
A 41

Chapter 201: Twilight Hermit Society

Chapter 201: Twilight Hermit Society

Late one night, Truman played with a badge in his hand. The badge was engraved with a dragon-shaped head, which seemed imaginary but not real. You could faintly feel the undulating dark sea around the badge.

This is the ocean of the collective subconscious.

The entire badge was "picked up" by Truman in the ocean of collective subconscious.

Ahem... In fact, he felt something in his heart and reached out to fish it out. At the same time, he modified the information above and pointed it at him.

Its function is simple, that is, to guide the direction in the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness, and the end is probably a dream.

In the dream is a party with a long history that may have existed in the early Fourth Age.

"Go and have a look!" Truman followed the connection and found a dream party in the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

And now it's party time.

"It seems pretty good!" Truman's consciousness dived directly into the dream.

What comes into view is a large church of the Creator, but it is not dedicated to the one from the Third Age, but to the "Primary Creator".

The church is divided into two floors: the inner and outer floors. The outer space is extremely large and can accommodate thousands of people to pray, while the inner floor is where meetings are held.

Truman walked into it and saw a very large long table with dozens of high-backed chairs beside it.

"Another newcomer?" Most of those high-backed chairs were already occupied by people. These people looked at Truman and either nodded in a friendly manner or showed indifference.

The appearance of these people is unconcealed and displayed directly. What stands out is that they are full of confidence.

"There is a vacancy here." A voice sounded, and a member of the meeting closest to Truman asked Truman to take a seat.

It wasn't because that person was so hospitable, but because it was his first time attending the meeting and he subconsciously wanted to find allies.

Truman turned around and saw a familiar face.

Russell Gustav.

And here is the "Twilight Hermits", a secret organization established by Adam.

The people who can sit here are all the core members of the Twilight Hermits, not the kind of peripheral handymen.

Russell Gustav was able to get an invitation to directly enter the inner circle of the "Twilight Hermits" by virtue of his rank of Sequence Six, most likely because of his special status in the "Church of Craftsmen".

"The two newcomers have arrived. On behalf of the president, I will introduce our basic rules." An old man closest to the president stood up and looked at Russell and Truman.

This is a Sequence Three "Dream Weaver" of the "Audience" pathway, representing the mysterious convener.

People here also have guesses about the convener.

"We believe in the original Creator, and everything we do is for the awakening of that One..."

"Twilight will inevitably come, and the end will be inevitable. At that time, He will wake up from his deep sleep, make everything belong to Himself, and create a new world..."

"We are all part of the One..."

"People always lose themselves little by little until they 'fall asleep', so we must observe ourselves and remember ourselves..."

Russell listened carefully. It was the first time for him to participate in such an outrageously high-level gathering, so he was very cautious.

Truman, on the other hand, twitched the corner of his mouth. The last sentence always felt like Adam was connoting him.

No, just the phrase "losing myself a little bit" is already an obvious standout.

"In order to welcome the new members, we will give away the knowledge of a certain path of the second 'blasphemous tablet', along with the names of all sequences."

Russell took a breath. The knowledge of a path and the names of all sequences is a huge wealth in itself!

Wait...a second sacrilege slate? !

Russell heard terms that only existed in myths.

"This organization is right!" Russell looked excitedly at the ancient stone tablet that suddenly appeared in the old man's hand, and wrote down everything he could see.

Except for the knowledge of the "generalist" path, the other paths only have sequence names. If you want to obtain more specific knowledge, you have to pay a corresponding price.

"Very good! Welcome newcomers to join our team!" Many friendly participants applauded.

"But..." the old man suddenly changed his tone, "Just a reminder, if you mention the party and organization-related matters to the outside world without permission, you will be noticed and then cleared."

"The last person to be cleared was the 'Holy Hand' Onofre Ike, a Sequence [-] angel."

Russell's face was solemn and he nodded slightly.

Truman didn't react at all, and the old man just thought he acquiesced.

"The next step is the transaction." The old man nodded with satisfaction.

Many members were silent for a while, and finally someone said, "I need a 'Night Watch' feature."

The "Night Watcher" is the fourth sequence of the "Sleepless One" path of the Church of Dark Night. He is already a demi-god, and he is one of the people with the highest status in the Church of Dark Night.

"I suggest you go directly to the Tranquility Church and kill one. This is the fastest way." Someone taunted directly.

