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Chapter 146 1 Pick 4


146 One Pick Four

"'Dark Night' took action against 'Dream'?" In the palace of Solomon Empire, "Black Emperor" Solomon stood up from the throne and was about to go to support.

"Dark Night"'s move was indeed unexpected. "Dream" had been the Pope of "Dark Night" for a long time!

"These two have also drifted apart." The "Black Emperor" stretched out his hand to distort the spatial positioning, and he could reach the capital of Bailang with just one step.

"Let him handle it on his own. It is not appropriate to start a large-scale divine war for the time being." Suddenly, a shadow rose in Solomon's palace.

"Those are six gods." Solomon frowned.

"But he is 'Dream'..." The shadow gradually faded, and the "Black Emperor" looked soothed. He no longer took the initiative to attack, but watched everything from a distance with the help of the rules.

What can be seen is the brass eyes that appear outside the Dream Sect.

This is the power of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom"!


Countless starry sky gates appeared in front of Hermes, and countless space barriers were instantly constructed to isolate the exploration belonging to the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom".

"You go first!" Bethel appeared next to Hermes, stretched out his hand and teleported Hermes away.

But in this short period of time, layers of illusory doors appeared in those brass eyes. His gaze directly penetrated the space and saw...

Dream statue!

It can be "grafting", "space", "cause and effect", or "reality". In short, the sight of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" fell on the dream statue.

"If you want to see it so much, I'll let you see something good." A chuckle sounded from the dream statue,

At this moment, the dream statue seemed to have transformed into Truman himself, and the huge dream book he was holding really opened the pages!

The "reality" is displaced, and this "book of dreams" becomes the real thing.

A changing symbol appeared on the huge dream book.

The moment he saw this symbol, the twinkling light in his brass eyes froze.

All true gods recognize this symbol, and it represents a kind of authority that makes all gods fearful - "all things"!


At the moment when he was stared at by the brass eyes, the ever-changing symbol finally solidified into an eye symbol.

"Ha, thanks to the old dragon for sending me the 'all-knowing eye'!" The dreamy phosphorescence on the dreamy statue suddenly went out, the brass-colored eyes quickly collapsed, and the battlefield has moved!

In a secret world deep in the spiritual world, Truman opened the book of dreams in his hand, and the "All Things" symbol turned into an omniscient eye.

His pupils gradually turned brassy, ​​and the world in his eyes was completely different.

The entire hidden world has "flaws" in his eyes, and every weak point is clearly visible.

"Oh, it's quite useful!" There was an endless glimmer in Truman's eyes, and he outlined one mysterious symbol after another, evolving one secret technique after another, looking for an effective way to get out of the hidden world.

"It's perfect!" Truman suddenly sighed. Amanisis's attack was absolutely perfect, leaving no chance at all. Behind those so-called flaws were actually deeper secrets.

However, the power of the "Omniscient Eye" goes far beyond that. In addition to finding weaknesses, it can also create weaknesses!

Truman came outside the barrier of the hidden world and pointed out a weak point in the hidden world.

Then the vulnerability becomes real, cannot be concealed, and begins to expand.

Truman lowered his waist and his whole body was knocked out.


The entire hidden world was shattered, and Truman appeared deep in the spiritual world.

"Hey! What a big deal!" Truman looked up at the new cage, "You want to seal me?"

"Too stupid." Truman himself turned into a dreamy bubble, and his body disappeared directly. When he reappeared, he was already outside the prison.

When Truman condensed his body again, he saw a flicker of dusk and subconsciously threw down a lightning storm!


Countless thunderballs exploded, and lightning raged crazily, destroying everything that existed. "You!" Caught off guard, the Dusk Giant resisted the lightning storm, and in his eyes the dusk was completely shattered.

But his body was not injured. His body was the most powerful shield in the world!

"Why are there only four of you? Where are 'Black Night' and 'Earth'?" Truman looked at the people in front of him.

Herabogen, Leodro, Badheir and Salinger, four true gods.

