
A 43

Chapter 211 Amon's plan

Chapter 211 Amon's plan

"Teacher, long time no see." Amon looked at Truman and said hello with a smile.

"Why did you come to me?" Truman and others sat down aside, and Amon's clone came to pour tea.

"It's been a long time since I last saw the teacher." The person who poured the tea was the maid who had just welcomed them in from the outside world. She wore a crystal monocle, but her eyes never left Russell.

Russell's face turned slightly pale, which was the aftereffect of being frightened just now.

Amon also noticed the "Origin Castle" aura on Russell's body.

He couldn't help but look at Truman, who raised his eyebrows and raised his chin slightly.

Amon was immediately eager to try, and his body excitedly wanted to use the "loophole" to jump up to Origin Castle, but at a certain moment his body froze.

He looked at the gray mist above the spiritual world and sensed something.

"Huh? It's actually a fake?"

But Amon is indeed Amon, and he has a deeper perception of this "Origin Castle" aura.

A certain kind of enlightenment directly appeared in Amon's mind. If he dared to use this connection to jump into "Origin Castle", then "Origin Castle" would definitely use all its power to suppress it severely.

This was the state when Truman boarded Origin Castle before.

The lines on the silver medal are completely isolated from the "Origin Castle". If you forcefully jump through the creation of a "loophole", you will definitely be judged as "Dream Entry" by the "Origin Castle".

Then you need to kill them with all your strength.

But now Amon is completely unable to withstand that kind of attack.

"Fortunately, I knew it wouldn't be that easy." Amon gave up on Russell and looked at Truman, not very disappointed.

"Why is this ship in your hands?" Truman took a sip of black tea, which tasted pretty good, and then he looked at Amon and asked.

"Don't forget, I was also the Duke of Trunsoest Empire back then."

"So you parasitized the emperor's family?" Bethel's face didn't look good.

"It's just one of them." Amon's expression did not change at all, and he did not take this matter seriously at all.

"You!" Bethel's eyes sparkled.

"If you want to fight, go away!" Truman reached out and grabbed it, directly isolating the space where the two angel kings were. At this moment, Bethel understood what Truman meant, and a terrifying lightning burst out in his eyes. storm.

The two angel kings had a very friendly sparring session.

Truman shook his head and poured a cup of tea for Russell next to him.

"Is Mr. Abraham Mr. Door?" Russell listened to all the conversations and made the most reasonable and incredible guess.

"Yes." Truman never thought of hiding it.

"..." Russell glanced at Truman, nodded slightly, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Everything is left unsaid.

"This is the battle between the angels of the 'apprentice' and the 'thief' paths." Russell looked on with dazzled eyes. Of course, this was under the condition that Truman's space barrier blocked the pollution.

He is already close to the status of a demigod, and even within a few months, his research on the starry sky has reached a limit, and he will soon be able to digest the "astronomer's" potion and prepare to be promoted to a demigod.

At that time, he will become a high-sequence demigod, and then choose three demigod-level abilities from the silver medal.

The fight between the two angel kings lasted only a short time. After the space barrier was removed, Amon, who had not yet collected all the characteristics, was slightly inferior. The pointed soft hat on his head was slightly collapsed, and the classical robe on his body was also Slightly charred.

"It hurts a little." Amon gently adjusted his monocle, but still kept a smile on his lips.

"You haven't answered me yet, why is this ship in your hands?" Truman asked again.

"Of course it's because I need it." Amon said matter-of-factly.It has been more than 1000 years since the ghost ship of the Trunsoest Empire was put into the Sea of ​​Mist. It is the last afterglow of an empire.

Even an angel would find it extremely difficult to find it in the vast sea.

Amon also put a lot of thought into it.

"You are my teacher." Amon looked at Truman.

"...it's not time yet." Truman shook his head gently.

"Does that mean you will give it to me when the time comes?" Amon's monocle flashed with light.

It was at this time that Amon felt that his father was too wise to let him become a student of Dreams early.

Unlike that "paranoid", I haven't gathered the materials yet.

Of course, He is also missing one now.

"It depends on your performance." Truman dropped these words, and then left the ghost ship with Bethel and Russell.

This place has become Amon's private palace, and there is no value in exploring it at all.

Soon, they returned to the "Roselle".

"I have already negotiated with the owner of the ghost ship, and the two sides will not go to war!"

Russell announced loudly, lifting his guard.

