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Chapter 206 The Ruins

Chapter 206 The Ruins

"Let's go! I'll take you to see what the world of adults is!" Russell led his knights towards the most upscale "Red Theater".

After accepting Truman's employment, they were not short of money.

"Well, do you think a man can give birth to a daughter?" Truman rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

Even if a daughter was born under the influence of an external god, Truman would probably be able to keep that daughter alive and let her grow up like an ordinary child.

"Probably...it won't work." Bethel looked at Russell and his entourage, as if he had thought of something, and his expression was a little strange.

These days of getting along with each other made him understand the specialness of a soul that came down from "Origin Castle", but Russell probably didn't want to try this kind of thing.

"Tsk, that's a pity. Don't embarrass him." Truman shook his head gently, "Let's go, we just need to wait."

The fact that Russell brought the silver medal could not be hidden from the eyes of the outer gods, as if the "Fallen Mother Goddess" had been preparing to corrode him long ago.

But now, he has probably entered another person's field of vision.

Yes, that silver medal can no longer be connected to "Origin Castle", but... who knows?

Due to various factors, Russell is like a walking "Origin Castle" login account, and everyone wants to know more about it.

After entering Byam, Truman and Bethel quickly disappeared into the city, and no one could track them.

At the same time, two angels naturally entered the city.

Bayam Storm Church, one of the largest storm churches in the world, controls an entire archipelago.

Guarding this archipelago is a Sequence Three "Sea King" of the "Storm" path, Karat Cotman.

He is the cardinal of the Church of Storms and one of the highest-ranking bishops in the Church of Storms.

He looks no more than 40 years old, tall and burly, with loose blue seaweed-like hair, and a terrifying storm in his dark blue eyes.

"Why do I feel that a disaster is coming?" At this moment, the cardinal's body was tense, and he actually had an emotion that is difficult to appear among the members of the Church of Storms - fear.

It seems that a disaster is coming, and the entire Bayam will collapse in a disaster.

"Why is that?"

Karat took a deep breath, suppressed his restless spirit, and prayed devoutly to the Lord of Storms.

"The king who rules the sky, the emperor who rules the sea, the great god of storms..."

"I pray that you will protect your believers and protect your territory..."

Karat prayed tirelessly and devoutly, and finally received the revelation ten minutes later.


A blazing white thunder bombarded Kalat's head, until the thunder was just at the limit of Kalat's endurance, splitting his seaweed-like hair upside down, flashing with white light.

Karat's body twitched for a full three minutes before he gradually recovered.

"God is angry?" Karat was inexplicably frightened.

He was very used to being struck by lightning. After all, even he would irritably strike a thunderbolt when facing someone who dared to disturb him for more than ten minutes in a row.

But what frightened him was that the power of this thunder seemed to be a little too powerful, just at the limit of his endurance. If it was any stronger, he might show signs of losing control.

Karat didn't have time to think about this problem. His eyes suddenly lost focus, and two pictures appeared in his mind.

On a blue ocean, there is a latest sailing ship from the Solomon Empire, and its destination is Bayam.

Another picture showed an inaccessible forest, with an indigenous ruins that had been abandoned for who knows how long. "The mutation is caused by these two things?" Karat focused on these two pictures.

"Send all available 'Punishers' to search for this ship and this ruins. If you find anything, please notify me as soon as possible!"

Karat used sea water to represent the ships and ruins in the two paintings and distributed them.

"Yes!" Bayam now has many free punishment agents. After receiving the task, he searched for relevant information as quickly as possible.

"Could it be related to 'Poseidon' Kavituwa?" Karat's anger had been accumulated enough and was about to explode, but he still remained calm enough to analyze the current situation.

"No, Kavitua has been hiding for so long. If he had the power to destroy Byam, he would have done it already."

"This time it's the erosion of external forces!"

Karat's eyes flashed with electricity as he waited quietly.

"Your Excellency, the ship was discovered, but according to the intelligence we collected, the people on the ship got a treasure map and have entered the jungle!"

Blazing white lightning exploded around Karat, and he flew directly into the jungle as quickly as possible.


"I am indeed the destined protagonist. I can find a treasure map even when I visit the Red Theater!" Walking in the jungle, Russell still did not forget to show off his "great achievements" last night.

