
A 34

Chapter 166 "The Hidden Emperor"

Chapter 166 "The Hidden Emperor"

The blood-red flag danced, causing a billowing wave of blood. The true power of destructive natural disasters was brewing in this Kingdom of Information God. Various natural disasters, such as earthquakes, meteorites, etc., made the entire Kingdom of Information God tremble.

"That's it..." Truman noticed this power and became more cautious.

When the Blood Emperor went crazy, he fully introduced the power of the "City of Disaster", which would inevitably lead to a "natural disaster of destruction" and a "source of disaster".

Of course, such a thing will never happen again.

Except for his dream, the Fourth Age does not allow such a powerful god to exist!

Truman snapped his fingers and activated his power.

The figure of the Blood Emperor, who was waving the bloody flag and summoning the "City of Disaster", suddenly stopped.

A certain power exploded in the Blood Emperor's body, and Alistar even found the version of himself that had not gone crazy after that power exploded.

At that time, he was still an angel under the Black Emperor, and was not persuaded by Adam to make a crazy attempt that was destined to fail.

The dreamy phosphorescence seeped out from the Blood Emperor's body and gradually gathered on his head to look like a book.

At the same time, the Dream Book in Truman's body transmitted more power to the past through "real" authority.

Just when the Blood Emperor briefly suppressed the characteristics and the madness inherent in the essence, and fell into self-doubt, the blood-colored flag in the Blood Emperor's hand dimmed for an instant, and then was completely shattered by the impact of dreamy phosphorescence.

"You!" The Blood Emperor suddenly raised his head and looked at Truman.

"No...not just you!"


The Blood Emperor realized the key. The "Red Priest" potion was prepared for him by Adam. It was impossible for Adam not to discover the dreamy phosphorescence contained in it, but... Adam did not remind him.

As long as Adam reminds him, he will not use all his power in sacrifices, but will give priority to suppressing the dream power in his body.

"Congratulations, you got it right again."

Truman would not show mercy to his enemies, so he took this opportunity to throw the spear of destiny in his hand.


An arc of fate flashed, and the spear of fate hit the Blood Emperor's body. This time, all the shadows including the "soldier" and "prey" were instantly destroyed.

The tip of the spear of destiny pointed downwards, nailing the "Red Priest" to His altar.

The blood-colored cloak moved without the wind, like a wriggling mass of flesh and blood.

It wanted to wrap Alistair within it, but it itself had been penetrated by the Spear of Destiny, and in the end it could only hang down helplessly.

Truman stepped onto the altar and came to Alistar.

"...Are all my actions expected by you?" Alistar suddenly asked.

"Yes." Truman pressed the phosphorescent dream book back into Alistar's body.

The emotions in the Blood Emperor's eyes suddenly exploded.

"But... you can succeed without me. Become the true Blood Emperor."

Truman added this sentence, and the Blood Emperor suddenly became quiet.

His eyes flashed through the dream that Truman sent to him through "Fantasy Dream".

Although the Blood Emperor on his original trajectory was crazy, he was also one of the strongest true gods. Only with the support of a dynasty could his power reach its peak.

He is a half-crazy true god, and has even made a crazy move that led to the destruction of all gods.

Although he failed and died in the end, He dared!

It is rare for a god to be so crazy.


The madness in Alista's eyes completely faded and lost its light.

Truman thought for a moment, replaced the Spear of Destiny with a fake one, and then waved his hand to disperse the Kingdom of Information.

The torrent of bizarre information subsided, and the altar of the "Red Priest" inside was revealed in the real world, and the information and the outside world completed the intersection.

At this moment, the fierce divine battle in the star realm came to an abrupt end.

All the true gods looked at the Blood Emperor on the altar.His life is fading away.

The Blood Emperor was killed by the "Hidden Sage".

The whole world got the message.


Leodro's voice exploded with lightning, and the anger in it frightened countless people.

They don't know what was discovered in the Kingdom of Information God, but it is an indisputable fact that the Blood Emperor was killed by another true god alone.

Anyone can give him several reasons, such as not being in good shape just after being promoted, not being familiar with the authority in the powerful jump path...

But this cannot change the fact.

The Blood Emperor is definitely the shortest-lived god.

And the "Hidden Sage" will truly enter the stage of the game between gods.

The first one to leave the scene was Dream. The sea of ​​dreams directly turned into a human body, jumped into the vast and endless gray mist, and disappeared.

