
Angels Among us: Bound by fate

In his Modern day life,Oliver Williams a south african archivist who worked as a dedicated archivist in a reowned museum abroad, meticulously cataloging artifacts, and preserving historical documents. Oliver was deeply passionate about history and finding Solace in the stories of the past, he studied history abroad and learned many things of the past After work he immersed himself in Tv anime, mangas and fantasy video games and novels particularly those featuring Fantastical worlds and ancient civilizations. His fascination with history and virtual adventures became a way to escape the mundane realities of modern life, allowing him to explore the realms of magic and mystery from the comfort of his own home. Oliver, returning home after a tiring day, ignored a warning about a strange weather, only to be struck by lightning. Upon awakening, he found himself in a fantasy world , Oliver had decided to become a full fledged hunter but unfortunately he was recognized as the most weakest hunter and he has been an F rank for a full year. Long ago a war between celestial beings and Chaoses led to the imprisonment of the fallen beings in Tartarus. However, they infiltrated the human realm to bring chaos and disorder. Humans learned the power of 'Atado,' allowing them to become Hunters who could absorb atmospheric energy to combat Chaos monsters. Oliver, discovering he's a chosen vessel for the Seraphim celestial being, embarks on a mission to find other celestial vessels and eliminate chaotic forces. The Celestial vessels, representing different angelic triads, aim to protect humanity from the destructive clash between celestial beings and Chaoses. Oliver, drawing on his past life as an archivist, seeks to fulfill his duties as a Hunter and bring about positive change.

Asay_Magadeni · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Appearance of the six winged Angel: Part 2


Chapter 2

As the group of travelers approached the Sunvale village, they were met with a scene of devastation. The once-bustling town was now eerily quiet, and the once-verdant landscape was now littered with broken trees and other signs of destruction. The houses were abandoned, their windows dark and their doors left ajar. The only signs of life were the occasional fluttering of birds and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

As Sol looked upon the village he had once visited, he felt a wave of sorrow and anger wash over him. He had fond memories of his time in Sunvale, and to see it reduced to this was heartbreaking. He clenched his jaw, his grip on his sword tightening.

"I won't let this stand," he growled, his eyes flashing with determination.

"We will help these people, and we will avenge those who have been lost." The woman nodded, and the rest of the group readied themselves for battle. They would do whatever it took to protect the innocent and bring justice to those who had harmed them.

Then, from the corner of their eye, they caught sight of something moving. They drew their weapons and followed the movement to its source, where they found a group of children trapped

in a large net, surrounded by a number of snarling kobolds. The children were crying and screaming, their eyes filled with fear. Without hesitation, the woman with the bow took aim from both of the arrows , appeared blue energy and sparks of lightning appeared

"Thunder Atado : rushing thunder"

After uttering those words she swiftly fired the arrows they suddenly changed form as they turned to bolts of lightning and successfully shot two kobolds and instantly Killing them taking out two of the kobolds in quick succession. Sol rushed forward, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he cut through the net, freeing the children. They clung to each other, sobbing and trembling, as the kobolds continued to circle the group menacingly. "We have to get out of here," Sol said, his voice calm but firm.

Garrett unsheathed his sword, its blade glinting in the moonlight. The woman, her bow at the ready, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, her senses attuned to the slightest movement, they both attacked the remaining kobolds in that area and successfully killing them with ease. Sol had given the children words of comfort reassuring their safety and that they were in good hands. Sol started to pick negative energy nearby and suspected the other remaining kobolds are nearby and asked Oliver to stay behind and guard the children as for the others to follow him to the direction of the remaining kobolds As Sol gave his orders, the group set off in the direction where he sensed the negative energy at, the sound of the kobolds' snarling and growling growing louder with each step.

Oliver remained behind, standing guard over the children, his eyes alert and his stance firm. As the group neared the source of the sound, the air around them began to feel charged with energy, as if something was about to happen.

The group rounded a corner and came upon a grisly sight. A group of kobolds, their faces contorted with rage, were attacking a group of villagers who were trying to defend themselves. The villagers were clearly losing the battle, their weapons and bodies bloodied. Sol's eyes narrowed, and he let out a battle cry as he charged forward, his sword raised high. The woman and Garrett were right behind him, their faces set with determination. The kobolds turned to face them, but it was too late. The three of them fought with skill and ferocity, decimating the kobold forces. The villagers, seeing their saviors, let out a cheer, their spirits renewed. With the battle won, Sol and the others turned their attention to the wounded, doing what they could to help. The children, who had been hiding nearby, emerged from their hiding place, their eyes wide with wonder and relief.