"Didn't you just fight and rob someone? You are now on the blacklist of the Red Theater." The "Knight" complained at the side.

It's really hard to deal with things like jealousy and fights.

"Hmph! That's because the Red Theater's standard is too low to accept those rude pirates." Russell hummed, proudly showing off the treasure map in his hand.

This was obtained from a lucky pirate. After getting this thing, Russell and his party did not care about being jealous in the Red Theater, but came here as quickly as possible to explore the treasure.

"Be smart, we're almost there!" Russell's face suddenly became solemn, sensing something.


Suddenly, the towering ancient trees in the jungle began to dance, and the canes and leaves became murder weapons.

"Guardian of the Stars!" Russell held his palm, and a starlight burst out and expanded from his palm, becoming a protective shield that blocked out all the leaves and vines.

"fight back!"

Russell's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" all have Sequence Six status and sufficient combat effectiveness. At this moment, each of them showed their extraordinary abilities and directly bulldozed the nearby ancient trees within ten meters.

"We have arrived!"

Russell had already seen an altar similar to a pyramid.

The altar is hidden in the jungle and has been covered by a layer of moss, but many of the simple statues can still be seen, ancient and mysterious.

But it was also at this time that they were attacked by all the surrounding trees. It was a riot in the entire forest, as if it was covered by the sky.

"Look at my Vulcan Cannon!"

Russell took out a long cannon barrel from his back and shouted loudly, and a golden and illusory flame suddenly spurted out of the cannon barrel.

These flames exude the majestic and pervasive breath of the sun, forming a sea of ​​fire that spreads around.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 207 Strange Tree

Chapter 207 Strange Tree

After the woods were actually burned down, Russell and others were able to truly step into the ruins.

"This place has at least nearly a thousand years of history." Russell walked into the pyramid altar and carefully observed the carvings on it.

"Is there a custom of devil worship here?" Others also discovered it.

Russell walked closer and barely recognized the familiar traces on the carvings.

"Not only that, but also a typical starry sky worship!" Russell's pupils shrank and he saw a familiar star map on the mural.

He is now an "astronomer", and studying the stars is a must, and the stars are also one of his sources of power.

But in the "Church of Craftsmen", the study of the starry sky is also limited to a very narrow scope, and it is strictly forbidden to go beyond it.

He could vaguely guess that there was a big secret involved, and he also sensed the danger.

"Be careful, this may be more dangerous than we think."

Russell's face became serious.

Chi Chi!

There was an unusual sound coming from the ground, and everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Behind the pyramid altar, a large tree that had fallen on the ground stood up from the ground, with countless vine tentacles covering everything.

"Tree giant?" Russell recognized the tree giant. "I read in a book that the core of this thing is one of the materials of a certain demigod. It is very powerful!"

"You protect me and support me, and I'll deal with him!"

Russell directly shrank into the protective circle of several people.

"Attack!" The others also realized how difficult their opponent was, and various magic and physical attacks fell on the vine tentacles to buy Russell time.

At this time, a little man made of metal appeared on Russell's hand.

This is a sealed object made from the characteristics of the "Alchemist" combined with the doll. It is Truman's reward paid in advance.

"Start!" Russell bit his finger and smeared the blood on the metal villain. At this time, Russell's eyes became misty and he lost consciousness.


The little metal man moved his hands and feet, and instantly became two meters tall. He turned into a metal giant and rushed towards the tree giant.

After being contaminated with Russell's blood, the metal villain was attached to Russell's soul. Under his control, it was activated and became the alchemy product of the "Alchemist".

"Death!" Russell's voice came from the metal giant's mouth, and a ray of starlight turned into a long sword. Russell held it in his hand and slashed at the tree giant.

After becoming an "Astronomist", his frontal combat ability has been strengthened, and the "Alchemist" itself also possesses corresponding abilities.


The long sword made of starlight instantly cut off most of the tree giant's tentacles, but this also angered the tree giant. The sky full of leaves and tentacles surged to completely submerge the metal giant.

"Record, sun!" Golden light suddenly flashed in the metal giant's eyes, and an illusory book of records bloomed with circles of golden flames.

These golden flames burned all the leaves, and the next moment, the metal giant suddenly flashed behind the tree giant.