"Arrogant!" The faces of Leodro and others changed slightly, and their auras became slightly gloomy.

Who dares to despise the four true gods? !

Originally, the four of them were ready to pay a certain price and strive for reconciliation, but the current situation is...

Dream doesn't want to accept it? !

"You will know if you are arrogant or not." Truman closed the dream book and pressed it into his body.


A fiercely turbulent dream sea suddenly appeared behind Truman, and countless dream tentacles stretched out from behind, gradually covering the space he saw.

This is a dream battle form!

Is it possible that Truman wants to fight one against four?

"You will pay for your arrogance!" Salinger said in a gloomy tone, which really looked down on God.

"Today should be your happy event, but now I have to give you a good beating." Truman didn't care at all and raised his hand to point to the star realm.

"Let there be light!"

Thousands of rays of light suddenly bloomed in the star realm, and a "sun" sank into the battlefield.

The appearance of "The Sun" caused the expressions of the four true gods on the opposite side to change slightly.

This dream also brought in the "Eternal Fierce Sun"... Do you really want to provoke the most intense divine battle at this time? !

"What is he crazy about?"

Even the most grumpy Leodoro regretted provoking Truman at this time.

The benefits and risks are completely out of proportion and not worth it!

But now they can no longer stop whenever they want.

"You're going too far to deceive the gods!" Leodro roared angrily, holding the trident and smashing down the lightning storm.

"Alas!" Herabergen sighed, and Leodro attacked Truman's body at the same time, with Salinger following closely behind.

The authority of "all things" actually has an invisible limitation when reproducing authority, that is, only one type can be reproduced at the same time.

If three true gods attack Truman at the same time, at least two attacks will fall on Truman!

The three gods hope to use this method to force Truman to use more powerful "real" authority, so that at least they don't have to worry about everything at the bottom of the box being touched after a battle!

"Roar!" The "twilight" and "decline" of Badheir are intertwined with the "blazing" and "eternal day" of the "eternal blazing sun".

Regardless of winning or losing, this is already a one versus four record!

In the palace of the Bailang Empire, the angels had some vague feelings, but none of them dared to raise their heads.

The Secret Angel stood expressionless, speechless for a moment. Is this the scale of control you are talking about?

What would happen if we didn't control it? !

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 147 Speed ​​of Light


Chapter 147 Speed ​​of Light

Under Truman's deliberate control, the scale of the God War was maintained at the scale of the six true gods. However, in the eyes of those who knew the state of the "Eternal Blazing Sun", it was a "dream" single-handedly challenging the four true gods, which was as terrifying as The battle that broke up the Ancient God Alliance!

"Come!" The "Eternal Fierce Sun" easily blocked the encroaching dusk, while Truman's body faced the three true gods.

Among them, Herabergen and Leodro used the authority that had been reproduced by "all things", shrouded in "lightning storm" and "all-knowing eye".

Their goal has indeed been achieved. Faced with the siege of the three true gods, Truman chose the more stable "real" authority.

The lightning storm turned into a dream, and the all-seeing eye could only see the sea of ​​dreams hidden in the mist.

Truman raised his head and looked at the "God of Death" Salinger. Compared to Herabergen and Leodro, he actually valued Salinger, who had only been a god for a few years, more.

The "god of death"'s "eternal sleep" authority is somewhat threatening to him. More importantly, Truman has not forgotten the "river of eternal darkness" hidden deep in the underworld.

It has been more than 1000 years since the underworld fell into Salinger's hands. After becoming a god, Salinger will most likely have some means of using the water of the River of Eternal Darkness.

Just like the container made by the ancestor of the Phoenix.

A vast cloud of dead gray skulls swept across the spiritual space and surrounded Salinger.

Countless skeletons and shadows crawled out from the depths of the spiritual world. Bloody arms, blue-black tentacles with dead faces, and dreamy tentacles were entangled and fighting.

But under the "real" power of the dream, these tentacles symbolizing death turned into little bits of spiritual light and dispersed, unable to pollute even the slightest bit of the beautiful dream.