"Of course, in that case, you may have to face the Pope of the Church of the Night."

"The resources of the 'Sleepless One' path are too tight. They are strictly controlled by the Church of the Night, and there are almost no demigod characteristics left outside." Someone else said.

"I suggest you choose 'Demon Hunter' or 'Undead'."

The people here are all powerful people, holding unimaginable power and knowing too many secrets.

Russell felt that his world view had been greatly impacted.

In just a few sentences, he had already revealed the knowledge of path exchange, which benefited him a lot.

The person who made the request nodded slightly, "It's okay if it has the other two characteristics."

This time, someone nodded, indicating that they could get the resources.

The resources here are not only features, but also "people".

The characteristics of hunting demigods can only be disclosed here.

"Great, what do you need?"

In the end, some people also proposed the rewards they needed. Gold coins were not the only ones, but more of a transaction in terms of characteristics.

"So advanced!" Russell blinked, like a husky who had blended into a pack of wolves, not daring to speak at all.

However, transactions between demigods and above are rare at such gatherings, and only one has occurred so far.

After that, it became more about the exchange of interests between the various forces.

The people here are all in high positions of power, and the people that Russell could recognize include the ministers of the Emperor Solomon and the generals of the military.

These people are openly trading in the interests of the empire.

As for the transaction objects, they are the kingdoms and church leaders other than Solomon.

"It's... so evil and so powerful!"

Russell sighed, and then he looked at the newcomer next to him, who was attending the meeting for the first time like himself.

It is also an old rule for newcomers to get together.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 202 Trading

Chapter 202 Trading

"This friend, I am Russell Gustave, what is your name?" Russell asked Truman in a low voice.

And the moment Russell looked at Truman, all eyes would slide past this place, and no one would pay attention.

"You can call me Mr. Dream, I come from Dream Castle." Truman replied.

Russell's heart skipped a beat and he blinked. There was no expression on his face, he just nodded lightly.

"My dear, this organization is really awesome. Even people from that place can become members."

However, when he looked at the imperial military general, he seemed to be unable to understand.

The Duke of Dreams' status was extremely high, but there were other people in the castle.

"I also know that you are the most popular upstart in the imperial capital." Truman smiled.

The favored ones of the "God of Craftsmen" can be said to have put Russell on the fire, but Roselle is still up to par, and has not yet lost the prestige of being favored by the gods.

"Not worth mentioning! Not worth mentioning!" Russell grinned.

The two of them were chatting through a small window on the side, and the exchange of interests under the card table over there had come to an end.

"Okay, we can start free discussion."

In a gathering of dozens of people, there is an order for free discussion.

"I heard that the 'Church of the God of Artisans' has gained a favored one recently? This is a rare thing."

As soon as this statement came out, many people looked at Russell.

Naturally, Russell didn't suffer from stage fright. He straightened his chest and simply admitted, "Yes, it's me!"

"Beloved by God?" Someone chuckled, questioningly.

"Of course, I didn't do anything earth-shattering."

"It's just an improved steam engine and a new type of sailboat. All you need is hands." Russell raised his eyebrows, stretched out his palm coquettishly, and gently turned and pressed it, and everything happened in the palm of his hand.

Someone actually took a look at his hand at the scene.

"There will probably be steam locomotives and steam sailing ships in the future. Don't be offended."

Russell's arrogant and frivolous expression really... deserves a beating. He was full of sarcasm and had no regard for the identities of the big guys here.

"What is a steam locomotive?" Truman handed him an assist at the right time.

"Using steam engines as power to pull hundreds or thousands of tons of cargo trains can probably greatly speed up the delivery of materials."

"It's not slow either. It's much more powerful than most low-sequence extraordinary beings. It seems to be useful for pulling people, and it can pull hundreds or even thousands of people."

The first to change their minds were the military and political personnel of the empire and other major kingdoms. They were keenly aware of the applications of such motorcycles in certain aspects.

Most of the world still belongs to ordinary people.

"In that case, the whole world would be turned upside down."

The rest of the people are not idiots, so they naturally thought of this.

"As expected of the 'Son of Steam'." Someone sighed, recognizing that Russell was sitting with them.

The "Son of Steam" was what many ordinary people in the imperial capital called him after Russell improved the steam engine.

