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Chapter 171 Antigonus

Chapter 171 Antigonus

In a church that preaches the belief in the Creator, three angels are planning something big that can truly shake the world.

"You should want to know what will happen if I become a god." Antigonus looked at Amon calmly.

"Yes." Amon nodded and admitted.

The three paths associated with the "Lord of Mysteries" have always been extremely risky, and no true god has ever been born.

In the Second Age, it was also the "Destruction Wolf", an ancient god with impure characteristics, who had the power to "fool".

In the Fourth Age, someone can become a Sequence One Archangel, but no angel has ever planned to become a god in this era.

The will of the "Lord of Mysteries" is so powerful that the spiritual intuitions of all the angels involved are telling them that the only person who can become a god is the revived "Lord of Mysteries".

What are the identities of the two angel kings of the "door" path and the "wrong" path?

One is the second son of the Creator and is born a king; the other is given the surname "Abraham" by the Creator and is an apprentice of the "Supreme Dream".

Even after they become the kings of angels, they cannot escape the strong support behind them.

But even now, Mr. "Gate" has been the angel closest to becoming a god for hundreds of years.

Amon and Mr. "Men" both want to become gods, but they have many concerns, so they both need an angel from an adjacent path to test the will strength of the "Lord of Mysteries" for them.

And Antigonus sent himself to the door.

"So, what do you want to do?" Adam also showed full interest in this matter.

"I am going to hold a simplified ceremony first to accommodate the uniqueness..." Antigonus revealed his plan to Adam.

This is dangerous, but Mew is paying attention here.

"This is indeed the best choice at the moment." The stars fell and Bethel appeared quietly.

Truman let him come here.

The three angels who are most promising to become the true gods of the "Lord of Mysteries" have all come here. If something unexpected happens here, the "Lord of Mysteries" will rise up.

"Then let's start as soon as possible." Antigonus seemed to be full of hope for the future.

"Are you sure your spirit has not been affected by that person's will?" Bethel suddenly spoke, pointing directly to the essence.

"You are too eager. You don't even need to seek promotion at this time."

Bethel spoke very sincerely. He wanted to know the strength of the current "Lord of Mysteries"'s will, but he couldn't help but remind Antigonus.


The scene was silent, and all the angels looked at Antigonus, with a look of contemplation on his face that looked both youthful and old.

After a long time, He shook his head slightly and said, "I am very sure that this is the decision I made."

He raised his hand, revealing the dream mark on it, "Because of the blessing of dreams, although His whispers are echoing in my ears all the time, I am able to maintain the most precious sobriety after all."

Antigonus then looked at Adam.

"Your mental state is very good." Adam affirmed Antigonus's state.

"If that person is really influencing you, it must be in a way that you can't detect."

Bethel is in a dilemma. Because of Truman, he is extremely cautious about the "Lord of Mysteries".

But such a hypothesis can never be tested.

Because it is "imperceptible".

"And that one is also the 'sign of destiny'..."

Who doesn't know this fact?But Antigonus still came here.

Antigonus began to discuss with Amon and Adam how to simplify the ceremony.In the end, Bethel also participated. Under the premise that it could not be changed, it was better to make the ceremony more perfect and provide Antigonus with a more stable anchor.

"The easiest way is to use the ability of the 'Destiny Trojan' to take action on destiny."

The "Fool"'s ritual of becoming a god is quite abstract and involves "fooling" time, fate or history.

Even if such an abstract ritual is simplified, it still requires "fooling".

The simplified ritual of fooling fate is something that Adam and Amon can do together.

"As for the ritual object, use the 'Magician' from the Jacob family." Bethel suggested.

The Jacob family belongs to the Trunsoest Empire and has a "wrong" path, including a "worm of time".

However, the "Gate", "Fool" and "Wrong" paths are adjacent to each other, and the "Cunning Mage" can be found in the Jacob family.

"Okay." Amon glanced at Bethel and nodded lightly.

After agreeing on the plan, Antigonus's historical projection was "tampered with" into his true form, and he came in person wearing the "Mask of the Fool".

Amon personally took action to capture a "Magician" from the Jacob family.

"Huh?" Bethel said softly, looking at the "Cunning Mage" with twinkling starry eyes. There seemed to be something wrong with the Cunning Mage's state.

"Just use him." Amon took out a worm of time from the body of "Cunning Mage".


