
Angels Among us: Bound by fate

In his Modern day life,Oliver Williams a south african archivist who worked as a dedicated archivist in a reowned museum abroad, meticulously cataloging artifacts, and preserving historical documents. Oliver was deeply passionate about history and finding Solace in the stories of the past, he studied history abroad and learned many things of the past After work he immersed himself in Tv anime, mangas and fantasy video games and novels particularly those featuring Fantastical worlds and ancient civilizations. His fascination with history and virtual adventures became a way to escape the mundane realities of modern life, allowing him to explore the realms of magic and mystery from the comfort of his own home. Oliver, returning home after a tiring day, ignored a warning about a strange weather, only to be struck by lightning. Upon awakening, he found himself in a fantasy world , Oliver had decided to become a full fledged hunter but unfortunately he was recognized as the most weakest hunter and he has been an F rank for a full year. Long ago a war between celestial beings and Chaoses led to the imprisonment of the fallen beings in Tartarus. However, they infiltrated the human realm to bring chaos and disorder. Humans learned the power of 'Atado,' allowing them to become Hunters who could absorb atmospheric energy to combat Chaos monsters. Oliver, discovering he's a chosen vessel for the Seraphim celestial being, embarks on a mission to find other celestial vessels and eliminate chaotic forces. The Celestial vessels, representing different angelic triads, aim to protect humanity from the destructive clash between celestial beings and Chaoses. Oliver, drawing on his past life as an archivist, seeks to fulfill his duties as a Hunter and bring about positive change.

Asay_Magadeni · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The appearance of the six winged Angel: part 3


Chapter 3

As the darkness began to close in on Oliver, a single thought pierced through the fog of his mind. The children! He had left them alone, vulnerable to the dangers of the forest. With a surge of adrenaline, he forced himself to his feet, ignoring the pain coursing through his body.

"I have to get back to them," he thought.

"I have to keep them safe." And with that thought as his guiding light, he began to run, stumbling through the undergrowth, his head spinning with each step. He had to reach the children, he had to keep them safe. They were counting on him.

Oliver ran and ran until he felt dizzy his vision was blur as he stumbled on the way and fell, Oliver lay on the ground, his vision swimming and his senses reeling. His entire body felt numb, his mind clouded by pain and fear. And then he heard the scraping of footsteps, and felt a rough hand grab him by the hair, lifting his head off the ground. He forced his eyes open, and through his blurred vision he saw a dark, shadowy figure looming over him. It was the Chaos, and it looked down at him with the weird mask with a shocked expression as it held Oliver's head it said to him

"Any last words?"it asked

"I won't gi-"

Not letting Oliver to finish speaking the chaos smashed Oliver's face on the ground.

"Lamest speech ever, hahaha!" the chaos started to let out a loud laugh

"Hmm, his still alive ?, how amazing I admire your endurance human" it starts to lift Oliver's damaged face,as it lifts Oliver's face it looked at him closely.

"Eh? A drop of energy!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" The chaos suddenly was angry and smashed Oliver's face on the ground again

"There is nothing I can gain from your soul, what a waste" the chaos stands up and lifts up Oliver with his both hands grabbing the upper cloth of Oliver and looking at Oliver straight in the eyes, Oliver's eyes barely opened as he had bruises on his face

"If you are going to consume his soul than do it quickly moron"the other chaos said watching from the distant

"Who are you calling a moron?you even tricked me you took the most delicious soul and gave me this scrap" , the other chaos was the one who consumed the soul of Sol and he was the strongest among the team hence why the chaos holding Oliver was complaining of consuming Sol's soul while he had to consume Oliver who had a very small amount of Atado energy, Chaoses are supernatural beings that can gain power by consuming the souls of hunters, the more powerful the hunter is the more power the chaos can gain by consuming their soul.

Suddenly Oliver felt a strange tingling sensation, as if something within him was waking up.

