
A 44

Chpater 216 Genesis Plan

Genesis Plan

"November NO.15."

"I finally became an 'alchemist'. Sure enough, the name Dream Castle is so useful! I passed the church's review easily."

"After I returned to the imperial capital as a demigod, everything changed. The great nobles did not dare to shout at me, and the royal family also needs to treat me seriously."

"I was already planning to write a legend about Russell's return, but I gave up because I was too embarrassed."

"But this status as a demigod is really suitable for attending banquets. Yesterday I met three countesses and thirteen noble ladies."

"Tsk, what a happy trouble."

Russell closed the diary, feeling extremely frustrated.

The "Roselle", which had been transformed by the demigods, returned to the imperial capital in half a month.

And Russell, who became a demigod, also officially entered the political stage of the imperial capital.

At the banquet where he made his first public appearance, everyone saw the Dream Castle badge he wore on his chest.

From then on, his path became unimaginably smooth.

He still underestimated the significance of the dream castle.

"Envy..." Russell was envious of the almost conventional consensus, and then his desire for status became even higher.

"He is the stabilizer of the empire, and I am the reformer!"

After Russell came back, he directly gave all kinds of technological innovations to the "Artisan Church", and the whole world was shaken by the "Son of Steam".

But with Russell's current methods, no storm can shake him. Instead, these storms need to take the initiative to cater to him.

It is worth mentioning that Russell is still unmarried today.

Naturally, various nobles and even people from the Solomon family had the idea of ​​​​marriage.

But soon, Russell received news from his hometown in the small edge town.

"What? I have a fiancée who has never been masked?! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Who am I to accept such a marriage?!"

Russell only felt ridiculous. He still wanted to rely on his status as a single to move around in the circles of ladies and ladies of the major aristocrats.

But this news came from his cheap parents, and it was his cheap dad who arranged the marriage for him.

"Is it possible that I want to be the protagonist of an aborted marriage? I'm already half-god!"

"Matilda Abel?" Russell soon met this "fiancée."

"Gu!" Russell said in a very spineless manner. His fiancée happened to be the way he liked her. How could this be broken?

Of course I agreed!

"It's really shameless." Truman looked disgusted when Russell came to Dream Castle excitedly to tell him this information.

Ahem, this is not his arrangement, but Russell's "fate".

"I'm already looking forward to my marriage."

The wedding date has been set, and Russell came to the Dream Castle to hand over the invitation in person.

There was longing in Russell's eyes, but also a little uneasiness, as if a wanderer was finally settling down and had various uncertainties about the future.

This is an extremely important transformation for Russell.

"Eh? You don't seem to have a duchess? Have you been single for thousands of years?" Russell raised his eyebrows, with an inexplicable sense of superiority.

"Get out!" Truman's face darkened and he kicked Russell out.

"Hey, you're just jealous!" Russell ran off to develop a relationship with his fiancée.

"Indeed... I'm a little envious." Truman shook his head slightly, prepared a congratulatory gift, and attended Russell's wedding in person. "It's just an opportunity." Truman was very moved when he saw Russell walking into the marriage hall, and he touched the dream mark.

This is an offline gathering of the Dream Parliament.

"Everyone, please take a seat." The three gods, Sasril, Amanisis, and Lilith, descended from the star realm silently.

A wedding was being held in the church, but a dream parliament was being held in the corner of the restaurant.

"He is very different from us." Saslier said softly after taking a look at the wedding.

Russell lived more freely and happily.

Such a life attitude is very dangerous in this world, but it is good to have the care of fellow villagers.

"I'm not just here to attend the wedding." Truman and the three angels sat at the dining table, eating like ordinary people and talking about family and country affairs.

"Recently, I am planning to create an illusory world to benchmark the spiritual world and the star world." Truman cut a small piece of steak and put it in his mouth.

"..." The movements of the other three were slightly stagnant.

"Compared with the spirit world and the star world?" Saslier asked doubtfully as he took a sip of wine.

"It's too difficult." Amanisis thought for a moment and shook his head slightly.

"There is almost no hope of success." Lilith was more direct.

The stars and spirits are actually two of the three manifest "pillars", which are one of the manifestations of their authority.

It is almost impossible to create a world that is on the same level as the spiritual world and the astral world.