"Hmph!" Thunder and Dusk disappeared directly from the star realm. The "allies" they needed to protect had failed, and the divine war was meaningless.

Then the Mother Earth, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, etc. also turned into symbols and disappeared.


The shadow world was pierced and torn into pieces by the crazy "Original Witch". Sasril just took a look and returned to his own kingdom of God.

"Original Witch" Chike regained his freedom and rushed towards the gray mist crazily.


An illusory portal closed, and the gray fog became the strongest wall, blocking everything from entering.

The corner of Truman's mouth twitched a few times, and he looked away with an indifferent expression.

Now he is a "hidden sage", not a dream.

He looked at the killed Blood Emperor. His condition did not break apart for some reason.

At this moment, a cloud composed of skulls fell on the head of the "Hidden Sage" and swallowed his body.

Truman did not resist and allowed the skull cloud to isolate him.

A true god who was weakened by killing a true god of the same level should not have the strength to face the second true god.

It would be reasonable enough to be isolated.

A dark river emerged from the underworld, the deepest part of the spiritual world, and swallowed up the body of the Blood Emperor.

By the time the Hidden Sage appears, all is lost.

"Took the bait..." Truman's eyes reflected the dark river that had just appeared.

It was the "God of Death" Salinger who just snatched away the body of the Blood Emperor.

"The status of 'River of Eternal Darkness' is a bit too good." Truman confirmed the status of "River of Eternal Darkness".

As a source of essence that has penetrated into the world since the Second Age, the "River of Eternal Darkness" has completely stabilized itself through the two "gods of death". Even Truman cannot eliminate it.

Forcibly eradicating it is no less than directly going to war with an "Old One".

"Mr. Hermit." The "Black Emperor" came to this battlefield and twisted the various pollution caused by the Blood Emperor to normal values.

"Mr. Hermit, are you willing to form an alliance with our empire?" Solomon realized that Truman didn't want to reveal his identity, so he deliberately came here and asked Truman.

"I don't mind having one more 'Hidden Emperor' in my country." Solomon directly promised the equal status of "Hidden Emperor".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 167 "The Judge"

Chapter 167 "The Judge"

"'Hidden Emperor'? That's a good title!" Truman raised his eyebrows slightly.

Just at this moment, some strange feeling appeared in his heart.

He followed his instinct and indulged in the wonderful feeling, and his eyes were filled with a certain scene for a moment.

In a starry night, a brass book gradually appeared. The book was filled with rules, and the last line of the last page was a perfect ending.

This is a perfect rule that Truman could not formulate even when he once controlled the Brass Book.

The most perfect rule is the "judge" himself.

He is the incarnation of rules, the embodiment of "judgment", and corresponds to the shadow of order of the "Black Emperor".

"It turns out..." Truman had some enlightenment in his heart, "The 'night' of 'Ye Huang' is the 'night' of 'Hei Ye'..."

Tsk, a bunch of true gods are not powerful enough for one Amanisis.

The Blood Emperor supported by the gods was directly killed alone, but Trunsoest, who seemed to be free-range, was about to succeed.

In the revelation Truman received, under the protection of the "Goddess of the Night", the "Judge" will be born in the near future!

Trunsoest, who once encountered Bethel on the battlefield and gave the Blood Emperor the "Blessing of the Night," had already returned to the Deep Dark Heaven to prepare his own ritual, and it was almost successful now.

And similarly, the Trunsoest Empire will probably appear.

There is no surprise that the Trunsoest Empire will definitely form an alliance with the Balam Empire to fight against the Solomon Empire.

This is the inevitable result of the confrontation between the two camps.

"Okay." So, Truman agreed and disappeared directly from the battlefield. His thoughts seemed to turn into information waves and spread out in the space. "From now on, I will be the 'Hidden Emperor' of the empire."

Three empires and four emperors, isn't this very reasonable?

As for establishing an independent country, Truman has not even built his own church, and is still a dream sect scattered around the world. How can he build an empire now...

"Okay!" Solomon nodded lightly. He was not surprised. The "Hidden Sage" only had one more person with his apparent identity, and the rest of his status remained unchanged.

After all, the Duke of Dreams was already the "Hidden Emperor" of the Solomon Empire, and his power was almost equal to that of the "Black Emperor".

That is to say, shortly after the battlefield completely returned to silence, the scene that once appeared in Truman's prophecy completely arrived.

There were stars, and half of the sky fell into a quiet night.

