
Anime Fest: Dimensional Clash

Power of different worlds clash to put an end to every debate once for all, an anime fest with earth shattering battle starting. You can request for a fight between your favorite characters on my p@treon "Tier 2" But not every anime is included, I have provided a list of anime I will write about, so please check it before subscribing, no refunds. P@treon.com/DimensionalClash

Dimensional_Geek · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 Over-whelmed

Combination Jutsu: Flaming Tornado!!!!


Shouted both the clone and the real as a strong wind blew out of the former, at an astonishing rate spinning around him, expanding more and more, soon a 30 meter high tornado was created, sand in area of hundreds of meters blown up, the ocean riled up as well.

The red light approaching halted a little at this build up but then again rushed towards the tornado, the figure of rayleigh in the red light completely covered by a black matter.


Just when the red light was about to clash with the tornado, the face of Rayleigh changed a little as he seemed to have seen something, a look of shock on on his face.

With in the tornado, a dark orange light flashed as instantly massive heat radiated, the transperent tornado suddenly turning dark orange completely, the nearly doubling, now around 60 meters high.


Under the dark sky, a massive dark orange tornado at the beach caused havoc, sharp flame blades also at the edges of the tornado, trees miles away all burning from the heat, the sand charred completely, even the water of the ocean near the flaming tornado evaporating at high speed.

Flaming Tornado, a super powerful S-Rank Jutsu in the arsenal of Third Hokage, due to his mastery of all the five elements chakra change and nature, nothing less from the renowned Professor Ninjutsu.


Despite the scary burning tornado before it, the red light didn't stop as it clashed straight into it, the sound of sword cutting the air spreading.


Followed the sword sound was a sudden silence, even the massive burning tornado suddenly going still, but it was the calm before the storm, the tornado suddenly bursting, a red and orange light flashing under the dark sky.

The booming sound reached even miles away, from miles away an enormous explosion could be seen, fire works under the dark sky, towering waves setting in the ocean.

The explosion lasted for a while before it subsided, revealing a completely altered landscape, the beautiful beach from before completely turned upside down.

"Ha....This...Ha...definetely took him down...

At some distance from the explosion, at the surface of the ocean sat Sarutobi on his one knee, panting as his tired eyes looked at the explosion point, talking to himself in a confident tone.

He knew using this jutsu would consume a lot of his chakra but he had full confidence in it to take down Rayleigh, no human could survive such an attack head on.



But suddenly the face of tired Sarutobi changed as a red light appeared in the explosion point, yelling out with a bad feeling in his heart.

A crescent red slashed passed through the ocean, dividing it immediately as it continued towards Sarutobi at an astonishing speed.

Summoning Jutsu! Three Layer Rashoman

With a somewhat panicked face, Sarutobi bit his thumb as he placed his palm on the ocean surfacet, smoke bursting out, three massive gates with scary faces and bells hanging on them appeared on the ocean, right before Sarutobi, covering him completely.



The red crescent slash hit the first gate head on, cutting it like paper, dividing it neatly from top to bottom, the fate of the other two gates no different, bursting into smoke and disappering, the weakened red slash blinding Sarutobi completely, who could only yell in disbelief.

After a few moments, the restless ocean calmed again as a shadow rushed out and landed on the charred sand, the condition of the figure terrible.


The mesh armour from before was completely destroyed, as on the bare chest was a gruesome slash wound, blood dripping down, Sarutobi panting like crazy, his eyes somewhat blurry, a weak look on his face.


"I recognize your strength, shinobi from another world, not many can go through my armament...

There was a sound of footsteps as Sarutobi with difficulty raised his head as the figure of Rayleigh appeared, stopping calmly at some distance from him.

The attire of Rayleigh was completely destroyed, shredded ends and small cut wounds on his arms and chest, a small amount of blood dripping down from them.

The S-Rank Jutsu of Sarutobi hadn't failed completely as it did break through the defense of Rayleigh, injuring him slightly but sadly...not enough.

"Recognize my strength...haha...this wasn't even a contest...you still haven't showed your true strength, not that it matters though...I have...lost!"


Said Sarutobi while letting out a weak laugh, going on his knees after completing his words, hands with no strength in them in front, head down.


"Keep that head up young man, I know nothing about you but in my life I have acheived everything I wanted, fame, power, wealth, I got it all"

"But maybe you still have a lot of things left to acheive, even if you can't know the future, you can still make contribution towards a good one, so always keep that head up and keep trying"


"Hehe...Pirates...well not all are bad after all...haha...I hope I remember him one day..."

Completing his words, Rayleigh put the sword back into his sheath with a somewhat emotional look on his face, a smile appearing on the face of gradually dying Sarutobi, laughing out and muttering.


The blue sky suddenly changed again, the endless white surroundings returning as Sarutobi turned into white particles, disappearing, leaving Rayleigh standing alone.

Result of the First Clash!

Winner: Silver Rayleigh!

Strength Used= 60%

Abilities didn't used= Haoshoku Entanglement, Future Sight, Advanced Armament Haki.

Request more fights at p@treon.com/DimensionalClash