Everyone on the ship breathed a sigh of relief. The size of this ghost ship made it difficult for people to resist.

"Now, let's continue heading towards the 'abyss'!" Russell took the helm again and headed towards the abyss according to the established route.

The only difference from the previous one is that this ship is followed by a ghost ship that can be called a sea fortress.

"Why did you come here again?" Truman looked at Amon speechlessly. He thought Amon would sneak away in a reasonable manner.

"Making a choice that doesn't conform to your guess is also a kind of fraud." Amon chuckled.

"Besides, you are the center of attention in the world right now, and following you is the most interesting thing in the world."

"It's up to you." Truman didn't care about him anymore. Amon didn't try to parasitize Russell and others in front of Truman, and they lived in peace all the way.

And gradually, the abyss is ahead.


The starlight fell, cutting all the strange fishmen trying to climb onto the ship into two pieces.

But the next moment, there was a huge gray-black hand grabbing the edge of the ship, climbing up quickly, and the squirming pieces of flesh wanted to completely occupy the ship.

"Purify!" A sun appeared in Russell's hand.

The sun is also a star. "Astronomers" were called "astrologers" in ancient times, and they can draw on the power of the sun.

The sun emitted a strong purifying light, forcing out the dark shadow under the water. It was a demonic body composed of countless corpses, with several heads leaking pus around its neck.

Russell directly threw the sun in his hand into the sea.

With a bang, all the demons disappeared.

"We are really close to the abyss." Russell breathed a sigh of relief, using the starlight to see the scenery several sea miles away.

"...It is indeed the most evil and filthy place in the world." Russell felt that his soul was trembling.

A "hole" in the world appeared in the vast sea, and all the filth and evil in the world were concentrated here.

"We're here!" Truman and others also came to Russell's side, looking at the abyss that looked like a miracle.

This is probably the first time someone has actually taken a boat to the abyss.

 I took half a day off. The recent plot has fallen into a weird circle, and the feedback from readers is not very good, so I need to sort it out. I may cut out plots that do not affect the main plot.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 212 The Current Situation of the Abyss

Chapter 212 The Current Situation of the Abyss

"This is a place that can corrode all living things and make all living things fall into filth!" The crew members on the ship were a little scared.

"Just park the ship here." Truman ordered, and then he held his hand, and a light curtain enveloped the entire ship to isolate it from pollution.

"Let's go!" Truman stepped off the deck and headed towards the abyss.

Also going with him were Bethel and Ammon.

Russell blinked, frowned, gritted his teeth for the last time, and followed directly. It was an abyss, a place where no adventurer had ever been.

Who is not curious! ?

"You guys wait here for me to come back!"

"You? Ha." Amon glanced at Russell in surprise, "This is the first time I saw a fishhook take the initiative to reach the fish's mouth."

"Hmph!" Russell ignored Amon, who had played a terrifying prank on him before, and directly pulled the silver medal off his chest.

The lines on the silver medal naturally gave off an aura that protected him.

Amon blinked, "This thing is very good, can you lend it to me to play with?"

"No." Russell followed Truman closely.

"Tsk!" Amon stretched out his hand, but was unable to steal what he wanted.

This silver medal is Truman's compensation to Russell and cannot be stolen.

The group of them stepped on the black sea water, showing no sign of sinking. Gradually, a thick mist spewed out from the abyss, covering their sight.

"What the hell is all this?" A small sun appeared in Russell's hand, lighting up the road ahead.

Soon, they saw a mountain peak growing in the sea.

The peak is thousands of meters above sea level, like the horn of a living monster.

"This is the corner of the abyss." Bethel replied from the side.

This "Abyss" is the highest person in the "Abyss" path, and is the Demon Lord Fabuti. Of course, He also has a new name, which is the "Dark Side of the Universe".

The entire horn was broken off by Sasril from Farbuti's demonic body when he sealed Farbuti, and it fell here.

Russell looked down at the water surface where the devil's horn had broken open. It was completely dark, and he felt that there was a real abyss inside, with no end or limit.

clatter!Amon took a stone from somewhere and threw it into the darkness.

The stone fell for an unknown distance, making no sound, as if it had been swallowed up.

"There's something wrong with the situation." Truman suddenly sighed.

"Is it because I didn't see any trace of him?" Bethel asked.

"Almost." Truman waved his hand, and a dreamy phosphorescence revealed the entire scene under the devil's horns.