With the help of the goddess of the night, Trunsoest completely completed his godhood ceremony and became the "Judge".

This is a very smooth process, because not long after the God War ended, the true gods were also stabilizing their own state, and there was no true god to stop it.

And with the secret funding from the Church of Night and even other churches of the True God, Trunsoest's process of becoming a god went without any disturbance.

"You need stability now." The voice of the goddess of the night came among the stars.

"I'm in pretty good shape now," Trunsoest Empire flipped through the shiny brass book in its hand, as if it were reborn, and asked unconsciously, "Is Alistar really dead?"

"Yes." The tone of the goddess of the night was cold and scary.

"..." Trunsoest's expression became complicated. He had worked with Alistair Tudor for hundreds of thousands of years, and had been under Solomon as early as the Third Age.

The two of them need to avoid suspicion for some reasons and dare not get too close, but a certain tacit understanding has always existed to maintain the balance between them.

Until the gods came to Him with the characteristics of the "Hand of Order."

Later, he saw the "Brass Book" in the Deep Dark Heaven. Once the idea of ​​betrayal was planted, it could not be contained.

Because of Him, Alistair Tudor had to carry out crazy plans, leading to his ultimate defeat.

"What a pity..." He did not regret his choice, but this did not prevent him from observing two seconds of silence for this crazy opponent. "As a deal, the Church of the Night will become the state religion of Trunsoest."

"Judge" Trunsoest made a promise, and then the power of rules came and fixed this promise in the form of rules. Once violated, even the true god will pay a heavy price.

"Okay." The goddess of the night nodded slightly, her figure was weak and was erased by the eraser.

Trunsoest, on the other hand, turned back its own territory. This was actually the family fiefdom that Solomon originally gave him. Over the past few hundred years, this land has grown larger and larger and has become a city.

This will be the capital of His Trunsoest Empire.

"This is my kingdom." Trunsoest said softly, and then his words became one of the underlying rules of the world.

All traces related to the Solomon Empire were erased, and even the memories of the citizens were tampered with.

This is a "Judge" level rule modification that starts directly from the underlying rules of the world, modifies them, and then has a fundamental impact on the world.

If there is no equal level of authority to compete, the entire world will be modified.


Chaos breeds order, but order brings its own shadow.

The moment Trunsoest modified the order, the shadow of order was born. The idea of ​​"Black Emperor" Solomon sprouted here, as if his true body and Trunsoest were looking at each other.

The two former masters and servants are now at the same height.

"You can call me - Night Emperor."

Trunsoest stared at the shadow under the order and spoke coldly.

"..." The two true gods of the rule system looked at each other, and it would definitely end in a fight to the death.

Trunsoest continued to make rules and turned this place into his own kingdom of God, and the thoughts projected by Solomon were also erased.

At the moment when the Kingdom of Rules was truly established, the establishment of the Trunsoest Empire was irreversible.


In that dark and endless space, the "River of Eternal Darkness" flows slowly. I don't know where it comes from, let alone where it goes. Death is not the end.

In the gray-white and dark river water, the Blood Emperor's body was close to completely melting, and a complete "Red Priest" path characteristic was flickering under the wash of the river water.

The mark of the bloody flag is looming, and in the "River of Eternal Darkness", the mark of the "City of Disaster" is completely suppressed.

"God of Death" Salinger stood outside the "River of Eternal Darkness", looking at the "Red Priest" characteristic indifferently.

"You really don't need to be alive." Salinger observed for a long time and finally made a judgment.

The death of the Blood Emperor had limited impact on this experiment.

"And there really is some extremely wonderful and weird connection between the 'Red Priest' pathway and the 'Death' pathway, and many supporting evidences are also established."

Salinger has a lot of information from Adam, such as the "terminator weapon" held by the Giant King in his later period and once split open the underworld.

"But whether it is a hidden adjacent pathway requires further confirmation."

Sallinger even got an "experimental design sheet" from Adam and planned the complete experimental process.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 168 "Perfect Place"

Chapter 168 "Perfect Place"

In the experiment table provided by Adam, there are experiments to verify adjacent pathways.

"Death" and "Witch", "Red Priest", "Red Priest" and "Night", "Twilight".

Only a few demigods are needed, and such "experimental materials" are nothing to Salinger.

Salinger already believed [-]% of the knowledge revealed by Adam. At least the knowledge itself was completely correct.

As for whether there are other things besides knowledge...

