
Angel of Death Named Moriarty

Ravana Moriarty, also known as Raven, came from a background of crime. The Moriarty name is the balance of bad to make good. This life only brings death, by inflicting fear and controlling all of the criminal undergrounds. This life was not only dangerous, but that world was something Raven never wanted to experience. Raven escapes her life by moving to Los Angeles and creates a new life as a Detective and Therapist in the LAPD. Her well-known knowledge of every criminal background gives her the advantage in every case, but once an obsessive, sexual, and handsome Devil, Lucifer Morningstar, breaks every rule to be your partner. Created the key to doors to a reality Raven knew was impossible. Raven is a logical character that doesn't understand the isolated Devil's mannerisms and only wants revenge by destroying her family name. Lucifer wants Raven to believe the truth and prove himself worthy of Raven's hand. Will the past cloud Raven's future and destroy the peace she worked so hard to achieve? Or will Lucifer show Raven what she is missing to live her life to the fullest?

lilith_lucifet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Meeting the Handsome Devil - 5

"So, come on, what do you say, Jimbo, huh? Did you want her dead?" Lucifer said lowering his chin and glaring at Jimmy. Lucifer's glare was powerful as if the intimidation was only in Lucifer's eyes. A sudden ring of static began to erupt in Raven's right ear. Raven looked at Lucifer raising a brow, unsure where the random sound is coming from. Raven acts like it wouldn't bother her, but the more Lucifer waited for Jimmy's reply, the louder the static was in Raven's ear. Raven's brow twitched as she takes a small box recorder from her back pocket and slips it into Lucifer's pocket in secret. The recorder wasn't heavy enough to catch Lucifer's attention. No one else noticed Raven's move other than the crowd behind her. Luckily no one said anything, they were far too interested in what was going on ahead of them. "Look, stop looking at me like that, you freak." Jimmy spat at Lucifer with venom and distaste in his voice. Lucifer had a side smile that disappeared once it showed. "I am not playing that mind game with you..." Jimmy said avoiding complete eye contact with Lucifer. Raven noticed the split second of the emotion change from Lucifer. The ringing in Raven's ear stopped once Jimmy avoided eye contact with Lucifer making Raven curious about what mind game Jimmy was talking about. Raven looked at Jimmy and took a step forward to be in between Jimmy and his bride. "Jimmy, Dear. I know this must seem hard for you, but lying to get out of trouble doesn't work for me." Raven said trying to be civil, but the growl and venom in her voice were enough to send Jimmy to the floor.

Lucifer had relaxed and become his normal self as he watched Raven with fascination. Just a few words were able to send this man quivering below her. Raven crossed her arms around her stomach and glared down at him. "Shall I make a few calls? I already have the evidence proving you're the guilty party in this case and don't worry. I love the chase, this was way too easy!" Raven said with a childish yet completely sinister chuckle as she spoke to Jimmy. Jimmy's eyes widen from the shock, "Wh- What?" Jimmy stuttered. "I won't play easy Darling, but I do love playing games," Raven said excitedly as if she was ignoring everyone else in the room. Lucifer moved next to Raven to get a better look at the red hue glowing in her raven-red eyes. The red circle glows in her iris as it looked like a field of Spider Lillies was blooming.

"If you win. I will let you go, but I will be in control of your life. Your life will be owned by me to repay the government for your crimes." Raven said smirking deviously looking down at Jimmy. Jimmy wanted to speak, but Raven knew he was a coward and wanted to point the blame on another suspect Raven had in mind. The other suspects were a rapper and a terrible actor. Both had the same watch Jimmy was wearing when Raven called them. "I have already contacted Delilah's exes and affairs. She had a very interesting life as a singer. So there is no need to tell me another lie to get out of it, but now you have a choice." Raven said relaxing her arms to the side. "You get to gamble with me. Lucifer here gets to be the dealer. The game is called the '<i>Tarot Card of Life</i>'. The gamble will determine whether you are a governmental slave, or you just go to prison for your crimes and some half-wit bruiser will make you his sweetheart." Raven smiled looking at Jimmy excitedly. When a small glint of sunlight touched her eyes from the reflection of the glass building, a small hint of violet was present in Raven's left eye. Even though the sun's reflection from the glass was directly in Raven's face. Only one eye changed violet as the other stayed a glowing red.