Afterwards, many people turned their attention to Truman next to them.

"The latest version of Fantasy Gold Coins will be released this week, which is very commemorative. Are any of you interested? Give me your address and I will send it to you."

Truman chuckled and looked at everyone.

Fantasy gold coins come from Fantasy Castle.

These people all shrank their pupils and looked away. Russell was his own "talent", but this one was a tough one behind the scenes. "Ahem, can you give me a set?" Russell coughed twice and asked Truman for it.

"Of course." Truman nodded lightly.

"The sea has not been very peaceful recently, and pirates seem to be a little too rampant. It is conceivable that if the improved sailboats are spread out, pirates will become a big problem."

Someone stirred up a new topic.

Russell relied on his "talent" and amazing insight into certain things to perform well in this meeting, which was somewhat eye-catching, but Truman was always peeking at the screen.

"The meeting is over!"

The old man who initially hosted the meeting announced the end of the party, and many participants left the dreamland immediately.

"Let's go, see you offline!" Russell waved goodbye to Truman. The distance between the two of them in the real world is not too far, so it should be easy to get laid offline.

"By the way, I have a banquet recently. The main purpose is to test some artillery that I designed and supervised. Are you interested?"

Russell asked. He was very concerned about Truman and wanted to take the initiative to manage the relationship between the two.

"Okay." Truman suddenly thought of something and nodded in agreement.

The impact of things like New Era Artillery is so great that low-sequence and even some mid-sequence Beyonders cannot resist it. Once it reaches a large scale, it becomes even more terrifying.

In the past 1000 years, the Dream Sect has never touched these tools of war, and now it was still brought out by Russell.

This will greatly change Russell's situation, and even certain things will have to be put on the table.

Russell also left and exited this dreamland, but Truman kept sitting in his seat, waiting for someone to arrive.

I don't know when, a priest wearing a simple divine robe suddenly appeared on the main seat.

The priest's pale golden eyes looked at Truman, who took the initiative to say, "Long time no see."

"Yes." Adam showed no emotion and looked at Truman calmly.

"Do you want 0-08?" Truman asked directly.

The church's sealed object system has long been established, and the Alsuhoder pen that Truman left in the Church of the Night still received the number "0-08".

"What do you want?" Adam was not surprised and just looked at Truman and asked.

0-08 is now controlled by the Church of the Night, but to leave the Church of the Night, not only the consent of the Goddess of the Night is required, but also the acquiescence of Truman.

"I want the entire collective subconscious ocean." Truman didn't shy away from it and directly stated his conditions.

Adam's eyes suddenly bloomed with a look, and he could no longer remain calm, "It's not mine."

The ocean of collective subconsciousness is composed of the subconsciousness of all living things. It is an existence hidden under the world.

"But you can also control this ocean after becoming a 'visionary'."

"What I need is your promise that you will never be able to control the collective subconscious ocean through any means again."

This is equivalent to asking Adam to permanently give up a certain part of his "utopian" authority.

Truman explained, and then he added, "Of course, the 'audience' channel still has the right to enter and exit here, but the right of ownership is in my hands."

"..." Adam looked at Truman silently and didn't speak for a long time.

The two looked at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

"Not enough." After a weighing process that no one knew, Adam finally compromised. He was inherently in a weak position.

"Then what else do you want?" Truman smiled, there was hope if we could talk.

 Let me prepare and will update tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 203 The "venue" is obtained

Chapter 203 The "venue" is obtained

"In addition to not preventing me from ascending to the throne of God, I also need one condition." Adam stared at Truman.

"Okay." Truman agreed happily.

Adam's becoming a god is a game of humanity and divinity with Sasriel, and he does not need to interfere too much. He even thinks that Sasriel will most likely allow Adam to become a god instead of obstructing it.

Whether the game of humanity and divinity is more important, or whether it is more important to master the source of essence through a single channel, it is up to Sasril to choose.

As for the other condition, there is no need to worry. If it is too excessive, Adam will not raise it, otherwise he will fall out.

"Then it's a deal." When Adam said the deal, a certain force acted between the two people, and a contract was formed in an instant, a contract guaranteed by the power of "Dream".

This level of contract ensures that neither party to the transaction can easily violate it.

"What do you want to do?" After completing the transaction, Adam already felt that there seemed to be some kind of gap between himself and the collective subconscious ocean, and the ownership had been transferred to Truman.