Salinger didn't know that he couldn't deduce Adam's hidden malice from this knowledge.

"Then let's get started."


In the gray mist that hid all traces, Truman himself took back the Book of Dreams.

He used the "door" authority to completely close the gray fog, but Chik outside was still attacking like crazy.

"Chick..." Truman even had the idea of ​​​​killing Chick directly.

It's just that he is now almost certain that Chike's "original" is true.

Perhaps because of some of Chike's obsessions, he has now been completely integrated with a certain aspect of the "original".

There is no doubt that this "certain aspect" is aimed at his fantasy.

"Eh? Bethel?" Truman suddenly thought of something.

He suddenly looked out of the gray fog and saw a starlight trail crossing the star boundary.

It's just that the starlight trajectory is slightly dim and unstable, and the state in the star realm is not very good.

The "original witch" Chick could not break through the gray fog sealed by the power of the "Gate", so she set her sights on Bethel, who also had the power of the "Gate".


The entire star realm seemed to be trembling slightly, and countless tentacles appeared in the star realm, as if they were trying to cover the entire star realm.

Countless horrific apocalyptic disasters turned into real attacks and rained down on Bethel.

Bethel turned the book of records to a few pages at the bottom of the box. "Lightning Storm", "Sun", and "Utopia", although not authority, are still attacks at the level of a true god. Truman spent a lot of energy on him. Used to save lives on the record.

It's just that these attacks are insufficient when facing the true God. This makes him have to dodge everywhere. Under the authority of the true god, he cannot completely dodge. After all, he is swept by a certain tentacle.


The space shattered and collapsed, and Bethel walked out from another place.

But those tentacles followed.


Bethel's figure kept flickering, and at this moment He appeared in every corner of the world almost at the same time.

It's just that the authority and power of the true God is more terrifying than he imagined, and almost all of his figures were destroyed instantly.

Within a few seconds, all figures except the main body turned into stone, and then turned into starlight.

Bethel's face was solemn. This was his first time fighting against the true God, and he suffered a big loss.

The authority of true God and the authority of non-true God are really two levels of things.

Of course, the title of Mr. "Mr. Men" is not for nothing.

A door to the starry sky suddenly flashed across Bethel's eyes. On the other side of the door was the trace Bethel had left in the starry sky, which was His "anchor".

When necessary, He can even directly jump across endless distances and descend directly into the starry sky. In the presence of external gods, the true gods would never dare to chase him out.

It is true that He cannot defeat the true God, but a true God cannot keep Him.

"Come back here." Truman opened a small door in the gray fog. Bethel, who was extremely sensitive to space, changed the coordinates at the last moment of the starry sky jump and jumped directly into the gray fog.

"Ah!" The witch screamed in Bethel's ears, making him stiffen.Of course, before the witch's tentacles bound Bethel, Truman reached out and pulled Bethel in.

Then, Truman threw a "sun".


This is definitely the strongest physical attack. A sun blooms on the "original witch".

But for the True God, although this attack is powerful, it is not unstoppable.

The witch's body instantly turned into a mirror image and was melted by the sun, but the next moment she reappeared without any harm at all.

This is the deification of the witch's "substitute" ability, which is even more incredible.

"Dream!" Chike screamed, and some kind of power in him unconsciously activated and clung to Truman's arm.

Truman's spiritual consciousness instantly rioted, and he even felt like he was facing "God"!

This feeling is not the strength of the pillar, but a certain characteristic of the pillar itself.

For example, both "God" and "Lord of Mysteries" can be regarded as a certain personality of the "Primary Creator", and to a certain extent can be equivalent to the "Primary Creator".

And the current "Original Witch" gives Truman this feeling.

"Original..." Truman closed the door smoothly to isolate the atmosphere, frowning and thinking, Bethel had already appeared beside him.

It's just that Bethel's expression is a little dazed now, his body is stiff, and his skin is severely stony.

"Teacher, do you think it's time for me to become a god?"

After cleaning off the pollution and power left by the "Original Witch", Bethel thought for a long time and asked.

He probably truly saw the power of the true God. He saw Alistar, Trunsoest, Chike and others becoming gods one after another, and his mind wandered a little.

"Become a god?" Truman looked at Bethel, who looked slightly dazed, as if he realized that he should take a step forward in the sequence.

"No need." Truman directly dismissed Bethel's idea.

"Now that you've become a god, I have to be on guard against you coming to eat me."