It was an absolutely dead world. There was no life in the land of that world, only corpses, endless corpses of demons.

The corpses of all the demons were stacked together abnormally, as if they had suffered the same death at the same moment.

There is an unknown fear spreading in the abyss, and deathly silence envelopes everyone's heart.

"All the demonic characteristics in the abyss are gone." Bethel's face was solemn when faced with this strange situation.

You must know that at least half of the demons in this world live in the abyss.

But now these low- and middle-level demons are all dead, and even their characteristics are gone.

"It was probably all sucked away in an instant. It's really a powerful force." Amon was actually a little envious.

"I'm going down, you guys, just stay here." Truman stared at the abyss for a long time, his eyebrows slightly frowned, this was a huge change from when he came here.

"Okay!" Bethel agreed, and even Amon had no idea of ​​going down.

Truman stretched out his hand to make a hole in the space and jumped directly.

"Is this safe?" Russell couldn't help but ask.

"When the teacher is here, nothing can trouble him." Bethel explained to Russell with a chuckle.

"Is he more powerful than 'Mr. Door'?" Russell rolled his eyes and started to test him in various ways.

"Of course!" Bethel looked solemn.

"Is it possible that he is really a true god?" This is already the highest level that Russell knows.

"..." Bethel didn't know what Russell was thinking, so he pondered for a while.

"More than one true god has died in his hands." Amon suddenly said, looking at Russell with interest, and was very happy to see his expression of shock and speechlessness.

"Teacher is not a person who kills gods indiscriminately!" Bethel couldn't help but explain.

Russell's face was even more distorted. When did the word "god" come together with the word "indiscriminate killing"? !

Under the endless abyss, Truman walked smoothly in the cracks of space, heading towards the bottom of the abyss where he had been.

Before the ancient Sun God reached the top, he, Amanisis and Lilith came here once and tricked Fabuti at that time.

But now he alone is enough.

"Open the door"!

Truman put his hand in the void and twisted it gently.

It was as if a door had been opened, and Truman directly entered the bottom world of the abyss.


Before Truman could step into the bottom of the abyss, a wave of terror composed of starlight had already hit the space door he opened, trying to seal it completely.

"Fabouti?" Truman asked softly, but in fact, he had switched his state, and now he was the "Supreme Dream" who had initially mastered the power of "Dream"!

His words also have the meaning of "all your wishes come true" and "fantasies come true".

His name is "Fabuti", so the person leading this attack cannot be the "Mother Tree of Desire".

The difference is huge.

Sure enough, after his wish came true, the impact of the Sea of ​​Starlight weakened, allowing Truman to step directly into that space.

"It's you!" Fabuti's demonic whispers rang in Truman's ears. His fear of Truman was second only to the Creator of the Third Age who held him in the abyss and couldn't move.

"That's right, I'm here to visit the prison." Truman's eyes flashed with phosphorescence, and he instantly understood the situation at the bottom of the abyss.

The first thing he saw was the center of the bottom of the abyss, where a shadow was moving.

And above the shadow, there was a gray-white mist surging.

"Sure enough, it's still the same thing." Truman was not very surprised.

At the end of the Fourth Age, the Western Continent seal of the "Lord of Mysteries" had been repaired by him and Bethel, but there were always some places that he ignored, such as the abyss.

This is a filthy place in the world, and it has some indescribable connection with the Source of Shadow World, making it the most vulnerable to erosion.

This was the original intention of the ancient Sun God to seal this place. While imprisoning Fabuti, he also asked him to guard this "weakness" as a "jailer".

But now, it seems that the "Devil Monarch" Farbuti can no longer stand it.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 213 Cleaning

Chapter 213 Cleaning

"Save me!" Farbuti looked at Truman and actually said such a sentence.

Truman was surprised, but he thought that this was the most cunning devil leader, and for him, begging for mercy was nothing.


But in the next moment, Truman felt something in his heart, and his previous "wish to come true" failed.

So now it is no longer Fabuti who is speaking, but the "Mother Tree of Desire".

"Have you eroded Farbuti to this extent? You can even cover it with consciousness." Truman took a breath.

Has He eroded Fabuti into this over thousands of years?This one even allowed Torzna to give birth to Sia.

This method is too powerful.

"It's because..." Truman looked at the world composed of shadows with emotion.

His eyes flashed as if he had penetrated the gray-white mist and saw the scene in the world.