The "Cunning Mage" woke up from the nightmare and saw an even more terrifying reality when he opened his eyes.

In the dream, he had to face Amon, but now he had to face four existences at the level of the King of Angels.

"You are Antigonus." Adam looked at the "Cunning Mage" and spoke softly.

"...I am Antigonus..." The eyes of the "Cunning Mage" instantly lost their brilliance.

Seeing this, Bethel stretched out his hand to hold the entire space where the church was located, and then gently pulled it.

At this moment, this space is separated from the world and enters the spiritual world.

Subsequently, this space began to completely cut off contact with the world in terms of destiny and time and space, achieving an effect similar to "secretness".

This is the deepening of the "secret-keeping" ability of the "mystic mage".

This is the location of four angel kings. The weakest Antigonus is also the archangel who controls the uniqueness of "The Fool".

If they join forces, even if the true god comes, they can still bear it.

"I am Antigonus." After this space was divided for a long time, "Antigonus" walked out of the void.

If they are identical in appearance, memory, characteristics, and even destiny, are these two people the same person?

At least in terms of fate, this is the same person.

"Antigonus" reappeared in the world and was recorded by fate.

He reported to the Empire on time as usual and deliberately avoided meeting the Black Emperor. Secretly, he was also worried about his own situation and looking for a way out of the Kingdom of Darkness.

"It seems that I need to integrate uniqueness after all. This is the only way."

"It's a pity that Adam and Amon didn't agree to help me."

Without any help, Antigonus returned to the Kingdom of Night, preparing to use his sister's power to try to contain the "Mask of the Fool".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 172 Fooling fate

Chapter 172 Fooling fate

Antigonus's sister is a "secret servant" and the only angel of the "dark night" path outside the Church of Night.

She is the daughter of the ancient god "Destruction Wolf", a born mythical creature, and now the mother of the sky, the belief of the Kingdom of Night.

The Kingdom of Night was established by him and Antigonus.

Previously, the Northern Continent was under the rule of the Solomon Empire, and this small country was not destroyed. It survived because of the protection of Antigonus and Mew.

But now they are facing the Trunsoest Empire, the Church of the Night, the state religion of the entire empire.

"Sister, I need your help."

"Antigonus" returned to the Kingdom of Night and met the "Mother of Heaven".

It was also part of the ritual that deepened Destiny's identification with Antigonus' identity.

"..." The faint figure of "Mother of Heaven" walked out from the depths of the temple and glanced at "Antigonus", "Do you want to accommodate the 'Mask of the Fool'?"

"Yes." "Antigonus" nodded slightly.

"..." "Mother of Heaven" was silent for a long time, but still agreed after "Antigonus" insisted.

Afterwards, "Antigonus" began to house the "Mask of the Fool" with the help of the "hidden" power.

Wearing a black classical dress, with a mist covering her face, the "Mother of Heaven" walked out of the mist. She stretched out her finger and tapped lightly, and the fate of "Antigonus" was hidden.

"Antigonus" could only actively try to accommodate it without strong enough help. He actually relied on his own "dream mark" and his connection with the "Mask of the Fool".

Obviously, this failed.

The dream mark did not play a real role at the necessary moment, and faded away like a fake, and the connection between the "Mask of the Fool" and "Antigonus" was far from close.

"How is that possible?!" "Antigonus" is about to lose control.

In the palace shrouded in mist, transparent and twisted worms huddled together and grew wantonly. Strange and slippery tentacles stretched out from the "Mask of the Fool", destroying everything within reach.

"Mother of Heaven" lifted the "secret", and that ball of worms truly appeared in this world.

At this moment, "Antigonus" accommodates the fate of uniqueness that will fail, becoming history and being recorded by fate.

"Mother of Heaven" did not make any move and looked at the group of tentacles indifferently. He probably already knew that the younger brother in front of him was fake, but he cooperated to a certain extent out of tacit understanding.

"Release." At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind Him.

The real Antigonus appeared, and the space isolated from fate appeared here. The three angel kings stood behind Antigonus.

The real Antigonus lifted the "tampering", Amon gently squeezed the monocle, and the stolen fate returned.

The out-of-control "Antigonus" and the truly intact Antigonus face each other. At this moment, there is an irreconcilable contradiction in fate.

What is recorded in the destiny is that "Antigonus" failed in promotion and lost control, but the current situation is that Antigonus does not tolerate uniqueness at all and exists completely.

