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Chapter 221 Creation

Chapter 221 Creation

Russell quickly calmed down and extracted himself from the complicated mood.

During the period of sailing at sea, he had a deep enough understanding of the entire world, but he could not find the legendary Western Continent and the Land Abandoned by the Gods to complete the puzzle.

Now I finally saw that familiar outline.

"Thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago, the original creator woke up on the earth, and human civilization was destroyed." Truman looked at the earth in front of him and explained softly.

"After that, the original Creator split, spilled extraordinary characteristics, and created a starry sky barrier. Then there were pillars fighting, sources of matter devouring each other, and outside gods peering in."

That's where it all started.

Russell nodded silently, suppressing all the complicated emotions in his heart, and focused his attention on the creation of the illusion world again.

"Then the earth cannot be truly manifested." Russell flattened the earth in front of him, making it a world with round sky and squares.

The ocean is still an ocean, and it can have the visual effect of a planet, but the world as a whole is flat. Various rules are distorted here, but they are also strangely self-consistent.

It's a dream, how can there be so much logic?

"Can we pull everyone into a dream?" Russell asked.

"Yes, but no need. This is also a reflection of people's subconscious." Truman pointed out that the subconscious of everyone in the world appears in that world.

And these people's subconscious minds repeat what they do in the real world.

"Subconscious? It's more like an NPC." Russell said thoughtfully, "This is a world that can be entered through dreams. People only wake up here after falling asleep."

"Yes, but not everyone can stay awake in their dreams and have the ability to control dreams."

There is a high probability that such a person is an extraordinary person, and the rest are also gifted people.

"So it's a closed beta version. It still needs to be improved."

"Well..." Russell began to use his own advantages, "Then this place can be used as a novice village, and those who really wake up from their dreams can weave dreams and become dream makers."

They have completely perfected the fantasy world as a game world, and this method is the most appropriate.

"The dreams they create will become part of the fantasy world and enrich the world."

"Our power is limited after all, but the power of the people is unlimited."

Russell's face was serious and sacred, but he still couldn't hide his sinister intentions.

He wants everyone to work for him!

Truman's face was slightly distorted, "You are a real dog, you don't even let them sleep."

I work for you as the First Speaker during the day, and I have to be pulled into a dream by you at night.

"Ahem! It's mutually beneficial! They help us enrich the world, and we give him a perfect dream."

"The street lights over there are quite suitable for you." Truman joked, pointing to the street lights that suddenly appeared.

However, he did not deny that this was indeed the best way.

"Of course, I am the world-caster. Wait until I take a hammer and knock out dozens of fantasy wonderlands."

Russell rubbed his chin and gradually became excited. This thrill of creation was enough to excite anyone.

"Then the illusion world can be divided into three levels. The lowest level is the basic world with the earth as the template, followed by the dream of the dreamer, and the top level is the fairyland we created."

When Truman said these words, the entire fantasy world was violently turbulent.

The world began to divide, and dreams began to rise. The top level was the Garden of Eden and the fairy tale town he created.

There are no clear boundaries between these three levels. As long as the dreamer has enough knowledge, he can easily break through the obstacles and reach the top level.

"This is the framework. Someone will naturally fill in the details for me later." In addition to the basic world, the other two frameworks have unlimited hope and are what I want to see.

"Very good." Truman was very satisfied. He took a ball of information from the void and threw it to Russell.

"This is an advance payment, and your current sequence is still a bit low."

Russell took over the flow of information and frowned slightly, "Knowledge Emperor?!"

His expression became extremely strange. This was something he had never thought of.

"Only this one, the 'hermit' is my clone, but it is not the true god. One of his characteristics is completely missing."

"The last thing I can give you is not the power of the 'hermit'."

"But the one on the back of your hand."

Russell raised his hand and looked at the dream mark on the back of his hand. This was the authority of the "World Caster".

"The more perfect the illusion world is, the better my condition will be, and the more power you can borrow from me, until one day, you will have left the illusion world."

"You can also call yourself the 'God of Dreams' in the real world."

Truman looked at Russell and thoroughly informed him of the ways to become a god other than the "way to god" that he had mentioned before.

"Can the true God's authority be divided?"

Finally, Russell asked this question, which greatly challenged his mystical knowledge.

