
A 39

Chapter 191 "Light Cocoon"

Chapter 191 "Light Cocoon"

In the fifth era, at the end of the first year, Truman finally walked out of "Fantasy Township".

Of course, this is not a "supreme dream", but a "dream angel", like the Pope of the Night who just came out of the "Deep Dark Heaven" in the second era.

Apart from this, his "hermit" and "sun" clones are hanging in the star realm, and he doesn't pay much attention to the matters of the fifth era.

"Dong dong." In a dark church, Truman knocked on a coffin stored under the cross.


The coffin board gently opened a gap, and a pair of eyes opened, observing the outside world through the gap.

These eyes were full of restraint, and you could vaguely see the infinite desires surging in them, but they were suppressed by the owner of these eyes.

"Dream...Your Excellency." The coffin board was completely opened, and a mummy walked out.

"Long time no see." Truman looked at this mummy, which was unchanged from when he pulled it out of the autistic world.

"I heard that you finally want to become a god?" Truman got the news from Ouroboros and Medici.

In the previous imperial war, Torzner still sided with the Solomon Empire and blocked many angel attacks from the Trunsoest Empire and the Balam Empire.

It's just that when a divine war breaks out later, it's no longer something they can interfere with.

"Desire...mother tree..." Torzner said two words.

Truman immediately understood that the "Bound One" and "Abyss" pathways were torn from the "Mother Tree of Desire" and were greatly influenced by it.

"So, what do you want to focus on?" Truman rubbed his chin, very interested in this.

"Yes!" At this moment, the whole mummy seemed to let go of the desire that had been suppressed for thousands of years, appearing to be too impulsive and even daring!

"Okay." Truman is very optimistic about this, and he has always supported plans that can attack alien gods.

"Thank you!" Torzner bowed and saluted.

"But you also have to understand that this road is difficult. If you don't succeed, you have to take it yourself." Truman warned.

"I...understand." Torzner was already prepared for this.

"Then...I have a good idea..." Truman popped up a dream symbol, landed on the mummy, and merged into his body.

"Thank you!" Torzner thanked him again.

He will leave directly after that and will spend more than 1000 years completing His rituals.

The length of time has no meaning to Him, but the best time is when the end is approaching in more than 1000 years.

Many angels and even true gods are waiting for that opportunity.

"I'm waiting too." Truman sighed softly and looked at the gray fog above the spiritual world.


The Fourth Age naturally ended after the gods ascended to the star realm, and there was a peaceful transition to the Fifth Age.

The major churches reached a consensus, tacitly leaving certain things in the memory of the Fourth Era, and renegotiated the rules of the Fifth Era.

In the fifth era, this will be an era in which no gods walk on the earth. Angels are the highest combat power, and the church is the strongest organization. This also brings the church's control over the world to its peak.

In the Solomon Empire, after the "Black Emperor" also moved the Kingdom of God to the star realm, his descendants would inherit the throne of emperor. This directly caused some angel families to have different thoughts.

Some angel families in the Solomon Empire have angel kings, and the strongest of the Solomon family is only sequence two...

Even in all church agreements, the emperor cannot be a demigod or an angel.After the gods ascended to the star realm, certain contradictions in the world that had been suppressed by the gods began to erupt.

Not to mention the wars between countries, the Solomon Empire, which originally had more hope of ruling the world than in the Fourth Age, has fallen into a strange circle. Some angel families and the royal family have become estranged from each other.

It seems it's time to take another path...

The Fifth Age is the era of mankind, and the holy wars between churches regarding faith are also carried out based on human countries.

And such a war cannot attract the attention of Truman, who is in "Fantasy Township" and in a semi-sleeping state.

Around the year 1143 of the Fifth Era, "Dream Angel" Truman was silently preparing for his own ceremony.

At a certain moment, he raised his head and looked towards the spiritual world.

"Finally here!" The fate was completely covered up, but there were still some subtle waves.

Obviously, when he knew that Truman was staring at him, the "Lord of Mysteries" also made a certain response.

"Huang Tao?" Truman raised the corner of his mouth, thinking of various diaries, and felt that he had pulled back the "rope" a lot in that tug-of-war.

There are very few things that can make him like this, and there happen to be at least two in the 200 years approaching the end.

His eyes were fixed on the gray mist surging above the spiritual world.

Besides him, the only ones who could barely sense this gray mist were probably the "Night Goddess" who was born from Source Castle and the three Angel Kings.


