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Chapter 236 "Prayer"


Chapter 236 "Prayer"

"Good man?" Klein saw Truman again on the third day after he became an Extraordinary. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of Mr. Azik's evaluation of Bishop Truman.

So far, this evaluation is still quite appropriate.

"It seems you have received a reply." Truman looked at Klein who came to the church and smiled.

"Mr. Azik said he understood what you meant."

Of course, Klein couldn't understand what "meaning" meant here.

"Very good," Truman nodded lightly. Tingen is really a magical city, and all kinds of existence are gathered here.

But now these people and even angels are gradually being swayed by fate and starting to run towards the end.

"Congratulations, you have the opportunity to become an Extraordinary of the 'dream' path."

Klein blinked, a little unbelievable. It was completed so easily?

  "Come with me, I will teach you to perform the corresponding rituals and pray for the power from dreams."

Truman and Klein came to a prayer room, and Truman lit two candles casually.

Klein has initially adapted to the "divineer" and has memorized the basic extraordinary knowledge book to gain some understanding of the ritual magic in it.

"Give me a gold coin." Truman reached out to Klein to ask for it.

"Huh?" Klein was a little overwhelmed by this turn of events.

"Oh, you have no money!" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, causing Klein's face to twist. Finally, Truman took out a fantasy gold coin from his pocket.

"The original source of gold coins in this world is fantasy, so in mysticism, gold coins can replace the 'dream' ritual materials."

"Generally speaking, as long as you have enough gold coins in your hand, you can achieve a life that can be called a dream."

"This..." Klein was speechless, but wouldn't it be too vulgar to use for a ceremony?

The goddess of the night has deep sleep flowers and night herbs, as well as essential oils, hydrosols, etc.

"This is called simplicity!" Truman put the gold coin into Klein's hand, "You do it."

Klein was pushed onto the shelf, his body stiffened, and he didn't know what to do.

"Recite after me in ancient Hermetic..."

"The power of dreams..."

"You are the spirit of truth, the pure person, the master of dreams, and the supreme being beyond all eternity..."

Klein recited along with Truman. As soon as he finished speaking, Klein's inspiration and intuition were touched, and the entire prayer room actually started to appear dots of light.

"Throw your gold coin." Klein threw the gold coin. The gold coin rolled in the air and landed between the two candles.

Da... I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the gold coin fell, it splashed into a dreamy phosphorescence. The appearance of this phosphorescence completely triggered the power of dreams.

"I pray to you,

I pray that you will give me blessings,

  I pray that you will grant me the power of the 'Prayer'. "

Klein prayed with a very serious face.

After he finished chanting thoroughly, an illusory spiritual wind seemed to blow up in the prayer room.

These winds naturally flowed into Klein's body, but Klein preferred to call this feeling "washing."

The murmurs that seemed to have been lingering in his ears since he became an Extraordinary seemed to have disappeared. They were already very weak and had almost no impact on him.

"Dream" washes away the madness.

"This power feels harmless to me? Why do I feel this way?" Klein closed his eyes and felt his spirituality rising continuously.

This is Sequence Nine, which is no worse than the "Soothsayer" in the spiritual field, and after the two are superimposed, Klein's current spirituality seems to be ridiculously strong.    This takes his spiritual intuition to a higher level and may even enhance his divination powers.

"I pray to get more gold coins." Klein also obtained some kind of "knowledge", that is, "spiritual directionality."

"I pray to be able to..."

Klein kept reciting this prayer in his heart. At this moment, he was more pious than ever before.

Perhaps he was indeed pious enough, and the "Supreme Dream" heard his prayer.

At a certain moment, Klein's spiritual intuition jumped slightly, and he got the direction for the "gold coin".

He subconsciously followed the spiritual guidance and looked at Truman, and happened to meet Truman's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Yo? Your spirituality points to me?" Truman folded his arms and smiled.

"Uh..." Klein was stunned. Is it because Mr. Truman's wealth has been recognized by the "Supreme Dream"? Do you want me to hold your thigh?

  Well, according to Earth, the most promising way to get a lot of gold coins now is probably to shout "Ke Piao Ling for half a lifetime..."

But I refuse!

Klein was startled and quickly covered the "gold coin" with another direction.

"I pray for stronger crisis sensing..."

After a while, that feeling was gradually replaced by another directionality.