Destiny was fooled.

Antigonus reached out and "tampered" the relationship between the "Mask of the Fool" and himself into "oneself has been fused with uniqueness."

This directly led to the resurgence of the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" in his body!


The appearance of some kind of ancient aura caused the expressions of the three angel kings, Adam, to change slightly, and they responded individually.

At the same time, Truman, who had been paying attention to this place, gently opened the Book of Dreams and moved the entire Hornakis Mountains to the Dreaming Heaven.This can prevent the resurrected "Lord of Mysteries" will from affecting the "Origin Castle" and borrowing power.

Let's not talk about anything else, the coffin board of Shigui must be pressed!

Antigonus was well prepared to face the mysterious resurrected will. He used all his "anchors" in the Kingdom of Night and the Solomon Empire to balance the resurrected will.

This played a certain role and allowed Antigonus to gain some clarity.

Then, the help from the three angel kings also arrived.

Adam's "pacification" made His spirit more active and powerful, Amon "gifted" the sleep stolen from the Deep Dark Heaven, and Bethel directly threw down a lightning storm.

Antigonus wants to use the power of "miracles" to suppress the will of the "Lord of Mysteries" in his resurrection from the dead, completely accommodate the uniqueness, and maintain self-awareness.

The will of the "Lord of Mysteries" has not even really woken up, and it is already communicating with the "Origin Castle", but it is isolated from the Dream Heaven and can only resist with the power of Antigonus.

But this time the simplified ceremony was completed very well. Antigonus's self-awareness was very stable, and the King of Angels helped, so the awakening will was too suppressed.

The next moment, black tide surged out of the void, which was the power of fear and sleep.

"Father?!" Antigonus and "Mother of Heaven" cried out.

The power of fear and sleep comes from the "Mother of Heaven", who arranged this place to look like the Kingdom of God of the "Destroying Demon Wolf" back then.

"Fregera..." Truman, who was paying attention here, nodded slightly, not surprised.

This Demonic Wolf of Destruction obviously had a back-up plan for resurrection on Antigonus and the "Mask of the Fool", but now the "Lord of Mysteries" has revived its will and directly swallowed up his arrangement. After "fooling" himself Use it.


A faint figure quietly entered the dreamy paradise.

"Destruction Demonic Wolf!"

Amanysis appeared next to Truman and looked at Antigonus on the Hornacis Mountains.

He is the lord of sleep and silence, and this surge of power cannot be hidden from Him.

"Sure enough..." He nodded slightly to understand the situation.

"In front of the 'Lord of Mysteries', Fregra is simply not good enough."

But when the "dark night" pathway characteristics were almost entirely occupied by Amanysis, He had only this choice.

Now he has been swallowed by the "Lord of Mysteries", which is really miserable.

"Come on." Truman nodded.

"Okay." Amanisis did not refuse. With Truman's permission, he affected the dream mark on Antigonus through the Dream Heaven.


The power of sleep and fear suddenly stagnated, and then was completely suppressed by the emergence of dreamy phosphorescence.

At this time, the attacks of the three angel kings were suddenly fierce!

This time, a powerful force fell on Antigonus. He restrained his physical instinct and did not resist. His body was reduced to ashes under the lightning.

But in the next moment, the gray fog of history emerged from the place where he died, and Antigonus, who had just accommodated the uniqueness of "The Fool", returned from resurrection.

Antigonus wore the "Fool's Mask" with two eyes on his face, and his strange eyes stared at the angels in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 173 "Half Fool"

Chapter 173 "Half Fool"

The angels who looked at Antigonus' strange eyes felt the pressure.

There seems to be some kind of terrifying will left in it.

"Brother..." "Mother of Heaven" couldn't help but take a step forward.


Hearing this call, Antigonus turned his head and looked at the "Mother of Heaven" at the edge. The previous attack was too terrifying, and even a sequence two angel could not get close.

"Sister...sister?" Antigonus recited the entire title, as if he was thinking, and was affected by blindness and ignorance.

After a few breaths passed, the weirdness in Antigonus's eyes suddenly dissipated, and a normal aura flashed.

"Mother of Heaven" was extremely surprised and was about to step forward.

"Stop!" Adam spoke softly, and "Mother of Heaven"'s legs froze in place as she walked out, and her body stiffened.