"You will see it soon." Truman has used the power of "utopia" and "dream" to completely modify the underlying rules of the collective subconscious ocean.

Sequence Zero and even the King of Angels who control the uniqueness can modify and delete the knowledge and authority of the corresponding sequence.

The most obvious of these are the "Gatekeeper" of the Death Path, and today's "Stealer" Path.

They were all modified to some extent by Phoenix Ancestor and Amon.

"0-08 will be given to you when the next fellow comes over. That time should be the best time for you to become a god."

Truman disappeared directly into the high-backed chair. Adam nodded slightly and waved away the dream.


"The venue has been obtained." Truman appeared in the dream castle, reached into the dark sea of ​​collective subconscious, and fished out an illusory badge from it.

"One more developer is missing." Truman looked at Russell Truman, who was in the same city, and countless bizarre dreams were reflected in his eyes.

This is the "dream" authority, and this authority alone is enough to control all dreams in the world.

And after completely mastering the sea of ​​collective subconscious, Truman's mastery of dreams became the best in the universe.

Soon, after Truman was stunned for a while, it was already dawn, and the invitation to Russell's banquet had been sent to the Dream Castle, and Truman also attended the appointment.

This banquet was not simple. In the name of the "Church of the God of Artisans", Russell hosted a banquet for the highest-ranking people in the entire imperial capital. What he wanted was the most shocking effect.

"I'm not afraid of playing myself to death..." Truman complained. Russell was so playful and gambling that he almost forgot that he was still a Sequence Six.

The banquet was held in the most luxurious manor in the imperial capital. A carriage engraved with the coat of arms of the nobles came here, and various nobles in luxurious clothes got out of the carriage.

"Welcome, gentlemen and ladies."

Russell put on a gorgeous bishop's robe and received everyone personally.

"Roselle, if you dare to play tricks on me today, you know what will happen." The arrival of an imperial military boss in military uniform pushed Russell to the forefront.

People who come here know something more or less. According to Russell, the new artillery can be a major weapon that changes human warfare, and the military attaches great importance to it.

If this experiment fails, Russell will be blacklisted by the imperial military.

"You'll see!"

Russell's eyes lit up when he saw this general. This was his main target.

After that, not only the military, but also many ministers from the empire came.

"Roselle, how do you think about the conditions I mentioned last time? As long as you nod, even if you fail this time, I can guarantee your entry into the military." An imperial prince even recruited him on the spot.

"Becoming a vassal of my Holy Solomon family is also a gift." The arrogant smell of the royal family made Russell almost print the soles of his shoes on that nostrils that looked at others.

Who has no one on top?

"Roselle." Truman appeared wearing a dark robe from a dream castle, with a gold coin-shaped badge on his chest.

"People from Dream Castle?!" Even the prince's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that Russell could actually invite people from Dream Castle.

"Oh, my friend!" Russell directly crossed the prince and welcomed Truman in.

"You arrived just in time, otherwise I wouldn't be sure I would have stepped on his face."

Russell gritted his teeth. What he hated most was someone pretending to be in front of him.

"A member of the royal family?" Truman glanced at the prince and nodded gently. The Solomon family is really inferior to every generation. Today's Solomon Empire can be said to have all the shortcomings of the last dynasty. If it weren't for the gods above, it would have been long ago. It was overturned.

"Sooner or later, these royal children must know how powerful I am." Russell snorted.

"Then I'm looking forward to your performance." Truman walked aside minding his own business. There was a lot of delicious food at the banquet.

"Teacher, here is the latest ice cream." Bethel suddenly appeared at the banquet. No one except Truman could see him.

"Huh? The sect has come up with something new?" Truman tasted it with a spoon and it tasted good.

Well, the Dream Sect focuses on developing food, which initially requires sacrifices.

The object of sacrifice is naturally Truman.

"Teacher, are you very optimistic about this Russell?" Bethel was also tasting delicious food and looked at the long-sleeved Russell who was good at dancing and asked curiously.

"Look what's on him." Truman gestured.

Bethel turned around to look, and there seemed to be countless hidden symbols outlined in his eyes.

Blessings from "artisans", various magical items, and...

"A little bit attracted to me?" Bethel sensed the existence of some kind of cohesion.