"Other true gods can't do it, not even the old ones, but I can." Truman replied

After the fantasy world is perfected, the uniqueness of the "phantom dream" will return to Truman's body, and the ceremony is completed.

And this kind of "division" is actually a kind of gift, in which a part of oneself is "divided" and given to believers.

This kind of gift is temporary, and the power of the true God must be supported by uniqueness.

The fundamental reason why Truman was able to separate some kind of authority and let Russell control it was because of the illusion world.

One of the materials that opens up the fantasy world is the uniqueness of "phantom dreams".Even if the "phantom dream" uniquely returns to Truman's body in the end, the illusion world still exists.

Russell became the "world caster" of the illusion world, so he could naturally borrow the power of the entire illusion world.


"But I accepted it!" Russell took a deep breath and decided to seize this opportunity. At the same time, he also had sufficient motivation to perfect the illusion world.

"Very good." At this moment, a rule came, and a "contract" was signed between Russell and Truman.

"Isn't this place more fun than the real world? Then why don't the First Speaker not want it?" Truman persuaded.

"How can it be so simple?" Russell shook his head, "It will take some time to fully retreat."

"Tsk, hurry up then, don't delay us here."

Russell nodded slightly. The First Speaker, who had been in office for less than a year, was already planning to retire.

Compared with creating a world, the worldly affairs of the empire are not worth caring about.

"When will the public beta be released?" Russell asked.

The public beta is to truly let go and allow those extraordinary people and dream makers to enter here and improve this world.

"Hmm..." Truman thought for a while, "We will conduct a private beta first, and the public beta will probably be in a few years. If it is fully rolled out, it will have to wait until my old days."

The so-called complete expansion is to embed the illusion world into the bottom layer of the universe.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 222 Dream World Travel Notes


Chapter 222 Dream World Travel Notes

Loen Kingdom, Backlund.

Crystal fell asleep full of longing, and the last thing she thought about was the starry sky map shown to her by the noble teacher during the day. It was really the most awe-inspiring and yearning thing in the world.

She soon fell into a sweet dream, but at a certain moment, she seemed to come to a staircase with no end in sight.

She seemed to have forgotten a lot of things and was slightly confused, like she was dreaming. She had perceptions but could not clearly judge where she was.

Crystal blinked her eyes, a little confused, but subconsciously she walked up the stairs, heading towards a deeper unknown place.

She did not feel fear, but instead felt a certain kind of longing and curiosity, as if there was something waiting for her under the stairs.

Maybe it will be the starry sky she longs for?

The novel feeling reminded her of the adventures she had while hunting with her father.

This made Crystal feel very good, and even the long stairs could not stop her steps.


After walking through the 99 steps of the deep sleep stairs, Krist seemed to be more awake. She came to a door and entered it happily.

"Huh?" Crystal found herself in her own home, as if nothing had changed.

Until she walked out of the room, came to the garden, looked up and saw the sweet dream floating in the sky.

"Wow!" The girl was surprised by the various beautiful dream clouds, "I really want to go up and take a look."

Just one look at it and she thought it was the best thing in the world.

As soon as the girl had this thought, the space around her changed, and she came to a lake where she could not see the other side.

"Beautiful girl, are you calling me?" A wooden boat sailed from the depths of the lake.

The wooden boat seemed to be old, and it was full of traces of time. It seemed to have some exquisite and simple patterns, but Krist couldn't see clearly.

"Can you take me to the dreamland above?" Crystal asked politely.

"Okay, that's why I'm here." The boatman is an old man with white hair and gray beard. His eyes are like clear lake water, which can reflect everyone's appearance.

"Then what price do I need to pay?" Krist tilted her head, seeming a little distressed. She didn't bring a servant or a gold coin.

"All you need is one beautiful thing you have dreamed about before." The boatman said, "Dreams are the most precious treasure in the fantasy world."

"Then I'll give you a small cake!" Krist took out an exquisite small cake from somewhere. "This is the most delicious cake my mother ever made."

"This cake is full of love and regret. This is the best gift I have received today." The boatman looked at the small cake in amazement and accepted it.

"In return, today I will be your full-time boatman. I can take you wherever you want to go."

"Thank you, grandpa!" Crystal jumped onto the boat excitedly.

"I am the boatman of the Ship of Fools, and it is my duty to receive a beautiful girl like you."

