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Chapter 196 The Vampire Clan under the Moon

Chapter 196 The Vampire Clan under the Moon

Russell had a smile on her face, but she was already cursing in her heart.

The Duke family is as powerful as the royal family in the Solomon Empire, and he cannot afford to offend a Sequence Six person!

Russell relied on his full social skills to deal with Zarath. This process lasted for more than an hour.

During this meeting, Russell and Zaratul reached a friendly intention of win-win cooperation and looked forward to a bright future together.

"Damn! You old monster, you want to trick me!" Russell returned to his room, placed one hand on the silver medal, and his spirituality poured out, forming a spiritual wall, covering and isolating the room.

This is a use of the silver medal he developed. With its own "hidden" characteristics, it can be used to lay out a spiritual wall, which can hide itself extremely well and isolate it from prying eyes.

"Hmph, I'll beat up every 'divinationist' I see in the future!"

He subconsciously forgot that he was also proficient in divination.

But if you can do something like a magic stick yourself, you should beat others if they do it!

"Write a diary to calm down!" Rosal took out the diary again and recorded the many guesses he got from Zaratul.

"This old monster is at least a demigod, so it's a bit difficult to deal with." Russell was a little scared again.

His extraordinary channels go far beyond the "Artisan Church" and certain nobles, and Zaratul is just one of them. He even became very familiar with several believers of the "Dream Sect" with some whimsical ideas, and he knew that half-human beings Demigods are amazing.

This is not something he can resist now.

"Join Zonglianheng and establish friendship with more nobles after arriving in the imperial capital."

But he had some difficulties. His status as a declining noble was not enough in front of these big nobles, so he could only use Sequence Six.

"It's so difficult. How about finding a countess or a marquise? But it's also difficult!"

After entering Sequence Six, the improvement of the sequence will suddenly slow down. His promotion of one sequence in the previous year has already caused some opposition in the church.

"A bunch of guys who are just eating corpses will make you look good sooner or later!" Russell snorted coldly.

A mechanical ship with extraordinary items inside sails on the great river and can reach the oldest city in the world in just two days.

At night, Russell walked out of his room, and the lights on the mechanical ship illuminated the interior of the ship.

He came to the deck, blowing the oncoming evening breeze, and the blood-colored moon reflected in the river water, which had a different kind of beauty.

His head was much clearer, but he was still a little uneasy about the trip to the imperial capital.

"Zarath, Antigonus..." Being involved in the fight between these two duke families also made Russell feel a little worried.

"Huh?" Russell noticed another woman on the deck. With some intuition, the figure data of this woman instantly appeared in Russell's mind.

"It's my type..." Russell blinked. Of course, as long as he's pretty enough, he likes them all.

Russell went back to the room, dug out a few low-key and luxurious gold jewelry, and even a few extraordinary items with little negative effects, and wore them on himself.

He is very confident in his appearance, but these things can really enhance his charm and temperament.

He calmly walked up to the lady and conjured up two wine glasses with blood-colored wine sloshing in them.

"Beautiful lady, I feel that you are in need of a glass of wine now."

The lady turned around after hearing this and looked at Russell with her bloody eyes.

Russell's heart skipped a beat, and he was stunned by the beauty of the lady in front of him for a moment, but at the same time, he also knew the identity of the lady in front of him.

The vampires are vampires!

The most glorious era of this race in historical records should be the Trunsoest Empire in the Fourth Age.

But now that the Trunsoest Empire has been divided up by several kingdoms, the Vampires, as the "remnants of the previous dynasty", are naturally in a bad situation. A group of Vampires have indeed come to settle in the Solomon Empire. "I never drink." The blood-red eyes of the vampire lady looked at Russell, and her peripheral vision drifted to Russell's neck.

This look made Russell's neck feel a little cold.

But how can such difficulties stump him?Just a Sequence Seven vampire.

I don't know what it feels like to be a vampire...

"That's a pity." Russell poured the wine into the river with a calm expression. "Then sacrifice it to the blood moon in the water."

The blood moon is the embodiment of the blood clan's faith.

"Very good, you succeeded in making me remember you." The vampire lady looked at the blood moon in the water and chuckled.

"This is my honor." Russell drank another glass of red wine in his hand, showing his coolness.

The story that followed was too cliche, just a bit pretentious about two lonely men and women. The final result was that Russell came to the room of this vampire lady.

