
Meeting the goddess

When the darkness had consumed me and I fell into an eternal slumber I thought 'Welp... this is it I guess, what shit show is this? It's just a dark space' not only was I slightly pissed but I was also feeling depressed.

I mean Tia loved me as well and I had found out on my death bed. *Sigh* well I guess as long as she enjoys her life I can be happy knowing that.

As time passed and what seemed to be years although it could have only been a few hours I began to feel like my conscious was drifting. Almost like in the state where you have stayed up all night on your phone and you keep losing focus till eventually you'll fall asleep.

While I was in this state something happened that allowed me to take full control and snap back to full concentration. A bright light filled the space that I was drifting in and a beautiful almost ethereal sounding voice reached my ears, no wait not my ears because I don't have any in this form... well let's not think about that it's kinda scary in a way.

"Child thou have passed from your old life and are here to be given guidance in your next one. I am the admin or as you will know me as a goddess of your world. I am here to inform you that we will be giving you another chance at another life with your memories in tact."

First of all what the fuck and second, the fuck? New life? Administrator? Well I guess I could be happy that I'm being given a new chance but I don't really want one if I have a sickly body again.

"Worry not child for I shall grant you three wishes to allow you to have a fulfilling second life. Your first was pitiful and to be honest quite depressing. For the three wishes you can have anything that I am allowed to grant. I should also inform you that the world you will be sent to is different to your last so take that into consideration."

Three wishes huh? I guess that may make my life more enjoyable. "Um goddess may I have some time to think of my wishes?"

"Of course you may. In fact it would be foolish not to take some time to consider your wishes"

Right now that I have some time to think of my wishes I guess I'll try to consider all my thoughts from my last life. Thinking back to my last life I hated being sickly and I had always wanted to move about. So I guess that would be one wish.

The second is that I hated how slow my body felt and grew. Because I was such a sickly child I still looked like I was a 10 years old even at 15. Yes I was what the anime lovers would refer to as a loli. I had always wished that I would have grown up to be beautiful like Tia and have the strength to be able to protect the ones I held dear much like Tia did for me. This would more than likely be my second wish.

As for my third wish... I really don't know. What else would I want other than a healthy and strong body? Hmmmm... hmmm? Wait didn't the goddess say that my new world would be unlike that of earth?

"Ummm goddess? Did you say that my new world would be unlike the one I was used to?"

"That is indeed correct child. The world where you will be sent to is a world of magic and the technology there is only at your worlds early 20th century. The era has been growing in tension much like WW1 in your old world. In this world however things like magic exist which also means other races than humans exist, giant monsters are seen, and all the countries in the world are monarchies. The world is all about the strong rule the weak and battles are a common occurrence."

That... sounds amazing! If I wanted could I wish to be a Godzilla?! That would be my dream and I could also fight other large creatures as well as humanoids! That it, that's my final wish!

"Goddess I have my three wishes!"

The goddess made a sound of acknowledgement and waited for me to state my wishes.

"My first wish is that I want to have a body that doesn't get sick and heals fast when hurt. My second wish is to have a physically strong and beautiful body. As for my last wish I wish to be my favourite monster Godzilla!!"

As I stated my wishes the goddess just made a sound of acknowledgement to each wish and then finally said "I shall grant your wishes with a little something else included."

"I shall grant you a body that never gets sick, poison resistant, mind control resistance and very high regeneration abilities. Your physical body shall be so strong that it would take a considerable force to even leave a scratch on you. Your body shall even be resistant to high temperatures, low temperatures and can even survive the pressures of the bottoms of the ocean. Additionally your body shall be able to take on a humanoid form once you reach a certain threshold and that body shall be beautiful as it shall be constructed by me personally. Finally as you may be able to guess I can grant you your wish to become a Godzilla like creature, however you shall be the start of a new race meaning that many people will want to capture you so do be careful."

"THANK YOU GODDESS!!!" If I could I would hug her with all my might but she is she a mass of light so I can't do so but nonetheless I still thanked her the best I could. I was so happy and I would have jumped right to my new life right now but I still had one thing to do.

"Goddess I thank you for everything you have done but may I request one more thing please. I won't ask for anymore just I hope you hear me out."

"Hmm chid what is it that you request?"

Taking a deep breath I voiced my request while holding back the urge to have the words become stuck in my throat.

"I request that the goddess please help Tia live a happy life. I wish I could have done more with her but I can't. I hope you help her find happiness and slowly forget about me to ease her heart. I know that my be selfish but I truly hope to have her love her life happily without me in her thoughts."

After having listened to my request the goddess had just said 'I'll see what I can do' and left it at that. She then told me that my time to go was near and I would wake up in the new world in a forest where she advised I stay to become stronger.

Saying my thanks once more to the goddess I slowly slipped back into a sleep getting ready to live my new life.


*Sigh* she gone... maybe I should have told her? No it's more interesting for when they meet over there.

The goddess who had just sent Anna on her way said to herself as she looked down at earth looking at a specific building with police cars and ambulances surrounding it.

On earth at the scene a police officer had just came out of the building and spoke to the other officers who had just arrived on scene.

"Unfortunately the woman inside had died due to her hanging herself from what we think was from this morning. The woman it seems had gone through some sort of heart brake and had wished to take her own life."

"Does the woman have any relatives that need to be contacted?"

"No unfortunately not. The woman had been left alone since young it seems. Her parents we killed in a car crash and no other relatives took her in never mind the fact that they didn't even know she existed."

"Damn that's not an easy life. What's her name?"

"Tia. Tia woods."