
ancient saiyan in mha

just another saiyan isekai with a training system. I dont own MHA or dargon ball.

Peter_Gatis · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Nature calls for the monkey.

A couple seconds after Igarashi reached the forest he started decelerating to a full stop. He could vaguely feel the helicopters having stopped flying over to him, and his ears confirmed it.

He could have just stopped suddenly but he would just dirty himself with whatever dirt he would impact. Not really a nice feeling.

Coming to a full stop he straightened himself up and relaxed his body.

He was over for the day. He wont go hunting criminals anymore for now. So he might as well take the time and have a break, and also clear up his head with the current situation.

He looks around and admires the lush forest, a small smile appearing on his face.

It has been a long time since he last took a walk in the forest and he has missed the feeling of nature. Luckily in this quirk filled world pollution is barely a thing. Renewable energy is used more, some employees in factories have quirks and brains that can produce machines with higher efficiency, and people take recycling seriously.

People Idolize heroes. So some smarties paid heroes to participate in ads for recycling. Which really boosted people into it. Especially when everyone's beloved symbol of peace had a big campaign on the subject, people take his words for gospel.

Well... If I was a weakling with no prospect of getting stronger in a dangerous society where villains run amok, I would also practically worship a dude with the power to bust a mountain with a punch and seemingly has only heroism in mind.

That's why he is a symbol isn't he?

There is no path to follow in the forest. Its as pure as it can be. So Igarashi just walks aimlessly, looking at the trees, the plants and the bugs. All while listening to the quiet and serene nature.

Just walking with no particular aim, letting your mind cool down for a little bit and relaxing by yourself. Its very soothing. Spiritually healing even. Though this dramatic effect is probably because of the very active life he has been having ever since he awakened his system.

After a short while he reaches a high altitude with barely any trees. Instead the occupants where large rocks, which he spared no time climbing and getting comfortable on one. From there he could look quite far out. A perfect spot to admire the view.

But its also served to bring his mind back to the current situation with his activity.

Basically. He fucked up today.

Not for one second did he stop to consider the repercussions of his actions. He just had to go and basically show off.

Did he forget that he still had to be cautious? That he still had to lay low enough not to have the law enforcements scope on him? Now he will definitely be the spotlight, at least for a small while. Which is a big issue.

He showed great strength today. Strong enough to easily rank a spot in the top 10 of japan.

He is now a very high class target.

There aren't that many people that the government could send after him. Meaning that the big shots will have to take out the big guns. Or just a lot of small ones.

He is mostly worried about having someone like Endeavor sent after him. Its painfully clear how much of a difference is still between himself and that guy. Purely physically Igarashi is probably stronger.

But in everything else Endeavour completely outclasses him.

Flight? Igarashi hasn't trained enough to achieve the same level of control. Ranged attacks? Igarashi also hasn't trained with his ki attacks because he has been focusing on his hand to hand combat these couple months. And brute forcing it by using more ki to supplement for the lack of mastery isn't a viable strategy.

And another important factor is experience. Igarashi isn't experienced with fighting strong enemies, people on a similar level. The only strong enemies he has faced was Rocketeer, which objectively wasn't truly strong, and the combat puppet. Which works like a machine rather than a enemy with a mind.

He can only hope that the big boys up top the hero rankings are too busy to make a move on him.

'Its still the time before AFO and All might have been crippled... He still has a lot of influence in the underworld as evident by his facilities. So heroes must have their hands full with his grunts right?'

It was a uncomfortable thought. But realistically it was his best bet.

He hates to admit, but the heavy criminal activity is helping him not get in the sights of the heavy hitters up there.

If it wasn't for them then he would have to cut his activity to a halt, or at least close to it. He would be limited to his training in the training space. Incapable of getting enough systems points to progress faster.

And most importantly. He would drown in guilt whenever a innocent that he could have helped dies.

He isn't a true hero, he doesn't have the heroic spirit of one. He is just kind hearted. He isn't a paragon and he will never be.

But he cant ignore something unlawful and evil happening in front of him. With his speed he can easily dash through the city and with his ki sensing he can see more things than his physical senses allow. Which in turn means that to him, everything that is happening close or in his part of the city feels like its happening in his backyard.

A very big backyard. But still.

He has the power and the combat skill to make a difference, to save lives. So his consciousness pressures him to do it. Because if he doesn't he will crush himself in guilt.

He is durable, so he can take a tank a lot of hits and recover just fine. Unlike the civilians which will be turned to paste on the street and cover the walls red with their blood. being forcefully ripped away from their loved ones. People that could be relying on them for survival...

He is strong. So he can bust most villains with ease. Weaker people dont have to risk their lives to fight when he can just do it for them...

And he is fast. So a lot more people in need of him are within reach. A couple seconds to a couple minutes of dashing are nothing compared to the smile of the child that is otherwise going to loose its parents and suffer for the rest of its life...

But this weight... It doesn't hinder him. It only pushes him further. To better himself and make sure that he is powerful enough to stop everything in reach.

He has the potential due to his saiyan blood, and he has the tool to help him reach it, his system. And when he finally reaches the limit of his capability, only then will he truly relax and be satisfied.

But until then. There is only one road he can take. And that is the pathway of dedication to his cause.

He stands up with vigor, looking upwards he raises his clenched fist, toothy grin appears on his face as he shouts defiantly to the big white fluffy overseers patrolling the skies.

"The government and that commission can send whoever they want! It doesn't mean jack shit to me! I will deal with every single one of them!"

He takes a short pause and lowers his tone and his sight, enjoying the view of the forest and the city further behind it.

"And if someone I cant deal with effectively comes here for me. Then they are going to be having a fully paid vacation. Because instead of hiding, I'm going to go to their backyard and take care of it while they take care of mine!

If eye for a eye and tooth for a tooth exists then why shouldn't a helping hand for a helping hand exist?! Ha!"

He starts laughing at his mischievousness and his words. He knows that this is no plan to go by. But rarely is there a situation where you truly know all the possible hands at play and outcomes.

So he will do the next best thing. Follow his heart. At least for now.

Satisfied in himself and invigorated by the new determination he takes one last deep breath and a last look at the scenery before he jumps down the large stones and in to the forest.

Having made up his mind he walks confidently, his smile having softened but still etched on his face under that mask.

Until he suddenly freezes up and halts all movement. His blood turns cold and his skin turns white as he starts to sweat.

He facepalms himself comically and drags his palm on his mask.

'I was supposed to be at the orphanage hours ago...

They must be searching for me...

God knows how I'm going to save my skin now...'

He runs back to the orphanage, his mind clouded with how he is going to lie himself through this one. Knowing full well that he is a bad lier.

AKA: He is royally f*cked on this one.

'I just hope that I didn't make jess worry too much...'


Chapter end

Words: 1563

Well there it is folks. This chapter is a amalgamation of a couple minutes during each weekend I can keep my eyes open and dedicate myself to writing. Even if for a little while.

So dont be surprised if you notice 3+ different writing styles and different emotional tones.

I aint editing it. But please do point out my mistakes. I like knowing where I fucked up even though I probably wont fix it.

I might have more free time during the holidays... So if I dont need to study 24/7 during Christmas im going to dedicate some time to this.

Believe me. I love writing. There isn't a single day that I dont think of how to progress the story and the characters. Ive thought of possible antagonists, ways that the mc could help make the world a better place on a global scale without bullshit, and even a possible love interest.

Though I'm mostly thinking of her being the main villain.

I might disclose some more info on her some other time....

Oohh! and thank you for dropping by! I appreciate your time and effort to pull through reading my mess!


Until then...

See ya!