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Chapter 226 1349 years


Chapter 226 1349 years

Decades after Truman's real body entered the Kingdom of Life, the Dream Angel also left the Dream Castle and came to the Church of the Night in Loen.

"You're here." A faint figure was outlined in front of Truman.

It is the Secret Angel.

At the dream meeting, Truman had already revealed where the next node would happen, and Amanisis was also prepared.

"I haven't been back for a long time." Truman walked into the Church of Tranquility, the headquarters of the Church of Night.

At the same time, this is also the place where Truman led his believers to formulate the "Apocalypse of the Night" thousands of years ago, and it evolved from the City of Deep Darkness.

This was originally the core of the Deep Eclipse Heavenly Kingdom, but after the Fourth Age, the Deep Eclipse Heavenly Kingdom moved to the star realm, and this church remained.

"I've seen secret angels and dreamy angels." The contemporary Pope of the Night always greets them personally.

These two angels have the most special status in the Church of Night. One is the earliest pope to follow the goddess, and the other is the most trusted secret angel of the goddess.

"Nothing happened." The Hidden Angel glanced at the Pope and said softly.

The Pope nodded slightly and left slowly.

"Let's wait too."

Truman got 0-08 behind the Chanis Gate in the Night Church. This quill has not been used since he took control of the "dream" power, and has been kept here.

We haven't seen him for many years, but he is still as timid as ever. He doesn't even have the courage to write down Truman's name.

"To be honest, I still miss those days a little bit." Truman thought of the days when he wrote vigorously.

Then he and Amanissis began to weave the script of fate.

There are still more than 100 years to go, but preparations always need to be made in advance.

Within a hundred years, the Solomon Empire, which occupied half of the northern continent, began to advance rapidly with the various technologies left behind by Russell.

There are three countries in the other half of the northern continent, namely the Kingdom of Loen, the Kingdom of Feneport and the United Kingdom of Feysac.

The three kingdoms divided up the territory that followed the collapse of the Trunsoest Empire.

Among them, the United Kingdom of Fusac is the most special. It is jointly run by two major families-the Einhorn family and the Sauron family.

The Kingdom of Loen and the Kingdom of Feneport are run by the Augustus family and the Castile family, which obtained the largest "cake" at the end of the Fourth Age and regained the Sequence One attribute.

The three major countries have conflicts due to territorial, religious and other reasons, but they also have a tacit understanding and form an alliance to resist the Solomon Empire.

During these 200 years, the three major countries also gained the experience of the "Industrial Revolution" from the Solomon Empire and achieved full development.

June 1349, 6, less than 20 years before the end.

This is the node Truman is waiting for.

Of course, Truman is not the only god waiting for this moment.

Tingen City, St. Selina Church, Truman opened the door and walked out. He looked at the highest point in the spiritual world. The gray fog that had been quiet for a hundred years finally made some movement.

"It's time!" The figure of the Hidden Angel was outlined beside Truman.

At this moment, the fate that had been gradually blurring since 20 years ago suddenly became chaotic countless times!

This is the "sign of destiny".

"Origin Castle" has disrupted the long river of destiny, and no one can anymore observe things obscured by gray fog. The will or program left behind by the "Lord of Mysteries" in Source Castle had already undergone emergency adjustments and changes since the last time Truman entered "Source Castle".

What happened to Amanissis and Russell was absolutely impossible to happen a third time.

The movement of "Origin Castle" was also much stronger than the previous two times, causing the entire world to have a certain vision.

For example, the door that keeps opening and closing, such as the inexplicable defeat of the sluggard with high IQ, the power burst out from "Origin Castle" vaguely exceeds the limit of the sequence!

At this moment, the countless angels and gods who were paying attention to "Origin Castle" all changed their colors and could not peep.

"It may be time for 'Origin Castle' to undergo changes."

Bethel, Amon, Antigonus and other angel kings all have more clear inductions.

But even with their status and sensitivity to the "Origin Castle", they are still unable to perceive any information.

"It won't be peaceful tonight." Bethel and other angels felt something, and their expressions were solemn.

"The moon." Truman looked at the suddenly powerful moonlight.

The red moon hanging high in the sky shines brightly for a moment, and the blood-like moonlight falls down. The spirituality of the entire earth rises and falls at this moment.

"Sure enough..." These two pillars had cooperated in the Third Age and killed the Creator at that time. Now they are working together again to deal with Mew.