The Boat of Fools started to move, but it was not sailing on the lake. Its bow tilted slightly, and a stream of water suddenly separated from the lake and headed towards the sky, carrying the Boat of Fools towards the sea of ​​dream clouds in the sky.

Soon the Ship of Fools directly penetrated the dreamland sea of ​​clouds and arrived above the dreamland sea of ​​clouds.

"It's so beautiful!" Crystal sat on the edge of the boat, looking at the colorful and layered dream clouds. Most of these dreams were left by old people here and became part of this ocean.

There are also a small number of new ones, belonging to those who also stay awake in their dreams.

Crystal couldn't help but reach out and poke one of them.Bo!

The dream cloud dispersed, and Crystal saw the dream hidden in the cloud.

"Sister! Sister! Do you want to play with me?" A child with big eyes poked his head out of his dream, with some mud on his face.

"Ah, no!" Crystal refused subconsciously.

"Okay!" The child was not disappointed. He turned around and started his dream again - he was squeezing little clay figurines. This dirty activity of squeezing clay figurines is not allowed by parents in reality.

"This is dad, this is mom, this is me!" The child clapped his hands happily, full of joy.

"Krist, you're not a child anymore! You're a lady, you can't play in the mud!" Krist glanced at the happy child with envy, and then convinced herself.

The Ship of Fools was still sailing on the sea of ​​clouds, and Crystal would reach out to poke at it from time to time, to have a look at other people's dreams.

"They are all very happy." Crystal was happy for everyone from the bottom of her heart.

"Hey, there's a pink one here." Her eyes suddenly lit up and she reached out to poke the pink cloud.

"Ah!" Krist's cheeks turned as red as blood in an instant, and she covered her eyes with her hands, but she was so curious that she opened the gaps between her fingers a little.

"How embarrassing." Krist looked regretfully at the pink clouds closing, and looked at the boatman of the Fool's Boat who looked at her with a smile with some embarrassment.

"Beautiful lady, do you still remember the original intention of your dream?" After lingering on the sea of ​​clouds in the dreamland for a long time, the foolish boatman suddenly asked.

"My original intention?" Crystal tilted her head and thought for a moment, finally remembering the starry sky she wanted to see before falling into her dream.

"I want to go up there!" Crystal pointed to the starry sky above her head, which is the deepest and most fascinating place.

"Then, I will take you to the moon." The Fool's Boatman shook the oar, and the Fool's Boat sailed higher into the sky again.

Soon the Ship of Fools broke through the sea of ​​dream clouds and headed towards the silver disk hanging in the sky.

"Is the moon like this?" Crystal looked at the silver moon in surprise.

"This is what the moon originally looked like."

Crystal accepted this concept naturally, but she still felt her soul trembled and moved the moment she stepped on the moon.

Above the moon was a majestic white temple. Moonlight shone from the white palace. There seemed to be a figure dancing in the white palace. Krist seemed to have seen the incarnation of beauty.

"Why is she so beautiful?" That kind of beauty made Krist, who considered herself a beautiful girl, suffocated and didn't dare to get close, as if every little move was a blasphemy against the goddess.

"That's the God of Beauty." Foolish Boatman introduced to Crystal, "This is also one of the wonderlands above the sea of ​​clouds in the dreamland."

"Here, you can see the real, pure starry sky."

Crystal turned her head and looked at the starry sky beyond the moon.

The starry sky is like a dream, the stars are shining, the Milky Way is like a stream, and the starlight in the sky reflects into the deepest part of her heart.

It was like being in a fairyland, immersed in the wonderful and warm starry sky. The beautiful scene made Krist enchanted, as if she could hear the breathing of the universe.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 223: Fantasy World Open Beta


Chapter 223: Fantasy World Open Beta

Crystal woke up from her sleep and saw the sunlight coming in from the window.

This warm morning light made her realize that she had returned to the real world and returned to her room.

Her spirit became extremely trance-like, and she had not yet woken up from her wandering in the dreamy wonderland.

In the latter part of the dream, she saw other fairylands hanging above the dream, such as fairy tale towns and the Garden of Eden.

And she was able to travel in the sea of ​​clouds in the dreamland, and even go to so many fairyland, entirely because her piece of cake full of love and regret was precious enough.

Even if there is a next chance to enter the dream world, she may not be able to bring out such precious and beautiful things.

"I really want to go in again!" Krist closed her eyes tightly, trying to enter that dreamy world again through falling asleep.

