
Angle niger Feather

hah......So all this time.... I have been betrayed by her......and still believe that may be their is hope.... .I ...I thought that...she must be manipulated by something or someone....but .... As Tara fall down on the floor who was a white witch in her previous life felt sore.... She has been betrayed by the saint who she helped and in return she got.... what nothing but pain...... As she suddenly remembered what God of heaven said to her after she died as a witch..... He said.... "This time not just for Satisfaction but live a life with no regret" She figured out that God must knew her true colour.....up until yesterday....she believes that saint is innocent..no to be precious...she want to believe in that.....but ... it's all clear know.....as she wiped her tears from her eyes....... by cutting her left hand's palm... with a knife.. blood flow down from her veins to the magic circle..she is standing over......and said..... "My revenge....I will arvege my death...... " My dear saint.......... The show is just yet to began Do you wanna know how she is able to find saint true personality? or. How is she going to take her revenge? What's going to happen next....for more please read my novel........ """""' Angel Niger feather"""""""

Mint0000 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

12th chapter --- Down Fall...

Martha knew that if needed.. then the Empress stood up against her ...for protecting her citizens and as the mother of Ulama kingdom it's a wise choice... with Empress's righteous personality there is no way She will support the culprits well that's one of the reasons why she is the Empress... Marquee wisely choose her words before speaking she said...

let's do it ....






Temple .....

there is a broad smile on the lips of Empress and Emperor... then showing courtesy she began to take her steps towards the ballroom where her grand daughter's birthday celebration is held....now on the bench there are only two persons who are sitting next to each other.. dressing in plain outfits. ... there's a faint satisfying smile on empress face.... emperor notice that and said....

seems like you are not going to skip your meals anymore.....(by putting his hand on her hand)

in astonishment, Empress asked him ...

...!?!??.How did you find out.?(by embracing him)

If I don't know... then who?

well, it's true..I won't be able to hide anything from you..... but it's a lie if I said I want to.

After that Emperor press his lips on her lightly...it's a soft but quite long kiss.....when she cannot take it anymore as his kisses became a little breathtaking in the middle...she push him on his chest which is wide open due to the button whose threads string held on the shirt nicely is somehow broken...so now her fingers are directly touching his chest while pushing..... it makes him intimated and how there is a hunger in his eyes as...they become more and more greedy...than empress said.... after taking a few deep breaths


huh ..huh...hu.....you make me breathless.....we....we can't....

in response, he asked.....why???

because it's not the right time and place...

At her straight statement.....he became a little silly but agreed as there are so many matters left, they both took their steps forward back to the palace.....

there is a grizzly sound of tree leaves.....

as everyone is unconscious cause they thought that, only this conversation held between the three of them but there is a fourth party who listens to every single word within them...it's a sparrow..... rather than calling it a real it's more like a toy or fake.... which is settled over the tree branch just above the bench position...and the One who has full control over it is ....our .... female lead ..... Tara....

Huff.... it takes a lot of energy to flee this bird-shaped toy .... but it's all worthy murmured to herself while smirking. (Tara)

It's better than that useless teddy.....I wonder what he is up to...as he back empty hand back then.... so I humiliated him a little... hmmm....ok..ok maybe I did it a bit too much.....hesitating for a while she accepted that she humiliated him so he became angry and take an oath that he will not come back until he won't find out all about the wicked Duchess...and her evil plan against his master....

hah... that fool... what is he doing it's already past one whole year.....I knew that my first magic with this weak body would be so..so like that....but still I got a piece of really useful information.....





Temple hmmm.... interesting...

As she is already in her room now..the party is still blooming. I am a kid so it's fine to just show my face for a while and then back to my chamber thanks to My maid thought that I am irritating and bought me back to my room....It's been a while since I am going to have a good sleep...

The next day every looking tired and in a daze because of yesterday's event...Tara is also tired because of her new bird slave..ah hh I mean toy..... it takes three whole months to fill it up with mana .. every single day she needs to pour her all mana over it...to just work for a while.....and it's the eight model remaining seven test model are already..... become trash...Tara was so vexed that she need to make this same thing (sparrow bird) eight times..at last, she wouldn't even bother to give it a name ....as it's an eight-test model so she called it .....

EIGHT. it's your name....Ok, sparrow... (Tara)

by patting his head with her small baby-like hand fingers.....

there is another soft toy she got from the empress..... it looks like a bunny with a black nose and red eyes...as she makes him alive by the same ritual as the previous one.....just by adding some dry coals....within the process.
