
Anti-System: the Fallen Angel

In a magical world where Dark and Light mages are revered more than the other mages, the only forces that can effectively fight the Erovian race, an invading battle-hardened race that evolved in a way to counter mystic elemental mages. Samael, a priest's son from the Divine Sanctum of Divinity, had an affinity to the Light Element but no talent in magic. Mocked and ridiculed, he keeps on doing good even if it is through being a training dummy for other mages to test their spells. Driven by his father's good teachings and his childhood friend's support, he kept going and never broke down. He reminded himself of the three Divine Axioms: God always protects, guides, and chooses the side of good. Perhaps this is the way given by God for him to become stronger. But in the end, he was mercilessly exposed to the true evil of the world. An evil that breaks the three Divine Axioms that he believed deeply. Samael's family was shattered by evil that does sins casually, and the System that is fated to be his way to justice was stolen by the person he trusted the most. Due to this horrible event, Samael was forced to confront the true nature of the world which leads him to meet with the Devil itself where all of his questions are answered. Was he genuinely talentless? Or does he not know his true elements? Was there really a happy ending for him? Or was God fated him to suffer evil and die a meaningless death? Is God real? Or is God simply a manifestation of the mind? Is there pure Good and Evil? Or are there only those in between? Once a good man turned into a person of evil, once a devoted man of God now turned into a non-believer, once a human turned into a Fallen Angel. Follow Samael's journey of vengeance as he makes a contract with the Devil and devoted his life to the Devil in order to achieve his vengeance.

TheAlpha · Fantasy
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40 Chs



Danu's eyes completely widened as his mind was paralyzed when he saw his sword that is made of strong steel shattered upon making contact with Samael's arm, the surprise on his face was depicted clearly.

It was not only his sword shattering that surprised him, the purple energy also did.

'A-An Elemental Aura...?' Danu thought in disbelief.

Although the purple energy that is cloaking Samael's arm and protecting it was thinner than the usual Elemental Aura, the resemblance was almost identical aside from that. But Samael shouldn't be able to do that.

From the start, Danu didn't find Samael using any mana.

Even though he doesn't want to believe that Samael is not a mage, it's clear that he was not or at least not using his mana prowess. Yet he was able to mimic an Elemental Aura, a power that can only be used by mages in the wizard realm.

Just a moment ago when he was stabbed, his mind was clouded in surprise.

Danu didn't realize that Samael's hand was imbued with his demonic energy then, and that is why he was completely caught off guard when he saw the thin purple energy covering Samael's arm right now.

It resembled the Elemental Aura but was made of an entirely different thing than mana.

A bone-chilling sensation emanates from the purple energy that is potent enough to seep into his bones and instill relentless fear inside of him, this basically makes Danu realize that there's no hope for him in beating Samael.

Mages that haven't reached the wizard realm don't have a high level of mana control.

For a mage to actually use Elemental Aura to strengthen their bodies and reached the inhuman level of strength, mages need an insane amount of mana control. In order to reach this realm, they can practice by strengthening their weapon with their mana.

It's common knowledge for mages that infusing their mana into an object is easy.

A weapon for instance doesn't have the complexity of construct that makes it hard for mages to infuse their mana. On the other hand, the Elemental Aura is something that requires mages to cloak their entire body with their mana and push it out, making it a layer of protection or a second skin to their bodies.

Since their bodies are not an object, it's very hard to properly cloak them.

Only mages in the wizard realm have the required level of control to use the Elemental Aura and strengthen their bodies, this power is the testament that they have already surpassed the normal and reached beyond.

Due to that common knowledge, it's natural for Danu to be this surprised at the sight.

Not to mention the fact that his sword was shattered easily, Samael shrugs his attack filled with everything as if it was nothing. It was so surprising that even Asher who is watching from the side, ready to jump in if Samael needed help was caught in surprise when he saw this scene.

But knowing that his lord has turned into a Demon, his surprise quickly fades.

Samael pay no attention to the stunned expression Danu wore, he didn't even hesitate and snatched Danu midair, his fingers wrapping firmly around Danu's neck. Multiple venins bulged with strain as he demonstrated his monstrous strength.

"Hrrgkhkk!" Danu choked, trying to break free from Samael's grip.

Even though he tried desperately while looking at Samael's purple glowing eyes with fear, he wasn't able to budge Samael's arm. It was solid as a rock, there was completely no hope of him breaking free.

Tilting his head a little with a blank stare, Samael then mutters, "I need to change..."

With those last words that came out of Samael's mouth, he tighten the grip around Danu's neck. Slowly, his face started to turn blue from the lack of oxygen, he was on the brink of passing out.

It was then Samael exerted more strength until a bone-cracking sound resounded.


[Killed a human mage, obtained 1,000 Exp, 200 Anti-Points, and 100 Good Karma]

[No lingering anger can be detected inside the anti-host's body, congratulation on completing the Situational Quest, the anti-host obtained 2,000 Exp, 500 Anti-Experience, 1,000 Points, and 500 Anti-Points!]

[The anti-host has reached level 10!]