At this moment, the greatest change has taken place in the Kingdom of Mother Earth.

The red moonlight almost swallowed up the entire Kingdom of God.

The moonlight outside the initial barrier had been trying to erode the Earth Mother Goddess, but this time it seemed that all the power accumulated over thousands of years had burst out, flooding the entire divine kingdom in an instant.

The situation of Mother Earth is extremely bad!

All the true gods are looking here, wanting to help one or two - here, all the true gods are allies, and once the barrier breaks, they will all be the targets of the outer gods.


The barrier, which had already cracked in many places, trembled violently at the beginning. All the external gods in the outside world launched an attack at this moment with tacit understanding, dragging down all the true gods.

And the true gods also made their own responses.

Thunder, night, sun, civilization, information and other powers rippled on the initial barrier, like ripples gradually spreading on the water.

These ripples gradually expanded, covering the initial barrier with layers of films, blocking the penetrating power of the outer gods.


There is a strong breath of life released from the deepest part of the Kingdom of the Mother Earth, and the true form of the Mother Earth is holding an illusory baby, wearing a wooden armor, and holding a wooden staff.

Every inch of land where He stands is shimmering with green light, and plants such as wheat, flowers, and vines are growing there, gradually forming an indestructible life barrier.

And this life barrier is constantly spreading outward, expelling the bloody moonlight.

The burst of bloody moonlight was too powerful and too fast. The Earth Mother Goddess had lost the initiative and could only try to regain control of the Kingdom of God while maintaining herself.

And just as the Earth Mother Goddess was responding to the bloody moonlight in an orderly manner, the bloody red moon suddenly changed color and became bright and clear.

The reason is that the sea of ​​blood on the moon has condensed. A huge, crimson figure covered in blood stood up from the surface of the moon and looked in the direction of the earth.

Every drop of crimson water outside the crimson figure's body was like an eyeball, but in the next moment, these eyes grew into mouths, opened them at the same time, and let out a silent roar.

The silent roar could not ignore the initial barrier and reach the earth, but it could vaguely control the bloody moonlight in the Kingdom of the Earth Mother Goddess.

The bloody moonlight seeped into the Kingdom of the Earth Mother like a real liquid.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 227 Upheaval


Chapter 227 Upheaval

The kingdom of the Earth Mother God was pure at this moment, and there was no more blood-colored moonlight.

But this does not mean that the situation is getting better. Just like the situation on the moon, the bloody moonlight here is condensed together, making it even more terrifying.

The Earth Mother Goddess raised the wooden stick in her hand and wanted to smash it down, but her hands seemed to be pulled by some force and gradually slowed down.

The Great Wall-like life barrier has also undergone changes.

The wheat, vines and other plants gathered together on their own, grew eyes and mouths, stretched out their limbs and head, and turned into a green figure with the breath of life.

They have their own life and their own consciousness. They are no longer willing to be controlled by the Mother Goddess of the Earth, but want to resist and erode the Mother Goddess of the Earth!

This green figure is very similar to the appearance of the Mother Earth. The only difference is probably the pair of eyes.

The eyes of the Earth Mother Goddess are full of life and maternal tenderness, while the eyes of the green figure are filled with endless indifference and madness!

A bloody moon rose behind the green figure's head, walking toward the Mother Earth with strong pollution.


In the star realm, a voice ignored all rules and spread across the vast and endless star realm.

A dreamy ocean appeared in the void of the star realm and spread out mightily on the initial barrier.

If the authority of all the true gods before was like ripples on the lake, then this dream sea is like the huge waves on the sea.

The huge waves covered the initial barrier, as if providing support to the barrier.

The power of the five authorities in this huge wave is particularly obvious and outstanding.

It is the blazing lightning and storm, the sun that exudes terrifying light and heat, the shadow cross that supports the heaven and earth, the giant dragon swimming in the illusory mind, and the brass-colored eyes that sparkle with faint light.

These are the five major ways related to "omniscience and omnipotence".

These paths seem to have undergone some kind of qualitative change under the forcible integration of the power of "dream", and have been pushed to the "quasi-old days" level.

And this level transcends the sequence and has a vague resonance with the star realm.

Their power strengthens the astral barrier!

"Kill it!"

A golden stream of light shot out from the Kingdom of the Earth Mother Goddess and cut through the vast void of the star realm.

The green figure made up of many wheat vines stagnated in his steps. The illusory face had a kind of shock, and on his forehead, there was a round hole the size of a fist.