"He came down from the 'Origin Castle'." Truman directly revealed the answer to the mystery.

"'Origin Castle'!?" Even with Bethel's cultivation, his heart was shocked.

"It's a pity that I chose the 'generalist'." But Bethel soon came to his senses.

It is impossible for an Extraordinary person of the "General Knowledge" path to enter the "Origin Castle".

"Welcome to the new era." Russell has prepared everything and is about to start the test firing of the new artillery.

Behind him were dozens of jet-black artillery pieces, equipped with elastic mounts and anti-recoil devices, and their calibers were far ahead of this era.

At Russell's order, all the artillery was loaded and fired.

No bullshit needed at this point, just real fire coverage!

All the nobles focused all their attention on the cannon, and the strange shape never appeared in the whole world.

Bang bang bang!

The artillery fired a volley, all the shells hitting a hill.


In an instant, it was like the earth was shattering, and the entire hill was flattened by the terrifying explosion!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 204 Commission

Chapter 204 Commission

The terrifying explosion echoed throughout the manor and even reached the entire imperial capital, plunging this ancient city into an eerie silence.

At this moment, some of Russell's methods began to be implemented, and a kind of "gossip" began to spread among the people.

He is using public opinion to solidify his reputation as a "genius."


The violent wind stirred up by the explosion swept everything, Russell opened his hands and smiled wildly and wantonly.

However, the strong wind behind him was too strong, and Russell could no longer pretend, so he quickly walked a few steps without leaving a trace and returned to the banquet site.

Many nobles turned pale, frightened by the power of the artillery.

"This kind of power?" Bethel took a look and commented objectively, "Probably a demigod-level lightning storm?"

Many of the Extraordinaries present had solemn expressions on their faces, and unconsciously placed themselves on the hill, imagining what would happen if they faced these artillery pieces.

Then most people were livid. With this kind of power, demigods and below could only run for their lives!

If you are not good at escaping, you are very likely to fall under this round of artillery fire.

More importantly, these artillery can be mass-produced. A few dozen can have such power, but what about a few hundred?

Everyone was aware of this problem, and then all eyes were focused on Russell, with enthusiasm and even fear.

"A new era has arrived." Russell reiterated again that Extraordinary people would not stand there stupidly and be bombarded by artillery shells, but there were things that could not be moved away, such as city walls and castles.

"He's in trouble." Truman watched the show happily.

"The royal family, the military, and even the major nobles will try to win over him, and he may be at a loss to advance or retreat." Bethel also knew about the recent secret fight between the royal family and the nobles.

Well, it should be said that the Abraham family was actually involved.

It is not for the throne. As long as the "Black Emperor" hangs on his head, no one can shake this thing, but the power and resource distribution of the empire can be fought for.

Even the demigods of several major duke families are pitiful. Most nobles care more about worldly power and interests.

And just as Bethel said, Russell is now surrounded by a large group of nobles.

Russell naturally accepted everyone who came and enjoyed the beautiful moments of life. The reverence and enthusiasm of those nobles made people feel more happy than the beautiful lady.

But things didn't seem to be what he thought.

When the royal family, great nobles, and the military came together, Russell suddenly felt like he was being sucked into the center of the storm.

He can maintain temporary stability, but these people do not allow an accident to exist on the outside.

"Ahem! Excuse me!" Russell was in a moment of pride now. He would not express his position on such a matter, so he went directly to Truman.

"Damn! I miscalculated! This seems to be a lot more complicated than I thought!" Russell was frightened as he escaped from the big bosses who were already at war with each other.

There are demigods among these people!

"You will have to face these people for the rest of the time." Truman reminded.

"Ah..." Russell's face wrinkled, with some resistance. Now he is still a researcher and scientist, not a politician, and he has a natural resistance to these things.

"Once these weapons of yours are mass-produced, you are already qualified to break the balance. Coupled with the 'Church of the God of Craftsman' behind you..." Truman's words ended here. Russell was also a very smart person, thinking of many.

"It's difficult!" Russell will inevitably be a little numb. With the "Church of the God of Artisans" on his back, he will be fine, but he will inevitably be subject to various restrictions.

"In the final analysis, the sequence is too low!" If he were a demigod, these people would not dare to force him like this. "Then I have a commission." Truman suddenly said, "It can help you escape from the vortex of the power struggle in the imperial capital."