This is the "flash" of "traveler".


The tree giant's body suddenly froze.

The spiritual thread of "Secret Puppet Master".

The tree giant still wanted to resist, but in the next moment it forgot what it needed to do, and could only be controlled until death.

The "stealing" of "dream thieves" is stealing that can directly affect the thinking level.

It was Russell who had just stolen the tree giant's idea of ​​resistance and deepened his control over the tree giant's spiritual thread.After becoming a Sequence Five, Russell, combined with the abilities he obtained from the silver medal, was able to crush ordinary Sequence Fives and compete with ordinary demigods.

This is also a manifestation of the superiority of Silver Medal, which will be more obvious once Russell becomes a demigod.

"Death!" The starlight sword in Russell's hand directly penetrated the tree giant.

It's not that he didn't have the idea of ​​​​keeping the tree giant as a marionette, but it was really impossible. He would have to pay a big price to use the metal giant.

It will randomly drain the life force of a creature. If the enemy's life force is not drained in time, it will backfire on Roselle's body.


The three-meter tree man's vitality was extremely terrifying, but it was completely absorbed by the metal giant in a few moments and turned into a dead tree.

Russell's body woke up instantly, recovered the metal giant that had turned back into a golden man, and got the core of the tree giant at the same time.

This is demigod material and extremely valuable.

"Good harvest!" Russell looked at the core of the tree man and nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's move on!"

Russell was satisfied and continued to move forward with the knight.

Old Storm Dove is still on his way.


At this time, Bayam and the "Punishers" rushed to the depths of the jungle. Ordinary people did not feel it, but the local faith that had been in conflict with the Church of Storms for many years had some reaction.

Thick black clouds covered the entire city, and the wind and waves were rolling, seeming to set off a tsunami that would destroy the entire city.

"Quiet." At the intersection of the spiritual world and the real world, Truman gently pressed down with one hand, and a blue-black sea snake the size of a palace was suppressed to the ground and unable to move.

This is "Poseidon" Kavitua.

"'Book of Natural Disasters'?" Truman followed a certain connection and glanced at the Book of Natural Disasters. He ignored it and instead looked at Reinette Tinichole who came to him.

"Tolzner asked you to come to see me?" Truman understood the mummy's thoughts and popped up a dream gold coin.

"Do what you are supposed to do."

"..." Reinette Tinichole silently put away the gold coins, bowed deeply and then turned into a phantom and left.

Throughout the whole process, He didn't say a word, just like a mummy.

Of course, Truman didn't care about this, and he and Bethel walked directly into the ruins that Russell was attacking.

"This is..." The scene inside the pyramid shocked Russell and others.

Countless bones were piled up outside the altar. Judging from the posture, it should be that the entire ethnic group was drained of life by the altar in an instant.

"Why?!" Even evil gods need believers, and such genocide is rare.

"Things related to the starry sky are indeed extremely evil!" Russell waded out of the bones and approached the central altar.

The scene of the altar gradually appeared in everyone's eyes. It was a strange tree with an entity, composed of human corpses and bones, with countless tumors and flowers. On the surface of the tree were countless human faces, with unspeakable pain and silent wailing. .

The moment they saw this tree, Russell and others suffered a terrifying mental shock.

There was an illusory and bright starry sky unfolding above the strange tree. The stars were shining like eyes, and these eyes were looking at Russell.

To be more precise, it was the silver medal on Russell's chest.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 208 Sierra

Chapter 208 Sierra

"Souls that do not belong to this era are stained with the breath of gray fog."

When Russell and others were frightened by the strange tree and the illusory starry sky, a "person" came out from behind the strange tree.

He is still a human being, but in his basic human form, he is a monster that cannot be concealed.

A large black robe covered up all the deformities, but the outline of the black robe could also tell what kind of deformed monster this was.

The monster stretched out his hand to Russell.

In Russell's eyes, the arm suddenly swelled to a height of ten meters. Its surface was dark and sticky, with strange protrusions, either human faces, skulls, or eyes.

He is the divine son of today's Rose School, Si'a.

He has not truly become a "god", but he does have a "god" characteristic in his body and is more powerful than ordinary angels.

His appearance caused Russell and the others to lose control, and their bodies began to undergo various changes.

