
Ancient Doomsday In MHA (HIATUS)

The story of a young man who wished to be Doomsday !!!NO HAREM!!! --------------------------------------------------------- Tristram Torres who had been alone all his life due to his Physical deformities, and dedication to his studies dies and gets the chance to meet God (Not a God of any earthly religion). He is allowed to make three wishes, after which God sends him on a Mission to a World of his (MC's) choosing. ---Wishes Below--- --------------------------------------------------------- 1- To always have the properties of Doomsday (The original Kryptonian one) but to also be able to change into him in order to access his other Powers(Massive superhuman strength, speed, stamina and agility Nigh Invulnerability, Regeneration, Reactive adaptation, Self-evolution, Immortality, Razor-sharp claws, teeth, and bony spurs) 2-To have control over Kinetic Energy 3-To be able to get stronger infinitely by absorbing any kind of radiation Multiverse? You might be asking. YES Multiverse. Not in the early stages of this novel but yes. After all, theres not really a challenge for Doomsday in MHA is there? But then again, is there one anywhere? Worlds: MHA Marvel (MCU) -open- This is just something im working on out of boredom so dont expect much from the upload time. Im not really an avid comic reader so correct me if im wrong about anything regarding Doomsdays Powers. Im doing this cause theres not really a fanfic for Doomsday so yeah. --------------------------------------------------------- I'll do my best to update every friday starting the 3rd(June), after which I'll update as much as possible during the summer holiday :) --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own... well nothing and all credit goes to the respective owners or whatever idk I didn't study law. But yeah I don't own any of the characters :)

KeiJu · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Eri [2/2]

Hey sry it took so damn long, but here I am with the shorted chapter so far :) Yeah mb...

No excuse this time, just didn't feel like writing the past fue days after the whole 'incident'.

For those tryna carry me in league, heres my @

-(EUW) lolRoffleXD (Don't judge)

-(NA) XEuropeXPotatoX

Seeya hopefully this week :)

--760 Words-- (sry, this a one time incident I swear (maybe))


--Overhaul POV--

I was talking to one of my head scientists about to our newest product, when I looked to my right just to see that no one was there.

I was furious at the thought that someone just left me to stand there, mid conversation, so I banged my hand on the glass in front of me.

Or at least I thought I did, but when I looked at my 'hands', I found that there was nothing there.

Once having realised that my hands had just been ripped from my arms, I screamed. Not in pain, but in anger. 'Someone really dared to attack me! In my own base at that!' I thought, not knowing that the perpetrator was standing right behind me, waiting for me to turn around.

And so I did. I felt someone behind me and whipped my head back as fast as I could, which was followed by the worst 45 minutes of my life.

--End of POV--

After he turned around, I immediately kicked him in his legs, before of course making sure that there was no surveillance that could leak this to the outside.

After all, if anyone found out about this, I most definitely would not be able to use my D-Day form to compete in the sports festival thingy, which would suck as I wouldn't be able to have any fun just using my regular power.

Kurogiri had seen my form and so has AFO, which means that they would instantly know who I am. That would of course suck, but I knew I'd find a solution for it at some point, so I didn't think about it anymore.

After thinking about those things, I proceeded to beat the shit out of Overhaul.

I never hit him hard enough for him to faint, and used my KE-Control to have his Pain receptors fire off continuously.

He did faint quite a lot of times due to the intense pain all over his body, but I always pulled him back to reality by normalising his blood flow.

Some might think that what I did was cruel, but someone that tortures children, does in my opinion not deserve anything like mercy.

And so I continued his torture, before his body was about to crumble completely.

After he died, I decided to be nice and not kill everyone else that was there, but rather only the ones that stand in my way.

I then quickly went back to Eri's Eris room to get her, and figure out what to do with her.

When getting her she looked so happy to see me, which brightened my mood by quite a bit.

To think that someone would be happy to see me in this form does really touch me, and I doubt theres many others out there that would feel the same.

I made then made the decision to bring her to one of the only people I could trust in this world. Someone I think is a true hero.

That person / rat / whatever is Nezu.

But before bringing her there, I talked to her about what was going to happen next.

I told her that her father is gonna let me take her with me (as I can't really tell her I murdered her only parent when she's so young), and that I'm going to give her over to someone that she can trust.

She first looked a bit sad about that, but then went along with it. I also told her not to talk to him about me, to which she quickly agreed, and we then went to UA.

It was the middle of the night, but I was confident that Nezu would still be up and working, seeing how dedicated he is to his work and the school.

And I was actually right. I had already shifted back into my base form, as that made it much easier going around.

We were only stopped twice on our way to Nezu's office, but that was taken care of pretty quickly when I just stopped them from moving.

Once I reached his office, I entered and found... [TO BE CONTINUED]


this the shortest one so far but imma try to have this stay as a one time incident.


random af but if u tryna play some league, heres my @

-(EUW) lolRoffleXD (higher lvl than the other one and more champs)

-(NA) XEuropeXPotatoX (prolly like lvl 16 or so)

Insta is @keiju_gaza

u can send me some ideas or sth idk

thx for reading :)

KeiJucreators' thoughts