Truman stretched out his hand and pulled out a causal thread, connecting it to Amanysis.

"There seems to be something strange happening in the 'Origin Castle'." Amanysis's voice came from the other end of the causal line.

Now that Amanysis does not have "Half Fool" in hand, he can only get a glimpse of the state of "Origin Castle" with his own extremely weak connection to the "Origin Castle".

"The second one is probably coming down." Truman said softly, the line of cause and effect trembled slightly, and Amanisis opposite was not in a calm mood.

"Will you be like me?" Amanissis asked after a moment of silence.

"You are already the result of intervention. There is a high probability that you are the 'God'." Truman explained.

Amanysis came to the demon wolf clan that controls the "Fool" path and the "Night" path.

In the arrangement of the "Lord of Mysteries", he was supposed to inherit the "Fool" characteristic, but as a result of interference, he inherited the "Night Path" characteristic, which directly prevented the "Lord of Mysteries" from Amanissis. Possibility of awakening.

Such a layout may only be possible by the "omniscient and omnipotent" "God".

But this time there are many variables.

Because of Truman's interference, the "Lord of Mysteries" must have adjusted his arrangements for these resurrected back-ups this time, so the arrival of "Huang Tao" will most likely not be what it was originally.


When Amanysis and Truman were on their guard, "Origin Castle" suddenly opened a hole in the fog of history.

The entire hole is too tiny and is still in history. If Truman hadn't focused on it, he might have missed it.

And through this hole, Truman finally saw the inside of the Source Castle.

It was a blue-black light door, with countless weird and mysterious lines flowing on it, connected to layers of light groups composed of twisted worms.

Above the light door, there are thin black lines hanging down, one after another hanging cocoons of light.

 There is one more chapter, maybe a little more

(End of this chapter)

lChapter 192 Huang Tao

Chapter 192 Huang Tao

There is a soul in each light cocoon hanging on the blue-black light door.

These souls have different skin colors and can be found in every race. The only thing that is the same is probably that these souls all carry a unique vitality.

After thousands of years of suspension, these soul bodies still maintain sufficient vitality.

One of the light cocoons has been broken open, and there is nothing inside, fluttering in the wind.

The causal thread in Truman's hand trembled violently, and Amanisis also saw the scene in the "Origin Castle" through Truman, and saw the light cocoon where he had stayed for countless years.

They became gods and spent a long time, but the initial memory is a very important part of their cognition and still occupies an important position in their memory.

It's like the childhood that ordinary people can never return to, a childhood full of happiness and a youth full of regrets.

And almost at the moment Truman saw the historical hole, a certain light cocoon adjacent to the empty light cocoon on the light door broke open, and a soul fell into the real world.


The sky in the inner space of "Origin Castle" suddenly tore open a velvet curtain to wrap this soul body.

Truman's face became solemn, he held the book of dreams in his hand, sprinkled a large area of ​​dreamy phosphorescence, and used the "dream" power.

"Stop!" Dream said.

The velvet curtain suddenly stopped, unable to get closer to the fragile soul.

But when Truman took action, the entire "Origin Castle" fell into riots, and the power belonging to the "Lord of Mysteries" began to resist "Dream".

Illusory portals are constantly taking shape in space, trying to transport the velvet curtain in front of the soul body.

At the same time, countless "loopholes" were created, trying to get out from being surrounded by the "dream" power.

But without the subordinate power of "Origin Castle", it cannot defeat "Dream".

The collision of dreamy phosphorescence and gray-white mist annihilated each other, silent but intense.

After several struggles, the velvet curtain failed to make any breakthrough, and finally the soul fell into the real world, while the velvet curtain was hidden behind the blue-black light door, not giving Truman the slightest chance.

The entire "Origin Castle" has also entered a closed state again.

"Tsk!" That velvet curtain is definitely a very important part of the "Lord of Mysteries" layout, but that's why it's impossible for him to get it.

If he dares to enter the "Origin Castle", he will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, and his fate will probably be similar to the "secret" of the Chaos Sea.

He might have lost that tug-of-war on the spot.

"Is this a 'Lord of Mysteries' about to appear?" Amanisis asked softly as he watched the soul fall into the real world.

"No, it probably won't work yet. The end of the world is still 200 years away."

And before the end, the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" will not be weakened enough to allow the other angels to become gods.

"Then..." Amanisis seemed to realize something.