His sense of crisis has also become more acute, and he can even barely sense the bad thoughts towards him.

For example, Bishop Truman has been standing in the corner of the prayer room.

"It's not a crisis, nor is it malicious, but more like a bad taste..." Klein judged his spiritual precognition ability.

"This ability... is really amazing!" Klein couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. The ability of this "Prayer" is a bit simple, but it is powerful enough.

"That's it, you have become a 'Prayer' and officially entered the 'Dream' path."

Truman was actually observing whether Klein would be repulsive to the power of dreams.

But the current situation is that these dream powers are external, and their meaning to Klein is rather like a special magical item.

Theoretically speaking, "Origin Castle" will not forcibly reject this kind of power.

After all, in the original trajectory, Klein had brought items containing the true god and even the power of the old days to the "Origin Castle" several times.

"Thank you, Lord Bishop, for your guidance."

"It's okay, you deserve this. If you want to be promoted on the 'dream' path, you can come to me to receive the task."

"I'm still the bishop of the Dream Sect in Tingen City."

The two left the prayer room, and Klein returned to the Nighthawk's office through the secret passage.

"You..." The poet classmate looked at Klein, slightly surprised. Klein seemed to have changed.

"Me?" Klein was startled, then said with a smile, "I have become an extraordinary person."

Leonard blinked before remembering this, "Congratulations, no, this doesn't seem to be a good thing..."

"It's a good thing for me now. I live in the present."

Klein quoted a famous quote from Russell, and then he said hello to the captain and went to Old Neil to learn mystical knowledge.

"Something feels wrong." Leonard muttered in his mind.

"He has been favored by dreams." Leonard suddenly heard a sentence in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 237 Triss


Chapter 237 Triss

"Dream's favor?" Leonard was startled.

He is also a nominal dream cultist.

Of course, like most Nighthawks, he is not a pure dream cultist. This name is usually used when receiving salary.

"Haha, there are many dream believers, but few can truly be favored." Pales Zoroaster chuckled.

"Old man, what's going on?" Leonard asked.

"You can tell just by looking at him." Pales was lazy and didn't want to answer.

"..." Leonard was speechless, but decided to raise his attention to Klein to another level.

Well... Palles ended up in this situation after all. He was defeated in the battle with Amon, but he still escaped and saved himself.

If Amon failed to catch Him, He won!

By chance, He parasitized Leonard and infiltrated the Church of the Night.

He originally wanted to hide from Amon here, but what he didn't expect was that he would meet Truman here.

This also made him more determined to parasitize Leonard. After all, Truman is here, and this is definitely the safest place in the world.


In a private house with a red chimney in Tingen City, a man with a gloomy face held a quill and hung it on a piece of white paper, seeming to be thinking about how to write.

The man's condition was not very good, and there seemed to be some malice surging in his eyes, which was the backlash from the quill.

And there are already a few lines of words written on the white paper.

"Tris finally made up his mind to be promoted to a 'Witch', and coincidentally bought enough materials at the Beyonder Market in Tingen to complete the promotion as quickly as possible."

"Tris is so pure and outstanding that she is admired by other members of the Witch Cult."

"In order to protect Tris, the Witch Cult has made a decision."

"As we all know, the Witch Cult not only believes in the 'Original Witch', but also believes in 'Dream', so there is no reason for them not to go to St. Selina Church to take a look."

The man holding the quill could no longer put pen to paper because he had discovered that there were some deviations in his script.

In the next moment, the quill was even out of the man's control, writing quickly on the paper.

"Oh, poor Ince Zangwill, the script he wrote is really bad. The Notes of Antigonus that were supposed to contaminate the Nighthawks team were lost, and even Klein Moretti was not killed. Death leaves a hidden danger."

"The Nighthawks have locked the notebook through Mr. Klein Moretti, and because of Ms. Daly's participation, they will most likely be able to solve this incident easily."

"With Ms. Daly who is powerful enough, the Nighthawks team will not be contaminated by the notes, which also means that they will follow the path of destiny."

"Ince Zangwill's script is going to be torn..."

Just when the quill was about to conclude the story, a pale hand held it and forcibly stopped its writing.

Ince Zangwill then began to refine his idea.

"After becoming a witch, Tris was too arrogant and was discovered by the Nighthawks, putting her in crisis."