"Of course this is difficult. I have been preparing for this for thousands of years." Truman also took a sip of wine and it tasted pretty good.

"But dreaming itself is refining falsehood into reality, turning the impossible into the possible."

"So, with my 'First Dream' characteristics and 'Dream' authority, there is a certain possibility."

"The world in my plan is in an illusory dream, but it also exists and will not destroy the balance of the universe."

"..." Truman revealed his various plans.

The movements of the other three slowed down a lot, thinking.

"What are you going to do? Do you need our help?" Saslier asked.

"I have completely controlled the 'sea of ​​collective subconscious', and coupled with the uniqueness of my 'dream', I can roughly create a 'closed beta version' in some time."

Truman tells his plan, and this will also be a ceremony for him to accommodate the uniqueness of his "dream".

"'Internal beta version'?" Saslier and Amanisis both understood, and Lilith probably understood the entire term after thinking about it.

——Being in this small circle, all modern vocabulary must be adapted.

"But this is far from the scale of the spiritual world and the star world." Sasril pointed out this point. He once became the "Lord of the Star World" and has a deep understanding of this.

In fact, the spiritual world and the astral world are common to the entire universe. Any living planet or even the dead starry sky has a spiritual world and a star world.

But compared to the living planet, the spiritual world and astral world in the starry sky lack life and concepts, and are just as boring and dead as the starry sky.

This is the value of the "Spirit Realm Ruler" and the "Star Realm Lord". They each control at least one-third of the universe.

"This is indeed a problem," Truman ate the last piece of steak and got a piece of foie gras, "but these problems will be solved when I am truly 'supreme'."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 217 Illusory World

Chapter 217 Illusory World

If Truman becomes the past, he will be the true "Supreme Dream" and "Primary Dream", and he will be no worse than the "Lord of Mysteries" and "God" who can be called the "Primary Creator" personality side.

At that time, relying on the characteristics of the "first dream", it was naturally possible to create a "cosmic reflection".

That will also be a world that truly stands side by side with the spiritual world and the astral world.

"Then we probably can't help you with anything." The other three shook their heads slightly. This already involves the power of the old level, and they have not yet reached that level.

"You can enter a new world at any time and find some 'bugs' for me."

Truman even thought about letting Amon in. No one knows "loopholes" better than him.

But I gave up in the end, Amon was too good at causing trouble...

At least in the beginning, you can't let Him in.

"Okay." The three gods nodded. In fact, the gods guarding the border do not need to face the pollution of foreign gods all the time. The Kingdom of God alone can plug the cracks in the barrier.

Also because they are all in the star realm, the daily lives of the other three are really boring and they have nothing to share.


This is the sound of metal tapping. At this moment, it represents that the wedding parties are officially married and are blessed by the "God of Craftsmen".

"Wish him happiness!" Truman raised his glass to the church and drank it in one gulp. The other three also sent their blessings.

This is the first time traveler to truly make his home here.

In addition, even the birth of Saslier's two "sons" had various reasons.


Truman and the other four turned into a dream and returned to their respective divine kingdoms, and Truman also returned to the Dream Castle.

"Hmm..." Russell felt something, and looked outside the church.

"What's wrong?" Matilda Abel was the most beautiful woman today, looking at Russell with admiration and joy.

"It's okay, a friend is gone." Russell shook his head slightly, dealing with many big bosses from the empire and the church.

Truman returned to the Dream Castle and directly entered the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

This is a dark and deep sea, and every drop of water is like a ray of light, as if it represents a consciousness and a brand.

He undulated with the waves in this ocean. He didn't know how long it took before Truman adjusted his condition and seized the best opportunity.

"Isolation." Truman held the book of dreams and drew a real light curtain.

This light curtain spans between the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness and the spiritual world and the astral world, completely independent of it.

Truman was walking on the dark and deep sea, and all his soul was floating in the sea. He held the book of dreams, raised his hand and pointed to the endless heights, and whispered: "There must be light!"


The entire dark and profound collective subconscious ocean was illuminated by the light born from nothingness at this moment, and all the secrets were revealed at this moment.

At this moment, all living beings with consciousness and even the undead saw infinite light at this moment.

Most people only have a moment of perception, and the "audience" path extraordinary people who can swim in the collective subconscious ocean lose their perception of that ocean at this moment.