There are still close to 2000 years before the end. It is too long. Anyone in the Gou family who becomes a god will be dubbed the "Lord of Mysteries".

"Don't worry, there will be a chance."


Outside the battlefields of the gods, the world does not stop.

The "craftsman" is advancing his godhood ceremony as quickly as possible at this time.

Inspired by Gensokyo, the "craftsman" has full confidence in his own godhood ceremony.

The godhood ceremony of the "Perfect One" can also be summarized in one sentence, that is, "create a perfect place."

The definition of a "perfect place" is vague and even impossible under certain rules.

Such a ritual of becoming a god once made it difficult for "craftsmen" to have any ideas.

But after talking about Gensokyo, the "perfection" of "craftsman" already has a real definition.

There is no limit to human desires. For people, there is no most perfect, only more perfect.

In Fantasyland, truly devout believers can enter the "Dream Heaven" where the highest dreams are, and obtain the most perfect dream in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The essence of this "perfection" is actually the dream woven by the believers themselves.

"I only need to give believers the ability to obtain 'perfection', so that my kingdom of God will be a 'perfect place' for them!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 169 Glory

Chapter 169 Glory

All believers who enter the "Perfect Place" are personally selected by "artisans" and perfectly meet the conditions.

These believers all have one thing in common: they are all craftsmen, and they have an unparalleled passion for technology. To put it bluntly, they are the earliest "technical nerds"

And what the "craftsmen" gave them was extraordinary technology.

Because of their extraordinary technology, they have obtained tools that the outside world cannot understand, and they can easily create agricultural tools with extraordinary abilities that can greatly improve production; extraordinary vehicles that can truly reach the sky and the earth...

The "craftsman" used the special ability of the "Perfector" path to consume many extraordinary characteristics and spirituality, allowing these ordinary people to create the "perfect world" in their imagination.

Once there is comparison and some preaching methods, the "perfect place" in the minds of "craftsman" believers is almost complete.

The key to the ceremony is not perfection in the eyes of the true God. That cannot exist. We can only wait for the "primary creator" to wake up.

Therefore, it can only be perfect in the eyes of believers. Although this is difficult, it can be created if it takes enough time and resources.

"Your Highness 'Artisan', this is the mirror of 'truth' that the Lord asked me to send."

Hermes came to the territory of the "craftsman" and gave Truman a gift.

"'Mirror of Truth'?" The "Artisan" finally got out of the pile of metal stacked with countless discarded materials, and held a mirror in his hand.

"This is a manifestation of the Lord's authority." Hermes introduced.

One-time "real" authority.

This is the god-becoming auxiliary material prepared by Truman for the "craftsmen", which can play the role of "refining falsehood into reality" at critical moments.

"...Thank you, Your Majesty Mian Mian, for me!" "The Craftsman" said his thanks with a serious expression.

"This is the will of the Lord." Hermes looked gentle, like another priest who preached the belief in the "Creator".

Hermes left soon, and the "Artisan" took the "Mirror of Truth" and hung it over the "Perfect Land".

"Calling all believers, holding a large-scale sacrificial event, and praying to the 'Perfect Land'."

The arrival of the "Mirror of Truth" made him determined, and he already knew what he should do.

"Yes!" The angel under the craftsman understood something, bowed his head respectfully in response, and slowly retreated.

And not long after, there were bursts of prayers echoing in the "Perfect Land".

There are many believers in the secret development of "Artisan", and now that they are all gathered together, they are enough "anchors" to support the birth of a true god.

"Here we go!" The "Artisan" stretched out his hand, and the "Mirror of Reality" hanging in the sky of the "Perfect Land" seemed to have become a bright moon at this moment, shedding light like water.

"The great 'God of Craftsmen', you are the embodiment of essence, the guardian of craftsmen, the brilliance of technology..."

The "Perfect Land" is also praying at this time. At this time, all the techniques envisioned and practiced by craftsmen have become reality!

All the craftsmen were shocked by this miracle and prayed more devoutly.

And the real "craftsman" feels his own sublimation at this moment.

"It's done..." He looked a little dazed. He had completed [-]% of the ceremony, and the last key was now completed.

The uniqueness and uniqueness of Him had begun to coalesce.


A picture of civilization suddenly unfolded behind the "craftsman's" head.

History begins with the ignorance of the First Age, to the supremacy of extraordinary races in the Second Age, and then to the endless glory of the Third Age.