"The Witch Sect is also unable to find her for the time being. Of course, the friendly Ince Zangwill is happy to cooperate with them."

The quill paused for a few seconds, then started another line.

"Everyone will die, including Mr. Klein Moretti." The fate written by the quill began to take shape in reality.

Just as it happened, a certain Klein Moretti, who was lying down after returning home from work for a day, suddenly felt some kind of terrifying malice coming!

"What's going on?!" Klein jumped up from the bed and pulled out the revolver as quickly as possible.

But when Klein sensed it carefully, the sense of crisis faded away like a tide, leaving no trace.

"The crisis sensor was triggered!" Klein tensed up and looked around, cautiously checking under the bed, in the cabinets, and even in the bathroom.

But after battling with the air for about ten minutes, Klein didn't notice anything unusual.

"What's going on? Is this crisis sensor fake?" Klein couldn't help but complain.

Klein was confused. He had only become a "divineer" a few days ago and a "wisher" today. His understanding of the occult was not deep enough.

After confirming that there was no crisis for the time being, Klein began to summarize all his abilities, mainly focusing on "Prayers".

"The essence of the power of the 'Prayer' should be the high spiritual perception of the outside world."

"But this perception is based on my cognitive construction. If I subconsciously think that drinking cold water may cause the Black Death, will the cold water become the source of my sense of crisis? Every time I come into contact with cold water, I will jump. ?"

Klein thinks this is very scientific, but it is not mystical!

  "There should be more magical powers, instructions from fate? How is it different from 'divination'..."

"The 'diviner' needs to be played, but where is the 'prayer'..."


The light of the morning sun passes through the glass window and disperses into softer and more detailed brilliance. These brilliance fall on the flawless body of a girl, which is very stunning.

"Master... she's so beautiful!" For a moment, Triss felt that drinking that bottle of "witch" potion was not an unacceptable thing.

This body is so perfect that the first person who sees it is mesmerized by it.

"Witch Sect? Humph, I'd better not go back to this weird sect. No matter how good I am at Sequence Seven, I'll be good at it." Triss still had some of the ruffianism she had before her transformation.

She didn't know what the Witch Sect wanted to do, but for the sake of safety, she had better stay away from the limelight.

Triss spent a lot of time putting on the woman's dress she bought, letting her hair down, and putting on a hat with a black gauze.

At this moment, Tris and Tris became two completely different people.

"Good, no one will be able to recognize me anymore."

Triss took her assets and prepared to run away.

Everything was going smoothly originally. He had already arrived at Tingen Railway Station. He only needed to buy a ticket to Backlund to leave Tingen and start a new life of his own.

"Hello, we are the police..." Tris subconsciously looked up to where the sound came from.

There were two policemen wearing black and white-checked uniforms and soft hats with badges. They were questioning the station staff with a portrait.

Triss lowered her head subconsciously, not wanting to look at these people. This was a habit she had formed over a long time.

"Huh?" Klein suddenly felt something, and looked at a girl wearing a gray dress and a black gauze hat.

Very beautiful... This was Klein's first feeling when he saw this girl's profile.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 238 Attack of Klein


Chapter 238 Attack of Klein

  Klein's feeling was actually very strange. He felt traces of hostility, or in other words, vigilance, from the girl in front of him.

"What happened?" Leonard has completed the investigation. They are here to find clues about the members of the "Secret Order".

"I saw a girl, she seemed a little strange..." Klein felt bad himself, but he could not regard this as a condition for judgment.

"She should be an Beyonder, and her rank is not low." Klein could only judge like this.

"It feels like he is no weaker than the captain."

"Who?" Leonard followed Klein's gaze and saw that there was no girl there.

"She disappeared!" Klein's eyes widened as he watched a living person disappear from before his eyes.

"There's a problem!" Leonard became serious.

Wild Extraordinaries are already subject to supervision, and those who run away after looking at Nighthawks should be paid special attention to.

"What bad luck!" Triss had already entered the invisible state. She immediately judged that these should be two extraordinary people, most likely the Nighthawks.

Moreover, one of the two nighthawks seemed to be extremely vigilant and sensed her hostility.

She is a witch from a witch sect, and she has a natural tendency not to deal with such official personnel.

She decisively entered the invisible state, not daring to go near the train station anymore, and hid in a small alley.

