
Angel of Death Named Moriarty

Ravana Moriarty, also known as Raven, came from a background of crime. The Moriarty name is the balance of bad to make good. This life only brings death, by inflicting fear and controlling all of the criminal undergrounds. This life was not only dangerous, but that world was something Raven never wanted to experience. Raven escapes her life by moving to Los Angeles and creates a new life as a Detective and Therapist in the LAPD. Her well-known knowledge of every criminal background gives her the advantage in every case, but once an obsessive, sexual, and handsome Devil, Lucifer Morningstar, breaks every rule to be your partner. Created the key to doors to a reality Raven knew was impossible. Raven is a logical character that doesn't understand the isolated Devil's mannerisms and only wants revenge by destroying her family name. Lucifer wants Raven to believe the truth and prove himself worthy of Raven's hand. Will the past cloud Raven's future and destroy the peace she worked so hard to achieve? Or will Lucifer show Raven what she is missing to live her life to the fullest?

lilith_lucifet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Meeting the Handsome Devil - 4

A beautiful scene of various white flowers surrounds the inside of the Wayfarers Chapel. The chapel was mainly made of glass which fitted the aesthetic of a white wedding. Many people fill the tree-like benches ahead of Raven. Raven wore a fitted black dress not bothered to wear white at a wedding. The dress was sleeveless and a one-piece dress that was a fitted corset with a matching pair of skin-tight shorts. A laced skirt connected with the waist of the shorts and was completely see-through until the Leavers Lace had a more prominent pattern past her knees. The only reason why Raven is here was that the man getting married was the ex-husband of Delilah, Jimmy Barnes. By pulling some illegal strings you were able to find the location of the wedding in a few seconds. Weddings in Raven's opinion are a celebration of all that is false, misleading, and nonsensical in this weak and morally compromised world.

Raven stood at the far back of the wedding only having her focus on Jimmy. Barnes proved Raven's opinion of weddings as a false hope to achieve something like money or some benefit as Jimmy doesn't even seem mournful that his ex had died. Which made Raven completely suspicious of Jimmy. Raven made him the primary suspect in the case knowing full well that Jimmy's grieving shouldn't cause him to marry another person unless he was already emotionally detached from the victim. "If there is anyone here that would oppose this holy union, speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest says holding a bible for the wedding reception in between Jimmy and his new wife ahead of him. Jimmy was dressed in completely white to match the aesthetic of the wedding and the bride had a simple silk dress and a simple laced wedding veil. The girl doesn't look interested at all in the wedding. She seems repulsed by the idea of having sex with Dr. Phil with a long-circle beard.

Raven chuckled and started walking down the aisle. "I do. I mean, can someone explain to me how a grieving male getting over his dead ex-wife is getting married to a beautiful woman that looks completely repulsed by the idea of sharing the same bed with you?" Raven said with attitude and confidence as the words spill out of her mouth like a siren seeking teeth into her next prey. "I have a problem as well. How can an incredibly, jaw-droppingly, loin-stirringly beautiful young woman marry this how short, sweaty, and all together fugly this homunculus?" Lucifer said laughing as he makes his presence known walking closer to you. Raven side glanced at Lucifer with a smirk. "I was right, you do have connections." Raven chuckled as she walked with Lucifer to meet Jimmy Barnes at the stairs he and his bride stood. "I mean is this a wedding or a kidnapping?" Lucifer joked as he looked down at Raven meeting her gaze.

Raven expressed and genuine chuckle finding Lucifer's humor in the conversation funny. "I see what you mean, I mean she doesn't even want to be here," Raven said looking at Jimmy with a devious smirk. Lucifer never took his eyes off you completely fascinated and confused that you were here. The fact that you destroyed the wedding before he was able to make a grand entrance was entertaining to him. Lucifer admired the dress Raven wore how the curves of her body fitted perfectly and showed elegance in her posture as she stood next to him. How Raven's curled long black hair moved blissfully in the slight wind in the building. Lucifer blinked a few times as in his peripheral vision he noticed the priest silently praying as he touched his forehead, his center chest, left shoulder, then right shoulder with his right hand. Doing the hand sign prayer of the sign of the cross.