"What?" Russell asked subconsciously.

"Go to sea!" Truman smiled, "I want to go to sea, and I want to hire you as my captain to drive the new sailboat you invented."

"As for the reward, it's the characteristics of the 'Alchemist'."

Russell's eyes widened suddenly, and he almost shouted "Big dog owner".

Dream Castle is indeed as rich as any country. No, the entire world's currency system was even formulated by others!

This also makes the wealth of people born in Dream Castle unimaginable.

With his status in the church, it is not difficult to obtain the Sequence [-] "Astronomist" trait, but it is too difficult for the "Alchemist" without the sacrifice of the church's senior leaders.

"Okay! Deal!" Russell didn't even hesitate.

"Do you know the reward is the difficulty of an 'Alchemist' task?" Truman asked.

"I know, but you're not going to die, right?" Russell couldn't tell the sequence where Truman was at at all, and couldn't even tell whether he was an Extraordinary or not.

But that didn't stop him from deciding that this was a big shot!

"Um...can I pay you in advance? I'll apply for the 'Astronomist' trait when I get back and get promoted as quickly as possible!"

"Okay, but I may be going to sea soon. You'd better recruit your team and build a good ship as soon as possible." Truman ate the last piece of beef and decided to go to sea.

At the end of the Fourth Age, the battlefield between Truman and the God of Death was mainly concentrated in the underworld, but the aftermath of the battle spread to the southern continent, so something called the violent sea was missing, and the shipping routes between the northern and southern continents were not interrupted.

"I will do it as soon as possible. In half a month at most, I will be able to prepare everything."

Russell will naturally take this commission seriously. The banquet is not over yet, but he is already planning to go to sea.

"Then I'll leave first." Truman and Bethel left the banquet together.

"Hey, when did that person show up?" Russell belatedly discovered that there was a person sitting next to him.

"But..." Russell intuitively felt that this man was stronger than all the demigods he had ever seen, even stronger than the mysterious Zaratul!

"Is it an angel?!" Russell couldn't help but wonder, "Is it the Duke of Dreams?"

"Stop!" Russell quickly ended the association. Don't think about everything. Get the "Alchemist" trait first!

"Teacher, can I follow?" Bethel asked Truman.

The family tradition of the Abraham family's love of traveling has been passed down from Bethel.

"Hmm...that's fine, multiple companions are fine." Truman nodded.

"Thank you, teacher!" Bethel smiled. This kind of trip would always remind him of the time when he followed his teacher to travel through the stars.

"We have to pass through several islands and go straight to the southern continent. Finally, we may go to the abyss."

Truman's trip to sea this time was not just a whim, it was related to a big plan before the end.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Just half a month later, Russell prepared everything and formally invited Truman to board the ship.

As for Truman, he had nothing to prepare, so he set foot on this new sailboat with Bethel.

"This is Mr. Meng, our employer this time!" Russell introduced Truman enthusiastically.

Truman looked at the people behind Russell. Under the inherent inertia of fate, these people were the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" in his memory.

"Set sail! Let's go find the endless treasures in the foggy sea together!"

Russell was more excited than anyone else, and he drew his sword and pointed it at the vast ocean.

"Is there really a treasure in the Misty Sea?" Someone nearby couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." Truman looked at the sparkling sea. This was his second time going to sea.

"The last treasure trove of the Trunsoest Empire is probably in the ocean."

"The treasure trove of the Trunsoest Empire?" Russell gasped.

He was just making fun of those mythical maritime legends, but were there really any?

"Before the Trunsoest Empire was about to be destroyed and divided among other great nobles, its royal family loaded its last treasures onto a ship and sent it to the ocean."

"Then can we find this treasure?" The last treasure of an empire royal family is absolutely amazing.

"It's difficult. The ship has been activated, and even the angels may not be able to catch it."

The rest of the people looked regretful.

The angel rank has exceeded the limit they can imagine, so naturally they don't dare to have any ideas.

"It's okay, not all treasures will be angel-level!"

"But we have to complete Mr. Meng's commission first! Let's set sail now!"

Russell has been successfully promoted to a Sequence Five "Astronomist" in the past half month.

In order to go to sea, he even specially created several corresponding "storm" path sealed objects.


Russell summoned a strong wind, and the sailboat set sail towards the distant southern continent.