"Are they chasing?" Triss suddenly felt something and saw Klein and the two chasing after them with the help of divination.

She subconsciously used the abilities gained from being promoted to "Witch" to interfere with Klein's divination.

"It's a bit annoying. Should we kill them?" Triss was thinking seriously.

At this time, Klein's divination was temporarily useless, but his inspiration and intuition were touched again.

"Over there!" He roughly sensed a direction.

But this frightened Triss.

"How could it be? I just..." Triss was a little confused. She raised her hand and the black flames condensed, and suddenly popped out. The black flames were like bullets, hitting Klein.

At the same time, the "Assassin's" dexterity allowed her to change her position without making any noise.

But in her eyes, Klein actually took a step forward and knocked Leonard away like a prophet.

This collision completely put both of them outside the coverage area of ​​the black flame bullets.

"Over here!" Klein pulled out his revolver and pointed to the right!

"Ah, the threat of fear, the hope of scarlet..."

Leonard began to chant, and a peaceful power came over him.

But there is no feedback.

Leonard's poetry covers a relatively wide range, but it is not discovered.

"Leaving?" Klein was a little nervous and didn't dare to relax while holding the revolver, but his inspiration and intuition told him that he was not facing a crisis now.

The two were alert for a long time. Leonard was silent for a while, then nodded, "Already gone."

"Fortunately, the fight didn't really start. I haven't finished my fighting class and shooting class yet." Klein breathed a sigh of relief, but he still lacked confidence for the fight.

"Invisibility, black flames... all this information needs to be reported to the captain." Leonard looked at the ground burned by the black flame bullets and remembered the characteristics of the black flames.

"Recently, there seem to be a lot of Beyonders in Tingen, more than twice as many as in the previous six months." Leonard couldn't help but sigh.

"But are your perceptions so sensitive?" Leonard noticed this.

"'Soothsayers' rely on spirituality to communicate with the spirit world." Klein said. "Yeah." Leonard nodded slightly.

Just a few hundred meters away, Triss' figure emerged from the air.

"Let them go once!" Triss snorted. She had only been a witch for a short time, and she didn't have enough control over her abilities. It was very risky to face two extraordinary people.

"The Extraordinary who can sense me..." Triss suddenly became curious about the Extraordinary's power.

She also gained a lot of occult knowledge in the Witch Cult, and was able to determine that it was probably a kind of crisis perception ability.

But this seems a bit exaggerated, right? She has already interfered with her divination abilities in advance.

"I remember you." Tris's eyes were filled with water, and she quickly took a few steps to blend in with the crowd.

Unknowingly, Tris came to a house with a red chimney, and she subconsciously felt that this was a good place to go.

But when she jumped in from the window sill, she saw a gloomy man holding a quill and writing on paper.

"You..." Triss's pupils shrank and her body stiffened.

"Hello, Triss." Ince Zangwill stopped the quill in his hand and looked at Triss, who looked frightened.

Triss's body was stiff and unable to move. Finally, under the control of the quill, she sat on the sofa.

Ince Zangwill continues to write.


Klein and Leonard quickly returned to Blackthorn Security Company.

"Captain, we discovered..." Leonard explained the situation.

"Okay, I understand." Dunn frowned deeply, wrote down the information on the paper, and then looked at the two Kleins.

"Get ready, we'll move at noon."

The action here is naturally to completely resolve the "Antigonus Notes" incident.

"Yes!" Klein instantly became alert. This note incident has been bothering him for some time.

"Come with me." Dunn and the other two entered the Chanis Gate and saw "2-049".

"This is the sealed artifact we applied for. It can effectively help us capture the extraordinary people of the Secret Order."

Klein nodded slightly and looked at the box containing the sealed artifact. He vaguely felt the danger, but he also sensed a certain connection.

"Is it related to the 'divineer'?" Klein buried all his doubts in his heart and followed the captain's arm-flexing movements.

With the help of the sealed artifact, they quickly found the location of the notes.

"Prepare to fight first." Dunn looked at Klein, who had already put his hand on the revolver.

He is positioned as a support and will be involved on the periphery, but there is still a certain danger.

"Be careful!" Ms. Dai Li suddenly reminded her. She had already sent her spirits to surround the place where the Extraordinary Secret Order was.

