You can learn more about the Dream Sect. There are various tasks there, and you can get extremely generous rewards if you complete them. The rules there are also very suitable for young people with active thinking like you."


Dunn Smith glanced at Klein, as if he had thought of something, and his expression was a little strange.

"The Dream Sect holds a special and safe path to Beyonders."

"A safe way to be an Beyonder?!" Klein had already learned some occult knowledge in this day, and he was a little confused about the word "safety."

"Yes, safe." Dunn Smith replied, "We have never even encountered an out-of-control Dream Path Extraordinary."

To be honest, Klein was very excited.

"Of course, it's very difficult."

"In fact, except for those who believe in dreams wholeheartedly throughout their lives, the rest have little chance."

They had returned to Blackthorn Security Company, and a young man sitting in the company lounge also heard the conversation and added something aloud.

This young man is almost the same age as Klein. He has black hair and green eyes. He has a soft and handsome appearance and a romantic temperament like a poet. Leonard Mitchell, also a member of the "Nighthawks".

"Believe in dreams with all my heart..." Klein nodded slightly, but this was very difficult.

"Anyway, let's resolve the ancient notes incident involving you first." Dunn Smith brought the topic to the case.

"What's in that notebook?" Dunn Smith and Klein both sat down, and the atmosphere became serious.

"That seems to be a notebook written by a Solomon noble in the Fourth Age..."

"Noble Solomon?" Leonard Mitchell sat upright and became more serious.

"Yes, it seems... Antigonus?"

This surname has a very important weight in the entire mysterious world. In the Fifth Age, it gradually faded out of the Solomon Empire and settled in the Hornakis Mountains. However, in the Fourth Age, it was one of the most prominent surnames in the Solomon Empire.

So even if this notebook is only from a member of this family, it is still very dangerous, which seems to be beyond the scope of what the Tingen Nighthawks team can deal with.

Dunn Smith's face became solemn, and after some careful thinking, he said, "We may need some help."

"Is it Ms. Daly?" Leonard suddenly laughed and looked at Captain Dunn with a meaningful smile.

"...It should be her." Dunn nodded slightly.

"Captain, why don't you just obey her? She has been pursuing you for so long." Leonard folded his hands and teased with a smile.

Klein raised his eyebrows slightly, sensing the aura of gossip.

"...It's working time now." Dunn forced the topic back.

"Ms. Dailey is a very good extraordinary person. With her help, we will be more relaxed." Dunn explained to Klein.

But the keen Klein had already noticed that the captain's tone seemed to change when he mentioned Ms. Daly.

"That's it for now. Klein, please recall the whereabouts of the Antigonus Notes. I'll go make a report and apply for it now."

Dunn stood up and hurried away.

Klein looked at Leonard. This colleague seemed to have a desire to talk, and he happened to be a good listener.

"Ms. Dailey is one of our seniors, and she is a very good one. She has now gone to Backlund Parish."

That's really impressive. Backlund is a historic city as famous as Solomon's Imperial Capital... Klein nodded in agreement.

"It is said that after Ms. Dai Li joined our company, she launched a fierce offensive against the captain."

"She even claimed to be guided by dreams..."

Leonard and Klein got together to communicate. After several eye contact, their relationship became a lot more familiar. Talking about such topics is the easiest way to bring people closer.

"Okay, I have already sent an application to my superiors, and support from above will arrive soon." Dunn came over quickly.

It's just that when he entered here, he saw two colleagues sitting upright.

"Klein, do you remember any key points? For example, what is recorded in the notes?"

Dunn didn't care too much, but looked at Klein and asked.

"Some." Klein quickly sorted out the memories in his mind and told his two colleagues.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 233 Arrangement


Chapter 233 Arrangement

  "Ince Zangwill..." Truman remembered this name.

He seemed to have seen this man before, and under the guidance of fate and the deliberate indulgence of Truman and Amanysis, he stole 0-08 and embarked on the road to escape.

Such a sequence five is not worthy of Truman's attention, but 0-08 needs a reason to come out of the Church of the Night.

Only in this way can a certain angel king have the opportunity to hold it in his hands and complete the last piece of his puzzle. Truman can also fulfill his promise and complete the transaction completely.

"Let the tool man have a dignified exit."