Countless demon ghosts are surging, and concepts such as desire, curse, evil, and corruption are flowing like water, echoing each other to some extent with the starlight that permeates the bottom of the abyss.

"'Shadow World'..."

The power that has penetrated the "Shadow World" over the years has been used by the "Mother Tree of Desire", deepening the erosion of the world.

The "Shadow World" was originally torn from the "Mother Tree of Desire", and it is very reasonable for the mother tree to retain control over its power.

This also shows that Truman came to the right time. If it takes another 200 years, we still don't know how far it will develop.

"You have no chance." Truman reached out and took out the Book of Dreams from nothingness.


As if the whole world was trembling, the illusory starry sky at the bottom of the abyss suddenly lit up, and a bright star burst out with endless flames like the sun.

The "shadow world" suppressed by the gray-white mist also seems to have power surging, attracting power outside the barrier.

This kind of change did not only occur at the bottom of the abyss. In the real world, countless people saw the wonder of the stars appearing in the daytime again!

This time the stars were even brighter, even the real sun couldn't cover up the brilliance of the stars.

Countless astronomy enthusiasts even feel that everything they have learned has been subverted.

And real "astronomers", such as Russell, really see the brightest star.

At this moment, his "Astronomist" potion was completely digested.

Just because of the silver medal on his body and the protection of Bethel next to him, and because he didn't know the deeper meaning of this bright star at all, the pollution could not fall on him.

"Is it so intense?" Both Bethel and Amon frowned, remembering the terrifying dream miracle at the end of the Fourth Age.

That was the only time Truman showed his "dream" power.

Now maybe the second time.

Of course, when the bright stars shed their light, the gods and kingdoms in the star world also showed their authority at the same time.

With the initial barrier in place, even if an old day attacks with all its strength, the force that penetrates is still controllable.

"'All Things'." Truman tapped the dream book lightly, and a massive amount of dreamy phosphorescence erupted, and an ocean filled with starlight appeared at the bottom of the abyss.

And in the center of the dreamy sea, behind Truman's head, there seemed to be a bright full moon, blooming with the purest and most dreamy light.

This is the uniqueness of "everything" that Truman has completely controlled.It has completely become the foundation and pillar of Truman's possessions, supporting his control over the Book of Dreams, and it is no longer a castle in the air.

The moment Truman looked up at the bright stars, a dozen "authority" symbols lit up on the full moon.

These are true god-level authorities, and in his case, with the support of "dream" authority, these true god authorities have also undergone certain changes.

But now these true god-level authorities have turned into a ray of light, blending into the sea of ​​dreams, stirring up endless waves, washing over the entire world!

The starlight sea tide and the dream sea wave are like two absolutely incompatible oceans, stirring up unspeakable power that even the true gods are afraid of, and constantly destroying each other.

"Death!" The devil's obscene words fell on Truman, splashing two rays of dreamy phosphorescence.

And when the authority and power of the true God touches "all things", the results can be imagined.

"Ha, how many more times can you come here if you can?" Truman chuckled, feeling that new power was taking shape on the full moon, and it was another true god-level authority.

"You!" Farbuti's body and the will of the "Mother Tree of Desire" are in stasis.

Every time you attack, you are giving away part of your authority. This... is so disgusting!

"Aren't you going to hit me? Then I'm going to hit you." Truman stretched out his hand and slapped it, using the best lightning storm in his hand.

At this moment, the dream sea is also accelerating, entering the state of light speed!


Farbuti's demonic intuition is about to explode. If he doesn't resist it, he will really die!

For a moment, Farbuti conceptualized it as an "abyss", as if it contained all the filth and depravity in the world.

"Hey, you ate all the characteristics?" Truman was shocked. This was probably the method of the "Mother Tree of Desire".

The "Abyss" path was completely separated from him. Now Fabuti has swallowed up most of the characteristics of the "Abyss" path on the earth. It is already infinitely close to losing control, which is equivalent to becoming a part of the body of the "Mother Tree of Desire".

"Let me give you a brush!" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly, using several true god's powers at the same time.


Coming from the power of the "Earth Mother Goddess", the "abyss" in the void suddenly solidified. Even if it was conceptualized, the essence of Fabuti's life would not change.


The "fall" from the "true Creator", but this "fall" is different, what stands out in Farbuti is a "sacrifice".

This kind of "sacrifice" gradually weakened Farbuti's resistance, and he even showed signs of committing suicide.

