
Anti-System: the Fallen Angel

In a magical world where Dark and Light mages are revered more than the other mages, the only forces that can effectively fight the Erovian race, an invading battle-hardened race that evolved in a way to counter mystic elemental mages. Samael, a priest's son from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity, had an affinity to the Light Element but no talent in magic. Mocked and ridiculed, he keeps on doing good even if it is through being a training dummy for other mages to test their spells. Driven by his father's good teachings and his childhood friend's support, he kept going and never broke down. He reminded himself of the three Divine Axioms: God always protects, guides, and chooses the side of good. Perhaps this is the way given by God for him to become stronger. But in the end, he was mercilessly exposed to the true evil of the world. An evil that breaks the three Divine Axioms that he believed deeply. Samael's family was shattered by evil that does sins casually, and the System that is fated to be his way to justice was stolen by the person he trusted the most. Due to this horrible event, Samael was forced to confront the true nature of the world which leads him to meet with the Devil itself where all of his questions are answered. Was he genuinely talentless? Or does he not know his true elements? Was there really a happy ending for him? Or was God fated him to suffer evil and die a meaningless death? Is God real? Or is God simply a manifestation of the mind? Is there pure Good and Evil? Or are there only those in between? Once a good man turned into a person of evil, once a devoted man of God now turned into a non-believer, once a human turned into a Fallen Angel. Follow Samael's journey of vengeance as he makes a contract with the Devil and devoted his life to the Devil in order to achieve his vengeance.

TheAlpha · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Lesson One

Samael has gotten an idea that might help him in beating the group of bandits.

Fully utilizing the Gate of Unholy Unique Skill that he was blessed by the Anti-System, he decided that he would use the Demon Imp to attack the group of bandits repeatedly and possibly take some of them down.

It's done because he was quite wary of the leader that is higher-leveled than him.

Although he was not expecting anything at first, he was surprised at the progression of the entire bandit group as he re-summoned the Demon Imp whenever it died. Out of anything, he didn't expect this to happen.

Despite the idea coming out of impulse, it managed to shatter the bandits' mentality.

Looking at the fearful expression that was etched on the bandits' faces as they doesn't understand the situation they are in, Samael feels weird inside and he even felt bad for some of them.

Witnessing fear in others' faces are not a norm for him, especially ones that are at this scale.

Even Asher would definitely be shocked when he knows that Samael actually manage to devise a plan like this, it's somewhat smart taking into consideration that he was actually wary of the leader.

Instead of taking the bandits out himself, he used the expandable Demon Imp instead.

Not only was this very effective as he didn't need to put himself in any danger, but the grotesque and horrendous appearance of the Demon Imp also add another layer of effectiveness to the attack.

Moreover, Samael also learned something from summoning the Demon Imp repeatedly.

Although the first time he summoned the Demon Imp doesn't use any of his mana whatsoever, it does when he tries to summon the Demon Imp back after it died. Reviving it three times is quite straining in the mind.

Samael could probably re-summon the Demon Imp two more times before being exhausted.

While watching silently from the thick bushes, he was surprised when he finds the other bandits started escaping for their lives. Fear was the cause of this, and Samael will keep that in mind.

It's a rather useful tactic, fear can make one short-sighted and reckless.

From the four bandits that are trying to escape and preserve their lives, Samael commands the Demon Imp to chase after them on the other side of the road while he takes care of the bandits that are on his side of the road.

None of the bandits are mages, and they are not a match for him.

But whilst the notification from the Anti-System showed that the Demon Imp absolutely butchered the running bandits, Samael finds his own hands trembling when he wanted to deal the finishing blow.

Of course, killing demons and humans are two completely different things.

Even though his mind is fixed on doing anything that he can to get stronger, taking into consideration that he has already paid for his sins upfront, his body still reacted naturally instead of obeying his mind.

Samael clenched his hands in anger before he knocked the two bandits out.

Finding a rope in one of the bandits' leather bags, he tied up the two bandits before he went back to check on the leader that should be the one left. It was then he made his move, disregarding the leader's threat.

Back to the present, Samael is standing behind the injured Danu.

Gazing at his bloodied right hand that had just been used to stab Danu in the back by cloaking it with his demonic energy, he saw that it was also trembling like earlier. It makes him angry that his body can't handle this much gore.

If he kept being like this, then he wouldn't be as strong as he wanted to be.

Although he wanted to bring justice to those people that are involved in his family's demise, most of them are very, very strong. In addition, the issue should be from the Grand Priest which is the highest-ranking priest of the Divine Sanctum of Divinity.

Essentially, he's the strongest mage of light in the whole entire world.

As if it was not hard enough to get the answer from the strongest light mage in the whole entire world, he also still had to repay Lily for what she had done. Knowing that she has the System inside of her that could make her strong just like the Anti-System is doing to him now, he knew that tackling her would be much harder.