"How is that possible?!" Salinger once saw Truman's "Dream Bubble" at the last moment of the Banquet of Betrayal, but at that time he was mostly focused on desecrating the stone slab.

Even the only ones who died in that battle were the "Sun" who had not yet become a god. Only Leodro and Herabergen actually faced Truman.

This was the real first time that He realized the weirdness and horror of "dream bubbles".

Before the intensity cannot reach Truman's endurance limit, all attacks can only turn into dream bubbles that burst with one poke, and cannot touch Truman's body at all.

Judging from the current situation, even in the face of the attacks of the three true gods, Truman was still not pushed to the limit.


Leodro could no longer bear the pain of being pressed and beaten, so he turned into a ray of light, and the material around him accelerated to a terrifying level in an instant!

That was the limit of speed, and it directly set off a violent wave in the spiritual world that could destroy the planet, hitting Truman's dreamy tentacles one after another.

The grumpy old man is indeed the grumpy old man!

Truman looked sideways, "Dream Bubble" could not completely block this attack, because the material traveling at the speed of light was Leodro himself, and he could not use "Dream Bubble" to fake a true god!

"How reckless are you? Didn't you see that Herabergen has been fishing?" Truman reached out and touched it, and a real ocean suddenly rose under his feet.

It's as if the starlight has been crushed and sprinkled in the dark sea water. The waves are rolling and the floating lights are dots, bursting out a dreamlike starry sky scenery.

Countless dreamy bubbles shining with colorful phosphorescence are floating in the sea of ​​dreams,

Sea of ​​dreams!

He materialized the entire dream sea and solidified the surrounding environment. The speed of Leodro, who came with the speed of light in the storm, was restrained and slowed down a lot.

But that light is still trying to accelerate, to break through the blockade of the dream sea.

Herabogen and Salinger also used their most powerful authority in a tacit understanding!


Herabogen directly turned into a white tower standing in the spiritual world. There are many brass-colored eyes on this white tower, and countless rays of light are projected from those brass-colored eyes. It illuminated most of the spiritual world.At the same time, Salinger transformed into a feathered serpent with gray-green scales all over its body. The large cloud of skulls turned into decoration and landed on the feathered serpent's head.

"Hiss!" The pale flame in the feathered snake's eyes turned into substance, the dark aura of death was revealed, and the power of "death" appeared as some kind of illusory black thin tube, which directly acted on the dream tentacles.

But everything is still within the tolerance of Truman's "dream bubble"!

"Very good!" Truman's eyes fell on the flickering light. He had been eyeing Leodro's speed of light for a long time.


Truman's eyes suddenly changed into this symbol, and he took the initiative, stepping out of the dream sea and crashing into the light speed storm.


Truman's body was washed away by matter at the speed of light and collapsed almost instantly.

But after his body collapsed, those fragments suddenly burst out with the most intense light, and then began to accelerate!

The entire dream sea was turbulent, and the waves even broke through the shackles of the spiritual world and appeared in the real world.

Truman accelerated the Sea of ​​Dreams to the limit of speed, and set off a terrifying dream storm with the Sea of ​​Dreams as its material foundation.

"Roar!" Leodro knew that his authority had been stolen, and his ferocious anger caused his speed to increase crazily.

Soon two terrifying storms collided in the spiritual world.


What would it be like if two oceans moving at the speed of light collide?

Any planet will be shattered under such an attack. Fortunately, the spiritual world is not the real world. There is no real physical matter, but more like a collection of all information.

Above the spiritual world, seven rays of light are flashing. These are the seven lights of the spiritual world.

Because of the divine war, all kinds of creatures wandering in the spiritual world have long since disappeared, and only these seven lights dare to stay in the spiritual world.

Of course, the seven pure lights that are part of the spiritual world cannot escape, and they dare not participate in a divine battle of this level.

But now they can't sit still!

"The great master above the spiritual world, the lord of mysteries, the incarnation of Origin Castle..."

