
Ant System

Update Once a Week! Tells about an ant who can come back to life after dying thousands of times by being stepped on by a human child. In his last life the ant managed to avenge a human child who killed his colony. A voice suddenly appeared in his head. 「 Subject #001 has met the required requirements. Little Leader's Courage 」

Sir_Kurniawan · Fantasy
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14 Chs

We Meet Again

It's soft, a good place to rest, when my body is at rest I will keep moving to find a way out. It was because of Asmosdeus, I rode him, rather I rested on his hair while he would continue walking. Hey, this is pretty fun.

If there was a monster or beast, Asmosdeus would take care of it for me, he would take my Mana, but it was limited, and only one skill he could use when using the Mana I had.

Even though it was the weakest skill he had, it could kill enemies with one hit! that's crazy! and my mana is completely depleted. The worst thing is if the enemy cannot be killed in one hit.

Then what about Asmosdeus' reaction when I boarded it? yes actually he was the one who asked me to rise on his head so I accepted it quickly.

"Master, do you like it?"

Yes, of course I like your hair, I mean look at this soft hair, you can sleep peacefully here without worrying about the beasts will attack me.

"Yes, this is good"

"Pleased to hear it"

By the way I have leveled up to 30, maybe this is a good time, to spend the points I have.

Appraisal Lvl 3 : 20 Sp

Fireball Lvl 2 : 10 Sp

Wind Cutter Lvl 2 : 10 Sp

Water Arrow Lvl 2 : 10 Sp

Thunder Spear Lvl 2 : 10 Sp

Demon Scythe : 200 Sp

Demon Eye : 200 Sp

Extra Skills:

Taming 0 Sp

I see new things...hmm 0 Sp? are you serious? taming huh... sounds good, I'll take that.

「 Taming skill acquired 」

I guess I'll upgrade Apprasial to level 5

「 Appraisal up to Level 3 」

「 Do you want to increase the Skill Appraisal level to Level 4 with 50 Points'? 」

What 50?! isn't that a big difference between level 3 and 4? sigh... all right.

「 success. Appraisal increased to Level 4 」

Alright I need 1 more level, with that maybe I can analyze a person's status in more detail.

After walking for quite a while, somehow I'm familiar with this place...hmm right! This is the place before I fell into the pit, if I'm not mistaken there's a lion around here, but it looks like he's already gone

I'm sure they've passed this place, maybe we should hurry up, I'm not sure they can take care of themselves.

Wait! I have an idea! can I detect Ruby with magic perception?

「 Answer. Yes, but magic perception has a limit 」

Ah well, let's use that. Focusing first, I closed my eyes, trying to spread magic, scatter in all directions...

「 Black Rabbit, Black Rabbit, Gorgon Snake, Gorgon Snake, Bat, Bat, Bat, Bat, Bat, Bat, Bat, Lava Lizard, Lava Lizard, Beartaurus. 」

Argh! my head hurts damn it! too much information went into my head, but this is great, I can feel some creatures around me, for example black rabbits and bats that are 100 meters away and... , Beartaurus? i'm not idea, what kind of animal is that or maybe monster?

The safe path now is to just keep going.

"Asmosdeus, let's go forward!"

"Okay, Master"


Meanwhile, Ruby, Meshi and Nila were in a place with lots of plants, they were resting on the soft grass, somehow the grass felt comfortable when it touched the skin.

"Oh, that's comfortable"

"I don't want to leave here..."


Before long, the long grass around started swaying, as if something was beneath it.

The squirming thing revealed itself right above them, it was a carnivorous Plant, it looked like a sunflower the only difference was that it had a terrible mouth with sharp teeth.


"Zzzz huh? can I eat all of them?"

"...Meshi stop eating my food"


Meshi and others are still sleeping because of the Einsam plant, it spreads a gas that comes out of the grass around as a link to its power, when one inhales the gas, it will fall into a deep sleep, that's when the Einsam carnivorous plant kills its prey.

The grass around Ruby began to move, binding her even though Ruby was still unconscious when she was tied up, Einsam's plants slowly began to approach her body with sharp teeth full of saliva.


A fireball came from someone, burning the Einsam plant monster. The grass starts to sing as the Plant which is its main body burns down, canceling the effects of the sleeping gas, so Ruby, Meshi and Nila start to regain consciousness.

"*Hoamm...where is this...?"


"Hmm....Klein! You Alright?!!"

"Yeah, Finally you guys aware"


Ruby and Meshi were happy because Klein was able to run away from a group of Goblins, to be more precise, he defeated all of them, Nila was like that, he headed straight for Klein happily, stroking his head against Klein's body.

"Okay, sorry for worrying you Nila"


"Oh yeah how did you know we were here?"

"Well, maybe because of magic perception, I can tell where you are with this skill"


Seems like it would be hard to explain.

"Ah, forget it, the important thing you guys are fine and we meet again"

"Right...and— F-Fire?!!!!"

Ah right, I told Asmosdeus to become a wisp of fire, he was behind me earlier, I think he can quickly catch up with me.

"Don't worry, the fireball is harmless, Asmosdeus is changing"

The lump of fire turned into a human, but this time it was different, he was smaller than before, rather Asmosdeus became a child.


Ruby, Meshi and Nila moved in an instant after Asmosdeus returned to his humanoid form, it's strange even though I had advised him to change his shape so that Ruby and others wouldn't be afraid, I guess it's useless, anything bigger than their size will be considered a monster. ..hmm how am I going to explain it...

"Relax, he's not the enemy"

"Then what is he?"

"He is my skill, he has his own ego"


As expected they must be confused.

"Forget it, let's just say he is our friend too, obviously he will not attack us, instead he will help us"

Well, it took quite a while to convince them, in the end we resumed our journey, Asmosdeus returned to his usual form and we enjoyed his smooth hair as a mattress, while Nila was on his shoulders.

"Someone.... Please"

!! Whose voice is that? I looked in all directions, but there was no sign of anyone.

"Please help..."

"Did you hear it?"

"Listen to what?"

"I didn't hear anything"

"What about you two?"

"Sorry Master I didn't hear anything"


I see, it seems like I'm the only one who heard that voice.

"Help me"


"Okay Master!"

We went to the source of the sound, found a little girl dying...who is she?

I know the grammar or sentence arrangement is not quite right, why are you still here?

Sir_Kurniawancreators' thoughts