She is now the Sequence Six "Necromancer" of the "Corpse Keeper" and can contact the spiritual world to recruit natural spirits and undead spirits to serve her.


  A huge fireball suddenly launched out, directly scattering the Nighthawks' team.

Except for Klein, who was not familiar with Extraordinary combat, the rest of the Nighthawks were already ready for battle and had taken action the moment Ms. Daly reminded them.

The singing of poetry, the forced dreaming, the stimulation of firearms, and the attacks of the undead!

  Klein was dazzled for a moment, and then he devoted all his spirituality to spiritual perception and began to join this extraordinary battle!

   I took half a day off, firstly because of trivial matters in life, and secondly because the original plot has changed significantly and I need to sort it out.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 239 The First Battle


Chapter 239 The First Battle

  Klein has been a dual-path Beyonder for some time, and he also has some experience on how to tap into his own power.

Nowadays, this kind of focusing all spirituality on crisis sensing is enough to elevate the "divineer's" gatekeeping skills to a higher level.

This method can even help Klein omit the process of "divination" and get the answer directly.

So when the fireball hit him, Klein was already rushing toward the safest corner, preparing to fire a few shots at the outermost edge.


A roar came from the factory, and it didn't even sound like a human being!

  Klein saw several illusory but powerful undead spirits surrounding Ms. Daly. These undead spirits were no weaker than Captain Dunn!

  Klein feels that this wave has stabilized.

He saw Ms. Dai Li and others rushing into the factory, but the next moment, it seemed like a giant was going crazy in the factory. Klein soon saw Ms. Dai Li and captain Dunn quickly retreating, and the captain even shouted loudly. , "The target is out of control!"

Klein didn't even have time to understand the meaning of this sentence, and a terrifying sense of crisis already made his soul tremble.


Horrifying murmurs began to echo in Klein's mind, as if they were dragging him completely into an endless abyss.

Why is this happening? The target is out of control. Why does he hear crazy murmurs?

Klein's spiritual intuition was beating wildly, and he subconsciously chose the most appropriate response method.

"The highest dream..."

He is communicating the power of the "Supreme Dream" with the spirituality of the "Prayer".

What is different from other ways is that "Dream" has become a favored person of God in a certain sense after becoming a "Prayer".

After all, fundamentally speaking, their power comes directly from the "Supreme Dream" itself.

Of course, the most important thing is the characteristic of the "Supreme Dream" power - purity. This characteristic has the power to suppress madness.

Bits of brilliant brilliance appeared on Klein's body while he was praying. They were flying around Klein like elves, blocking the murmurs in Klein's mind.

Klein suddenly developed a sense of direction in other directions, and subconsciously rolled to the ground to avoid the bullet attack from behind.

Behind him is a clown in a tuxedo, giving Klein a very dangerous feeling!

  "Huh? You actually escaped?" The tuxedo clown was surprised, but at this time he had no time to tangle with a "divineer", but wanted to retrieve the Antigonus Notes!

"Bang!" The tuxedo clown made a sound. Klein's scalp went numb instantly and he rolled several times on the ground before he could barely escape.

At the same time, a flame ignited where the tuxedo clown was, and his figure disappeared.

"Captain, there is another enemy!" Klein could only remind his teammates loudly.

"Copy that!" Captain Dunn's tone was calm and calming.

"It only needs to survive one round, and the monster will collapse." All the undead spirits around Ms. Dai Li have entered the factory, and the movements inside are becoming more and more terrifying.


With a bang, the factory door exploded open, and a humanoid creature over two meters broke out.

A series of white bone spurs protruded from under its skin, and the whole body was gray-white, with a rotten-like viscous liquid flowing all over its body.

Its appearance challenged Klein's world view, and he learned more about what it means to be crazy and out of control.

However, it has various black chains on its body, which restrain its body, otherwise it would have rushed over and started killing.

"Death!" Ms. Dai Li's tone became cold and sinister, like the words of the dead echoing in hell.

Those black chains bloomed with black death energy, dragging the monster into the abyss of death. At the same time, the power of poetry and dreams are also taking effect, cooperating with Ms. Daly to kill the monster.


  The tuxedo clown who disappeared in the flames burst in from outside the battlefield again, and once again used that weird air bullet to drive an item placed outside the battlefield into the battlefield.

The black iron-colored box opened with a click, and the palm-sized puppet stuck its head out of the box and saw the two-meter-tall monster.