Lucifer had a small smile looking at the priest, "Oh don't bother with that. Ooh, why you're at it, say hey for me. It's been a while." Lucifer chuckled lightly now looking at Jimmy. Raven rolled her eyes at the biblical metaphor Lucifer said. "I assume you both know each other." Raven chuckled looking at Lucifer and Jimmy crossing her arms around her stomach still holding the devious look on her face. Her raven red eyes had a red hue glowing from her iris once again as if she figured out an important puzzle in the case. Raven noticed the matching Rolex on Jimmy's wrist. Which is now an official connection between Eddie to Jimmy Barnes. Lucifer doesn't see the connection. Lucifer is now more curious about what is making your eye glow a red hue and how you figured out about the wedding. It was a private event that wasn't advertised anywhere. "How did you get here? This is a private event?!" Jimmy whispered growling at both Raven and Lucifer frustrated and nervous that Raven was here. "Quite a lavish one for a record producer on the outs," Lucifer said confidently putting his hands in his pockets as he looked at Jimmy with a devious smirk.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it you're frustrated, but do I see a bit of anxiety in your posture?" Raven teased as she sniffed the air as if she could smell the tension Jimmy was feeling. "You don't seem as confident once you realized who you were speaking to," Raven said with a chuckle looking at Lucifer. Raven noticed that Lucifer felt a bit offended that Jimmy wasn't paying attention to Lucifer, enough that Lucifer had to clarify, "You do remember me, don't you?" Lucifer lowered his chin looking down at Jimmy with a small glare. "Yes. What do you want, I'm rather busy." Jimmy said irritated trying to mask the fear by using his wedding as a scapegoat. "Well, you know your ex-wife was murdered and you're getting married as if her death doesn't affect you," Raven said bluntly as she glared at Jimmy with distaste and feels extremely repulsed by the fact that Jimmy is acting as if it wasn't a big deal.

The crowd behind Lucifer and raven slightly gasped and chatted with each other completely shocked by the news. "Yeah, that's very sad. But you know what, she ruined my wedding once. I'm not about to let that happen again." Jimmy said avoiding eye contact and presenting a fake smile to his new fiancée using her to mask his emotions. Jimmy does his best not to run away and tried to play it cool. "It's hard to be rejected, isn't it, Jimmy?" Lucifer chuckled lightly with a devious smile as he looked at Jimmy. "Twice." Raven chuckled rolling her eyes and looked at the bride ahead of him. "Darling, I can tell you don't want to be here by the choice of dress. If you really cared you would have put more effort to make this your dream day." Raven deduced looking at the bride up and down, "Because he has the money doesn't mean he won't treat you right." Raven said bluntly completely disgusted at her choice of companion but Raven hides her disgust with kind advice. "What?" Jimmy said confused looking at the bride ahead of him as if he felt hurt by what Raven said. Jimmy looked at his bride furrowing his brow wanting clarification from his bride if what Raven said was true.

"Well, you tried to get her back recently. I mean, I'd kill someone if they denied me once." Lucifer said with full confidence as he looked at Jimmy, Lucifer's devious smile never left. "Not saying that's possible," Lucifer said a bit egotistically, looking down at Raven with a small wink. Raven shook her head rolling her eyes once again not interested in Lucifer's antics. "Be honest, do you want to have sex with him after this?" Raven asked the bride bluntly looking at her with a comforting smile signaling her she won't be harmed or blamed if the bride was honest. "I don't want to have sex with him." The bride said honestly awkwardly standing there while showing extreme interest as if this was the best drama she has seen in her life. Jimmy looked angry and even more nervous as Raven's deductions were right. "I have heard a lot about you," Jimmy growled looking at you with complete anger, "Oh yeah? I will show you what you haven't heard if you keep the act up, Jimmy." Raven said with a devious smirk dragging out the conversation to psychologically fall into her trap. Raven's voice was seductively scary as if she was trying to seduce the fear in Jimmy without needing any torture methods. Lucifer was growing impatient but found your methods interesting. Jimmy bit his tongue clenching his fist anxiously as he avoided eye contact with Raven once more.