This round hole is transparent from front to back, and also pierces the red moon hanging behind the green figure's head.

Truman walked out of the temple of the Mother Earth, holding the Book of Dreams in his left hand and the returned Spear of Destiny in his right hand.

Just now, he threw the Spear of Destiny in the Temple of Life and killed the entire monster condensed by the power of "life" and "moon".

"Put this thing away." Truman glanced at the corpse frozen in place, and his voice rang in the mind of the Earth Mother Goddess.

"He may be of some help to you in mastering the 'Brother's Nest'."

The Earth Mother Goddess nodded imperceptibly.

Truman also stepped over the initial barrier in one step, but the moment he walked out of nothingness, his pupils suddenly tightened.

The moon has returned to its blood color, but that crimson figure has already arrived in front of the initial barrier, and is only a gun of fate away from Truman!

The crimson tide crashes against the original barrier, and the Dream Sea maintains it.

In this way, Truman came to a stalemate with this "fallen mother goddess".


Weird and crazy sounds came from the mouth of the crimson figure. Most of the power was blocked by the initial barrier, and a small part fell into the sea of ​​dreams.

Chi Chi!

The two forces annihilated each other, and a few rays of bloody moonlight were drowned by the dreamy phosphorescence. "..." Truman didn't speak, he just held the Book of Dreams in his hand, while the gun of destiny in the other hand tapped the initial barrier in front, pointing directly at the crimson figure's head.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

The attacks of the outer gods have slowed down, and the gods are watching this silent confrontation quietly.

"My body is being held back and I can't come over." In St. Selina Church, Truman suddenly said to Amanissis next to him.

This is the first time that the one on the moon has come outside the barrier to put pressure on the gods within.

Even Truman is not allowed to leave the star realm.

"The two pillars have some kind of tacit understanding." Amanisis guessed.

"No, actually there are three of them." Truman looked in the direction of the Land Abandoned by God.

"The King's Court of Giants?!" Amanisis's eyes flashed slightly as he thought of something.

"The moment I was confronting the 'Fallen Mother Goddess', there was some movement on the first blasphemous slate."

When the Creator of the Third Age was killed, Truman used his "real authority" to forcefully drag Sasril into the battlefield, allowing him to become a god at the last moment.

The situation was urgent at that time, and because he was afraid of the trouble caused by the stone slab turned into "God"'s corpse, Truman ignored it. Now it seems that he was right.

"Three..." Amanisis fell silent.

This is definitely the most terrifying combination in the universe. It is the ultimate form of the Dream Council. If their wills are unified, the entire universe will surrender.

"Adam will take care of things over there, let's focus on this side first."

Truman set his sights on "Origin Castle" again.

The surge of gray fog had reached its limit, and Truman's eyes flashed with dreamy phosphorescence, as if he had seen through that layer of gray fog and saw the light door composed of clasping insects and tentacles.

Tsk... There was a slight buzz, and the light cocoon hanging on the blue-black light door of "Origin Castle" cracked.

Truman's eyes lit up, and Amanisis was always ready to deal with various emergencies.

But the endless rolling gray fog didn't stop there!

Suddenly, Truman's spirituality was touched, and a picture appeared in front of his eyes.

That was a scene that took place in the innermost part of "Origin Castle", which made Truman take a breath of cold air.

Because at this moment, not one, but all of the light cocoons cracked on the "Origin Castle"!

"Damn!" Truman had been cultivating himself for thousands of years and was still shocked by the scene in front of him.

An unknown number of light cocoons burst open at the same time, and all souls began to awaken at the same time and were about to be released into the real world.

"What's going on?!" Amanisis also felt something was wrong.

"Not one, but all, all of the resurrected backhands of the 'Lord of Mysteries' have been deployed!"

Truman and Amanissis connected spiritually and conveyed that scene to Him.

"Also, the last 'Secret Waiter' didn't come down with me!"

Truman frowned, this was definitely the worst situation.

"First ensure the nodes of our plan!" Amanisis said decisively.

And Truman is already doing it. Without affecting the confrontation with the "Fallen Mother Goddess", he has used the two powers of "utopia" and "dream" to the maximum extent.


At this moment, the door of "Origin Castle" opened wide.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 228


Chapter 228

The portal of "Origin Castle" opened wide, and countless rays of gray mist exploded. Wisps of gray mist attached to the souls from distant eras, and then these souls were released into the real world.