[All stats has been increased appropriately]

[Level 10 Giftbox has been rewarded for reaching level 10! The level 10 Giftbox has been stored in the temporary inventory, it's advised to open it when the anti-host has the time as the level 10 Giftbox will be expired in one day]

[The anti-host has reached Anti-Level 2! Obtained 1 Skill Point]

[All stats has been increased appropriately]

[Path of Killer achievement has been completely for killing a human for the first time, the anti-host received 1,000 Exp and Demonic Blast skill!]

After breaking Danu's neck with a twist of his hand, many notifications from the Anti-System flooded his vision almost instantly. But his mind was somewhere else, he blinks his eyes a couple of times to fully grasp the situation.

Soon enough he realized that he has killed his first-ever person.

In reflex he lets go of Danu's corpse from his grip, causing the corpse to fall to the ground.


Looking at the corpse, he was in a trance but showed no expression on his face.

Asher then came from the back and hold his shoulder tightly trying to channel some supportive energy, he know that this was probably Samael's first experience ever in killing a person.

Such a thing can be impactful for someone like Samael, yet it's necessary.

"I think this is for the best, Lord Samael. The faster you experience this sensation, the better it will be for your future" Asher said with a firm tone, this is a good learning experience for Samael to be the man that he needs to be in order to reach his goals.

Upon hearing this, Samael glanced slightly at Asher before he nodded his head.

Even though his mind was already determined in getting stronger through any means necessary, Samael can still feel his right hand that is responsible for killing Danu trembling uncontrollably.

A natural reaction for someone that has committed a kill for the first time.

But Samael quickly clenches his right hand into a fist tightly, wanting to go over this limit quickly and change for the better. Change into a person that is not destined to be weak, but deserves to be strong instead.

Just as he was feeling the moment, his eyes then shifted to the woman on the ground.

Witnessing how easily Samael disposed of the person that she thought was strong, alongside the fact that he can control the terrifying Demon Imp, the woman's expression drains from all colors.

"A-Are you going to kill me...?" the woman asked with a trembling voice.

Since Samael easily kill Danu without much struggle, if he wanted to kill the woman then she wouldn't be able to do anything. It's obvious that the woman would be scared shitless like this.

Upon hearing this, Samael paused for a second while keeping eye contact.

Eventually, he opens his mouth, "As I said earlier, I didn't come and fight these people for you. I did it for myself" he said with a slightly cold tone, there's no need to be polite to a stranger like her.

Immediately after she heard that Samael saw a change in her expression.

The woman abruptly stands up which sparks a frown on Samael and Asher's faces, a dark expression decorates her face as she walks over to Danu's corpse and looks at it with disgust and contempt.

Out of nowhere, she started kicking Danu's corpse to vent her anger.

Samael and Asher glanced at each other when they saw this sight, but they reckon that the woman was probably kidnapped by this group of bandits led by Danu and now is about to be sold to someone.

"Let's go, we should start moving again" Asher said as he turns around intending to leave.

Upon hearing this Samael nodded his head as he has already vented out his anger fully, now he doesn't have any business lingering around here anymore and would be best to continue their journey.

But as they were about to leave, the woman suddenly called out for them from behind.

"Wait!" She yelled, trying to stop them.

Samael and Asher look back when the woman called for them, their expressions were that of questioning. Receiving their questioning look, the woman fidget with her fingers and said, "C-Can I come with you guys?"

"No, I don't need a burden" Samael quickly replied ruthlessly.

Although he has been living his life trying to please others through his kind act, he was not going to do that anymore. Doing that brought nothing but pain to him, and he doesn't want to feel stupid like that ever again.

The woman was surprised by the cold words and also how fast Samael answered.

Even though she was blatantly rejected coldly, the woman can't survive in this forest alone. "Please, I'm just asking to follow you until the nearest city. I swear!" the woman pleaded desperately.

But even with her pleading tone, Samael doesn't seem to budge at the very least.

"If you leave me here, then I'm going to die. I can't possibly survive if I encounter any magical beast, have some heart, I'm only asking to stick along and wouldn't bother you with anything aside from that" the woman added again, trying to convince Samael.

Upon hearing this, Samael frown as he seems to be hesitating.

Asher smiled lightly knowing that there was still good in Samael that he can't quite get rid of easily, "We could let her come, Lord Samael. It wouldn't be too much of a hassle, and she can also act as a secondary night watcher"

Even though it seems blank, Asher was hinting at something.

Samael glanced at him in confusion and realized what he meant by that. The woman can be told to be a night watcher to avoid her seeing his dark-ashen skin during the night, avoiding her misunderstanding.

But he feels like the woman wouldn't be too surprised as he already saw the Demon Imp.

It was not planned, but he can't leave a woman alone in the forest just to die.

Samael sighs to himself before he quickly walks over to the woman before he stands towering in front of her, the woman gulped harshly when she saw this fearing that Samael would just kill her right there.

Not a mindless guess as it can happen considering Samael can summon a demonic creature.

Looking directly into her eyes with his purple eyes, Samael then said, "Fine, you can come. But if you so much as complain and causes any inconvenience in our journey, we're not going to leave you in this forest but we'll kill you instead. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, I am truly grateful", the woman quickly bowed.

Upon seeing this, Samael snorted before he turns around and walks away.