The "Lord of Mysteries" is the best at deception. This soul must not be as simple as it seems.

"Yes." Truman nodded slightly, confirming Amanisis's guess, "There may be other existences."

Amanisis was silent for a while and said softly, "Then you have to solve it. Now there are cracks in the barrier."

As the end approaches, loopholes and cracks have begun to appear in the original barrier. They, the true gods who plug the cracks, must always be wary of the outer gods.

"Yeah." Truman chuckled and looked at the fallen soul, which was within the current Solomon Empire.

Today's Solomon Empire is no longer what it was back then. With such a "variable" in, it might be possible to turn the situation around.



Huang Tao woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and saw the sky outside the window like a black velvet curtain, with a red moon hanging high and shining red moonlight.The stars were twinkling, and Huang Tao's eyes widened blankly, as if he was demented.

After a long time, Huang Tao jumped up from the bed and looked at his surroundings with wide eyes.

"Hiss! Have I traveled through time?" Huang Tao's head was in severe pain, and he was deeply merging with this body.

"Ancient Europe, the Empire, the Renaissance..." Huang Tao learned about the era he lived in from his memory, and quickly found similar records in his memory.

He traveled through time and was reborn as a descendant of a down-and-out noble.

"My mobile browser and computer hidden files haven't been deleted yet..."

Huang Tao's eyes were dazed, unable to accept the whole fact.

"Dad, mom..."

Huang Tao thought of something, and his mood was agitated. His first reaction was to find the reason for time travel, and then go back!

But Huang Tao also knew very well that it would be difficult for him to go back.

He has read so many novels, but very few of them can really go back to the starting point!

"Am I just going to be able to kick nobles and punch emperors all over the world..."

Huang Tao's eyes were blank and he lay down on the bed, his mood was so agitated that it was hard to describe.

Truman came to the window and smiled immediately when he heard these words. Are you not happy?

He was now in a state of psychological invisibility, so he walked directly into the room and saw Huang Tao in person.

With slightly curly chestnut hair, blue eyes, a high nose bridge, and thin lips, he looks pretty good.

And the starting point of the entire down-and-out nobles is better than that of the "poor gods" of later generations. At least they have no worries about food, clothing, and two maids!

"This body..." Truman checked the body and found no marks left by the alien god, then nodded and left.

But this time he did not return to "Fantasy Township", but returned to the "Dream Duke" castle in the Solomon Empire.

The castle, which has existed for more than 2000 years, is probably the oldest building in the Solomon Empire.

"Alas! As a time traveler, I don't have a golden finger!" Early the next morning, Huang Tao looked at himself, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't find the golden finger he had been looking forward to.

"It seems there is, but I can't find it!" He actually thought of a mysterious and strange silver medal in his memory, but he couldn't find it at all!

"It's over, is it possible that I have to start from scratch? Is this so hellish?!"

Huang Tao was frustrated beyond words.

In the Dream Duke Castle, Truman relied on a light curtain in front of him to see everything Huang Tao did.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, then reached out and grabbed a silver medal from the void.

This is the silver medal in Huang Tao's memory.

Truman picked up the silver medal and looked at it carefully. The lines on the silver medal were very similar to those on the blue-black light door, and seemed to have some connection with the lines on the "Fool" symbol.

"Open the door." Truman's mind fell on the silver medal and he spoke softly.

The pattern on the silver medal suddenly shone, vaguely connected to the gray mist at the highest point of the spiritual world.

Truman's heart was lifted, and a pure human clone walked out of his side, relying on the connection between the silver medal and "Origin Castle" to jump directly into "Origin Castle".

If you can steal the "Origin Castle" and solve the problem directly at the source, you will never be able to resurrect the dead!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 193 Cognition

Chapter 193 Cognition

Today's "Origin Castle" is absolutely ownerless, and anyone who can enter can actually form a kind of "occupation".

And as long as there is a slight relationship, Truman can completely convert it into a subordinate relationship.

The body created by Truman is completely that of an ordinary person without any extraordinary qualities, and meets the requirements for entering the "Origin Castle".

And the certain connection between the silver medal and "Origin Castle" made "Origin Castle" open the door of convenience and put the "ordinary person" into the gray fog.

This is the "program" set by the "Lord of Mysteries" in the "Origin Castle". Anyone born from the "Origin Castle" is qualified to enter the "Origin Castle".

The current situation is that Truman occupies this qualification, and the consciousness of Truman is naturally in the body of that ordinary person.