Truman stretched out his hand, but only stopped Amanisis, "There's no need to stop him."

Amanisis relied on his own perception of fate to lock a soul, but gained nothing. The "Lord of Mysteries" was fully prepared and concealed the fate of these souls from the river of fate.

"I didn't even know that the 'Lord of Mysteries' still has such characteristics as a gambler? Or is this also a kind of fraud?"

The "Lord of Mysteries" directly fought hard and activated all the back-up players at the same time. This was indeed a complete deception against everyone, God, and even fate.

Anyone who tries to stop those souls will receive the strongest blow from "Origin Castle". Now Truman can't even bear it.

And after these souls leave the "Origin Castle", reincarnation has been completed.

Could it be possible that they all were killed?

Truman thought he couldn't do such a thing.

"Can He revive any backhand?" Amanisis was silent for a long time, and he noticed the gray mist attached to every soul.

"Probably only those three paths can do it, but under the influence of the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, there will be many reborn people who take these three paths."

Truman's fingers kept moving in the void, and lines of cause and effect invisible to the naked eye "corrected" a certain tributary in the chaotic river of fate.

In this tributary of destiny, Mr. Fool will be the first to board the "Origin Castle" and be bound to it.

At the same time, Truman also interfered with the other souls' ability to sense the "Origin Castle". Their means of connecting to the "Origin Castle" would be ineffective and they would not be able to board the "Origin Castle".

It can only be this way.

"This is the pillar." Truman sighed. As soon as he took action, he broke the cause and effect network compiled by Truman and created infinite variables.


"Origin Castle" closed directly after putting in all the souls, and even the gray mist surging above the spiritual world disappeared.

"Origin Castle" was completely hidden.

"Ruthless enough!" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly.

"He is forcing us to send a soul up." Amanisis thought of this.

"Yes." Truman's mind has already scanned the spiritual world where the earth belongs, but he still can't find the "Origin Castle".

The only explanation is that "Origin Castle" sealed itself and fell into the same isolation state as the Western Continent.

Originally, the "Origin Castle" was located above the spiritual world, but it was inaccessible. Now it is even hidden by the gray mist.

This time, only those who have traveled through rebirth can board the Source Castle. Even God Bethel and Amendon cannot enter, cutting off the possibility of any being other than the reborn person controlling the "Source Castle".

But there is still that velvet curtain on the "Origin Castle".

It would be very dangerous to send a soul in that has not experienced the baptism of madness.

"However... there is no need to worry that the soul of the entrant will be directly eroded." Truman said suddenly.

A Sequence One who controls "Origin Castle" cannot defeat Truman.

"This will be a long game." Amanisis nodded lightly.

"Let's go!" Truman took Amanisis and took one step forward to a private house.

"Is it him?" Amanisis saw the young man whose wounds were healing rapidly but who was still unconscious.

"He's still my believer."

This is the reality Truman maintains in his destiny.

"He received the most important gift from fate, but maybe he won't like it." Amanisis' tone was a bit complicated, as light as a dream.

"That era was our common beginning and the best memory." He sighed with rare emotion.

Perhaps it's because we see so many "fellow villagers" today. These people are the last remnants of that era.

He gently reached out and pulled down a black curtain from the void, unfolded the curtain, and covered the young man. This is His blessing.

"Uh..." The young man's body trembled and he was about to wake up.

Truman and Amanysis stood aside, watching the fellow countryman wake up, horrified by the environment he was in.

"Let's go." Truman and Amanysis left the house.

At this time, the river of fate calmed down, and in the vast star realm, the crimson figure confronting Trumen's true body suddenly opened his mouth.

The crimson face without features seemed to have been cut in an arc by a knife, and He laughed.

Truman can sense the mood of the "fallen mother goddess" outside the barrier.

He probably also sensed that the purpose of the "Lord of Mysteries" had been achieved.

"You have no chance." Ruoyouruowu's voice echoed in Truman's ears.

"Then give it a try." Truman raised his eyebrows slightly and argued.

The crimson figure looked at Trumen in silence for a while, then retreated directly back to the moon.


Truman shook his head slightly. If the "Fallen Mother Goddess" hadn't been directly dispatched at this time, the main body would have been able to prevent the arrangement of the "Lord of Mysteries".

But the joint attack of the two pillars is quite powerful.

"The end is coming soon." Truman turned to look at the other true gods, emphasizing a fact.