Adam and Antigonus looked at each other quietly for dozens of seconds. During these tens of seconds, Amon and Bethel were preparing to kill him again once Adam shook his head.

"That's it." Finally, Adam looked away and nodded slightly, making a judgment on Antigonus's current mental state.

"Phew!" Amon and Bethel both breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not the "Lord of Mysteries".

"It seems like there is no chance..." Amon's mind was already wandering to certain possibilities.

"Don't try." Antigonus was able to speak at this time.

But His voice was still low and full of pain. The "Mask of Fool" on His face gradually faded away and merged into his body. However, His face was extremely pale and he was experiencing unimaginable pain.

"I will die." Antigonus's words extinguished all thoughts of Amon and Bethel.

"The King of Angels is the highest stable person, and it is still established under the protection of the Creator or the supreme dream."

After a long time, Antigonus's body gradually became warmer, his pain lessened, and his tone became slightly gentler.

"Any thought of touching the true God will lead to his return."

This is the comment of Antigonus, who was trapped in the quagmire.

To pay for this time, He showed the inside of His body to others.

The "Fool's Mask" inside is reflected in a ball made of spiritual insects, and around the "Fool's Mask" is a black cloak with countless tentacles looming.

This is the embodiment of the will of the "Lord of Mysteries", which has now fallen into silence due to the simplified rituals, the "anchor" provided by the believers, and the dream mark.

"I even had some intuition." Antigonus looked at the thoughtful people, "I shouldn't be looking for the last 'Servant of Secrets' trait."

"Being 'half a fool' is my limit."

"Hi." Amon sneered. I don't know if he believed it or not. After that, he also left the Honakis Mountains directly.

Adam also nodded slightly and left directly.

"I can help you once," Bethel said to Antigonus.

He contributed the least in this ceremony, but he also watched everything. Under the conditions of equal exchange, He still needed to help Antigonus one more time.

"Then I would like to ask Mr. Men to help me recover some of Zaratul's characteristics." Antigonus made his request directly.

"Of course, sir, I don't need to do anything. I just need you to tell me the coordinates of Zarath." After merging the uniqueness, Antigonus is like Amon to the "wrong" path to the Extraordinaries on the same path.

"...Okay." Bethel thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Almost." Truman also opened the Book of Dreams at this time and returned the entire Honakis Mountains to the real world.

The replacement of virtual and real authority by "real" authority is so wonderful that no one has even discovered that the real Honakis Mountains have gone to the Fantasy Heaven.

"You have taken some risks." What I am talking about here is Adam and Truman, taking risks to test the will state of the "Lord of Mysteries".

"Who knows if He is using us?" Truman shook his head slightly.

Even now, he has not given up monitoring Antigonus. He cannot relax for a moment when dealing with a top "fraudster".

"This cannot be proven." After reaching the angelic status, the spirit will be more or less stitched together with spiritual imprints that do not belong to oneself, and madness is inevitable.

In this case, almost every angel himself will fall into some kind of crazy state from time to time.

Therefore, sometimes they cannot tell that when making a certain decision, all thoughts are controlled by themselves and are the choices they most want to make.

This cannot be proven or disproven.

Because once you deny that part of your "self," even an angel will become a monster.

"Fregera..." The goddess of the night did not continue to ask. She believed in Truman's judgment.

"No need to worry." Truman gave a clear answer, "This time, the demon wolf's backhand on Antigonus has been completely cut off."

There is no worse fate than being swallowed up by the "Lord of Mysteries" and taking over the authority and power.

"'Mother of Heaven'." Amanisis suddenly said a name.

She is the daughter of Fregra, with her bloodline, and is also an angel of the "dark night" path. Under normal circumstances, she is also an excellent choice for the resurrection vessel.

In this aspect, both ancient gods and true gods are the same.

"He..." Truman shook his head slightly, "The remaining spirit of the 'Destruction Wolf' has been swallowed up by the 'Lord of Mysteries', and there is no longer any hope of resurrection."

"Okay." Amanisis was silent for a while, nodded slightly, and gave up the idea of ​​destroying the Kingdom of Darkness.

After that, the figure of Amanysis slowly disappeared, but Truman was not in a hurry and was still observing Antigonus here.

As for Bethel and Antigonus' hunt for Zarathu, it was lackluster.

Under the calculations of the two angel kings on the same route and adjacent routes, even the "Secret Attendant" has no power to resist.