There is a voice echoing among the seven lights. These seven rays of light are actually praying to Source Castle.

You have made such a big fuss in the war between gods in our spiritual world. Do you still take our great "ruler of the spiritual world" seriously? !


Gray-white mist appeared above the spiritual world, and the space called "Origin Castle" was trembling gently.

This made the entire spiritual world quiet down, and the appearance of "Origin Castle" made all true gods vigilant.

"Oh, the dead coffin board is still nailed shut." Truman recovered himself, glanced at the manifested "Origin Castle", and ignored it.

This was just the "Origin Castle" being aroused by his aura. Coupled with this fierce divine battle and the manifestation of Qi Guang's prayers, the "Lord of Mysteries" showed no signs of recovery.

The main characters are still under control.

Amon and Pales in the capital of Balam, Bethel, Zarathu, Antigonus and others in the Solomon Empire were all in relatively normal mental states.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 148 "Knowledge" and "Eternal Sleep"


Chapter 148 "Knowledge" and "Eternal Sleep"

"Then continue!" Truman has not yet mastered the new authority he has acquired!

This time, almost all of Leodro's authority was taken away by him. In addition to the "Utopia" authority, this "Storm" authority will be the second true god-level authority he has recreated.

The rest of the "fooling", "error", "distortion" and other powers reproduced from the uniqueness have not undergone true god-level qualitative changes.

When he heard that he was about to continue, Leodro, who had just been knocked out of the light speed state, changed his expression.

For some reason, he always felt that the "Storm" power in Truman's hands seemed to be slightly stronger than his...

In fact, Truman's authority comes entirely from him, and there is no distinction between strong and weak. It's just that Truman uses the sea of ​​​​dreams to display the speed of light.

The Sea of ​​Dreams is entirely composed of dreamy phosphorescence, which is roughly equivalent to the gray mist world of "Origin Castle", and is an extension of the source matter.

Under such circumstances, unless Leodro charges with the Sea of ​​Chaos, he will only be suppressed by Truman.

ha!Who is the real "tyrant"!

In addition to Leodro, Herabergen and Salinger also exited the mythical creature form,

Their expressions were also extremely ugly. Fighting with Truman was really disgusting. Their power was stolen away by the opponent without paying attention.

Of course, they were not unlucky at this time. The unlucky one was Leodro. Most of their authority was still unique.

Do you want to continue?

The three true gods looked at each other and seemed to want to retreat.

"Your Majesty, Dreamy Highness, stop fighting!" The seven rays of pure light above the spiritual world manifested themselves in human form, praying from a distance but not daring to come near.

"If we continue to fight, the spiritual world will collapse!"

The spiritual world will naturally not collapse. At most, it will only fall into chaos for a period of time because of this fierce battle between gods.

During this period of time, all divination methods will be subject to certain interference, and unlike the star realm similar to the dead starry sky, the spiritual world has "aboriginals".

The continuation of this divine war will definitely have a huge impact on these "aboriginal people".

"Ah, that's it," Truman glanced at the manifested gray mist, "Then let's go to the star realm and continue!"

The three true gods opposite had their eyebrows twitching and were very resistant.

At this moment, a faint figure suddenly appeared in the spiritual world. It was a beautiful goddess wearing a complicated long dress, with her head resting on the red moon and stars.

Immediately afterwards, the holy and dignified Earth Mother Goddess, with the breath of life blooming, hugging the illusory baby, wearing a flower crown, also appeared in the spiritual world.

"Okay, let's call it a day."

Both goddesses expressed this meaning.

Truman's smile faded, but the protruding dream bubbles and waving dream tentacles behind him did not shrink.


A cross covered with shadows quietly appeared in the spiritual world. The shadow curtain under the cross gradually opened, revealing the dark and deep eyes inside.

The twisted authority changed the rules of the spiritual world. An emperor stepped forward, his majestic eyes scanning the true god opposite.

The "God of War" and "Eternal Blazing Sun" who were still fighting also separated at this time and did not continue.