The reactions of the true gods in their respective divine kingdoms varied, some were dignified, some were relaxed, and some were exciting.

Truman is already abolishing the rules set by his own Fourth Age. From now on, in addition to ensuring the initial barrier, the True God can also plan for himself.

The next 20 years will also be the 20 years with the most intense struggle.

Truman's body turned into a dreamy bubble and disappeared in front of all the true gods.

At the same time, Truman had returned to St. Selina Church, and Amanissis wiped away his figure and disappeared without a trace.

"Let Captain Dunn Smith come here." Truman looked at the priest who had been praying under the Holy Emblem of Night.

"Yes, Lord Bishop."

That's right, Truman is now the Archbishop of St. Selina Church, leading the Night Cultists in the entire Tingen City.

Dunn Smith, captain of the Nighthawks Squad in Tingen City.

"Your Majesty Bishop." Dunn Smith bowed his head slightly and said hello.

"I have predicted a very talented young man. He has been involved in an extraordinary incident recently. Please pay attention to it."

Truman looked at the young Nighthawks captain whose hairline was a little too high.

"...Yes." Dunn Smith's deep eyes flashed slightly, such a task really surprised him.

"Do you need me to introduce him to the Nighthawks?" He thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only option.

"Then I'll deal with this matter first." Dunn Smith said goodbye and turned around. Then he paused and his face suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

"His name is Klein Moretti, a history graduate from Hoy University." Truman's voice came from behind him.

Dunn Smith seemed a little ashamed and quickly left the church.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 229 The Fool and the Dream


Chapter 229 The Fool and the Dream

Zhou Mingrui woke up from a deep dream, and all the pain seemed to have faded away.

He opened his eyes, and various memories flooded into his mind in an instant, and the two souls completely merged.

The process was uneventful, and when he woke up from the haze, he was already Klein.

"I... traveled through time and died once..." Klein realized this.

As he was gathering his thoughts, he caught a glimpse of the notebook on the table and recognized the Hermes text on it.

"Everyone will die, including me."

This line of text seemed to have some strange power, making Klein's heart stop for a moment.

"what happened?!"

Klein was inexplicably frightened and quickly looked away.

His memory seemed to be touched at a certain moment, and he remembered something.

"An ancient notebook?! Whose notebook?!"

Klein intuitively felt that there was a big problem, but he lacked information and could not judge.

"Calm down, we can't be sure yet."

It took him a while to really calm down and start to deal with the blood on his face. It was almost dawn now, and he had to face his brother and sister.

"Family..." Klein was also looking at himself at this time, and roughly found the reason for his time travel.

"Go home!" Unlike Russell, Klein's first thought was to leave this strange world.

"Put everything else down, I'm going to try to hold a transfer ceremony and go home!"

After Klein determined what he was going to do, Klein's heart immediately felt at peace.

In the process, the red moon gradually sets in the west, and the morning light is already blooming in the east.

"Click!" There was movement in the next room, and Klein subconsciously turned his head and smiled.

"Melissa..." This was his sister, and Klein accepted the whole idea without any hindrance.

"Klein, why did you wake up so early?" The 16-year-old Melissa was in her most youthful stage, slightly thinner, but still bright.

"It's okay, I'm just a little nervous." Klein forced himself to calm down and deal with his sister.

After a simple breakfast, Klein went out to buy groceries at the instruction of his sister.

Klein packed up and quickly went to the market, bought food, and prepared materials for the transfer ceremony.

"Want a divination?" A hoarse female voice suddenly sounded in Klein's ears.

"Tarot card divination."

Klein subconsciously looked towards the low tent of the circus, where stood a woman wearing a pointed hat and a long black skirt.

"Tarot cards?" Another wave of memories hit him, and Klein suddenly had a toothache.

"Imperial Speaker Russell?"

Everything Russell had done was passed through his mind one by one.

"Industrial Revolution, Constitutional Monarchy, Tarot Cards..."

This information all points to a possibility.

"There is actually a senior time traveler!"

At this moment, Klein wanted to see the tarot cards.

"If the price is right..." Klein nodded lightly.

"Sir, you are the first guest today, and you are free."

Klein's eyes lit up and he took a step forward to sit opposite the woman.

"Very good." Klein looked at the tarot cards casually.

"The Fool", "Justice", "The Hanged Man"...

They are all things he is familiar with.

Russell is truly a senior time traveler... Klein suddenly felt relieved. "What do you want to divine?"