"The second 'Servant of Secrets'..." Antigonus did not delay and directly incorporated this characteristic into his body.

At the same time, He was also using Zaratul's remaining spirit to balance the influence of the "Lord of Mysteries" on him.

At this time, the calm dream symbol flickered with phosphorescence, borrowing enough power from the Book of Dreams to neutralize the madness and hypnotize the will of the "Lord of Mysteries".

Nothing unexpected happened. Under Truman's watch, Antigonus showed no signs of losing control.

Antigonus has truly become a "half-fool". Such a person has sufficient self-preservation capabilities even in this era when the true god walks the earth.

"'Fraud'..." Truman looked at it for a long time, then pulled Bethel back and continued to strengthen the gray mist.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 174 The Influence of Foreign Gods

Chapter 174 The Influence of Foreign Gods

There are no years in the gray fog, and Truman and Bethel don't know how many years it took to strengthen the gray fog to a normal state.

The gray fog in this state is roughly as strong as the Second and Tertiary Periods, and can effectively prevent the invasion of source materials that have not yet left coordinates.

It can be regarded as filling the hole dug by the "Lord of Mysteries" at the end of the Third Age.

In this way, Truman at least does not need to worry about being besieged by five or six source materials.

"Finally it's out." The gray fog that stretched across the void and divided the world surged, and a starlight gate was outlined on the gray fog. Truman and Bethel walked through it and saw the bright sunshine.

"It must have been hundreds of years since the founding of the Trunsoest Empire." Truman stretched out his hand to grab a ray of sunlight and deciphered a lot of information from it.

Three empires stood side by side and four emperors faced each other. In the past few hundred years, less than half of the time there was peace. Small conflicts often broke out between the three empires.

Of course, all three parties also maintained restraint, and there was no angel or true god-level battle.

In the case of the alliance between the Trunsoest Empire and the Balam Empire, although the Solomon Empire had two emperors, it was still at a disadvantage and lost a lot of territory in small-scale wars.

"The battle of four emperors?" Truman laughed dumbly, and a familiar feeling came to his heart. This was a history that lasted for hundreds of years.

"Let's go back to the empire first." Truman and Bethel wandered back to the Solomon Empire. Hundreds of years have passed and the capital has changed, but what remains unchanged is the asymmetrical style.

"Teacher, I'm going back to my family first." Bethel went back to the Abraham family.

Truman looked around the capital and returned to his ducal castle without disturbing anyone.


Truman had just laid down when he received the meeting notice from the Book of Dreams.

"I really work hard, right..." Truman couldn't help but complain.

His mind sank into the dream book and came to the dream paradise.

"Trunsoest and Salinger are not normal." Truman heard Amanissis's gentle and peaceful voice as soon as he sat down.

"Huh?" Truman blinked. In order to get rid of Gray Fog as soon as possible, he had relaxed his control over the information from the outside world.

"The emperors of the two empires..." Truman frowned slightly, "Do they want to start a war again?"

"This requires you to investigate." Amanisis looked at Truman with a slight smile.

"..." Truman was speechless, and then said, "How did you know I came out?"

Amanissis just nodded slightly and did not answer.

"Has the seal reinforcement been completed?" Saslier and Lilith also looked at Truman in surprise.

"Yes," Truman nodded slightly, "Just finished, I have returned to the Solomon Empire."

"Then you go find out what Salinger and the others are doing." Lilith and Sasril both nodded, the majority overwhelming the minority.

"...Okay." Truman agreed.

"Besides that, there is one more important thing."

Lilith looked at all the participants and said a message in a heavy tone.

"The One in the Moon is trying to influence me in secret."

This sentence made everyone present slightly change their expressions.

"There is even another 'Mother Tree of Desire', and they are all trying to erode the authority of the 'Moon'."

"Onya may have some problems."

Ornia, Queen of the Blood Moon, is currently the queen of the Trunsoest Empire. She is the "Goddess of Beauty" in the sequence of the "Moon" path.

There is no true god in the current "Moon" path, and the uniqueness is in the hands of the goddess of the night. As for the remaining three sequences, one is in the hands of Ornia and the other two are in the hands of Lilith.In fact, Lilith has almost occupied two paths, but in this case, she will also bear the full pressure of the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

Even the "Mother Tree of Desire" has its eyes on Him.