All the true gods of the world are here.

The seven pure lights above the spiritual world were speechless for a moment. They were of very high status, just below the gods, but without corresponding power, they were really inconspicuous in such a scene.

A total of ten true gods confronted each other, and the entire spiritual world fell silent.

"You can expose this matter if you want." Truman suddenly relaxed, letting the increasingly cold and lonely atmosphere in the spiritual world relax.

It's best not to take action, and the rest is negotiation.

"But how can you provoke me without leaving something behind?" Truman chuckled, his eyes falling on Hera Bergen and Salinger. "I want the 'knowledge' authority of the 'White Tower' and the 'eternal sleep' authority of the 'Death'."

The authority of "knowledge" represents the source of power of the "White Tower". "Knowledge is power" has never been an empty statement in this world.

And "Eternal Sleep" and the power of the "God of Death" are all in one aspect, but they are of some use to Truman's research on himself.

The reason why it is not the entire "White Tower" and "Death" authority can be regarded as leaving room, otherwise Herabergen and Salinger will never agree.

However, the "Omniscient Eye" and "Knowledge" were taken away from the "White Tower", and what is left may be the unknown brought about by "wisdom" and "knowledge" themselves.

But this was the price He paid for His personal actions against Hermes and Bethel.


As for why Truman didn't ask the other "God of War" who participated in the war to give up his authority, it was simply because he really looked down on him...

Truman put forward the conditions for an armistice, and whether he agreed or not would depend on Herabergen and Salinger.

The eyes of all the true gods were focused on these two people at this moment, making the faces of the two true gods extremely ugly.

"Huh?" "Eternal Fierce Sun" made a dissatisfied voice and pulled out a spear from the Kingdom of God.

The Spear of Destiny, the weapon that once killed the Creator.

Now the tip of the spear is still stained with the blood of the Creator that never dries up. In addition, there are two gray and red auras wrapped around the spear like thorns.

——The two pillar auras that Truman once captured were later solidified on the Spear of Destiny with "real" authority.

The moment the Spear of Destiny appeared, all the true gods focused their attention on it, each with their own fears.

Truman glanced around and said nothing, but the word threat was already written on his face.

"That's it." The goddess of the night reiterated her attitude.

"So what if you give it to him?!" Leodro was probably just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. His "Storm" authority had been completely recreated. Now that Herabogen and Sallinger were about to suffer, let him The mood is very subtle.

"Okay!" Salinger nodded with a cold look. "Eternal sleep" is not a very important authority to him, and it is a re-enactment and not a real loss, so he can accept it.

This leaves only Herabergen.

The eyes of all the true gods were focused on him, and he even felt the pressure from his allies.

"Knowledge" is one of His main powers, no less important than the "secret" of the night.

"...Okay!" But in the end Herabergen nodded.

"That's right!" Truman chuckled, pointed out a "All Things" rune, and placed it in Helabergen's hand.

Helabogen hesitated, then stretched out his hand to hold it. There was a slight flash of white light, and the Vientiane Rune broke away from Helabogen's hand and turned into a symbol composed of knowledge.

This symbol returned to Truman's hand, and he once again clicked on a "Vientiane" rune and it fell into Salinger's hand.

Following the same process, a dark rune with an aura of eternal silence fell into Truman's hands.

"Haha." Truman put away the two runes and looked to the opposite side, "If something like this happens again in the future, please do more, the better! Of course, Leodro, please don't come again."

After hearing these words, the expressions on the faces of several victims became uncontrollably distorted, and the "tyrant" almost attacked again.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 149 Seven Lights in the Spirit World


Chapter 149 Seven Lights in the Spirit World

Both kinds of power were captured by Truman, and Truman also restrained his own mythical and divine creature form.

The figure of the Night Goddess was faint and was directly wiped away. The Earth Mother Goddess also transformed into a symbol of life and left here.

The other true gods also responded differently, becoming symbols, or blending into the world and leaving each other.

Solomon and Saslier just nodded slightly to Truman, transformed into rules, merged into the shadows and returned to their respective kingdoms.

