
Mana core

*Yawn* *Splash* waking up after my little nap in this lake I can see it's now night. The two beautiful moons hang in the sky, one a beautiful azure blue in colour and the other a ruby red. To top this off because of the lack of street lights and clouds the night sky is filled to the brim with stars. It was truly a beautiful mystical scene that I don't think I'll ever forget in my life.

Deciding to swim a bit before getting out I circle the entire lake *Whoosh* the water makes waves as I swim through it. It's a peaceful time but I'm preparing my self for fighting and killing later when morning arrives.

Slowing my pace I readied myself for getting out of the water but as I stood up I felt a warm and comfortable feeling reach to where I assume my heart is. The hot feeling just kept getting hotter and hotter to the point that even I in this new body of mine nearly couldn't help but wimpier. As I was starting to lose my sense of reason and wanting nothing more than to rip this heat out of my chest it suddenly subsided.

But in place a pleasant and energy filled feeling was there. Using my self of consciousness I tried to feel the thing that was emitting this feeling. With my senses included I could sense something foreign imbedded into my heart.

Wondering what it was I slightly panicked thinking that it may be harmful to myself. As I began to become more and more worried I failed to notice the lake I was still in started to glow. The glow got brighter and brighter until I noticed it.

*Ding* I don't know why but a sense of something entering my brain filled all that I could feel and think. Once this feeling was finished I had been able to understand what it was and how it would help me.

The thing embedded in my heart is a mana core. A mana core is essentially the life blood to all creatures. A mana core allows one to use magic and get stronger as the mana core grows inside. The amount of mana one has doesn't change much but the quality of the mana improves greatly. For monsters it's the way they essentially evolve much like how I had done before.

Now that I have this core I can also sense mana. This is like a new sensory organ I have to use. But thanks to that I can now tell that this lake I have been sleeping and swimming in is filled with what I believe to be liquid mana. I also assume this is what allowed me to form the mana core.

I believe that if I stay in this water I should even be able to supplement the core with high quality mana allowing it to grow. The alternative to that is I go out and kill things for their mana cores and eat them. That's another way of supplementing my own mana core.

The fastest way would be to go out and fight but there's a slight problem with that. If the creature I'm going to fight for the core for it to be effective for me it has to be at the same level or higher level than me. If I attack lower rank creatures compared to me I would need to kill hundreds if not thousands to be able to even make a decent gain in growing my mana core.

I also don't know why but I also gained knowledge in that if I grow my core to the next level then I can do something amazing. That amazing this is gaining a humanoid form. I instinctually know that if I gather all the energy in my body into the centre of my body, or the mana core, then I compress it enough I should be able to do it. But only after I have grown once again.

Hmmm I think I'll go and hunt during the day and relax in this mana lake for the nights. Yeah sounds like a plan. Swimming back out into the middle of the lake I allow my body to relax as I wait for sunrise. Judging by the moons I'm going to assume that it'll only be a few hours.