"Close your eyes!" A cool feeling came from his chest. Russell suddenly woke up and shouted loudly. A golden symbol suddenly appeared on his forehead.

This is the divine companion of the "God of Craftsmen". A symbol of high enough status helped Russell block the pollution from angels.

He subconsciously wanted to "travel" with his knight, but at this moment, a ghostly shadow walked out in front of him.

The shadow suddenly expanded into a huge rag doll, wearing a black Gothic dress with countless mysterious symbols and entangled with countless thorns. Its eyes were as red as blood.

He faced the attacking black arm, his closed mouth opened, but he didn't make a sound.

But at the same time, Si'a opposite him also opened his mouth, silent curses in a fierce exchange of words.

The two "prisoners" fought silently and fiercely through the angels, but it was obvious that the "god" had the advantage. The clothes on the giant rag doll began to be stained with mucus, or the rag doll's ears became long and furry.

At the same time, the dark arm was about to fall down.

The thorns outside the body of the rag doll transformed by Reinette Tinichole began to break, and her own desires were constantly being aroused by the black arm.

The indulgent party doesn't care about the boiling of desire at all, and can even use it to deal with the temperate party.

At this moment, a piece of white cloth stained with yellow mucus suddenly appeared in Reinette Tinichole's hand.

This white cloth belt has gone through too many years and is stained by ashes, but this will not change its nature.

He comes from the oldest mummy, which is the current "Bound God" and the past god of spiritual things, Torzna.

The white cloth belt is the shroud of the mummy, which symbolizes the concept of "temperance" and the authority of the "bound one".

The surging language in Renette Tinichole's eyes was directly suppressed, and then the white shroud in her hand unfolded, exerting some strange characteristics, directly restraining Si'a's power, and threw it away. Entering the depths of the spiritual world.

He turned his head to look at Russell one last time, then went directly into the depths of the spiritual world and transferred the battlefield.

"Huh!" Russell and his party survived the disaster and realized how dangerous the mysterious world was. They were just searching for a lost indigenous treasure.

"Are those two angels?" Russell's Adam's apple rolled.

"..." The other people were still frightened and did not dare to speak.

But at the moment when Russell was most relaxed, the strange tree on the altar suddenly shook, and the shadow of the illusory starry sky suddenly turned into a stream of light and fell towards Russell's body. "Damn! Still coming?!" Russell's eyes widened, and he even grabbed the silver medal on his chest and threw it out.

The only thing in his body that could withstand this force might be this mysterious silver medal.

The silver medal hummed softly, as if it had turned into a shield, isolating space, and countless layers of space were taking shape in front of Russell.

The starlight was blocked, and Russell breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, the roar of thunder suddenly sounded in Russell's ears.

Storm Dove has arrived!

A terrifying lightning storm exploded directly inside the pyramid, and electric snakes struck the strange tree.

Karat came to the inside of the pyramid with the strong wind, just in time to make up the final blow.

"Huh?" Russell suddenly felt something was wrong. After the strange tree was chopped to death, a pink brilliance directly turned into an arrow, merged with the starlight, and shot through the countless layers of space barriers, touching Arriving at Russell's body!

"Ah!" Russell's belly suddenly swelled, like a woman about to give birth.

"Hey!" Suddenly a laugh came from Russell's ears. A palm reached out from the void, grabbed Russell's body directly, soothed the "child" in his belly, and then the palm held all the children. People are drawn into the spirit world.

Karat wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Lightning raged, but it could only smash the altar into pieces.

"Damn it!" Karat suppressed his anger and roared, "Find them! Now! Now!"


After the shroud banished Si'a to the spiritual world, Truman, who had been watching the show, had already taken action.

His target has always been Si'a, and he is just waiting for Reinette Tinichole to reasonably send Si'a to him.

During the whole process, he could not come forward, but Torzner's arrangement was powerful enough. The real effect of the shroud was to temporarily isolate Si'a from the "Mother Tree of Desire".

This is the authority and power of the "bound one". In a sense, bondage is also a kind of isolation, similar to Bethel's space stripping, which separates people from their destiny and achieves a hidden effect.

"Tolzner's child is really ugly. No wonder he wraps himself up as a mummy every time he appears." Truman joked.