"The uniqueness of 'Red Moon' is in my kingdom of God and has not been affected." Amanisis added.

But this has no reference value. The Deep Dark Heaven is the place where the "secret" authority is the most powerful. No gods can peek, and the "Fallen Mother Goddess" who is separated from the original barrier certainly cannot.

"Why so sudden?" Truman had just dealt with the threat from the source of matter, and now he had to face the alien gods again?

Of course, there are traces of all this. Hundreds of years are enough time for many things to breed and grow in the darkness.

After the death of the Creator, the authority of the Lord of the Star Realm fell away, and the influence of the outer gods on the real world has been deepening.

But it was only minimal at first, and could only affect some ordinary people who like to analyze the starry sky.

Gradually, the scope of the influence of foreign gods began to expand, and now it has begun to affect the game between Sequence One and even true gods.

"Essentially, this may be the same thing." Saslier suddenly spoke and expressed his judgment.

"The same thing..." Truman and others were also thoughtful.

"Then I really can't take any time off." Truman clicked his tongue. The situation was a bit serious and he needed to handle it personally.

"If there is anything else, please tell me all at once." Truman looked at the other three.

"And..." Saslier looked at Truman.

"You really do!" Truman glared, "Have you all accumulated hundreds of years of things and asked me to do it?"

"What are the two clones I made for you for?"

Lilith and Amanysis' expressions remained as usual, without any change, as if they had not heard anything.

"Well..." Saslier was silent for two seconds, "You really didn't create a clone for me. The two kings of angels under your command, Ourolius is not very smart, and Medici is only Sequence [-] now."

"..." Truman was speechless.

Well, the most critical reason is actually that angels have a certain degree of resistance when faced with the pollution of source matter and outer gods, but it is still too dangerous.

Only Truman has the characteristic of ignoring all pollution.

This is just like Mr. Fool in the original trajectory. With the "Origin Castle", he is not afraid of many difficult contaminations, so the gods will push him to complete some things.

"What I want to say is that Adam is probably in the game." Seeing this, Saslier implicitly agreed that Truman had agreed.

"...Yes!" Truman could only accept it. The minority obeying the majority was still the rule he originally set.

"But I haven't traveled around like this for a long time."

In my memory, only the second era required Truman to run around. At that time, the ancient gods were powerful and needed to be differentiated.

But things are different now.

Truman agreed, and the meeting ended. The other three would quietly wait for Truman to give the result.

"Let me see..."

His eyes took in the situation of half the world through the brilliance of the sun.

"The same thing, let's start with the Trunsoest Empire."

Truman held the book of dreams in his hand and wandered towards the destination.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 175 Blood Sacrifice

Chapter 175 Blood Sacrifice

The Trunsoest Empire, one of the three major empires today, was established the shortest time, but it was backed by the Alliance of Gods and secretly supported by almost all churches, and it developed extremely rapidly.

In addition, the Night Emperor is also a qualified ruler, formulating strict laws and fixing the rules in a mystical sense.

"And married a 'beautiful god' as the queen." Truman was walking in Backlund, the capital of Trunsoest.

There is no longer the United Kingdom, but this city has finally stepped onto the most dazzling stage in the world.

"The rules of Trunsoest..." Truman had already sensed the specialness of this city when he stepped into it.

Every inch of land here is divided by sacred rules. Compared with the Solomon Empire next door, it has outstanding symmetry and regularity.

This actually constitutes a "spider web", and the center of the spider web is the Kingdom of God of the "Judge".

In this case, any behavior that violates the law within the scope of Backlund will be punished by the rules.

From being silenced to being whipped to the guillotine, there was always a favorite way to die for the criminal.

From ordinary people to the King of Angels, no one can cause trouble in this kind of city.

This also makes this city one of the wonders of the world.

Because of the conflict in the path itself and the original betrayal, the relationship between "Night Emperor" Trunsoest and "Black Emperor" Solomon was extremely bad.

This can be seen from the imperial style.

"Moon, Blood Clan..." Truman soon arrived at the Vampire Clan's residence.

Onya became the queen of the Trunsoest Empire. The vampires, who had been somewhat sluggish since the "fall" of their ancestors in the Second Age, returned to the center of the historical stage and became an important supporter of the empire.

Truman walked in the vampire camp and sensed various traces of sacrifices to the moon.