The people on this mechanical ship built by the "Church of Craftsmen" are all rich or noble, and most of them are extraordinary people. Naturally, each person is equipped with a room for rest.

"I'll go to the bathroom first." The vampire lady's slender fingers tapped Russell's chest, and her cool body almost pressed against Russell's body.

"Go." Russell felt a breath wandering around his neck, itching and feeling very comfortable.

"Wait for me." The blood-red eyes of the vampire lady were filled with fiery emotions.

Russell's face was calm and he nodded slightly. He was already familiar with this kind of scene.

"Vampire? Ha." This lady looked young, but her age was most likely over [-] years old.

"This kind of vampire is pretty good at playing, and I feel like I've been caught by her." Russell sat on the fragrant bed, thinking wildly.

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight." Russell stood up and walked to the window, looking at the bloody moonlight outside.


Russell inexplicably heard his own heartbeat.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously reached out to hold the silver medal on his chest.

There seems to be something wrong with the silver medal at the moment.

Russell immediately took out a pocket watch from his pocket, his eyes darkened, and he began to divine with the help of the silver medal.

"I will be in danger tonight..." After three consecutive divination words, the pocket watch in Russell's hand suddenly rotated a full circle to the right.

This means that he will encounter something extremely dangerous tonight.

Russell:! ! !

His intuition was right, he might be the one caught this time...

Could it be that the husband of this vampire is still a high-sequence demigod?

Russell blinked. This was not impossible. If he really fell asleep, he might face the serious malice of a demigod.


Russell was ready to run away.

Divination beforehand is really a good habit, and this good habit has helped him avoid many dangers. Now he is ready to believe in his divination.

He put away his pocket watch and walked towards the door of the room with a normal expression, preparing to open it and run away.

"Honey, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 197 The Crimson Moon

Chapter 197 The Crimson Moon

Russell's heart skipped a beat, and he intuitively understood where the danger came from.

Maybe it wasn't some vampire husband, but herself.

"Let us use the most primitive reproduction movement to worship the greatest red moon!"

Cultist? !Russell's pupils shrank and he hit the door directly. As long as this door is opened, the other Beyonders on the same boat, especially Zaratul, will definitely be able to sense what is happening here.

But the vampire lady was faster than him, turned into a shadow, and blocked the door.

This time, Russell saw the makeup of the vampire lady.

Her eyes are curved, her eyebrows are arched, and her mouth is curved, as if she is imitating the crimson moon in the outside world.

She was wearing a soft crimson nightgown that outlined her beautiful curves.

There are lifelike and delicate flowers on her face, neck, and exposed arms.

The flowers were so delicate and beautiful that it was hard to describe. Just by looking at them, Russell felt his energy and blood surge, and the waste in his mind exploded in an instant.

"Believer of the 'Original Moon'!?" Russell knew that he was in big trouble. If he was given the ability to go back to the past, he would definitely slap himself twice.

"Primordial Moon" is a cult that began in the early Fourth Age. It worships the most primitive moon and is keen on holding appalling sacrificial rituals to please the Crimson Moon.

He really can't control a woman from such a background!

"Honey, I just forgot something and need to go back to the room to get it. You know, there are some wonderful things that can make our experience better and have a perfect night."

Russell did not hesitate to use this as an excuse, hoping to get a chance. Most of his magical items are in the room, which is the foundation of his "mechanical expert".

"No need." The vampire lady licked her lips lightly, her pink tongue making the red color even more beautiful. Her blood-red eyes stared at Russell, with some kind of emotion surging.

"In the ritual of worshiping the moon, the experience we get is the best, and there is no need for anything else."

The vampire lady opened her arms and walked towards Russell.

Russell's face changed slightly, and in the end he had no choice but to rush out forcefully!

If an ordinary "mechanical expert" fights a vampire who is good at fighting, there may be some problems. It depends on whether the equipment is sufficient.

But he is different. Even if he has no magical items available, it is enough to crush ordinary Sequence [-] people. He is just afraid of some evil things in the cultists.

Russell stretched out his hand to grab it and activated "Steal"!

This is equivalent to the "stealing" of the Sequence Six "Fire Thief", which can temporarily steal the extraordinary ability of others.

That silver medal is also equivalent to a magical item, which can perform various operations in the hands of a "mechanical expert".

And Russell was lucky enough to steal the corresponding extraordinary ability just once.

"Shackles of the Abyss"!