The moment he saw Si'a, Si'a had lost all ability to resist.

The share of "divine evil" he possesses is actually the share that Truman gave to Tolzner in the third era, clearly bearing the mark of Truman's dream.

It's just that this dream mark is somewhere between real and fake. With Truman's current status, unless the "Mother Tree of Desire" enters the earth in its true form, it cannot be detected.

"Remember, your father is Torzner, but your mother is not that strange tree."

Truman just planted such a hint for Sia. Under the power of "dream", such a hint would have the effect of "all wishes come true".

He once convinced Badheir and Azik Eggers to betray their father, but this time it was the other way around.

"I am a child of the 'Bound God'."

This has always been the origin of Si'a's self-proclaimed "Son of God".

His attributes and everything come from the "Bound God."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 209 "Children"

Chapter 209 "Children"

"I am a child of the 'Bound God'." Si'a was dazzled until he remembered this sentence completely in his heart.

"Very good." Truman nodded with satisfaction. He turned around and looked around. The outside world was Reinette Tinichole. This angel was rushing here, but his speed seemed to be in slow motion, in a very slow motion. Speed ​​is approaching here.

In this space bound by the shroud, Truman accelerated the flow of time. Until now, Si'a has completed deep transformation, but the outside world may not have even completed it for a second.

"After I leave, you will forget all this."

He will forget, but the mark will not disappear, it will just turn into a false state.

Truman glanced at Si'a, and then directly removed his power, turning into a dreamy bubble and disappearing without a trace.

The flow of time returned to normal instantly, and no one could notice anything was wrong.

"Roar!" Si'a's eyes suddenly became clear, and he roared angrily. Using the power of the "gods" in his body, his two arms instantly tore open the enclosed space formed by the shroud.

Because of the will of the "Bound God", he has never been able to completely become a "god", but he can still mobilize his power.

The shroud returned to Reinette Tinichole's hands. Sia glanced at Russell, who had been eroded by the starlight, and his body transformed into countless crazy and raging lights and shadows, and left here directly.

The goal has been initially achieved, and God will not blame Him.

In His eyes, this is actually a war between gods and the "bound", and both He and Reinette Tinichole are just the executors of their respective gods, fighting around a soul that does not belong to this era. A game.

His side now has the upper hand. All it takes is for him to become a true "god" and the Temperance Sect of the Rose School of Thought will be completely wiped out.

And the "bound ones" who have lost their believers will definitely be completely eroded by the "Mother Tree of Desire" that is greater than the true God and become a container.

"Hiss!" Sia's final roar echoed in the spirit world. Reinette Tinique watched all this in silence, returned to her normal form, and left silently.

He has completed the task God gave Him.

"Teacher." Bethel also returned to Truman at this time.

"How about it?"

"I stopped Antigonus," Bethel answered.

"Sure enough," Truman shook his head. The current connection between "Half Fool" and "Origin Castle" is close enough, and he can faintly detect the aura of "Origin Castle".

"Don't worry about him, it's not time for the 'Origin Castle' to appear yet."

"Huh?" Truman turned around and saw Russell, whose belly was beginning to bulge and was about to give birth.

"Hey!" He reached out and penetrated the space to pull Russell and others from the ruins.

"Ah!" Russell suddenly let out a terrified scream.

"I...I..." Russell looked at his bulging belly and felt an unimaginable impact on his worldview.

"You're fine. There's more. It's probably a boy." Truman pressed Russell's hand and explored it a little, then stretched out his finger to show the appearance of the child in Russell's belly.

It was a strange baby with all four limbs and an extraordinarily huge head. If you look carefully, you can see the tree lines on the child's skin, shining with a strange luster.

"Gu!" Russell, who was fearless, was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He forced a smile and said, "Can you take it off for me?"

"Are you sure?" Truman raised an eyebrow, "This is your own flesh and blood."

"Sure! Sure!" Russell finally saw that this capitalist had no good intentions.

"What a pity." Truman's face was full of pity, "I quite like children."

A child's pure soul and unbridled imagination fit perfectly with "dream".

Of course, this refers to normal children.