"Past, present, Future."

"Then choose one of them." After shuffling and cutting the cards, the woman placed the three tarot cards in front of Klein.

Klein's eyes flashed and he turned over the tarot card that represented the present.


No matter how many times his fate fluctuates, Klein will always draw it from the 22 tarot cards.

This can be understood as the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics, or it can be considered as a kind of destiny.

"Including all possible beginnings, you may have to put the past aside temporarily and start facing life again."

The interpretation of the woman opposite made Klein's eyebrows jump.

This may be a cliche, but it fits his current situation inexplicably.

"New life... How about I tell you about my great Lord? He is definitely the best faith in the world!"

The woman's extremely abrupt turn almost missed Klein's waist.

"The spirit of truth, the pure man, the master of dreams, the supreme being beyond all eternity..." the woman prayed devoutly.

"Do you know? Our Lord is the prophet and savior who leads mankind from darkness to glory, and is the supreme protector of mankind's dreams and fantasies..."

Klein's expression was extremely strange. Was this... being forced to preach?

"Sorry, I already have faith, praise the goddess!"

Klein drew a full moon on his chest according to the appearance in his memory, praising the goddess of the night.

"That would be even better!" The woman became even more excited, "Don't you know the first pope in the Church of Night? We are in the same system!"

Klein was dumbfounded and his head was a little stuck... What's going on! ?

They are all heretics, but they still have the same system? !

Suddenly another thought flashed through his mind. There seemed to be a dream pope in the Church of Night, and he was the compiler of "Revelation of the Night".

"Seeing that you have a similar belief to me, I will give you a 'Dream'!"

The woman looked solemn and took out a card similar to a tarot card from her pocket.


Klein blinked and took the "Dream" card into his hand with the thought of not giving it up.

The interpretations and preaching that the woman said after that were all clichés, until Klein left with this "dream" card in his hand.

Klein looked at this "dream" card and found that it was unexpectedly beautiful. There was an open dream book on the card, with little phosphorescence scattered around it, making it sparkle in the sunlight.

"It's probably quite expensive." Klein put the "Dream" card away, returned home, and held a transfer ceremony!

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun..."

Klein held his breath for a few minutes in the center of the room, stepped solemnly, walked in a square counterclockwise, and muttered something.


Klein suddenly felt that his vision was obscured by a gray fog.

At this moment, the "Dream" card in Klein's pocket flashed with a glow.

When Klein woke up again, he found himself in an endless gray fog.

He couldn't clearly understand his situation for a while and was stunned on the spot.


"Hiss! I finally boarded the 'Origin Castle'!"

Truman suddenly felt something.

Sure enough, only things brought by the owner of "Origin Castle" can stay in "Origin Castle".

And now, Klein, who was the first to board the "Origin Castle", has been bound to the "Origin Castle" and has become the nominal master.

Therefore, the dream that Klein "brought up" will not be cleared by "Origin Castle".

"Die Gui, you have been guarding against me for so long, haven't I succeeded?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 230 Above the gray fog


Chapter 230 Above the gray fog

  At this moment, Truman seemed to see Klein through a gray fog.

"Origin Castle" was hidden too deeply for him to find, but with the secret connection between the "Dream" card and Klein, he could still sense what was happening in "Origin Castle".

He did not force his way in, just to ensure that the "little quilt" would not directly erode Klein at this time.

Fortunately, so far, there has been no movement.

Since there is none now, then probably there will be no movement of the "little quilt" until demigods or angels.

In the gray mist, Klein was stunned on the spot, then stretched out his right hand in an exploratory manner and touched a crimson star.


  There seemed to be a wave of water rippling on the surface of the crimson star.

Klein was slightly startled, as some kind of power seemed to be passing through his mind. He quickly stopped his hand, but in his panic, he encountered another crimson star.

At this time, there seemed to be a dreamy phosphorescent explosion on Klein's body. The power of the two stars suddenly surged at a certain moment, and each of them collided with a star.

In this way, four stars were touched.

"That's right!"

Truman stopped his hand with a calm expression. He had just touched the line of cause and effect, which made Mr. Fool, who was about to take charge of good luck, unlucky. For the first time, he touched four crimson stars.

And the burst of dreamy phosphorescence prevented Klein from passing out because he touched the four stars.

The four crimson stars expanded, each with a figure reflected from above.

Crimson light obscured these people's eyes, and then they saw Klein surrounded by gray-white mist.