  The monster that was about to fall into a state of death suddenly raised its head, and its dim eyes took on a strange vitality, as if there was a power that wanted to fuse the puppet and the monster into something more terrifying.

Captain Dunn, Leonard and others were pale, and they were all hurt by the monster's roar, and the gibbering was also affecting them.

Ms. Dai Li's face was stern, sweat was dripping from her forehead, and there was a deathly look in her eyes.

But she still waved, and another natural spirit from the spirit world appeared, hitting the box where the puppet was, separating it from the monster.

The box the puppet was in was knocked away and rolled in the air.

"What should I do?" Klein's spirituality has already given him the answer.

Klein even closed his eyes and fired according to spiritual guidance.


  The bullet flew out and hit the box rolling in the air, forcibly changing its rolling trajectory. Even the puppet that was about to be thrown out completely left the box.


  Another bullet was shot out, hitting the puppet's body in the air, taking it in a certain direction.

"What?!" The tuxedo clown's hair stood on end, and the puppet he threw at the monster was flying in his direction!

"Let's go!" The tuxedo clown was about to raise his hand, snap his fingers, ignite the flames and retreat from here.

But the puppet driven by the bullet was too fast, and it was already within five meters of him before he snapped his fingers.

The tuxedo clown's head buzzed, and his thoughts froze.

He is a diviner...not a weapons master...how could he be so accurate...

I'm within five meters...

The Tuxedo Clown's joints seemed to be rusty, and the finger snapping movement that could have been completed in less than a second slowed down.

"Go to hell!"

Crane's bullet arrives, piercing the Tuxedo Clown's body, then emptying the magazine.

It was also at this time that the monster finally couldn't hold on under the power of several extraordinary people, and exploded with a bang!

  Eyeballs, skulls, arms, half of the heart... these things were splashed away by the explosion, causing great damage.

Klein was hit by the air wave and fell to the ground. After getting up, he quickly refilled his bullets and wanted to shoot more.

"He is dead." Ms. Daly said softly. She was not harmed in the explosion, and even the captain was well protected by her.

"Your shooting skills are so accurate?" Ms. Dai Li was amazed.

"...That's the guidance of dreams." Klein breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the tuxedo clown lying dead on the ground.

"Hurry up and help us clean up the battlefield!" Captain Dunn had already found the Antigonus Notes from the pile of human tissue.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 240 Sun Emblem


Chapter 240 Sun Emblem

  The Antigonus Notes were safely confiscated, and Ms. Daly had to return due to the transfer order from Backlund Parish.

However, it is impossible for the Nighthawks team to return to their usual rhythm of life. Klein, who traveled through time, once again felt the blessings of working overtime!

  "Why are there so many Beyonders in Tingen during this period? There are also all kinds of supernatural events, it's basically an eruption!"

Leonard, the old night watcher, was complaining that he hadn't even had a day's rest during this period.

"Ah, the evil spirit has been purified. I still want to go back to sleep... No, I have to keep vigil." Klein was not in good spirits either.

"This is for you." Leonard took out a dark golden sun badge from his arms.

"3-072" comes from the "mutated sun holy symbol" of the Solomon Empire.

They need to keep vigil in the uninhabited forest with their holy symbols, otherwise the ordinary people in the hotel where they live will turn into idiots who only know how to praise the sun.

This is also the negative effect of this "mutated holy symbol of the sun", which will purify people's thoughts.

"I'm going back first and will take over for you in two hours." Leonard is an Extraordinary of the "Sleepless One" path, but this Holy Emblem cannot be exposed to for a long time.

"Okay!" Klein held the sun badge in his hand, as if some powerful and blazing power was purifying his soul.

It is also "purification". Compared with the power of dreams, this power is too overbearing, like the sun in the sky without any cover.

And the power of dreams can only suppress madness, but the power of the sun can purify the soul.

"This holy symbol?"

Klein blinked. Curiosity was teasing his will. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and took four steps backwards to reach above the gray mist.

He manifested the Holy Emblem of the Sun on the towering palace, and then began to divine.

"The origin of the Holy Emblem of the Sun..." Klein entered his dream with inspiration.

In an incomprehensible space, Klein could feel that something seemed to exist in the depths, but that depth was also beyond his ability to explore.