But maybe she was too deliberate, but she became more and more excited and couldn't sleep at all.

"Oh." Krist suddenly felt the urge to write down everything she saw and heard last night!

This young girl had endless motivation to record her night's experience in a captivating way, and then shared it with her family and friends.

Perhaps because this noble girl's writing was excellent enough and her adventures in her dreams were bizarre enough, she became famous among the upper-class nobles of Loen, and even attracted a bishop from the Church of the Night.

This is a female bishop in her 30s, with a friendly face and gentle eyes. Krist felt particularly friendly when she first saw her.

"Lucky fantasy traveler, can you tell me your story?" The female bishop's listening gesture gave Crystal enough respect.

"Of course." Crystal is happy to share her knowledge with others.

"It's a dream world..."

The Bishop of the Night listened carefully to the girl's story and praised the girl's imagination. After that, the Bishop of the Night took his leave.

"This lady has indeed entered that dream world." The Bishop of the Night returned to the church and said to the night watcher who stayed behind.

"Then do we need to continue monitoring?" Nighthawk looked serious.

Recently, dozens of dream world wandering incidents have occurred in Backlund alone, causing quite a bit of trouble.

Of course, this extremely obvious and extraordinary event also attracted the attention and investigation of the church.

The results of these investigations also point to the world that seems to exist in fantasy.

"No need." The bishop shook his head slowly and was silent for a while. "If possible, attract her into our church."

"I have seen several ladies and gentlemen who claim to have entered that world. They are all under the age of [-]. They are young and active in thinking. Perhaps they have some special talent..."

Nighthawk nodded thoughtfully.

"Is there any response from the Dream Sect?" the bishop suddenly asked.

"No," Nighthawk replied, "This... is very rare. Now the Dream Sect seems to be shrinking as a whole, and some people in our church are a little baffled."

The Church of the Night is the best church compared to the Dream Sect. After all, most of the systems of the Church of the Night were created by the first pope, the Dream Angel.

When the Dream Sect was first founded, it was based on the structure of the Church of the Night.

"This large-scale dream incident may be related to the dream angel." The bishop was silent for a while and made a guess.

"That's the best hope."

Nighthawk nodded in agreement.

And at this moment, whether they were bishops or night watchers, all extraordinary people, including some with extraordinary talents, were in a trance before their eyes.

Their subconscious seemed to be inexplicably touched.

Like sand being rolled up from the deep seabed, some strange feeling connected to their subconscious minds and conveyed a picture to the hearts of all Extraordinary people.

The dreamy phosphorescence is dancing and falling, and there is a world hidden deep in it.It is an endless and vast world, a reflection of the world, a creation of dreams, and...an illusion!

A whole new world!

This kind of information is clearly conveyed to the hearts of every extraordinary person.

Soon, all the Extraordinaries of the Church of the Night were gathered together, and the Archbishop personally confirmed it.

"Did everyone receive the message?" All the Beyonders nodded.

"Is that the power of dreams?" A deacon asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, it was a dream...an unimaginably huge dream."

The Extraordinaries of the Night Path have enough say in this matter.

Its sequence seven is "Nightmare", which can travel in human dreams, and can also force people into dreams.

And that glimpse of the world shocked them far more than any other way.

"It seems that we can enter that illusory world? The illusion world?"

"This seems to be closely related to our dream angels."


These elites of the Church of the Night made up their minds in a very short period of time and decided to send a small team into the so-called illusion world to explore.

"Keep this information in mind." The Archbishop handed a piece of information about the illusory world to the Nighthawks team who were preparing to enter the illusory world.

"Of course, there is no need to worry too much. So far, there is no harmful information in the dream. The goddess and Saint Truman will also protect you."

The Archbishop's last words made these Nighthawks soften their expressions.

Exploring the unknown world makes them inexplicably frightened, but this kind of protection is also real.

"Let's get started, this may be a hearty trip," the archbishop wished.

A group of night watchers fell asleep in peace and followed some instructions to enter another world.

But the extraordinary person took the initiative to enter the illusion world, so he did not see the 99th floor of the deep sleep stairs.

They saw a cliff that stretched across the end of the dream, which was the boundary of ordinary people's dreams.

Under the cliff is an endless void, and there seems to be a little bit of light flickering in the endless distance.

