
Angels Among us: Bound by fate

In his Modern day life,Oliver Williams a south african archivist who worked as a dedicated archivist in a reowned museum abroad, meticulously cataloging artifacts, and preserving historical documents. Oliver was deeply passionate about history and finding Solace in the stories of the past, he studied history abroad and learned many things of the past After work he immersed himself in Tv anime, mangas and fantasy video games and novels particularly those featuring Fantastical worlds and ancient civilizations. His fascination with history and virtual adventures became a way to escape the mundane realities of modern life, allowing him to explore the realms of magic and mystery from the comfort of his own home. Oliver, returning home after a tiring day, ignored a warning about a strange weather, only to be struck by lightning. Upon awakening, he found himself in a fantasy world , Oliver had decided to become a full fledged hunter but unfortunately he was recognized as the most weakest hunter and he has been an F rank for a full year. Long ago a war between celestial beings and Chaoses led to the imprisonment of the fallen beings in Tartarus. However, they infiltrated the human realm to bring chaos and disorder. Humans learned the power of 'Atado,' allowing them to become Hunters who could absorb atmospheric energy to combat Chaos monsters. Oliver, discovering he's a chosen vessel for the Seraphim celestial being, embarks on a mission to find other celestial vessels and eliminate chaotic forces. The Celestial vessels, representing different angelic triads, aim to protect humanity from the destructive clash between celestial beings and Chaoses. Oliver, drawing on his past life as an archivist, seeks to fulfill his duties as a Hunter and bring about positive change.

Asay_Magadeni · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Celestial vessels


Chapter 4

(Prev)"I'll explain that some other time,to introduce myself i am the one who is referred to as Seraph I'm Known to what is called a Celestial being" the celestial being said [SERAPH, 1ST TRIAD SERAPHIM]

To quickly explain the subject of Triads, Angelic Triad refers to a specific ranking or group of angels and it is also known as the Angelic hierarchy.

There are said to be nine choirs, or triads, of angels;

THE FIRST TRIAD is the seraphim, the cherubim, and the thrones these groups of angels are said to be contemplate and adore the Celestial King directly.

THE SECOND TRIAD is the dominions, the virtues, and the powers their purpose is to fulfill the Celestial King's plan in the Universe.

And THE THIRD TRIAD is the principalities, the archangels, and the angels, they interact and serve Humans closely . Each triad has a different role and function, and they all work together to fulfill the Celestial King's plan.

The seraphim are considered as the highest order of angels, above even the cherubim and thrones. They are sometimes described as having six wings, representing their great speed and power. They are associated with purity, holiness, and the Celestial King's divine light. They are often depicted as guardians of the divine throne, protecting the Celestial King's glory from any who would seek to harm it.

The sight before Oliver was one that he had never imagined possible. Before him stood a seraphim, one of the highest-ranking celestial beings. Seraphim were known to be in the presence of the Celestial King, never to leave their sacred realm. And yet, here one stood before him, its six wings glimmering in the light. Oliver felt a sense of awe and wonder, mixed with disbelief. (The seraphim was in his humanoid form not his true form)

The seraphim's gaze was gentle, its voice soft and soothing as it spoke. "Do not be afraid, child of earth. You have been brought here for a purpose." The words were reassuring, but they only left Oliver with more questions than answers.

"Me? Chosen?" He wondered why he had been chosen, what his purpose could be, and what this all meant for him.

But before he could voice any of these questions, the seraphim continued, "You have been chosen for a task that will test your courage and your strength. It will requires you to face your fears and to overcome your doubts. But if you are successful, you will be rewarded with a gift beyond measure."

The seraphim's words were both daunting and exciting, and Oliver felt a sense of anticipation rising within him.

What would he be asked to do? What did the seraphim mean by a "gift beyond measure"? The questions swirled in his mind.

The celestial being's eyes bore into Oliver's, as if they could see through to the deepest recesses of his soul,

"I know you have all of these questions swirling inside your thoughts and I have answers to them but before that I want to explain something to you" The celestial being added as Oliver listened attentively.

"Long ago, before the creation of the world as we know it, there was a great war in the celestial realms. The conflict began when a faction of celestial beings, led by a powerful being known as the Dark Lord , these groups of celestial beings led by the Dark Lord are the fallen they are now Known as Chaoses, sought to overthrow the established order and seize power for themselves. This rebellion was fueled by the Dark Lord's desire for more power, he was the most powerful celestial being that existed but the desire for more power led to his downfall, due to this the Alkelid energy came into existence a power that is the complete opposite of Atado, they lost the war and were sent to Tartarus this was because they are immortal and they cannot be destroyed just like us Celestial beings that was the only way to punish them ,the celestial realms dealt with a great number of damages due to the battle but the Celestial King was able to reconstruct it and even made modifications, by telling you all that I wanted that part to be clear and to explain about the 'Celestial vessels'

The celestial being's words were like a thunderbolt to Oliver, and he could barely contain his excitement as the being began to explain.