Many of his purpose in life was out of reach him without the necessary power.

'In the harsh world of reality, only people that are willing to do anything it takes can become strong. You, on the other hand... is destined to be weak!'

Samael clenched his fists tighter remembering what the Demon Imp said to him.

Even a Demon that spends most of its time in hell knows that only those who are willing to do anything it takes to reach their goals can achieve them, and thus he needs to start changing for the better in order to become stronger.

"I need to change..." Samael mutters once again.

Suddenly, Danu spun around and hurled his fist that is already covered with a block of rocks. Only through sheer willpower, he can still move his body. Blood streamed from his clenched teeth as he shouted, "Don't mess with me, you bastard!"

"Earth Spell, Earth Shatterer!" he chanted as he thrust his fist into Samael's abdomen.


As he was minding something inside his head, he was not ready to react to this attack. Samael was punched squarely in his abdomen, his body curved inward in response to the fist, and his eyes bulged feeling the force from that punch.

Under the powerful force, Samael was flung away before he crashes onto a thick tree.

'I should have quickly dealt with him first. I wasn't ready yet, I didn't even have the time to clench my abdomen to receive that punch' Samael clicked his tongue, and he was surprised to find that Danu can still fight.

But he reckons that is very dangerous for him to space out like that.

Samael was thankful that he had already transformed into a Demon and become stronger, his endurance stat, which shows how durable his body was, was the highest one. If it weren't for that, the punch would've been very dangerous.

Additionally, he was also lucky that Danu doesn't have his sword in his hand.

It would've been way worst if Danu has the sword with him, Samael would've been stabbed and that would be detrimental to his growth to power. Samael would've become a burden at least until they arrived in a city for medicine.

Raising his gaze to his front, Samael's eyes flashed fiercely.

'I should be way more careful in the future. But despite that, I should be able to sustain that kind of punch if I'm ready' Samael thought before he gets back to his feet once again, seeing that Danu is doing the same albeit strugglingly.

Grabbing his sword, Danu used it to support himself before glaring at Samael.

Immense hatred can be seen coming from his wrathful eyes, angry that he was ambushed from the back like that. "Why are you even trying to save this woman? Are you a mercenary paid to save her?" he inquired, trying to suppress his anger.

"Listen, I'll pay double what those people pay you to save this damn bitch" he added.

Upon hearing this Samael raises one of his eyebrows as Danu seems to mistake him for trying to save the woman, he didn't even know that there was a captured woman in the wagon with the bandits.

Samael glanced at the trembling woman coldly without any expression.

Receiving this gaze the woman can feel her throat turning dry, the purple eyes that Samael has seems to be able to see through anything and even look into her soul. Under his eyes, she felt naked and exposed.

Gazing at her for a moment, Samael then shifted his eyes back to Danu.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Fuck you! Stop messing around and let me go, if I don't arrive at the meeting in time then you're going to be in a whole lot of trouble. Let us go and I'll forget this ever happen"

Danu shouted, desperate to flee this situation.

No matter how much he thinks, he can't win against Samael in this condition.

Due to the gaping hole in his chest, casting a spell and controlling it becomes way harder. On top of that, the Earth Shattered spell that he managed to land directly on Samael's abdomen doesn't seem to affect him that much.

It doesn't even manage to draw blood, showing how little impact it did on Samael.'

Of course, if he was uninjured then he wouldn't plead like this to a brat that doesn't seem to be even nearing his age. For Danu, this is an embarrassment as he was put into this situation by a brat like Samael.

But then out of nowhere, a figure emerges from the bushes. It was a man.

"Kill him, Samael. Just look at his expression" Asher came and stand beside Samael with his eyes fixed on Danu. "That is the expression of someone that would come after you if you let him go, it's not worth it to let him leave with his life"

"Who the fuck are you?! What do you know about me!" Danu shouted, defending himself.

Although he really wants to sway Samael to let him go, the air around Samael instantly changed when he heard what Asher said. Just from this shift of air alone, Danu can tell that negotiation is over.

Not intending to go out like a punk, Danu leaped and cloak his sword with brown energy.


Danu swung his sword powerfully in a horizontal slash aiming for the kill, he puts everything inside this last attack as his eyes bulged with everything he got. Not a single mana inside of him was spared, he poured it all into this last attack.

Just as the sword make contact with Samael's body, Danu's eyes widened in shock.


Samael didn't sit idle and raises his arm to block the sword, a thin layer of his demonic energy was infused into his arm. It was right then that Danu's sword shattered into a million fragments, unable to pierce the demonic energy.

Looking at his shattered sword, Danu's entire body shuts down as his blood runs cold.