"The Book of Dreams..." Truman was still in the spiritual world and pulled the Book of Dreams out of his body.

"This fusion is still not reliable enough, so you have to take your time." Truman confirmed his status. This method of directly merging with the Book of Dreams was completely inferior to fusing the four uniquenesses first.

It's probably the difference between drinking a glass of water and filling a bucket of water. The latter is more likely to cause "indigestion" and increase the tendency to fall asleep.

"And Seven Lights."

The gray fog above the spiritual world has gradually disappeared after Truman took back his mythical form. The seven lights all turned into human forms and came to Truman to salute respectfully.

"Your Highness, please forgive me for the offense I caused earlier." An old man wearing an orange robe spoke first.

"You seven are transcendent and can live a good life in this world." Truman looked at the seven lights and thought of the prophets who had left traces in human history.

These seven old men are not involved in any serial war at all, but their status is only under the gods, and they have amulets based on the spiritual world. No true god will take action against them, and they do not need to worry about extinction even when the end comes.

As long as the "Spiritual Ruler" returns, He will also need servants.

This gives Qiguang a special status and a superior situation. From time to time, he will "descend" to the real world to play a guest role as a prophet. Their names also have their names in human history.

"When we were transformed into human beings, we had seen His Highness from a distance, and were heartbroken by His Highness's noble behavior of protecting human beings." "Red Light" wearing a bright red robe said with respect.

"Well," Truman nodded slightly, and then asked, "Do you remember me in the first era?"

"This..." The seven lights looked at each other, and the "Orange Light" who came out first opened his mouth to explain.

"When the last civilization ended and the 'primary' woke up, the previous seven lights had been erased. We are the seven lights reborn in the first era. It was probably in the late first era and the end of the second era that we truly came into being. consciousness."

"So we don't have much information, just some speculation."

"Is it true?" Truman had never tried to find the Seven Lights before to understand the events of the First Age. It was also this time that they had to stand up in the battle of gods deep in the spiritual world, and Truman also noticed them.

"There is all kinds of information about the past, present, and future in the spiritual world. We are just summarizing this information and making some guesses."

"Please speak." Truman perked up and listened attentively.

"Huang Guang" pondered for a while, collected his thoughts, and then began to tell, "In the first era after the 'initial' split, there were parts of the 'old days' in the world. After all, sometimes the 'source of matter' can be directly equated to ' The old days' themselves."

"The most powerful among them are 'God' and the 'Lord of Mysteries'."

"And gradually, those two beings who can be equivalent to the 'original' to a certain extent drove away or erased the consciousness of the rest of the 'sefirot'."

"It was only then that these two faced each other head-on, and a battle broke out that ended the First Age."

"Dream is a very special person in this process."

"Even in the information recorded in the spiritual world, there are too few traces of Him."

"He is like a natural phenomenon in the world. He exists, but he is completely integrated into the world and cannot have any big impact on the world."

"He is like the other side of this crazy world, dreamy and beautiful, without madness and pollution, without aggregation and separation. All the beautiful words created by humans cannot describe it."

"Ahem! It's over!" Truman coughed twice to ease the embarrassment. "No, we are not exaggerating at all. Your Highness's existence seems to reveal another side of our world, which is beautiful and pure, dreamy and innocent."

"..." What can Truman do about this?Of course I accepted it!

"Everything is so beautiful that..." Qiguang was peeking at Truman's expression.

"...It doesn't look like it's real."

"Of course, it may be that our knowledge is limited and we are unable to understand His Highness's state at that time."

"Because we have also discovered traces of the great master above the spiritual world trying to find His Highness in the spiritual world."

"Perhaps only such a being can understand His Highness's specific situation."

When Truman heard this guess, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he had a lot of thoughts.

He also has this "wishing magic lamp" in his pocket. The lamp god in it is the "Old One", but he fell silent after the betrayal feast, and he has never paid attention to the one who tricked him until now. Truman.