"Celestial vessels are rare and powerful beings, chosen by the divine for a special purpose. They are blessed with great abilities, and have the power to shape the world around them. They are few in number, but their impact is felt across the cosmos. These are the ones who can truly change the course of history, for good or ill."

"To explain further about this subject, Celestial vessels are certain human individuals that are bestowed with the power of the celestial beings and carefully hand picked by the Celestial beings , and certain celestial beings from different triads gather and discuss who will they give their abilities too. Celestial beings choose for themselves which individual they will bestow their power but those celestial beings are chosen by the celestial king himself they are approximately 4 human vessels who are chosen by 4 different celestial beings, from the celestial beings two are from the first triad including myself and a Throne , from the second triad a Power and the other from the third triad a Arch angel. The Reason for this Intervening in the order of creation can have huge consequences and it can cause even more disorder,do you know why I told you the damages caused by the war?....battling against powerful chaos forces now will have a huge impact on your world though our intentions is to help humanity fight against Chaoses instead of us fighting the celestial vessels are the key in defeating the 7 legion lords of Tartarus alongside their forces of evil and a celestial being manifesting in a humans body is another phenomenon that comes with being a celestial vessel."

Oliver could feel his heart racing as he listened, eager to learn more about these mysterious and powerful beings.

Oliver was amazed by the information given by the Celestial being as he asked, "why?..why are you telling me all this?"

As the celestial being turned to face Oliver, a small smile graced his features. "You ask me why I have chosen to share these secrets with you, young one," he began, "and I shall answer you honestly, I have came all the way here from the divine throne to adresss you that you have been chosen not only to become a celestial vessel but also to be a leader among the celestial vessels ,I Seraph have chosen you for a reason, Oliver" he added.

Oliver was in shock to hear those kind of words as he said;

"I'm deeply humbled that you have chosen me but I'm an unworthy being a mere weak F rank hunter I have no skill or talent i-"

the celestial being raised a hand to silence him. "You misunderstand, young one,"

the celestial being said. "I have not chosen you because you are Weak among the hunters nor your lack of talent. I have chosen you because you have the ability to see beyond what others can see. You have the potential to do what no one else can, and to make a difference in the world. It is not your strength nor weakness that I value, but your spirit and your determination. Your weakness is not a flaw, but an opportunity for you to grow and to learn."

After hearing those words Oliver was deeply grateful as he was chosen dispute how weak he was he showed his gratitude to the celestial being and said,

" I will not disappoint you and I will do whatever I can to fight until my last breath", Oliver said to the celestial being

As he let a bow showing his gratitude and respect.

"I know that you will do everything in your power to succeed, young one," the celestial being said, placing a hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"But I must also warn you of the dangers that lie ahead. The path you have chosen is not an easy one, and there will be those who seek to stop you. There will be trials and tribulations, but I have faith that you can overcome them. You are strong and brave, and with my guidance and support, you will become even stronger" he said

"The other things I will explain to you later , there are other individuals like you Oliver you will have to find their locations. after gathering all 3 other remaining vessels create a guild squad but before all that, you have to train more harder, after you wake up you will eventually meet a retired hunter an old man who goes by the name Edwin Wright, you will have to ask for his mentorship he will help you in your development he will train you for a period of six months until you are ready we shall meet again, young one"

After the celestial being spoke , Oliver's vision blurred as he blacked out


Slowly, the world came back into focus. Oliver's senses were overwhelmed by the bright lights and the sound of voices. He struggled to sit up, but his body felt weak and lethargic. He saw several figures standing over him, their faces a blur. One of them was speaking, but he could barely make out the words. "It's okay, you're safe," they said in a soothing voice. Oliver blinked several times, trying to clear his vision. Gradually, the faces came into focus, revealing a group of people they were healers , looking down at him with concern.

"W..where am I?" Oliver asked in confusion.

"You are at the infirmary , though there is something odd when I was checking your injuries I couldn't see any damages to your insides and I checked your body and it is fine as well but you were unconscious for 3 days, unfortunately all of your comrades were killed alongside the villagers you are the survivor among your comrades" One of the healers replied

The healer's words were like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, Oliver couldn't breathe. He remembered the events leading up to his collapse, the battle in the village and the creatures that had attacked. He remembered fighting desperately to protect the children, but he couldn't remember what had happened after that (he didn't remember anything after the celestial being took over) . The healer's words confirmed his worst fears, that he had been the only one to survive, and that the village had been destroyed. He felt a wave of grief and guilt wash over him, and he struggled to keep his composure.