Suddenly, a burst of golden light erupted from his body, and the two Chaoses were struck with awe and terror. The aura around him had changed, and his body had become more muscular and powerful. A pair of golden wings sprouted from his back they were Golden energy formed as wings, and his eyes glowed like radiant suns The eyes have an otherworldly quality, seeming to reflect light like a mirror or a pool of water. They seemed to hold an infinite depth, as if they're windows into another world. The irises had flecks of color that resemble the stars in the night sky,the eyes have a sense of ethereal beauty and power, His voice now carried a commanding tone, and his words resonated with power.

"REMOVE YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF FROM THIS BODY , NOW." This new being in control of Oliver's body said these words with boldness and had a very commanding and intermedating tone the chaos quickly dashed away from him In fear.

The two Chaoses fell silent, their smug expressions replaced with shock and fear. They had not expected this young hunter to possess such power. As they stood there, frozen in disbelief, Oliver's body began to glow with a blinding radiance, and the ground beneath his feet began to crack and shake.

"Who do you think you are " he said, his voice echoing throughout the forest.

"You shall not touch any other innocent soul " The two Chaoses looked at each other, panic-stricken, and began to back away slowly.

"T..t..that aura, I've felt it before... a thousand years ago he must be a celestial being! But how!? Why now!?" The chaos thought to itself as it was dipped in confusion and fear

"Judging from that fiercely energy radiating from him ,his a seraphim, out of all celestial beings why a seraphim! Why Is he on this realm? He should be in the celestial king's throne the fact that his here we are good as dead" the other chaos thought to itself looking at him with fear

The two Chaoses trembled before the celestial being, their fear palpable in the air. One of them mustered up the courage to speak, pleading for mercy in a trembling voice.

"P.. please spare us, do not send us back to the realm of Tartarus"

But the celestial being simply gazed at them with a look of cold detachment, as if they were mere insects beneath its feet. The Chaoses fell silent, their faces pale with terror. A heavy silence filled the air, broken only by the sound of the celestial being's wings flapping slowly, rhythmically. It was clear that their fate was sealed, and there was nothing they could do to change it.

As the celestial being stared at the Chaoses, a shiver of fear ran through their bodies. But even in their fear, they couldn't help but contemplate a way out. They tried to think of a strategy, a way to inflict damage on the celestial being and perhaps escape with their lives.

"I'm not just going to accept my fate, he may be powerful but his still in a humans body meaning his not at his full strength I'll just leave a curse mark* weakening him after I'll use my territorial technique gaining absolute territory in the surrounding area he will not have a chance of victory even if he his a seraphim"

[A/N: curse mark- they are one of the forbidden techniques and they mostly looks like small magic circle, their purpose is to drain the energy of the target]

The Chaoses' hands burrowed into the earth like roots, extending toward the celestial being with incredible speed. As the hands closed around the being's ankles, it tried to pull away, but the hands held fast. With a grin, the Chaoses shouted

"I got you now!"

and charged forward. But as it lunged, the celestial being suddenly disappeared, reappearing high above. With a thunderous crash, the celestial being landed on the Chaoses' head, driving its face into the ground. The impact reverberated through the forest, and the Chaoses' head left a deep crater in the earth, resulting in a Instant kill.

The dust settled, revealing the celestial being standing over the crater where the Chaoses' head had been. Its body was glowing with a white light that seemed to burn with a holy intensity. The other Chaoses looked on in shock and fear, its eyes wide with terror. The celestial being's voice rang out, like the sound of a thousand trumpets,


The words echoed through the forest, and the Chaoses knew that it was its turn to face the wrath of the celestial being,The Chaoses' body that was smashed on the ground began to shimmer and blur, like a reflection in water. The air around it seemed to ripple and distort, as if the very fabric of reality was being affected by its disintegration. The creature's form began to shrink, its edges growing fuzzy and indistinct. Finally, with a last wisp of smoke, the Chaos was gone, leaving only a pile of ash and dust in its place. The celestial being turned to face the remaining Chaos, its gaze burning with the fires of justice.