"Sacrifice" yourself to save the entire earth!

This "degeneration" is the real "degeneration" for Farbuti.


Truman took one step forward and came directly to the "abyss". His expression became much more serious. He was like a real sun sinking into the "abyss".


Fabuti let out a terrifying roar, and the erosion from the starry sky and the "shadow world" became more and more urgent, but the dream sea that traveled at the speed of light still suppressed it, without giving the slightest chance.


It was like the sound of a barbecue. Under the scorching heat of Truman's sun, the entire abyss felt scorched.

At the same time, the dreamy phosphorescence was also falling, and the colorful "seasonings" fell into the "abyss" to get rid of the "taste" that should not exist.

Various properties like hills turned into liquid, seeping and dripping from the abyss.

That is the characteristic of countless "abyss" pathways forcibly gathered by the "Mother Tree of Desire". This is also the key to driving Fabuti into madness and losing control, and then controlling Fabuti.


Fabuti's painful voice sounded, and he was extremely weak, but it was indeed Fabuti, not the "Mother Tree of Desire".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 214 The Alchemist

Chapter 214 The Alchemist

"Quick...stop!" As those characteristics gradually seeped out, Fabuti's consciousness became more and more clear.

"Are you awake?" Truman did not directly relax the restraint on Fabuti, but used "fantasy" again.

He conducted "comfort" and "psychological treatment" on Fabuti to gradually stabilize his out-of-control spirit. Of course, he had to make some small modifications as he held the power of "utopia".

For example, reducing Fabuti's resistance to guarding the abyss.

"After I leave, you will wake up and continue to guard the abyss." Truman planted these words into Farbuti's heart.

Afterwards, Truman returned his attention to the bright stars in the illusory sky.

Without the support of the "abyss" of Fabuti, these forces have become rootless water, even more unable to withstand the sea of ​​dreams.

"Take it!" Truman looked at the countless "abyss" path characteristics in the void and sent them directly to Gensokyo.

The "Abyss" path is too evil, and the leakage of a large number of characteristics will definitely add instability to the entire world.

After that, Truman thoroughly cleaned the abyss and strengthened the seal of the "Shadow World" by the gray-white mist.

This directly pushed back the progress of the "Mother Tree of Desire"'s erosion of the abyss to more than 1000 years ago.

That was when Sasril re-sealed Farbuti, which also consumed the power of the "Mother Tree of Desire", which was equivalent to clearing the abyss once.

"Almost." After looking outside the wriggling shadow for a while, Truman left the abyss.

"Dream!" Fabuti's miserable voice echoed at the bottom of the abyss. He avoided the most tragic fate of being directly regarded as an alien god and descended into the body, but now the fate of the "prisoners" and "jailers" is not much better.


The bright stars in the starry sky shine brightly again.

He was very angry when 1000 years of hard work was wiped out, so Fabuti was very unlucky.

"Call me?" Truman listened intently, but heard nothing, and then stepped on the seal arranged by Saslier.

The authority of "Dream" upgraded and strengthened Saslier's seal, leaving Farbuti with no chance of escaping.

Done... Truman returned directly to the abyss and saw Bethel and others who were resisting the escaping power of the "abyss".

It's just the aftermath of his battle with the "Mother Tree of Desire", so it doesn't matter.

Truman stretched out his hand and smoothed these things away.

"Let's go. There won't be any more problems here before the end."

Truman and the other three returned to the "Roselle".

"What? Do you want to go back to Solomon's Imperial Capital with me?" Truman looked at Amon.

"If you have such intention, I will not refuse." Amon's eyes lit up.

"When Solomon hits you, I won't stop him." Truman chuckled.

After the Alliance of Gods collapsed and the gods guarded the star realm, the angel kings Amon and Adam became the strongest on earth under Truman, but the restrictions they suffered were not small at all.

"Hmph," Amon's face changed instantly, "The end is coming soon. Pales can't hide for long, and Solomon can't protect him."

Before he finished speaking, Amon turned into a shadow and disappeared without a trace along with the ghost ship in the distance.

"Pallez..." Bethel was also a little worried.

In the past thousand years, Pales has never left the imperial capital and is always under the protection of the "Black Emperor".

It was also for this reason that he was able to survive until now without any worries about Amon's hunting.

As the end is approaching, a "Lord of Mysteries" must be born. This is the consensus of all true gods.