"A 'Master of Summoning', who is currently on duty for blood sacrifices." Truman found what he needed at the altar, as well as a priest.

This is an old vampire with half gray hair, wearing a blood-colored divine robe, praying devoutly to Lilith.

The Vampire Clan has always believed that the ancestor of the Vampire Clan has not completely fallen, and they regularly hold rituals to pray to the moon.

These rituals sometimes receive responses, usually when Lilith pays attention to the vampires and sends oracles.

But under the influence of the "Mother Tree of Desire" and the "Fallen Mother Goddess", it's hard to say who will respond.

Truman saw many records of sacrifices outside the altar.

His eyes changed instantly. In his eyes, this space seemed to be flowing backwards in time, and the previous sacrifices were reflected in his eyes.

This is the deepening of divination, prophecy and information control capabilities, obtaining enough information from the spiritual world and the real world to conduct a historical deduction.

With such ability, not many things can escape his eyes.

And those who can escape have huge problems in themselves.

"Oracle..." I don't know how long it took, Truman stretched out his hand, and a picture was cut out from the fog of history and turned into reality.

There is a vampire with a blood-red crown in the picture.

Even in the fog of history, this vampire has a beauty that is difficult to describe in words. He can instantly make people under the angels fall and sign a summons contract with him.

This is one aspect of the application of the "God of Beauty" ability, obtaining "privileges" with unparalleled, conceptual beauty.In this sequence, His appearance and charm are His most powerful extraordinary abilities. To resist, at least you need to be an angel.

"'The God of Beauty' personally held the sacrifice about ten years ago, and it was held every once in a while..."

Truman got enough information and then interpreted the "oracle" from the picture.

"Speed ​​up the reproduction of new vampires." This is a normal oracle, and it is also what the vampires have always done.

"But...'reproduction'?" Truman's spiritual intuition gave the answer.

"Reproduction" is the authority of the Earth Mother Goddess. When Lilith was still an ancient god, she was a true god who mixed the two paths of "moon" and "mother". She also wielded such authority to reproduce the Bleeding Race.

According to the custom of the Vampire Clan, new Vampires must offer sacrifices to the moon to thank them after birth.

"Hmm..." But from the whole picture, it is not clear whether there is anything wrong with Onya's condition.

"Then let's do it again." Truman used his "utopian" power to arrange for the entire vampire clan to perform a sacrifice. The reason was that several "summoning masters" of the vampire clan had received the ancestor's revelation in their dreams and wanted to conduct a clearer verification.

"'Beauty God' Ornia also noticed this sudden sacrifice because she paid attention to the vampire clan, and decided to personally return to the vampire clan to preside over it and listen to the teachings of the ancestor."


Truman's script writing deliberately bypassed Trunsoest. As the "judge" of the true god of rules, Trunsoest can detect various subtle changes in the world and discover traces of "utopia."

Just when the Truman script was written and implemented, "Beauty God" Ornia returned to the vampire camp.

"Your Majesty the Queen!" The vampire responsible for guarding the altar fell to his knees, not daring to look up at the face of the "god of beauty".

The Blood Moon Queen's status in the blood clan is unparalleled, only below that of the First Ancestor.

"Prepare all the sacrificial items and I will personally conduct the ceremony." Ornia is more beautiful than the portrait in the fog of history.

With a deep black gorgeous dress dotted with red moon and stars, a bright red moon crown, blood-colored eyes, and fair and rosy cheeks, He had become the most beautiful scenery in the world just by standing there.

He seems to have all the beautiful features of human and even non-human aesthetics, making even intelligent creatures unable to take their eyes away and get lost in the beauty.

This is also a control technique, the kind that has no restraint method.

"This kind of weapon... no wonder even the true gods fell." Truman thought of the first time he saw Lilith.

Trunsoest and Onya are not just a political marriage, they have real love and family ties like ordinary couples.

"Even if I touch Onya, I will receive a fatal blow from Trunsoest?"

Truman exclaimed and sensed some kind of rules from Onya.

Trunsoest shared a considerable part of the authority of the Kingdom of Rules with Ornia, and now Ornia is like the Elf Queen of the Second Age, acting on behalf of God's authority.

"The controller of life, the ancestor of the vampire clan..."

After getting ready together, Ornia began the sacrifice. On the altar, the runes drawn with human blood were burning. As the bloody flames swayed, some kind of power floated to endless heights.

(End of this chapter)