The surrounding ground suddenly darkened, and three chains rushed out from the ground, binding them to the approaching vampires.

But the vampire's own speed is too fast, and these abyss chains controlled by Russell can't keep up with that speed!

Russell's expression changed and he hurriedly retreated, but it was too late. A thick black mist suddenly filled the air behind the vampire woman, forming a pair of illusory bat wings.

This made the vampire woman's speed increase to another level, and she was in front of Russell in an instant.

"My dear, become one with me!" The vampire woman's fangs grew and she bit down.


When the fangs landed on Russell's neck, his body immediately changed and turned into a relatively exquisitely cut paper man.

Once in Sequence [-], Russell chose this life-saving skill from the silver medal!

In his opinion, the most incredible ability of the "Magician" in Sequence [-] of the "Soothsayer" pathway is the "Paper Man Stand". "My dear, I'm a little angry!" The blood in the vampire woman's eyes became intense.

Her nails began to grow longer, filled with black mist, which was highly corrosive.

"I came, I saw, I recorded!"

Russell's eyes reflected an illusory, slowly turning book.

The "Apprentice" path leads to "Record" at the sixth level of Sequence, but the bad thing is that he has only been promoted to Sequence Six for a few days. The time he chose to "record" this ability is even shorter, and he has no time to get familiar with it. He only recorded two records at the seventh level of Sequence. ability.

Russell picked up a sheet nearby and threw it. The sheet seemed to turn into night in an instant, lying in front of the two of them.

This is the ability of the seventh "wizard" in the "Peeper" pathway, which comes from a bishop of the "Artisan Church".


The sheets were torn apart by the claws of corrosion, and the vampire lady rushed out, her bloody eyes locked on Russell.

But at this moment, the curtain suddenly turned into chains of the abyss, binding the vampire lady.

"Damn! Why didn't I choose the 'Faceless Man's' air bullet? Otherwise, I could have shot him in the head with one shot."

Russell was also in a hurry. In order to pursue novelties and satisfy his rigid need to become more handsome, Russell chose the "transformation" of the "Faceless Man" after becoming Sequence Six.

This ability is very powerful, but it cannot be applied to the battle in front of you!

It can only be said that neither the "generalist" pathway that Russell belongs to nor the three major pathways involved in Silver Medal have strong frontal attack capabilities at sequence six.

The illusory book of records once again appeared in Russell's eyes. This will be the last ability he records, and it will also be his trump card.

"Purifying Slash"!

"Sun Priest" comes from the seventh sequence of the "Sun" pathway, and is one of the most effective attacks against evil spirits, resentful souls and other creatures.

The "Sun" path is also a natural defeat for the "Moon" path.

An illusory but brilliant light emerged in the void, and driven by Russell, it cut off the head of the vampire lady!

Vampires have extremely strong self-healing abilities and are difficult to kill without beheading.


The vampire's head and body fell to the ground, and the beautiful head spun around a few times.

Russell's intuition might be changing, so he didn't dare to stay here, so he opened the door and ran out, taking him with him.

"Come on people!"

Russell shouted loudly, and the priests of the "Artisan Church" on the ship began to gather.

Russell first returned to his bedroom and equipped all the extraordinary items he had accumulated, which should have been an important source of his own combat ability.

It's just that he was on his church's boat and was preparing to go on a one-night date, so naturally he didn't have any equipment.

"Mr. Zaratul! There are cultists breaking into the ship, please be careful." Russell thought for a while and directly pulled the old gentleman who was suspected of being a demigod.

"Cult? Believers of the 'Primordial Moon'?!" Zaratul's deep eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly looked towards the red moonlight outside.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 198 Oracle Roll Call

Chapter 198 Oracle Roll Call

Zaratul looked out of the ship with feeling, and Russell also subconsciously followed Zaratul's line of sight.

The brightness of the moonlight increased several notches without warning, dyeing the entire river blood-colored.

The full moon hanging in the sky is also as red as blood.

Such a celestial phenomenon is so obvious that people have to pay attention to it.

"'Blood Moon'?" Russell was shocked. Blood Moon occurs for one or two days every month, causing the world's spirituality to rise and the negative emotions of living beings to explode.

This is also a dangerous day for extraordinary people to lose control. Excessive spirituality will cause people to see certain things they should not see.

"Today is not the day of the 'Blood Moon', right?" Russell's face changed slightly, and he immediately thought of the "Original Moon" believers he had killed.