Even in the Dream Council, there are two people waiting for that day.This will involve all three paths involved in the "Lord of Mysteries" into the storm, and Pales will not be able to escape.

"There are still 200 years..." Truman's eyes flashed slightly.

When the end is really coming, Truman's ban will disappear, and the true god may also come to an end.

"Let's return! Go home!"

Russell couldn't understand the information, but he remembered it in his heart. Then he returned to his position, began to turn the ship around, and began to return.

"Before I go back, I want to become a demigod." Russell found Truman and said seriously.

This trip to sea can be said to have made him truly realize what he lacked, and decided to speed up the improvement of his sequence.

"Okay, you'd better find a desert island and hold the ceremony on it."

As for the formula and auxiliary materials, Russell has already mastered them.

"Okay!" Russell's eyes were slightly dark.

Russell didn't need Truman's help and found a desert island in the ocean that met the ritual requirements.

The ritual to become an "alchemist" is to extract life force within a certain range to complete an "alchemy" at the demigod level.

The result of such rituals is that the soil will become desert and the lakes will dry up.

"Alchemists" can, to a certain extent, give the items they create a certain amount of soul and life, and can even create a body that will not age.

This power is also reflected in its rituals.

After Russell made all preparations, he entered the center of the desert island, while Truman came to the deck and watched from a distance.

Being a demigod is the true transformation of the essence of life. After becoming a demigod and a half-human being, your destiny will change.

Russell came to the center of the desert island and took out all the supplies he had prepared.

It is actually very difficult to complete the alchemy at the demigod level in sequence five, but thanks to the fact that he already knew the corresponding formula a long time ago, he has been preparing for today since then.

In addition, the "Craftsman Church" also has thousands of years of experience in corresponding rituals. He once inspected it as a favored person of God.

Russell brought dolls, various metals, and even various special materials.

Before becoming a demigod, "craftsmen" can also create active life forms in an uncontrollable way.

Russell wanted to use this most complicated and reasonable way to hold the ceremony.

Mix the potion and pour it on the doll to activate it, infusing the spirit captured from the spirit world into the doll.

With the intuition of a "craftsman", Russell completely completed the process in half a day.

"Life extraction!"

Russell arranged an altar with magical items from the "Cultivator" path for the final step.

At this moment, the entire island felt a strange suction.


The vitality of all the plants on the island, and even crabs, sea snakes, seagulls and other animals, are gradually extracted, converging into a powerful vitality and injected into the doll.

Click... The doll's head suddenly raised, and its eyes flashed towards Russell.

This is a creature that initially possesses a soul and truly has life activity.

At this moment, Russell's spiritual sense sensed something, and he turned over his hand and took out the "Alchemist" magical item he got from Truman.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 215 Confession

Chapter 215 Confession

The magical item Truman gave to Russell is also very special.

It is like a piece of armor that can be "worn" in sequence five, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the power of the demigod in advance.

This allows people who become "alchemists" to adapt to themselves as quickly as possible, control themselves, and reduce the risk of losing control.

The moment Russell took out the golden man, Truman, who had been paying attention to the situation here, flicked his fingers, and the golden man turned into dots of light all over the sky with a bang.

Characteristics condensed out of nothingness and fell into Russell's hands.

Russell had already expected this scene, and was not surprised at all. Instead, he prepared various auxiliary materials, mixed the potion, and drank it in one gulp.

The cold potion slid down his throat, and Russell felt a slight numbness. Then this feeling surged throughout his body, and his brain seemed to be paralyzed, unable to control his body.

His spirit body seemed to be lifted up, and he saw himself after drinking the magic potion, and also saw the "doll" he had made, which had life and soul.

At this moment, a terrifying sense of satisfaction suddenly surged out of his body, which was the illusory satisfaction of blaspheming life and controlling the soul.

This sense of satisfaction made him lose his sense of proportion, and he became arrogant, arrogant, and crazy. He subconsciously believed that he had the power over life!

Russell was well prepared to withdraw from his emotions and observe the changes in his body indifferently.

His body expanded in a short period of time, as if it was about to lose control and become a monster.

But at this time, his alchemy product reached out, and the terrifying vitality extracted was fed back into Russell's body, stabilizing his physical condition.

Ritual is the anchor, and for the "alchemist" his alchemical creations are also his best companions.

It was also at this moment that Russell's spirit body was re-absorbed into his body and took control of himself, but that indifferent and arrogant mentality inevitably affected him.