The coverage area of ​​this kind of vision is too large to be hidden at all. The true gods in the star world use various means to spy on the sea, but they can only see infinite light.

On the contrary, those angels and gods who had seen the infinite glory of the Creator of the Third Age with their own eyes had a sense of déjà vu.

This is somewhat similar to when the Creator came!

"What the hell is Mew doing again!?" All the gods were surprised.

Outside the initial barrier, all the stars were twinkling at this moment, as if their eyes were opening one by one, looking towards the earth.

These powerful gazes also prevented the gods from exploring the sea of ​​collective subconscious, and they could only block the power of the outer gods first. "It has begun." Adam, who was in the Kingdom of Loen, felt the deepest feeling. The ocean of collective subconscious was originally his territory.

It has been a long time since Truman lost ownership of the collective subconscious ocean in his hands, and he can now roughly understand Truman's thoughts.

"It was so ambitious, but the timing was so good."

Now that the earth has a barrier, it helps Truman block all the outside gods who want to destroy it. The gods are also in the same camp as him on this matter.

The key is that the current dream is too powerful to suppress all resistance forces within the earth.

"Teacher, what fun things do you have again?" On the ghost ship deep in the foggy sea, Amon felt something and looked towards the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

"Similar to 'Fantasy Township'?" Amon was inexplicably happy, sensing a power that was very similar to "Fantasy Township".

"He wants to build a divine kingdom again?" Amon suddenly felt envious.

"'Dream'!" In the vast white sea of ​​collective subconscious, Truman stretched out his hand and pulled out the uniqueness of the forcibly fused "Dream" from his body.

The unique expression of "Dream" is also an ocean of illusion and reality.

But unlike the Dream Sea, it is a sea of ​​clouds composed of countless "clouds".

There are clouds of purple, black, gray, and red colors, each color giving people a different feeling.

This is the dream of countless lives.

Each color represents the type of dream. For example, the surging pink clouds are a wonderful dream of a spring garden.

The uniqueness of "Dream" is more specialized in dreams than the "Dark" path and the "Audience" path, and can be called the master of dreams.

Now, Truman has conceptualized the uniqueness of this "dream" and integrated it into the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

The two "oceans" are blending, and various strange phenomena are appearing throughout the world.

There are dreams that even transcend the boundaries between illusion and reality and manifest in the real world.

Absurd fairy tale forest, ridiculous clowns, angels that bring joy to children, and gold coins that bring satisfaction to the world...

Various visions manifest themselves in reality, which are the miracles of dreams.


At first, the barrier was trembling slightly. The outer god seemed to have penetrated Meng Meng's thoughts and was trying to attack the barrier and block the process.

But all this is in vain.

Like Adam said, the timing was perfect.

At this moment, the moon has returned to its bright disk shape. The being that occupies the moon manifests itself, looking at the earth from a distance, but does not take action.

"Integration." The sea of ​​collective subconsciousness and the uniqueness of "dream" are conceptually integrated and become a new world.

This new world is connected to the soul of every living being and is composed of their consciousness and dreams.

It's just that this world is a bit too monotonous, with only the ups and downs of subconscious seawater and countless dreams floating in the air.

Now it's not even considered an "internal beta version", it can only be regarded as a whiteboard framework.

"Let's call the new world 'Fantasy World'." Truman conceptualized the name and integrated it into the world itself.

(End of this chapter)

lChapter 218 Bernadette

Chapter 218 Bernadette

Looking at the almost blank illusory world in front of him, Truman's mouth twitched, "It's too monotonous."

He lightly tapped his finger, and the entire illusion world was filled with the power of creation.

Many dreams with the nature of fairy tales turned into reality and fell into the still very barren fantasy world.

In addition, Truman also embodied some fairy tales in his memory and formed a fairy tale town.

These include classics such as The Little Match Girl and Little Red Riding Hood.

Of course, they all have comedic endings. For example, the little match girl finally came to the fantasy world and saw her grandma in the last remaining light of the match, and Little Red Riding Hood shot the hungry wolf before it devoured her grandma.

What stands out is an absurd and unreasonable fairy tale fantasy.

Such fairy tales are more consistent with the nature of the fantasy world.

"Not yet. Such a big fantasy world should have more excitement."