Human civilization has emerged from the cracks and gradually become the mainstream, ushering in a new era.

"I... am the brilliance!" The "craftsman" turned into a flow of information and became part of the civilization picture.

In the history of the Fourth Age that has not yet been completely determined, a group of brilliance representing civilization appears at the end of the scroll.

That represents the present.After the glory of civilization took shape, it began to move toward the future along some more secret and illusory connections!

This is the special thing about "perfect people". As long as they always maintain their advanced nature and promote the development of civilization, they can occupy certain future possibilities.

This special state is comparable to the historical authority of the "Fool" path.

If the "Perfect One" dies, he can be resurrected at some point in the future, and even the true God cannot stop it.

Of course, the future is uncertain. If the "perfect person" cannot be "advanced" enough, he will be abandoned by civilization and history.

At this moment, the "craftsman" transformed into a brilliance, occupying a certain possibility in the future with the technology born in the perfect land that transcends this era, and his own status gradually stabilized.

"Successful..." After an unknown amount of time, the "Craftsman" broke free from the future and returned to reality. His mythical form was already the glory of civilization.

In the end, the "craftsman" reunited his body and sensed his own stable state, which was a bit incredible.

"It's a dream..." He looked up at the "Mirror of Reality" above the "Perfect Land".

The "real" authority above has made a large number of technologies beyond this era real, making the completion of the "artisan" ceremony beyond imagination.

"I... am the radiance!"

The "craftsman" calmed down, and the light of civilization burst out from the civilization scroll behind him, reaching directly to the star realm, shining in the world, announcing to the world the birth of the "perfect one".


"Another true god!"

There are already fourteen true gods in this world who can truly walk on the earth!

Such a number is too terrifying, enough to make anyone anxious and fearful. Once a large-scale divine war breaks out, the entire world will be crippled.

Even in the eyes of true gods, such a number of true gods is a bit too terrifying, reaching the highest peak in history.

"Dream Duke has not appeared for hundreds of years..."

"The night breaks with the Duke of Dreams..."

"There are already fourteen true gods..."

Antigonus held the "Mask of the Fool" in his hand.

He is now a serial archangel, a duke of the Solomon Empire, and even named under the "Supreme Dream".

But he still couldn't forget the look in Amanisis's eyes when his father God died. It was plain and ruthless, but the most terrifying.

That has been His nightmare for more than 1000 years.

After receiving the protection of Dream, He found peace, but now that the night and Dream have broken apart, neither He nor the Kingdom of Night is safe anymore.

"The Trunsoest Empire has formed an alliance with the Blood Tribe. The Blood Moon Queen married the Night Emperor, tearing off a large territory from the Solomon Empire."

"As early as the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Night Emperor had announced that the Church of Night would be established as the state religion, and the power of the Church of Night was growing significantly."

Antigonus was already deeply anxious.

"The time has come when a decision must be made."

Antigonus looked at the "Mask of the Fool".

It is very quiet, and in the hands of Antigonus does not show the authority and power that uniqueness should have.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

"There is still no trace of this 'Secret Waiter'..."

Antigonus has already been paying attention to the last trace of the "Servant of Secrets" trait.

But this "Secret Waiter" seems to have disappeared and has never appeared in any history.

"First integrate the uniqueness, then take away Zaratul's 'Servant of Secrets', and then use strong enough cohesion to find the last characteristic!"

Antigonus rubbed the "Mask of the Fool" in his hand and made a decision.

The "divineer" can only see the flow of fate but cannot change it, the "clown" can only follow the flow of the river of fate but cannot rise and fall, but the "fool" already has enough power to fool fate.

The period of wandering after the death of the Demonic Wolf of Destruction made the Demonic Wolf seriously insecure. Now the mighty historical trend of the Fourth Age has made his insecurity reach its peak.

"Who can help me? Who will help me?"

Antigonus began to make plans for the future in silence.

"Pallez will help me, and he can even pray to the Black Emperor..."

"But His Majesty the Black Emperor may reject me because of Zaratul, and even issue a ban not allowing angels from the Solomon Empire to help me."

Antigonus eliminated Solomon's options.

The best attitude of the Solomon Empire is to not help each other. After all, Zaratul and Antigonus are both great nobles of the empire.

The families of the two great nobles had conflicts for a long time, which the Black Emperor was able to forcefully suppress.

But once Antigonus launched his plan, Zaratul could not sit still and wait.