This blood moon is inseparable from the sect that worships the "primordial moon".

"Let's go and have a look." Zaratul and Russell came to the outside of the vampire lady's room together.

The other priests of the "Artisan Church" were guarding the door and did not dare to enter.

"Praise the sun!" Russell fumbled for a sun badge from his pocket, and the rich sunlight illuminated every corner.

It is like a small sun, purifying any evil atmosphere and even allowing everyone to feel the warmth of the sun.

If Russell had this magical item in hand before, he wouldn't have to go to such trouble to kill a vampire.

"Go in." Zaratul's eyes darkened for a moment before he completed the divination and confirmed that there was no danger.

Russell held the sun badge and opened the door vigilantly. The inside was still the same as when he left.

The Vampire lady with her body and head separated lay on the ground. Next to her was an object the size of a fist, which was blood red and looked like a heart. The object here was transparent, with a ball of blood flowing inside.

Zaratul's eyes swept across the vampire's body, then fell on the group of extraordinary characteristics, and his brows furrowed slightly.

"Old sir, is there something wrong here?" Russell was very good at observing words and expressions, and could read some information from Zaratul's face.

"It's just because there is no problem that it's strange." Zaratul shook his head slightly.

"No problem?" Russell also frowned, "She was still talking about performing a ritual to point to the 'primordial moon'."

"That means it's not finished." Zaratul was thoughtful, but he had already relaxed.

"But to be on the safe side, I suggest you hold a ceremony, pray to the 'God of Artisans', and purify this room." Zaratul gave advice.

"Okay!" Russell also knew the evil ways of these cultists and nodded solemnly.

"Then you deal with it." Zaratul glanced at Russell, nodded slightly, and returned to his room.

"Start the ceremony and pray to our Lord!" The ceremony naturally did not require Russell to prepare. He held the sun badge and was always vigilant. He did not relax until the ritual magic was performed to purify the entire room.

"I'm scared to death!" Russell breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I didn't really do it, otherwise..." Russell only felt that his little brother was afraid for a while.

"I won't...never make so many appointments in the future!" Russell secretly swore that if he fell into this, he would really be embarrassed to see anyone.

"Fortunately, there is a silver medal warning, otherwise we would really be trapped."

He was also glad that fortunately the silver medal had a warning and he had performed a divination in advance, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.

Russell returned to his room after finishing all the matters, but his mood could not calm down. Looking at the blood-like moonlight, it felt oozing.

"Stay away from the vampires from now on..." Russell's consciousness was vague.

"Tsk, what about that?" At the same time, in the purified room, Truman held a blood-colored crystal and marveled.

This blood-colored crystal was taken out from the body of the vampire lady.

The centuries-old condensation of crimson moonlight is not very powerful and may even be ignored by people, but it can create a secret connection with the crimson moon.

And if Russell really had a relationship with that vampire, then this thing might contaminate Russell in that way.

This kind of pollution will gradually deepen, without even needing anyone's instigation, and in the end it will probably be like going to the moon, being polluted, and having no choice but to live or die.

"It's been a long time since I've seen someone attack Sequence Six in the past."

Truman has lived for more than 3000 years now, but in his impression, Mr. Fool in the future will be treated like this, and he was targeted by the old days when he was in Sequence Six.

"So do these heirs selected by the 'Lord of Mysteries' all have certain qualities? Are they so popular in the past?"

"Well, it's worth studying!"

Truman looked at the blood moon in the sky, remained silent, and used his fingers to squeeze the blood-colored crystal into powder.


The impact of the blood moon is worldwide, and all extraordinary beings can feel the ups and downs of spirituality. This makes many extraordinary beings see a lot of things they shouldn't see, and they are in a very bad state.

But in the eyes of some people, this is a gift from God.

"The unique red moon, symbol of life and beauty, mother of all spirituality..."

Priests wearing blood-red robes were praying, and the bloody moonlight fell on the altar where human heads, bones, and internal organs were piled.

In the center of the altar is an indescribable statue made of stacked human eyeballs.

The bloody moonlight flowed like water, gradually clinging to those eyeballs.


The spirituality of this area suddenly rose, and the fireworks representing the gods suddenly flourished.

The priest prostrated himself on the ground and kept chanting the honorable name of the "Primordial Moon".

At this time, those eyeballs were all stained with blood. They seemed to come alive and began to move, leaving a line of words on the altar.