Oliver, who had stayed behind to protect them, Reassured them of their safety

"By now I'm sure all of my team is fighting against those ugly monsters after they are done everyone will be saved" said Oliver to the children

"By now they should be on their way to tell me the mission is complete, Not to mention Sol is a B rank hunter and his closer to become a A rank in just a couple of days , Atleast that's what he said on our way here, the women is C rank and Garrett is a B rank so there is nothing to worry about" he thought to himself.

(20 minutes later)

As the minutes ticked by, Oliver could feel his concern and worry growing. The children, though safe for the moment, were still afraid and shaken from the ordeal. They clung to each other, their eyes darting to the shadows, expecting the worst. Oliver tried to reassure them, telling them stories of brave heroes who had faced down much worse. But even as he spoke, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He paced the perimeter of their makeshift shelter, his eyes scanning the trees, searching for any sign of danger.

"SOMETHING IS DEFINITELY WRONG!" he thought to himself as he was starting to really get worried he was afraid to leave the children , something was wrong at the same time he wanted to avoid them from panicking and do something out of the ordinary. He scanned the area and seeing no sign of monster

"I'm thinking to leave the children here for a few minutes and check what's the hold up.As the memory of his past life washed over him, Oliver felt a sudden flash of insight. He remembered Kevin's words about kobolds;

[South Africa;Capetown]

"lameee are we talking about weak monsters again can we talk about different types of dragons found in ancient mythology or things like corpse eaters-" As Oliver was still speaking Kevin interrupted him as he was talking

"Don't be ignorant dude we have got to have knowledge about the lower ones first"

"Still lame"he replied as he was hyped to talk about powerful monsters

Kevin sat scrolling through a book,immersed in a book on mythology. The pages were filled with tales of creatures from all around the world, from ancient Greece to medieval Europe. He was just getting to the section on kobolds when he felt a chill run down his spine. The description of the creatures was chilling

"Check this out it says,Kobolds, in mythology, are known for being mischievous creatures. They are often depicted as small, rat-like creatures who love to cause trouble and stir up chaos. It is said that they enjoy stealing from humans, and their favorite targets are villages, where they can find plenty of treasure and trinkets to steal..."


"That's right, i'm positive all of the kobolds are gathered in one place taking the villages treasures kobolds always work in groups, this area is safe from monsters, I just need to quickly check upon the others but guarding the children is part of my mission" Oliver thought to himself thinking what he should do next

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, Oliver quickly came to a decision. He couldn't just leave the children here, defenseless and alone. But he also knew that something had gone wrong with the others, and that they might need his help. Turning to the children, he spoke in a calm but firm voice.

"Listen to me," he said.

"I have to go and help the others, but I need you to stay here and stay safe. Don't leave this spot, no matter what. Can you do that?" The children nodded, their eyes wide and filled with fear. Oliver gave them a reassuring words to motivate the kids

Oliver carefully reached into the small pouch he carried with him, where he kept his writing supplies. He took out a piece of parchment, his hands shaking a little, and dipped his quill into the ink. He took a deep breath to steady himself, and then began to write. "Help. Sunvale village." The words seemed to blur before his eyes, and he wiped the sweat from his brow. He gave the message one last look, then sealed it in an envelope and tied it to the leg of his messenger hawk. The bird flapped its wings and rose into the air, flying off into the distance.

"Now that is done, skilled hunters will show up soon in case things get bloody, better be safe than sorry"said Oliver as he looked at his messenger hawk flying off he then sprints off in the direction the others had gone.

He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to keep his mind focused on the task at hand, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread building inside him. What if the others were hurt? What if they were in danger? As he ran, the trees around him seemed to close in, the shadows growing deeper and darker. He pushed on, determined to find his companions and make sure they were safe. Finally, he reached a clearing, and what he saw there made his blood run cold.