"Jump down!" Under the guidance of spiritual intuition, all the Nighthawks jumped off the edge of the cliff.

There is an incredible, dark and invisible shadow beside him, like a monster or a nightmare.

There was a glowing crack at the bottom of the cliff, and several Nighthawks entered it.

At first, the crack was small, but gradually it evolved into a space door. After passing through that door, they came to another world!

"Here?!" All the Nighthawks widened their eyes.

Unlike ordinary people, extraordinary people came directly to an unimaginably magnificent temple.

In the center of the temple stands a tall white jade statue.

"It's Dream Angel!" These nighthawks all breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they are their own people.

"Captain!" A vigilant voice sounded from among the Nighthawks.

The Nighthawks were alert, and then saw the rest of the Extraordinaries coming out of the void.

"Punisher, Mechanical Heart..." These are the Beyonder teams from other churches.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 224 World Rules


Chapter 224 World Rules

"It's people from other churches!" Without any preparation, extraordinary people from several major churches met like this.

But fortunately, the major churches are here to explore the new world and there is no conflict of interest, so these people are just wary of each other and have no hostility.

"Outside is Backlund." A night watcher walked to the door of the church and saw the scenery outside.

But the next moment, he raised his head and looked up, his face was shocked beyond words, "Sure enough, the sky is the sea of ​​dream clouds that the intelligence said!"

Dream clouds rise and fall like waves in the sea, stirring up the powerful power of dreams. The hope and yearning for beautiful dreams infiltrate everyone's hearts at this moment.

The other extraordinary people from the church also came to the door of the church and looked out to the outside world.

"This is definitely a miracle!" Everyone was shocked. They were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses and began to cautiously explore this temple.

"Here are the instructions!" A punisher made other discoveries in the temple.

"Like the new instructions from the Solomon Empire?"

"The first principle of the fantasy world: Dreams are the most precious thing in the fantasy world. With it, you can have everything."

"Second Principle: All madness and indifference will dissipate here."


All extraordinary people who see these principles are spiritually touched, as if more information enters their minds.

For example, the things that can be exchanged for the "sweet dream" include but are not limited to magic potion formulas, material properties, mysterious knowledge, and magical items!

Go crazy! This will plunge the whole world into disorderly turmoil!

"The second article..."

These extraordinary people from the church were observing their bodies subconsciously and didn't pay attention when they first entered this world. Only now they discovered that all the murmurs that had been ringing in their ears all the time had disappeared, and their souls seemed to have been purified!

All extraordinary people realize the terrifying value of this world.

The world may be changing...


The hammer of the world collided with the dream, smashing many beautiful dreams into one.

Although dreams are broken, their essence - people's best wishes and fantasies are extracted and flow into the melting pot of the world.

There is an illusory fire of dreams burning outside the melting pot of the world, melting the wishes and fantasies within it into one.


The World Forge hummed softly, and a shining brilliance rushed out of the World Forge.

After this ray of light rushed out of the world melting pot, it gradually curled up together and became a light group, slowly rotating, scattering endless tiny starlight.

It was extremely huge, but it shrunk down to look like the galaxy in your hand today.

"It's a Milky Way." Russell was very satisfied with his work.

"After that, if you put this hanging galaxy deep in the starry sky, the illusion world will be even more complete."

The starry sky before was an illusory scene constructed according to the real world, but now there is a real Milky Way.

As long as they pay enough precious dreams, ordinary people can even swim in the galaxy.

These "Moon Temple" and "Galaxy" created by the world melting pot are collectively called fairyland, and together with fairyland such as the Garden of Eden, they form the top layer of the illusion world.

Each of these wonderlands has its own special features, such as the wisdom fruit in the Garden of Eden, which really has the power to enlighten wisdom.

"But it's still too monotonous..." Information flashed in Russell's eyes.

He has been promoted to the "Emperor of Knowledge", and his mastery and application of knowledge are even more powerful.

He actually has many interesting ideas about this world, which can now be put into practice.

"Illusory creatures, illusionary gods, and even an entire illusionary ecosystem."

"Add some fantasy adventures, evil gods running groups, and resurrection mechanisms... Tsk, Truman, it won't be a loss if you give me the power of the 'Former of the World'!" "Eh?!" At a certain moment, Truman sensed the rules of the fantasy world. of sudden perfection.

"Russell is really awesome!" Truman raised his eyebrows.