Raven looked at the priest and noticed he held his necklace tightly in his fist. Keeping the Bible in his hands close to his chest as he quivered under Raven's gaze. "Don't worry, you can leave. I am sure you are uncomfortable." Raven said rolling her eyes at the priest's reaction to Raven's eyes. Raven never got along with anyone religious. For the simple fact, she had a rare condition in her eyes to make them red and violet. Raven isn't albino, but she has heterochromia. Her eyes are sensitive to the sun, but only when the sun's light was in her eyes directly. Both of her eyes appear red in the dark, or without the sunlight. But in the sun it appears to have a violet tint to her left eye.

Violet and red are unique and very rare eye colors caused by an iris with little to no pigment. When light reflects off of the blood vessels in Raven's eyes, which her eyes have very small amounts of pigmentation, the eyes appear violet or red. This causes a lot of hate from Christians or some religious people, as they see the red in her eyes and want to make it seem Raven was this freak of nature or a demon. Raven blinked a few times and took a step back from the sun's reflection. Lucifer was lost in Raven's eyes. Lucifer didn't move nor did he lose his sight of them until Raven took a step back to relax her eyes from the sun's reflection. Raven rubbed the soreness from her eyes and put both of her hands in her dress pockets. Lucifer was quiet and listening intently to everything Raven was doing. How smoothly she was able to get full control over Jimmy in just a few words. Jimmy growled and looked back and forth between Raven and Lucifer, "You have no right to be here. You don't have a warrant! I will call my lawyer." Jimmy said fumbling to grab his phone from his inner tux pocket.

"Oh, I am sure you wouldn't do that Fido," Raven growled with a devious smirk as she called Jimmy a dog, "I have already called my higher-ups with the proper evidence to put you away." Raven lied looking at Jimmy trying to inflict a new fear in Jimmy's eyes. "Everything about this conversation has been recorded. I love when the murderer's confessing through empty words and promises. You getting married the next day made you the primary suspect." Raven said confidently. Lucifer noticed the lie in the beginning but realized the lie was used as a verbal weapon for Jimmy to follow her instructions. Perfectly setting a trap Jimmy couldn't see. "Very good Detective!" Lucifer praised out loud tired of being silent in such a brilliant plan. "Okay, okay... You win. I will play your stupid gamble." Jimmy said looking to the floor as he stood up from the floor. "Perfect," Raven said clapping her hands together with a small jump in the air.

"Lucifer in your left pocket, may you hand me my small box recorder?" Raven said offering her hand out for Lucifer. Lucifer's eyes slightly widen as he used his left hand to grab the recorder from his pocket. "Fascinating," Lucifer said rather surprised to see it there. Lucifer placed the small black recorder box on top of Raven's hand. Raven pushed the red button to stop the audio recording. Raven then turned around to the audience behind her. "I hope you enjoyed the show everyone, but I must ask for you to leave! If you wish to stay and watch the gamble, you all are invited. I am sure you want to know how I figured out that your dear friend or relative has been caught for murder." Raven announced to the people, "If you wish to stay, please go to the Lux club building in front of the Sunset Tower Hotel!" Raven said with an excited smile.

Lucifer looked at Raven with a chuckle not bothered that Raven invited strangers to his estate. Lucifer is very interested in how Raven figured the case out and how the outcome of the game will be. "Free Alcohol for every guest that plays witness to this beautiful game," Lucifer announced gaining a few of the guest's attention. "Lucifer, you are in charge of Jimmy getting to your estate," Raven said with an excited smile as she walked down the aisle away from Jimmy. "It will be my pleasure," Lucifer said placing his right hand over his chest now looking at Jimmy. "Follow me, Jimbo," Lucifer said grabbing Jimmy's arm with a slightly tight grip, and guiding Jimmy to Lucifer's car. Raven had already left the glass building and excitedly skipped to her car. "Let the games begin," Raven said with a devious smile as she prepares for her drive to Lux.