To be honest, Truman had already seen the hazy, fuzzy, boundless gray fog.

The gray fog flows like water, dotted with crimson stars. These stars emit little bits of light, illuminating the gray fog.

This place is very similar to the Sea of ​​Dreams. It is the periphery formed by the real "source essence" breath, not the real core.

The main body of "Origin Castle" is the blue-black light door.

"Huh?" Truman was surprised by this scene, and at the next moment, an unprecedented "rejection reaction" appeared in the entire Source Castle.

The watery gray mist stirred like ocean waves, rolling up one tornado after another, and the real "Origin Castle"

——The blue-black light door also appeared above the gray mist, pressing down hard on Truman.

The light balls composed of twisted worms that formed the light gate spread out like crazy, and some kind of extremely high-level power burst out.

A power no less powerful than half the old days surged up. This was the independent power of "Origin Castle".

Even if there is no foundation, He itself possesses infinite power.

The corner of Truman's mouth twitched, probably because Truman's true nature was finally noticed by "Origin Castle", and that's why he wanted to beat Truman to death at all costs.

"Forget it, don't worry about the dead." If you still break in without being discovered, it will be a terrifying war.

And the winner of the war will be "God".

Before the blue-black light gate crushed him to death, Truman turned into a dreamy bubble and disappeared without a trace.

But the gray mist still didn't give up. It washed away the place where Truman once stood with endless gray mist, erasing any traces left by Truman.

"Failed." Truman's face was calm, but he didn't care too much.

If the "Lord of Mysteries" was so easily crushed to death by the coffin board, then Saslier of the Third Age would have taken the "Origin Castle" as his own.

"But this silver medal..."

It has lost the magical power to connect with "Origin Castle" and has been completely blocked by "Origin Castle".

In other words, even if Huang Tao becomes a "divineer" or a "thief" or an "apprentice", he will not be able to enter Genesis Castle after receiving this silver medal.

Even when he can recreate the silver medal in the future, he will not be able to come up with something that can connect to the "Origin Castle".

This directly cut off his hope of controlling Sefirah Castle.

"Give him some compensation." Truman waved his hand and sent the silver medal to Huang Tao's bedroom.

"..." A few minutes later, Huang Tao was stunned when he looked at the silver medal he had just found in his hand.

"But this is far from a golden finger!" Huang Tao was furious. After some research, he didn't see any effect and couldn't help but feel discouraged.

But after a second thought, he regained his composure, "I, Russell Gustav, am the protagonist of my life, what kind of golden finger do I need? I have worked hard for everything myself!"


Before he finished speaking, a phosphorescent light suddenly flashed on the silver medal. It was a symbol with a book as the base and dotted with fantasy bubbles.After the entire dream symbol took shape, it changed again and turned into an illusory blue-black light door.

This is Truman's analysis and reproduction of the power of "Origin Castle" in a short period of time.

And this silver medal was originally related to the "Origin Castle", and now Truman used his own ability to stuff the abilities that he had "analyzed" into this silver medal.

This can be regarded as a composite magical item related to the three paths of "Origin Castle", and its personality is probably only unique.


Russell Huang Tao Gustave's head was full of black lines, and the golden finger would not come sooner or later, but it would come only after he spoke out his bold words.

Could it be that this is the way to open the golden finger?It's really a bad taste...

"Goldfinger, let me see your limits!"

Russell held the silver medal in his hand, found a rope, and hung it on his chest.

"I am indeed the destined protagonist!" Russell walked out of the bedroom with his head held high.

"Tsk!" Truman intercepted Russell's heroic words and became the first page of "Roselle's" diary.

This is the real Russell diary!

"Little Master!" The two middle-aged maids yelled at the top of their lungs, almost making Russell, who was still in a daze, jump to his feet.

"Uh... OK, OK!" Russell remembered these two maids.

His family was originally a small and marginal noble in the Solomon Empire. Now, after several generations of inheritance, it has gradually declined. It can only afford such maids to maintain its dignity.

"The whole world..." Russell is a person who is extremely adaptable to the environment, which is probably the criterion for selecting people for "Origin Castle".

The fallen angel Amanisis was able to survive and develop in the demon wolf clan, and the fools of later generations were able to face the extraordinary without any flaws when they were still ordinary people.

After a while, Russell perfectly integrated into this era, and then subconsciously looked for what he could do.

"No! This world is unscientific!"