"The children... are they safe?" he asked.

The healer nodded, and Oliver felt a rush of relief.

"They were taken to a nearby town, where they will be cared for," the healer said.

"You did well, Oliver. You saved their lives." Oliver didn't feel like he had done anything well, but he said nothing, not wanting to argue with the healer.

"Do you remember anything else, before you collapsed?" the healer asked.

"Well.. I can't tell them about what Seraph told me I'll keep that as a secret" Oliver thought to himself as he tried to think about what happened in the village.

Suddenly, a flash of memory struck him, of two shadowy figures with weird face masks , standing among the shadows.

"I remember two Chaoses they were intermediate tier's both Grade 3 Chaoses they were the one...w..who killed everyone" Anger and grief welled up inside Oliver as he spoke of the Chaoses's terrible power, the people it had killed, and the village it had destroyed. Sol had been his closest friend, and the thought of what he had suffered was almost too much to bear. But the rage he felt also gave him strength, a resolve to find the chaos and make it pay for what it had done. He clenched his fist, and for a moment, he imagined himself facing the chaos in battle, and defeating it.

"It's clear that hunter Oliver fought in battle and took damage and he is even an F rank but how did his body heal? Does he have hidden abilities? Does he really have an F rank's abilities?" The healer had thought to himself asking himself about how his body healed itself.

"Well, I see no reason to keep you in the infirmary as I've already examined you , you have no internal injuries and your physical condition is fine as well , I'll send the report to the higher ups , Oliver you are free to go" the healer said

"Seraph spoke about meeting a retired hunter but he didn't mention where I will find him , that makes things kinda hard" Oliver thought to himself.


Oliver arrived at the stables, the dirt and straw crunching under his boots. The horses whinnied and stomped their hooves in greeting, and he nodded to them as he walked past their stalls. The smell of hay and sweat hung in the air, and the wooden beams creaked as he climbed the stairs to his room. It was small and sparsely furnished, with a cot, a rickety desk, and a small window that let in a sliver of light. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He knew he needed to train, to become stronger, but he didn't know where to start.

He looked around the room, at the sparse furnishings and the muddy boots by the door, and felt despair welling up inside him. He sat down on the edge of the cot and put his head in his hands. After a moment, he heard the sound of hoofbeats outside the window, and he looked up. There, in the fading light of the evening, he saw a horse and rider, galloping across the fields. The rider was dressed in armor, and their cloak billowed behind them in the wind.

"Charlie , he was once an F rank like me and managed to surpass me, look at him now he must be close to being a B rank by now, this world is unfair, how can I surpass my limits?" He thought to himself as he watched the rider dressed in armor practicing his sword skills.

"I'm tired of being looked down on , I don't accept being an ordinary hunter , another person adding to the number of hunters" he thought to himself.

Oliver's mind was a whirl of thoughts and memories, and he felt like he was struggling to make sense of them. He remembered his past life, when he had known how to do simple things like push-ups and sit-ups. Maybe, he thought, he could start there. He would start with the most basic of exercises, and build from there. He knew it would be a long and difficult journey, but he had to try. He turned and walked back into the stables, finding a small patch of floor where he could lay down a blanket.

He knelt on the blanket, his hands planted firmly on the ground. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to do push-ups.

"One, two, three, four... " he counted in his head, focusing on his breathing.

He felt the muscles in his arms and shoulders start to burn, but he kept going.

"Five, six, seven, eight..." He began to lose count, but he kept pushing himself, determined to complete the set. Finally, he felt his arms shaking, and he collapsed to the floor, panting. He lay there for a moment, then forced himself to sit up and Slowly stood up.

His body ached, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. He knew it was only the beginning, but it was a start. He walked to the small water trough, scooped up some water, and splashed it on his face. The cold water felt refreshing, and he took another deep breath. He would need to be patient and persistent, he thought, if he wanted to become stronger. And so, he began again, repeating the push-ups and adding sit-ups, lunges, and other simple exercises.

(1 Month later)

(One month later after he had decided to do physical exercises) Day after day, Oliver would wake up early and go through his physical exercises, pushing himself to the limit. In the afternoons, he would go to the Hunters' Association and take on the lowest-level quests, helping with simple jobs like repairing fences, clearing brush, and caring for animals. He was often treated with condescension or disdain by the other hunters, but he ignored them and focused on his work. He saved up the money he earned, just enough to pay for his room at the stables and his food,

"I've made about 200 Auric's Mark in just 7 days ,this should be enough to pay for the room and food" at the time he was at the Stable in his room counting the money he had earned from the low level quest.