In the illusion world, space and time are meaningless. It also has some very similar characteristics to the spiritual world and the star world, such as abstraction.

It's just that the fantasy world is connected to everyone's subconscious and has a substantial connection with the real world, which is expressed in the form of dreams.

And Truman wants to make the fantasy world more colorful and become a real reflection of the world.

But there is no need to rush. More than three years have passed since Truman walked out of the illusory world. He wandered in the sea of ​​collective subconscious and then created the illusory world.

"Huh?" Truman seemed to feel something, took a step forward, and came to an exquisite garden.

"Ouch!" A milky voice exclamated. Truman lowered his head and saw a little girl who was only as high as his knees bumped into his legs and fell to the ground.

This girl has long fluffy chestnut hair, white skin, and big eyes flashing under long eyelashes.

She wore a luxurious and exquisite cake dress and a delicate and small sapphire crown on her head.

She didn't cry even after she fell to the ground. Instead, she sat on the soft grass and raised her head as hard as she could, trying to see Truman clearly.

Truman knelt down and looked at this cute little girl, feeling happy.

"Who are you? Why are you in my garden? You suddenly appeared." The little girl asked, obviously aggrieved and angry.

"You can call me uncle, Huang Beibei." Truman stretched out his right hand and gently touched the little girl's white cheek.

"Eh? You also call me Beibei?" The little girl looked at Truman with dazzling big eyes, "Only dad can call me Beibei."

"Beibei?" Russell walked into this garden and saw Truman and Bernadette who fell to the ground.

"Dad!" Bernadette quickly got up from the ground and charged towards Russell with her short legs.

"Alas!" Russell picked up Bernadette and gently spun her around.

"This uncle also calls me Beibei!" Bernadette hugged Russell's neck affectionately, turned around and pointed at Truman.

"He is dad's good friend and your dear Uncle Chu."

"Oh," Bernadette looked at Truman and took the initiative to reach out to Truman, "Uncle, can you give me a hug?"

Russell was a little surprised, as her daughter adapted too quickly.

"Okay!" Truman smiled and snatched Bernadette from Russell's arms.

"Uncle, it smells so good, like a strawberry-flavored cake!" Bernadette shouted excitedly.

"Is that your favorite flavor?" Truman asked.

"Yes, I also like the smell of coconut and chocolate..." Bernadette spoke slower and slower, her nose twitching slightly. She smelled a similar smell on Truman, and she seemed to be addicted to that delicious taste.

"..." The death gaze from Russell. "Haha." Truman laughed heartily. What stood out to him was his wish coming true.

And such a little girl has an extremely pure mind and can get the clearest feedback from Truman.

Bernadette can have whatever she wants.

Truman placed Bernadette on a small swing in the park, while he and Russell sat on a chair nearby.

"Are you so popular with children?" Russell couldn't help asking.

"This is a dream." Truman explained, gently pushing the swing.

"Did you make the noise today?" Russell asked thoughtfully, then asked about this matter.

"Yes." Truman did not deny it, "I created a world that is similar to the illusory yet real world of the spiritual world and the astral world."

Russell's eyes were shaking, and his breathing was a little quick.

A few years have passed, and he is now a Sequence Three "occult scholar". With the "Twilight Hermit Society" as a channel, he has a deeper understanding of the mysterious world.

"I came here to find you to 'join'."

"You want me to work for you? Don't even think about it!" Russell subconsciously refused.

He, Russell, will never be able to work part-time in his life!

"..." The corners of Truman's lips curled up, "You're not even an angel, and you still want to be my employee?"

Russell's face froze. The Sequence [-] characteristics he was promoted to were obtained through the "Twilight Hermit Society", but his Sequence [-] "Knowledge Tutor" characteristics were actually already in place.

That was the "share of money" given to him by Truman, so as long as he digested the current sequence three potion, he would be able to seamlessly become an angel.

But it's not done yet.

It's true that I don't have enough confidence to speak in front of Truman without becoming an angel.

"Besides... do you want to go one step further to become an angel?" Truman suddenly asked.

"What?!" This time Russell really couldn't sit still.

No matter how unwilling he was, he knew clearly that being an angel was probably his limit.

According to his understanding, both the "hermit" path and the "perfection" path have true gods hanging in the star realm.

The road ahead was blocked. It had taken him several years to accept this fact, but now...