After a long time, the priest dared to raise his head after feeling that his spirituality was fading away, and saw the oracle left by the "primordial moon".

"Russel Gustave?"

The priest interpreted the name in the oracle.

His body was trembling. This was the first time that the gods had given such a clear-cut oracle.

"Convey the oracle to the hands of every believer." The priest reverently printed the oracle and then ordered his assistant.

"Yes!" His assistant glanced at the oracle feverishly, remembered the name firmly, and slowly stepped back, conveying the information of the name to every believer in the "Original Moon".

For a long time to come, this name will become the number one hunting target for "Original Moon" believers.

Of course, this "hunting" does not have to be a real hunt. The location can be changed, either on the boat or in bed.

People who believe in "the symbol of life and beauty" are all about good looks.

And if the female charm is not enough, the male vampire is also very good in appearance and can definitely do the job.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 199 The Rules of Survival of the Imperial Capital

Chapter 199 The Rules of Survival of the Imperial Capital

"Finally arrived at the Imperial Capital!"

Russell, who had been on tenterhooks for two days, finally saw the city known as the oldest in the world.

This city has a history of 2000 years. It suffered a fatal blow 1000 years ago, but in the end the Solomon Empire still survived and was reborn.

"Huh? This asymmetrical style is really anti-human!" The first thing Russell noticed was the extremely asymmetrical architectural style.

This is also the "gene" engraved in the national spirit of the Solomon Empire.

Although this style has weakened slightly after entering the Fifth Age, it is really awkward for Russell, a soul who has adapted to the symmetrical style, to come to such an imperial capital.

"Is this Mr. Russell Gustave?" Someone from the "Artisan Church" has already come to greet the "genius" Russell.

"Yes!" Russell nodded reservedly and followed the priest to the largest church in the imperial capital. It was also the largest "artisan" church besides the main altar.

Russell was walking on this asymmetrical street when he suddenly saw some figures that caught his attention.

"Who are those people?" Russell asked the priest.

What he actually cared about was a group of people wearing dark robes. Their robes all had a gold coin-shaped badge on their chest.

The priest followed Russell's gaze and said with a sudden look on his face, "Those are the people from Dream Castle."

"Dream Castle? Can you introduce it to me? My knowledge of the Imperial City is really limited."

"Yes," the priest agreed happily. He originally had the task of leading this "genius" from a small city to understand the imperial capital.

"Dream Castle, this is probably the most aloof ducal palace in our empire. It never participates in any public activities, and few people know the conditions inside."

"But what is certain is that the legendary Duke of Dreams is still alive!"

"Huh?!" Russell's eyes were shocked, "The Duke of Fantasy is still alive? That was a figure from 2000 years ago!"

What an old man!

"Dream Duke is already an angel on earth, but it's a pity that no one can see this Duke. Maybe he has already left the imperial capital."

"Artisan" the priest said, this is also common sense to people in the imperial capital.

"Angel? Dream?" This was the first time Russell heard this term outside of the Holy Scriptures, and it was inevitable that he would associate it with it.

"Yes!" The priest confirmed his guess.

"The Duke of Dreams is the Angel of Dreams! He is the mechanical light of our church, the strongest angel of the 'True Creator' church, and the first dawn of the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' church!"

With all these names thrown at him, Russell felt his mouth go dry, and he felt like a myth had come to reality.

At the same time, he also had a sense of resonance that "this is what a hero should be like."

Of course, in addition to this, I was a little worried. This dream angel really took his personal honor to the extreme and did not give any chance to future generations!

He had long known about the special status of "Dream Angel" in major churches, but now he felt the strong impact intuitively.

It is already impossible to surpass this dream angel in this kind of personal honor.

"Always remain in awe of the dream castle. This is an unspoken rule for the survival of the imperial capital." the priest reminded.

"Let's just say that the one closest to us is the dream castle where every dream gold coin comes from."

"The entire empire's finances are controlled there, even..."

"The monetary systems of several kingdoms outside the empire all came from Dream Castle."

hiss!Control the monetary system of the entire northern continent?Isn't the Dream Castle the richest place in the world?Hmm...Does Dream Duke have a daughter?Russell suddenly had a good idea.

"Always remain in awe!" the priest reminded.

"...I understand." Russell twitched the corner of his mouth and shook the bad thoughts out of his head.