But what even Captain Russell didn't know was that after his ship sailed out of the port, there was a mighty undercurrent surging in the world.

In that distant southern continent, the divided Balam Empire was no longer able to control the entire continent, and many places in it had already established independent countries.

Among them, occupying the Pas River Valley and the Star Plateau are the Highland Kingdom and the Pas Kingdom.

The orthodox organization in these two kingdoms is called the Rose School.

The Rose School was founded by a group of prophets who received the oracle of the "Bound God" and gradually grew to rule the two kingdoms.

The Rose School controls the "Prisoner" path, is led by the angel Reinette Tinichole, and believes in the "Bound God".

This school advocates the concept of moderation and has strong control over one's own desires. This is one of the reasons why the Rose School developed rapidly in the first place.

But all this changed completely after the birth of a "Son of God".

In a dark Gothic church, a human angel prays to a strange and sacred symbol.

The few strokes of this symbol depict a huge shackles of desire, imprisoning all desires in the world.

And this angel is wearing a complicated, gorgeous, dark and gloomy black dress. She has blond hair, red eyes, and a bright appearance.

He is Reinette Tinichole, one of the two leaders of the Rose School.

As for the other one, it is naturally the Son of God who has been born for hundreds of years but has not yet fully "mature" - Si'a.

"Teacher, Sia claimed to have received instructions from God and has left the Highland Kingdom."

A woman dressed very similar to Reinette Tinichole slowly appeared behind him, bowed her head and reported.This lady is a "puppet" with a stiff body and a dull expression. Only her eyes have the aura of life.

"I...get it." Reinette Tinichole hadn't moved or spoken for an unknown amount of time, and her voice was a little dry and hoarse.

"Teacher, we..." Two ladies who were very similar in appearance and behavior sat quietly in the church without moving for a long time.

But finally it was the lady who had just arrived who spoke.

"More and more believers are turning to the Indulgence Sect, and the Extraordinaries over there will soon surpass us."

"Sia...is he really the Son of God?"

"Don't worry." Reinette Tinichole slowly turned her head and glanced at her student, "I will handle it."

The church became quiet again, and the teacher and students even stared at each other in silence.

"Actually... I also received the oracle." The teacher spoke slowly, making the students' eyes light up.

"But I'm not sure whether our oracles are the same."

"..." "Miss Puppet" fell silent.

Ever since "Son of God" Sia came to the world to promote the ideas of the Indulgence School, the Rose School has shown signs of splitting.

It's just that her teacher is powerful enough and the "Son of God"'s growth process is long enough, which allows the current Rose School to maintain a situation where the two schools exist side by side.

But the "Son of God" will eventually become the real "evil".

"Our God..." "Miss Puppet" showed some sadness in her eyes.

It is an open secret that the "Bound God" is not in good condition.

"Don't question God!" Reinette Tinichole said softly.

"Yes!" "Miss Puppet" returned to her dull look.

"I'm leaving first. If there is anything, please wait until I come back to deal with it." Reinette Tinichole glanced at "Miss Puppet", then her body became illusory and directly entered the spiritual world, heading towards the place marked by the oracle. And go.

At this moment, Truman and his party finally arrived at their first destination after nine days of sailing at sea.

Bayam, the largest seaport city on the continental route.

This city was originally built by some adventurers from the two continents. Later, due to its superior geographical conditions, it became an inevitable hub for travel between the two continents.

This is the territory of the Church of Storms and does not belong to any country.

On the sea, no church can compare to the Church of Storms, and the fact that this city fell into the hands of the Church of Storms was the result of a long-term struggle.

"We're finally here!" Russell's slightly dull eyes instantly burst into shining stars.

Sailing is not as fun as imagined. The sea is the vastest, but it is also the most lonely place.

"We're almost there." Truman was also on the deck, looking at the city in his sight with a smile.

All the actors are already in place, only Russell, the protagonist, and himself, the mastermind behind the scenes, are missing.

"Let's go! Let's go! I heard that Bayam's most famous place is... hmm!" Russell winked and looked at Truman.

"I refuse." Truman rolled his eyes. Russell, the old snake skin, must have been holding back his nerves.

"I suggest you don't go, otherwise you won't know who will have the baby."

It's a pity that Russell still can't understand the "horror" of this sentence.

 There is one more chapter, I can't make it in time, it will be in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)