
Ant System

Update Once a Week! Tells about an ant who can come back to life after dying thousands of times by being stepped on by a human child. In his last life the ant managed to avenge a human child who killed his colony. A voice suddenly appeared in his head. 「 Subject #001 has met the required requirements. Little Leader's Courage 」

Sir_Kurniawan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Demon King's Daughter

A girl with beautiful pink hair was in front of me, she seemed to be dying, and her body was covered in wounds, but there was nothing I could do.

"Ruby, Meshi can you guys cure it?"

"I will try it"

Ruby stepped in front of the girl and tried to recover girl with her magic, but it didn't go well.

"Sis, I don't think this is working"

"Hmm, Asmodeus, do you have any ideas?"

At that moment, Asmodeus smiled as if he had gotten something.

"There's a Master"

"What's that?"

"That is, by entering his body with a high-level spiritual being, his body will regenerate and restore body instantly"

"Spiritual being....ah! Aren't you also a spiritual being?"

"That's right, Master"

"Then what then? save him"

"But, Master if I enter into this child's body, you are giving me to this child"

"No problem, I will leave you to this child, please take care of this child"

Asmodeus was silent. He didn't expect himself to be used to healing a girl, although in a sense, Asmosdeus would live within the girl's body as a high-level being.

"Okay, Master"

Asmodeus became a bright red light, illuminating the dark place, and driving the creatures around him away. Asmodeus entered the girl's body, it took a while until the light dimmed and Asmosdeus entered her body.

The wound on the girl's body slowly began to heal by itself, her body began to move again. The girl came to her senses and saw us.


"Sis, looks like he's fine"

"Yeah, I didn't think Asmosdeus could heal him so easily"

"Hiikk! The ants can talk?!"

Ah, he seems surprised.

"Relax, we just want to help you, how are you now?"

"Me? ...What?!! My wounds disappeared! How come...? what are you guys? Thank you!"

"Well, I didn't do anything anyway, even though I lost a valuable skill huu.... thank goodness you're okay"

"Once again thank you for saving me, my name is Madona Valencia, just call me Madona, hehe"

"Ah, Madona, that's a good name, I'm Klein, on my left is Ruby and on my right is Meshi who loves food and this creature is Nila"

"Nila...is she a lizard..."

"No, he is a Dragon"

"!! A dragon?!! that's a mythical creature from a storybook! how is it real?! are dragons real?!"

Myth? So Humans aren't sure about Dragons either huh?

"Do you know anything about Dragons?"

"Yes, in the book I read, Dragons are Supreme beings who can destroy a country alone, his own existence is a catastrophe for the creatures around him"

Hah? Such a powerful dragon? but what I see....she's just a cute lizard that takes us everywhere, maybe because she's a kid? no, he only reads from fairy tale books, can't be sure if his words are facts.

By the way, I'm curious about the statics.

"[ Appraisal ]"

"Appra what??"

「 Name : Madona Valencia

Race : Arc Demon

Level : 9

Age : 11 Y.o

Attack : 500

Defense : 200

Passive Skills

- Resistance to fire

- Demon King Domination

Unique Skills

- Hell Gate

Title : Body possessed by the King of Hell Asmodeus 」

So, Asmodeus is the King of Hell? Isn't revealing his identity too terrifying? what the hell is that? and this kid's static… even though he's only level 9 but his attack power is 500? That's crazy, could it be because of the racial difference?

"Ugh, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well, nothing anyway, by the way, how did you end up getting hurt here?"

When I asked that question, Madona's face immediately turned pale and her body trembled.


"Sis, I don't think he wants to answer it"

"It's okay Madona, you don't have to answer if you don't want to"

"I don't know"

"... well, no problem, the important thing is that you are fine now, let's continue our journey"

"Um... can I come with you guys?"

"Of course"

"Thank you!"


We resumed our journey, the longer we walked, the fewer monsters we encountered,

In the end, we reached a place, where there was a very big door, but in front of the door, there was an enormous giant, the giant was 5 times bigger than the High Orc, he was really big, he held a sword and sat on the ground. in front of the gate, like a gatekeeper.

"Hmm, how is it? Trolls are guarding the place"


"Yes, that is the name of the giant monster"

"Could it be that if we say fine, we might be allowed through that door"

"Who knows..."

"Alright, Meshi, Ruby, Nila, and Madona wait here, I'll try to talk to her"

"Okay, be careful"

I slowly stepped in front of the monster, he looked very big up close, like a house in front of me, I accidentally kicked gravel and hit the troll's leg.

His eyes opened wide and he instantly raised his sword, and swung forward, inflicting great damage on the ground.

I jumped into his sword, Meshi, Nila, Ruby, and Madona helped me.



This was surprising, Ruby made a shield on everyone, and she seemed to be able to manipulate her protective magic.

" [ Soul Eater ] "

All of our attacks were blocked by him. He swung his sword once more, and although it was a powerful attack, it was slow so it was easy for us to dodge.

"!! Woohoo, what is this? My body is getting light?"

Madona looks agile, even faster than us.

"[Flame Arrow!]"

The troll once again swung his sword, but this time it was different, he switched the direction of his attack inward, Nila was hit by his attack and bounced far away, knocking him unconscious.


"Nila Wake up!!"

"Damn it!"

The troll charged forward, he prepared to attack the unconscious Nila. There was nothing we could do, Madona quickly tried to lift Nila, but it was too late, her sword had been swung.


The blade came to a halt, right above Madona, it was engulfed in flames from nowhere.

Madona looks different, her aura turns dark red and eerie. It was as if it was a different him.

His eyes turned a deep red color, he created a terrifying pressure.

The troll raised his sword again and turning pale, he fell to his knees and put his sword on the floor.

Madona raised her right hand towards the Troll, and in an instant smashing the troll's head, the Troll died.

"What is it?! I can't see the attack!!"

Madona's aura returned to normal, her eyes turned pink again, her body staggered and Madona fell unconscious.


"Why did he suddenly faint?"

We approached Nila and Madona, but Meshi suddenly fainted. Followed by Ruby, I was forced to drag the two of them to where Madona and Nila were, but by the time my consciousness began to fade, my body fell unconscious.

「 Report. The evolution of the Quartet 00:00:10 」