Truman didn't waste any more time and pointed at Russell's bulging belly. The formed fetus turned into a dreamy bubble. There was an illusory starlight in the dreamy bubble and Truman took it in his hand.Buzz... At this moment, Truman subconsciously looked at the sky.

The dark clouds that had not completely dispersed were instantly penetrated by starlight.

The sun is shining!

At this moment, many astronomers discovered this star with a huge increase in light, which completely exceeded the normal category.

But before these astronomers had time to study the strange behavior of the star, a black velvet curtain completely blocked the star's light.

That is the "Night Goddess".

Truman saw the night curtain and nodded slightly. Amanisis was still very reliable.

The gods were probably paying attention to him at this time.

"Is it weird? I set the location in Bayam, but Leodro actually resisted?"

Such thoughts passed away in a flash, and Truman stopped paying attention to them.

But the real thing is that Leodro couldn't hold it back.


A bolt of thunder hit Karat on the head, causing his body to tremble slightly and his hair to stand on end.

"God...is he blaming me for my inability to do things well?" The "Sea King" was frightened again.

On the other side, Russell's abdomen had returned to normal size.

"I have to thank you for using this magical method instead of directly cutting open my stomach to take out the monster." Russell's voice was still a little difficult.

"This world is so crazy..."

"Just get used to it." Truman felt the same way.

"What was that just now?" Russell asked, and he caught Truman's eyes looking at the sky.

"Having some knowledge without enough character support, just knowing it is a kind of pollution." Truman shook his head.

Russell fell silent, and his mentality underwent some subtle changes.

"I'm too arrogant." Russell's face was tense, and it took a long time for him to calm down.

Truman glanced at Russell in surprise. With such a realization, this crime was not in vain.

"I am still confident in myself, but I will be more cautious in the future!" Russell hung the silver medal around his neck again, as if he had completed a sublimation of his life.

"Let's go, that 'Sea King' is coming after us." Truman turned his head and looked at the thunder surging in the jungle in the distance.

Now that they were back on the sailboat, the crew had begun to weigh anchor.

"Okay!" Russell resurrected with full health, began to mobilize magical items, and started the sailboat.

"Where should we go next? Is it still the southern continent?"

"Don't go, go directly into the foggy sea and find the 'abyss'!"

Truman looked at the ray of starlight in his hand and changed his mind.

The "Mother Tree of Desire" has now been stimulated once, and the arrangement on Si'a's body is also perfect, so there is no need to go to the Southern Continent again.

"Okay!" Truman is the employer, he has the final say.Russell turned the ship's bow and headed towards the Misty Sea.

 There is one more chapter...

(End of this chapter)

210 Ghost Ship

210 Ghost Ship

The sailing ship "Roselle" plunged into the vast sea, heading towards the dangerous and treacherous sea of ​​fog.

Due to the smooth shipping routes between the north and south continents, few people set foot in this foggy sea, making it a stronghold for pirates.

The legendary abyss is even further than the Sea of ​​Mist, and one must cross this dangerous sea.

"Will we encounter the legendary ghost ship?"

Russell and others were bored and chatting about some ghost ships that were rumored by pirates in the Misty Sea.

"Oh, it's been a long time since we've seen a lucky pirate come over."

"Save it, last time we killed a ship of pirates, and the bad reputation has spread. No more pirates will dare to challenge us, so we can be happy and relaxed."

"Captain!" Suddenly, a panicked cry came from the other side of the ship.

Russell and others instantly entered a fighting state and came to the other side of the ship, looking at a giant ship gradually approaching them in the distance.

"This is..." Russell and others were shocked.

"This is the ghost ship you have been thinking about."

Truman and Bethel also walked out of their respective rooms, looking a little surprised at the approaching giant ship.

This is really not what attracted him.

Back then, after he killed the "Night Emperor" Trunsoest, he only took away the brass book, but he did not take away the three Sequence Ones.

Probably one of the three subsequent sequences fell into the hands of the Trunsoest family, and it should be on this ship now.

"Is it the ghost ship of the Trunsoest Empire?!" Russell's face was a little solemn. After the last lesson, he was indeed a lot more cautious.

Now facing the ghost ship, the first thing he considered was whether there was any trap in the ghost ship.

"Come closer." Truman narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to Russell.

"...Okay!" With the support of the boss, Russell's waist straightened instantly.