Truman seemed to see a priest wearing a white robe emerging from the shadows.


Two days later in the morning, Klein came to St. Selina Church. He seemed a little embarrassed because of the doubled salary. He came here early and prayed to Dreams.

Klein has completed the advance of his salary, now changed into a formal suit, held a cane, and became a complete gentleman.

It was also for this reason that he realized how timely the doubled salary was, and he felt that he deserved it.

Klein sincerely thanked the "Dream Angel" for giving him the money and improving his financial situation.

"There are not many pious people like you anymore." Truman smiled strangely, such a thank you was too realistic.

"This is what I should do." Klein didn't force it, just for peace of mind.

"Very good." Truman nodded lightly and put down a few yellowed pages in his hand.

  Klein, who had excellent eyes, glanced at it subconsciously, and then couldn't look away anymore. His breathing became rapid for a moment.

"Why, are you interested in Russell's writing?" Truman asked deliberately.

Klein nodded slightly. He always felt that the bishop was easy to talk to and gentle towards everyone, so he did not deny it.

"Roselle text?" Klein asked in confusion.

"Yes, that's the Russell you were thinking of, the first speaker of the Solomon Empire."

"This doesn't seem to be related to our text." Klein asked cautiously.

"Yes, this is a type of writing that is completely different from the current writing in the world. It was spread from Russell. Because of Russell's achievements, this writing is also considered to record the truth of the world."

Russell has greatly promoted the development of the world. This is something that no one can deny. Naturally, some people will be interested in the words he left behind.

"Is this a text created by Russell?" Klein stretched his neck to look at the text on the paper.

Truman directly handed over the pages of paper.

Klein thanked him and took the paper, his whole body froze.

The words were all too familiar to him.

"October [-]th, ah, I am indeed the protagonist of the world. After becoming an extraordinary person, I will be invincible at the same level!"

"But why do I always feel that I have a better grasp of the abilities of 'divineer', 'apprentice', and 'thief'?"

"Is it because of my extraordinary talent? Or is it because of the silver medal?"

"But these three paths are indeed promising. If it weren't for the silver medal, I would definitely choose them."

Klein barely controlled his expression and quickly scanned the remaining pages.

"Tsk, these diaries are too clear and watery. We need to add some spice." Truman looked at Klein who wanted to read it, but couldn't let go. It was a little funny.

Acting method? What do digestion and acting refer to...

Improved steam engine? This is the beginning of the industrial revolution...

Klein thought a lot in an instant and knew that his current performance was suspicious, so he found an excuse and said, "These words probably really contain the truth of the world."

"I really want to have the ability to interpret it."

Truman casually took a screenshot without commenting on it. He just nodded slightly and took the paper handed over by Klein. "Interpreting these texts requires a flexible mind and jumping thinking. This kind of work is very suitable for those of us in the Dream Sect."

Klein nodded slightly.

Neither of their minds was on praying, and Klein left St. Selina Church half an hour later.

"Russell's diary, he is indeed a fellow countryman!"

"Looking for more diaries, it's really helpful for me to understand the world!"

Klein was inexplicably excited.

When Klein returned to the Blackthorn Security Company, he immediately saw the young girl standing in front of the captain.

She wore a slim-fitting black robe, blue eye shadow and blush, and a silver chain with white crystals wrapped around her wrist.

Her face was tense and as serious as Klein's class teacher in his previous life.

It feels like a very strong person... Klein knows that this is Ms. Dai Li.

Ms. Daly and the captain stood very close to each other. From Klein's point of view, they were almost touching each other.

"...It's working time now." Klein heard Captain Dunn's resistance.

"Then we'll talk about it after working hours." Ms. Dai Li had already noticed that everyone else was paying attention.

"..." Captain Dunn fell silent.

"Hello, new colleague." Surprisingly, Ms. Dai Li was extremely gentle except when facing the captain.

That's right, the captain's character may need to be forced a bit... Klein suddenly understood.

"Hello, I'm Klein Moretti."

"I heard that you were recruited by the Bishop?" Dai Li looked at Klein and asked curiously.

"Probably..." Klein couldn't give a clear answer.

"That means the Bishop is very optimistic about you." Klein nodded silently.

"Okay, we're going to start the final trace of the notebook."