"Papermaking and printing have a history of more than 1000 years? How many iterations have they gone through?"

"Aren't the agricultural tools and production tools here too advanced? Are things like salt and iron widely popular among ordinary people?"

"There are also cream cakes, cookies, chips... these things have become daily foods in medieval Europe?"

"Why is this world so weird?" Russell was dumbfounded. There were many things that were in line with his understanding of history, but there were some things that broke his understanding and were strangely embedded in this era.

In the end, Russell also found the source of everything.

"Dream Sect?" From the information that Russell could find, this sect is a group of pure idealists who believe in the "Supreme Dream" and create unrealistic things every day.

But the fact is that these rationalists have really come up with many good things.

It was so pitiful that he almost couldn't hold back the moment he ate the ice cream.

The followers of the entire Dream Sect seem to focus their technology on food.

"And the dream gold coin..." Russell flicked up a shining gold coin, which was the currency of the Solomon Empire, with a dream book engraved on it.

Russell had seen this pattern on his silver medal before.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 194 Diary

Chapter 194 Diary

"The dream made of iron, the Duke of flowing water..."

Russell thought of the empire's "Dream Duke" legend.

According to legend, the castle of Dream Duke is the real core of this ancient empire. The emperor and the other dukes must care about the will of Dream Castle.

The biggest evidence is that the finances, one of the most important powers of the empire, are in the hands of Dream Castle.

Russell was even more surprised when he learned from his cheap father that even the emperor needed to consult Dream Castle for financial matters.

The status of this dream castle in the Solomon Empire is too special.

"It seems that this 'Dream' is the biggest mastermind behind this world!"

"He will be my biggest enemy from now on. Defeat him and I will be in charge!"


Truman, who was drinking sweet iced tea and taking pleasure from Russell, the "country boy", squirted directly.

How did you come to this conclusion?As expected of Russell, this brain circuit is completely different!

Russell, who gradually understood the effectiveness of the silver medal's magical items, had obtained the basic knowledge of extraordinary beings from the silver medal and knew the existence of the extraordinary world, but he still had full confidence in himself.

This is probably because of Truman.

The power of the silver medal is probably enough for Russell to choose three abilities independently in each sequence.

For example, after he becomes Sequence Nine, he can choose any three abilities from "Soothsayer", "Stealer", and "Apprentice" on the silver medal.

This kind of plug-in is equivalent to carrying three magical items with no side effects, and the advantages become more obvious the higher the sequence.

"No, I'm too excited. I must find someone to share it with!" After Russell discovered the power of the silver medal, his face turned red with excitement. He jumped up and down, wishing to upgrade to Sequence Nine immediately.

"By the way, I can keep a diary!"

"Hey, you can write it in simplified Chinese, and no one can decipher it anyway! You can even record some secret information and use it as a memo..."

"Only a serious person like me can write a diary!"

Russell took out a pen and paper and wrote down his excitement and disappointment after coming into this world.

In the process, he sorted out his thoughts and became more confident and looking forward to the future.

"Join a church first and get the magic potion!"

A declining nobleman doesn't even have an Beyonder. In the end, Russell still needs to work hard on his own.

The Church of the "True Creator", the Church of the "God of Artisans", the Church of the "Eternal Blazing Sun"...

These were the churches that preached legally in Solomon's empire, and the rest were illegal organizations.

In fact, he wanted to join the mysterious "Dream Sect" in one step and dismantle the mastermind behind the entire world from within.

However, this "dream sect" is extremely weird. It does not actively recruit believers like a church, and even the condition for joining is a sufficiently devout faith. This is a bit difficult for Russell's entire 21st century youth.

"Then there's no need to choose, there's only one choice!"

"The Church of the 'Artisan God'!"

"Praise you, God of All Machines. One day, I will change the name of the Artisan Church to the Mechanicus."

At this moment, the gears of fate are turning quietly, everything has its initial trajectory, and then begins to rush towards the unknown future.

Truman did not interfere. What he was looking forward to was the moment when Russell actually walked in front of him.

Hmm... It's also possible that he walked up to Russell and completed some kind of plan with him.

"Your Majesty the Dream Crown..."

A god has already come to find Truman.

A voice from a distant star realm rang in Truman's ears. "Oh, 'Artisan'!" Truman blinked, and his consciousness flew to the "perfect place".

This is the kingdom of the "God of Craftsmen", far above the star realm, blocked in a crack.