"Dad!" Bernadette jumped off the swing and threw herself into Russell's arms. As a little cotton-padded jacket, she calmed down Russell instantly.

Russell held Bernadette in his arms and rubbed her daughter's white and tender hands. Then she looked at Truman, who had a dull face, and said softly: "As far as I know, there is no suitable position up there now."

"Yes, it is already difficult to go further with the 22 paths to God, and your upper level is even more blocked." Truman agreed.

"Then the opportunity you are talking about comes from outside the path of God?" Russell said thoughtfully, "Is it like your 'dream'?"

Obviously, the "dream" path is outside the 22 paths of God.

What's even more special is that Russell has never seen a single "dream" path material or formula until now.

"The gift system cannot become a god." Truman denied Russell's speculation.

Unless the uniqueness is dug out from the gifter, the true god of the gift path cannot appear.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 219 Peaceful Change

Chapter 219 Peaceful Change

Russell frowned, finding it difficult to find other possibilities.

"Dad, don't frown!" Bernadette stretched out her hand to smooth Russell's frown.

Innocent and pure eyes are enough to heal a father's pain.

"Uncle, you can't make my father sad anymore!" Bernadette looked at Truman with a stern face, "Otherwise, I won't be with you!"

"Okay!" Truman stretched out his hand and pinched Bernadette's face, then casually created a dreamy phosphorescent light and hung it on Bernadette's body.

It is like a veil that wraps around Bernadette's body, possessing the power of "everything" to change at will.

"How about letting Beibei take the 'Dream' path? Or add a 'Secret Peeper'?" Truman suddenly suggested.

He is the leader of both forces, so safety is boundless.

"Okay." Russell's eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll wait for your angel to tell you what happens next."

Truman finally looked at Bernadette, who was playing with her new toy.

"Goodbye, uncle!" Bernadette said goodbye to Truman happily.

"Goodbye, little angel." Truman turned into a ball of dreamy bubbles and became colorful bubbles flying everywhere.

"Wow!" Bernadette jumped out of Russell's arms and chased those colorful bubbles.

Russell looked at his daughter with a smile, but at the same time he was also thinking about his own path.

"We need to speed up." He now has a high position in the Solomon Empire.

It was only half a year after Russell made up his mind that he actually digested the potion, completed his Sequence [-] ritual, and became an angel with the overall support of the "Artisan Church".


The sound of metal collision resounded throughout the imperial capital, and everyone looked at the church of the "Artisan Church" in surprise.

A ray of civilization's light brought the oracle down from the star realm at the endless heights, and landed in front of Russell, who had become an angel.

"This is the first oracle since entering the fifth era!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

The believers of the "Craftsman Church" all knelt on the ground, chanted the honorable name of the "God of Craftsmen" and prayed to the gods.

"From today on, my Lord's name is changed to 'God of Steam and Machinery!'"

"The 'Church of the God of Craftsmen' has also been renamed the 'Church of the God of Steam and Machinery'!"

Russell's voice still contained some of the unique indifference of an angel as he read the oracle to the whole world.

This oracle gave many extraordinary people in the world who are extremely sensitive to fate an inexplicable feeling.

The "God of Steam and Machinery" has gained enough benefits from the changes of the times. From now on, the church of "God of Steam and Machinery" will also become more powerful!

"Change your honorary name to draw strength from the changes of the times. Then will the 'God of Steam and Machinery' be renamed 'The God of Information and Technology' or 'The God of Relativity and Quantum' in the future?"

"Well, very likely!"

Russell stabilized himself in the dreamy phosphorescence, and gained a deep understanding of the status and characteristics of the "God of Steam and Machinery".

But these have little to do with Him anymore. He has come to the end of his time in the Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery".

That night, Russell secretly held a secret party.

The people attending this party were all real angels after all.

Little Zarathu of the Zarathu family, Mr. "Gate" of the Abraham family, Pales Zoroaster of the Zoroaster family...

These people are the real leaders of the great nobles of the Solomon Empire. Together, they can really subvert the Solomon Empire without the "Black Emperor".

"What do you think of the plan I proposed before?" After Russell truly became an angel, he had gained the qualification to be on an equal footing with this group of people.

"Don't forget that the 'Emperor' is still there." This "Emperor" is naturally the one in the star realm.