Since the last time, Russell has learned that if Truman is not an angel now, he is not much different, and there is also an unknown Mr. Abraham.

Russell slowed down the ship and let the ghost ship gradually get closer. But strangely, the giant ghost ship stopped at a dangerous distance, with the two sides facing each other across the sea.

This ghost ship is at least three times larger than their ship, and it looks like a sea fortress.

"There seems to be someone up there, should we go there?" Russell asked after confirming.

"You come with me." Truman glanced at the ghost ship and prepared to take Bethel and Russell aboard.

"Green, guard our ship!" Russell distributed some magical items in his hand to his knights, and he flashed directly onto the giant ghost ship with Truman and Bethel.

"Isn't this too big?" Russell came to the deck and realized that the space here seemed to have been extended dozens of times, and it was magnificent and antique.

Where is the boat? It is simply a palace on the sea!

"Welcome distinguished guests to board the ship!" A beautiful maid came over and bowed gently to Truman and others.

This beautiful maid is wearing a classic maid dress, with fair skin and a delicate face, like a blooming lily.

You can doubt the combat effectiveness of the Trunsoest Empire's army, but you cannot doubt the beauty of its domestic ladies.

It seems that because of their queen, the appearance of the ladies of the Trunsoest Empire was generally higher than that of the Solomon Empire.

"Hiss! It's so beautiful!" Russell's eyes widened.

At this moment, Truman's face was slightly distorted.Even the slightly old-fashioned Bethel frowned and resisted a little.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir." The maid glanced at Russell with a bright smile.

"Stop being so silly!" Truman patted Russell on the shoulder to wake him up.

"Distinguished guests, please follow me." The maid led the way and led the three of them into the palace on the sea.

"What's the principle?" Russell woke up, looked at the palace on the sea, and tried to analyze it with his own knowledge.

"Because of the rules." Truman was familiar with this kind of power.

"Rules? Rules of the Trunsoest Empire?" Russell wanted to have records about the Trunsoest Empire.

Most of the records of that empire buried in history have been obscured, but what little remains prove that it was a country that paid great attention to laws and regulations.

"The 'arbitrator' route?"

The three of them were led by the maid to the deepest part of the palace. They saw dozens of maids along the way!

"This is really a palace!" Russell was really envious.

Soon they arrived at the deepest palace. It didn't feel like they were on the sea at all. It felt like they were in the palace of the Solomon Empire.

"Welcome to my palace." A joking, lazy voice came from the palace.

The palace door slowly opened, and more than 20 male and female servants stood on both sides to welcome the three of them.

And sitting on the highest throne was a young man wearing a classical magician's robe and a pointed hat.

The man's eyes swept across Truman and Bethel, and landed on Russell.

"Ah! How interesting!" He adjusted the monocle on his eyes and seemed to be very interested in something about Russell. A gleam of light on the monocle lit up Russell's eyes.

Russell subconsciously took half a step back, feeling a terrifying force acting on his soul.

And at the next moment, all the servants in the palace looked at Russell,

At the same time, the beautiful maids who had just ushered Russell and others into the palace took out crystal monocles of the same shape from their pockets and put them on their right eyes at the same time.

They looked at Russell at the same time, the corners of their mouths curved in a similar way, and their eyes flashed with a similar light. Then they spoke at the same time, saying the same sentence in different voices.

"Ah! How interesting!"

All the voices converged into one sound wave, impacting Russell's sanity.

At this moment, the terror in Russell's heart reached its peak, and a chill enveloped his body, making him stagnant and unable to move his thoughts.

"Oh, stop making trouble!"

Truman tapped Russell on the shoulder to remove the terrifying pressure. It was the pressure caused by Amon's own personality. For Russell, who also mastered the ability of "Stealer", the oppression was too terrifying. .

"This..." Russell woke up as if from a dream, his fear and panic were eliminated, and he found himself again.

"Is everyone the same person?" His tone was hard.

"Yes, they are all parasitized.".


Russell thought of this name, he was familiar with it, the demigod of the "Stealer" path.

He even made a preview, imagining what kind of abilities he would choose from the "parasite" after becoming a demigod.

At this moment, the ability of "parasitism" showed its most terrifying aspect in front of him.

(End of this chapter)