"Duke? Dream Duke?" Truman was so immersed in the pleasure of perfecting the rules of the fantasy world that he almost forgot that there was an angel in front of him.

"Oh!" Truman blinked, came back to his senses, and looked at Pales Zoroaster, who was already a little restless.

"Sorry, there was some movement in the illusion world just now." Truman no longer paid attention to the illusion world, but looked at Pales Zoroaster and asked, "Are you really ready?"

"No." Pales Zoroastrian smiled bitterly, "But we can't delay it any longer. The end of the world is only less than 200 years away."

"When the time comes, Amon may use various means to force me out."

"While I still have some energy, I can play a game of cat and mouse with Him."

As far as Pales himself is concerned, he can take refuge in the Kingdom of God of the "Black Emperor" and even choose to become an angel under Mr. "Gate" before the end of the world.

However, as long as he does this, Amon will definitely go "crazy" and there is a great possibility of taking action against the Zoroastrian family.

Who can stop Amon in that state? Who will stop it?

Truman can, but Amon is his student after all, and his ability to be impartial is due to his thousand-year friendship with Pales.

In this state, even with the protection of the true god, there is a high possibility that the Zoroastrian family will cease to exist.

Pales had been preparing for today for a long time. As a great nobleman, he overwhelmed Russell and obtained a seat in the noble council.

This is a huge right in the world, but it is nothing in front of Amon, and Zoroastrian will still be destroyed.

This is a price that Palles cannot bear.

"Okay," Truman nodded lightly, "I will help you take care of the Zoroastrian family."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Duke." Pales stood up with a serious face and bowed deeply.

Truman looked at Pales and said nothing in the end.

Pales asked for a dream badge and sent it back to the Zoroastrian family. After that, he walked out of the Solomon Imperial Capital alone and prepared to leave on the steam train.

"After more than 1000 years, you finally came out."

A figure wearing a classical magic robe and a pointed hat appeared at the station of the new steam train.

Amon was leaning on the sign, still staring at the new steam train with great interest. Then he turned his head and looked at Pales, with the corners of his mouth raised, and he was in a very good mood.

"Have you really been here for more than 1000 years?" Pales Zoroaster asked in surprise.

"The thing I don't lack most is patience." Amon chuckled.

"You are a clone, not the main body." Pales Zoroaster looked at the whole Amon and said thoughtfully.

This is a clone who stays here to wait for Pales, and has the power of an angel.

"You are not the original body either." Amenhun didn't care.

Two of the world's best fraudsters don't reveal all their cards when they first meet.

"Then, the hunting begins."

Amon adjusted his monocle gently, his smile remained unchanged, and his face looked slightly serious.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 225 Doomsday Preparation Meeting


Chapter 225 Doomsday Preparation Meeting

No one could know how dangerous the confrontation between two top fraudsters and thieves would be.

In a word, every action may be the beginning of a fraud.

But this is destined to be a long-lasting battle that may last until the end.

Truman stood on the high tower of the Dream Castle, watching the battle from a distance.

Amon also noticed his gaze and greeted Truman friendly.

The biggest reason why his avatar did not dare to enter the imperial capital was because of the "Black Emperor" Solomon. After all, this man really knew how to descend from the gods and beat him up.

But this is probably because of Truman. Amon is very self-aware and knows that some of his habits are annoying to his teacher.

For example, parasitism.

"I'm looking forward to your performance." Amon withdrew his gaze, gently pushed his monocle, and turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Pales Zoroaster turned back and waved to Truman before stepping onto the steam train.

After he stepped off the steam train, he left the imperial capital completely.

"I kind of want to see it." Truman was still very interested in this battle between top fraudsters.

But now he also has more important things to prepare for.

Truman touched the dream mark and came to the dream paradise.


Three streams of light fell from the sky, representing the other three participants of the Dream Parliament.

"Everyone, the end of the world is less than 200 years away."

This is the theme of this dream council, the end of the world that has been plaguing all the true gods and even Truman's entire quasi-old world.

Two hundred years is a long time for the world. It may be the rise and fall of a king, but for those of you here, it may be just a long sleep.

"We have been preparing for this moment." Lilith felt vaguely excited.

When the end comes, the plan of Him and Amanysis can be implemented, and he can restore his identity.

"But it's not enough." Truman has not forgotten his current position.