"The Balam Empire and the Trunsoest Empire?"

Both empires have a great chance of helping him, but only if they betray the Solomon Empire.

"Adam and Amon..."

After eliminating all options, Antigonus was able to find only these two brothers.

As sons of the Creator, Adam and Amon's status has always been awkward.

It was only after the establishment of the Trunsoest Empire that they settled there, and the Amon family became the great nobles of the Trunsoest Empire.

"Meet Adam in a private capacity first..."

After Antigonus made his decision, he didn't delay at all. He directly summoned his own historical projection, "tampered" with the coordinates, and arrived at a certain church in the Trunsoest Empire.

By the power of "wish," Adam should be here.

"Hey, a little wolf is coming." A crow landed on the church cross.

Obviously, Amon sensed something because of the rhythm of fate and came here.

Of course, the entire country of Trunsoest might already be filled with clones of Amon.

A gentle-faced priest was praying under the cross.

"Antigonus..." Adam's eyes fell on the historical projection of Antigonus.

"Do you want to go further?" Amon spoke first and asked with interest.

It is not difficult to deduce such results given enough information.

"Why don't you go find the 'Supreme Dream'? I remember you seem to be the angel of Dream, right?" Amon asked with a smile and malice.

"Oh, now the 'Supreme Dream' is blocked by the witch in the gray mist!"

"Tsk! That's a witch, Chick!"

Amon thought of happy things.


Blazing white thunder burst out from the void and struck the crow directly.

The crow jumped up due to the electric shock, and fell to the ground stiffly, twitching uncontrollably. The black lines around its eyes were split apart, and the "Insect of Time" was directly split into pure characteristics. "..."

It was really difficult for Antigonus to face the scene in front of him with a normal expression, so he simply pretended not to see it and looked away.

"Ahem." A classical scholar with a monocle in his right eye walked outside the church and showed several books in his hand to Antigonus.

Antigonus tried hard to keep his gaze steady, but Amon had already placed several books in front of him.

This time I had to watch it.

"Two or Three Things about the Dream Sect and the Witch", "Chike Fantasy", "Dream Life Begins from the Second Age"...

These books themselves contain extremely precious occult knowledge, covering the history of the Second Age and dreams, the current status of the Witch Sect, and even descriptions of the authority and power of dreams.

The value of these books themselves is immeasurable.

There are only a few angels who can write these books.

Antigonus' face was completely distorted, and he even had the urge to abandon this historical projection and run as far as he could.

He felt that he knew something he shouldn't know and might be silenced.

The God of Mischief is a student of dreams, but He is just an innocent passing angel!


This time, a complete lightning storm struck Amon, directly chopping his clone and those books into ashes.

The storm caused by thunder and lightning raised the ashes and scattered them, and some even fell on Antigonus.

Antigonus had never felt that death was so close to him, just an arm's length away.

"Yes, I am Leodora!"

Antigonus heard thunder and wind rolling in his ears.

"...The storm is rising!" Antigonus used the great courage to offend the true God to control his historical projection, and sent away this terrifying will with standard storm etiquette.

It seemed a little too difficult for the wolf to be born at this moment.

"Ahem," an Amon walked out of the air and looked at Antigonus.

Antigonus's face changed, and he placed the "Mask of the Fool" directly on his face, "tampering" with the target of his ability to Amon.


Amon suddenly lost all ability to think. He opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but his mind went blank.

Amon was dumbfounded and could no longer think.

"Stop making trouble." Adam raised his eyes, held the silver cross, and used "fantasy" to get rid of the "fooling" effect.

"What nonsense? I'm testing this!" A ray of light flashed from the monocle in Amon's right eye, and his IQ regained the high ground.

"Look, dreamy..."


Thunder exploded in the sky again.

"Ahem, the 'Storm Lord' only struck me, but not you." Amon coughed lightly, sorted out his words, and stated his purpose. This was essentially a test of the dream attitude.

"What does this mean?" Amon pinched the monocle lightly and felt very happy.

"It was me who chose to abandon Dreams and failed to live up to his expectations." Antigonus lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Perhaps, this is what he wants to see." Adam explained gently. He is the best psychiatrist.

Antigonus' brows relaxed and he nodded calmly.

He walked to Adam and sat down. Amon was leaning on the cross, smiling, still immersed in the joy just now.

He lost two clones, but the happiness he gained was enough to keep him laughing for 2000 years.

(End of this chapter)