
Another world ( BL )

WARNING. STRONG LANGUAGE A normal ( or not so normal ) 15 year old boy named Noah befriends a winged boy from another dimension named Axel. Noah gets taken to his new friend's dimension, which is very different from ours. many amazing secrets lie in this strange new world, along with some dark, unsolved ones. Noah delves deeper into the past of the place, ( and his own self ) as well as saving it with the help of his friends

Exlipse122 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

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we walked back to Ali's house in complete silence. we were both still trying to process what has happened. once we got to his house, we saw his mother waiting outside for us. "thank goodness you're here now, I was about to go all the way in the forest and look for you. it's getting late, we should get Noah back to his house. get in the car" me, Ali and his mom got into the car, and we started driving back to my place.

I got out the car and walked inside my house as I heard the wheels crunch the leaves below it, pulling out the driveway. I took off my boots and went upstairs to my room, heavily reaserching magic on my phone for at least around 4 hours, but I found nothing. I hope that Ali's okay, I'm still waiting to wake up from this weird dream.

it was late in the night, and one of my books fell to the ground very loudly, waking me up. I looked around my room, and I saw someone in my closet, not quite making out who it was. "holy shit.." I whispered, my breath shaky as I grabbed a small chair as a weapon ( just in case ) and I slowly inched towards my closet, noticing a book has fallen, which scared me even more, saying the bookshelf is very close to my closet. I kept a good distance away, not quite knowing what to say or do. my arms were getting sore from holding the chair.

suddenly a boy around my age poked his head out my closet. I jumped back, startled "why the hell are you in my house?" I said, angry and scared at the same time. I was about to call for mom, it's what I should have done in the first place. "wait, don't call for your mother." I heard him say, his voice was light, and he sounded kind. "how did you know I was gonna call for my mother? how did you get in my house? why is there a random boy I don't know in my closet!!" I whisper-yelled. I saw him step out of the closet more. I gasped, seeing he had feathery wings. I tried to hit him with the chair, but before I could, a green magical shield blocked the chair from hitting him, and it bounced off, hitting me right in the forehead, and I fell backwards, crashing onto the ground, getting bruised in many places.. and not just my forehead.

I groaned in pain, pushing the chair off of me. "are you ok?" Axel asked me, looking like he kind of regretted what he did. "what does it look like?" I said, getting up slowly. I felt him grab my hand, this weird feeling spreading inside me. it was nothing I ever felt before, it was like a nice, silky liquid.he let go of my hand, and I didn't feel any pain. I looked down, realizing I no longer had red marks on my skin. "how did you do that?" I asked, astonished as I double checked. "it's actually a simple healing spell, I could teach you sometime!" I looked at him as he said this. "how's my mom not up yet?" "I spelled her too" "you what?!" "it'll wear off in two hours" I rubbed my eyes. this must be a dream, a very long dream.. "what's your name?" I heard him ask me. "I'm Noah, what's your name?" there was a short silence. "Axel, that's my name"

we were talking for a while, getting to know each other. what we like to do, our favorite foods ( some of his I never heard of ) and even our favorite clothing fabric. "so, how did you get into my house?" I asked him, curious. "oh, I walked in" "I didn't 𝘴𝘦𝘦 you walk in" "I used an invisibility elixir" I thought about what he said for a moment. then it hit me. I know he's just a stranger, but he seems to know a lot about magic, and it shows. "uhh, Axel, do you think you could teach me more about magic? like your spells and stuff? " I crossed my fingers, hoping for a yes. "really? you want me to teach you? I mostly know healing and shields, not much else.. but I can teach you everything I learn!" Axel answered, sounding kind of excited. I smiled, but still had a whole lot of questions to ask him. "where did you come from? where are you learning this magic? why were you in my house to begin with? why do you have wings?" I looked at him, seeing he had a bit of an overwhelmed look on his face. "sorry, I have a lot of questions-" before I could finish, he cut me off "no, it's okay. you probably haven't seen anyone like me before" he was really understanding. even though I was more comfortable with him now than I was about an hour or two ago, I was still shocked about all the crazy things that happened today.