He followed a certain connection and looked at what he could see.

It was a man wearing a classic white divine robe, and there were even twelve pairs of wings flapping behind him.

It's just that there's something wrong with Klein's angle, and he can only see the angel's back.

"Angel?!" Klein thought of the angels recorded in the Holy Scriptures, who were probably dressed like this.

Before Klein could tell, the angel's body seemed to have been penetrated, and a drop of blood spattered onto the sun badge.

The dream ended abruptly at this point.

"Huh?" Klein woke up and didn't know why.

"So... this is a drop of angel's blood? Contaminated on the sun badge?" Klein gradually began to make some guesses.

"That angel seemed very powerful, but he was penetrated by some weapon..."

Klein thought about what he saw in his dream.

"The weapon was a bit sharp, but it probably wasn't an arrow. It was more like... a spear? A spear? It penetrated the body of an angel directly..."

Klein was a little scared, but he felt infinite stimulation, and his hands started to tremble.

"Gu!" Klein's Adam's apple rolled, and then he decided to find out.

Having become an Beyonder not long ago, he was a little scared in the presence of this gray mist, but he was more curious.

"Done it!" Klein felt a thrill of doing something bad. After several twists and turns on the gray mist, he materialized the drop of blood he saw in his dream.

It was a drop of golden, warm, bright blood.

"The source of this drop of golden liquid..." He wrote down the divination statement excitedly.

Klein entered the dreamland again.

The dream was much clearer this time, and Klein even felt that he seemed to have glimpsed some kind of information recorded in this drop of blood.

"Pure white angel..."    Is this the title of this angel? I don't think I've heard of it…

The next moment, Klein seemed to see something.

The pure white angel turned into a real sun in an instant, and the pure and clear light instantly ignited everything. Golden flames burst out, and at the same time, this drop of blood also turned into golden light.


  Klein trembled all over and turned directly into a terrifying torch, burning brightly.

His consciousness fell into madness, as if it had been completely purified by the sun, and he became an idiot who only knew how to praise the sun.

"Aba Aba..."

But the strange thing is that just a moment later, all the flames disappeared, and the golden color gradually dimmed, as if some higher-level and more powerful force had forcibly stopped the solarization process.

Klein also seemed to be brought back to a time before being purified by the sun by this power.

He was very confused, as if he had forgotten to think.

Until that point of cold light broke through the limitations of space and time, coming from the distant ancient times, carrying the authority and will that made the world tremble.

Klein seemed to have entered the vision of an angel, watching with despair as the cold light got closer and closer, piercing his body.

laugh! The Spear of Destiny pierced the angel's body and wiped out Klein's consciousness.

Klein is dead.


  Klein woke up from his dream in fear, and then there was violent turmoil in the gray fog. The majestic palace collapsed inch by inch, and the long bronze table also shattered.

The power of the spear seems to have spanned endless time and affected this place!

  After half a minute, everything returned to calm.

Klein got up from the ground and touched his chest with lingering fear, fearing that a bloody hole would really be dug.

"This..." Klein was horrified and confused, "Is this the truth? The pure white angel was killed, and blood spattered on the sun badge."

"It's really..." Klein became more and more frightened as he thought about it, and he almost confessed here.

"The ignorant are fearless..."

"no Zuo no Die..."

Klein deeply reflected on himself and added an item to his rules as a diviner: "Never blindly divine."

As time passed, Klein's expression gradually became a little weird.

"I seem to have gained some incredible knowledge..."

Klein re-materialized the palace, tables and chairs, materialized paper and pen, and wrote down the knowledge he gained.

"Don't look directly at God...pure white angel...'Sun Flame Spell'...magic potion formula..."

These aren't even the biggest rewards for Klein.

Klein stopped the pen in his hand, organized his thoughts, and finally wrote down the most incredible knowledge he had gained.

"The pure white angel died..." This was the information Klein got from that drop of blood. The angel whose body was pierced could not survive.

And there is...

"Spear of Destiny, the weapon that kills the Creator..." Klein's face was twisted, and he always felt like he was coming into contact with forbidden knowledge.

"The blood of the Creator seems to have five different powers and the color of chaos..." This is the blood stained on the Spear of Destiny.

"Finally, it's..." Klein suddenly felt a bit of toothache.

"...It's a dream!"

(End of this chapter)