Truman's consciousness directly entered the "perfect place".

This is a perfect place for craftsmen. Machines traveling everywhere with the help of various extraordinary abilities are more modern than the deeds in Truman's memory.

But this is all supported by the divine power of the "Perfect One" and cannot be popularized all over the world.

Truman entered the "Perfect Place" and soon saw the "Craftsman" on a huge lever.

After becoming a god, He looked more like a robot, wearing a metal mask and with silvery luster in his eyes.

"Long time no see." Truman smiled and nodded.

"Under the Dream Crown," the voice of "Artisan" was like the sound of a machine, with a metallic texture.

"I see you in the trajectory of future civilization."

The "Perfect Man" is closely related to the development of civilization. As the leader of civilization, he can see the development trajectory of future civilization and make choices that are most beneficial to the development of civilization.

"Craftsmen" present the pictures they see on the trajectory of civilization.

A cloud of steam erupted, driving the operation of the steam engine, but there was also a thick black mist filling the sky.

The next moment, there are also new-style sailing boats sailing out to sea, riding the wind and waves.

In these scenes, Truman and another slightly dissolute and arrogant man appear.

That's right, it's Russell.

This is probably some picture of the future that the "God of Artisans" saw in the development trajectory of civilization after Russell decided to join the "Artisans" Church.

Among these pictures, Russell's pictures account for a large proportion. He is a "great man" in the vision of civilization who can push the world forward.

"Well, this person can help you better stand at the forefront of the development of civilization, and my guess is good. He has probably decided to join your church."

Truman said casually, and then imprinted these pictures in his mind one by one. Finally, his eyes stayed on a book and he was silent for a while.

After that, he looked at the "artisan".

The current "God of Craftsman" is not the "craftsman" in the original trajectory who did not finish digesting the potion.

He is the true "Perfect One" who controls the most advanced technology of human civilization and always stands at the forefront of the development of civilization.

This makes the "Artisan" church actually in good shape. Except that the "Artisan" church is indeed weaker than other churches because of its youth, there are no other shortcomings.

Promoting the development of civilization is a strengthening of the authority of the "perfect people" and a guarantee for the "perfect people".

"Do I need to make him my God's Favorite?" "Artisan" asked.

"You decide for yourself. I can only tell you that something will happen to him, so don't be too surprised."

It is not surprising what a highly mobile "traveler" can do.

"...Okay." "Artisan" nodded lightly.

And Truman has gained a little bit here. He has restored the authority of the "Perfect One", but that's all.

He is not at the forefront of the development trend of civilization like a "craftsman", and his sense of the future of civilization is not as good as that of a "craftsman".

And after looking at the trajectories of future civilizations, he had an excellent idea.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 195 Zaratul

Chapter 195 Zaratul

"On September [-]th, the Baron's wife is truly a beauty..."

Russell wrote this line in his diary, his eyes wandering as if he was remembering that night of ecstasy.

"But this is the last time, absolutely the last time!"

"I just became a Sequence Six 'mechanical expert' a few days ago. This is already a top-notch position in the entire edge town, and my status is comparable to that of a baron."

"But do I need to dominate one side? What I want is this world!"

"I can't continue to fall. I need to go to a bigger stage, to the capital of Solomon, where there will be more room for improvement."

"Moreover, I also learned from the church that the corrupt lives of the empire's high-ranking nobles are even worse than those of the Baron family! I'm really...envious."

Russell closed the diary, briefly packed his clothes, and walked out of his house.

After two or three years of hard work, he is now a Sequence Six "Mechanical Expert" of the "General Knowledge" path. This sequence was called "Craftsman" in ancient times.

This has already surpassed the "artisan" church bishop of his small marginal town, and has the opportunity to become a middle-level and high-level church leader.

This was also the reason for Russell to dare to venture into the Imperial Capital. Sequence Six could be considered a figure in the mixed-race place of the Imperial Capital.

"Let's go! The church's mechanical boat is here." Russell looked at the home where he had lived for two years, said hello to his parents in this life, came to the river, and boarded the mechanical boat prepared by the church.

The technology in the "Artisan" church is hundreds of years faster than what ordinary people can see, but the power sources in these mechanical ships and mechanical vehicles are extraordinary items and are not suitable for widespread use.

"I am already a 'mechanical expert'. After going to the church in the imperial capital, I will also start to create my scientific research genius character."