If he wants to become the Old One, he needs to face all the dozen or so known Old Ones, including even the Three Pillars.

Everyone among the original "Old Ones" wants to take a bite of him, the "pure one", so his allies can only be the "second generation" Old Ones in front of him.

"What did you foresee again?"

Saslier looked at Truman.

Truman waved his hand without any nonsense. Countless lines of cause and effect formed a giant web of destiny, covering the entire earth.

Then use the "perfect person"'s prediction of the future to conduct causal deductions.

A river named destiny comes in a mighty way, and every splash of the wave is a person's legend.

"Please take a look." Truman's face became serious, and he used the power of "dream" to predict 200 years from now on.

In this regard, he may not be as good as the "Omniscient and Almighty One" and the "Beacon of Destiny", but he will not be much weaker.

The river of destiny has been flowing without any hindrance for more than 100 years. However, in the last few decades, the river of destiny has suddenly rioted!


In an instant, the entire river of destiny exploded, and Truman's deduction came to an abrupt end.

"In the decades approaching the end of the world, there are so many horrors involved that even causal calculations cannot touch them."

These horrific beings include all the Old Ones and the gods who hope to become the Old Ones before the end.

"The Quasi-Old One can't even calculate? What if you become the Old One?" Amanisis said in a solemn tone.

"No." Truman shook his head. He suddenly remembered what the "Lord of Mysteries" said to him at the end of the third era.

"The so-called destiny is their will, and now I am almost standing on the opposite side of all their past."

He definitely can't defeat all the old ones. If the "Lord of Mysteries" and "God" don't return in full, there is a high probability that they will not be able to defeat a dozen of the past from the outside world.

But fortunately, the old days in the outside world were not monolithic, but each fought independently.

"These decades of fateful riots are the time to decide everything." Truman concluded.

"So, how are you going to deal with it?" Truman is the only one in the Dream Parliament who can walk on the ground.

"During those decades, the ban on the gods guarding the gates was lifted."

At that time, all true gods will also plan for their own path to the past, and the ban will exist in name only.

Of course, the true god can descend, but the Kingdom of God must be blocked by a barrier, and this cannot be relaxed.

"Second point, I will not take action to prevent the birth of a new god."

The birth of new gods is the stabilization of the original barrier and the possibility of birthing more of the old ones.

"One more thing... is the birth of the 'Lord of Mysteries'."

At this point, all the gods here were silent.

"He is too insidious and too excessive..." Truman sighed.

This is the most top-notch conspiracy, and you are not afraid of being known at all. The more people know about it, the better the effect will be.

The arrangement before the fall of the "Lord of Mysteries" was to allow all true gods to cultivate only one "Lord of Mysteries" before the end.

Only in this way can we open the seal of the Western Continent before the end, obtain the source of essence, and advance to the past.

The result of this is that the real "Lord of Mysteries" is very likely to be resurrected in the newly born one.

"..." The four people present looked at each other in silence.

"The only good thing is that I roughly know where the real node is." Truman suddenly smiled, but added a little more.

"Of course, you can never be overly optimistic. After all, He is the top fraudster."

He even had a premonition that when Mr. Fool came to the world, something terrible would most likely happen.

"The last thing is about the precautions about 'God' and 'Mother Goddess'."

Truman looked at Sasril and Lilith.

"I have been preparing for this moment." Sasriel nodded slightly, not only Him, but also Adam.

Lilith looked a little ugly.

Compared to the "Mother Goddess"...

"Come to my kingdom of God." Lilith suddenly spoke and extended an invitation to Truman.

Um... Truman looked at Lilith in shock.

This response is simple, crude and effective enough.

"...Okay." Finally, Truman nodded lightly after considering all aspects. With his ability, he would never be discovered by anyone.

After Truman's fourth era, most of his active identities were "Dream Angels".

And within the scope of the earth, it makes no difference where his true body is.

The fantasy world has now entered the development stage, and with Russell guarding it, he no longer needs to keep an eye on it.

After that, the four discussed various plans for the doomsday and then made modifications, leaving enough room for reaction.

"Hey! It always feels weird." Truman looked at the dream castle and shook his head.

He turned into a dream, and when he reappeared, he was already in a wilderness full of life. At the end of the wilderness was a magnificent temple of life.

This is the divine kingdom of Mother Earth.

(End of this chapter)