"Don't be too ambitious yet. The short-term goal should be to become a guest of the Dream Castle!" Russell looked at the dream castle team drifting away and walked towards the "Craftsman Church".

During this time, he changed his mind and decided to enrich the "genius" character he originally imagined.

Directly create a "peerless genius" character, crush everything, and exude the brightest light.

Improved steam engines are no longer enough. Improved sailing ships are also needed, or even a large-scale industrial revolution.

It's nothing more than copying. The "generalist" asked Russell to remember all the memories. Coupled with his own profession as a "craftsman", it is not difficult to reproduce these things.

Russell, who also relies on the "Artisan Church", also has a certain degree of confidence.

"A true protagonist should face the fiercest storm!"

This day is indeed enough to occupy a page in future history textbooks.


Zaratul walked slowly in the imperial capital that he had been away from for a long time. The city that was both familiar and unfamiliar made him filled with emotions.

He walked around the city and did not return to the current residence of the Zaratul family.

Today's Zarathu family is still one of the prominent duke families, but the core members of the Zarathu family have secretly transferred and established a secret organization "The Secret Order", which is active outside the Solomon Empire.

Zaratul glanced at Dream Castle from a distance, but did not approach, but walked towards the Abraham family.

Zaratul directly revealed his identity to the waiter of the Abraham family, and soon met Mr. "Gate".

"Lord Bethel." Zaratul looked at Bethel Abraham, whose eyes were shining like stars behind the desk, and bent down to salute.

"Long time no see, little Zaratul." Bethel's eyes fell on Zaratul and nodded gently.

"Are you still going to fight after all?" Bethel sighed softly.

"I just want to investigate clearly what happened to my father back then." Zaratul lowered his head, and Bethel couldn't see the emotions in his eyes clearly.

At that time, Antigonus and Zarathu Sr. worked for the "Black Emperor" Solomon in the Solomon Empire at the same time.

Because of the threat of the "Lord of Mysteries" resurrecting and the suppression of the "Black Emperor", the two "Servants of Mysteries" did not fight fiercely.

But one day, old Zaratul suddenly fell, shocking the entire Solomon Empire. Only later did it become known that Antigonus was responsible.

But the strange thing is that even the "Black Emperor" Solomon remained silent on the matter and did not punish Antigonus.

But also after that time, the Antigonus family began to fade out of the Solomon Empire.

"Antigonus and I did it." Those sparkling starry eyes seemed to be able to see through Zaratul's soul.

Bethel's words made little Zaratul stiffen all over, and he felt the cold air rushing from the soles of his feet to his forehead, an icy coldness.

"...I know." Zaratul bent even lower.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 200 Opportunity

Chapter 200 Opportunity

"Huh?" The whole syllable of Bethel fell, and the entire Abraham family was completely isolated from the original space.

As long as Bethel does not remove this space blockade, only the true God may be able to find this place.

But now the true gods are all in the star realm.

Zaratul spoke slowly, his voice echoing in the study.

"My father has always been very cautious. Even after Antigonus obtained the uniqueness of 'The Fool', he never showed his true form in any public place."

"Even when you meet me, you use marionettes and historical projections."

"With this level of caution, the only one who can find my father's hiding place under the true God is Lord Bethel."

Mr. "Gate", the first angel under God who has gathered all the materials to become a god, has the authority of "Gate", so it is okay to position an angel in a sequence.

"Then you still dare to come see me?" Bethel said expressionlessly.

A certain heavy and solid breath was brewing. Zaratul straightened his body and looked at the terrifying Mr. "Gate".

"I just want to know the truth."

"This is a war of sequences." Bethel's eyes sparkled, as if he had seen through Zaratul.

"If Antigonus wants to become the 'Fool', then there must be an endless war with your father."

"On a higher level, Amon, Antigonus, and I will fight the fiercest war before the end."

Bethel even ignored the "Stealer" path sequence one, "Insect of Time" Pales Zoroaster.

In front of the three angel kings, the chance of Sequence [-] winning is almost non-existent.

And if Zaratul dares to go further, he will definitely face the malice of the three angel kings.

"The 'Lord of Mysteries' also needs attendants." Zaratul had already prepared.

At this moment, it can be said that the picture is gone.

Zaratul came here to use his father's last "legacy" to gain an opportunity to become a "Servant of the Mystery".

At that time, the old Zaratul had also seen the second "blasphemous tablet" and knew the old formula of the "Lord of Mysteries". This knowledge was passed on to the young Zaratul.