It was bloody on the ground were Bodies of dead kobolds,villagers and his team members,Oliver felt his heart sink as he approached the scene. It was as if time had slowed down, and he could only take in the horror of what lay before him in slow motion. Bodies were strewn about the ground, their limbs twisted in unnatural ways, their eyes frozen in expressions of terror. Blood pooled around them, forming a gruesome tableau that seemed straight out of a nightmare. As he took in the scene, he heard a low, sinister chuckle coming from behind him. He turned, his heart in his throat, and saw two figures standing there, their silhouettes dark and imposing against the forest backdrop.

Those two dark shadowy figures were beings known as Chaoses they were Grade 3 level chaos spirits,to explain their appearance the chaos spirits are truly an unsettling sight to behold. They have shadowy bodies that constantly shift and morph, making it difficult to get a clear look at them. Their limbs and features are distorted and disproportionate, and they often have multiple arms or eyes. The face masks they wear are also nightmarish, with twisted expressions and jagged edges. As they move, their bodies let off a dark mist that billows around them, adding to their mysterious and sinister appearance.

The two shadowy figures were two Chaoses's one with a mask that has a shocked expression and the other with a mask that has a wide smile expression, to quickly explain the hierarchy or the ranking of the Chaoses ,there are 6 grades of chaoses from grade 0-5 (Grade 5-weak ,4-Normal,3-Strong/Difficult,2-very strong,1-Extreme,0-legendary) these grades are catagorised in tiers





Oliver's eyes widened in horror as he saw one of the Chaoses holding Sol, his friend , in a vice-like grip. Sol's face was contorted in pain, his eyes filled with tears. His body was covered in blood, and it was clear that he had been fighting for his life. The Chaos hissed and growled, its claws digging into Sol's skin. Oliver could hear Sol's labored breathing, and his heart sank.

"Run, Oliver!" Sol rasped out, his voice barely audible. "Prove them wrong. Prove that you're not weak."

Oliver stood frozen for a moment, unable to believe what he was seeing. But then, he felt a surge of energy course through his body, a fire burning in his chest. Sol's words had ignited something within him, something powerful and unyielding. He would not let his friend down. He would not let the Chaoses win.

Though seeing his friend dying slowly made his heart broken as if a sharpened edge sword had pierced through his heart, tears of agony and sadness overwhelmed Oliver's eyes

"SOLLLLL!!!" Oliver was devastated as Sol looked at Oliver with a smile despite the pain and agony he was in, the chaos would suddenly absorb his soul.

The moment the Chaos drew Sol's soul into its body, something strange began to happen. Sol's body started to age at an accelerated rate, as if he was being fast-forwarded through the years of his life. His skin began to sag and wrinkle, his hair turned grey, and his limbs withered away to nothing. Within moments, he was little more than a husk, a shadow of the man he had once been. As his body crumbled to dust, Oliver's heart felt as if it had been pierced with a thousand daggers. He had lost his friend the fact that he was looking forward to hunt monsters together made the pain even worse. His mind drifted to the time when they were coming to the village he remembered Sol's words;

"But I'm not bringing Oliver along out of naivety. I know he's an F rank, but I see something in him. Something that tells me he'll rise to the occasion, that he'll overcome his weakness and become a skilled and capable hunter. Just give him a chance, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

" I won't fail you ,Sol , I promise " tears overwhelmed his eyes As he intensely glares at the chaos with anger.

The Chaos stood over the decayed body of Sol, its crimson eyes glowing with malicious glee. "This soul was delicious," it rumbled, its deep voice reverberating through the forest.

"It was well worth the effort of killing him." Said the chaos, Oliver's eyes widened in shock and anger.

How could the monster speak so callously about his friend's death?

In a blind rage, he rushed forward, intent on making the creature pay for its actions. But as he closed in, a second hand emerged from the Chaos's stomach, striking him in the chest with a resounding thud.

Oliver flew backward, crashing into a nearby tree with a sickening crack. He fell to the ground, gasping for breath, his vision blurring. His head was spinning, and he could feel his body aching from the impact. He tried to push himself to his feet, but his limbs felt like lead. With a groan, he collapsed back to the ground, barely able to keep his eyes open. He could hear the Chaos laughing, its voice taunting him. But he was too weak to fight back, and his vision began to darken. Was this the end? Had he failed Sol, and his team members?

To be continued..