Soon the Nighthawks began their official work.


Fors Vermeer was forced out of bed by his roommate Hugh Dilcha.

"I feel like something's wrong with you these days!" Hugh Dill couldn't help but say as he looked at Forsi, who looked decadent.

"I..." Forsi opened his mouth, but did not tell his friend that he was dragged to the gray mist by a mysterious being who called himself "The Fool" and joined the "Tarot Club".

She is already regretting it now. After all, it is very scary among extraordinary people to be paid attention to by a hidden existence. She doesn't know when she will die suddenly.

But she couldn't resist. Fortunately, the "Fool" didn't look like an evil god...

"Well, I just encountered some small problems, which will be solved soon."

Forsi did not let Xio worry, but took care of this matter himself.

"I might have to write a letter to my teacher, maybe he has any suggestions..."

Forsi once became the student of an extraordinary person by chance, and that extraordinary person came from the legendary Abraham family!

  Of course, it was not the distant Solomon Empire, but a branch of the Abraham family in Loen.

But after all, coming from a family like that might be able to give some advice!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 234 Promotion


Chapter 234 Promotion

  Dorian Gray Abraham is a member of the Abraham family branch in the Loen Kingdom.

Around the time of the Glorious Revolution of the Empire, the power and status of the Abraham family in the Solomon Empire had reached its peak.

Therefore, under the arrangements of the contemporary family head, some tribesmen gradually migrated to Lun, Feysac and other countries.

Under the guidance of fate, Dorian came to Loen.

Today his youngest student sent him a letter.

"Forsi will write me a letter?" Dorian was a little surprised when he got the letter.

The encounter between teacher and student was like a guide of fate. When Dorian saw Forsi, who was still a little girl at that time, he felt kind and accepted her as his student.

But who would have thought that this student was too lazy and never asked any questions about mysticism after becoming an "apprentice".

"I recited the honorable name of a hidden existence. Could it be that the hidden existence marked my attention?" He opened the letter, browsed through it, and his face became a little solemn.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, he quickly took out a pen and paper and wrote down effective coping methods.

"Reciting the honorable name of a hidden existence may not necessarily attract the attention of the hidden existence..."

"The best way to deal with it is to find the Dream Cult and change your beliefs. In most cases, becoming a Dream Cult can avoid most hidden threats except the "Original Witch"..."

"Perhaps you can also recite the following honorary names in times of crisis: The Great Gate of Ten Thousand Gates, the Leader of the Endless Starry Sky, the Key to All Mysterious Worlds..."

"Hidden existence?" Suddenly, Dorian seemed to have thought of something. He picked up another letter on the desk and looked at the information on it in silence.

"...The ancestor personally issued an order to search for various strange events that have recently appeared in the world. Keywords 'fool', 'error', 'grey fog'..."


With the strong support of Ms. Daly, Tingen's Nighthawks quickly captured an Extraordinary from the "Secret Order" and obtained enough information about him.

This was closely related to the clues provided by Klein, so he easily got an opportunity to "become a regular" and "choose".

"Have you thought about which path to choose?" Truman looked at Klein.

"Shouldn't it be Old Neil?" Klein looked at Truman in shock.

"Oh, Old Neil is on vacation today. As you know, his wife is not in good health. I also prepared a potion for his wife."

"It just so happens that I have some free time, so I came to prepare the potion for you."

Klein opened his mouth. He was so envious of such a life...

He nodded slightly, and then told Truman his choice, "I choose 'divineer'."

"A very good choice." Truman nodded lightly.

Truman got the magic potion needed by the "divineer".

The configuration of the potion is very simple. Just to allow Klein to learn the configuration process, Truman slowed down the action a lot.

Soon, Truman had configured the "Soothsayer" potion and placed it in front of Klein.

The dark blue potion sloshed in the transparent bottle, flashing with extremely weird colors.

"Have you thought about it? After drinking this bottle of magic potion, you will never be able to look back." Truman suddenly asked.

"..." Klein keenly sensed that there seemed to be something hidden in Truman's words.

But he was still unable to understand the further meaning of this sentence. He just took this opportunity to sort out his thoughts, and finally nodded lightly, "Yes, I want to become an extraordinary person."