Zaratul looked at Russell with complicated eyes.

He had some bad thoughts towards Russell, but the moment Russell came into contact with the Dream Castle, all his thoughts were extinguished.After that, Russell became an angel at a speed that surprised even him, and sat in front of him.

Russell directly placed the Dream Gold Coin Badge on the table.

"Teacher is very happy to see the reform of the empire." Mr. "Gate" said softly, while making his attitude clear.

"The current empire is indeed a bit disappointing."

"Since it is the will of 'Dream', His Majesty should not object." Pales Zoroaster said.

Now he has become a white-haired old man. Time cannot kill him, but it also makes him feel the vicissitudes of life.

Especially as the end is approaching, he is always worried about Amon's terrible opponents, making him grow old very quickly.

He had already planned to leave the imperial capital and fight to the death with Amon.

Therefore, He wants to obtain more benefits for his family before that time comes.

"The Solomon family will not watch us erode the power that originally belonged to the emperor."

"We can't help them." Russell fiddled with the badge in his hand, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Don't let too many people die." Bethel Abraham suddenly reminded.

"Peaceful change." Russell nodded slightly.

"Okay." The other angels nodded.

The very next day, Russell and other nobles walked to Solomon's Palace together.

In addition, there is also an angel from the Church of the "God of Steam and Machinery", the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and the Church of the "True Creator".

As a result, nearly ten angels were dispatched at the same time, which was already a force that could subvert an empire.

"Roselle! How dare you betray the empire?!"

In a meeting attended by Mr. "Gate", he must have the ability to "keep secrets".

This resulted in the Solomon family being unprepared even before these angels walked out of the house!

"Your Majesty, you have rebelled." Russell said calmly.

"You!" The emperor looked at Russell and the angel group behind him, and their bodies were trembling.

The current emperor is not even a demigod. If it weren't for the three angels standing behind him, Russell would have dared to kick him down.

"You are provoking Solomon!" The angel behind the emperor stared at Russell with an ugly expression.

"You have stained Solomon's honor."

Russell took out the paperwork that he had already prepared.

"This is the Bill of Rights. Take a look at it and sign it if you have no problem with it."


At this moment, there seemed to be a gaze cast down from the distant star realm, watching everything happening in Solomon's Palace.

"Establish a parliament of nobles?!" the current emperor exclaimed, with enough political literacy for him to understand what this meant.

"This is a betrayal of Solomon's honor!"

But at this moment, the three Solomon angels behind him were silent.

Because of the dream mark on the document, and also because the real "Black Emperor" did not show any signs.

If there is no expression, it is tacit consent.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 220 Copying the World

Chapter 220 Copying the World

The atmosphere in Solomon's palace seemed to be frozen and terrifying, and the angels were silent.

But the emperor who was indeed a bit fatuous became increasingly uneasy because none of his ancestors questioned the Bill of Rights.

Oh, this emperor is not qualified enough to feel the sacred and majestic aura like the shadow of the rules, and does not know that the source of the "honor" he carries is watching here.

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate." Russell said softly, then came to the emperor's side, picked up the emperor's pen, and signed the emperor's name.

All the angels watched this scene calmly. The emperor wanted to stop it, but he could no longer move and could only watch Russell complete the signing of the bill.

There is no other way to better express and interpret this bill.

"It's done!"

Russell stood up straight and showed the Bill of Rights to all the angels.

Without the use of a single soldier or even a fierce verbal fight, the revolution was completed at this moment.

An imperial revolution is so unpretentious and boring, without any obstacles.

The next day, explosive news spread throughout the world.

The emperor claimed to be ill and ignored political affairs, and a parliament of nobles was established. Russell Gustav became the first speaker, essentially controlling the highest power of the empire.

After becoming the Speaker and assuming the highest power, Russell directly began to carry out drastic reforms and spread all kinds of things he invented throughout the Solomon Empire.

This reform action also allowed the strength of the "God of Steam and Machinery" church to increase by leaps and bounds, even surpassing the other two major churches in the Solomon Empire.

"It's a pity that he didn't become Napoleon, he just became Cromwell."

"No, the Glorious Revolution was not completed by Cromwell."

Russell sighed after signing each decree.

"Dad!" Bernadette, wearing a princess dress, burst into the office that represented the highest power in the empire.