And Bethel is about to become the "Gate". Even in the final transcendental war, there is no need for three "Secret Servers".

In addition, Antigonus has the revenge of killing his father, and Amun, the son of the Creator, is really scary.

Even if he ends up becoming Mr. Door's waiter, it's not a loss.

This was one of the reasons why little Zaratul dared to come to the door. He believed that Mr. Door would not refuse to train a "secret attendant".

This is a bit risky. He has accumulated courage for more than 1000 years.

"Are you sure that I know the whereabouts of the last 'Secret Waiter' trait?" Bethel's face softened and he asked.

"You are a student of 'Dream Duke'." Zaratul bowed his head again.

"..." Bethel fell silent.

He really knew that this originated from his curiosity about the path of the "Fool", and his teacher revealed certain information to him at that time.

"The last attribute of the 'Servant of Secrets' is in the 'Origin Castle'." Bethel finally revealed the entire information, which was regarded as repayment for what he had done back then.

Little Zaratul dared to come here only after he figured out His thoughts.

"Origin Castle"... This is almost impossible to obtain.

Little Zaratul was silent for a long time, and finally said nothing, just saying goodbye to Bethel.Bethel removed the space blockade and watched little Zaratul walking out of the Abraham family.

"There may be a dead end ahead..." Bethel suddenly sighed, his eyes darkened, and he looked at the endless gray fog above the spiritual world.

He has not spent the past 1000 years in a deep sleep. He has already made sufficient preparations for the ceremony of becoming a god. When the end comes, He will be able to ascend to the throne of God.

In this respect He had the advantage over Amun and Antigonus.

Zaratul walked towards the Zaratul family's castle without any abnormality. He looked like an old gentleman who had just completed a visit between neighbors.

But Zaratul is really taking a risk this time. After all, he is facing this Mr. "Gate". Once something goes wrong, he may become a "Miracle Master".

But it worked out well, He got the answer He wanted.

"'Origin Castle'..." Zaratul muttered this term, unconsciously thinking of Russell.

He has known Russell for so long, so he has naturally observed him secretly. With Russell's status as Sequence Six just now, he cannot be discovered at all.

"That kind of ability..." Russell's ability to use the three related pathways of the "Lord of Mysteries" cannot be hidden from him.

"Is he related to the 'Origin Castle'?" Zaratul felt that his heart, which had been silent for more than 1000 years, began to become eager.

"But he actually chose the 'General Knowledge' path..."

This is what Zaratul couldn't figure out. If it weren't for this reason, Russell might have become his secret puppet.

"Observe first!" Zaratul's eyes darkened and he decided to wait and see first.

During the time when Zaratul visited the Abraham family, Russell also truly came to the St. Magna Church, the second largest church in the "Artisan Church".

He knelt down on one knee, facing the lever and gear, and prayed "devoutly".

This should have been an ordinary process, but after Russell finished reciting the honorable name of the "God of Craftsmen", there seemed to be some invisible light flashing from the holy emblem.

"This is it!" The bishop of the "Artisan Church" and the demigods and angels outside the church suddenly raised their heads and looked at St. Magna Church.

"The power of true God?!"

"It's the 'God of Craftsmen'!"

Since the Fifth Age, the power of the True God has appeared in the real world no more than three times.

"It's the perfect Lord!" The priests and believers of the "Craftsman Church" opened their eyes wide and looked feverishly at the flashing light on the Holy Emblem.

"Uh..." Russell didn't know why, but he also knew that he had passively made a big news.

"Great God of Craftsmen, you are the embodiment of essence, you are the protector of craftsmen, you are the brilliance of technology..."

The Bishop of St. Magna Church immediately knelt down on the ground, reciting the honorable name of the "God of Craftsmen" and waiting devoutly for the oracle.

But that divine power fell directly on Russell's forehead, gradually condensing into a golden holy symbol.

"The one favored by God"!

A favored person born under the eyes of everyone.

All the believers of the "Church of the Craftsmen" looked at Russell with awe, and the bishop who only served the "God of the Craftsmen" throughout his life was a little envious.

To be honest, Russell was confused. The golden holy emblem on his forehead gave him a sacred blessing, allowing him to gain maximum benefits when developing various technologies.

"I've become God's Favorite now, and I haven't exerted my strength yet." Russell looked at the awe-inspiring believers and complained silently.

(End of this chapter)