But he knew that if he wanted to become a better hunter, he needed more.

(Explaining about the currency I had created), Auric's Coin- lowest denominations for basic transactions

Auric's Marks are the middle denominations for larger transactions (house rentals, buying horse carriage,fine dresses, plot of land)

Auric's Crest are the highest denominations for the largest transactions (buying something more luxurious)

1000 Auric's Coin= 1 Auric's Mark

1000 Auric's mark= 1 Auric's crest

(A/N I know they might be dumb names but it's the best I could come up with)


"I thought I would have a celestial beings abilities by now, but seraph told me he would return and he went away probably I gain those abilities when he is inside me...we shall see when the time goes by for now I'll continue with my physical exercises" he thought to himself,it was when he just completed a low level quest he was on his way to the Stable and this thought just came to him.

[8AM in the morning]

One day Oliver had been running his regular morning route, enjoying the solitude and the early morning sun. His legs were burning and he was sweating, but he pushed himself to keep going. As he ran past the stables, he noticed an old man working nearby. The man was bent over, weeding a vegetable patch, and he paused to wipe the sweat from his brow. Suddenly, he looked up and saw Oliver, who was now running past him.

"Hey, you there!" the farmer (an old man)called out, and Oliver stopped, turning to look at him.

"What is it?" he asked, his breath coming in gasps.

"I could use some help loading these supplies onto the cart," the farmer said

gesturing to a pile of crates and sacks nearby.

"You seem strong enough to lend a hand. Are you up for it?" Oliver nodded, happy to have something to do that wasn't just more exercises. He walked over and began lifting the crates, stacking them carefully on the cart.

The farmer watched him for a moment, then said, "You're not from around here, are you?"

"Not really, though the place I stay at isn't that far from here, I live by the stables by that side," he said pointing at the direction of the stable yard

"Are you a hunter by chance " the old man asked him out of curiosity

"Y..yes I am," he replied, he was a bit hesitant to tell him because he was a F rank hunter and he was afraid to be mocked again

"Living in a stable, that's rough," the farmer said, as they walked along

"It's not the kind of life a person should have to live. But I admire your determination to make something of yourself." Oliver nodded, feeling a little embarrassed but also glad that the farmer seemed to understand.

"I know it's not an easy path," he said.

"But I have to try. I have to do something with my life." He replied

"I hear you," the farmer said. "But I'm curious. If you're an F-rank hunter, why aren't you training with the guild?"

"I tried my best to join other guild squads unfortunately I was rejected and my former guild squad members were all killed in a mission I was the only survivor hence why I'm working as a solo hunter" as he tells the farmer about this he felt really bad but he managed to keep all of those emotions in place and he held himself speaking normally to the farmer as if these things did not happen.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," the farmer said.

"It must have been hard, to lose your squad like that. I can understand why you might feel reluctant to join another guild, after what you've been through. But I think it's worth trying again. There are good people in the guild, people who will be there for you, no matter what. And they can help you become the hunter you want to be." Oliver hesitated, but he could feel the sincerity in the farmer's words.

A thought flashed on Oliver's mind about the instructions of the Celestial being, seraph, he had told him that he should create his own guild squad in due time , so he looked down and didn't reply to the farmer.

"Oh right...I completely forgot about that, seraph told me I would create my own guild squad after sometime" he thought.

"Look , I understand how you feel due to the things you have been through, tell you what, I once was a hunter back in my days I once was a guild master an A rank on top of that" the farmer said trying to cheer up Oliver

"Really?" He asked as his eyes widened in disbelief

"Yes I was the best in my time hehehe, back then we used to slay some powerful monsters and Chaoses thinking about it makes me want to be young again , and I'm willing to provide you with guidance and support , but I will only help you only if you are willing put in the effort" the farmer said

Oliver considered this offer. It was a big decision, to commit to training with the retired hunter. But he knew it was the right one.

"I'm willing to try," he said, meeting the farmer's gaze.

"I'm willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to become a better hunter." The farmer smiled, and Oliver could see the pride in his eyes.

"What is your name , young led" the farmer asked

"My name is Oliver Williams" he said

"It's nice to meet you Oliver my name is Edwin Wright"

"EDWIN WRIGHT!" He thought to himself as he was shocked and had that name before

Then he suddenly remembered what Seraph had said to him:

"....you have to train more harder, after you wake up you will eventually meet a retired hunter an old man who goes by the name Edwin Wright, you will have to ask for his mentorship he will help you in your development he will train you for a period of six months until you are ready we shall meet again, young one"