"Beibei!" Russell suddenly smiled. Now Bernadette has grown up, already over three years old, and the older she gets, the cuter she becomes.

"Today I learned how to beat my back from my mother. I'll give you a hammer and a squeeze!" Bernadette came behind Russell and kneaded her with her little hands.

A daughter's hands don't need to be strong, just her heart is enough to make an old father happy.

"Dad, I want to go to the fairy tale castle!" Bernadette kissed Russell on the face, and then looked at Russell longingly.

A fairy tale castle is a dream castle.

Russell created many fairy tale books for Bernadette, and the fairy tale castles in these fairy tale books were directly based on the fantasy castles.

The Dream Castle can be said to be the place Bernadette longs for most today.

"Dream Castle..." Russell hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded gently, "Okay, I'll take you there right now."

Now that he has reached the pinnacle in the empire and the church, it is time to find the path after the angel in Chu Menmen.

"Okay! Dad is the best!" Bernadette jumped up with excitement.

"Let's go." Russell took Bernadette and wandered directly to the Dream Castle.

"Welcome, little niece." Truman also happened to appear here.

"Let's go, this is your favorite fairy tale castle." Bernadette looked at everything in front of her curiously and ran away excitedly.

"I thought you were going to be corrupted by power." Truman glanced at Russell, who now had an inexplicable sense of majesty.

"The end is coming soon." Russell's eyes softened as he looked at his daughter who was dragging the unicorn excitedly.As an angel, he already knew everything he needed to know, and all the confidential files in the "Church of Steam and Machinery" were almost at his disposal.

In addition, Bethel, who had maintained a good relationship with him, also gave him a piece of information about the stars and the outer gods.

200 years is too short for an angel. His daughter may have just grown up at that time.

"So?" Truman asked softly.

"Only by becoming a true god can one have the most basic ability to protect his family and survive the end of the world." Russell already knew this deeply enough.

"Let's go then."

Truman stretched out his hand to call Bernadette, "Uncle, will I take you to a more fun place?"

"Okay!" Bernadette stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of Truman's clothes.

"Then let's go!" With a thought, the world that only existed in illusion surged into waves, submerging the three figures.

The three figures appeared in a primitive paradise, which was full of strange flowers and plants, sacred sacred trees, various fragrant berries and surging sacred springs.

In addition, there are a large number of fantasy creatures, nine-color deer, mermaids, unicorns, phoenixes, fairies...

The creatures here are beautiful and dreamy in appearance. There is no crazy erosion or disgusting slime. These lovely and beautiful creatures are playing and having fun, carefree.

"...It's like the legendary Garden of Eden." Russell felt an unspeakable peace after entering this paradise.

"This is the Garden of Eden." Truman came to a strange fruit tree and picked a golden apple.

"This is the fruit of wisdom." Truman gave the apple to Bernadette, and the little girl ran away happily holding the apple. She wanted to get to know the fairy in the lake.

"What you have here is perfect enough." There was a glimmer in Russell's eyes. Judging from the perspective of a craftsman, this creation was impeccable.

"It's not enough." Truman took Russell out of the Garden of Eden. Next door was a fairy tale town, and further away there was nothingness.

"This is a huge world comparable to the universe, equivalent to the reflection of the universe, but I have only created two attractions now."

"Tell me what you think." Truman looked at Russell. Both reasonable and unreasonable opinions can be adopted.

"Give me permission." Russell asked first. Truman nodded slightly, and a symbol fell on the back of Russell's hand. This is the authority of the caster of the illusion world.

"Copy first!" Russell's tone was so serious that it made people laugh.

As expected of you... Truman's mouth twitched, but he felt it was natural.

"Copy our world first..." Russell used the permission of the caster.


It was as if the world was opening up and a planet was born from nothingness and appeared in front of Russell and Truman. Everything on it was reproduced in reality.

But at this moment, Russell's body suddenly froze. Now he was on the periphery of the planet and could see the outline of the entire planet.

too familiar...

"This...is the earth?" Russell looked at Truman with a difficult tone.

"I thought you knew it a long time ago." Truman said calmly.

Russell looked at the earth in front of him with a slightly stiff face. The outline of the continent had changed somewhat, but he could vaguely see a familiar appearance.

"It's really my hometown..."

(End of this chapter)