"Fortunately, the steam engines in the entire world are still in their initial stages. I can make improvements, and the sailboats must be made quickly, otherwise they will be destroyed by the lunatics from the Dream Sect."

Russell was full of ambition.

"Long time no see, Mr. Russell." While Russell was admiring the scenery along the coast, an old man wearing a black robe, with dark eyes and a long, thick white beard around his mouth appeared next to him.

"Mr. Zaratul?" Russell was surprised to see an old friend from the occult.

He and Zaratul met during a mystical exchange, and then maintained a certain degree of contact with each other on the premise that both parties had some concerns, and became "friends who have been together forever" on the surface.

"Are you going back to the Imperial Capital?" Russell asked curiously.

This ship was carrying some extraordinary people and nobles who wanted to go to the imperial capital.

"Yes, I haven't gone back to my family for a long time."

Probably hundreds or thousands of years old.

Although the "half-fool" of Antigonus has retreated to the Hornacis Mountains, the hunt in the Fourth Age frightened little Zaratul, causing him to hide around and not dare to return to the imperial capital. .

"Zarath..." Russell thought about this surname in his heart. This is a real duke family in the Solomon Empire and is extremely noble.

In his mind, this old gentleman must have come from this prominent ducal family.

"To be able to reach Sequence Six in three years, you are more talented than I thought." Zaratul looked at Russell and praised.

"Thanks to the old gentleman for the tip. If it weren't for you, it might take me some time to fully understand the acting method." Russell was very proud, but he still had to be modest.

"I just mentioned acting, and you already understood that this is your own talent." Zaratul looked at Russell with his deep eyes, as if he wanted to see something.Russell felt uncomfortable for a moment, but his expression remained as usual. He was very skilled in dealing with this kind of old monster.

"It's a pity that you chose the 'General Knowledge'. This path is safe enough in the early stage, but it will definitely face many difficulties and dangers in the future." Zaratul said.

"Oh?" Russell raised his eyebrows, wanting to find out more, but this knowledge itself was of great value, and there was no such generous person.

"The sequence pathway hides more secrets than you think." Zaratul pointed out, seeming to be waiting for Russell's question.

Is this old man trying to seduce me... Russell suddenly had a change of thought and asked curiously, "Which path did the old gentleman take? Please forgive my offense, I'm really curious."

"My sequence nine is 'divineer'." Zaratul said nonchalantly.

What a "divineer"... What Russell was thinking about at the moment was the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics.

He believed that it was his "ability" that aroused Zaratul's interest.

As for the silver medal?

That's impossible. Until now, no one can even see it except him, and all divination methods have failed in front of it.

Russell curled up his lips and started mocking, "Are all 'diviners' only half-talking? It's easy to get beaten like this."

"Oh, only in this way can I arouse your curiosity and make you willing to cooperate with me." Zaratul chuckled, directly clarifying his purpose.

"Cooperation?" Russell's eyes narrowed slightly, his thoughts turning quickly, "What do you want me to do for you?"

"You are still far behind now." Zaratul looked at Russell with deep eyes, "What I am optimistic about is your future."

"You will definitely become a big shot in the extraordinary world in the future, and I don't mind investing first."

Russell's inspiration was slightly touched, and he felt the silver medal on his chest was slightly touched. It was the "divineer's" peek into destiny!

After becoming a Sequence Nine "generalist", the Sequence Nine abilities he chose from the silver medal were "Divination", "Opening the Door" and "Stealing".

These three abilities are the most typical and are the foundation of the three related paths he knows.

At that moment, Zaratul performed a divination about the future for him, and he might even have seen some scenes in the future!

"I don't mind cooperating with the old gentleman. After all, the first time I saw the old gentleman, I felt very familiar. He looked very much like my grandfather who had never been masked before."

Russell opened his mouth to come, and as the two foxes, big and small, tested each other, their relationship became closer and closer.

"Then what do you think I should do after arriving in the imperial capital?"

Russell was trying to test Zarath's tone.

"I feel that the Antigonus family is a good entry point to make good friends with the children of the family."

The Antigonus family is another ducal family!

But I heard that the Antigonus family in the imperial capital is now a "branch", and the most important personnel have moved to the "headquarters" in the Honakis Mountains.

Moreover, the Antigonus family and the Zaratul family seem to be a bit difficult to deal with...

Gan!Even before he arrived in the imperial capital, he was already involved in a fight between a large noble family!

(End of this chapter)