Qiguang looked at each other for a while, and then continued, "Among the information recorded in the spiritual world, the information about His Highness suddenly disappeared near the end of the first era, and suddenly appeared again in the second era."

The Seven Lights stopped talking, and that was all they knew.

The second era is the experience of Truman waking up from the City of Deep Darkness and being picked up by Amanysis.

"It can be considered as a piece of the puzzle, so congratulations!" Truman shook his head slightly and thanked Qiguang with a chuckle.

"Well... if the seven of you are willing, you can go to my 'Fantasy Country' at any time. It's more fun there than this lonely spiritual world."

This is the reward given by Truman.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Qi Guang said with joy on his face.

Truman nodded lightly and wandered away directly, returning to the capital of Bailang.

He appeared at the spot where he was standing before, and Salinger was also sitting high on the throne, looking down at his subjects. The two who were fighting just now nodded slightly, and there was no sign of any unpleasantness at all.

Countless ghosts and humans knelt down, praying devoutly, and their voices were like a torrent, sweeping across the entire country.

The impact of this divine war on the real world was so limited that even demigods had no precise sense of it, and only angels could barely sense that something terrible was happening deep in the spiritual world.

"Tsk, what a pity, why didn't we really fight?" Amon sighed, with a look of regret on his face.

As the King of Angels, Amon is naturally very aware of the divine war taking place deep in the spiritual world.

It was also the first time that He realized how far his teacher had come!

Perhaps only after his father became the Creator could he be able to overpower him...

"It's hard for me to do this!" Amon suddenly sighed.

"Is it difficult? Is it difficult to get rid of me?" Truman turned around.

"No way!" Amon quickly denied, "I care about the teacher!"

"Hmph!" Truman snorted coldly and waited quietly for the end of the Bailang founding ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 150 Knowledge Wilderness


Chapter 150 Knowledge Wilderness

"I think you should have realized how powerful he is."

After the founding of Balam, Salinger turned around the palace built for himself and sat on the throne made of various life skulls.

He looked expressionlessly at Adam, who seemed to have always been here.

Adam arrived here early, but he kept hiding. He didn't even look into the depths of the spiritual world when the battle between gods took place. He had already anticipated the outcome of this battle and was waiting for Salinger's return.

Unless Truman explores the world with "utopian" authority, no one will be able to discover his existence.

"I said all your plans against him will not succeed."

"He possesses 'utopian' authority, which is enough to bring any situation to an end and guide it to the future he desires."

After Truman became powerful enough, it was difficult for any plans or conspiracies to work.

"We can call his special state half of the 'Old Day'. It has initially surpassed the sequence, but it is still a long way from the real 'Old Day'."

Adam's gentle voice echoed through Salinger's palace.

"Only the 'old days' can fight against the 'old days'." Adam's pale golden eyes looked at Salinger calmly.

"Of course, we need time to make certain attempts."

Salinger was as cold as a sculpture. He didn't agree to Adam, but he didn't stop him either.

He did not dare to fully trust Adam, but he did not doubt his knowledge.


Truman left the Balam Empire by boat the next day. Amon didn't follow him, and he didn't know where he went.

He was still lying on the recliner, but he was inexplicably restless.

This hasn't happened in a long time.

The last time he was spied on by a "Snake of Destiny" was when he was an angel. After that time, he summarized the "cause and effect" and wrote it in the Book of Dreams.

But now he is comparable to half of the "old days", what else can make him restless? !

Truman took out the book of dreams, turned to the "Cause and Effect" page, and gently drew a certain symbol with his fingers.

It was as if a big net extended from his body, weaving into a network connecting countless causes and effects, covering all the places he had ever visited.

With his eyes closed, Truman felt like a spider in a hunting state. He would be aware of any changes in the threads of cause and effect.

He has not always stood still, and the application of "karma" authority is also constantly improving.

In just a few moments, Truman identified the source of his uneasiness.


Its power includes the secret of knowledge and the information itself, which is enough to become invisible in destiny, similar to the situation of the "Snake of Destiny" back then.