Whether he is going home or wants to better protect himself and his family in this world... Klein thought to himself.

"Okay." Truman made a gesture of invitation.

Klein drank the potion without further delay. The greasy potion slid through his esophagus and entered his stomach. In an instant, some kind of force caused Klein's body to twitch, and his eyes changed. The whole world seemed to have turned into a richly colored oil painting.

Various colors intertwined and filled his field of vision, as if they were trying to swallow him up.

The next moment, his thoughts flew into the air, and he soared to the spiritual world, where he saw all kinds of bright and pure brilliance flickering in the spiritual world, and saw the gray and illusory mist.

"Be still, meditate." Truman's voice entered Klein's mind.

Klein subconsciously did what Truman said and collected himself mentally.

"Use your spirit to outline something that does not exist in this world, and use it as a benchmark to condense your spirit..."

Klein was being promoted, but Truman's eyes were always staring at the secret gray mist that connected Klein.

After becoming a "divineer", Klein seems to have achieved the last condition. "Origin Castle" has been completely bound to Klein.

Not long after, Klein woke up from meditation.

"Congratulations, you are already a 'divineer'."

"Maybe this is not a good thing. I seem to have heard some kind of gibbering..." Klein's face didn't look very good.

Truman raised his eyebrows and could only say, "This is a normal phenomenon and the source of the so-called loss of control."

"You need to adapt."

I don't know how long it took, but Klein finally adjusted his condition.

"Is this the perception of an extraordinary person? Is it spiritual vision?" Klein quickly mastered this skill and then glanced at Truman.

It was plain, without any change, and it seemed to be no different from what was seen with the naked eye.

"You..." This is very different from what Klein has learned so far.

"You can't see my emotions." Truman said, "Powerful extraordinary people can hide themselves."

Klein suddenly realized that Truman must be an extraordinary person even more powerful than Ms. Dai Li.

"This is some basic extraordinary knowledge. You can take it and read it yourself." Truman handed Klein a book.

"Now I have something more important to tell you." Truman's face became a little more serious.

"Have you ever heard of 'Dream Path'?"

Klein almost suspected that he was hallucinating because he was mentally unstable just after being promoted.

I've already been promoted, and why are you here to talk to me?

Before making the choice, he had also learned about the "Dream" path, but the conditions for becoming an Extraordinary on the "Dream" path were too harsh.

Simply believing in the "Supreme Dream" wholeheartedly blocked Klein's thoughts.

"But I have been promoted..." Klein said.

"Who says you can't do it after promotion?" Truman said with a half-smile.

"Ah!" Klein's head was stuck, and it took him a while to wake up.

"Can't you only choose a path once?" Klein thought of some possibility and his breathing became faster.

"There are always exceptions." Truman was a little proud, "'Dream' is different from other ways. This is one of the reasons why 'Dream Sect' is so special."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 235 Dual Path Extraordinary


Chapter 235 Dual Path Extraordinary

"Two paths?!" Klein couldn't believe it.

"I'm optimistic about you because you have this kind of potential." Truman said yes, so it must be there.

"Your soul seems to be stronger than ordinary people, even twice as strong as ordinary people..." After Truman's various nonsense, Klein believed it.

Maybe it's because of the fusion of two souls. This seems to be in line with the law of time travellers... Klein murmured in his heart.

"So, I can give you a chance." Truman said meaningfully.

But Klein had completely calmed down by now.

Truman was very satisfied with this. Some of Klein's excellent qualities would always show up at critical moments.

"The 'dream' path does not require taking magic potions, so there is no problem of losing control..."

"But Extraordinaries of the 'Dream' path can also obtain corresponding extraordinary abilities, which can even be more powerful than ordinary Extraordinaries."

"Even due to its dreamlike nature, it can suppress the madness of other avenues..."

Truman gave Klein a general introduction to the "dream" approach.

"…Then what do I need to pay?"

After weighing it for a minute, Klein confirmed his mind. He was quite disgusted with that kind of gibbering. Maybe the "dream" approach that is said to not get out of control can solve this problem?

Of course, Klein also knew that such an "opportunity" would not come for no reason.

"Of course, I have a commission. As long as you complete it, I can hold a ceremony for you and make you a 'Prayer'."