Are you arrogant and indifferent because you know so much?

No, it's because something is being awakened in his body and integrating into his soul.

That is divinity.

"Is this the necessary price to pay for becoming a demigod?" Russell's thoughts flashed across his mind.

But at this moment, the silver medal on his chest shed wisps of dreamy phosphorescence. These dreamy phosphorescence calmed the restless divinity and allowed Russell to better maintain himself.

At this moment, Russell finally understood the meaning of this "dream".

Following the trend, he also chose the demigod-level abilities of those three paths among the silver medals - the qualitatively changed version of the spiritual body thread, the entry-level space control, and the demigod-level "stealing".

As long as he gets used to the demigod's abilities, Russell will become one of the most powerful Sequence Four.

Russell collected his spirit, put away the things he brought, and returned to the "Rosell" with the servant-like doll.

"Let's talk." Truman said to Russell, who had become a demigod.

He has become a demigod and can be considered a high-level person anywhere.

"Okay." Russell nodded lightly, placed the puppet, and came to Truman's room alone.


He opened the door and saw Truman sitting behind the table.

"You're here." Truman sat in the shadows.

"I'm here." Russell nodded slightly.

"You shouldn't have come." Truman said suddenly.

"I'm already here." Russell relaxed completely.

The two looked at each other, and a certain tacit understanding made them both laugh.

Bethel Abraham, who "happened to pass by" in the next room, had a strange expression on his face, which was difficult to understand, and he felt like he belonged to two different worlds.

Russell let out a long breath, and some of his anxiety completely dissipated.

He himself is a very flexible person, and Truman has never deliberately hidden this. At most, he hid his name.

"What's your name?" Thinking of this, Russell suddenly realized this question.

"Truman." Well... Russell suddenly realized, no wonder, this name is so familiar.

"My name is Russell Huang Tao Gustave." The weird form is distinctive enough.

Truman nodded slightly, and the two finally talked about it.

Russell came to sit down at the desk. During this process, all the thoughts in his mind were connected together by this premise.

Why does "Dream Duke" join the "Twilight Hermits"?

As far as "Dream" is concerned, the entire extremely secretive organization is like that.

Why would "Dream" treat him, a descendant of a down-and-out noble, so favorably?

Because they both come from the same world and have similar views.

There are even more clues...

Finally, Russell sat on the chair, raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Truman and smiled, "If I were you, I would do it even more 'excessively'."

Including but not limited to creating various famous scenes and "teasing" fellow villagers.

"No need, you are abstract enough."

Truman said with a smile, Russell's face darkened, knowing that his dark history had probably been learned a lot.

"There are some things, don't ask me, and I won't answer. You need to experience it yourself." Truman said suddenly, and Russell nodded thoughtfully.

"Then let's talk about the current empire." Russell took the initiative to raise the topic.

"The 'Emperor' of the Solomon Empire hangs in the star realm." Truman reminded.

Russell is dissatisfied with the current Solomon Empire and wants to change it. Truman is also happy to see it happen.

But the "Black Emperor" is an unavoidable problem.

"The difference between us probably lies in our active thinking and wild imagination."

Russell didn't say "insight" or "knowledge."

"Huh? How about..." Russell thought for a moment and expressed his thoughts.

"Constitutional monarchy? Of course, it also needs to be analyzed and reformed according to the actual situation. Seek truth from facts."

Truman's eyes lit up, this kind of tacit understanding from fellow villagers was really good.

The occult version of a constitutional monarchy can ensure that the faith of the emperor in the star world will never fall, thus avoiding this biggest resistance to the greatest extent.

And something like parliament is one of the best ways to deal with conflicts between nobles.

"Okay, the current empire is in decay, and it's just waiting for you to inject vitality into it."

Truman directly handed over a fantasy gold coin badge.

"Congratulations, you have won the support of Dream Castle."

"..." Russell's mouth twitched, feeling that he had been tricked, but he still accepted the badge.

He has ambitions to change this empire and wants to go higher, and Truman can help him, and he will not be pretentious.

"When did you come?" Russell couldn't help but ask in the end.

"..." Truman was silent for a moment, his tone was a little complicated, and he sighed, "It's been thousands of years."

"It's been a long time." Russell still can't deeply understand the entire Millennium unit, he only feels horrible.

"Have you ever thought about going back?"

"Can not go back."

(End of this chapter)