"Something happened at the 'Artisans'!" Truman immediately thought of something.

The "Wildness of Knowledge" finally showed its fangs when he was fighting openly and secretly with the gods and was unable to care!

He has not forgotten his promise and has always been paying attention to the "craftsmen". However, when facing the four true gods, he inevitably has to focus on the battle between gods. This is where the monitoring vacuum appears.

Now, depending on the situation, the uniqueness of the "Hermit" may have fallen into the hands of the "Knowledge Wilderness", and he has even set his sights on the "Civilization Scroll" in the hands of the "Artisan".

From this point of view, the "knowledge wilderness" must have been activated to a certain extent, almost equivalent to the "old days".

"But this is my territory!" Truman's eyes flashed across the starry sea of ​​dreams, he held up his hands and wandered away directly following the causal connection.

"Buzz!" In the unlocatable void, streams of complex information descended in an illusory state.

The torrent of terrifying information directly cut off Truman's wanderings.

"There's something!" Truman stood in the void where he couldn't tell what was up and down. The torrent of information sweeping towards him had roughly the power of a true god!

It is not aimed at Truman. Anyone who comes close will receive a true god-level blow.

But these are secondary. The important thing is that the source of this power is the "old" person.

"Knowledge wilderness"!

Truman looked with his dreamy phosphorescent eyes, which were gradually stained with a brassy luster.

With the blessing of the two powers, Truman's eyes penetrated the rolling torrent of information and saw the illusory gray-white mist.

That is the sealing barrier set up by the "Lord of Mysteries" to seal the source of the Western Continent.

However, after the Banquet of Betrayal, this seal was actively weakened by the "Lord of Mysteries". The power of the source of matter can easily pass through the seal and affect the northern and southern continents!

"Let me see what you are!" Truman held the Book of Dreams with his right hand pointing in front of him.

Under the influence of "real" authority, his fingertips seemed to turn into an extremely sharp blade, cutting through the torrent of information in front of him as he walked forward.

Gradually Truman got closer to the seal.

The gray-white mist connects the sky and the earth, extending upward to endless heights with no end.

At the same time, the mist is also extending to both sides, boundless.

This is the seal set by the "Lord of Mysteries", which almost splits the entire planet in half.

Even Sasril in the Creator period could not forcefully break it open.

This gray-white mist is actually nothing. You can get deep into the mist by "opening the door" or dispersing the mist in front of you.

But the fact is that no matter how far you go deep into this gray-white mist, you may just stand still in the real world, or if you step out, you may appear in any corner of the northern and southern continents.

This is the most brilliant application of the "door" authority. In the hands of the "Lord of Mysteries", this is almost unsolvable.

But at this moment, this gray fog is stained with something else, which are illusory streams of light that represent the information itself.

This stream of light made Truman uncontrollably vigilant, as if he had seen the Sea of ​​Chaos and the Origin Castle.

This illusory stream of information is a source of essence!

Buzz... After Truman saw the essence breath of this "Wisdom Wilderness", the "Knowledge Wilderness" also saw him.

The induction of the essence breath caused the sea of ​​dreams in Truman's eyes to stir up terrifying waves, and a certain impulse that Truman had forgotten for a long time reappeared in his mind.

That is deep sleep, eternal silence!

The divine badge on Truman's chest flashed, and the power of "Sleepless" and "Eternal Day" was instantly activated, making Truman's spirit rise and suppress the sleeping impulse.

After that, the brassy light in Truman's pupils faded away and turned into light blue representing starlight.

This is the "door" authority.

The reason why I gave up the "Omniscient Eye" that reached the level of a true god and chose the "Gate" that is still the King of Angels is naturally because the "Gate" authority has control over space and the "Gate" authority and this gray-white mist Compatibility!

 Please give me a monthly ticket, it's still a little short of [-]!I have never received a monthly ticket award in this long time of writing books.

  If I reach [-] monthly votes, I will post an update after my internship ends next month!

(End of this chapter)