"By the way, 'Prayer' is Sequence Nine of the 'Dream' pathway. This is a very special Sequence Nine."

"Why is it special?" Klein asked following Truman's words. He was eager to know more information in order to judge whether to complete this commission.

"It is similar to your current 'divineer'. It will not improve your physical fitness or combat ability. It will only give you a powerful spirituality."

"The higher the spirituality, the more things you can do."

"There may even be some welcome changes."

Truman deliberately left one hand behind to arouse Klein's curiosity.

"A change you like to see?" Klein asked curiously.

"Directivity." Truman took out a gold coin, "For example, if you pray for money, your spirituality will gain this direction."

"Maybe it's a profitable stock, maybe I picked up money when I went out..."

This directivity is enviable... Klein's eyes lit up.

"What about the commission?" Klein asked cautiously.

"The commission I give you is actually very simple. Go to Tingen University where you studied before and meet your teacher Azik Eggers."

"What?" Klein was ready to take a "limited" risk, but he didn't expect it to be such a commission.

Shouldn't it be to kick "The Secret Order" and punch "Antigonus"?

Of course, the current Klein cannot do such a thing.

"Why such a commission?"

Klein asked, subconsciously resisting because this task involved his teacher.

He didn't know what the relationship between Bishop Truman and his teacher was, but his "messenger" might make Teacher Azik make some not-so-good decisions.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt him. I just gave him a choice." Truman said calmly.

"He and I are also old friends. You can also consult him on this issue."

"..." Klein nodded silently, preparing to go back and make a decision. "That's all right. You go back and adapt to your abilities today, and then report back in two days."

"No matter what, I have to thank the Bishop for giving me this opportunity." Klein thanked him sincerely.

Truman smiled and nodded, watching Klein leave.

"Azik Eggers..." He has been missing for more than a thousand years, wandering around the northern and southern continents, completely integrating into ordinary people.

But some things are always unavoidable.

Truman did not forget that the "God of Death" Salinger, who he killed, still had his hands on Azik after being resurrected.

What he killed back then was a God of Death who was at the "half old" level. Coupled with the existence of the "River of Eternal Darkness", he was not able to erase all traces of the "God of Death".

However, for him and Amanissis, it would be better for "Death" to die.

On the second day, Klein came to Tingen University.

He was familiar with this place and quickly found Azik Eggers.

Now Azik Eggers is still young, with bronze skin, black hair and brown eyes, and his facial features are slightly aged.

For more than a thousand years, He had settled in many places on the northern and southern continents and islands. He once married wives and had children like ordinary people.

I have been living here at Tingen University for some time now.

"Klein? You came to see me?" Azik Eggers was a little surprised to see Klein's arrival, so he invited him in and poured him a cup of black tea.

"Mr. Azik." Klein greeted the teacher.

Now he probably also knows that this teacher is probably not just a history teacher.

"Mr. Azik, I am here to see you as the Nighthawk of the Church of the Night."

"Bishop Truman of St. Selina Church asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

Klein simply stated his purpose, so there was no need to worry.

"Truman...Bishop?" Azik Eggers was obviously stunned, but he quickly thought of something and his expression was a little complicated.

"Mr. Azik, shouldn't I be here?" Klein suddenly felt a little ashamed when he saw the change in Mr. Azik's face.

"No, you came at just the right time and probably saved me once." Mr. Azik's face was gentle.

"I have known Bishop Truman for a long time. He is trustworthy and is for my own good. It's just that my problem is a little more complicated."

Azik explained so that Klein didn't need to care.

He was silent for a while, probably feeling that Klein was a good listener at this time.

"I met Bishop Truman a long time ago. He saved my life and even promised to solve all my difficulties."

"But out of the selfish desire to be content with the status quo, I hesitated for a long time."

"Now you have reminded me that there are some things that cannot be avoided."

"But..." Azik looked at Klein thoughtfully, "That Bishop Truman must be very optimistic about you, right?"

"Probably." Klein could also feel it.

"That's great." Azik smiled, "You are a very good student. If you can be appreciated by him, you can probably achieve even greater things."

"But I'm a little scared." Klein also decided to reveal part of it to the teacher.

"Well..." Azik understood Klein's thoughts and said, "He is a good person."

(End of this chapter)