"Damn that idiot, he was a fool to go straight charging at Seraph plus his strength is equal to the strength of the 7 legion lords of Tartarus*, there is only 0% chances of me winning, the only way is to ESCAPE!"

[A/N * you'll eventually know more about them as you read the series :) ]

The chaos grew a pair of dark wings on its back as it swiftly escaped running away from the celestial being, the Chaos was filled with a sense of euphoria as it fled from the celestial being, its wings propelling it forward as it soared through the trees. It felt a surge of hope, a glimmer of light in the darkness. But then, in an instant, its vision went black. The next thing it knew, its head was in the hands of the celestial being. The Chaoses' eyes widened in terror as it realized that it was back where it had started, trapped once again. It tried to fly away, but its body was weak and its wings faltered, the body fell on the ground headless,the Chaoses's head was in the hands of the celestial being.

"H..h..how is this possible!?" The Chaos thought to itself

"Tell your master on the way back home I'll be visiting soon" the celestial being said with a fierce voice, the Chaos head along side it's body started to vanish like the other chaos

"May all the tormented souls to be set free from the captivity of the evil chaos, may your souls find eternal peace."

The celestial being's words were like a whisper on the wind, gently carrying the souls of those the Chaoses had consumed to their final resting place. The small wisps of energy that drifted up into the sky were like a trail of breadcrumbs, leading the way to peace. As the Chaoses' consciousness faded, it was aware of a lightness in its being, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from its shoulders. The last thing it saw was the celestial being's serene face, bathed in the light of the setting sun. And then, all was quiet.

The celestial being's words faded, and as the last wisps of light disappeared into the air, Oliver's own appearance began to fade into view, Oliver's features became clear, no longer hidden behind the celestial being's form. As the light vanished, so did the strength that had been sustaining Oliver and the power within him had taken a lot from him as his body was weak. He crumpled to the ground, his eyes rolling back in his head as he succumbed to exhaustion, He could hear voices of people, muffled and distant, as if he were underwater he was assured that it were hunters that he had called for help earlier as they came closer he had already fallen unconscious.


"Hmmm...what happened to me? Am I still alive? I only remember when the chaos was about to kill me and everything went blurry" Oliver thought to himself as it was still dark his eyes was still closed, after he slightly opens his eyes as he felt water in his back because he was laying down on his back

Oliver opened his eyes and stood on his feet.

"Wait, WHAT IS THIS!??"Oliver was amazed by the scenery of his surroundings and the atmosphere of the place he was at.

He stood on the water's surface, which was still and calm as far as the eye could see. The sky was the deepest blue, unmarred by a single cloud. In the distance, rolling hills and mountains rose up into the sky, their peaks shrouded in a soft, white mist. A gentle wind blew through the air, carrying the sweet scent of wildflowers. Above him, white birds circled in the sky, their wings shining like silver in the sun. Everything about this place was serene and beautiful, untouched by the chaos and turmoil of the outside world. And in the midst of it all,

The seraphim angel stood tall, its six majestic wings unfurled behind it. The angel's eyes were a deep gold, full of wisdom and compassion. Its white robes were radiant, as if they were made of pure light. and its gaze was fixed on Oliver. The angel's presence was soothing and calming, and Oliver felt at peace in its presence.

The celestial being's voice was calm and reassuring, and Oliver felt a sense of peace wash over him. He gazed around, taking in the beauty of the place he found himself in. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before - a place of serenity and wonder.

"Where is this place, am I perhaps died?" Oliver had asked out of curiosity, the last thing he remembered was being held by the chaos and he suddenly blacked out

"You are still alive but unconscious ,this place is the nature of my territorial technique inside your conciousness." The celestial being replied

"A territorial technique?" Asked Oliver as those words left him in confusion

"I'll explain that some other time,to introduce myself i am the one who is referred to as Seraph I'm Known to what is called a Celestial being" the celestial being said [SERAPH, 1ST TRIAD SERAPHIM]