Two men and two women, all four of them showed great fear and awe.

"Your Excellency, what are you... doing?" A girl whose figure was also vague, but whose luxurious clothes could be vaguely seen, asked with some fear.

This moment seemed to be stretched infinitely, and Klein's thoughts quickly changed and he made a decision.

"A try."

Coupled with the majestic and mysterious feeling blessed by the gray mist, he is really a great being who has revived from ancient times.

The other four people were all frightened by this answer, but they were also slightly excited.

"Is this the legendary fantasy world?" The girl seemed a little excited.

"No, this is not a fantasy world." A woman with long brown hair wearing casual clothes looked at Klein cautiously and said, "I have been to that fantasy world before."

"Is this your divine domain?" A tall young man wearing ancient clothes asked Klein as if he still didn't understand the situation in front of him.

Even the language he spoke was in ancient Hermes, which Klein could barely understand by relying on his accumulated knowledge as a history graduate.

Another man with dark blue hair also looked over. For extraordinary people, ancient Hermes is a must-know language.

Klein was a little stressed, but the actor's self-cultivation and the blessing of the gray mist allowed him to remain mysterious. He just nodded slightly.

At this moment, this vast gray mist surged crazily.

The four of them were all shocked, and then they saw the towering stone pillars, the broad dome, the long bronze table, and the armchairs carved with mysterious patterns.

A huge conference hall, as if prepared for the legendary gods, appeared.

The four of them happened to be sitting opposite each other, close to Klein who was sitting at the top.

Hiss, I didn't do this...

Klein was also surprised, but his expression was obscured by the gray fog, and no one could sense his emotions.

This method of creation completely impressed everyone, and the four of them looked at Klein in awe.

Divine Realm...Klein thought of this word, and the gray mist changed only after he nodded. "Your power is comparable to that of a god, and it is awe-inspiring." The blue-haired man realized something, lowered his head, and his body seemed to be trembling.

"It's really magical..." The noble girl looked around and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Your Excellency...how should we call you?" This noble girl still couldn't understand such a "great being". Although she was in awe, she was obviously not as important as the other three.

"You can call me..."

"...'The Fool'!"

For a moment, Klein felt that "Dream" was not bad, but he still had a firm hand.

This title once again makes people think, and supports Klein's personality.

"Is this the beginning of the Tarot cards? Can I choose one?" The noble girl was a little excited and couldn't wait to participate in such a meeting.

"Of course." Klein nodded with a smile, showing that he didn't care.

"Then I choose 'justice'!" The noble girl Audrey Hall made her choice, and then she looked at the others.

Miss Justice's happy voice was highly contagious. The most important thing was that Klein's permission made other people's thoughts come alive.

"I choose 'The Hanged Man.'" Alger Wilson, the blue-haired man, said solemnly.

"I choose 'Magician'." Forsi Wall, who was wearing casual clothes, also made a choice.

"What are you talking about?" Everyone looked at the last person, but he was a little confused and asked in ancient Hermes.

"You don't understand Loen?" Mr. "The Hanged Man" was a little surprised and communicated with him in ancient Hermes.

"I don't know what Loen is?" Derrick Berg, who was tall but actually quite young, scratched his head.

"..." Klein blinked, remembering the scene that had just appeared in the temple, and an idea came to his mind.

Some kind of power appeared and directly smoothed the language barrier.

Klein leaned back slightly and nodded slightly.

"It's so magical..." Miss Justice explained to the last boy.

"I choose 'The Sun'!" Derrick Berg made his choice.

Everyone who decided on the codename felt more relaxed and gradually began to have other ideas, including but not limited to formula trading and the exchange of extraordinary knowledge.

In order to maintain his dignity, Klein just watched with a smile and listened in, gaining a deeper understanding of the world.


"'Tarot Society'..." Truman watched the formation of this mysterious organization with a smile.

Of course, I also took a screenshot by the way, the kind that shows [-] degrees with no blind spots.

"It's called 'Legend of the Fool.'" Truman turned this scene into a book, with Russell's diary next to it.

Speaking of Russell's diary... Well, Russell did not experience an assassination, but retreated bravely when he was at the highest position.

But his diary still got out and became widely circulated.

Well, this was all done by Truman, with Russell's consent, and the ones that were dispersed were all personally selected by Russell, and they are absolutely natural and pollution-free.

However, as a deal, Russell needs to participate in the training plan of the "little fellow"...

(End of this chapter)